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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SEELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas*own U,S.A.," Shelton, Thursday, Oc October 25, 1962 i J For Sale ii i t i 1 i , PIONEER SAWS aales aad service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hlllcret Hardware. 426-8163, ................................. 8!P__q n MOSS IN YO91t LA? Now Is the time to apply MoaBite from Gray- atone of Shelton. Free use of spread- _.c:. ebo__6-60j=. ................ 4/.1_,_f. M,MIr,.'RSHIP in Ebelton Golf Club. $100 value for $75, Terms. 426-3649, B 4/5 tin ILECTROUX SALES, service and supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108. Free demor;vtrations. NEW 1000 WATT, 110 volt llght plant, trailers, boats, campers, $108.50. eger Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn YOU CAN PUP more water and lon with F2rbanke Morse pumps. See thetn at Shclton Electric Co., 419 l:lilroad. 3/16 t.fn RICH, ItLACK TOP DO]L, fill dirt, roal ad fill gravel, washed aand and gravel, dramage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- eroi phone 426-8552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayahore. 7].25 tfn OPS-O-, gravel, fill dirt, F.'E. Sidle GRAYSTONE FOR PYLON, the amazing, nnpoved finish for tloora a gurntture that lasta and lasts and lasts. 5/25 tfn FOR SALE  Used steel, plates, pipe, pUlley and almft All tY.pea sal- vage. Sheltema Jnk Co., 'Jrat and _._M i!!, ;phone -. 9/8 ,tfn $125, Call TR 7-5513 or Box 193 Hoodsport. B 9/27 tfn condition. Phone 426-4617. ........................................................ U. 0/4 tn NOW Y()U CAN SHOP Friday nights 'tll 8:30 at Sears Catalog Salem Of- f/ce, Evergreen Square. 10/11 tfn pet' cord. We haul $12,50 cord. Length desired, Call 426-4863, Nleli _onO.!_ [,!p_!S__Hiw_ y.s-- M a(_:_:o/fl_ tr_. n i EMERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn ii i ....... For Sale For Sale :GIRLS RUDD bicyclc. Like new. $35, FOR SALE -- Utility trailer wttil Phone 426-8260. g/23 tfn '62 license. $20, 426-8180. S 10'2 Music Box 205 Cota St., phone 426- way f 'on* carpels and nnbolterv t .................... 4802. 2/1 fn '- , 1 s " '  "rs " ..................................................... Its th: fn't Lumbe*ue  Mere- LAB WOOD $10.50 cord, Pole wood antih; Co. 10125 and fireplace wood $14.00 cord, Ph. , . ,, 426-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7/19 tfn Used ars and 32 W Spec. at $2.81)/20. J,,& M. 1929 MODEL A Coupe, muter in good Shooters Supply, Shclton, Pilone 426- condition, body fail'. Best offer over i 2448 or 426-6184, , 9/20 t£n $150. 518 Ellnor. W 10/11 tfn trailer has i962 ]icenue and lights car for l)lckup tru(:i. Car mechani- cally good. Phone 4'2.6-4227. F 10/25 .__1Ft!!.. St:_Downs__!y: ............... L.z0/ '57 FORD V-8, auto, 4-door sedan. New l)aint, good condition. Phone 426-4719. B 10/25 11/8 -v--sa""r"' Goods " HUNTING RIFLE 30:06 model 721 Remington with scope, Call 426-8415 HORSE MANURE -- Fresh or old. 3,00 pickup toad. U haul. Phone 426- 476, M. Taylor. 9/13 tfn K-T'CH-IN-I-Ici-N-iATOR -- Ahnost like new for male. 426-6845. T 9/18 tfn 'CHRISTMASTOWNI U:S,A." rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each, 227 WeSt Cota. 12/1 tfn Zeiss 35ram automatic at our new discomR price, Reduced from $132,50 to $99.50. Limited time only. Ziegler'a Calnera Shop. 6/28 tfn e,adition, $35. Also Ea.'y Spin Dry- er nachlne in good condition, $20. iGrapeview area) Call 426-6067. K 10/25 11/8 ... HH. ..H ..H DRAPERY & WOOL What is left going at HALF price. Also sale or trade Butane Gas range, small size. regulator $35. MRS. H. WALTER P.O. Box 119, Union, Ph. 898-2454 10/18-25 ALL GUARANTEED 10 Used Refrigerators $40 to $125 @ SEVERAL INEXPENSIVE Freezers -Lem Warren Refrigeration 2nd & COTA i i i i J i ) SAIA -- Large selecUon af re. onataaed ranges, relr!gerators, wasnerb, aryere. e.s  Vaney PYLd0N WILL NOT C -P.CK, chip er pill. Pez, manent flnlsL| and sealer, tloea not discolor wth age. See Graystone. 