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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lber 26, I ll wood and "“ tst week Mr. RayonieT-_ lOll lT-RE , Wash. Saturd ! lATURES * IS 0F V LAINE lid—~— MING ECANE Hayden l t Iednesd ' 9’ PURCHASES BY AUTO JUNKYARDS rphy—Ginnt’ “ions 75 vrncznr rrwtll CARS BEING ms DWAY THM :hniclor Saturn ' lA’l‘URES ALDRI 0' is of iCiillrriiri rllAN IN i942-43 day, October 26, 1944. CITY OF SHELTON THE THE DESCRIBED a special election will be held in the «City of Shelton on Monday, the 4th 2% Auburn Golden Flake ,of Shelton and of image? ...-.l4:"~,,,;£‘ VAJS‘Y'W'. ”- .‘L‘ 2' . l o o lilillim n. g Shite Insurnre turniitissiunsr ( Democrat) Honest and Competent Supervision PRODUCTION BOARD'S 19AM SURVEY \l; 7\ Wartime Stop and Go Still Scraps Somebody’s Cur Every Minute Shellubrication can help your car escape the toll of Wartime Stop and Go. This special sys- tem of car maintenance gives you lubrication according to manufacturer’s recommenda- tions. Beyond that, it inspects hidden parts where wear starts . . . and reports on their condi- tion.Your special receipt shows exactly what’s been done . . . What,m0re should be done to keep your car from joining those 1500 daily junkers. SHELL OiL COMPANY, Inc. GET THESE TESTS for STOP and GO WEAR As they lubricate, Shell ex- perts test . . . examine . . . check for hidden Stop and Go wear at essential points. Your receipt shows what they find . . . is a valuable “con- dition” report on your car. Gasoline Powers tile llttacll—lllln't Waste a limp _,_..-. l l lNOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION INl the corporate limits of the said City AND INzof Shelton, the hereinafter described TERRITORY HEREINAFTER i territory, tO-wit: Starting at a point where the West- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatl erly line of State Secondary Highway No. 14-A intersects the Northerly line of Section 20, Township 20 North, 7‘ day of Decelllbtei‘, 1944, tfgr the pur-ll'tjvangle 3thst.U§7V.M., Maleon. County, V, _ , pose of submi ting to e qualifiedl as ing on; ence o owmg the BLNINSSPE Franklin doctors of said City and of saidiWcsterly line of State Secondary hereinafter described territory, the ( Highway No. 14—A in a Northerly di- proposition of annexing to the City | rection to the East line of Section 17, including within: Township 20 North, Range 3, West, lW.M.; thence Northerly on said East l l l l Eastern Controlled Power Trusts Spend Power and Referendum 25. section line to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 17. Township 20 North. Range 3 West, W.M.“; thence Westerly on the quar- ter section lines to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 18, Town— ,ship 20 North, Range 3 West. W.M.; thence Southerly on the West line of said Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 18, Township 20 North. Range 3 West, to exist— ing City Limits, being the Southwest corner of said Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 18, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3. West, W.M.,- tnence East along existing City Lim- its line to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West,_W.M.; 'thence South along existing City Limits line to Southeast corner of Section 18, Township 20 North. Range .3 West, W.M.; thence East along existing City Limits line, being the said North line of Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., to the place of beginning. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls will be open at said election from o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock in the evening. Polling places shall be as follows: In the territory hereinabove described, Fran- ces J. Cole Residence; in the Cit of Shelton—Precinct 1, Shelton City all; PrecinCt 2. Mason Court House; Precinct 3, Shelton High school Gymnasium; Precinct 4, Vern Davidson residence. Ellinor Avenue; Precinct 5, Mrs. Martha Jacobs resi- dence, Turner Avenue; Precinct ,6, Mason County Welfare Building, Rail- road Avenue; Precinct 7, Bordeaux TAXI— SERVICE County Phone 392 Mason County Creamery Says: Due to the shortage of blit- ter, government officials esti- mate oleo\ sales will reach 50 million pounds a month this winter. This would represent a change from the pro—war but— ter-oleo ratio of 7 to l, to 5 to 3. They have a. new slogan now, “Praise Napoleon and pass the 01901” It- would probably be more appropriate to sub- stitute 0.I‘.A. for the little Colonel, a: s :3' History may have to disclose how real the threat of Com- munism is to American insti-' tutions, but if the people con- tinue to adopt a vain security of ignorance, the consequences will make bad historical read- ing for our children. About Taxes The Power Trusts claim “Private Pow- er pays Taxes—Public Power collects Taxes." Do you believe that? Here is the truth of the matter: Private Power doesn’t pay taxes. You, the customer, whether you use Private or Public Power, pay the taxes. It’s all in your light or power bill. Don't let Private Power be so noble about the About “Citizens’ Committees” :The Powar Trust has again organized “Citizens’ Committees" to fight Public Analyze the membership of these committees. Note that they have high officers of interests on their ros- ters. Ask yourself, “When did these men ever fight a battle for the people or These Citizens’ Com- mittes say, “Oh, we’re for Public Pow- er in principle but we’re not for Refer- endum 25." The fact is that there is no genius on earth who could write a Pub- lic Power bill to gain their approval. The sole purpose of so-called “Citizens’ Committees” is to deceive the people. 9 not 16 no it 7“}, sonail '- Vern“ FOI‘ICIIIIOS TO DOTOOI ROTOI‘OIIOIIIII ldorse- ting 1n ' 1 want DON T BE RECEIVED BY THEIR PROPAGANDA Public Power Costs Less! EXAMPLE 1 -, Here are total figures for the State of Wash, fir year ending May 3f, 1944. (Dept. Public Service, Olyn'l pia ) Average Cost per ' P K.VV.H. Total Cost Private Power 2,470,153,105 $31,854,308 $ -013 liblic Power 6,824,120,893 29,408,153 3043 Public Power sold more than 21/2 times as much ‘Wer as private companies and charged tWO l I I rillion dOIlars less. Private companies charged 3 taxes you pay, 1rhes more per K.W. H. than Public Utilities. ho has '10 Her th I? f 2f ’n-iately . r e are e ra es 0 we c1 ies o approx1 lm' DO . g“? same size. ate re.- " POkane (all Private Utility) .i TreSIdefltlal rate for 100 K.W.H ............... .,$2.76 every acoma (all Public Utility) _‘ residential rate for 100 K.W.H ............. 1-70 t spokane’s Private power rates are 60% higher W han Tacoma’s Public power rates. “1 h . , ;' ,3 EXAMPLE 3 ’, 'U-D. Rates for All Classes Are 30%LOWER Eastern Power ' ( Than Private Company Rates AVerang Rates—mills per Kilowatt Hour—~for of c0n_ Residential, Rural, Commercial, Industrial, I“. and Street Lighting). for progress?" 1 V_e M a j o 1‘ Public Power Public Utility Private Pow- (PUDs. REAs, Districts Only 9}“ Compa- Municipa l s , (Includes distri- Tlles operat- excluding bution in spar- record iggtin Wash- Bonneville In- sely settled ru- 5 g on dustrial sales) ral areas) 03’ and 13 MILLS 9.7 Mills 9.1 MILLS ISIS War You See P. U. D; Costs Less. 13 make Clip These Authentic Rates for Reference id sons .UMN :KET WHAT IS REFEREND-UM 25? ‘It is a law passed by the legislature to permit Public Utility Districts and cities to form joint commissmns to acquire (at fair prices toboth stockholders and public) and to operate electric systems extending over more than one county. Contrary to Private Power propaganda, the people of each county (or city) continue to retain local control of their local power business. Referendum 25 will bring electrical energy at lowest possible rates to factories, mills'mines, farms. businesses and homes. It will encourage industry, build payrolls, advance agricultUPE, lighten housework, and save Iihe people millions of dollars. VOTE FOR Referendum 25 PAID FOR BY POMONA GRANGE AND FRIENDS OF REFERENDUM 25 i right-ot-way of the Olympic Highway; 2 Residence ; School: and Precinct 8. Grant Lumber Company office, First Street, the above described polling places being those generally used for voting pur- poses, both in the City of Shelton and in the hereinabove described territory. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons have been appomted as election officers for the following named polling places, to-wit: For the hereinabove described territory sought to be annexed to the City of SheltonAVera Cole, inspector, Ida Armstrong and Sybel Ristinc, judges; Shelton Precinct No, 1— Etta Rector, inspector, Helen B. Cole and Grace Stevens, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 2—Carrie Durand, in- spector, Alberta Landers and Mamie Earl, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 3 —Teckla Anderson, inspector, Annette Munson and Maxine Briggs, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4—E. Len Smith, inspector, Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 5—Eula Quinn, inspector, Arvilla Wil— ey and Martha Jacobs, judges; Shel— ton Precinct No. 6-Letha Quinn, in— spector, Bertie McKinney and Ethel Carlson. judges; Shelton Precmct No. 7—Helena McCann, inspector, Virginia B. Lund and Viola Danielson, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. S—Marian Hill~ man, inspector. Inez Shorter and Al- lena L. Spring, judges. The electors entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to vote upon such proposition by placing upon their bal— lots the words “for annexation" or “against annexation,” or words equiv- alent thereto. . By order of the City CounCil, dated this 26th day of October, 1944. A. K. McCAMPBELL, City Clerk. 10-26—11-2—9-16-23—5t NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF SHELTON AND IN THE TERRITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in the City of Shelton on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1944, for the pur- pose of submitting to the qualitied electors of said City and of said here- inafter described territory. the pro- position of annexing to the City of Shelton and of including within the corporate limits of the said City of Shelton, the hereinafter described territory, to-wit: . _ Beginning on City Limits line at Southeast corner of Northeast_quar- ter of Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range west, W.M.; thence South on section line between Sections 30 and 29, Township and Range aforesaid, to the South- east corner of Northeast quarter of said Section 30; thence East on. cen- ter line of Section 29, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, to the East boundary of Puget. Street ex- tended South, which line is the North and South center line of the said Northeast uarter of said Section 29, Township 0 North, Range 3. West, W.M.: thence North along said Cen- ter line to the United States Govern- ment Meander Line, North of and ad- jacent to Government Lot 5, Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence Westerly along said United States Government Meander Line to the North and South center lines through said Section 20, Town- ship 20 North, Range West. W.M.; thence South alon said. center line following present ity Limits line to South line of said Section 20, Town- ship 20 North, Range. 