October 26, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 26, 1967 |
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baked for the 4-H Achievement Night held
this Friday evening at the new building at
the Southside School starting at 8 p.m.
Shown here are Martha Sewell and Maril-
lee Matson who, along with other members
of The Actions 4-H Club and member f
the 4-H Flying Fingers Club are baking the
many dozens of cookies for refreshments.
4-H Achievement pins, member pins, rib-
bons, leader pins and county fair cheeks
will be given out at that time to the vari-
ous 4-H clubs. Everyone is invited.
Tea To Honor Foreign Students Sunday
Two students fr.m foreign
countries, attending Shelton High
School under the sponsorship of
local organizations, will be hon-
ored at a tea from noon to 2 p.m.
Sunday in the PUD Auditorium.
To be honored are Robert Em-
WANTED -- Old Garnet red
beads, garnet jewelry, cut
glass, etc. Call Olympia 352-
4303 or write Mrs. Cleo Sae-
get, Route 6, Box 139, Olym-
pia, Wash. 98501.
S 10/26-11/2
Legal Publications
Superior Court of Washington
for Mason County
KREGER, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
ministrator W.W.A. of the above
estate has filed with the clerk of
the above court the final report
and petition for distribution of
the estate, asking the court to
settle the report, distribute the
property of the estate to the
heirs or persons entitled thereto,
and for discharge of the person-
al representative and that the re-
port and petition will be heard in
the probate department of said
court at 9:30 a:m. on November
24, 1967, at which time and place
any person interested in the es-
tate may appear and file objec-
tions thereto and contest the
Dated this 23 day of OCTO-
BER, 1967.
Date of first publication OC-
TOBER 26, 1967.
Lodga Kimbel
Clerk of the Superior Court
Deputy Clerk
Attorney for the Estate
Address: .....
1018 Joph Vance Building
Seattle, Washington 98101
Telephone: MAin 4-4949
10/26-11/2-9 3t
Bike00"00 Boats
1931 Fourth Ave. East
' (Across from Ralph's Thriftway)
eras, a French boy, sponsored
by the local chapter of the Ameri-
can Field Services, and Judith
Stratford of Australia, sponsored
by the Shelton Rotary Club.
Women from women's groups
from local churches are assisting
in the tea honoring the students.
Emeras came here in August
to begin classes at Shelton High
after being selected by the AFS
for placement here. He is living
with the Cliff Starkey family in
Miss Stratford has been here
since last December, and will
leave in December for her home-
land. During her stay, she has
lived with the families of Rotary
Club members.
Ladies who will pour during
the tea will include Mrs. Carl
Downing, Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs.
Edwin Zsoche, Mrs. Charles Dah-
lman, Mrs. James Connolly, Mrs.
Arthur Deals, Mrs. Lewis Wy-
song and Mrs. Cliff Starkey.
Assisting with the serving will
be Mrs. Ronald Ring, Mrs. Herb
Vonhof, Mrs. Mason Younglund,
Mrs. A. H. Goodwin, Mrs. A. T.
Boswell, Mrs. Pete Vanderwal,
Mrs. Thomas Aaron, Mrs. Loy
Hicks and Mrs. Franz Rauscher.
Two Serving
On Carrier
• Airman Paul D. Hanson, USN,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Han-
son, Hoodsport, and Boilrman
Second Class Gary A. Bearden,
USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
D. Bearden, Hoodsport, have
completed their third "on-the-
line" period off the coast of
North Vietnam aboard the at-
tack aircraft carrier USS Con-
Legion H00,s I00larnes Of 30 Men Numerous ISsure$ Face Voters On Nov. 7
From Coun÷y Now In Vie÷nora
• More than 30 names and ad-
dresses of Mason County men
serving with American fighting
forces in Vietnam have been re-
ported so far to American Le-
gion Post 31 for its second an-
nual Christmas project, accord-
Butler To Visit
Military Academy
• Glenn Butler, Counselor and
Dean of Students at Shelton High
School will join 35 other counsel-
ors and principals from Washing-
ton and Idaho on a trip to the
United States Military Academy
at West Point, New York.
