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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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my 26, , October 26. 1944:. Cl 11 n Vachinery At, _ ll .. a U c e a i , . : ‘ . Shelton use Store Political Announcements LEGAL WMCAWNS ‘1 end Vismiion of new machinel‘l‘i : P'ROCIAMATIOV' AVD NOTICI‘ or orne and ' 1 shoe repair shop 0p-' SPECIAL ELECTION INA THE, CITY m_ ‘y Gust Olafson' was a,,_ or SIIELTON. “'ASIIINGTON last week by the pro- , ,-.The new machinery ssible faster and more ‘ repairing of shoes. Mr. stated. lot Try iving . 'or The Small Ancrete Job SAVAGE for BGNGRESS lllMl ‘ ——use-— i ADY—MIX “ red Ready to Pour ‘Where Needed Republican Candidate County Commissioner District 1 Experience in Public and Business Affairs ‘SHELTON I I NCRETE ! DUCTS CO. e‘nth St. Bridge PHONE 123 H. Parry Jones I‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that :. petition signed by electorsL of the WM 0’0Eli. City of Shelton. VJashiugton. equal. andt in[ excess in number, to 25 per: een o the votes cast for all candi- DEMOCRAT dates for the Mayor of the City ot'l Shelton at tile last preceding city elec- ,tlon in Shelton. \Vashillgton. has bcelt filed with tile Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Shelton. VVash~ ing‘ton. asking tllat the City of Shel- ton. Washington. be organized under Candidate for County Commissioner Legislature of the State of Washing- 1944. for the purpose of submitting the the City of the provisions of the arts of the 12th ton (Section 9090 to Section 9112i. Relilington's Revised Statutes).r to- - , . lwit: Organized as a l‘omlllission orm DlStI'lct N0. fot' goveanmenl. , 7 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Six Years County Road a special election will be held 011‘ Foreman FTuesday. the “fill day of November.1 question of so organizing Shelton. Polls will be open from 8 o‘clock in the morning until o'clock in the eve- mng. Polling places shall be as fol- lows: Precinct l. Shelton City Hall: 2. Mason County Court House: 3. Shelton 0 I High school Gylllllasiunl; :1, Vern Dav ldson residence, Ellinor Avenue: 5. i DEMOCRAT Mrs. Martlla Jacobs residence. Tut-A ner Avenue: 6. Mason County Welfare County Building. Railroad Avenue: 7. Bor— deaux School: and 8. Grant Lumber Commisswner Road District NO. Company Office. First Street. Said proposition shall be. submitted 18 years experience in road building ELECT in substantially the following form: EShall the proposition to organize the City 01' Shelton, Washington, under Chapter 116. 1911 Laws of VVashlng- ton. entitled "An Act Relating to Organization. Classification. Incorpor- ation and Government, of Municipal [Corporations under a Commission. and Declaring an Emergency." and Chapter 13 of the 1943 Laws of the LLO’S .‘ 3 . * MARKET m, ROGERIES \ GEORGE Democratic Candidate STATE REPRESENTATIVE fltOI'y and supplemental thereto, be, adopted. ' By order of the Mayor and Council of the City of Shelton. Washington. Dated this 5th day of October. 1944. J. L. CATTO. V Mayor of the (‘ity of Shelton, Washington. i State of Washington. and laws amend— I N. ADAMS Attesl: A. K. McCAMPBELL. ‘CiU‘ Clerk of the City'of I Shelton, Washington. 10-5-12-19-26—11-2—5t NO. 1687 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS For . ' ' ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE .CIAI. J DlstrICt (OngNYgASHINGTON 100R yNose DIOP‘ ’ Ex . _ _ N Y , _. *1 perlenced Dependable Effluent IN PROBATE ‘RlchtWhM :‘ FRUIID . In the Matter of the Estate of. lble'lsl ‘ FLORENCE ABDIGALE MAGOON. 