3 West, W.M.; thence West continuing on present City Limits line, being on South line, of Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., to the West thence continuing on present .Clty Limits line Southerly on West right- of—wa line of Olympic Highway to the asterly extenSion of McKinley Street; thence Westerly continuing _on City Limits line, being the South line of McKinley Street extended Easterly, to the East line of‘Boundary Street; thence South on eXisting City Limits line, being the East line of Boun- dary Street, to the paint of begin- nm . NT)TICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls will be open at said electionl from 8 O‘clock in the morning until 8 o‘clock in the evening. Polling places shall be as follows: In the territory hereinabove described, Stanley Spiller in the City of Shelton- Precinct 1, Shelton City Hall; Precinct "- Precinct No. ‘ Prccinct No. , Spring, ‘this 26th day of A 2, Mason County Court'House; Pre- cinct 3, Shelton High school Gym- nasium; Precinct 4, Vern DaVidson residence, Eillinor Avenue; Precmct 5, Mrs. Martha Jacobs residence. Turner Avenue; Precinct 6, Mason County Welfare Building, Railroad Avenue; Precinct 7, Bordeaux School; and Precinct 8. Grant Lumber Com- pany office, First Street. the above described polling places being those generally used for voting purposes. both in the City of Shelton and in the hereinabove dOSCribed territory. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that! the following named .persons have been appointed as election .officcrs for the following named polling places, to-wit: For the hereinabove describ— ed territory sought to be annexed to the City of Shelton—«Laurie B. Hill, inspector, Stanley Spiller and Mrs. Rae Melcum, judges; Shelton l—EttadRéector, Sitnsperg- tor, Helen B. Cole an race even , judges; Shelton Precinct N0. 2——Cai‘- rie Durand. inspector, Alberta Land- ers and Mamie Earl, Judges; Shel- ton Precinct No. 3—Teckla Anderson. inspector, Annette Munson and Max- ine. Briggs. judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4—E. Len Smith, inspector,.hsther Morgan and Jeanne Zlntlieo, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 5—Eu1a Quinn. inspector. Arvilla Wiley and. Martha Jacobs judges: Shelton Precinct No.| 6~Letha Quinn, inspector, 'Bertie McKinney and Ethel Carlson. Judges: Shelton Precinct No. 7-_—Helena Mc- Cann. inspector, Virginia B. Lund and Viola Daniclson. judges; Shelton S—Marian Hillman, m- Inez Shorter and Aliens. L. ‘ud es. The eldctoés entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to .vote upon such proposition by‘ placing upon their ballots the words ‘for_annexation or “againsth antncxation,’ or words equivalent t ere o. of the City Connoil, dated By order October, 1944. . Kb‘MiCAMPBELL. it er . C y 10—26——11-2-9-16-23—5t GRAHAM THEATRE “Thursday -‘ Saturday COBRA WOMAN Jon Hail, Maria. Montez spector, Sunday - Monday - Tuesday MASK OF DIMITROS Sidney Greenstreet, Fay Emerson LAS VEGAS Anne Gwynne, David Bruce Thursday - Friday Sat. ALI BABA Maria Montez, Jon Hall SHELTON-MASON COUNTY Joann; NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN Office. THE CITY OF SHELTON AND IN THE TERRITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a'special election will be held in the City of Shelton on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1944, for the pur- pose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City and of said hereinafter described territory. the proposition of annexing to the City of Shelton and of including within the corporate limits of the said City of Shelton, the hereinafter described territory, to-wit: _Beginning on existing City Limits line at Southwest corner of North- east_quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West. W.M.; thence North along West line of said Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter. Section 18, Township 20 North, Range West, to the Northwest corner of the said Northeast quarter, Section, aforesaid; thence West along the cen- ter line of said Section 18, Township and Range aforesaid, to center of said SGCUOH‘ 18, Township and Range aforesaid; thence North along the cen- ter line Of said Section 18 to the North line of said Section 18, Town- ship and Range aforesaid; thence westerly.alo§§ the North lines of said Section , Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M. and