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.... , il00o , 1962 eN_nv00 :Totn00NA00 -- in .O0000tswcas00o00, S00e100o00, Wash!ngto00 .......... page
Thtlrsday, October 'Y, etober 25 .............. , -- " ' ' .- " - ................................... . -- ' . " " ...... , 'i ........... '
.......... ..... '. • • • I SIIELTON JAYETTE
Le M Publicat The Shelton .Tay,,tes ,,'ill me
Island Vineyards Ouened Harshne Island Man Sees World Series Game I. San Francisco Homemakers ,o,+, ,,+ J+
tn /
N', d i:,::l,,),.,,¢,, ls r!t1[ie .... ,W .J,.,, .. . By Donette R G aser I their plans ford Harvest Dinner only anowed for ve,'v few sin- Glen. Yules we,'e Dorothy nd ||__t |_ /% ...... '
• ' * 1' *] I'1 ,'11.(1 ] llll 1 ¢I | ' I • ' et • :j •
l"01t 1 , ; ;:,\\;y'p|A|m 7A VOklISIAAI[ '77 UnllllllN'' HARSTINE .... Gordon Simmonsl to be held Nov. 3 from 6 to 8:.0 utes but he ,s allow,:d to be np Norm Iverso,) of qac?!na, who al- ..l- ] r[. .............................
. t() u.m. ;;ii !in " HuCmwtr*l r " . was the envy of most of the men p m at the hall Ttu'kcy and all for short periods of time. so got in a httle hllnlAng. IIIIIIVtWIII imll 'Win lm v " . , ,, )
,1,' THE C,,,'t in 1,, C,,,flv Co (IUi00 UIII /UtllbUII IlldlVU00I "" " " t;) San " ' i mi;' s 'ill be servecl as Jhc -I, 1 tll(l R 2:30 p.nl. a.n 0 ont: At 7.30 l..m.
' "ol • •, L: on Harstme when he flew ,, the tr m g w ,, Mrs Ohvc hultes tth' )ded I : r ey t th Yates and • TllF I)IFleI']Igi'NT w o n
])ATEI)..xrT[ [S till (]ly I]' " --- .]'ape harvest ,tenS. This vJas thc se,'ond trip to Franc,sco and took ln. the s,xtb well ,as apple= .°r pumpkm p,e.. Prm- Fair in Seattle Tl,,,'sd,y. and Ft',- children ........ Stun and Margaret and U/ill Atm. gtlllglAkgt mouDs..brourht ',ods th v
t,',,w ,, l!m:L **. wing and Grapcview Grapeview in less than a week for game of the World Series at Can- i es arc $1.2o I,n' a dt[lts, ,5 cents day and spent the remainder ot Con,ue Yates and Gary tireshom.- Ildll ML II(lllKl|iil; l,',,pa,e, fertile n,s:.ioa,,,'s
"" . '-:/xPT?..'..';,eC°ln tz,,. ;-r,'s ,n to its the St.wens and was made ex- dle Stick ball park He drove m for teenagers anti aa cents ,or tbe weeke, d in Bremerton visit- all of Seattle spent the weekend "s' n" bcddn "rod
u'x (,r C,m'K of uw Superw- ,...y ....... It. ........... ' " " ,, " , • ." • ' r - I . ' - - , . ., • , , , _, , . ,. , : . (,l)t:, g. g ,
d c,,urt ]cm}:rtn .... eral vinevards on StPeeh pressly to see Howard and Murml Portland, whe, e he got a chance children. Money from tlns drone., mg her daugtfl, er, ]')ella and faro- wth. Ue St,m Y..ttcs. I Ialtey and By Doroth3 S,nnn.ns nouseho d goods
r di'qtri- AI c ' v " I "w e 0 ' i ick since the had 'ust missed finding to visit daughter Dixie, son-in-law will be for the main par to go il family jus moved here from Kan- ^ .... i , oun 1 , e ' of
• . ,4 ', ' ! ened for mbl c p - Y J ..... , , y . . ',.- , . , , , MILCHI,--.I?he M'tsou C - o y Oil (lal hh. •
' ,1I ,',;"' '."S-: _eY and hdeina" bY the them at h°me °n the prevl°us Sle and tbe grandchildren" mr) the hall mor°vemenl: rand' Mike Bol,,ter snent Saturday s'ts ana n.s 't l?a[)'ac'°r uum t Hot, mtfers Cub met at the md Mrs Ma, il Otlo s H"
r+-'.'.. • ... ttt'It<,]l, yt;C:lllll,+tOlh 11i o o ,, • . • " 9 • , • , . c . ¢ * , • , y * ., • ,
....... v+-'c" m--"+f'cars l)rl(ec 'along the Sunday Aecompanymg the couple In Sqn Francmco he wmted Sfl s Harstine lslanfl senool children we] kinp' on his bent i the Gee1;- and th( IOIKs Lh,ll; th(y Wfl! be, t'rogre +s Grange Tuesday. There Sis It ), Ge e II Hospl at
_ :--hvays most of lhe day Ires Seattle was Mrs. Charles folks, the Sfl Arata Sr's. Because extend an invitation to cveryone sch boat shoo at the Cove. l-le m ablt to (,(st( nose, qtllL( Oft(At. W'IS an afternoon speaker fronl pn(mn(nia, i-t+ r parenls tool.
