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Blue Thumb On Tuesday, October 30! llldogs get
event slated Wa--00e b ill st victory
at the library to e the year
Wondering whattodowiththe focus of meeting It wasadark, stormy night
debris from fall yard and garden and - the Bulldogs got their
cleanup? first win!
Saturday, October 27, may be Mason County is moving for- element vital to the health of North Mason's tbotball squad
the final opportunity this year to ward to d,e]:ign and implement a Hood Canal and the future de- outbustled the Port Townsend
learn how to turn those leaves and wastcwater collection, convey- velopment of the Belfair area. Redskins in fi'ont ofa homecom-
clippings into black gold for the ance and reclamation systemfbr Once operational, the system ing crowd this past Friday night
garden at a tYee composting work- Belfair residents, will initially serve approximate- on their way to a convincing 37-
shop sponsored by Washington Sea Belthir wastcwater and water ly 600 connections in the Belfair 8 win.
Grant. reclamation facilities informa- Urban Growth (UGA) Area. Leading things off for the
Join Janis McNeal of Wash-
ington Sea Grant, University of
Washington, from 6 to 8 p.m. at
the North Mason Timberland Re-
gional Library, located at 23081
NE State Route 3 in Belfair, to
explore the process of making soil-
enriching compost from yard and
garden waste. Topics will include
finding the right compost bin for
your needs, the proper mix of in-
gredients, vermiculture (worm
composting) and using compost as
a soil conditioner or mulch.
Hood Canal watershed resi-
dents attending the workshop will
receive a tee compost bin. The
supply of free bins is nearly ex-
hausted, so those planning on at-
tending should register soon.
Pre-registration for the work-
shop is required to ensure adequate
materials and bins tbr participants.
To register, contact Janis McNeal
at 360-432-3054 or via e-mail at
The Blue Thumb Gardening pro-
gram is produced through funding
from the Puget Sound Action Team
and Washington Sea Grant.
Service News
Harper done
with training
Army Reserve Private Derek
Harper has graduated from basic
military training at Fort Jackson,
Columbia, South Carolina, to be
a member of the Army National
Guard or Reserve Split-option
The program allows students be-
tween their junior and senior year
of high school to attend national
guard or reserve weekend drills
while still in school and pursue a
military career specialty after they
graduate from high school.
During the nine weeks of train-
ing, he studied the Army mission,
history, tradition and core values
and physical fitness. He also re-
ceived instruction and practice
in basic combat skills, military
weapons, chemical warfare and
bayonet training, drill and cere-
mony, marching, rifle marksman-
ship, armed and unarmed combat,
map reading, field tactics, military
courtesy, military justice system,
basic first aid, fbot marches, and
field training exercises.
He is the son of Terrie Harper
of Wisdom, Montana, and the
brother of Bill and Kara Smith
of Belfair. Harper is a student at
Beaverhead County High School
in Dillon, Montana.
275-6{,98 1-800-690-BARK 275-7133
Mendiola has
finished her
basic training
Army National Guard Private
First Class Renee M. Mendiola
has graduated from basic combat
training at Fort Jackson, Colum-
bia, South Carolina.
During the nine weeks of train-
ing, Mendjola studied the Army
mission, history, tradition and core
values and physical fitness. She
also received instruction and prac-
tice in basic combat skills, military
weapons, chemical warfare and
bayonet training, drill and cere-
mony, marching, rifle marksman-
ship, armed and unarmed combat,
map reading, field tactics, military
courtesy, military justice system,
basic first aid, foo marches and
field training exercises.
Mendiola is the daughter of
Rose Pruyne of Union and Enrique
Gumataotao of Tamuning, Guam.
Mason (;ounty Fire District
tional materials will be avail-
able for viewing at the October
30 County Commissioners meet-
ing in Belfair.
Project staff will be avail-
able to address citizens' ques-
tions starting at; 5 p.m., followed
by an overview presentation
as part of the regular meeting
agenda. The regular "fifth Tues-
day" Commissioners meeting is
scheduled at 6 p.m. at the Mary
E. Theler Community Center in
downtown Belihir. Citizens are
always encouraged to attend.
