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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I 1990 BLUEWATER - 19&apos; 4.3L Mer- 1994 CR-80, paddle tire, helmet, chest Cruiser engine, galvanized trailer, all protector, pants, $1,000 OBO. (360) great shape. $4,950 OBO. (360) 490- 432-9304. G10/25 9656. M 10/25 ............................................................................................ 2005 SUZUKI DRZ-125, $1,750 and MAJOR SACRIFICE! Excellent condi- tion. 26' 1993 Four Wynns 265, (2) 5.0 Liter Ford V-Ss, trailer. Due to knee replacement will sacrifice at $10,000. Call (360) 426-9722 or (360) 250-5139. W10/25-11/15 Head straight to the Journal Classifieds to find the wheels you want! LAWTON APARTMENTS - studio apartments available, $420 per month. W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds. Call: (360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W. Pine Street. P6/14tfn two DRZ-110, $1,250 each; 2004 DRZ ............................................................... 125, $1,550. Or take all 4 for $5,300. All UNION BAY Hot Tub cabins. Off-sea- great shape. (360)490-9656. M10/25 son weekly/monthly rates. (360) 898- 1247. U10/11-11/1 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, all new laminate flooring. Large lot, all fenced, garage with remote. $950. (253) 537-9215. 29' MOTORHOME, 1994 Georgie Boy. 76,000 miles, 460 Ford, runs great, very clean, nice floor plan. Includes tow dolly. $17,500. (360) 426-2193. F10/18-11/8 2004 REXHALL Airbus on workhorse chassis, 8.1 litre V8 under 10K miles, 2 slides, 2 bathrooms, 3 TVs, micro- wave/cony, oven, 3 burner stove and oven, refrigerator and ice maker, NS/ NP, oak interior, loaded, extras, clean, $77,000. (360) 229-1849, Shelton, OGA24541/00537319202. P10/18-11/8 1994 DODGE Pleasureway motorhome. 19', very clean, generator, refrigerator, stove, sink. Enclosed head and show- er. 2 air conditionings. Gets good mile- age. Two single beds make into double. $14,400, must see and drive to appreci- ate. (360) 229-0399. Mc10/18-25 1992 CHALLENGER - 30', sleeps 6, clean. $5,950 OBO. (360) 490-9656. M10/25 1992 ACCORD wagon. Mechanic-main- tained, great body, interior. Moving and A10/11-11/1 WE ARE accepting applications for low income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apartments for elderly. Controlled ac- cess, minutes from downtown shop- ping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Golds- borough Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn LAKE CUSHMAN, cozy 2 bedroom cab- in with large loft. 30 minutes to Shelton. Quiet dead-end street, large lot, cov- ered parking. Includes W/D. No smok- ing, 1 small dog, no cats. $750/month plus $750 deposit and screening. Call Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236. BELFAIR WATERFRONT, + room townhouse. $750 mo1'O discount. No pets. W/S/G 275-3639, (253) 859-2553. Aki r, 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath to q monthly. Pets okay. Quiet ting. (360) 352-9223; (360)|E T10/25-11/15 NORTmHe MASON- large -I p r,,,,=.L. rivate entranc pliances, $650 per month orl. count. Damage deposit, cnl (360) 275-5966. R10/25 $650 MONTHLY. Cute golf course W10/4tfn home, Lake Cushman, 2 bedroom, 11/2 .......................................................................... ' LARGE ROOM for rent, firel need to sell. $2,900 OBO. (360) 427- bath, storage shed, water included. 9530. L10/25-11/1 Move in special -first month free with ........................................................ $650 damage deposit and last month's 1993 GEO Metro. Not running. Good rent. References required, no pets. 360- parts car. $200 or best offer. (360) 426- 877-5124, 360-490-5361. G10/11-11/1 9797. W10/25-11/1 1984 FORD 4x4 extended cab. Looks rough, burns oil, runs okay. $1,250 OBO. (360) 490-9656. M10/25 1988 BRONCO. Full-size 4x4, auto, Sony stereo, alloy wheels with 31 x12.50- 15LT tires. Ran when parked, but has not been driven for 5 years. Needs TLC. Must go - $2,500 OBO. (360) 427-0767 evenings. B10/25tfn NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway.3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn 1988 SUZUKI Samurai 2 door hardtop, 31" tires, GRSII transfer case, Weber carburetor, too many extras to list. $3,500 OBO. (360) 427-2689. W10/4-25 1992 JEEP Cherokee Laredo, tow equipped, good condition, $4,995. (360) 426-8694 or cell (360) 790-8742. D10/18-25 1991 TOYOTA Previa van, runs good, .................................................  ............. $2,000 OBO. (360) 432-1115. S10/18- FORCED TO sell motorhome. Circle this 25 1997 FORD Expedition Eddie Bauer Edition. 4x4, original owner, fully load- ed, well maintained, good condition, 146,000 miles, $5,000. (360) 427-6000. R10/18-11/8 CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn ad to see! 2001 Allegro 40' bus/Freight- liner, 6-speed Allison, 33K, 2 slides, 7.5 diesel generator, W/D combo, dual air/ heat, back-up camera. Freedom/combi- nation inverter and charger. Kingdome satellite/queen bed, oak decor and much more to show. Set up to tow and ready to go! Priced to sell or make offer. Lo- cated at Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club, Hood Canal. $109,000. 1-509-539-8271 or 360-898-3738. K10/11-11/1 POULSBO 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA Mmme#anmdmP CLEARANCE PRICES! NOW THROUGH MONDAY! I SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one and two bedroom six-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dryer, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $795-$895. (360) 490-0569; (360) 427- month. Large room with be private bath, $700. Both hay kitchen privileges. Rent plU and screening fee. (360) B10/25-11/1 Our Year End Clearance Safe Ends Soon... Hurry these RV's will sell fast!!!! IPOULSBORV i 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA | I www, I | "Sjmtot'eetltaptamvml. Paynm.lslmwlon20%d<mmctJliwle, pluslamR, licenandlcharge+ ! cradltmlnOonap II I provel+kend: kltms(l)l25%Ot20m; (2)6.2S%Ot44n(3)S.25%O240mo.PlffcamdpnymenhldonoHnckltax, llcelem I I Pl)IchlUeli52JloA'tt.000(ImUlcrgRarelInallOtlle+modelllLNlunilsMmM am I 1 1 tier+ lb+ d41aler nlY chalTP II documlmlar/ Pee ol t to Y.i0-           1+ II | All ol elo¢ Io MI mmbMed wN1 elny ollr Olferlk lind m. it vlld o pelM M     k ! GREAT LITTLE cozy cabin near Stair- 3131. C10/18tfn LAKE LIMERICK-very nice: case at Lake Cushman on the Olympic ...................................................................... mobile home. Recently rern( Peninsula. 45 minutes to Shelton. Nice NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. W/D, most like new. Trees and deck with built-in hot tub. Enjoy the quiet carport, in Lake Limerick. No pets. nearby. $700 monthly. (360) peaceful atmosphere. The lake is within $1,000 monthly. Available November H10/25-11/15 walking distance and hiking trails ev- 1st. (360)870-0926. L10/18-25 erywhere. Includes W/D. No smoking. - ................................................................ TIMBERLAKES - 2 bedro¢ Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 25, 2007 1 small pet+ Furnished or unfurnished. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath house on 1/2 $650/$600 per month plus $600 deposit acre. Available 11/1/07. $1,000 month- and screening. Call Michael at West Re- ly. First, last, deposit. No smoking. alty, (360) 877-5236. W10/1 l tfn Pets okay. Call Eiteen, (360) 432-3147. ........................................................ B10/18-25 SHARE QUIET, clean country home Northwest of Shelton. Private bedrooms, $370 monthly per person furnished. $350 monthly unfurnished. Includes all plus Broadband and nationwide long distance. Credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 6 months renewable lease. (360) 432-8269. H10/11-11/1 ARCADIA POINT area. Like new 3 bed- room, 2 bath home. Covered porch, large yard and upgrades. Walking dis- tance to Arcadia Point boat launch. $995 per month, plus $1,000 deposit 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, heated shop, gated community, private lake, credit check required. No pets, no smoking, $900 monthly. (360) 426-8897. H10/ 18tfn STORAGE BUILDING/shop, Hoodsport. Heated, 101/2' roll-up door. 25'x27'x11' $300 month. 3 bays available - $50 each. (360) 877-9977. L10/11-25 THREE BEDROOMS, 2 baths on Trails End Lake. 1st, deposit, references. and $40 non-refundable credit check. $1,000 monthly. (360) 426-2056 or Available 11/1. No smoking/pets. (360) (360) 286-7911. C10/18-11/8 790-6700. B10/11-11/1 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath home on acre- age near Harstine Island bridge. $750 monthly. First, last, security/damage de- posit. (360) 426-9650. B10/18-11/8 IDYLLIC LOCATION at Lake Limerick. 3 BD/I.5 BA, oversized 2-car garage w/attached, covered RV/boat parking with power. Granite counter tops (kitch- en and bath), vaulted ceilings, covered front porch, back patio. Community of- fers a private ski lake, golf course, tennis courts, 5 picnic/play grounds, club house and restaurant! Easy drive to Olympia/ Bremerton/Tacoma. $1,400 mo./$1,400 deposit. 1 year lease. No smoking/pets. Credit/reference check required. Avail- able around Nov. l st-7th. (360) 426- 9482. L10/18-25 RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic Rob- in Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk to oysters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes to WaI-Mart. or (360) 927-1105. B7/19-12/27 HOODSPORT - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living and family rooms. High speed ca- ble. New hardwood floors, cabinets, fix- tures. All appliances except refrigerator. 2-car garage. No pets/smoking. $1,200 monthly, reference. (360) 877-9977. L10/18-25 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, fenced large lot, detached garage. No smoking. $825 monthly, $40 credit/criminal check. (360) 556-2780. $10/18-25 ALDERBROOK GOLF Course, large 3 bedroom home, 15 minutes to Shel- ton. 3 car garage, features a great room plus 2 large bonus rooms. 2 fire- places and includes W/D, new appli- ances including propane range, large hot tub and 2 decks. Great home for entertainment. $1,500 per month plus $1,500 deposit and screening. No smoking, 1 small dog, no cats. Call Mi- chael at West Realty, (360) 877-5236. W10/18tfn ALDERBROOK. BEAUTIFUL, well kept 3 bedroom home on golf course, 15 min- utes to Shelton. Nice deck overlooking course, includes W/D, covered parking, propane fireplace and range. $800 per month plus $800 deposit and screen- ing. No smoking, no pets. Call Michael at West Realty, (360) 877-5236. Wl0/ 18tfn LAKE CUSHMAN, small Park Model close to golf course. $500 per month plus $500 deposit and screening. Call Michael at West Realty, (360) 877-5236. W 10/18tfn ,,, Short-Term Rental 300 MILL CREEK, SHELTON Due to slow market will rent for six months a brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 1.8 acres. Will also lease/purchase or lease option to buy. NO INSIDE PETS. Rental is $1,650 per month OR $1,850 with 2-bay shop. John Bueche 1 ImJT Realtor .... 360-239-4080 I']] www. ......... EXIT No,.ll,.,.es! Realty GATED COMMUNITY LIVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den, spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car garage, large master suite, natural gas forced air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access, RV storage, extra storage units, professionally landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000 per month. Call Lake Park LLC for more information 360 462-O171 wide, woodstove, washer/d washer. $575, water inclu( deposit. Call Jack, (253) K10/25-11/1 TWO BEDROOM house,' community, water paid. $70{ plus security deposit, credit cl 275-3249. H10/25-11/15 MANUFACTURED HOME i lakes, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. N¢ pets negotiable. $750 monthll posit. (360) 584-9780. Availab C10/25-11/1 ALDERBROOK - THIS spaci¢ room home on the golf cou with 2 baths (one is master garden tub plus shower and in closet), double garage andl No pets/no smoking. $1,195 r deposit, available soon. Call I alty LLC at (360) 426-3567 I1_1_ TWO BEDROOM duplex. G ! G paid. Spacious, clean, qul' monthly. First, last, and depot able approximately 11/1/07. ( 3184. Mc 10/25-11 / 1 $1,350: RENT negotiablel t cial/retail space conveniently on Hwy. 3 between Tupper's a Newly remodeled 1,250 SF, ! spaces, 2 entrances, large room, excellent parking. Call Scott, (360) 426-3319. J10/25 LAKE ISABELLA - 1 bedroo home with small yard. Access t beach on lake with dock ac cute. $600 rent/S600 deposit, | soon. Call Invest Realty LLG| 426-3567. I10/25 . ._ J $675: CUTE and cozy 1 bedr Canal view home in Union. I with parking area and was1 Water and sewer included in year lease, no pets! John L. S 426-3319. J10/25 J $1,475: HUGE 3 bedroom, 2b Lake waterfront home with attl rage, 3 docks, jet-ski ramps. V sewer included, month to m0 month lease. Call John L. So0 I 426-3319. $10/25 ._...>! $1,500: VERY nice low-bank I terfront home, 3 bedroom, 1.75 car garage. Pellet stoves, ma with wet bar and more. Month lease. Call John L. Scott, (3 3319. $10/25 $1,300: NEWLY remodeled story, 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath Shadowood. Deck, fenced ya garage. Call John L. Scott, (3 3319. $10/25 $1,100: 3+ bedroom, 1.75 bath Mt. View school district, availal Detached 2-car garage/shop. (; L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. $10/21 $1,150:3 bedroom, 1.75 ba' with view of the bay, located o son Lake Road. 2-car garage/S ter, sewer included. 6 month la John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. : $950: VERY nice 3 bedroom manufactured home on 4 acr Detached shop, available Nov. are negotiable. Call John L. SO 426-3319. $10/25 HELTON: LARGE, new 1 be<: bath apartment. Wood floors, heat plus air conditioning. AI, paid. Month to month. $750 P( plus deposit. For more inform! Shirley, Real Estate USA, (3l 4488. R10/25 ALDERBROOK: TWO new h< bedrooms, plus den, 2 bathj sq.ft., 2-car garage. No pets, r ing. Each $1,300 per month  posit. Tenant can play unlimiteo extra monthly payment. For rno mation call Shirley, Real EstSlt (360) 427-4488. R10/25 LET HELP lr( Class,fleas+ - -'' + ""+ 3S0-400S-44j I 1990 BLUEWATER - 19' 4.3L Mer- 1994 CR-80, paddle tire, helmet, chest Cruiser engine, galvanized trailer, all protector, pants, $1,000 OBO. (360) great shape. $4,950 OBO. (360) 490- 432-9304. G10/25 9656. M 10/25 ............................................................................................ 2005 SUZUKI DRZ-125, $1,750 and MAJOR SACRIFICE! Excellent condi- tion. 26' 1993 Four Wynns 265, (2) 5.0 Liter Ford V-Ss, trailer. Due to knee replacement will sacrifice at $10,000. Call (360) 426-9722 or (360) 250-5139. W10/25-11/15 Head straight to the Journal Classifieds to find the wheels you want! LAWTON APARTMENTS - studio apartments available, $420 per month. W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds. Call: (360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W. Pine Street. P6/14tfn two DRZ-110, $1,250 each; 2004 DRZ ............................................................... 125, $1,550. Or take all 4 for $5,300. All UNION BAY Hot Tub cabins. Off-sea- great shape. (360)490-9656. M10/25 son weekly/monthly rates. (360) 898- 1247. U10/11-11/1 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, all new laminate flooring. Large lot, all fenced, garage with remote. $950. (253) 537-9215. 29' MOTORHOME, 1994 Georgie Boy. 76,000 miles, 460 Ford, runs great, very clean, nice floor plan. Includes tow dolly. $17,500. (360) 426-2193. F10/18-11/8 2004 REXHALL Airbus on workhorse chassis, 8.1 litre V8 under 10K miles, 2 slides, 2 bathrooms, 3 TVs, micro- wave/cony, oven, 3 burner stove and oven, refrigerator and ice maker, NS/ NP, oak interior, loaded, extras, clean, $77,000. (360) 229-1849, Shelton, OGA24541/00537319202. P10/18-11/8 1994 DODGE Pleasureway motorhome. 19', very clean, generator, refrigerator, stove, sink. Enclosed head and show- er. 2 air conditionings. Gets good mile- age. Two single beds make into double. $14,400, must see and drive to appreci- ate. (360) 229-0399. Mc10/18-25 1992 CHALLENGER - 30', sleeps 6, clean. $5,950 OBO. (360) 490-9656. M10/25 1992 ACCORD wagon. Mechanic-main- tained, great body, interior. Moving and A10/11-11/1 WE ARE accepting applications for low income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apartments for elderly. Controlled ac- cess, minutes from downtown shop- ping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Golds- borough Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn LAKE CUSHMAN, cozy 2 bedroom cab- in with large loft. 30 minutes to Shelton. Quiet dead-end street, large lot, cov- ered parking. Includes W/D. No smok- ing, 1 small dog, no cats. $750/month plus $750 deposit and screening. Call Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236. BELFAIR WATERFRONT, + room townhouse. $750 mo1'O discount. No pets. W/S/G 275-3639, (253) 859-2553. Aki r, 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath to q monthly. Pets okay. Quiet ting. (360) 352-9223; (360)|E T10/25-11/15 NORTmHe MASON- large -I p r,,,,=.L. rivate entranc pliances, $650 per month orl. count. Damage deposit, cnl (360) 275-5966. R10/25 $650 MONTHLY. Cute golf course W10/4tfn home, Lake Cushman, 2 bedroom, 11/2 .......................................................................... ' LARGE ROOM for rent, firel need to sell. $2,900 OBO. (360) 427- bath, storage shed, water included. 9530. L10/25-11/1 Move in special -first month free with ........................................................ $650 damage deposit and last month's 1993 GEO Metro. Not running. Good rent. References required, no pets. 360- parts car. $200 or best offer. (360) 426- 877-5124, 360-490-5361. G10/11-11/1 9797. W10/25-11/1 1984 FORD 4x4 extended cab. Looks rough, burns oil, runs okay. $1,250 OBO. (360) 490-9656. M10/25 1988 BRONCO. Full-size 4x4, auto, Sony stereo, alloy wheels with 31 x12.50- 15LT tires. Ran when parked, but has not been driven for 5 years. Needs TLC. Must go - $2,500 OBO. (360) 427-0767 evenings. B10/25tfn NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway.3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn 1988 SUZUKI Samurai 2 door hardtop, 31" tires, GRSII transfer case, Weber carburetor, too many extras to list. $3,500 OBO. (360) 427-2689. W10/4-25 1992 JEEP Cherokee Laredo, tow equipped, good condition, $4,995. (360) 426-8694 or cell (360) 790-8742. D10/18-25 1991 TOYOTA Previa van, runs good, .................................................  ............. $2,000 OBO. (360) 432-1115. S10/18- FORCED TO sell motorhome. Circle this 25 1997 FORD Expedition Eddie Bauer Edition. 4x4, original owner, fully load- ed, well maintained, good condition, 146,000 miles, $5,000. (360) 427-6000. R10/18-11/8 CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn ad to see! 2001 Allegro 40' bus/Freight- liner, 6-speed Allison, 33K, 2 slides, 7.5 diesel generator, W/D combo, dual air/ heat, back-up camera. Freedom/combi- nation inverter and charger. Kingdome satellite/queen bed, oak decor and much more to show. Set up to tow and ready to go! Priced to sell or make offer. Lo- cated at Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club, Hood Canal. $109,000. 1-509-539-8271 or 360-898-3738. K10/11-11/1 POULSBO 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA Mmme#anmdmP CLEARANCE PRICES! NOW THROUGH MONDAY! I SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one and two bedroom six-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dryer, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $795-$895. (360) 490-0569; (360) 427- month. Large room with be private bath, $700. Both hay kitchen privileges. Rent plU and screening fee. (360) B10/25-11/1 Our Year End Clearance Safe Ends Soon... Hurry these RV's will sell fast!!!! IPOULSBORV i 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA | I www, I | "Sjmtot'eetltaptamvml. Paynm.lslmwlon20%d<mmctJliwle, pluslamR, licenandlcharge+ ! cradltmlnOonap II I provel+kend: kltms(l)l25%Ot20m; (2)6.2S%Ot44n(3)S.25%O240mo.PlffcamdpnymenhldonoHnckltax, llcelem I I Pl)IchlUeli52JloA'tt.000(ImUlcrgRarelInallOtlle+modelllLNlunilsMmM am I 1 1 tier+ lb+ d41aler nlY chalTP II documlmlar/ Pee ol t to Y.i0-           1+ II | All ol elo¢ Io MI mmbMed wN1 elny ollr Olferlk lind m. it vlld o pelM M     k ! GREAT LITTLE cozy cabin near Stair- 3131. C10/18tfn LAKE LIMERICK-very nice: case at Lake Cushman on the Olympic ...................................................................... mobile home. Recently rern( Peninsula. 