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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Octob -----.. Legal -- Luhlg J (&apos;ALL F01'* my honle. Seahd Bids will L • ]/11 tfn (l"fii't i)f ill,.' Maon removed at Sheiton, Washil wice t(i" t r. I , Nlwember 5, II :/].l" ,." I tlw Mason County ' --1 o tan .  n ......... Iwith It Bookkeepi g tires. OK cations for which ! 1/ throagh the Clerk Cli{lllt y CtHll Inil If y( Auditor's Office. 1 Hem Said id prop()sals _2112__t I op,med and reviewed re-toot] of County C(: Pod Re the rigllt to reject 426-243 Bids submitted, or 3/8 tJ uny Bid sul)niitted, y- hcm Bfd or Rids deemed . to the County. 8/30 tl Paynicnt for the equi .... will be niade froln hour i Itenls. as specified hi ber. 42, and delivery to be to Ca: :no. Li 'cqulreq L0/11 tJ S 10 f er pc] .0/ii-i trussel nd pro founda rtition 0 ,t 01CO ulanl 11/1 L ;E 1 1S /8 tfn act tw topic,eL 141 clo attae]ic #ili cai ventng 9/13 tf led i•ooirl ircplacc , ]'encel r Selloo 426-465:: 9/13 tfl iL )0 I I Y, 0ctObel, 25, 1962 SHDTON--MASON C0 JOURNAL ............ -- Publlshed in "Ori, ttou? V.S.A.,'; Slmlton, Wuhlngton .... page 19 ....... .... ' '" P b. ' UyLaa-'on Itlan Shoots lmytn--o'e ' ° / F,.,<,..,, ,. ,'   ..... ' r ' Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal U e O][ls ......... home oi: Mr. aod Mr% Pete Bh:)onl- IERB ROTTER and ...................  bit). 8303 N(}TI('E OF IIEAIIING NOTICE Ol,' AI.I,; OF FORI,]'I field V(cFe J/lr. and Mrs. Bert ,,. ,,,,,, .,, ,,,,,,,,. At Same Place While Hti--un -ng °' <,,,,,, ,,,,,. 1N TIlE SUPEI:HOR C()URT OF THE ac('(,rdlng ill RC%V 36.82,t80, the ClJinl- TIIAN $2,tllili.(lll iher. They are staving with "Mrs, 1 ASSOC|ATES STATE OF VtrASHINGTf)N FOR lyCou''nissi°nersI'aiv''t)''eparedandSTATI'7OIaWASItIN(VI'ON'DEPART- MASON COUNTY l)liicod on fib' the following llrOliOs('d MIi]NT O1" NATURAL P.I,]St)UttCI]S. l'a(#S Bisbop (if l{anlilche. OSCA[ \\;V. MICKEISON and ALICE stlllliiClli(!ntid budget to tht [qqilil)nleut BERT l,. COLIq, (]l,ouliissioncr )1: Sllntla' d|nner gtlest ill MI'. anti E. MICKF]LSON. hl. wifo, Plaiuliffs, f.ental anti ].ovolving l,'und fin' tho. Public Llnils vs. "ear 1962. llcaring will bc held there- N)Iit'(. i: hoi'eby given tlnit on ,{fin- 1-)AYTON .... Top this one if you weekend of "the big blow" ill ]V[rs, Doyle Howard was Mrs. 'Phcl- tl on at 11, oil N,iveniber 5, 1962. da) tim 5lh (lily of Novcnlt)ll', 1963, (.!an! Bill Tibbits was ()lit htHtt- Ten]no with their grandparents, nla l:h)wal'd of Issaqtlah. After- : Otter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker CLARENCF REYNOLDS, if ltvinK, al lhe office ol tilt' Clil.lnty C()n]nlis- (!Ill hie lch;g al ten o'clock ill ltie fore- noon drop-in callers were Mr• and t md if deceased• tile ilokown heirs of stoners, at the Coul•thouse at Sllelton, noon, tit t.lll She:ton Distriet tteall- ink last ,¥cdnesdfly on the road Mr. ad Mrs. A. S Dayson. ' • " Mrs• Ted Berry Shelton, : "- Phone 426-6642 Evenings -- Phone 426-3530 Claren/c Reynolds: tilt! ESTATE OF WashinghJn, for IlK! purpos(' of adopt- quarters ol the Df!partrnelll of Natliv- going up to the Dayton I:'cak ,Veekcnd gtlests of Mrs. Ger- 'i!tc'.llilA TJI.LIE REYNOLDS, deceased; alld ing sliid SUl)l)lcllnnta] budget, al Reso,lrccs, tile folhlwlng describ,d Lookout whon tie spotted a coy- Mr. and Mrs. Merlin fiickards 'A' Bi,ard of County Cominissbinel's ,forest l)r.ducts will be sold at public • ,rude Scott were Mr. and Mrs. and children motored to Chehalis i'>k"_']['': a I ch,i,,fing an.,,, ,'ight, title..slate, lien I,l" Mason Cnunty, Washhlgh,,,. ati'li0n t.o tilt highest, bidde," ore under a tree. He of conrse George Plirvcs and girls of Kent. .-,l DAIRY--SHELTON AREA i,]l olhor persons or plwties ulfl, nown Satln'day and had dinnel- witll Mr. i CRE RANCIt SOUTH OF SHELTON i7," int°r'sI hi the real esiate doscrihod By C. NOLAN MASON, Ai)l)roXhnatcly 1,000 .... niferous promptly pnt an end to this beasts Ihc complainl herein; Clerk ol" the Board. CAu'istnias trees, career, Then son]etbing elude hiln ]V[I'S. John l.rO/lll ' and daughter, and Mrs• Rllssc.ll Edwards. They Bill li registered Jerseys with records, loafing shed, milk- )arlor, farm machinery, all in- Excellent water system, 18 :ler irrigation system. 