gt ess+, th t business ........ was Somers. while Mr Laurence Hunt of the ..... excessive amount of rain" to attend 'Open House" ....... 'tt school p+ uttm• ' g on ++t new plsstic .............. deck Cars ¢rossing the ferry, =the Bemet ¢:n ' tie the, hospita ........ last Th u ,d, y
UgfTflhevm'ds offerhg g,'a- graeiou]y aeLed as ehmfffeur. The Gordon was unable to stay md tomorrow (Friday)from 1 to 2 at'y Jm,e CurLis spent the daY week of Oetobe' 8-M wc'c ,£0.'' ,., . Wednesday dinner guests of tho hOl)e l,:n. sl:ay is .lmrt.
,lllml V|."picl-'},m_vom.self" basis Stevens' older son Ray had gra- see the seventh ¢a.me p.m Refreshments will be served visiline with h Jim Lohrers The weck of Oct. 15-21 was 691 Herb Nelsm's were Dr. :nd Mrs Mr md M ,. Harry Sire
' h season "no those be- (u-tted from the Coast Guard Aca- I-Iarstine Island Social Club met by the children HERB SPANk and AI lvIurry tars 24 trucks and nme bucl(s Rugc of Arcadia e oved the (o re'my of ] lrs
Floor (.OVI'lllgN al'rv Hillman and Wal- had mucti in comrnon to chat The Social Club hs been working Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crothers and mer home oa Point Wilson. report, of our very capable count- Cbu;,eii i ttm ded the "vVoma's Mis- sister of Mrs Simmons.
II]R', all on St'eeh Ish:md. about, very hard at getting a much- children Bill Johnny and Debbie lolm and Buelah Hitehcoek er, Dale Peugb. sionar;'c0imeii convention ice;- Mrs. lCunis Barnum and
arbor A day on the farm was a rare of Seattle spent Sunday visiting ..... ' .....
The Shelton Jayoites will meet
at 8 p.m, tonight at the Jaycee
TllF I)IFI,'I,]ItENT w o m e'n s
l)rcpal'e(i for tile nlis:ioalri's, such
Jo Kay ()tit), daughier of Mr.
and Mrs, Martin ORS(), is itt tire
I Shelton General Hospital with
pl/elllllollia. Her parents Lot{k her
to the hospital last Thursday, We
hope h',n' stay is sborl,, '
Mr. md irs. Harry Simmons
I e kioyed the company of Mrs. Han-
[ I • Linoletnl,
• Tile Grange hosted a
:eVening at tbe Grape-
• • Forlnica
Mt. View P '
Ices I
ss I
ormanee "of
:eSful Cal'd party last
'lVlrs. Ann Westberg, it
hWhile endeaver, finan-
tking as well as giving
• . Ltended a relaxing, fun-
Radiator Relml r ,i. Prizes captm'ed in
• 'et to Mrs. Clem Hell
• Boiling out )]ll"In .... ih"
.... sI£ ' pooner tor ' n t,
• omermg William Stock and Ed
• e.wcores. ,,,,l'lF "low'" 'ioating prlz'e
........... T ME*" earnmd. Mrs. Buck-
,'l.PtlllNl.z, r'l," '"IIIW S - - --' --
-J 41M]I ne winner ot mgn
623 S 1st. Fm d l%{rs, Robinson, low.
),.Was won by Mrs. Dean
!dren attending were pre-
Florist'-----'-f ;| Trick or Treat bags
.r=u,= .,[ests were served home
[ • Plants .and eoffee. Responsible
I for all occasio *ie.a. san' affair beside Mrs.