5/26 n Sundays, lhclton Marine, lilicreat Hardware. 42-8168, 3/29 tfn albralth Golf Green. Grayatone of Shelton. 42-661. 4/19 t£n lusic Box, 205 Cota St, 4/12 tfn RENTAL EQUIPMENT (IAN SAWS, Ptal'y lawn Mowers, leel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, l,loor Waxers and Polshe. Wleel Barrows, Electric Saws. Electric Drills, Saber Saw, Sanders, ,xten- slon Ladders. Step Ladders. Pipe renelee. Shelton arlne SuPI)lY, -8163. 6/7 tin Slab $12.50 a cord; Pole Wood Aid(.*.*" ald Maine, $16 cord. 426-4867. S 9/6 tfn ow :bU CA fiSH bff "Z,/'ida)" lii/li'S 'till 8:110 at Sears Catalpg Sale ()l- lice. Evergreen Square. 10/11 ffn ONE"()NLY --- 12.6 (,.f.F i'i:i)Stl,Ss r,i- 1"rigs.rotor. Was $27(l.00. Nw $239,ll5, :ar Catalog Salc Office. J;VCl'- gret.n Square, J0/1] tin - ib'r.-R] M BALL -Baby- G,:ii),l" Piani;: $600. Msytag squat'(: tub wronger type wltsbcr wJtl] liutolnallc iJunlp, bkc new, $90. Holpoint D,'yer, ex- ecllent condition, $t15. G,E. refriger- ator-fr.*t.r eonlblnatloll, like tltzW, $15. Phoue 426-8649 afler 6;(XI l).m. La 10/18 till l*'(IR" SALE '-L- -Antique :mall organ. ]fx(:,lJ,,nt c,)ndith)h. Wahlut. (;;111 426-2203 t,v .126-61 2. N 11)/J8-25 • JR'ISJI-I':¢L, EX-:---'1"be Pia,,tn: ,:l,a[- lnlg tot roo[8, foundalJOllS. Ullf2er- grot nd pipes. A Instal] tltH)lls t x- Dosed tO l]rlolSttlrC. Apl)Jicd by lrllsh. Sbvlton 31eclric. ,119 Railroad. Ph. 126-6283. 10/18 11/1 Pt)RTA.BLE DTHWASHER l',)r sae. (;all 426-8078. Kcn|n(n'e. S 10/18 lfn wAX--NO-Mo-- L= 'PLONIWZhId transparent plastic coating, nevel' needa waxing, polishing or scrub- bing, Idea/ for all urfacea, inside or ot. See Graystone. 5125 tfn 5 x 7 size, regular $1.25 Value. 69e with l'ee fl'ame, lerom color slide or negath, c. Limited tram, Ziegler's t ) ('azn ra Shop. 124 N. 2nd St,. lh-nc '126-6163, 10/25 NEW" TLrRTLES"-ahd-g0id flail-in,- 638 Arcadia. 426-4378. V 8/16 tfn TV. Singer SWilZg Machin.e bunk beds. I hone 426-6259 all.or 5:30 p.m. F 10/25 11/1 i i i COLD WEATHER APPROACHING FRANKLIN STOVES 3 sizes GLASSFVRE SCREENS new and beautiful THEMO RITE DOORS Evel'yhlng for your Fireplace comfort Carlsns Tile & Fireplace on Mr. Vie;# ill , . J NEED CASH? SELL FAMOUS KNAPP Aerotred Shoes. Full or part time. High comnllsaions plus bonus, Complete line for men and women. Equip- ment furnished free, Write to W. J. Theisson, Knapp Bros, Shoe Mfg. Corp., 6401 E, Flotllla Street, Los Angeles 22, California. 10/18-25 II i i i COLOR TELEVISION handcrafted quality -- the best costs no more Friendly, convenient credit Olsen Furniture 9/13 tfn ii i i iii NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versa panel. Installed or do-it- yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery, FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn Boat Building Repairs Flberglassing SeasWift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone 426-4652 t OASH PAID FOR be paid before the end of the 1214 tfn er cleaning. Available at Lumber- month. An extra charge of men's Mercantile. GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PAPK 10€ will be made when billing Convenient to mills and downtown evenings after 5 p.m. R 10/4 tfn is necessary, stores. City sewer and water. At EVINRUDE SALES and sertee. V-e highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn Ha & Feeds are open Sundays. Shelton Marine FOR RENT  Unfurnished trce bcd- Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. /29 For Rent room house, downtown. References. Phone 426-3218, ALFALFA tfn B 9/20 tfn BOAT FOR SALE -- 18' iboard run- EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- about, 160 h.p., $1495, can TW 8-229{} ful one" and two bedroom furnished TWO BEDROOJYl Duplex unit, t, DAIRY HAY or see at Hood Canal Marine, Union, apartments, lots of closets. Ncar garbage, sewer, water, unfurnished, ,. ' D 8/9 tfn Shelton Airport and prison cite. $60. Special rates for elderly wo- -(U.---. -p-i-S--il--/.o- phone 426-3772. S 10/11 fin man. 426-3575. J 9/6 tfn Fine sLemmed, soft, leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, second and tiird FOR RENT -- Light housclcecping trailer, suitable for pickup trucks. FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Wa- rooms, everything furnished except CUlt*riga. Also tops, bottoms and Has fern" trailer windows. A real tcrfront. Hood Canal near Twanoh dishes. 426-4679, 100 West Ptne, feeder llay, delivered anywhere value at $25, Phone 426-4653 eve- State Park. Call collect Seattle R 9/20 tfn __nings. P 10/25 CHerry 3-7566. L 10/11-25 ]a-, -'lt'ab]-on'e. "and t'o -b-ed-- lead lots ouly. Call collect evenings OATS, MOOS, TRALE, @ mcnt at Walt s Marine Supply, on TWO BEDROOM HOME with electric room furnished cottages with or SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no beautiful Hood Canal. Phone .Hoods- stove and water heater, Sieglcr heat- without linens or TV. Heat, clec- answer call OL 9-2003, arysville, port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn er and diningroom set. Wired *or tricity, water, garbage collection in- Wash. .... automatic washcr and drycr. Two- eluded in low weekly or monthly CUST()M RELOAD-ED'h-un-Hr]g am- car garage, Close In. References must winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call munition. 243 $2,80; 30-30 $2,'/0; 270 bc furnished. AI)ply at 706 Cota after 426-4420, 9/6 tfn Live 7 x 57 Mouse,., 308, 30-06 $3.10 per 6 10/11 t£n 6-N]--B]D-RO--O furnished home, up- lets, stock box, your cases; 30-06, our cases $8.60 per box. J & M Shooters Sup- FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnlahed stairs suitable for additional bed- ply, P.O. Box 273, Shelton, Wash. house, water and garbage furnished, rooms, 505 No. 1st St, lnquirc ]elm SADDLI HORSES and one well broke Ph. 426-2448. 8/30 tfn Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn Getty, 1601 Franklin, 426-6265. Apaloosa work teanl, Also, two ariv- G 9/27 tfn lug buggies in good cond|tlon, Boyd , ,, t SLEEPING ROOMS, with kltchen pri- SMALL HOUSE on Hillcrest, 15zz Zepp. k'none ,126-6743. 8-16 tin vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Boundary. Newly redecorated, Re- --O-R'SXLti]-L:.-Browh ma-$i(}0.--Bucl . BOAT and TRAILER Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn frigerator, hot water heater, electric skin gelding. $250. Call 426-8920, 15 ft. Glass Boat, 35 h.p. Evinrude, FURNISHED APARTMENT available stove with trash burner, movable B 8/16 tfn at Goidsborough APts. S 4/4 tf.n 220 electric heater, lnquire John ................. electric starter, plus trailer. In- OVIQiT---0R--WE'-"-'-gsYs Getty, 1601 Franklin, Phone 426-6265. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -- Biazc--facc cludea spare tire and wheel for you haven't room for? Send them 9/27 tfn blact geldn]g, geutle, Dark Bay ......................................... nlarc, cnil(ll'en's llOl-St, v2/'y gellLle. trailer and canvas cover for boat. to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments FOR RENT -- Modern beach cottage, Ycarling stud colt, buckskin, Arab- Motor and traller A-1 condition, now available by day, week or partly furnishcd, Living room, bed- tan anti A|utrican addie. Two colts month. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. room, kitchenette. $30 me. PICKe* about ready to wcan, Phone 426-8.135 Boat ill need of minor repairs. 7/16 tfn ing Pass. No dogs. Phone 426-3757, after six p.m. or weekends. TOTAL PR ICE A-G--0-i-E-a-t-M]dsbo--l:o-ti S 9/13 tfn Mc 9/13 tfn ONLY $750.00 apartments, south second, S$65/11m°ntlv'tfn F1)R-N-ISfi]D-iaiqfi]]{t--l'0:-blodk fronl Safeway. Plmne i:eii'{--after 6 ;i"°-'-t;i-VE--AW"Y------TWU-liUplfie' parL box!r. 1 "l-'-I o lie 426-31'18. 1520 426-3283 Days, 426-2461 Evenings APARTMENT for rent, one block f:ona -- 426-8655. W 9/27 tfn ulyml)ic Highway Nt, rth. V 10/25 10/4 tfn downtown, Laundry and utilities ON---E-lR(%OV[--£111:/fiT, etl-'al)ar[i(i]fl] V.NTED L_ Gbod ]bm(i-£u;'-;t-spayed furnlshed, except Jights. PhOne 426- for renl.. Heat, water and garbage niee Labrador to somcone in eooa- i - 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn furnished. Inquh'e 1119 Franklin, try. Mcl0/5 tin ......... Apt. 5. Phone 426-6,196 B 10/18 tfn • , FOR RENT or sale. Large one bed .................................................... ]-IVE DX'"-(_)LD-(;Ucrscy-heifer calf room house, close to sclool, fenced FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, THE BEST yard. Phone 426-2259, S 4/26 tfn heated apartment. Clese ill, Call for sale. Phone 426-6d27. R -10/'25 ].0"0-i---lEi12---()--no---be'fi'i:o'ol-h''-u'i= 426-6283. S 10/18 tfn (JO°i)---PAsIUitEi--i'6ii-G(i/ql,v-'ciit. ' USED FURNITURE stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- GX;iqWAF-AJ#A-RTMENTS 2--ib.bnisll: Cattle, ilorses, call 42ti-8397. chen and bath. Ample closets. Phone ed modern apartment for couple or M 10/25 tfn and APPLIANCES 426-6424 after 5 p,nl, J 7/19 tfn single person. 218 No. l'i,'sl, Phone IN'JR--2;IA-DE-01-'SXLE--2L "l'u}'ebred r--E-,-"LL--T7o-b-v--i:-s-llcdl 426-4481 or 426-4895. G 10/18 tin white, l)uodle I)Ul)S. AKC registered. Automatic Dryer, excelleut $65.00 heated apartment. Adults only. In- ,,, Phone -126-3713 or .126-6985. A 10/18-25 qulre 311 No. Flrat, phone 426-3025. Speed Queen Washer and P 6/28 un Wanted Dryer, matched pair .. $150.00 F-OU-t-R)O-t*Fied--ph-:t-t-or RENT A TELEVISION G.E. Washer and Dryer rent, Call 426-6345. S 8/30 tfn SET AT HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in matched pair, very ONE BEDROOM, furnished -dhlJ]o.x', state. Phone FL 7-5358 or I,'L 2-4940. good .............................. $150,00 downtown, $40.00. Phone 426-2081. Robert Shunmte, Olympla, Dexter, double tub, B 8/16 n OLSEN FURNITURE ........ /2 .,1 b-R--R-ElY----''%--beh-r-65m--uifhh :: 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 BABY SITTING .... My h.nle at lh, wringer washer . ........... $59.50 lshed apartment. Hot water heat, Uaion Sk,)komish Jum',tiuo. llour, Incinerator, trash burner city utilities, range and refriy..ra- , day, u*' week. Call .126-3895. :NEW $79.95 or furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- i 10/18-25 .............................. tact Apt. No. I or 426-2493 or 426- CI sifi AN+0f:-WOtAN w,;,;t;,a is,, ],,,,t- Ketvinator, refrigerator, 2446, B' 5/18 tfn as ed Service time m:wspal)er deah,rshil) in Shel- excellent, new guar ...... $150.00 ;(Ji--R?EN'i.'"::=-b6u;-tfle[i!]y-'fUl:iished .... ton area. MusL be able to post sub- 21" Table model TV, one bedroom aparl.ment -- ground A. F. OPPELT. nmssucr, will be at lantial cash bond and have depend- reconditioned ................ $§9.b0 fh)or, downtown. ]23 Aldcr. Close to City Center Motel, corner First & abh, t r a a s p o r t a t i o n. Jalnt,s F. ., t.t 40" Electric Range, stores, Phone 426-3535. Alder, each Wednesday, to give Schraw, phone Olympia 3o2-4,M,). , G 10/4 tfn treatnmnts, O 7/26 ttn ' 10/18-25 you haul ........................ $25.00 O]'-RENT -L_:- Oii'(.--2:bdrooil .- an d Me.CIJLI.(JCI-t-SAIJES-la---s-e{v-ice_we WANTED-.S- Is,latel:-etluded, Off Seigler Oil HeaLer, ,me /-bedroon furnished Ilouses. Ph, are opcn Sundays. Shelton Manna the beatea track, not easily with fall ........................ $69.50 ,t26-848 evenings. B 10/25 11/1-8 Hillcret Plardware. 426-8163. ble farm to lease for 6 months with Quaker Oil Heater, with FOR RERT'-L?"O-iTT-7;-d:tS'5n. ..................................... 3/29 tfn option to buy or will trade equity blower $75,00 is*led house. Walking dlstance of HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Extcrior in beautiful honie with view uf Bay ............................ n ills. Phone .126-4606 W 10/°5 tfn and interior. Free eat*mates. Work and Olympics located near Olympia, ................... " .... guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phonc 352-1810 evenings, Spark Oil Heater, 5-6 room CABIN FOR-.ENT--=:'q:giffii--tt/i: Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn 10/11-25 size .................................. $75.00 aud garbage furnished. 'Three mih's ROOFING. blown rock wool insula- 24" Oakland wood heater, south of Shclton on Olympia higi}- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn like new $69.50 way. Pcnsionera welcome, Moultrops .......................................................... ........................ Scrvl,',e, 426-605. Call afler 7 p.m, JACOBSEN SALES and service. We SEPTIC TANK 24" Oakla,nd wood lleater, P 10/25-11/8 arc open Sunday. Shelton Marine, thermostat .................... $89,50 i o-ffE-BP, DICf61'iUXL(WT-Aiih= Hillcrest Hardwarc, 426-8163. Bunk beds, new mattressea $59,50 I s idc, $45 per month. Phone 426-4,175 3/'J tfn INSTALLATIONS Bi]twel/davenport and chair $50.00 uays, 426-6692 evenings. " ......................................................... FURNAC/g CLEANING, repalrix', In- PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS Daveuo, like new, perfect $79.50 ..... S 10/4 tfn stalltions, ell converaiona. helton 5-piece Ch,me dinette, "" G ROUNb-.LOOiChT[iiTiU-fSi-i:6.1i[. Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426- ib0-gal., 250-g32., 500-gaL, Three rooms, bath, furnished. Utll- 6121. 5/1 tfn 750-gal. grey ................................ $49.50 *ties paid, half block from Dairy I=iOUSE-WAZZ:S?-ieVe-fifik.--b-dllhe-£da Drain Fields, Ditch Digg'mg Fu]l-aize bed, complete, Queea. Couple or bachelor, Phone and general masou work. Call SHARER DIGGING SERVICE with springs, etc ............ $24.50 426-3160. 121 E, Cedar. S 10/18-25 Hodgsons fh.stl Phone 426-6844. H 6/21 tfn Phone 426-3660 NEW Wood kiLchen #0RNiSitED-CbTTXGE-fb-rti-I-iI E--:XP--ER'-XUTb--(-S--ins-taifatioh: 8-18tfn range 426-8423. W 10/18 11/1 1 Full-size'Book'c'a's'e"Bed" $149.50 Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. ,, '"' Phone 426-8231. ' 4/28 tfn complete ........................ $35,00 FtIG-E-R-ATORS a Cr'eezers, re- . , conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- Olsen Furniture Co. DICK'S TRANSFER mgeratlon Service 315 Cot.. phone • 426-8082 day or night, i/iS tfn SEPTIC TANKS 328 Cota St. 426-4702 and Delivery -XE--A-SON-=-i÷I, Drain fielde, Digging, Sewer chimneys, planters, call R. E. Macon, Phone 426-6364 426-2278. - ----/-Lu- Marr Const. Co. A ,RTIFIC00AL .err,Be p.o Drlnk yen, and highly classified slrea. Phone 426-3053 . Rt. 3, Box 623 g/ Moving Anywhere Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. Pi- In Mason County per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, If no aaswer, Phone 426-6183 of M//k eve00 day -006=00-"--JEROME ........................ BURKEC002Jl00 .... Garden rotovating, field ph)wing, wcll- rho,lcaged older426.3678,sawdust, p.-runB 10/4g"a"c'tfn Art's Bulldozing! (:Ttii-W--.SiyRPigiiNG--p-d: Excavating  Cement Gravel accurate precision grinding. Now at Fill Dirt FUINITUE & Saeger Motor Shol Hillcrest. Phone APPLIANCES I 46.4602. 1/16 tfn Art Indahl I o, ,. Wa.00. Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill 5/17 tfn Home Furmshmgs , -- 2nd Floor Streots. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn BOOTH IWA - For lost 12-ft. bll,c, CONSTRUCTION CO. Eells & Valley Applianoe Oenler whlto it,u, strip-bui,t four oar row- boat near Hartinc. "Phune 426-3390. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED G 10/18 11/1 and FOUNDATIONS ............................................. v n.. LOST _ Nea,. lloo00sport. 16 fl.. il,- Phono 426-6441 our W asher..,,er Hea.quaders hoard boat 6 W iscoas,,, ,,,otof / White outside, gret:,.a Inside, $10 3/27 tfn Good, Olean, Used Furniture T and Apphanoes, .KELLY'S FURNITURE APPLIANCE SER CE ALL MAKES & MODELS T OALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbermen's Mer©anlile Go. 3rd and Railroad Phone 426-8211 , i i For Rent Miscellaneous Wanted Classified Advertising , Rates THREE ROOM Furmhed apartment NOW YOU CAN SHOP Friday nighls BABY-SITTING WA:IT]"D -- Lviug for rent, Washing facilities, earl)ort. 'til 8:30 at Sears Catah)g Sales Of- care for your children in my home. 15 words or less (minimum _!jlt!!!,( 828 C])tLS_t. .......... _t. 10/25. t!'i_ lice, Ex'erg!:,/(_!,/_S(lU_a[c: ............ 10/ll_t.[!l __phon9 _426-6391. ........ A ]/11 tin charge) $1.00 single insertion, FOR RENT  Two bedroom furnished CA.I) OF API'ItECIA'i'lt)N TREES TOPPJD, trmunet, removed. house Will pay city utilities, $55 The kindness and sympathy ,)1: Larry's T:ee Surgeon Service. -1,- $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for per month. 325 So, 3rd. Phone 426- neighbors and friends in our reeeut 4823, 2/13 ttn three insertions. Additional _ 87_15. ...................... M 10/25_tfl_ sorrow will always remain with us o.s ............................................. insertions 25¢ each. Rates for FOR RENT -- Reed Apt. 2 bedroom, a precious memory. Oul sincere thaaks WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OK larger ads on request, unfurnished, garage, yard; Call La- and gratitude h:)r all tinlse comfort .... _R.ubbrW.e!ler_s, ML..View'. 1/_10_..tf_.n Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- ing acts and flowers, HANDY MAN -- Odd jobs! If you Classified display $1 per 4336. D 3/29 tfn IVIrs. Mac D)an think it can't bc fixed call Henry column inch. OlE--ffIX--R-b-OM---lSuse--/fii;h:hisl]ih Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dean Landis, 426-3098. 2/12 tfn Card of thanks $1.50. Read- 707 Ell*nor. Phone 426-6663. Mr. and Mrs. Boa Beardcn -/kW FiLIhG,-grJziclnag-an-d-re-toot21- er notices 15 word minimum c 10/25 tfn Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kaare ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Bet- $1.00 or $2,00 per column FOR RENT -- Waterfront with view. "-i--,-- ...................... , .,-.;-.-,; .;.=,.. ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. Modern one-bedroom honle with ad- 3/8 tfn inch. ditional sleeping space upstairs. CHEM CLEAN SEWING nld allez.itti(-)-ns,--n:iy- heine. "Not Responsible" notices Phone 426-8435. Mc 8/16 tfn Does more than just clean, it will Reasomlble. Phone 426-8058. $1.50 per insertion. LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor remove stubborn spots, restore the ..................... T 8130_ t_[9 All classified advertisements tm|ta ideal for single men or wo- original lustre to your fabrics. LADY WANTS WORK by hour or men. Also attractively furnished one day. ttas own electric scrubber. 426- must be paid in advance. Ads bedroom apartments. All untlllties Rugs and upholstery are dry and 4378. v 8/16 tfn taken over the telephone must furnished, except lights. Reasonable. ready to use within two hours aft- Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. reward. Hoodsl)ort Marina, mm M " , Television and Radio Y Repair Service I Orville "Dutch" Stanley, fully qualified by cxperience and special training, is how handling our service work on television and radio repair and maintenance. Having at- tended RCA color-television school he is qualified in this special field also. EELLS and VALLEY Always Ihe besl deal, by George! ., APPLIANCE CENTER Eells & Valley Your salcscenterforRCAcolorTV, blackandwhiteTV, table model and transistor radios, stereo and Iq-fi. 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE 426-4663 3/2 tin for three childrdn in our home. Live ,in, or otlt. ].el'(re ac(s requlred. 232 San Joaquin Ave,, Shclton. T 10/11 tfn ALDER POLES WANTED 5/ '' to 3/fi" in diameter, 10 ft. and 8 ft. long. Price per pole 23¢ and 16¢ at . . . Beerbower Spool Mfg. Co. Houte 1, Box 262 ELMA, WASH. 10/11-18 i ,ii i NEW Prefabricated HOMES Your Plans or Ours. Double wall construction, trussed roof, aluminum windows and pre- stained siding installed; t'ounda- tion, roofing, ceiling, partitions, doors, insulation. AS LITTLE AS $1450 Vrite for free boulder BUDGET HOUSING CO. 2200 Simpson Ave., Hoquiam 8/30 - 11/8 i,i WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Cot'sign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2,tll w. ,,,, HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS ASSOI I0tter, Broker % 1- Phone 426-6642 AI)E 'A' DAIRY ACRE RANCH St irty-two regist, records, ] g parlor, farm Legal lUded. Excellent S..ed id' .prinkler irrigatio • '.'. !.   #'t,.[ ruwmg umber, a S,)e.o., w'\\;%rWk l,O No,ml)ci: i 1962, [.:0 drrvn frnlhr h, witll a Bookl¢,g_J?M. through the Lo!.TM--L n-u--. C,,unty Com,nir'B .' |glarn m'lmmmur Auditor's Office ,_ tI•?'IM IIVILILqI ,,1).ned ,,od *'L: ----- - Bfd or Bids de''e-¢i lll°s!.i[ to the County..d'. Payment for the equiP"' made °llnlnl "'-- ]telns. as specifi and delivery to be ]' ]Jl II¥I 14 14" I ".14:1 1963. (aUIYll5 ]kUJl] 1, Datcd at Shelton WI[\\; ......... 19th day of Oc'tohel', I',ILL PROFIT BY BUYI ,HN B coLE o),r..By2yV' Mason County Tr r seekhlg a fine, .z. 0 "' P.O. Box fl79 .n.t0arch end.-We ha Shelton, wasnn  , _rid a_texcellent price :. 0 r e baths, fireplaces, t ................ ,,,..  wants in a lovely ho] N,''aCr; uF *)t,u .,] iV{ NOTICE is hereby g  .are still going up--co Board of Conuntssioae'il;7 Utility District No. 1, ;:/",.ilt;im-.. shington, have pz.epare" WILL BE HARD T Si('ld:tarHyAROL "?',a.Payment with paymen Ptblic Utility 9it UliS One today as it can' of M'son CouatY  l& FIRST CLASS DEA 8Vz acre Spencer Lak now fOr , FOR SALE prices this or THREE t $11,000, 426-2268. ATTRACTIVE ILY, PRICE & LOC room home near three bedroom, range and oven, built-in range a: electric heat, hlock of property. Vith private bath, tw( ter 5 p.m. room and b LARGE THREE bed: value on today's ma ily roont w/th to-wall carpeting, DOWN AND MO washer and dryer, tWo-bedroom home is town. The owner MUST SACRIFICE Of $64 a month will crest home, that you cheek ished, large to school and Will sell at real LIVE OUT OF TO% 8549 afternoons or Unfinished house will located on a five ac: NICE tin'e,, bedroom -allow a responsible p pLacc. Equity $750, and very small EcAusE OF DEATII The price is only a fr , ....................... ---q;dg¢-;'900 Will bu this uni u{ 1'191". SALE -- TnruC u=7.1 y q Datl, and half,o4_fir.e,atUreso, include a level heat call 426-22  '" lT,¢ Yar. ;.