Section 13, Township 20'N0rth, Range 4 West, being identical with the North line of David Shelton‘s Donation Claim, to the Northwest corner of said Dav1d Shelton’s Donation Claim; thence Southerly along the West line of said David Shelton’s Claim to the West line of Adams Street in Mountain View Addition to the City of Shelton, Washington; thence Southerly along said West line of Adams Street to the West line of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, _W.M., which point is on present City Limits line; thence North along the West line of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, to the South line of the North- west uarter of Southwest uarter of said ection 18, Township 0 North, Range 3 West. W.M.; thence East along said South line through Sec- tion 18, Township 20 North, Range 3_West, W.M., to the point of be- ginning. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls Will be open at said election from o’clock in the morning until 8 o'clock in the evening. Polling places shall be as follows: In the territory hereinabove described, M. J. Helser Residence; in the City of Shelton— Precinct 1, Shelton City Hall; Pre— cinct 2, Mason County Court House: Precinct 3. Shelton High school Gym— nasium; Precinct 4, Vern Davidson residence, Ellinor Avenue; Precinct 5, Mrs. Martha Jacobs residence, Turner Avenue; Precinct 6. Mason County Welfare Building. Railroad Avenue; Precinct 7, Bordeaux School: and Precinct 8, Grant Lumber Company Hoodsport Cafe for Home Cooked Dinners Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 7 pm. WEEK DAYS a.m. to 7 p.m. JOSIE F. LASSOIE I- l res“: G 'GRA Donation . ,Helen B. ,Cole and Grace Stevens, 'judges; l uarter of Southeast. ownsmp and Range 3 6‘Letha Quinn, inspector, Bertie Mc- l ERUIT JUICE46- Town House, fancy, sweetened or natural. TOMATO SAUCE Page 3 a ‘ First Street, the above de- scribed polling places being those generally used for voting purposes, both in the City of Shelton and in the hereinabove described territory. 1 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons have, been appointed as election officers for the following named polling places. to-wit: For the hereinabove described territory sought to be an~ nexed to the City of Sheltoanrs. M. J. Helser. inspector, Mrs. Alice Wood and Mrs. Alf Becker, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 1—Etta Rector, inspector, Cann, inspector, Virginia B; Lund and Viola Danielson. judges; Shelton Pre- cinct No. 8—Marian Hillman, inspec- tor, Inez Shorter and Allena L. Spring, judges. The electors entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to vote upon such proposition by placing upon their ballots the words “for annexation" or "against annexation," or words equiv- alent thereto. By order of the City Council, dated this 26th day of October, 1944. A: K. McCAMPBELL, City Clerk. 10-26—11-2-9-16-23—5t Another Milestone Eighteen years ago today M. C. ZINTI-IEO entered the Real Estate and Insurance business on the site Of his present office. Shelton Precinct No. 2, Car- rie Durand, inspector, Alberta Land- ers and Mamie Earl, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 3—Teckla Anderson. in- spector, Annette Munson and Maxine Briggs, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4—E. Len Smith, inspector, Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo, judges; Shelton Precinct N0. 