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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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$526,}, ,’_Octoberr26. 1944. prizes g1 PFI‘IAL ELECTION IN “M bth . «g HEL'I‘UN AND IN RI'I‘O .' IIERRINAF'I‘RR ‘1 ls INN“ , basement) ‘1 pic. .IS HEREBY GIVEN that eNotion will be held in the Milan «III Monday. the 4th ’ “Philwl'. 1944. lm' Ill!- [HIP I HELTON-MAgoN COUNTY mung ‘.__.:._...... 1309‘" of submitting to the qualifich Beginniij: :It the Noi‘tlwasi corner on the existing City Limits lline: Daughter for HellstrmS ‘Gll‘l .l'OI‘ LeComptes electors of said City and «It Salli here— of Section 27!. Township 20 North. thence Northei'ly along—J; Said PXISlm‘S’ 3115 and M1“ B F_ Heuston inafter described territory. the ln‘o- l Range 4 'Wcst. W.lvl.: thence West on City Limits line. being East, line 01' V " _' VVord has been received of the position uI‘ annexing “to the City of North line or said section 34 to Il16‘13m‘linll 24. Township 20 North. Range lormer Shelton l'eSidents, are the arrival of a bab irl October Shelton and of including within the ‘ West line of David Shelton's Donation 4 West. W.M.. to the point of hegin- parents of a baby daughter Ca- . ‘ y g corporate liniits of the said City 01' . Claim; thence South along said Wf‘st ning. 1 _. . b '6 . 20 for T/Sg't. and Mrs. Thomas P. -' Shelton, the hereinafter ths‘l'l’llH-LI 11m 01' Dana Shelton's Donation tieime Anne, born Octo er In Lecompte at Coronado, Gall-f. She . p V‘I'I'iim')’. Iii-wit; (.‘laini to its intersection 'Wllll the NOTICE Is FURTHER GIVEN that Seattle. Ensign Heuston was in on posed Amendments to the f. State CO 11stitution ' BE VOTED 0N NOVEMBER 7, 1944 STATE or WASHINGTON, Orrrcr or THE SECRETARY or STATE. M4 he citizens It May Concern: hsidera’cion of the voters H‘t Angeles JOINT RESOLUTION NO. I alved By the Senate and House latives of the State of Washing- lative Session Assembled: he general election to be held in ” the Tuesday next succeeding mdgy of November.flté44.1 there ' ited to the quali ie eectors “‘5 and u" ‘ f9r their approval and ratifica- SS dealings. tIon, an amendment to Article hundreds State Constitution, to be added 0 0fiction 2 thereof, which shall 3: EXCept as hereinafter provided tfinding any other provision of entire bus- in France :iOl'll, the aggregate of all tgx a . an and persona property y n funy 5‘ d all taxing districts now exist- ] from 59 ter created, shall not in any ‘ forty mills on the dollar of tion, which assessed valuation ' Der centum of the true and .such property in money: Pro- 91‘, That nothing herein shall , r at the rates now provided by 1‘ any port or public utility dis- tergn “taxing district.” for the 3311s section shall mean any po- Vlaxon. municipal corporation. 0ther governmental agency au- ‘lfiw to levy, or have leviedifor g‘ taxes on property, other than "‘I utility district. Such ag- tahon or any specific limitation law in conformity therewith f- only taxing district when specia- ZEd so to do by a majority of -fifths of the electors thereof proposition to levy such ad- ‘ubmitted not more than twelve isto the date on which the pro- to be made and not oftener in such twelve month period. ecial election or at the regular "MI: taxing district, at which anumber of persons voting on - " shall constitute not less than turn of the total number of Such taxing district at the last eral election; ' taxing district otherwise an- , 15w to issue general obligation Ital purposes, for the sole pur- hlz the required payments of " Interest on general obligation solely for capital. purposes, .he replacement of equipment, l263d so to do by a majority of E—fifths of the electors thereof 6 proposition to issue such Day the principal and interest |" annual tax levy in excess of herein provided during the I bonds. submitted not oftener any calendar year, at an elec- ‘he manner provided by law for " In such taxing district, at ," the total number of persons .' proposition shall constitute ' forty pcrcentum of the total °tes cast in such taxing district reCeding general election: Pro- a11y such taxing district shall I‘ by vote of its governing body 5’_ general obligation bonds of Issued for capital purposes Provide for the interest there- zation thereof by annual levies he tax limitation provided for .Tovided Further, That the pro- section shall also be subject i(Ins Contained in Article VIII. this constitution ; ‘ state or any taxing district “fie of paying the principal or mineral obligation bonds out- :Decembcr 6, 1934; or for the x‘l‘eventing the impairment of ‘ of a. contract when ordered court: of last resort. Further Resolved, That the to duties 0' if the legis- Ind ydur on, as appears from the dice. My Hand and the seal 3', 1944. AY" P. CA U. S. Senator §¥MURPHY “0* of State E0. B. LAMPING 9 Commissioner edience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolutions of ' Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published of the State of Washington, two pro— endmcnts t0 the constitution of the said state, as follows: Secretary of State shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least three (3) months next preccd. ing the election, in a. weekly newspaper in every county where a newspaper is pub- lishcd throughout the state. Passed the House January 28, 1943. EDWARD J. REILLY, Speaker of the House. Passed the Senate March 8, 1943. VICTOR A. MEYERS, President of the Senate. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State, March 10, 1943. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 4 Be Resolved by the Senate and the Home of Representatives of the State of Washing- ton in Legislative Session Assembled: That, at the general eIBthn to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November. 1944. there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for their adoption and approval or rejection an amendment to Article II of the Constitution of the State of Washington, by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 40 to read as follows: Section 40. All fees collected by the State of Washington as license fees for motor ve- hicles and all excise taxes collected _by ch. State of Washington on the sale, distribution or use of motor vehicle fuel and all other state revenue intended to be used for high- way purposes. shall be paid into the stat! treasury and placed in a special fund to b1 used exclusively for highway purposes, sucli highway purposes shall be construed to in- clude the following: _ (a) The necessary operating, engineering and legal expenses connected with the ad‘ ministration of public highways, county roads and city streets: (P) The construction, reconstruction maintenance, repair, and betterment oi public highways, county roads, bridges ani city streets: including the cost and expenst of (l) acquisition of rights-of-way. (2) In- sgallmg, maintaining and operating traffic signs and signal lights. (3) policing by the state of public highways, (4) operation of movable span bridges, and (5) operation of ferries which are a part of any public highway, county road, or city street: (c) The payment or refunding of any ob- ligation of the State of Washington, or any political subdivision thereof, for which any of the revenues described in section 1 may have been legally pledged prior to the eficc. tive date of this act: , (d) Refunds authorized by law for taxes paid on motor vehicle fuels; (e) The cost of collection of any revenue: described in this section: Provided, That this section shall not be construed to include revenue from general or special taxes or excises not levied pri- marily for highway purposes, or apply to vehicle operator's license fees or any ex- cise tax imposed on motor vehicles or the use thereof in lieu of a property tax there- on, or fees for certificates of ownership of motor vehicles. Be It Further Resolved. The Secretary of State shall cause the foregoing proposed amendment to be pnbliehed'for at least three (3) months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county where a newspaper is published throughout the state. Passed the House'March 8, 1943. EDWARD J. REILLY, Speaker of the House. Passed the Senate March 8, 1043. VICTOR A. MEYERS. President of the Senate. Filed in the oflice of the Secretary of State. March 13, 1943. STATE or WASHINGTON. OFFICE or THE SECRETARY or STATE. '11? REEVES, Secretary of State of the State of Washington. 1fy that the above and foregoing contains a full, true and cor- House Joint Resolution No. 1 and House Joint Resolution " by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its twenty- originals of said Joint Resolutions on of the State of Washington this 13th BELLE REEVES. Secretary of State. RTHUR . LANIE r political parties is mandatory. “’e proud to present these mom—our WASHINGTON STATE FRED NORMAN U. S. Representative 3rd Distrirl These men believe in the Constitution as our basic law. They believe in repre. scntaflve government. a government. by law and not. by men. They believe that, government is for the welfare of all people. farmers, laborers. industrialists, white collar workers—all! That honest, intelligent. efficient operation of public business is imperative to good govern. ment. That integrity in public men and REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES» Southerly right—oi-way of the (Penin- stilai' Railway Company (now Simpson Logging- Cmnpam'): thence Southwest- ei'ly along; said Southerly right—oi» way lim- 01' said Peninsular Railway Company to the East right-ohwny line 01' the old Mallot-k County road; thence Southerly along said right-ot- way 01' said old Mallock County road to the North bank of Goldsbm'ough Creek; thence Northeasterly along the North bank of Goldsbm'ough Creek to the South line of David Shelton s Do— nation Claim; thence East along said Donation Claim line to the Last line of Section 24. Township 20 North. Range 4 West. W.M.. which potnt, is ‘77.” c- .k..__.._ I».-. ~_._.‘ _..-‘.... NOW is the time to be thinking of your .