40 acres g timber. Comfortable four- family home. TERMS! Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 1at Street Union TW 8-2429 EXCELLENT BUYS 1, 1963. Dated at Shelton, ,. 19th day of Oct r. ILL PROFIT BY BUYING NOW . . . JOHN B. COLE i $ Mason Cot nty Tre 4 'YoU are seeking a fine, well-builL livable home, here is P.O. Box 479 .i: Y0Ur search ends. We have five of Shelton's finest-homes Slmlton, WashingW ' |le, and at excellent prices They each have 3-4 bedrooms, L "raore baths firenlaces tios and al , e e . _ .. P , 1 the extra tree fea- NI)'r/cF] OF BUDGi  " Wants in a lovely home. The cost of living and build- NOTICE is hereby g [;!¢,are still going up--come in, discuss and buy now! Board (if ColnlnlssiOlle Utility District No. 1, Nl= WILL BE HARD TO BEAT .... s]ling'iou, have proper ht for the year 196',] aliu l!i Spaeious five bedroom fa.ily home features wall-to- hearing of tho prop0S( tl in large living and dining rooms built-in refriger- .... fill .let in large bo h 'ill in Ul" of : 0,i"k[e'- ,,t  rio -- .n  nday l&... hen loads of storage spice nice patio area excel .. o;.. P. .... ..O , ::];RltiKl;lll • . I --+- a . .... 1962. D l'!_' g plant And the best part .... you can move in with Siitl:'l(.leiarHyAROL 'l'ThPayment with payme,,,ts of $85 a month. You had bet- !rc. ',.:, ,. 9i,LEl'' S One today as it can t l'mt long on these terms l'tlDlle tiiltJ r t ,li. " • $11,000. 426-2268. ATTRACTIVE ILY, PRICE & LOCATION, THIS IS TOPS . . . z'oom home near three bedroom, two bath rambler with attractive range and oven, electric heat, two. built-in range and oven, colored fixtures, master block of property, th private bath, two large stone fireplaces, comfort- ter 5 pan. room and lots of storage space. This home LARGE THREE bed Value on today's market at only $17,500. ily rooni with to-wall carpeting, NT DOWN AND MOVE IN ... washer and dryer, home is located close to schools, churches, town. The owner will help with financing and the MUST SACRIFICE Of $64 a month will include taxes and insurance. We crest home, that you check this one closels. ished, large to school and Will sell at real r0 LIVE OUT OF TOWN? . . . 8549 altornoons or llnfinished house will require a remodeling job on the located on a five acre tract a short drive from town. NICIC thrcc bedrooOi -allow a responsible party to take possession with no l)lucc. Equity $750. and very small monthly payments until work is 13ECALiSE OF DEATI-1 price is only a fraction of the actual cost. Call :Mr. . ,., , • • . • Call CVClllng, )UT A WESTERN STYLE MT. VIEW HOME? i,'Ul SALE -- Will buy tiffs nnique ]lolne in a top neighborhood. Its atli and half, include a lovely cornor fireplaco---guest house, heat, call 426-2240 with patio and barbecue, It's neat as a pin and in b pan. T-WO BEDROOM in every way. Upkeep here will be at a very mini- UbUl'ban and thrCO this one nOW. urban tiornes, l,'or -Phone 426-.t147 ..... -"' l,'. SALl,: -- Two-Pl7: with unluiiMied tlii'd "{, fo<,nda,,,,n A. ROY DUNN ,l<l00c a< ,c,1,','. uoo 'ive 426-6363 126 Railroad Ave. solt0 °.. bcdl't)l)ln hOUSe, ill ';, nuic l,•oi,i il 'VENI .... '2 . .-oi;ll, NGS CALL MARV. VOSS .......... 426-8074 WALT MARBLE ........ 4006-3022 paynic'ut tuI"lllshe ff [ ,t25-4336. • • " q .... WATION FOR THIS BARGAIN paon 426-8150 J. Y" "'.''" :7 .... ....... . -- ........ "-.--;;i o tt y pine with lots of built- 2 % ACtES on ieVC o ' , c " " P .... nllit .1 000 4')6-2081: ig room-with hre- iIGUSE' 1;'0i sEE :U t, tdtchen de- School. Full basenCd operate eating area, terms. P'ionc 426-6700' for $14,506. IS THE LOCATION FOR THIS HOME living room. ldtchen with dining area, large yard, extra large lot 100 x 100. Priced to sell for lENT IS THE IMPORTANT WORD FOR THIS HOME home is located right smack down town. Handy to 3ust recently remodeled, large entertaining size liv- dining room for the holidays, cupboards ga- doWn and three upstairs, two complete baths. $10,000. 8 HOME FOR GRACIOUS PEOPLE room is full of charm and designed for the lady that dining room with wonderful view of the city, Lovely music room off the living room, large bath downstairs. All bedrooms on one floor. Full Basement with bath. The yard is landscaped beyond & must-see for $17,900. t0ME HAS THE SECURITY OF AN ESTABLISHED -designed two bedroom home is in the best of con- oWNEI1S bonlc in ltllJd lot. L;xl:tthl,nL 12'IVC nunutcs IF0111 ltlollt 426-61d.1. 