County officials say that the
new system is seen as a pivotal
The facility is being designed
to provide a sustainable ap-
proach to water management
that protects Hood Canal and
treats wastewater to Class A
standards for water reuse. On a
long-term basis, the project will
support the backbone for ur-
ban infrastructure in Belfair as
mandated by the Growth Man-
agement Act.
Those that would like ad-
ditional information about the
Belfair project should call the
Belfair Wastewater and Water
Reclamation Facilities Hotline
Lots of Halloween
events are planned
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor Count.
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Bulldogs was Ryan Stromberg
on a 22-yard run. Port Townsend
answered a short while later in
the first quarter with their only
score of the evening. Rocky Guj-
mont scored in the second quar-
ter on a five-yard carry, hit the
extra point and nailed a 31@ard
field goal. After the halftime
break, Guimont got in the end
zone on another five-yard carry.
In the fourth quarter, Strom-
berg scored on a seven-yard car-
ry and Lonnie Hoover returned
an interception 27 yards for a
The Bulldogs are now 1-2 in
the Olympic League and 1-7
overall. That puts them a spot
ahead of Kingston, which re-
mains winless this season.
In other sports news from
this past week, the girls' soc-
cer squad beat the number one
ranked Kingston High School
(Continued from page 4.)
* Also on Friday, October 26,
from 5 to 8:30 p.m, Belfair El-
ementary School will host its an-
nual Fall Festival for community
families. Admission is free, but
tickets for all games and booths
will be 50 cents each. In addition
to games, refreshments will be
available for sale, and fun events
will include a bouncy castle, a
cakewalk, "Trick-or-Treat Lane"
and cookie decorating. A family
dance will also be held, with ad-
mission at $5 per family. The var-
ious dances will include the bun-
ny dance, a hula-hoop dance, the
chicken dance, the Hokey-Pokey,
the Limbo and "Wipe Out!" The
school is located on State Route 3
in Belfair. For more information
call 277-2233.
* On Saturday, October 27,
Saint Nicholas' Community
Church in Tahuya will offer a
pumpkin painting party and
lunch from noon to 2 p.m., with
all ages welcomed. The menu will
be ghoulishly-grilled slimy cheese
sand-witches, bloody toe-mate-oh
soup and delicious desserts. The
church is located at 15000 NE
North Shore Road in Tahuya.
For more inibrmation call Donna
ttedman at 275-6881.
On Halloween night, kids
ages 4 to 12 can "Trick or Treat
on the Trails" from 5 to 8 p.m.
at the Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center. Besides treats on
the wetland trails, entertain-
ment will include face painting,
a water toss, a funhouse tent, a
flashlight scavenger hunt and an
ambulance from Fire District 2
to explore. Bring a flashlight and
children under 7 must be accom-
panied by a parent. The center is
located at 22871 NE State Route
3. For more information call 275-
Fire District 5 in Allyn will
hold its free annual Haunted
House at the Allyn Fire Station
from 5 to 8 p.m. Younger kids will
find it too scary so there will also
be a separate "Haunt" for younger
ones. Treats will also be provid-
ed. The fire station is located on
State Route 3, across the street
from Lennard K's restaurant. For
more information call 275-2889.
The annual free family "Hal-
lelujah Party" will be held on Oc-
tober 31 at Belfair Community
Baptist Church from 6 to 10 p.m.
The evening will include dunking
for apples, face painting, a cake-
walk and assorted games with
candy prizes. Refreshments for
sale will include nachos, baked
potatoes, chili, hot dogs, chili
dogs and various beverages. The
church is located at 23300 NE
State Route 3. For more informa-
tion call 275-6031.
by a score of 2-0 on Thursday.
The first goal of the game
came 20 minutes in from Tay-
lor Sawyer with an assist from
Megan Beisley. Sawyer scored
again in the 36th minute with
an assist from Hannah Mar-
Lastly, the Lady Bulldogs
volleyball squad picked up a 3-
0 win over Kingston this past
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Walk to shopping,
beach & restaurants.
(360) 275-3120
[..] Chu00
We invite you to join
Sunday Family Wor
10 a.m. Sunday School P.
280 E. Whcclwright St.,[2
Why I am voting to re]
Dr. Glenn tand00
Driveway Gravel Custom
Bark (U-haul;
River Rock
25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs.