The purpose of this trip is to
provide an orientation for educa-
tors on the scope and quality of
a West Point education, admis-
sion and standards, and the na-
ture of a military career.
The trip is sponsored by the
military academy at the request
of its superintendent, with the ex-
pense provided by the Depart-
ment of Army. All participants
will fly by military air craft
from McChord Air Base Oct. 241
and return Oct. 27.
Forest Service
Moves Bert Toler
• Olympic National Forest Sup-
ervisor, R. E. Worthington has
announced the promotion ando
transfer of Bert Toler, District
Ranger of the Soleduck Ranger
District at Forks, Washington to
the Gifford Pinchot National For-
est as Assistant Conservation Di-
rector of the Cispus Job Corps
at Randle.
Toler is a native of West Vir-
ginia and was graduated from
West Virginia University in 1951.
He began his Forest Service ca-
reer as a Forester on the Shel-
ton Ranger District in 1958. He
was transferred to Hoodsport
Ranger District as Resource As-
sistant in 1962.
July 17, 1966, Toler was pro-
moted and transferred to the Sole-
duck Ranger District.
Toler and his wife, Sheila, and
3 children Kay, Gregg, and Shan-
non will soon be moving to Ran-
Worthington said a replacement
for Toler has not yet been named.
Leg lications
Sealed proposals will be re-
ceived for the following project:
BY: President, Port of Shel-
ton, Shelton, Washington
PROJECT: Repair of Shelton
Dock and Float
Port of Shelton
Mason County, Washington
TIME: 4:00 P.M., P.S.T,,
Thursday, November 9, 1967
LOCATION of Bid Opening:
Office of Dalke and An-
dring, AIA
116 North Second Street
Shelton, Washington
Contractors may obtain plans
and specifications from the of-
rice of the Architects at above
address or may be viewed at the
Olympic Plan Service, Olympia.
The Port of Shelton reserves
the right to reject or accept any
or all proposals and to waive in-
Port of Shelton
10/26-11/2 2t
A DUCK can fly 20 feet or more
in the fraction of a second it
takes a shotgunner to pull the
ing to Commander Jim Grimes.
The Legionnaires are repeating
the Christmas project which
proved immensely popular last
year, in which tinned fruit cakes
bearing messages of Christmas
cheer and personal signatures of
Legionnaires were mailed to 55
Mason County men serving in
the Vietnam theatre.
Post 31 asks relatives and
friends to send it names and
addresses of local boys in the
Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force
and Coast Guard who will be in
the war zone at Christmas this
year. This information should be
mailed to American Legion Post
31, P.O. Box 8, Shelton, within
the next three weeks as the
Christmas packages must be dis-
patched early and there is con-
siderable preparation involved in
getting the packages ready for
After last year's Christmas pro-
ject Post 31 received so many
notes and letters of warm appre-
ciation for the gifts from the
fighting men that the Legion-
naires approved a repeat of the
activity this year on an even
larger basis.
• With a wide variety of candi-
dates and issues facing voters
in both the city and the county
in the Nov. 7 general election,
County Auditor Ruth Boysen said
this week, there should be com-
munity interest and a good voter
The issues in the city of Shel-
ton include the city commission,
Shelton School board members,
county board of education di-
rectors, Shelton Port Commission
and the Harstine Island Bridge
Bond issue.
In the rural areas, there are
school district, port district fire
district commissions to be selec-
ted as well as special issues in
some district, such as the forms-
A÷÷orney Named F,00r You÷h
Charged With Bt,rglary
• William N. Dillon, 18, 1402
Fairmont, Shelton, was arraigned
in Mason County Superior Court
Friday on a charge of second
degree burglary before Judge
Charles Wright.
Judge Wright appointed Steve
Bean, Olympia attorney to rep-
resent the youth after Dillon told
the court he had no money but
would like an attorney to repre-
sent him.
Halloween Party
• The Degree of Honor Junior
Club Halloween party will be
held in Memorial Hall at 7 p.m.
Dillon was charged, in infor-
mation filed by Prosecuting At-
torney John C. RaDon with break-
ing into the Rolls Halbert home
Oct. 4.
The youth was arrested by
Shelton Police last week.
A second youth, charged with
being involved in the same inci-
dent, is being held in Mason
County Jail after being reman-
ded from Juvenile Court to Su,
perior Court.
RaDon filed charges of second
degree burglary against the
youth, William E. Swanson, 17,
Rt. 2, Box 35, Shelton this week
after the remand order was
tion of a fire district
lock area, a
cadia Fire
to levy at full
000 bond issue for
All county
ballots on the
obligation bond issue :
stine Island Bridge,
Mrs. Boysen stated
in candidates are
ing to a ruling from
General, but, sticker
are not.
To be a valid write''
the name must be
clearly enough so
doubt about whom
tended to cast vote for.
Nov. 7 will be a
for all city,
sen stated.
• lVft. Olive
will observe
with a single
Sunday. ReV.
stated that
Bible Classes
8:45 a.m.
Fuel for Though÷"
from C. C. COLE & SONS:,INC.
G,ve your buildings
a long, brtght future:
New Chevron0000
Colored Coatings .
Now available in attractive pastel colors.
These new aluminum asphalt asbestos coatings waterproof,
insulate, and last years longer than other types of coatings. They stop
leaks, and greatly reduce underroof sweating.
Ideal for metal, concrete, stucco, cement
block, and most other building materials. Call
us today, or come in for more information and
sample colors of this superior, yet economical
new product.
Ccdl 426-4411 in Shelton
Your Standard Oil Distributor
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 26, 1967
The Chevron
means service
Model WAN
Model DAN, electric
Even this lowest priced
Frigidaire Jet Action Washer
has DPC for n0-ir0n fabrics
Durable Press Care. Gentle washing action plus a cold
water cool-down help Durable Press fabrics keep their
no-iron promise.
Jet Action Agitator. Creates currents that plunge clothes
deep into sudsy water for thorough washing.
• 2 Jet-Away Rinses. Get rid of lint
and scum so thoroughly there's no
need for a lint trap.
• Jet-simple Mechanism. No belts.
No gears. No pulleys. No wonder it's
so dependable.
Durable Press Care on this
Dryer, too
• Durable Press Care. Proper temperature.plUmSse;i
of,cycle cool-down brings Durable Press =tern
ready to wear or put away without ironing.
• 2-cycle Timer. Select exact drying minutes.
• Fine mesh Dacron lint screen. Right on the door.
Sl69900 ,129900
Model WA2N
Jet Action Washer
at a Budget Price
• 2 Speeds. Regular plus
Delicate setting for the flexi.
bility a family washer needs.
• Deep Action Agitator for
new deep cleaning.
• 2 Jet-Away Rinses.
• Jet-simple Mechanism.
Model DCDAN, electri
Model DAN, electric Model WCDAN
3 colors or *ht(.
Budget-Priced Dryer Jet Action Washer
has 2 Drying Cycles ,: with economical Small
• Flowing Heat cycle for up I Load Setting
to 135 minutes plus a No.
Heat one for fluffing. • Small Load Setting. Saves
• No-stoop Dacron lint water and detergent for loads
screen. It's right on the door. of less-than.usual size.
• Durable Press Care. Proper • Automatic Soak Cycle. For
temperature plus end-of-cycle i heavR', soiled items, diapers.
cool-down keep the press in • Deep Action Agitator.
Durable Press items. • 2 Jet-Away Rinses.
'1 " *209"
3 colors or white
Matching Dryer
with 2 position Fab0CS
Selector ....
• Lets you control drYm
heat to suit fabric, e Proper
• Durable PreSs Caol.dOW°
temperature P, lu".;;nl ke_ ps ,
and end-of-cycle,.,ble Pv'"
the press in u,-
items, een
• No-stoop lint scr '