3 BEDROOMS lion, Marine 1>boll0 426-6264. FOR--SALE -- port, "ulility, Lrlc hc(tt. Call OFERED "BY Isbtnd Lake holnu. good dock, new 12 l)hicc. hardwu0d fl al'l.a. Inc]u(les 50 Reasonably prie, 426-4608 betwcea FOR SALE A-1 close ill. Re D I last. All plastered, new roof, extra lot goes with |] -(')()T} n. Large living room, built-in china closets. Easy to I I TVT, h 0 pstairs for another bedroom, This home has so many [] llN I%'1" 011 Lli i that you have to see it. Only $9,600. 115..,0000drooms, 1 ._ PLEASE YOU, AND A PRICE TO PLEASE II ztui nasemeut, t 1P'ii JGET . . • RADIATES MAXIMUM • ELIMINATES ROOM HEAT FUEL • PROTECTS AGAINST ASHES, DIRT AND DRAFTS FOg • TWIN DOORS OPEN WIDE .;'.>: LOADING OF FUEL VO SLIDING DOORS FOR FAST OR ION, BEAUTY UNHEARD OF. TH( MER • BURN WOOD, COAL VALUABLE COLORFUL BI brick fireplace. The kitchen is pink and aceent- cabinets. Bath has two sinks, all mirrored. Not to tell all. The outdoor area m all completed and in- swimming pool, large patio. All covered, fenced-in trees also. All this for only $22,000. lot with three furnished apartments, a good rental one and rent the other two. Two have two rooms room with bath, two bedrooms. Well located and attractively to sell. Call 426-8272. UNTRY -- one acre with three bedroom home located from Shelton. Will make a good deal to proper some repairs. ANGLE AGENOY ReaI Estate -- Insurance HERB -- Phone 426-8272  DICK !LS 426-3434 DONALD (BEAN) DANIELS Defendants. TI=IE STATE OF WASIIINGTON TO THE SAID CLARENCE REY- NOLDS, if living, aria if deceased. tho llnknown heirs of Chirtuce Revn(dds: tho ESTATE OF LIL- LIE IEYNOLDS, deceased: and all olhor peI'sf)ns or Dar{ies unknown clahninK :ill)' right, title• estate, lion or in]crest in the real estate dosci'ihl'd ill |lle ciHnl)]aint hel'Pill: DEFENDANTS : Yell, and eacll or 3'f)tl, nl'0 hereby sunmmned la appear within sixty 160) days after ]hie dnh! of the first'pnlfli- (';ilion i)[ this snnlln(ins• Illll defend lhe almve-entitled action ill the Su- perior Ci)ur{ nforesaid and answer the coniplainl af the ll]aintiffs and sei've a copy of 3"Ol11' answer llpon the tln- del•stgnPd attorney for the lllaintiffs, al his office hel(w slatotl ; and, in ease of yoln• failure no to do, judgment will ho rendered against yOU aeem'ding tn the denmnds of |tP eoml)laint in Ihls aclion which ha. boon filed with ill,' clerk of said eourt. The ohject of this action' is lo quiet tille in phlin{iffs to real ('state ill ]V[ason CotlntY, Washington. deserihed as : A h'act of land in lhe U2 of lhe SE!/ of the NEI of Section 29. Township 23 Nm'th, Range 1 West, W.]W., particularly described as folb)w : .,onn)leneinE lit the E cornel' fir ]he SE l', of the NE' of said See- lion 29, Tnwnship and ranwe; thence Wo.i along the South ]ino r)/' said SEI,: of the NE 381.05 feet: (llene North. para/lel with the East line of said forty 381,05 fot: thence East parallel with the South line of said SE of the NEll a distance of 21,05 feet; "thence south 31,05 feet to the point of beginning. agsinst the claim of the defendants an(1 IlnV one ()f then]. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiffs Office and Post Office Address: GLENN E. CORREA Bell Bullding 121 South Four[h Street Sbelton. Washington I0/25 11/I--15-22-29 6t RESOLUTION WHEREAS, nioi'e nloney has been received hi (he Equipment Rental and Revolving Fund than was antieilmtcd at ttle time of tile adoptton tff the 1962 budget; "lnd WttEREAS. it steins In tile best interests iff lhe Road DCllartlnent to USe this luono.'' to stocklile lnah-!rials. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED. that tile following supple- inonhil budget for the. Equipnie, nt Ren- tal and Revoh'iug Fund be adopted': Estbllated excess receipts fl'olll Jan- uary 1 - Decenlbee 31, 1962 $10,000,00 TOTAL $10.000.00 Estimated ,exDendituro for stockpil- ing materials 10,000,00 TOTAL 1"0,000.00 ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1962. Board of Couuty Commissioners ,if Mason County, Washington. is) HARRY ELMLUND, Chairman is) MARTIN AUSETH (s) John Barieknian Attest: C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board ]0/25 11/1 21 NOTICE OF Slll"RIFF'S SALE OF ABANI)ONEI) VEIIICI, I.;S NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN THAT on Monday the 291h day of October. 