5—Eula Quinn, inspector, Arvilla Wiley and Martha Jacobs, judges; Shelton Precinct No. Carlson, judges; Kinney and Ethel 7——Helena Mc- Shelton Precinct No. DANCE _AT_ KAMILCHE GRANGE HALL Saturday, Oct. 21 PUBLIC INVITED An ever-growing list of satisfied clients testifies to honest and conscientious ser- Vice. This is an expression of appreciation to the people of Shelton and Mason County for their patronage and confidence. For Realty Service and Insurance Protec- tion of all kinds consult—— M. C. (Neil) Zintheo Title Ins. Bldg. Sponsored by G. W. Club Music by GENERAL WELFARE CLUB ORCHESTRA Phone 157 Shelton SUPPORT President Roosevelt in his effort to win the war, prevent future wars, provide full em- ployment, security and prosperity after the war. Don’t handicap President Roosevelt with a congressman obligated to a political party hostile to the president. Elect an ex- perienced Democratic legislator who will work in harmony with Roosevelt. for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Vote For arles Savage (Paid for by The Savage for Congress Club) mi .1. , M. Special Price! TOMATO SOUP Campbell's famous soup! libby's Peas 20-01. 14;; fancy Garden (05. 24—336) Cs. (48) $3.95 Green Beans 19-01. 16c 3 Brier-gate, fancy, cut (Cl. 24-434) 02. Pork&Beans ____ --(s. (24) 233 Sugar Loaf, No. 2 can 12c 8-02. 1014-02. can- :Dcl Monte fancy grade tomato hot sauce. SWIFT’S PREM . . luncheon meat TOMATO JUICE Libby’s “gentle—press” 47-02. can (40 points) Beets 12c—-CS. (12) __________ __'| .44 Del Monte fancy Diced Beets, l-lb. Corn "Me—CS. (24) ............ ..3.36 Famous Iug‘ar-curpd flavor . Nlblet: Corn, 12-02. Peas TZc—CS. (24) ............ ..2.88 Walla Walla, 4-sieve, 20-02. Peas 14c—CS. ----------- Del Monte, Early Garden, 20-02. Peas TBc—CS. (24) ............ ..4.32 Green Giant, fancy, 20-oz. Stock Up Now.” Deviled Ham ..3-02. 14: Libby's genuine, CB. (48) 6.72 Apricots ........ ..29-02. 27c Valley Gold, halves, Cl. (24) 6.68 Peaches ........ ..29-02. 24c 29c Pears .............. ..29-02. 24c .uc 28: V-8 Cocktail l8-oz. 13c Castle Crest, 05. (24) 5.76 Apple Sauce ..29-02. Libby’s, fancy Eighway, Cs. (24) 5.76 Grapefruit .... ..18-02. JUICE, Town House, Cs. (24) Prune Juice ...... ..Oi. Libby's fancy, Cs. (12) 3.36 Vegetable juices, Cs. (24) 3.12 Here's Health, 18-02., Gs. (24) 3.36 vegetable Cocklall ............ J46 (hili(on-(arne----(s. (24) 6.96 1|2-oz. Van Camp’s, no been“ 17-02. can 29o 2 cans 5 Peas 'l Tc——CS. (24) ............ ..2.64 Gardensldo, standard grade, 20-03. CORN T4c—Cs. (24) ........ ..3.36 Butter Kernel, fancy, 20-02. Pork 8: Beans 12c—-CS. 4.80 . Dennison's, 15l/z-oz. (Cs. of 40) Deviled Meat—45. (48)....2.88 Libby’s fancy, 31A-oz. can so Deviled Meat—42$. (36)....3.24 Libby’s fancy, 51/3-oz. can so for your enioymem O . COFFEE BUY A POUND TODAY IN “(WM MI * . W'cdnesday MOON OVER Tomato Juice 3 cans 29c Sunny Dawn, 18-oz., Cs. (24) 2.32 Tomato Juice 46-02. 21c Sunny Dawn, fancy, Cs. (12) 2.52 Tomato Juice 2 cans 21c Libby's, 18-oz., Cu. (21) 2.52 SANS Irvington Club, cut berm: idc (use of24 4.32 Sirloin Steak ................ .. lb. 40¢ APPLES ............ .. 38-lbs. 3.23 Acme "Grain-Fed” Graded “Good” (13 pts.) Rome Beauty Rib Steak ..................... .. lb. 32¢ SQUASH ........................ .. lb. 4¢ Acme Graded “Good” 7” Cut (11 pts.) Hubbard Pot Roast .................... .. lb. 27¢ YAMS .................. ...... .. lb. 81/2¢ Acme, Blade or Arm “Good” (5 pts.) ' Louisiana Veal Roasts _________ .... .. lb. 35¢ N0. 1 POTATOES lb. .3I/,¢ Leg or Rump “Good” (no pts.) ONIONS . ' . Lamb Chops ________________ .. lb. 43¢ Dry (so-lbs. $1.291)b 3¢’ 10 lbs 29¢ “Good (7 pts.) ___ 123.21, Stew ................... .. lb. 19¢ Local. for Tasty paragliding}? 3¢ “ -oo ” (no pts.) GRAPE LGangb Roast ................ .- lb. 34¢ Calif. was rdii‘é'EEalfiééfnifiellb' 17¢ “ 00. (4 pts) CIDER _________________ _ _ 1. Weiners ...................... .. lb. 37¢ Sweet Apple Cider, Stoclc ni'ibrggaiioége‘it Skinless Type 2 (no pts.) 10¢ Deposit 0“ Jug s Veal Loaf .................... ._ lb. 38¢ CELERY ...................... .. lb. 6¢ Or Olive Loaf, for Sandwiches, A.C. Type 2 Local Utah Type Fryers or Roasters .... .. lb. 49¢ CRANBERRIES .... .. lb. 39¢ Grade “A” N. Y. Dresfid! Oregon N0 SALESTO'DEALERS. Prices start Friday. Oct. 27, 1944, subgect to market changes and stocks on hand. CORN Country Home, fancy, cream style, 20-02. can. (use of 24 14: 3.36