I .* ........ ',]' ere Mesdames Ors
] ".f'L°wers .., , dgli+ zI, Les Soule and Har-
I 4th & Birch 8 tO 8 )lllsy couple last Satur-
| 0on and evening were
_. Phillis Lutz who enter-
• ___ ,,, ,/112 group of apprentice-
2]kUO tlSS (co-workers with Fred)
I • Sound Naval Ship-
I Installation iLBremerton. Arriving at
] ll=Y, ll+,g, Oup (which inch,ded
I treated to a tour of
' 5th & Railroad ph,"*50:t, les Winery, followed
I ........ _k dinner served at the
" A lively game of cards
activity filled after
R]z' , Tt]lK( 00nop00th.._ ] the congenial visitors.
• Sales and Repalr../2 first glimpse of our
• Looksmith + KeY|'.. trS' for several of the
• ,u,= ,,,,, - |,,d they exm'essed 'reat
• Hobbles the 'l'ocal-seenery and
Roy Clinton 22S
Amendment to
., Constitution
on NOVEMBER 6, 196:
Office of Vie'or A.
Betwetar¥ of State, State ot
;tare Constitution, and the Joint
lature hereinafter referred to,
: consideration of the voters of t
rased amendment to the
; Guests ineluded Mr.
• L. Walker and family
s. Stun Hagedorn, Mr.
den Anderson and baby
s. Shawn Bumpass and
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
• ,: araily Howard Wilcox
• custc, m maoe ¢:;',. Coleman
• free estimates d ::'laSter Laurie Lutz spent
? ;. ,
P"'laeginning to v¢onder if
of oct had
; all the 'deer.from
woods. According
at least two of
up in gm-sights.
family brought
Pointer Sara'day morn-
that Lowell Hardy
a snike the same
? from lome.
had passed since
Somers had
Nests of last Wednes-
Brief though it was,
thoroughly enjoyed
With Gardaer, Mass.
and Mrs. Paul Ste-
oint Resolution No. e
and delightful experience for three
little Grapeview missies last Sun-
day when Marcella Westberg, Su-
san Pogreba and sister 5ante were
guests el: their teacher, Mrs. Nor-
ma Olson, at her home near Shel-
ton. After dinner and a tour of
the farm, the girls had the uni-
que experience of helping to bring
the cows in.
Newest local television person-
needed garbage dump here on the
island. The County Commissioners
are now meeting with land own-
ers who have property near the
gravel pit. They also wrote a let-
ter to the commissioners com-
plaining as to the way the tele-
phone company conducted the
spraying on the island. They also
decided that the hall rent must
be paid in advance.
"IKE" CARLSON of the San
ality is Mrs. A10konek who thril- FrarJcisco Bay area read in last
led the folks back home when she week's column of the dammage
was caught by a camera at the done by the storm here and called
World'c Fair while admiring the Alvin and Peggy Anderson Sun-
Fair's band and her family just day to see how all bis .fFlends
happened to be watching" their I fared during the storm and also
T. V., set at the time. Hilda. with l to find out how his property here
daughter-in-law Babe and child-]made out. Thanks for calling Ike,
ren, Jim 5r. and Doralyn, spent[it's nice to know someone reads
• . . . r,
three days m Seattle recently v,-]tins chatte .
siting with Mariau Wick and fa-[ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens
mily and Irene Welch and child-of Eastern Washington are spend-
ren The most exciting aspect of ing two weeks at their summer
their very pleasant stay was tbe lodge on the ,,Hole-in-the-Walr'
time spent touring the World's road•
Fair• Grangers are busy completing
The Sarah Eckert Orthopedic: .....
Guild met at'the home of Mrs. 91 im Seattle where he toured the
Faye Richey last Friday with 20 tabulous $50,000,000 N.S. Saran,
ladies present, Among these 20 nab. This was the last day this
were t,;vo gnests, Mrs. George Gar- beautiful nuclear-powered mer-
land (Shirley Engen's mother) chant ship was on exhibit here
nd Mrs. Mildred Buck who is now before movinl. on to other ports to
a permanent resident of Treasure be exhibited further as one of the
Island. Members were glad to wel- peaceful uses Of atomic energy.
come Mrs. Margaret Rice wh6 has Witches, goblins and ghosts,
resumed, active membership in the pint-.sized, are p p,re aring for. a big
guild. Work for the day was con- time'in Halloween mght the year
centrated on Christmas gift items and they invite all the brave peep-
snch as gay shopping bags and
embroidered pillow slips, all which:
can be obtained upon request. Co-
hostess for the day was Mrs. Do-
rothy Pelan. Those desiring /963:
Orthopedic calendars are remind-
ed that this year's orders must
be prepaid.