1962, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day at RAE'S WRECKER SERVICE, Shelton. Washington, I will sell the Jollowing described vehicles, to-wit: 1946 Ford Coupe. Motor No. 99All- 68975. Lie-nse No. FBL 175 19,16 Clievrolel Pickup, Motor No. DBA247813, License No, P41830 and, at 10:30 of said day at Doran's Shell Service, Shelton, Washington, I will nell the following described vehi- tic, to-wit : 1956 Plymouth edan, Motor No. 26577589, Lieense No. XAE 555 and, and. al 11:00 of said day at Porshall's Auto Wrecking, Shelton, Washington, I will sell the i'olh)wing described vehicles, to-wit: 1950 Dodge Coupe, Motor No. D3,12- 73989, License No. AER 3,t6. W. A. POTTER. Sheriff Mason County, Washington By Thora Bassett, Deputy ]0/25 It Real Estate Real Ftate Preferred Properlies by Waterfront Realty 17 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 HARSTINE ISLAND One of the choicest of sum- mer recreational properties can be yours with budget terms. 150 ft. wide, this lot has one of the finest pure sand beaches on Puget Sound. with easy ac- cess up to the small beach ca- bin, located with a gorgeous panoramic view. Full price is only $5.950.00 on this brand- new listing. WHAT HAVE YOU? We have been authorized to accept trades of smaller homes on equities for down payment on the purchase of one of Shel- ton's most attractive new homes situated on an extra-large wooded lot. Let's get together today if you need a larger home and already own a one or two bedroom house in this area. ...................... • CHOICE HAMMERSLEY FRONTAGE Located just four miles from downtown, this 2,200 sq. ft. home on a 150 ft. wide low-bank tract is simply ideal for the family desiring the freedom of suhurban living. Let us sho it to you today, and see how much fun your family could have here. LEASE FOR 6 MONTHS Then purchase with no down payment! Sounds impossible, but we can do it upon approval of your credit, and look at what you would be buying . . . a lovely 3"bedroom. bath and a half, double garage home, on- ly a few blocks from High School, 5unior High, or Grade School. Easy FHA payments on the balance. Call now! BUY THE WORKS This owner can't use two houses, and will sell this cozy 3 bedroom home fully furnish- ed for only $6,800. If your cre- dit is good, you can move in with a small down payment, and build an equity in the eas- iest possible way. Perfect for the new family needing an in- expensive start• 3 BEDROOM, PLUS BASEMENT You can't beat the economy features of this fine Angleside property priced under $11,000. Lots of space inside with an ex- tra large lot, all overlooking the Shelton scene. -- Evenings Call -- M A R D E N ST R O U D .......................... 426-4000 DICK BELLING .................................. 426-8162 VERN DRONEN ................................ 426-4318 @ FALL SPECIAL: Beautiful view lot, cleared and terraced. Close to public beach and dock, pebble beach, good fishing, some oysters available, view of Mt. Rainier. Approximately 13 miles from Shelton--$2850. REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR HOME OWNERSHIP! This char- ruing two bedroom home is a real value. Located downtown: only blocks from shopping center and schools. Immaculate through- out. Neat living room, sunny kitchen, bath (with new fixtures) plus a separate shower. Drapes included at the low, low price of $6400. Call today for an appointment. LOVELY TWO BEDROOM This immaculate home centrally located on .Mt. View. L-shaped kitchen and dining room, gracious sunken dvmg room w/fireplace. Large covered patio on shady side of house, ideal for lazy summer-time living, attached two- cal" garage, all set on fenced lot and one-half completely land- scaped to perfection. F.H.A. appi'aised at $14,725, or complete- ly furnisned ,or $18,000, 10 percent down, easy terms. ,,REALTOR'S DREAM', Homes of this caliber have seldom come up for sale. Built like the ' Rock of Gibraltar ---This two bedroom home has hardwood floors, fully plastered, tiled drain- boards, stove, reL, matched washer and dryer, drapes and rugs stay. The fenced yard is manicured to perfection and has a bar- becue pit ano several fruit trees. All