-,,*; ,- ). _b p.m. .................. ---d!tion in every way. Up TWO BEDROOM..Pl;See this on ^ now suburban ana tnrol;"'  • urDan }lonles. For  .,1!, Phone 426-4147. ' "!;' FOI, SALI, ---TWo-.b with tlnludhed tbira,"'  :,u .id l'O%4T "*" : 336 l-tcnry. *',gl '  e. 426-6363 [OUlldd[1OU SHARPENED l*,usc a 36 .cn,''. 200 E. PINE i;'0.-SALE H 2/8 tfn hedrooln house. '1' %VO nllleS . 32O8.  CALL MA .... SA00E - Largo b W, Real Esta .,lli,,g, carpet, '"" payluellt tt FOR SALE by owner. Compact two 426-4336. bedroom Hillcrest hon}e. Completely NEW HOME rcpainled,, electric heal, lal'bc CIos- location, thrcc ets, large utilily porch, attached panelled llvlng rooza, CV¢alai garl).gc. $275 down, ownel' will car- gnd ant /dlrctl. r---Armr||ll' ry contract. Ph. 426-4870 cvening, eu A.G -- E 9/13 tfn lots. Inquire 17ZO LOCATION FOI I()USE FOR sALE ::= TliiQe bed;0om: phone 426-8150. t)lastered, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2.:'-ACRES LS up--a* hlrge utility, altached garage, fenced limit, $,1,000. cupboards; ha in patio, dose to Nit. View Scl)ool and stores, 2128 Jefferson. 426-4652. II(])-UsE FOR SALE - dining room wi H 9/13 tfn School. Full bascnc lots of storage and l,'ireplac, e. Full Yard, basement. All retina. Phone iT IS THE LOCATI IT'S PRAGTIGAL OW00ER,00 living roo: bozne ill good lot. xceliellL yard, extra large 100 'Jve. lllJnutes Iroln Phonc 426-616.1. and, 000000.ROOMS 'ENT ,s T.E tion. Marine home is located rig] FRANKLIN ,,o,o 426-6264. Just recently remo '0RXLE -- eeparate dining ro0r port, "utility, st, down and t] lUllllaPll tric heat. Call I)00. HLAIkK SF%RED B /sland Lake holllC. HOME FOR GRA( good dock, new 12 l'oom is full of chal l)]acc, hardwo0d fl rlnl::rLm¢"n'""'" Includes 50 dining room Reasonably Lovely musi 426-4608 I bath downstairs. Basement with b FOR SALE A must-see for $17 A-1 condilion, close in. Rc HAS THE SECU : -designed two bec last. All plaste HOOD Large living reel for another FINEST on tl:O that you have to se .  t, mi o bedr(loms, 3 ba ]p.TO PLEASE YOU,. full basement, triple I_;OGET and boathouse, bal'a ,bedrooms one has '  .... , ,nre $44,000. , ,/):, place, new remod * * -i,/ room, lots of storag, 2 AND 3 BEDB.0u"%l,!iuerful neighborhood. A rent. , ;'!i ,. , 22" and 26" sizes ,/:!(aU HAVE A HOME _al::F.." = We are getting low ltood Canal l,f#A'rED._vour $10 down alld $1()mo. & insurlllC#ji,.,ED_Three.fou r' bedroom Olsen Furniture Hoodsport T:'' be, 328 Cota 426-4702 TR 7-5211 IOME IN OLYMPIA hence is loe bedrooms, all pla brick fireplm cabinets. Bath to tell all. The ou swimming pool, : trees also, All this • RADIATES MAXIMUM a ELIMINATES ROOM HEAT FUEL • PROTECTS AGAINST ASHES, DIRT AND DRAFTS • TWIN DOORS OPEN wIDE LOADING OF FUEL • CONTROL DRAFT WITH TWO SLIDING DOORS FOR FAST OR • 5OLID BRASS CONSTRUCTION, BEAUTY UNHEARD OF. IN USE WINTER AND SUMMER • BURN WOOD, COAL WRITE FOR FREE VALUABLE COLORFUL B My Fireplace is .... Name  Ad&ess, CRy Olsen Furniture Co. 328 COTA STREET lot with three fur one and rent the room with baL attractively to ' UNTRY -- one acre , from Shelton. some repairs. ANGLE Real Est HERB  Phon, 426.3434 i