Topsoil C()mpost * Cedar and Alder Chips .
or bu, es andlovers pa. ages to add sorne h
back into your releti&dip.
Open 7 Deys A Week
Mon-Sat 8am-2am Sun lOam-lOpm
,,e ,',o', 338 N Calbw Breme 360.373.055 !
For the North Mason Sd
He is a 50 year resident
North Mason.
He has children in our
A NMHS Graduate
A Hawkins middle s’
A Belfair Elementary
He has experience wit
Four years on the sc
Member of the Belfail
and Hawkins PTSA
Volunteer athletic co
NMHS for 5 years ar
Peewees for 10 year
His education and
background contributet
our school board:
PhD in Business wit
Masters in Statistics
20-year retired US Ai
Force Officer
He has clear objectives
Improve student aca’
Effective stewardshi
taxpayer $$$
Increase parental
refused campaign
contributions from schoo
district administrators,
employees and unions
Paid for by Committee
to re-elect Glenn Landra
52 E. Sunset Beach Lanl
I Belfair, WA 98528
District No. 2
The Board of Commissioners for Mason
County adopted Resolution No. 89-07
which submits to the voters the question
of whether to create Mason County
Public Hospital District No. 2 to provide for
health care services in the district. Public
Hospital District No. 2 would include all
lands currently within the voting precincts
of Belfair No. i through Belfair No. 6,
Tahuya and Dewatto. The District would
be governed by five elected, at-large
hospital commissioners.
FOR Hospital Dist 2__
[ AGAINST Hospital Dist 2
Paid for by Pat McGanacy, 821 E Sodcrberg Road,Allyn,WA 98524
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, October 25, 2007
in our com]
!i:iiil ;fiii :.
Paid for by the Citizen's Committee for the Formation of Mason County
Public )ital District #2, 161 NE Collins PI., TahL WA 98588
eneral Election Sample Ballot
4ovember 06, 2007
Proposed Public Hospital Dist. 2
Proposition No. :1
Authorizing Formation of Public Hospital
Mason County,
Blue Thumb On Tuesday, October 30! llldogs get
event slated Wa--00e b ill st victory
at the library to e the year
Wondering whattodowiththe focus of meeting It wasadark, stormy night
debris from fall yard and garden and - the Bulldogs got their
cleanup? first win!
Saturday, October 27, may be Mason County is moving for- element vital to the health of North Mason's tbotball squad
the final opportunity this year to ward to d,e]:ign and implement a Hood Canal and the future de- outbustled the Port Townsend
learn how to turn those leaves and wastcwater collection, convey- velopment of the Belfair area. Redskins in fi'ont ofa homecom-
clippings into black gold for the ance and reclamation systemfbr Once operational, the system ing crowd this past Friday night
garden at a tYee composting work- Belfair residents, will initially serve approximate- on their way to a convincing 37-
shop sponsored by Washington Sea Belthir wastcwater and water ly 600 connections in the Belfair 8 win.
Grant. reclamation facilities informa- Urban Growth (UGA) Area. Leading things off for the
Join Janis McNeal of Wash-
ington Sea Grant, University of
Washington, from 6 to 8 p.m. at
the North Mason Timberland Re-
gional Library, located at 23081
NE State Route 3 in Belfair, to
explore the process of making soil-
enriching compost from yard and
garden waste. Topics will include
finding the right compost bin for
your needs, the proper mix of in-
gredients, vermiculture (worm
composting) and using compost as
a soil conditioner or mulch.
Hood Canal watershed resi-
dents attending the workshop will
receive a tee compost bin. The
supply of free bins is nearly ex-
hausted, so those planning on at-
tending should register soon.
Pre-registration for the work-
shop is required to ensure adequate
materials and bins tbr participants.
To register, contact Janis McNeal
at 360-432-3054 or via e-mail at
The Blue Thumb Gardening pro-
gram is produced through funding
from the Puget Sound Action Team
and Washington Sea Grant.