When Mr. and Mrs. George J.
Poortvliet of Auburn made a vis-
it to the Walter Claytons, Sr. Sun-
day a most interestmg reunion
toog place for Mr. Poor,vile, and
Mr. Clayton ha much reminisc-
ing to do. These two men had not
seen each other in more than 43
years since they had served aboard
the SS Northern Pacific in World
War I, Poor, vile, as C.P.O., Mach-
inist Mate and Clayton as Senior
Engineer. Coincidentally enough,
Mr. Poortvliet learned of the
whereabouts of his shipmate when,
while taking a tour of the St.
Charles \\;Vinery reeently, he men-
tioned his service aboard the SS
Northern Pacific. With the Poort-
vlieis came Mr. Artinlr Monk, a
friend from Kent.
Shortly after the Poortvliets'
departure Clayton was able to
take advantage of a trip to Pier
Restrictions on Land Ownership
Amendment to the
State Constmtutmon
: be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962
LRFORMANCE F JUDI¢I/ ;/ Office a Vl¢tor A. Meyer
State, Stats of Washingto
i,i It May Cencern:
ction providing that when .mag.oSa!?hoIriicli:iC°nstltUti°n' and the Joint Resolu-
t and orderly-administratl°J hereinafter referred to, there is
deration of the voters of the State
the supreme court s emP °,
amendment to the ¢onstituUon ¢4
or retired udges of ce"t.]!'arstate, as fo,ows:
to perform, temporarily, ju='
me court, and to authori.e OFFICIAL
to perform judicial duties i BALLO TITLE .
s state?
, ,i Senate Joint Resolution No. 21
ive session asemb£',: LAND OWNERSHIP
thS |,st#
1 election to be held in " e ¢onstitutmnal restriction upon the owner.
,ding the first Monday in NoV land in the State of Washington by certain
mitred to the qualified voters Zens be removed by repealing Section 33, Ar.
nd ratification, or rejection, a.j as amended by Amendments 24 and 29 of the
2onstitution of the State of sectio;rWSSm'[: 4Zzstitution?:i+i ....
section to be numbered
tl read as follows:
o Reso the Senate and House of Representaflv
lecessary for the prompt f,; lved, By
...... ).Ite of Washington in legislative =ion assemblec11
a majority of the Sunrenae
....... r r %1 ';, .a
+udges or retired +udges ell ): t the generM election to be held in this state on the
-rform, .temporarily ,udicia..1 .,v'ltext sueeeeding the first Monday in November, 196,
to authorize any superior c o.o "lt be submitted to the qualified voters of this state,
s in any superior court of #-...doption or rejection, the following proposed amend-
Lved, That the Secretary .[ i:. :the Constitution of the State of Washingtom
constitutional amendment tO.el¢i '3, Article H and Amendments '4 and 29 amendatra-y
nOnths next 2l:l)ec 0
preceding the
nsttution of the State of Washingtoa are each
in every county where a
he state,
IL Passed the House i II I It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall
JOHN L. O'BRII #r :..f°regolng, constitutional amendment, to be published
)eaer o! t :?i '; three months next preceding the election in a weekly
every county in the state in which such newspape
,red do .or appear in our 10mejdo1ZAnalFZ141,
ow written but will be put . .
pred. Prt f t Semt
:retary of State of the State
the above is a full, true
lution No. 6, passed by
ington at its Thirt
1 of said Joint Resolution now
the Seal of the State of
,, ii ii
A. Meyer% Secretary of State of the State of Wash-
certify that the above is a full, true and correct
t Senate Joint Resolution No. 21, passed by the Legisla-
tate of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session,
I rom the original of said Joint Resolution now on file
' Iv Hand and me State o Washingt
August, 1962.
le of Grapeview to come to the
gradeschool Wednesday evening,
Oct. 31. There'll be skits, costum-
es, games and refreshments --
and all for free! The time: 7.30
p.m. -- Oh yes, anyone wishing
to add tG the children's treats for
Halloween may do so by donating
to the "Trick or Treat" box on the
the R. L. McCullochs. Bill under- iting son Lyle and family.
went major surgery recently and
is now on the mend, although he
is still unable to return to work.