45 minutes to Shelton. Nice NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. W/D, most like new. Trees and deck with built-in hot tub. Enjoy the quiet carport, in Lake Limerick. No pets. nearby. $700 monthly. (360) peaceful atmosphere. The lake is within $1,000 monthly. Available November H10/25-11/15 walking distance and hiking trails ev- 1st. (360)870-0926. L10/18-25 erywhere. Includes W/D. No smoking. - ................................................................ TIMBERLAKES - 2 bedro¢ Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 25, 2007 1 small pet+ Furnished or unfurnished. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath house on 1/2 $650/$600 per month plus $600 deposit acre. Available 11/1/07. $1,000 month- and screening. Call Michael at West Re- ly. First, last, deposit. No smoking. alty, (360) 877-5236. W10/1 l tfn Pets okay. Call Eiteen, (360) 432-3147. ........................................................ B10/18-25 SHARE QUIET, clean country home Northwest of Shelton. Private bedrooms, $370 monthly per person furnished. $350 monthly unfurnished. Includes all plus Broadband and nationwide long distance. Credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 6 months renewable lease. (360) 432-8269. H10/11-11/1 ARCADIA POINT area. Like new 3 bed- room, 2 bath home. Covered porch, large yard and upgrades. Walking dis- tance to Arcadia Point boat launch. $995 per month, plus $1,000 deposit 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, heated shop, gated community, private lake, credit check required. No pets, no smoking, $900 monthly. (360) 426-8897. H10/ 18tfn STORAGE BUILDING/shop, Hoodsport. Heated, 101/2' roll-up door. 25'x27'x11' $300 month. 3 bays available - $50 each. (360) 877-9977. L10/11-25 THREE BEDROOMS, 2 baths on Trails End Lake. 1st, deposit, references. and $40 non-refundable credit check. $1,000 monthly. (360) 426-2056 or Available 11/1. No smoking/pets. (360) (360) 286-7911. C10/18-11/8 790-6700. B10/11-11/1 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath home on acre- age near Harstine Island bridge. $750 monthly. First, last, security/damage de- posit. (360) 426-9650. B10/18-11/8 IDYLLIC LOCATION at Lake Limerick. 3 BD/I.5 BA, oversized 2-car garage w/attached, covered RV/boat parking with power. Granite counter tops (kitch- en and bath), vaulted ceilings, covered front porch, back patio. Community of- fers a private ski lake, golf course, tennis courts, 5 picnic/play grounds, club house and restaurant! Easy drive to Olympia/ Bremerton/Tacoma. $1,400 mo./$1,400 deposit. 1 year lease. No smoking/pets. Credit/reference check required. Avail- able around Nov. l st-7th. (360) 426- 9482. L10/18-25 RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic Rob- in Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk to oysters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes to WaI-Mart. or (360) 927-1105. B7/19-12/27 HOODSPORT - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living and family rooms. High speed ca- ble. New hardwood floors, cabinets, fix- tures. All appliances except refrigerator. 2-car garage. No pets/smoking. $1,200 monthly, reference. (360) 877-9977. L10/18-25 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, fenced large lot, detached garage. No smoking. $825 monthly, $40 credit/criminal check. (360) 556-2780. $10/18-25 ALDERBROOK GOLF Course, large 3 bedroom home, 15 minutes to Shel- ton. 3 car garage, features a great room plus 2 large bonus rooms. 