1 «$3??sz IS HEREBY GIVEN ti t A 18. NEST FOODS AT No- 1472 the undersigned, Walter Arthur Ma- State of Washington BEST PRICES OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR or , ' HYDRAULICS : HOODSPORT - Olympia ' NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION No. 6178 TO WHOM IT‘MAY CONCERN: 1944. of Hydraulics. :HOME LOANS IIIIIIIIIIIIII“ the pub“, the amount of 0.15 second-feet, ' pose of t nvenient Terms for domestic. supply. within SE14 : sonablc Rates location and ber 26. 1944. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET, Notice is hereby given that W. B. Cook of Bremerton. State of Wash- ington” under date of September 28. filed With the State Supervisor C. Olympia, Washington. an application for a permit to divert waters of Little Mission Creek tributary of Hood Canal, in sub- ject to existing rights. from April 15 to October 1 of each year for the. pur- irrigation and continuously that. the ap— proximate point of diversion is located of SE14 of Section 35. Township 23 N.. Range W.W.M.. in Mason County. A map showing the plan of said diversion within thirty (30) days after date of last publication. which date is Octo- State Supervisor of Hydraulics 10-19-20~—2L. Journal Want Ads get Results! 5 :45 cm '8:OO E 6:15 7:00 First ChurcthChrlstSuenls’r 8:15 8:50 . 1:3: SHELTON, WASHINGTON 10:50 WELCOMES YOU 11 :30 SERVICES 12:10 pm Sunday .: ...... _. : 11 a. m. 12:50 Wednesday 8 p. In. 1:30 Sunday School .. . 2:00 Reading Room at the Church 2:35 302 Alder Street 3‘00 Open Monday thru Friday 12:00, to 4 p. m. s'ds Tuesday Evening 7:00 to 9:00 Wednesday Elae5nmg - ' to 7: 7:10 6 45 7‘45 Sunday, October 29 fn’s 3:23 “E-VERLASTl-NG ‘ :ISHM'ENT" ’ 10:2o if“, 5"“ 11‘” Christian Science Literature a— ‘ 12:30 am yailable at all times at the A “Y. Church or on request by man_ ...... .- Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass. puon‘ NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Carl C. Smith. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ella Smith Sisson. Administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Carl Smith, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court her final report and petition for distribu- tion. asking the court to settle and approve said final report and petition for distribution. distribute the estate to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said Administratrix with the will annexed. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for distribution will be heard on Sat— urday, the 28th day of October, 1944, at the hour of 10 O'clock in the fore- noon, at the court room in the court goon. has been appointed and has: qualified as Executor of the last! Will and Testament and of the estaleI of Florence Abdigale Magoon. deceas- ed; and that all persons having claims against the said deceased 01' the said estate are. required to serve the same, duly verified with the necessarywou- chcrs attached. upon the underSlgned Executor or his Attorney‘of record, at the addresses hereinbelow given, and file such claims together With proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled court, Within SIX months after the. first publication of this notice, towit: October 5. 1944. or all claims not so presented and. filed will be forever barred. WALTER ARTHUR MAGOON. Executor of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate Of Florence Abdigale Magoon. deceased. 325 Rail- road Avenue, Shelton, Wash- ington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. and the Place Of the proposed 1158 house m Shelton: WaShington- Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Building. 3 on file infthleI (Effie? of t8? State. named thls 23rd day Of September: Shelton, Mason County. Washington. upervisor o y rauics. ympia. 10—5-12-19-26wlt. Washington, together with such other .CLARE ENGELSEN. information as is required by law. Eoun’tty C‘llsrki ,MatSOD N0 1691 Any person. firm or corporation ‘Ouny. as 1mg 01! , ' w whOse, right will be. injuriously af— CHAS- R- LEWIS: . . . NOTICDFIFIgl‘CCIII‘AIIMISORS r0 fected by said application may file Attorney for, said Administratl'lx N THE SUPERiOR COURT OF THE with the State SUDGI‘VISOI‘ 0f Hy- “71th the W111 annexed: Sulte 1 ‘STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND draulics. at Olympia. Washington, Lumbel‘mens Bldgn Shelton. FOR THE COUNTY 6F MASON such Objections or representations, in Mason County, WaShlngtOH- IN PROBATF ’ writing. as he may desire to make, (SEAL) 9-28—‘10'5-12-19'-‘26“5t In the Matter of “1,; LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Estate, of ’JACK MORGAN. Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the Estate Witness ill hand and official seal this 29th (lily of September, A.D. GIVEN that pursuant to local im- 0f JaCk dMOYgan' also kmwn.“ Jot“? 1944. provcment' assessment judgment of {ll/[Aggililgneegegiedt‘hgwé‘fhgagging tgctulfi (SEAL) the supermr Court Of the county of her/194:1. by the said Superior Court. Mason. in the State of Washington, entered on the 9th day of December. 1939, in proceedings for foreclosure Of local improvement assessment liens upon real proerty as per provisions of law, that I shall. on Saturday, the .16th day of December, 1944, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Shelton, in the County of Mason. State of Wash- All persons having claims against said estate are required to serve them, with the necessary vouchers. upon the undersigned at the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Title Insurance Building. Shelton. Washington, ‘that being the place designated for the. transaction of the business of the estate, within six months after the, date of the first publication of this ington, sell the following described -. -. notice. tO-wlt. Within Sl). months after 10% “30‘s 0‘” parcels 0f land.” the 12th day of October, .1944, and sanSfy the fun amount-0f local 1m" file the same with the Clerk of this $323335 assissmgmtsi‘ Pigtetres% 1’3” Court together with proof 01' such cossaJug. o e ue .' ~ -.... ..- the/1.30m togfither with tintefilst dag fiance, m they will be lOlC\t,l bai cruc on suc assessnlcn to e a e ' : 0 l of sale and costs of sale as follows, waged “us I‘m day 01 0('L°bm’ to-wit: Lot 1. Block 0. David Shel- ton’s First Addition to Shelton, Wash- ington. $721.89 plus interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the 9th day of December, 1939, and general taxes paid by the City of Shelton in Elsetapptroxilmate Smolin'ti otf t$2124.45 ant: sso saegesimae 0a amoun $1175.00, Lot 2. Block 0. David Shel- gggfiognsgggfigggfifi‘"g' ton s First Addition to Shelton, Wash- 10.12-19.25_11.2_4t lngton. $713.99 plus interest at the rate No. 1644 (I); 6% tper itggum grom thel Sitth day 05 ecem er“ , an genera axes pai RING‘ FINAL by the City of Shelton in the ap- N%£§S§R%FA§§API;TITI%§ FOR. DISTRIBUTION proximate amount of $78.86 and costs LAWRENCE BAILEY. ETHEL BAILEY CARTER, Executors of the Last Will and Testament and the. Estate of Jack Morgan. deceased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executors. §f0158$m estimated total amount IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE . . HII ‘ ‘ WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFI— figfi 851.13%? W'TON BOR 811%.. 8111631111. this 11th day of Sep- 1N PROBATE rm 91‘. . In the Matter of the Estate of ALMA K- CATTO. SARAH A. MOORE. Deceased. Acting Treasurer of the City NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that (SEAL) 0f Shelton: Wafihington- Elmer E. Mooge. l{AGEin]i\s’1trator dof the estate of ara . oore. e.- 9-14-21-28-10-5-12-19-26—11-2-8t ceased. has filed with the Clerk of the. above entitled court his final re.- port and petition for distribution. ask- ing the court to settle and approve the‘same. distribute the property .to the persons thereto entitled, and dis- charge the said Administrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday, the 18th day of November, 1944. at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore- noon, at the court room in the court house in Shelton. Washington. Dated this 7th day of October, 1944. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk, Mason County, . Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Suite 1, Lumbermen's Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 10-19—26—11—2-9—4t ,NO. 1685 ‘7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 1686 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the. Matter of the Estate of MARY N. WILLEY. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Harry W. Deegan has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator with the will annexed of the Estate of Mary N. Willey. Deceased, and that all persons have claims against the said estate are hereby required to serve the same duly verified, upon the said Administrator or upon his duly appointed agent or attorney, J. W. Graham at his office in the Govey Bldg, Shelton. Wash. which has been designated as the place for the trans- action of the business of said estate. or upon the attorn of record for said estate at the ad _ress below given and file the same With the Clerk of said court with proof of service, with- l" - - - '19; Bremerton- Tacoma Stages - cannot-E 01th Bound DAILY South Bound ‘ Leave - - - ' V, > Leave Leave Leave ~9lympia Shelton Bremerton Shelton 3 15a. m. I 6:00a. m. 7:00 a. m. M45 a.m. — 7:30 a. m. 8:45 a. m. m -11 :00 a. m. 10:45a. m. 12:25 p. m. . 11 2:35 p. m. 3:00 p. m. — 4:45 .m. 6:15 p. m. 5 e46 __" __ : ‘7:50 p. m. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS en’s ' S 6:00 a. m. 7:30 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 23.1..) L0 11:00 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 12:25 p. m. ‘ 2:35 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 6:15 p.m. 9:60 p. In. 6:15 pun. 7:45 p. m. in six months after the date of first publication of this notice. and to-wit. October 12. 1944 or said claims will be forever barred. HARRY W. DEEGAN, Administrator with the Will annexed of said Estate. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Administrator, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate. 01" CHARLES FRANCIS CARVER. De- ceased. _ Notice is hereby given that the un- dersil mad has begn apptoiréted alkd his quai ie as a minis ra or o t e Govey Bldg., Shelton. WaSh. ,above entitled estate; that all per4 10-12-19-26—11-2—4t sons having claims against said de~ SHIP YOIIR FREIGHT BY BOAT - FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight‘via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for ,Olympia. and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLAN DER, President PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES * SI—IELTON-MASON C OUNTY JOURNAL ceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified. on said Char- les T. Wright or Chas. ’1‘. Wright. attorney of record at the addresses be- low stated. and file the same with the Clerk 01' said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publi< cation of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication. October 19, 1944 A.D. CHARLES T. WRIGHT. Administrator of said Estate, Suite No. 7. Angle Bldg, Shelton. Washington CHARLES T. WRIGHT. Attorney for Estate, Suite No. 7. Angle Bldg, Shelton. “’ashillgton. lil«l9~‘_‘6—ll—2-9—4t. vavvvvvv~ - o-S- - —... - -vvv Classified Service 1'“ . , . v v'vv"I‘—vvvvvvfi SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE: rodeo grounds. Cole Ranch. Clarence Wiv- ell. 10-26w11—9 “CHARIS” the foundation 01‘—beauty and comfort. For uppl'l'lntment phone Corsetiero Bernice Stewart. 372R. 9-21 40—26 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Accessories — Paint Western Supply Co. 218 N. ISL Phone 126 10-5—11—2 CHARM-KURL PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Karl kit. Easy to do. abso- lutely harmless. Requires no heat. electricity or machines. Safe, for every type 01." hair. Praised by mil- lions including June Lang. glamor— ous movie star. Fir Drug Store. ‘ 9-21~—12-18 FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indigestion, Heartburn. Bclching, Bloating, Nau- sea. Gas Pains. get free sample, Udga. at Fir Drug Store. 9-28—1-4 GET YOUR WOOD and COAL NOW! ! Joe Tindall Phone 10F12 Shelton, Wash. 9-7—11-2—2M MASON COUNTY PLUMBING AND HEATING Contracting —— Repairing Burner Service 1616 Olympic Hiway Shelton, Wash. Phone 548 C. R. Bridges SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, O v e r w e i g h t, underweight. R e g ul a. t e 3 functions of skin, nerves, digestion, circulation a n d elimination. Tuesday, Friday 9 a.m. 6 p. m. Monday 9 a.m. - p.m. 320 North 5th Home evenings, Skokomish Reservation A. F. Oppelt IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS‘ctln- tact C. L. Collins. Business Agent. 3-30tfn 1612 Division. phone 240W. Mason County Electric Co. PHONE 548 1616 Olympic Highway HILLCREST Range Service, Appliance Repairs and House Wiring FOR PLUMBING ‘ Call HILLCREST HARDWARE Phone 499 Lawnmowers and Knives SHARPENED Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop HEMSTITCHING: 404 Franklin. Mrs. Martha Jacobs. 2-1tfil FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE t vavVvvvvvvvvvvvv‘rvvvvvv FOR SALE ’VVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV wvvvv FOR SALE: 1938 V-S 60 motor. (‘om- l FOR SALE. gum] famn‘. (.nw. can: pll-te with lranslllission. Inquire 527 hi, 5.9:?“ ‘at' Rm. Kniinor‘s place. . Fall'm‘ml- lit-23”"; Route 3. Box 195. 10-26—»11~9l I... WWI“... ,_ _,,, EUR SALES Silllsgallon storage tank in f 011 SALE; Chum-a] Emcmp mug-.4. good t'()lldlllOll. J. (7. hit-Kiel. lloodsf PM?“ ploznpx‘lg. .m.“. mm“... and egg Pm": was.“ 10'2“ “11'” vookel’. Ephrialu Johnson, Dayton. "WWA "‘“’“‘_ ‘" ""“‘ 1026-41-9 FOR SALE: set of highl-lilllber spurs i —»— and belt $15. Ephrailll Johnson. Mat- FOR SALE. Imam 11.90 loaf Hm... lock Route. ill-257414) Spray Man 3 ppm“. postcard m ‘“ the WATKIN’S MAN. 812 Franklin FOR SALEzhlew officers trench coat. . . ~ (raincoat) wool. Never \vorn. Size,‘ St" tht‘m‘ Home O\Pnlsn)gog_l26_n.g RX. 123 Cola. Till-26‘ , _ , v n FOR SALE: 1l0 lalige hellls. apd I29 'V younU chic ’ens. leavy lreec . . ll- quireb Route 2. Box 233. Real: Smith's Corner. $10-20 another shipment Of . FOR SALE: slightly used spring: l‘illed. daveno-bed. Call after}; p.m. Chromolox Slde Arm at 922 South Sixth. lilo-20' HOtwater Heaters FOR TRADE: one pair all i-nlihm- shoe pacs, size 10. for hip boots 3000 Watt gr waders.L Inqélll’f‘l Wooflardt Candy ‘ hop. nex to 1m lain ‘ lea re. 220 volt 1 10,264“, Automatlc FOR SALE: Joélgson 41('y(‘lt‘ gachn}: glue. {it l.p. l Arczuia Ave. 211‘. '- Thermostat Hams? 10-26 . -. a- , : WINONA FARM WAGON for sale. HeQVy’ p19 W31 conjtnmtmn withi 120dlzushelI grain 3)Pd.GAll lin. goo (1011 I lon. nq‘lll'" ()9 l'aSS '3 “mm they 1a“ place, Mill Creek road. 10-20711-9 FOR SALE: pro-war bally buggy. Bathinette and baby ('l'll). Inquire 233 So. First St. SID-26 NASH BROTHERS Headquarters for Plumbing Heating Electrical Supplies NO HUNTING No Fishing No Trespassing Keep Off and many other SIGNS ‘ at. the Journal Office Prepare for Winter We have a limited number ofithe following items Trippe Driving Lamps Fog Lamps Tire Chains Tire Pumps 'FOR SALE: weened puppies. half police and collie. also black cocker Spaniels. At Walter Morrison‘s, two Western CO. blocks east Pines Auto Camp, Mt. 218 N. First Phone 126 VIPW- 10-26 "mm ,. FOR SALE: range, library table. and other household articles. Anna Huss, 1520 Boundary (Hillcrest). 10—26—11-9 FOR SALE: New Zealand white breed- ing rabbits. also hutches, 5 does. 2 bucks. 1 milking nanny goat. Nan- ny and buck spring stock. Mrs. , Josephine Lusin. Route 2, Box 268. REAL ESTATE -- -v-vvvvvvvv n'vvvv FOR SALE: modern house. three bed- rooms, good location. $1.000 down payment. Richard F. Eddy. 10-26—11-2 FOR SALE : 5-room modern, furn- itshcld house $3.300. Will Earsi large 10'26 ral er as par paymen . n uire D. L. Condrey, Pines Auto amp UlifilGHT PIANO FOR SALE} Store. 10-26—114) ‘ __.. FOR SALE: Guernsey heifers. Four FOR SALE: 4 rooms With bath and months to 14 months old. Jack Bun- utility. Foundation laid and mater- . ial to complete fifth room. Two lots, nen‘ Star Route 2' Box 55' Phone good view. 'Inquire Journal ‘Office. 14F24' 10‘12'26 “MG—1.”) FOR SALE: 14 foot Birchcraft boat . _ and 6-horse. 1941 motor (Mercury) RANCH FOR SALE' 10 acres' 4 mm“ $200. Jack Bunnell. Call 141724. Star hous, chicken house. woodshcd, electricity. gnquire Dan‘ Savage,, “Eoum 2: BOX 55' }0'12‘26 Sta! Rome “’ Box 106’ bhelfi)()_1119_261FOR SALE: beef for your locker Or _ canning. Jack Bunncll, Star Route 2, Box 55. Call 14F24. 10-12-26 . :FOR SALE: International— tracts}. FOR SALE' B‘room medern Iron wheels. Also 1450—lb. bay mare. ' sound and reliable. Will: sell or trade for cattle. Ted Richert, Star Route 1, Box 86. 10—12—26 FOR SALE: solid Oak 8-foot extension table. Phone 370M. Matthes. 628 Franklin. 10-12-26 FOR SALE: picked King apples. or— chard run. $1.25 box. 6 boxes $7.00. bring containers. Double barrel. breech loading shotgun. 12 gauge. J. F. Jacoby, Route 2. Shelton. 10-12-26 _______.,.__._.__..._..______. FOR SALE: pre—war baby buggy and play pen. Inquire Lt. E. L. Foster. 618 Cascade. Phone 240RX. 10-12—26 FORVSALE: sow. fins about 350 pounds. William A. Robertson. Rte. 3. Box 20. Phone 15F11. 10—12-26 FOR SALE: cow. fresh two months. Henry Boysen. Mt. View. 10-12-20 home one mile from city cen- ter, enclosed back porch, gar- age and woodshcd, workshop and fruit room, chicken house; two lots 100 x 120 ft. with 1 good garden. Buildings only 4 , yrs. old. A comfortable home in good condition for only $2600, terms. See M. C. ZIN- THEO, Realtor. .1: :2: 4. l l i . t FOR SALE: Attractive mod- i ern 6-room home on Hillcrest, l basement and. automatic oil I furnace, fruit room; newly re- painted, nice lawn and plenty I shrubbery; separate garage, l grape arbor. Phone for ap- ’ pointment to inspect this now. i M. C. ZINTHEO, Phone 157, . Shelton. I IFOR SALE: thorough bred black ‘ l cocker spaniel. 5 .mos. old. male. ‘ Large separator. large wood heater, V 4.000 ft. waterfront on Spencer Lake. H. H. Halbert. Route 2. Lake). (Spencer FOR SALE: 80 acre farm in Kamil- 10-12.26 che Valley. 20 acres cleared. Old _________‘____________._ house, barn, aleCtrmty’ water SYS- FOR SALE: 4-year-old Guernsey and first. Basilio, can. Ray m- a. gaggle; Road. WANT TO BUY: 3 or 4 room Iurn— ishcd or unfurnished house. Phone 367 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. _ T10-12‘26‘ FOR SALE: 6-room house. garayf woodshcd, chicken house. barn. tour acres, mostly cleared. electric pump, GRAVENSTEIN APPLES FOR SALE: $1.50 box. Bring your own contaln~ ers. Joseph Kriener. Munson POlnt, half mile by boat from docir61226 FOR SALE: 6 and mEgsf $5 each. C. A. Hill, Island Lake. hot and cold water. family orchard. 10-12-26 strawberries, raspberries, Boysen- berries“ 11/3 mugs shut“ on Olym' FOR SALE: bargain. Completely fur- pic highway. $3500. 'Ed Buchanan. Inquire Sunday or evenings. 10_12_29 nished trailer house. Will conSIder as part payment on out-of-town property. Arcadia Road, Route 3. Box 116. 10-12-26 DRY ALDER and Maple slab and edgin s. 16" length. $10.00 dump cord oad. Prompat deliver . F. M. Nagle, Route 1, ox 116, helton. 9-28—11-30 FOR SALE: by owner: new modern, 2-bedroom home. Double corner. Reasonable. Phone 404R. 10-12-26 FOR SALE: on Hood Canal at Lilli- waup, 1200 feet Of waterfront, na- tive trees, and a nice oyster bed, for Only. $5,000. Terms to responsible gartles. A. D. carter, Route 1. Box 8. 01111121., 'Wash. l 10—12—26 FOR SALE: modern 4-room housef MILL WOOD Delivered anywhere outside Shelton city limits. Two cord loads $7-.per cord up accord- ing to distance. Leave orders at' Shelton Transfer office (formerly Morgan’s Transfer) or phone 66. new chicken house. young fruit trees, five acres. Cash. Elmer Beck— man, Route 2, Box 16 (Capitol Hill). 10-1246 FOR SALE: Six. lots, «2—room house, lights, near Spamway Lake. Will trade for Shelton : property. Ray Cook, 528 Franklin Street. 1042-26 WATERFRONT FOR SALE: 21 acres. several cleared, 4 miles from Shel- ton .On paved road. Small house, gravity water. power and telephone, fruit. trees, low bank .to beach. Call evenings or write J. E. Martin,’ 500 Shelton. 10-5—11-5 HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT: fine mountain view lot near Alderbrook on Hood Canal. Per- fect sandy beach. 110 ft. of waterfront and tide lands. Wa- ter rights. For information see Herbert G. Angle, Shelton, Wn. 8-3tfn. "vuva LOST AND FOUND WOULD PERSON SEEN taking boy's bicycle from 223 North Fifth re- turn same at once. No questions asked. R10-26—11-9 LOST: by Standard Oil Station. la- dies gold Bulova watch. Blue ribbon Elinor, Logan. 1305 Perry Ave, Bremerton. LOST: black and white female dog. mixed breed. size cocker spaniel, curly hair, bushy tail. Named Skip- py. Reward. Call 200 daytime, 450W after 5. 10-19—11-2 LOST: Longene wrist watch. expan- sion band. Name engraved on back. Keepsake. Reward. Call James B. CARD 0F THANKS I Wish to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for the many kindnesses shown me during my Te- cent illness and for the lovely birth- day party and cards received. Mrs. Helen Forrest men's AUTO 31:31:11.1) FOR YOUR PROTECTION . . . And care of your car the latest equipment for auto- painting, body and fender work has been installed. Appointments accepted by tele- phone. Free estimates. Auto Painting a Specialty 407 South First St. Jack Middleton Goodfellow at 25 in day time. 10-19—11-2 Oscar Lovgren. Please call 3J7 Elma. 10—19—11-2 LOST: black billfold with brass cor- ners. Contains hunting license. Coast Guard identification. Lost between Pickering and Shelton. Reward. Leave at Journal office. W10-12—26 WILL THE PARTY who picked up the keys left at the Masonic Temple lease return same to Journal of- lce. 10-26 LOST: two cows. One a brown Jersey and one 3. spotted Holstein. Laur— i once Bailey, Star Route 2 (Dayton). 10-26—11-9 LOST: key in downtown district Sm: l day. Reward. Phone 582J. Phone 340 BIO-26 ‘tied to watch. Reward. Mrs. Frank, LOST: Jersey heifer. 13 months old. i CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS ‘ RATES I 20 words or less (illinlmuln charge) 3 Weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. Lower l rates for larger ads- and more in- sertions. ' Reader notices tic per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. (‘ard of Thanks. $1.00: original poetry 50c per inch: classified display rates on request. Advertisemens accepted over the telephone from phone subsl-l-llul's. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment lllade Within five (5) days of the first insertion to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 100 will lm made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 . WANTED mmvvvww WANTED: elderly woman or girl to rare for children. Would get room and board. Good pay. Inquire (lolli— nal office. l\lc(,‘lO-20—~ll-9 SINGLE GIRL WANTS ROOM AND board in private home rinse in. Phone 93. 9110—20 WANTED: ‘ part time work. i Mason Hotel. middle aged lady to do Apply in pel son. lll-zli 'WANTED: woman to work by hour. Southside. hill. Phone lQlJXs } Flo-26~1l-9 ,WANTED TO BUY: salmon inlaid}; star drag reel. Phone 39. ' A10~20~1L9 WANTED: accessible Christmas tree acreage. Will lease or buy trees rut. ‘ R. M. Blair. Rt. 1. Box 521 Everett. Wash. 1049-11—2 WANTED: tree cutters and yard workers. (Toil— tact or write J. Ilot'erl. 12] Fourth Street. Shelton. l()-l9tl‘n. WANTED: men to work at oystering. good wages. Call Oscar Zalldell coi- lect. Station Oyster Boy. 11—19-1143 WANTED TO BUY: Kodak. size llb’ or trade new 620 Kodak. Phone ‘282RX. W10-26 WANTED: women for work in'laun— dry. Inquire Mason County Steam Laundry. 10-19-26 WANTED: middle aged woman wants children to care for at her home. Mrs. R. D. Stockwell. Southsille— Angle, Wyandottc Ave. Phone 133J. 10-12tl'n WANT TO TRADE: sportsmen‘s par- adise, plenty of deer and game. Huckleberry Mountains. S t e v 6 II S county near Chewelall. Wash. Young timber. Potential mining for man with mining knowledge. Want to trade for a place in Mason county near Allyn. Walter Berg, 2707 So. 11th St.. Tacoma 6, Wn. 10-12-26 WANTED TO BUY: folding gate. for baby‘s play pen. Call 332M. R10—12—26 WANTED: late model electric range. Popular make. Also large circulating wood heater. Ted Richert. Star Rte. 1. Box 86. 10-12-26 WANTED: Christmas tree land or stumpage. not less than- 40-acre tracts. P.O. Box 271, Kirkland. Wn. SiO—5w12—7—2IVI CASH FOR GREEN DOUGLAS FIR cones. 1944 crop. Squirrel picked. ' Reed & McAl-frey, Route 1, Box 186. Elma. Wash. 10-5—26 WANTED. sewing machine. Inquire Journal. W] 0—26 WANTED TO BUY: good pair 5 to 8 power binoculars with case. Write description, make and price. Box A1 Journal or phone information.AS qt WAITRESS and kitchen help wanted. Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. 5-4tfn WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Phone 391J or write Andy Hansen. PO. Box 223. 1-1tfn VV Vv vvvvvvvv‘vvvvvvv‘vvvvv ‘ FOR RENT w v vv "w-" m FOR RENT: desirable G-room furn- ished house. Available now. Auto- matic heat. Telephone 4055 Olympia. B10-12t1'n lTRAILER SPACE FOR RENT in connection with Goldsborough l Apartments. Sec Herbert G. , Angle. 8-17tf FOR RENT: 4 room house. furnished. Concord Beach. Route 2. Box 233. 510-26 FOR RENT: desirable 6 room furn- ished house on Angleside. Automatic heat. Telephone 4055 Olympia. BlO-26tfn l FOR RENT: sleeping room, close to mill. $4.00 week. Inquire Mrs. C. P. Waters, 805 Alleghaney Streflt;26 FOR RENT: 3-r00m house. partly mile south of furnished, 1 city limits. Mrs. Ray Drebis. Route 1. Snell on Auto Parts. 10-26 WV'WV'VWVWV l WANTED TO RENT m‘mv W“ I" WANTED: house to rent, unfurnished for Serviceman. wife and one child. Five or six room modern preferred. Reliable. Will take lease. Inquire Box C c-o Journal office. 09-14-28 v»..‘o-v-... -~vv‘f"v"vw\ -V PROFESSIONAL CARDS W REGINALD SYKES ACCOUNTING Northwestern Life Insurhnce Agent Accident and Health Insurance 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - - Shelton WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. 10-26-11-9 ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 v INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington 1