Mrs. McCulloch also reports her
granddaughter Gena Battoni has
been hospitalized for the past
month in San Jose and her sister,
Mrs. Virginia Hogue of Bonaparte,
spent lhe weekend in Olyml>ia vis-
time of selection for this school.
Upon completion of 17 weeks
indoctrination at the Officer Can-
didate School, graduates are com-
missioned Ensign in the U.S. Coast
Guard Reserve and required to
serve on active duty for three
For further information write
meat counter at the Grapeview Commandant (PTP-2), U.S. Coast
Grocery. Guard, rashington 25, D.C.
The responsibility of the Prose-
cuting Attorney is the protection
of the innocent as well as the con-
viction of the guilty. Mason Coun-
ty Prosecuting Attorney Byt'on
ivlcClanahan is to be comnended
Harstine Island Grange took the
"Traveling Gavel" t, Twanoi last
Friday. They went oft on the sixth
.... shopped in Belfair, attended the
meeting and returned on a ]1:30
p.m. special. We wish to express
our thanks to skipper Martin
Goetseh and deckhand George
Iowa, is also recuperating from Howard who stayed up past their;
major surgery. Mel Crothers is bedtime to get us home.
now in the paratrooper's and is] Overnight guests of the H. V.
stationed in Carolina. i Glasers were Bruce and Gwen of the charac£er of the Democratic
On the brighter side of the sick I-tair and children Dale and. Glenn. Nominee to the Legislature.
list we are happy to report Mel Gwen made her home with the -e ...............
Carnes has been released frolYl " .... h tlrd corn x It." t tnU noneL anu sincere
] Glaser at Pacmc eac " eo l " of both oh
the hospital, following his heart " ' ' ,, "" ' , P P ' p 'tical parties
ing to ste them is commg home' _,_; .5 ........ '
attack a month ago. Visitors are , '"" nOULU DiCK 1v]+r. ctananan on
I to ner. _ this issue not only because this
Sunday visitors of the rL t. ' ." ' .
la-ers Were Mrs Auousta Port- unethical smear will hurt this one
ght r r ..... , ---': ; : qock man but it can be a precedent to
Applicants Sou or man 00,no o, . , ........
" . ==: ............ t'e repe'ced on ANY other candi
ancl Mrs IDICK laser anu cxmu- + *' '< "
, . : .... date at alay fnture election
G rtn m nmco,, " ....
____ uard Officer visitors of theDMe Peughs ,and --Cecelia Clifton Cornell
CandMale e01
has announced that applications , Emerge .
are now being accepted for tbe
Coast Guard Office," Candidate Proposed Amendment to the
School which will convene at Yok-
town. Va., on Feb. 11, 1963. A
subsequent class for officer Can- State Constitution +
didates will convene in September
Applicants must be between tbe it 0 1]
ages of 21 and 26 and hold a bac- b0 voted on NOVEMBER 6,
calaureate degree from an accred- ...._ ........ -' ............
ited college or university at the
Voters' Pamphlet--Publication and Distribution
Proposed Amendment to the
State Constitutio.
to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962
1 Office of Victor A. Meyers,
• IBretary of State, State of Washington,
To Whom It Mtr eoneerm /
In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu-
lon of the state Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution el
the said state, as follows:
..../<lr,tar, of Stat Sta ol Wuhino,
Wheat It meerm
In obedience to the Stats otutttutlo and th# Joint Rmol
tion of the State Legislature hereinafter refeed to, there
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
of Washington, the roposed amendment to the constitution of
the said state, as follows1
.... : OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLR ++ .............
', House Joint Besolution N $
• %-
Shall Article IS of the State Constitution be amended
by adding a section empowering and directing the
legislature to provide a method of temporary sue.
cession to elective and appointive offices when because
of an emergency resulting from enemy attack the
incumbents are unaveilable to act and further em.
powering the legislature to depart from certain ¢on-
stitutional provisions if, in discharging this dut¥ e
emergency rendera compliance impracticable?
Be It Resolved, By the House of Representatives and Sena
of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled:
THAT, At the general election to be held in this state ort
the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November
1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the
state, for their approval and ratification, or rejection" an amend°
*ment to the State ConsUtut!on by the addition thereto o a new
! N¢tion to read as follows:
NEW SECTION. Article 1, Uon Ct. The legislatut, ht
erder to insure continuity of stats and local governmental oper*
aliens in periods of emergency resulting from enemy attack,
shall have the power and the duty, immediately upon and after
adoption of this amendment, lo enact legislation providing for
prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of
public offices of whatever nature and whether filled by election
or appointment, the incumbents and legal successora of which
may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties
of such offices; the legislature shall likewise enact such other
measures as may be "necessary and proper for insuring the eon-
inuity of governmental operations during such emergencie
Legislation enacted under the powers conferred by this amend*
men,, shall in all respects conform to the remainder of the
Constitution: PROVIDED, That If, in the Judgment of the levis*
future at the time of disaster, conformance to, the provisions
of the COnstitution would be impracticable or would admit, of
undue delay, such legislation may depart during the period of
emergency caused by enemy attack only, from the following
stions of the Constitution:
Artlele 14, Sections 1 and 2, Seat of Government;
Article , Sections 8, IS (Amendments 1 and 32), and
Membership, Quorum of Legislature and Passage of Bills;
Article , Section 10 (Amendment el, Succession to Gover
orship: PROVIDED, That the legislature shall not depart from
Section 10, Article $, as amended by Amendment , of the
Stats Constitution relating to the Goyernor's office o long aa
any successor therein named is available and eapable of assure,,
Mg the powers and duties of such office a therein prescribIL
Article , Section 15, Vacancies In State Offices|
Article 11, Sectlbn e, Vacancies in County Offie
Article 11, Section , Seat of County Governmentl
Article $, Section 4, State Record .....
And Be It Further Resolved, That the leeretary et
tats shall cause the foregoing proposed constitutional amend-
ment to be published for at least three months next preceding
said election, in a weekly newspaper in every county where a
newspaper is published throughout the state. .,!/
",ed the SenaHla%J961. lPa,d the House March $, 1 !
President oJ the Senoll. Speaker oj IthS igOUl,
I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wesho
gton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
eopy of House Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature
of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as
appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on
lle In m office.
WItnm lt Hami and the Seal of the State of Washington
Is, da}' of August, 196Z
A Legal Publleation VICTOR A, MEYERS
Ytom the Ooe el ::-t.k t-.._ Iretar mate
Senate Joint Resolution No. 9
ShaH Article II, Section 1, Amendment T of the State
Constitution which presently directs the Secretary of
State to send each registered voter a copy of the
voters' pamphlet (a publication containing the laws
and constitutional amendments referred to the people
together with arguments for and against each meas-
ure) be amended so as to require only mailing to each
individual place of residence, together with such other
distribution as the Secretary of State deems neces-
i i i ii ii
Be It Rolv, By the Senate and House of Representative#
of the StatS of Washington in legislative session assembled:.
THAT, At'the general election to be held in this state on the
Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November 1962,
there slmll be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for
their approval and ratifleatien, or reection" an amendment to
Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Wash-
ington, as amended by Amendment 7 by adding thereto a new
subsection to be known as subsection (el, r.eading as follows:
Article II, aecfion 1, subsection (el. The legislature shall
provide methods of publicity of all laws or parts of laws, and
amendments to the Constitution referred to the people with
arguments for and against the laws and amendments so referred.
The secretary of state shall send one copy of the publication to
each individual place of residence in the state and shall make
meh additional distrlbutien as he shall determine necessary to
reasonably assure that each voter will have an opportunity to
study the measures prior to election. These provisions supersede
the provisions set forth in the last paragraph of section 1 of
this article as amended by the seventh amendment to the Con-
titution of this atate.
It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall
eamm the foregoing eonstitutional amendment to be pub.
lished for at least three mon*ths next preceding the election in
a weekly rmwspaper in ever7 county in the state in which such
a newspaper is published.
peaedt_heSenate__ebruary 14, 1061. SSlHK! the Home March 6, 1961.
I" Pt¢liaent o! the $, Speaker el he Hou$
¢ !, ViCtOr .a Moyer$, lkeretary of State of the State of Wash.
$ton, hereby eertity that the above i a full, true and correct
copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature
of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as
appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file
Ja my office.
WBnm M. Hand and the Seal 0 th# Stats of Washingto
A Legal Public,flora .... VICTOR L MEYEI
• From the Offi f akretar of s
tralia. Rev. and Mrs. Kinney were
the special speakers of the days.