__——_..._... ‘ CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS ‘ 5 Beautiful Photographs Attractively Mounted SIZE 4x6 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Bartona Studio 13 OLYMPIA, WASH. let’s Elect Mrs. Ruth PYATT QUILCENE State Representative A working business woman capable and efficient. She will be of real value to our District. (Paid Adv.) VICTOR ZEDICK Lieutenant- Governor . HOMER R. JONES State Treasurer . are GEO. E. "CANFELD Attorney General ARHIE McLEAN Com. of Public Lands the polls will be open at said election from 8 o'clock in the morning until o'clock in the evening. Polling; plamxs shall be as follows: III the territory lierr-inabove described. Madeline Quinn Residence: in the City of Shelton»- Pi'ecinct 1. Shelton City Hall: Precinct 2. Mason County Court House; Pre— (incl 3. Shelton High school. Cym- nasium; Precinct 4. Vern Dal'ldSDn residence. Ellinor Avenue: Precinct 5. Mrs. Martha Jacobs residence. Tur- ner Avenue: Precinct 6. Mason.County Welfare Building. Railroad Avenue: Precinct 7. Bordeaux School: and Pre- cinct 8. Grant Lumber Companylof- rice. First Street. the above described polling places being those generally used for voting purposes. both In the City of Shelton and in the herein- above descride territory. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons have been appointed as election officers for the following named polling places. lo—wit: For the hereinabo've described territory sought to be annexed to the City of Shelton—Madeline Quinn, In- spector. Mabel Wivell and Alice M. Johnson. judges: Shelton Precinct No. 1—— Etta Rector. inspector. Helen H. Cole and Grace Stevens. judges; Shel- ton Precinct No. 2—CaI-rie Durand. inspector. Alberta Landers andrManue Earl. judges: Shelton Precinct NO. 3 —chkla Anderson. inspector. Annette Munson and Maxine Brig s, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4HE. en Smith. inspector. ,Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo. judges; Shelton Precinct No. 5——Eula Quinn. inspector. Arvnlla W11- ey and Martha Jacobs. judges; Shel- ton Precinct No. ,B—Letha Quinn. In— spector. Bertie McKinney and Ethel Carlson. judges; Shelton Precmct _Np. 7~Helena McCann. inspector. Virginia Is. Lund and Viola Danielson. Judges; Shelton Precinct No. 8—Marian Hill- man, ins ector. Inez, Shorter and Al- lena L. pring‘. judges. The electors entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to vote upon such proposition by placing upon then-"bat~ lots the words “for annexation .or “against annexation." or words equiv— alent thereto. By order of the City Council. dated v this 26th day of October. 1944. A. K. McCAMPBELL, City Clerk. ‘ 1(l-26—v-11-2-9-lb-23—5t para, scientific poultry breeding has resul’lod In egg production per hen that leads the nation and a western hen. Lady Excelsior. holds the world's record—344 eggs in 365 days. The initiative that poullrirmen of this region have shovm in improving their flocks has also been applied to grading and marketing their products. As a result. western eggs and poultry command lap prices in the nation's markets. During the war western poultrymen ha’ve met the demands of our armed forces and allies and Yet have supplied the home market without the need of rationing. The cockllnq of the modest hen is the theme song of a mighty Western industry. SEATTLE BREWING MALTING CO. is the former Gayle Williams.» 5 x c port at the time of the arrival. I I .THEj'YARDSTICK" ~ DOESN'T MEASURE up, men "(5. . -. me. this" the lease ,1": BIBLE cnusnorns covunxon LANGLIE é STATES Me FACTS “In this year and at this moment, we, the citizens of the United States of America, are called upon to exer- cise our rights and duties at the polls more faithfully and with greater care and understanding than at any time since Lincoln. The future of our lives and the lives of people far beyond our borders will be deeply influ- enced by our decisions. Only‘if we look sharply into the underlying facts and purposes, the back-ground and the calibre of the men who seekpffice, can we judge correctly what is, or what is not, for the great— est good. Inithis election, apathy, ignorance and blind prejudice are vicious enemies against the welfare of all." Homeowners in the government-served Tennessee Valley region paid as of June 30,1943, an average rate 6% higher than that paid by cus- tomers‘served by Puget Power. Furthermore, the average use is 26% less in the TVA area. Puget Power customers are. further benefited by the large foxes the company pays—20c out of every, dollar.yThis helps reduce your tax bill. ' “owmo ‘ANB OPERATED THE ' Arthur B. Langlie FRIDAY, KOI. 8:45 P. M. *HEAR HIM SPEED THE VICTORY—BUY WAR BONDS In this bounfllul West internationally famous work has been carried on for the advancemnl oi the poultry industry. Hero Something to Crow About Since 1813 Rainier Boer has been proud of 1!: close identification with tho vigorous. growing life of the Well. One of the Great Trade Name! .of America -k m \m Wis: /, - Since ‘Il E. G. Sick, Pres. WASHINGTON'S OLDEST INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTION