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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page At LaPush Mrs. Louise Kimbel and baby: daughter are now making their' bel, Signalman 3/c, U. S. Coast Guard, is stationed. Their home burnt recently while they were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. home at LaPush, where Bob Kim- l Roy Rector. Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED GRANT c, ANGLE, Editor SHELTON-MASON Published every Thursday morning Member or1Washingtun Newspaper Publlshers' Association and National Editorial Association. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington OUNTY JOURNAL J. EBER ANGLE, Manager Richard Watson, News Editor TEXAOO SERVICE Representative in Mason County for Olympia Oil Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY Welcome TO THE Church of Christ 7:45 pm. each Sunday EAGLES HALL Second Grove Streets High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE 1st and Franklin Phone 397 THE OLD [JUDGE SAYS... ‘Bootleggers must post Ceiling Prices': ‘ Federal Agents seize‘ Trick’ Liquor Truck’. Doesn't that go to prove. Joe, that prohibi- tion does not prohibit? “I watched conditions pretty carefully during our 13 years of prohibition in this country. The only thing I could see we got out of it was bootleg liquor instead of legal liquor.. .plus the worst crime and corrup- tion this country has ever known", ” "Quite a stack of newspapers I left you yesterday, Judge. Aren’t goin' in the news- ’ paper business, are you?” “No, I just enjoy reading different papers so my nephew George sends them to me whenever he takes a business trip. I got a big kick out of some he sent me from several counties where they still have prohibition. Particulme from some head- lines that read ‘Drunk Driving Arrests Rise'. This advertisement sponsored by Confnmce of Alcoholic Beverage I ndush‘ies. Inc. N0. 1688 NOTICE TO CREDITOBS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the estate of Eva Ames Binns. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executor of the above entitled estate; that all persons hav- ing claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same. duly verified, on said executor or his attorneys of record at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with, proof of such service. within six months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication October 26. 1944. ROBERT A. BINNS. Executor of said Estate Address 514 Fidelity B1dg., Tacoma, Washington. Williamson, Binns Se Cunningham Attorneys for Estate 514 Fidelity Bldg” Tacoma, Washington I. KEEP YELLE ON THE 'JOB 10-26—11-2-946-4t If you don't thmn IT. pays to advertise—place a. Want-Ad in the Journal! DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR STATE AUDITOR He is CAPABLE EFFICIENT IMPARTIAE EXPERIENCED These are qualifies vi’rolly neces- sary in the man who audits The many millions of dollars annually expended by State. County and Municipal offices. Yelle's rec- ord in office proves that he possesses these qualifications abundantly. Wood we lake it. Cmb boats, PT boats, combat and [urge vessel: by the [hou- Jand: are made of wood. T base grueling tests of war help make wood even more useful far in task: of peace. WHETHER your post-war plans include a boat of your own. a coffage or a mansion. wood will serve you beffer and in hundreds of new ways offer victory is won. Like our fighting man, if will come back from war fronts fit and eager to resume ifs normal functions. Wood will be more important to you than ever before. because industry and science have been working fogefher to discover new and better uses for this versatile raw material. As young foresfs replace those that have been harvested. wood will continue fo add fo our comforf and well-being. SIMPSON IOGGING COMPANY SHELTON AND McCLEARY SRELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF SHELTON AND IN THE TERRITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in the City of Shelton on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1944, for the pur- pose of submitting to the qualified inafter described territory, the pro- position of annexing to the City of Shelton and of including within the corporate limits of the said City of Shelton, the hereinafter described territory, to-wit: Beginning at the NorthWPst corner of the Northeast quarter of the North— west quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North. Range 3 West. W.M.; thence South on the North and South center line of the Northwest quarter of Sec— ‘tion 30, Township 20 North, Range. 3 West..W.M., to the East and West center line of Section 30; thence East .on said center line of Section 30 to the Southeast corner of ‘the Northeast quarter of said Section 30; thence North on line between Sections 29 and 30. Township and Range afore- said, to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the aforesaid Section 30, which point is on the existing City Limits line of the City of Shelton; thence West along City Limits line on the South line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter. aforesaid Section 30, to the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of aforesaid Section 30; thence North along the existing City Limits line on the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter. aforesaid Section 30, to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of aforesaid Section 30; thence West alon existing City Limits line on the ast and West line between Sec- tions 19 and 30, Township .20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.. to point of be ginning. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls Will be open at said election from o'clock in the morning until o‘clock in the evening. Polling places shall be as follows: In the territory heremabove described, Mrs. John Bariekman Residence; in the City of Shelton—Precinct 1, Shelton City Hall; Precmct 2, Mason County Court House; Precinct 3, Shelton High school Gymnasium; Precinct 4, Vern Davrdson residence. Ellinor Avenue: Precmct 5, Mrs. Martha Jacobs resi- White Sheet Part Wool Double Pendleton All Wool Bates Bates ‘ in the hereinabove described territory. electors of said City and of said here— , BLANKETS , [all Gold WW Cool and colder nights are here and We recommend you come in and stock up on your blankets and bedding. Blankets priced at 1.49; 1.79; 2.25 Blankets .. priced at 4.75 to 8.50 Blankets .. . . . . . . . . 72x84 15.95 Twin Bed Spreads . . . . each 5.00 Full Size Spreads . . . . . . 6.50 Pillows priced pair 10.50 to 20.00 All Goose and Duck Down and Goose and Duck feathers deuce, Turner Avenue; Precinct 6, Ma- son County Welfare Building. Rail- road Avenue; Precinct 7. Bordeaux School; and Precinct 8, Grant Lum- ber Company office, First Street. the above described polling places being those generally used for voting pur— tor,. Inez Shorter Spring. Judges. The electors entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to vote upon such proposmon by placing upon their bal- lots the words “for annexation" or: and Allena L. alent thereto. this 26th day of A City Clerk. By order of the City Counc October, 1944. . ' K. McCAMPBELLr‘ poses, both in the City of Shelton and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons have been appointed as election officers for the following named polling places, to—Wit: For the hereinabovc described territory sought to be annexed to the City of Shelton—Mrs. John Bariekman, inspector. Mrs. C. Surrat and Mrs. J, A. Cctnar, judges; Shelton Pre— cinct No. l—Etta Rector, inspector, Hclcn B. Cole and Grace Stevens. judges; Shelton Precinct N0.‘2—Car- rie Durand, inspector, Alberta Land- ers and Mamie Earl. judges; Shelton Precinct No. 3—Teckla Anderson, in— spector, Annette Munson and Maxine Briggs. judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4—E. Len Smith, inspector, Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. 5—Eula Quinn, inspector, Arvilla Wiley and'Martlia Jacobs. judges; Shelton Precmct N0. G—Letha Quinn. inspector, Bertie Mc- Kinney and Ethel Carlson, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. 7—Helena Mc- Cann. inspector. Virginia B. Lund and Viola Danielson, judges; Shelton Pre- ELECT IIAROID QUICK STATE AUDITOR REPUBLICAN TICKET- 14 Years Public Accounting Practice President Washington State Association of County Auditors Served With U. S. Marines in World War I GE YUR T \I/ FAMILY SIZE : 2S8 Tablets e In Gabardine BY Colors Clay and Tan $25.75~ ALSO . T WEEDS AND COVER 'TOPCOATS $27-50 to $50 BUY! YOUR Our advice to our customers is to select your Christmas gifts now while you can get a good selection. The government is asking that December 1 on account of the heavy freight, express and parcel p o s t movement .due to the big Armed Forces drive at this time. V We will do our best to have a good selection of Practical gift items and we will try to give'you the best possible Service. We will at least Welcome you with a smile and try to merit your patronage. We feel we owe you the best service possible for your fine patronage. all Christmas packages be mailed ‘by. Thursday, October 26,1 cinct No. 8—Marian Hillman. inspec‘ “against annexation." or words 11. ' 10-26—11-2-9-16- ‘ When You Vote for State Auditor VOTE QUIC ' f exits-'54]. McCo key;Pharmacy IIIIIIIIIIIIII "' in actim He is the f arles Loitz Loretta I , nurse, now ROBINSOI TACOMA. ' Robinson, ’ ’nager at tered the a ficer last y ALLIGATOR I. . ‘RAGUT o “1&1 re «i eht. His \ GE KNEE] ‘ T0 DUTY (lg) Georg IIlst of the w duties after his moher, ll KNEELANIJ ANSFERR] " Kneeland, l erred from Val air base :Washington " AND IS FOR VIS] r k Gordon a 3' local resi: ‘ l’1 the South . Year with tl Service, are Inonth. HUFF MMISSION :9 us Christi. Everett (Ji d Mrs. Ra Bremerton ,resident, g “the Naval ,‘ Corpus Cl sioned an aval Resei S a former ity of Ce Vte of Ireni FREDSOI AIN “ otion of Mr. and l ' the rank 0rd received has comple "" and is . ative positi 1. M LOITZ UNDED Farnum I. 6 this weel Pvt. Farm In Tacoma ' Crash boat ee- D LEVIlN ' CONTINEI find Mrs. O ' ‘1 word fror Levin, that ' missions l I3ick is a b the E.T.O and since rick Berg, “ - E. Berg, 1'. the Hospit: ‘ agut, Idah( fit training 'i. ‘; TONITES oi .. IFORNIA find Mrs. . llle, Calif., i"ke, who training at were incluc Rds entertaii . Oger Stoy .Iast week 10Iled there ‘ orce. Mrs. ‘ IsPatricia \ ‘ Stoy am ‘ gym gradua . Eh school w GLASE ‘ BABY BO‘. . has just b [Pits of An htSS.N., of ti ‘ 1‘11 baby Calif. The 1 the L.S.T anean the: INI) CHAR VISIT H0] , Ind Charles r parents, 5, es by arr: ' 5’ evening. “each othi .M other w ,» les has ll Ore CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! I . snows NDED f Roland I ' Wounded i W the wa port . ‘Brown, 1i BABY ( :3” Canal :. Ell‘ter and 3 been com nenght m . ufwly electe In Frances vie? and A] i Ce-preside ,‘n “1‘61‘. res; . (1:0 office l "'I bring a 5 "All the co i. mErica." fat Present, I 8“- IVII'.