The Kinneys are ilolnc on fm'-
hmgh from their missionary worl
in the Philippines. Everyone en-
joyed hearing l, he Kinneys tell
them the customs of the people
There wore two services, one at
sen ow,r lilt weekcnd. She is t
family, of Olympia, visited at tile
J. Etch home Sunday•
TIIlqllE %VILI, BE a potluck
supper at the Prog'ress Grange
at 6:30 p.m. Friday. Selection of
officer: will follow at S p.nl.
Journal W anl Ads Pay
chool Districts: lnereasing Levg Perlod
i ii i
Proposed Amendment to the
State Constitution
to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962
eL :,;,o,., ..,,.
leoretar of 8tst Stst of Wasl
In obedience to the State Consfltutfon" 8nd the Joint Resoh
tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there il
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of
the said state, as follows:
Submfltute Senate Joint Resolution No. 1
Shah the State Constitution be amended to pexlalt
school district voters to authorize tax levies in excess
of the 40-mill limit at a specified maximum rate for p
to four years for operations and/or capital outlay,
the proposition or propositions be approved by a
three-fifths majority, and the number of voters voting
thereon constitutes not less than forty percent of the
otcs cast at the last preceding general elecfiet in such
| i ii i i i
Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives
of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled,
TRA T, At the ge/eral election to be held in thls state oI
the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962,
there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state,
for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendmen
to Article 7, section 2 as amended by Amendrent 17, of Ghe
Constitution of the State of-Washington, by adding thereto a
new subsection designated as subsection (d) which shall read
ms follows:
,Article 7 section, 2 t subsection d). B an. school dlstrle
:for the purposes and in the manner in this subsection provided
School district tax lev,y or levies at a specified maximum rate
for each year may be authorized at an single, election for a
seelfled number of years not in excess of four ears for a levy
for operations or four years for a lev for capital outlay )r
both,when the proposition therefor has been approved by a
maJdrity of at least three-fifths of the electors votin tttereon
pt which election the number of persons voting, on the proposiL
lion shall const!tute not less than forty, percentum o the total
aumber• of votes cast at the last preceding general election in
,suCh district, If an' tax levy is authorized pursuant to the
lrovislons, of this subsection the overnin body of the schol
district shall determine annually thereafter the amount of funds
"equired from the.authorized levy or levies for the current us¢
of the schools of, the district and/or for capltM purposes, and
.'within th 9 limits of each tax lev so authorized a levy slall be
made at the rate required to produce the amount of funds deter-
nined as aforesaid.
The proposition or propositions to authorize additional, tax
levies for eurrent operations or capital outlays or both may b
$bmitted,to the electors of a school district at any election n
whether called specially for this.purpose t or called,,for any, other
iurpose, but may be submitted not more than twice in an" on
NO listrict shall submit to the e!ectorate upqn autkorlty o
this subsection a proposition to authorize additional levies fo
current operations or capital outla,s for any year for whiel]
UCh electors have previously approved a levy under the author-
lty of this subsection for the same purpose. A distriet ma
however at any time submit to the electorate a proposition t
• ubstitute for any prior authcffizatiqn a new auh9rizatiQ for
the same purpose: PROVIDED, (1) That the ley authorized
b' the substituted authorization will be adequate to fulfill all
€ontractual 9blilations of the district incurred by reason of
(he pri auhorizatlqn and (2) that the substitute 'propositio
shall bF its term supersede the prior authorization and by its
terms shall not. become effective until the first tax levy..yer
following the date of the election, at which It was authorizec
nd then be in lieu, of any tax levy. authorized, by the super,;
eded authorization
The procedures specified in this subsection shall be de eme
umulative to the other procedures specified in this section.
And Be It Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the
foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least
three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper
in every counW in the state in which such a newspaper
]Paed the Senate March 10. I1. Passed the House March 24, 19el.
JOHN A, CHERBERO, , JOHN ;pcaker o the Hotd$
President ol the Serrate.
All words under,cored do not appear fn our State
onstltution as It b now written but will be put in if
this amendment Is adopted.
I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash.,
ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
copy of Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, passed by the
Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh
Session, as appears from the original of said Substitute Joint
Resolution now on file in my office.
Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington
this 1st day of August, 1962.
k Legal Publication VICTOR A. MEYERS
s,'rom t Oface srer 8t