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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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............ i ....... !.. i .................... i _ ..... MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL NEWS Yearbook Income Already Doubled Over Last Year By Aggressive, Organized Sales Crew MATLOCK - S}q)erintendent E. O, French and principal Jack Hog- ben attended a meeting of tile Tri- County School Administrators&apos; As- Sociation at Aber:Icen on October 17. All slate tcgisLtLivc candidates of the 19"h and 21st districts were invited to be guests for ihc pur- pose of discussing financial and other pertinent school problems prior, to Ihe general election. Ill this" way the school administrators col dd evaluate the various candi- dates and their feeling toward sup- port of tile school for thc next biennium. J. W. Goodpaster, Ma- son County supen intcndent of schools, dismissed current educa- tion measures. Income for tile 1.962-63 annual iz ah'cady about, that of last year doe to tile well organized and ag- gressive selling campaign waged by Gerald Creamer, advertising sales manager for Klahowa, lie and his crew oI alert salemnen have promoted a lot of new busi- ness which had previously been o vc rlooked or neglected. The annual is dependent on ad- vertising income for its existence except for the small amount re- ceived from sub- script.ions; other- wise it would have fo bc financed from student body funds, Wa already have sufficient mo- ney. to assure publication of the book which will he lsrger and contain a number of new and in- teresLinff fcature. Crews helping Geral#t in selling are: Boys Gene Brchmeyer, Stet Pahner, Jerald Shaw, Bill Stoddcn, David Valley, Jerry West, Bill Trenckmann and Pat Walker. Girls - Jaekie Landis, Margaret McGarvie. Virginia Hollatz. Betty "eHey, Judy Landis and Louiia Spalding. The old-time box social spnn- sored by the Girls' League on the eveldng of October 12 was termin- ated almost before it began by the |nstrllsiOll of fl l'llde, boisterous and mu'efined girl trom the South by iOn , nnme of Frlc.da, whose pre- sciatic was neither desired nor so- l!Cited.  s , , ;i;.'BIi' . tnrmed, threatened and ]ieked like a banshee, persistent- ly demanding admission although .she was neither a ,strident nor 8 member of thP urganization. This interloper attempted Io wreck the party completely by shutting off 'the' power which provided light and 8eat, but a Coleman lantern alld senIs candle,(: were pl'oclired and;.ttie festivities proceeded for n; While unltl a large fir tree blew down on the school gTOllilds, Then Slept. b'rellcll thonght it;r fro, the :dudents In return rx) t:heir respeelive iionics. Some made it while others were forced to spend the night with friends bc- (i, use 0| faltell trees and oLhcr obslruction' on the higilways. Although Hurricane Frieda did rllill the party, the girls realized tl lttlh, ovt!r 17.00 £roln tile affair btit the evcnirig proved In bca little more interesting and lively I Iltl%l anticipated. FIFTI! AND SIXTIi GIIAi)E$ Pitt room is one of the spookiest places in school with Hallowe'en eorations of evil old witches, bla,c& eats and spooks of eveI.w dscrtptton. Ve'J'e so glad they aroa't real. The sixth grade had begln the ,ttftJJy Of Ellropc and find tile ams of etltes and states difft- i,aglo pro't?2m¢<;. " '.)t, fifth graders are bt,eonliilg ,.;!alnted with New Englan(t and !;l,' Middle Atlantic States of this < country. Swimming is still Ihe number one aeih, ily and all the boys and girls of 5th and 61h take lessons at, tile Shelton Natatorium on Thnrsday afternoons, At a Junior class meeting last week the. members voted to hold a swimming party at the Shelton Natatoriunl instead of sponsoring a school dance. Tickets will be on sale as soon as a definite date can be announced. Dolores Skinner, Thurston-Ma- son health nnrse from Olympia, was here last Thursday to show the 5th and 6th grade girls a fihn on feminine hygtene. SEVENTH & EIGIITH GIiADES On Wednesday, October 18, the junior high students went to Quin- alt Lake School for a football g,me, Near the end of the game the score stood 27-6 and everyone realized it was hopeless. Hurrah! Then came s touchdown to ease our sorrows a little but the final score was 27-13 in favor of Quirt- alt Grade cards for tile first six weeks period were out last Friday. I'm mire evclwone can see tile ne- cessity for improvement. Attendance hasn't been too good in the 71h and 8th grades the past week. Many pupils couldn't come because tile roads were blocked with fallen trees. Others were needed at home to help clean up and repair hurricane damage. Electric power m now restored in most areas. Rene Perkins. reporter. GRANGE NEWS lly Lois Siml)uOn I,ast work I promised lots of news for this column but I opened llly mollth too soon, not nluch wits forl hconiing'. Over :. week ago now Progress helfl their Booster Night. There was no program as 'Fricda' shut off the lights, Thev asked me to publicly thank the dance group fl'onl Alibllrrl that came throtigh that Itorm assllmtng the ishow would go oil', Progress Will have it meeting bcgimaing with a, potluck dinner toniorrow night at 6:30 p.m. A business meeting will follow with election of officers Um main busi1o,;L Lasl Vriday nig'llt Ht'stlne took the gawq to Twanoh with some 75 persons preseli.. The variety progFam was thoroughly enjoyed. Participating in the various pha- ses were Mary Ann (-'llnSellqall, Lowell Ounselniall. Mrs. Dahl Nhla Dlshon, Mrs. Yoshihara, dtl- freda Lockwood, Mr. Loprlore. Now tomorrow night, Twanoh will travel to Agate. Agate met a weeR ago ycster- da,y for a postponed meeting, Of major importance was preparing f6r tle gavel meeting. Harstine is planning li dhmcr Nov. 3. Donette Glaser. as, honae economies cbairman, !s head of the evenL. I llope to ]lave nlOl'e severs on that next: week. Nov. 2 is the date set fro' Twa- noh's boosler program. Maxtin Ausetll, slate deputy, will be feat- lu'ed speaker. Slbjecl for I.he c'en- ink will be grange lmlls as Tv,'a- noh is eoniemplatnag building a ball. Thil.y will hold tqeetioll €)f officers oil the second meeting of tile inonth, Shelton Valley's first cribbage saw Frank Minor qnd Del Simp- son winning tlc men and ladies high score for the evening, They -tsked me to announce lhst. the cribbage meels will bc every first and third Wednesday instead of evel'y week as originally pla.nned. St) plan t.o attend the next one on Nov. 7 Pop Rutlcdge is home from the He is doing fine ex- cept he's impatient to Get to worlt. Tha.t's it for his week. I need reporters badly. THE CLERK'S POSITION IS IMPORTANT The management of the Clerk's office is under the jurisdiction of the elected officials and I hope you will elect your Clerk on her qualifi- rattans. itt * , 1, THE JUDGES know that the continuity of the court and tim dispatch of its bUsiness lies in large part in the qualifications and diligence of the clerk. 2. THE LAWYERS know that the administering of $30,000.00 annually in receipts and trust funds of their clients is a heavy responsibility, 3, THE TITLE COMPANIES know that the slightest error in the records can cloud the title to your home or your property. 4. THE VOTERS know their choice of county officials nlust be made on tlc qualifications and experience of the candidates, 5. The retiring County Clerk, Mr. Deyette, has endorsed me in the interests of protecting the public records to which he has devoted so many years. Quldifieations * Reporting and examining Clerks' records for the past seven years. Postal Clcrk fivc years. * Shorthand typist 2 years, gI-IELTON--IA0N COUNTY 30URNAE- Publisl/ed in "Ohrtmastown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, CHUNK TUNA WHITE STAR, "Money-Saving Offer On Every Can!" 6½-oz. Tins--- / Pork Loins Whole or Half Fresh aad Lean. A real VALUE (sliced 55¢) Ib '., ,.:,:,.,, : Pork Chops w Frlsth'im%a e Ib Stewing CSickens Fr;:2' reeUtd; p [b 2 RiPE GOLDEN FRUIT BANANAS GOLDEN DELICIOUSWashington Grown APPLES r EXTRA LARGE FRESH HAWAIIAN FRUIT PINEAPPLES EXTRA LARGE FLORIDA AVOCADOS .2/3 U.S. NO. 1 PINK Potatoes I0 i 39 < Grapefruit ea \\; APPLE CIDER GALLON JUG TREE TOP, It's Tangyl llalf-gallon 47¢ DIXIE REFILL CUPS 5-OZ, Slze, 00o.ct ............. 39* EGGS BLACKIES Med. Local Ranch DOZ. ( \\; c SHORTENING ,CR'ISCO 3 LB. TIN SWANS DOWN, Assorted Layer -- 18-OZ. PKGS. CAKE MIX. BATHROOH TISSUE 3/'1 4.Packs ............................ TOHATO JUICE 4/'1 , UR-FRESH, 46-OZ, Tins ................................. " ....... MAR6ARINE 4/'1 1-LB, PKGS ................................................. POTATO CHIPS Fresh' 59' Triple Pack ............................................ BIAPORATED MILK 141/z'OZ ....................... 6/79' BAKER Y  SPECIAL S. ! Buffer & Honey Bread 6lazed Donuis 31' SHUR-FRESH 39< Wonderful Flavor! Moist and Sweet! 15-OZ. LOAF ...................... DOZEN .................................... Home ot RED I)ARPET Service DEAUTIFUL IA WAGENER Clerk N SUTHERLAND Clerk i <):: :, ;!i: :FllN E JOHNSON Auditor MAsoN &UditOr GILLIE Vole Experience Vole Sutherland Vote Democratic COFFEE "°SF 2"LB'$t°9 Reg. or Drip Tin Tin I (Political Advertisement) i _.. t AD PRICES EIi l ECTIVE OCT. 25-26-27 GOODPAsTER Idcnt