within easy walking distance of stores, Look and you'll buy -- $9,000. DOWNTOWN LOCATION This two bedroom home is very neat and roomy. Large lovely living room. The 2 bedrooms have more than aequate storage space. This home was "built to last". Yard is well landscaped and easy to maintain. Ideally lo- cated within four blocks of church and stores. In a well-kept friendly, neighborhood. A home you'll really enjoy. Priced to sell at $8500. Terms. LOOKING FOR A "GOOD BUY"? Check this immaculate two bedroom home. Compact step-saving kitchen, bright dining area, cozy living room with new heat-saving fireplace. Situated on two lots with plenty of room for garden and children to romp. No close neighbors. Won't last long for price of $6,600. RENTAL PURCHASE: Two bedroom house, dining room, six rooms in all, f/replace, garage, large lot, $6500, $60 per month until down payment of $500 is made. LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 119 8o. 4th -- PhOne 426.4666 Evenings Call A1 LaBissoniere, Phone 426'8649 Vlvian Nlnemlre, Ph. 426-8806 Harry (Bob)Wries° Ph. 426.8926 Locate(1 in Nt,':j, E/, SEll Sec. :t2, Twp. 21 N., Rue. ,1 (W), W.M,, Ma- son Coun|y, Washing]oil. B, SCALE SALE Forest l)roduets will bc sold on a scale basis• Minimum acceptable bid will be 30(" I)el tree. On (Jr |)e]ore, November 5, 1962. at 10:00 a.lli., each biddor niusl nnikc a niinitnuoi deposit ,/' $']0•00 p]tlS a $5.00 bitl of sale fee, or a total oI $35.t)0 i.'l the I'ol'/n of cash, llloney t)rder in' certified chock, Said dClmsit >:llali t.onslitl_ltc Iln f)pcnilll- bid at tim el)praised I)ricv, Ul)ort ellnipic- tion o17 this sill(,', the rcsl)ectiv(, de.- posits silall bo l,ctl.u'ncd to lhe llnsuc- cssl'lll biddors, Tbo ptlrclitiser /ntlst, cn the day of side. lnllk( an addition- ai payliient so illat till! total anlount del)/sit,d, exelusiv of feos, will equal 100/ of tile t'tlll hid l)rie based on the cruise estinlate. This addition- al ])ayillent nlay bo by l)ersons] chelk. All chocks, nloney, oidc'rs, cte. al'e tO be niade payabll) to tll Comlnis- f;ioner Of Publie Land. BOND: Upon award of sale, the I)urcbasor niust also ftn'liish a ctish bond of $100•00, ill the forin of cash, liloney or0er, cerlified cheek or bank draft, t(, guarantee conl|)lhincc with all terms of the I.fill of sale• Any salo whhrh has boon offered, and for which no bids el't, received shall not be reoffcred unttl it has beon readvertiscd. If all sales can- not be offered withiu the specified tlnic on lira advertised date, tllc sah shlill continue on the loll.wing day l)t.tween the hoHrs f)f ten o'ch;)ek and loin" o'clocil 1).nl. The Stab! i)f Wash]tiglon does not guarantee its published cruises of the herein doserlbe(i forest products, and plarchasers thel'eof shall have no re- e(,urse against either the State of Washington or the Board of Natural Resources if tim actual cut does not equal ,och 1)utdished cruises, liol'es t ])rodncts n|ust I)t l'e noved I)vlor to December 31. 1902. Located al)lU'oxinmtldy six ndlcs northwe:t of Shelton. Accessibility via public road, A eo)y of file forest produ ts bill of sae contract is posted at the Shel- ton District Headquarters office. BERT L. COLE C0nlal]ssioner of Publie Lands 10/25 It M , Real Estate • "A" IS FOR ATTRACTIVE- If you are looking for a 3-bedroom, two-bath home that is easy on the eyes, ask to see this spotless ram- bler. Well located on Mt. View. Plenty of play area too in the large garage or spacious yard of this $16,500 home. Best of all are the easy terms and free appliances. • "B" IS FOR BIG If you are a big happy family and want to be close to school, invest- igate this family home today. For the kids there is a full dry base- ment, plus T.V. room. The spacious living room features a fireplace and there is a separate dining room. Upstairs are two extremely large bedroomsplus another just right for sister. There is much more so see it now. • "C" IS FOR CHARM Few houses have all the conven- iences and beauty you will find in this spacious Northcliff home. We doubt you can find a home to match this one. Living room with fireplace, large dining room, kitchen with nook, extra roomy bedrooms, PLUS a patio overlook- ing,a pretty yard. A real home for $17,900. • "D" IS FOR DELIGHTFUL And it is dlightful living in this cute and compact Hillcrest home. This new on the market home has a dream kitchen, two bedrooms, two-car garage and nice yard. You will like it at only $6,000. • "E" IS FOR EASY- You will quickly see how easy it will be 'to make this Angleside home fit your family's needS. Spa- ctous rooms, extra large lot. Con- venient lobation. Easy to own, too. See it {0day, .. • "F" IS FOR FUN Here !s a spacious waterfront home fop the fun-loving family. There Is plenty of space for en- tertaining or just relaxing in the roomy liVing Poem with Its cheery fireplace. Morn will love the "dream" kLtchen with built-in ap- pliances. Three twin-slzed bed- bedrooms, plus a bath and half. Close in on Hammersley's Inlet, for only $15,000. • SUBURBAN LiS'I;INGS: 25 Acres--Close to freeway. Easy driving to both Shelton and Olym- pia. ComfOrtable two bedroom home. Large creek for excellent water supply. Huge double garage. Easy terms 'at $10,500. • ONE OR TWO? Here arc two choice waterfront lots less than three miles from town. Each have 100 ft. of low bank frontage. Ready for building, $45 per foot. 'Easy terms. • REDUCED PRICE! Now even a better buy at $11,500. Here is a cozy four bedroom wa- terfront home at Island Lake. Per- fect for year-round living. You will like the convenient arrange- ment, cheery fireplace and large patio. A Choice location, so see it nOW. • AGATE AREA 35 acres with some timber and Christmas trees. The non-descript house has three rooms and a path. Lots of p0tentlal at $5,000 with easy terms. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTI M E 321 South First Street SHELTON EVENINGS CALL VlNCE H I M LIE---426-6501 KU RT MANN--426-3226 look up in the tree and what a slit- prise to see a bobcat. The bobcat, of course met the stone fate as the coyote, All indications point to the fact that the bdbcat wns treed by the coyote This of course is just my point of view aad these circun- stances could be the subject of a lot of (liscusion and argmnent. Snre would like to get hunters and trappers views. The Traveling Pinochle Club met Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson. High prize winners were Tavia Kilhmgh and Archie Lclnke, low Marian Booth and Jim Booth, traveling ptnochle Ralph Kilhmgh and Jim Booth. The next meeting will be held at the ellb house Nov. 3 with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Killough host- ing. We are happy to report that Mrs. Mary Chappeil is now home from the lspltal. Mrs. J. W' R:ay0n was so happy on Sundy tO have three of her sisters with her for the day; Mary Dukette and Ruby Skinner from Centralia and Mabel Smith of Mc- Minville, Mrs. Darl Goldy spent a few days in eat[l with Mrs. Minnie Slane and Mrs. Richard Osterholt nd enjoyed attending the World's air. Mrs, laUe, a former Dayton resident, returned home with Mrs. Goldy to spent a week. Sharon, who is of Olympia. atten- ded the World's Fair Sunday. Cindy Wickhorst was Friday and Saturday ovorniKht guest of Elizabeth and Jamie Hickson. The lhree girts npcnt Saturday to- gether at Cindy's honte. The ].ol)0r!; IelY, ke family of Seattle and the Cccil McLains of Kent were weekend guests of Mr. and Mr. A. E. Lemke, V[I'S, Jerry Heminger celebrated her birthday Thursday, October 17 and lind as company through the day, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V, ral t Bloomfield of Kamilche, b:nute Brenner and Mr. and Mrs. James Hiekson. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were his eouisins, Gene and Leonard Berg and dad, Andy Ar, derson all of Gig Harbor. Andy is also spending the week. Mr. ad Mrs. Harold Kidd and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were Saturday poLluck supper guests of Mr. and Mt's. Don Herrick, Ka- milche. Ricky Wickhorst spent the week- end with hie grandmother Mrs. "V. A. Leimbaci of Hoodsport. Mrs. Glady Wickborst and children Bernard Rishel were Sunday din-! nor guerts. Saturday callers in the Jerry Heminger home were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ray, Sunday, Mrs. Mamie Clark, Shelton, came to visit her great-granddaughter, little Sheril Dan and Mike Kidd spent the Dee an:t Mrs. Rock also visited. Halloween Carnival Slated At North Mason School Saturday Night By Rachel Freclln liams is the former Edith Skeen, BELFAIR ...... Halloween will get Ghmn and Beverly Schatz were an early st]art in this community " with goblins and witches out in :the lueky winners of a two day vacation at Ocean shores, with ull force next Saturday evenlng all expenses paid, and a chance to for the annual Halloween Carni-: val sponsored by the Women,slrelax and enjoy the beantiflll fall Auxiliary to Nuel Curtis Post, 5372 weather. also visitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Gieu I.icka rds. I,ednesday afternoon visttors ill Pete Bloonifiehl home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard \\;Vilson and on Thursdsy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peter sen and Mrs. Edna Petersen. The J. C. Tibbits of Chehalis were w,ekend g'ue;ts of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tihbits, Cindy and Clint spent Satm'day night with, Mr. and Mrs, Dell Adams, Keith Tibbits hnd the hamiest moinent of his life wlmn he bag- ged a nice spike Sunday nea.r Pan- handle Lake, This was his first yesr of and he was more than pleased. '' ,[i's. I.ouise Carlson and childreu of Tacoma spent a week with',Mrs. Gladys Vickhorst, The Clifford Pharrts faintly of Seattle were Sah|rday ove]'niht guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. I:'harris. , , Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bloomfield were Friday evening cal,lers iirl tile Pete Bloomfield h0me .... : Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield attended a shower Friday evening hoff6rinff Mrs. B!ll Jotlnson and infant daughter, Knren, in the home.,of Mrs., Alex Smitti, " Sunday dinner gxmsts of Mr. and Mrs. L. B, Pharris were Mr.. and Mrs. Mike Johnson and children of Island Lake. ' " Sattlrday drop-in callers in'the Pete Bloonfficld home were Mrs. Bud Knttlzen, Chris arid Steve, Dan Harvey, Rosemary Stuck and Mar- cia Sniilh. ,, f Darlene Bloomfield Was rh;ome ]m western Washington CoUeg'e for the weekend.  Plan to come to the Halloween Party Wednesday, Oct. 31 at 'Day- ton Hall. Time is 7-9 p.m,, and children up to Junior Higli' age are welcome. Come dr'essed in t costume. Any donations of Candy for a. treat would be greatly ap- preciated and may be lef t ,'ali Lcnll{e's store. Tboughl; must be made better, V.FAV. High point of the evening, which begins at 7 p.m. at the grade school Gym, will be the coslmne parade, with divislon, from pre-schoolers to 8th graders. As a safety mea- sllre, those in charge ask that the young masqueraders use make up rather than face masks, though small domino masks may bc worn, There will be three prizes for cos- tumes, and a gift for cvery young- ster taking part in the prade. This i, the I,I year for tho carni- val. and by eoincidence, 14 local groups will be taking part. They are: Beachcombers Garden Chlb, Victor Club. W.S.C.S of the Com- munity Chur(-h Easlern Star So- cial Club Rhododendron Garden Chib. Bc, lfair Bees. Senior B.Y.F. Vohmtecr Fire Departntent. Fire Department Auxiliary, Cub Scouts, Be:fair Homemakers. North Ma- son Joniors. Frances Gladwin Orthopedic Guild. and Jobs Delighters. Candy, flirt items, ba- ked goods, fish ponas, and games will be a few of the attractions offered by these gronps a decor- oted booths I'roiind thel gym. All those io charge of booths will be in cosLinne, with a cash prize go- ing to the orgtnizttion wilh the best display. There will be door prizes, and ntlsie by the Grena- diers, the state championship-win- ning" drlim and bugl0 corps from the 4th district, which proved so popular with carnival goers last yea, r. Mrs, Gordon Squire is general chirm'm for the event, assisted by /Irs, Joe Tschida and Mrs, Han- nah Matson. Evergreen Garden Club held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Elmer S:mdstrom, with Mrs. Charles Williams as co-hostess. New program books were pas- sed out to the members stressing this year's theme of learning by d()ing. Mrs. C. J. Jones was in charge of the first of a series of scheduled demonstrations and work parties, as she led the group in ttae making of ribbon flowers. The chlb's therapy program for this month included donating and arranging flowers at the Lr.S. Nav- al Hospital on the 4th, M|'s. Sand- strom was in charge of the pro- ject. assisted by Mrs. Robert John- sen, and Mrs. Boyd Hunter. It was also reported that the group had been in charge of flower arran- gements at the Conamunity Bap- tist Chm'ch for the month of Sep- tember, with lrs. M. W. Newkirk, Mrs, Earl Anderson and Mrs. C. J. Jones participating. Mrs. John Paxton, a former member, was a guest at the meet- ing, which concluded with a plant sale under hc chairmanship of Mrs, Claude McKnight. 