2 fire- places and includes W/D, new appli- ances including propane range, large hot tub and 2 decks. Great home for entertainment. $1,500 per month plus $1,500 deposit and screening. No smoking, 1 small dog, no cats. Call Mi- chael at West Realty, (360) 877-5236. W10/18tfn ALDERBROOK. BEAUTIFUL, well kept 3 bedroom home on golf course, 15 min- utes to Shelton. Nice deck overlooking course, includes W/D, covered parking, propane fireplace and range. $800 per month plus $800 deposit and screen- ing. No smoking, no pets. Call Michael at West Realty, (360) 877-5236. Wl0/ 18tfn LAKE CUSHMAN, small Park Model close to golf course. $500 per month plus $500 deposit and screening. Call Michael at West Realty, (360) 877-5236. W 10/18tfn ,,, Short-Term Rental 300 MILL CREEK, SHELTON Due to slow market will rent for six months a brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 1.8 acres. Will also lease/purchase or lease option to buy. NO INSIDE PETS. Rental is $1,650 per month OR $1,850 with 2-bay shop. John Bueche 1 ImJT Realtor .... 360-239-4080 I']] www. ......... EXIT No,.ll,.,.es! Realty GATED COMMUNITY LIVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den, spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car garage, large master suite, natural gas forced air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access, RV storage, extra storage units, professionally landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000 per month. Call Lake Park LLC for more information 360 462-O171 wide, woodstove, washer/d washer. $575, water inclu( deposit. Call Jack, (253) K10/25-11/1 TWO BEDROOM house,' community, water paid. $70{ plus security deposit, credit cl 275-3249. H10/25-11/15 MANUFACTURED HOME i lakes, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. N¢ pets negotiable. $750 monthll posit. (360) 584-9780. Availab C10/25-11/1 ALDERBROOK - THIS spaci¢ room home on the golf cou with 2 baths (one is master garden tub plus shower and in closet), double garage andl No pets/no smoking. $1,195 r deposit, available soon. Call I alty LLC at (360) 426-3567 I1_1_ TWO BEDROOM duplex. G ! G paid. Spacious, clean, qul' monthly. First, last, and depot able approximately 11/1/07. ( 3184. Mc 10/25-11 / 1 $1,350: RENT negotiablel t cial/retail space conveniently on Hwy. 3 between Tupper's a Newly remodeled 1,250 SF, ! spaces, 2 entrances, large room, excellent parking. Call Scott, (360) 426-3319. J10/25 LAKE ISABELLA - 1 bedroo home with small yard. Access t beach on lake with dock ac cute. $600 rent/S600 deposit, | soon. Call Invest Realty LLG| 426-3567. I10/25 . ._ J $675: CUTE and cozy 1 bedr Canal view home in Union. I with parking area and was1 Water and sewer included in year lease, no pets! John L. S 426-3319. J10/25 J $1,475: HUGE 3 bedroom, 2b Lake waterfront home with attl rage, 3 docks, jet-ski ramps. V sewer included, month to m0 month lease. Call John L. So0 I 426-3319. $10/25 ._...>! $1,500: VERY nice low-bank I terfront home, 3 bedroom, 1.75 car garage. Pellet stoves, ma with wet bar and more. Month lease. Call John L. Scott, (3 3319. $10/25 $1,300: NEWLY remodeled story, 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath Shadowood. Deck, fenced ya garage. Call John L. Scott, (3 3319. $10/25 $1,100: 3+ bedroom, 1.75 bath Mt. View school district, availal Detached 2-car garage/shop. (; L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. $10/21 $1,150:3 bedroom, 1.75 ba' with view of the bay, located o son Lake Road. 2-car garage/S ter, sewer included. 6 month la John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. : $950: VERY nice 3 bedroom manufactured home on 4 acr Detached shop, available Nov. are negotiable. Call John L. SO 426-3319. $10/25 HELTON: LARGE, new 1 be<: bath apartment. Wood floors, heat plus air conditioning. AI, paid. Month to month. $750 P( plus deposit. For more inform! Shirley, Real Estate USA, (3l 4488. R10/25 ALDERBROOK: TWO new h< bedrooms, plus den, 2 bathj sq.ft., 2-car garage. No pets, r ing. Each $1,300 per month  posit. Tenant can play unlimiteo extra monthly payment. For rno mation call Shirley, Real EstSlt (360) 427-4488. R10/25 LET HELP lr( Class,fleas+ - -'' + ""+ 3S0-400S-44j