Service News
Harper done
with training
Army Reserve Private Derek
Harper has graduated from basic
military training at Fort Jackson,
Columbia, South Carolina, to be
a member of the Army National
Guard or Reserve Split-option
The program allows students be-
tween their junior and senior year
of high school to attend national
guard or reserve weekend drills
while still in school and pursue a
military career specialty after they
graduate from high school.
During the nine weeks of train-
ing, he studied the Army mission,
history, tradition and core values
and physical fitness. He also re-
ceived instruction and practice
in basic combat skills, military
weapons, chemical warfare and
bayonet training, drill and cere-
mony, marching, rifle marksman-
ship, armed and unarmed combat,
map reading, field tactics, military
courtesy, military justice system,
basic first aid, fbot marches, and
field training exercises.
He is the son of Terrie Harper
of Wisdom, Montana, and the
brother of Bill and Kara Smith
of Belfair. Harper is a student at
Beaverhead County High School
in Dillon, Montana.
275-6{,98 1-800-690-BARK 275-7133
Mendiola has
finished her
basic training
Army National Guard Private
First Class Renee M. Mendiola
has graduated from basic combat
training at Fort Jackson, Colum-
bia, South Carolina.
During the nine weeks of train-
ing, Mendjola studied the Army
mission, history, tradition and core
values and physical fitness. She
also received instruction and prac-
tice in basic combat skills, military
weapons, chemical warfare and
bayonet training, drill and cere-
mony, marching, rifle marksman-
ship, armed and unarmed combat,
map reading, field tactics, military
courtesy, military justice system,
basic first aid, foo marches and
field training exercises.
Mendiola is the daughter of
Rose Pruyne of Union and Enrique
Gumataotao of Tamuning, Guam.
Mason (;ounty Fire District
tional materials will be avail-
able for viewing at the October
30 County Commissioners meet-
ing in Belfair.
Project staff will be avail-
able to address citizens' ques-
tions starting at; 5 p.m., followed
by an overview presentation
as part of the regular meeting
agenda. The regular "fifth Tues-
day" Commissioners meeting is
scheduled at 6 p.m. at the Mary
E. Theler Community Center in
downtown Belihir. Citizens are
always encouraged to attend.
County officials say that the
new system is seen as a pivotal
The facility is being designed
to provide a sustainable ap-
proach to water management
that protects Hood Canal and
treats wastewater to Class A
standards for water reuse. On a
long-term basis, the project will
support the backbone for ur-
ban infrastructure in Belfair as
mandated by the Growth Man-
agement Act.
Those that would like ad-
ditional information about the
Belfair project should call the
Belfair Wastewater and Water
Reclamation Facilities Hotline
Lots of Halloween
events are planned
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor Count.
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Bulldogs was Ryan Stromberg
on a 22-yard run. Port Townsend
answered a short while later in
the first quarter with their only
score of the evening. Rocky Guj-
mont scored in the second quar-
ter on a five-yard carry, hit the
extra point and nailed a 31@ard
field goal. After the halftime
break, Guimont got in the end
zone on another five-yard carry.
In the fourth quarter, Strom-
berg scored on a seven-yard car-
ry and Lonnie Hoover returned
an interception 27 yards for a
The Bulldogs are now 1-2 in
the Olympic League and 1-7
overall. That puts them a spot
ahead of Kingston, which re-
mains winless this season.
In other sports news from
this past week, the girls' soc-
cer squad beat the number one
ranked Kingston High School
(Continued from page 4.)
* Also on Friday, October 26,
from 5 to 8:30 p.m, Belfair El-
ementary School will host its an-
nual Fall Festival for community
families. Admission is free, but
tickets for all games and booths
will be 50 cents each. In addition
to games, refreshments will be
available for sale, and fun events
will include a bouncy castle, a
cakewalk, "Trick-or-Treat Lane"
and cookie decorating. A family
dance will also be held, with ad-
mission at $5 per family. The var-
ious dances will include the bun-
ny dance, a hula-hoop dance, the
chicken dance, the Hokey-Pokey,
the Limbo and "Wipe Out!" The
school is located on State Route 3
in Belfair. For more information
call 277-2233.
* On Saturday, October 27,
Saint Nicholas' Community
Church in Tahuya will offer a
pumpkin painting party and
lunch from noon to 2 p.m., with
all ages welcomed. The menu will
be ghoulishly-grilled slimy cheese
sand-witches, bloody toe-mate-oh
soup and delicious desserts. The
church is located at 15000 NE
North Shore Road in Tahuya.