1 Congratulations go to Miss Nan- cy Mat,us, chosen by North Ma- son students to rule as Homecom- ing Queen, and Art Kralicek, vot- ed Mr. North Mason. The two win- ners were almounccd at the home- coming dance held aturday even- ing in the High Gym and ruled over the affair from a large throne in blue and white, the school col- ors. Their court also choseu by po- pular vote• were Misses Marilyn Mills and Susan Clappe, princes- ses; and Gone Foster and Mike Stevenson, escorts. The result of ueven years of beachcombing and working with ahells w.ql be shown by Mrs. Au- gust Pcdersen of Tahuya on Sta- .ion KIRO at 9 a.m. Nov. 4. Mrs. Pedersen was asked to appear ()11 the Workshop program to display hor shadow box pictures made with local shells in their natural colors, and local residents who have seen her beautiful handicraft will be watching the program with interest. Friends here have beea enjoy, ing the visit of the Clarence Wil- liams of Tuscin, Calif. Mrs. WiN Mr. Schatz, ('if the'local Serve-U and human life more fruitful, for store, won the vacation through l the divine enel'gv to move it on- a sates-increase contest sponn-ed ward and upward. by Associated Grocers, tatting sec- --Mary Baker Eddy end place in more than 200 stot'es/ ............ competing. Word comes from Mrs. Claire Bogle oe the nortb shore that she is thoroughly enjoying her visit in Atlanta, Go, where she is stay- ing with a sister-in-law, Mrs. Jo- seph Hilsman. All best wisles for speedy re- coveries go to Mrs. Calvin Mann. Mrs. O. E Hardcastle. lind Harold Johnson, who all me reported do- ing well aftor recenl hospiLatiza- lion. MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts.: Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 aim. A. Y, F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Serviee ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p,m. Eugene Breid, Pastor ,,,i, i u FIRSTCHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a,m, Family Service 6:30 p,m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service THE METHODIST OHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R, RINGS. Minister 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarcnoe A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. --- Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. --Divine Worhip .... The Church is always open for meditatlon and prayer | i |1 i FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th snd Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible C]sas 11:00 Morning Worship Service I CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church - National Lutheran Counctl SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor Full Gospel in Message -- Fundamental In Doctrine Sunday School ...................................................................... 9:45 a.m, Grade Lessons ..... Qualified Teachers -- Classes for all. Morning Worship ......................................................... : ...... 11:00 a.m. 00hri00t's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service!,- ............................................... i ................ ,7:00. p,m;i J l i i i i i !m, FISHERHEN'S, CLUB I P.U.D, AUDITORIUM 3rd and Cota "l'llFll ' I SUNDAY, OCT. 28 -- ll'lillt'l i "Basketball Ideas" lO:OO a.m.--  i "IMPORTANT THINGS" .F= -," ';" I Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & C.ota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, OCT. 28 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Is Christ Worth While?" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups 7:00 p.m.EVANGELIST DING TEULING "THE KING OF KINGS" Broadcast over 1 KMASI 1280 - 11:00 a,m, -i , i FIRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST $02 Alder St., 6helton, Wash, • Sunday School 9:30 .m. Ohurch 11 a. Wedneaday evening testimony meetinp 8 p,m. Reading room located In eurch. Reading room houB II to 4 p.m. Men. & Frl. Well evening 6:45 to "/:46; I1