For more inibrmation call Donna
ttedman at 275-6881.
On Halloween night, kids
ages 4 to 12 can "Trick or Treat
on the Trails" from 5 to 8 p.m.
at the Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center. Besides treats on
the wetland trails, entertain-
ment will include face painting,
a water toss, a funhouse tent, a
flashlight scavenger hunt and an
ambulance from Fire District 2
to explore. Bring a flashlight and
children under 7 must be accom-
panied by a parent. The center is
located at 22871 NE State Route
3. For more information call 275-
Fire District 5 in Allyn will
hold its free annual Haunted
House at the Allyn Fire Station
from 5 to 8 p.m. Younger kids will
find it too scary so there will also
be a separate "Haunt" for younger
ones. Treats will also be provid-
ed. The fire station is located on
State Route 3, across the street
from Lennard K's restaurant. For
more information call 275-2889.
The annual free family "Hal-
lelujah Party" will be held on Oc-
tober 31 at Belfair Community
Baptist Church from 6 to 10 p.m.
The evening will include dunking
for apples, face painting, a cake-
walk and assorted games with
candy prizes. Refreshments for
sale will include nachos, baked
potatoes, chili, hot dogs, chili
dogs and various beverages. The
church is located at 23300 NE
State Route 3. For more informa-
tion call 275-6031.
by a score of 2-0 on Thursday.
The first goal of the game
came 20 minutes in from Tay-
lor Sawyer with an assist from
Megan Beisley. Sawyer scored
again in the 36th minute with
an assist from Hannah Mar-
Lastly, the Lady Bulldogs
volleyball squad picked up a 3-
0 win over Kingston this past
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Walk to shopping,
beach & restaurants.
(360) 275-3120
[..] Chu00
We invite you to join
Sunday Family Wor
10 a.m. Sunday School P.
280 E. Whcclwright St.,[2
Why I am voting to re]
Dr. Glenn tand00
Driveway Gravel Custom
Bark (U-haul;
River Rock
25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs.
Topsoil C()mpost * Cedar and Alder Chips .
or bu, es andlovers pa. ages to add sorne h
back into your releti&dip.
Open 7 Deys A Week
Mon-Sat 8am-2am Sun lOam-lOpm
,,e ,',o', 338 N Calbw Breme 360.373.055 !
For the North Mason Sd
He is a 50 year resident
North Mason.
He has children in our
A NMHS Graduate
A Hawkins middle s’
A Belfair Elementary
He has experience wit
Four years on the sc
Member of the Belfail
and Hawkins PTSA
Volunteer athletic co
NMHS for 5 years ar
Peewees for 10 year
His education and
background contributet
our school board:
PhD in Business wit
Masters in Statistics
20-year retired US Ai
Force Officer
He has clear objectives
Improve student aca’
Effective stewardshi
taxpayer $$$
Increase parental
refused campaign
contributions from schoo
district administrators,
employees and unions
Paid for by Committee
to re-elect Glenn Landra
52 E. Sunset Beach Lanl
I Belfair, WA 98528
District No. 2
The Board of Commissioners for Mason
County adopted Resolution No. 89-07
which submits to the voters the question
of whether to create Mason County
Public Hospital District No. 2 to provide for
health care services in the district. Public
Hospital District No. 2 would include all
lands currently within the voting precincts
of Belfair No. i through Belfair No. 6,
Tahuya and Dewatto. The District would
be governed by five elected, at-large
hospital commissioners.
FOR Hospital Dist 2__
[ AGAINST Hospital Dist 2
Paid for by Pat McGanacy, 821 E Sodcrberg Road,Allyn,WA 98524
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, October 25, 2007
in our com]
!i:iiil ;fiii :.
Paid for by the Citizen's Committee for the Formation of Mason County
Public )ital District #2, 161 NE Collins PI., TahL WA 98588
eneral Election Sample Ballot
4ovember 06, 2007
Proposed Public Hospital Dist. 2
Proposition No. :1
Authorizing Formation of Public Hospital
Mason County,