October 26, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 26, 1967 |
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County-City Record
g on the docket in
t Justice Court be-
'. Glenn Correa during
.l k Were :
8fate Patrol
ilerson, 459 Lyman,
tiLeding, $18 forfeit;
ih, 1514 Summit
,L7 eCtive wind shield
' . • . -
{°elt, Louis H Ba.
• khn, Shelton, pe d
e; Hunter M. Mor-
,, E 45th, Vancouver,
!ashington vehicle li-
ffeit; Grant O. Hart-
x J" Birch, Shelton,
i)forfeit; Rose Fred-
@ a tgomery, Olympia,
lVlng, $29 forfeit.
'1 II, Rt. 1, Box 329,
lding, $13 forfeit;
i ut)er, Rt. 1 Box 8
:1 ttre to stop at stop
4Lteit; David Weber,
, Shelton, speeding,
IUton Daggett, Box
' failure to stop at
:L forfeit; Warman
BAP1, Posbo, sed-
[1; Maurice DuPuis,
|- Bhelton, speeding,
|lliam Haines, Ro-
ding, $18 forfeit.
[?d, Rt. 1, BoX 446,
eding $13 forfeit;
ti °n, 1113 llth SW,
|101a of vehicle oper-
o, $13 forfeit; Ger-
!s, 706 Balfoure,
Mich., speeding,
avey Andrews, St.
Shelton, no valid
ense, $13 forfeit.
rrison, 629 High-
rernerton, speeding,
IIWrence Kenyon Rt.
II:Lilliwaup speeding,
.rk &sum, Box
t,speeding, $13 for-
|lh" OOlsey P.O. Box
!,S.leding '$13 forfeit.
erton, 315 S. Cam-
speeding, $13
aacson 1831 Bell
, spee(ling, $21 for-
;i;';, Weddle, Rt. ,
i ,ton, speeding, $19
1 01c E
, no× 171,' Port Or-
[', $46 forfeit; Bob
[lk Qlens Trail, Hot
'" speeding, im-
i7" , $41 forfeit; Mil-
l|":;,' Rt. 2, BoX 762,
li/' liars to yield rt ht
;ib Vlt.
': all
& auth, 331 s. Cal-
II[ ", drunk i; pblic,
e A. Larson, 4150
Lflt, Ore., driving
u, $87 fine, license
ays, five days in
: tei ; l-,averne Stuart,
01°. cry, Bremerton,
I : ntoxicated, $115
|! tlSPended 30 days,
!i{lie 5203
il suspenHdedlwa
| ''ll 79. g Y
i d, $59-fine, $25
u days in jail, sus-
lt., n. Miller, P.O.
Iil[',u', speeding dis-
ld$23 fine, :lO' days
Rt. 1, BoX 274,
notch and vail-
gun in motor re-
;10 suspended;
5, Box 245,
across road-
3306 Free-
[ i &lmorted Colors
$ 79
• Cards
man Rd., Puyallup, possession of
loaded rifle in motor vehicle,
$25 forfeit; Ronnie Lundberg, 708
Pennsylvania Ave., Bremerton,
hunting deer with artificial light,
$250 fine, $100 suspended; Roger
Veach, 1917 10th, Bremerton,
hunting deer with artificial light,
$250 fine, $100 suspended; Robert
Veach, 2709 Quarry, Bremerton,
hunting deer with artificial light,
$250 fine, $100 suspended.
Appearing on the docket in
Shelton Police Court before Judge
Rolla Halbert during the past
week were Thomas Bevard, 9115
Highway 99, Vancouver, negli-
gent driving, speeding, $100 for-
feit; Ronald G. Salmi, Rt. 1, Box
318A, Shelton, speeding, negligent
drivin, $74 fine, $2.50
costs; Alton D. Ashborn, P.O.
Box 1, Union, speeding, no valid
operator's license, $18 fine, $5 sus-
pended; Van Carter Phillips,
speeding, $13 fine, $2.50 costs;
Donald R. Clary, Rt. 1, Box 302,
Shelton, minor in possession of
and consuming liquor, $50 for-
feit; Roy D. Wood, Rt. 1, Box
271, Shelton, driving while intoxi-
cated, reckless driving, destruc-
tion of city property, $115 fine,
$2.50 costs, 40 days in jail, sus-
Daniel Conn, Rt. 1, Box 271,
Shelton, minor consuming liquor,
$47.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Charles
DePoe, Rt. 1, Box 60B, Shelton,
driving while license suspended,
$106 fine, $75 suspended, $2.50
costs; Samuel L. Valley, 1603
Center St., Shelton, negligent
driving, $115 fine, $2.50 costs;
Geraldine Cultee, Shelton, negli-
gent driving, $115 fine, $2.50 costs.
Midge Townsend, reported her
car keys were lost.
A 1963 two-door hard top auto-
mobile was taken from Kimbel
Mtors over the weekend.
Cars driven by John C. Ray-
mend and Wilfred Nault collided
at First and Kneeland.
Two windows were found brok-
en in the Grant C. Angle Build-
ing. They had been broken either
by a beer bottle or an apple.
Linda Longacre reported a part
Poodle, part terrier dog missing.
Billy Crawford reported a wal-
let lost.
Mrs. Jim Brown reported 16
chickens were killed by dogs.
Melvin Newman reported a car
tore out a section of fence and
then left.
Fred Thibideau reported two
speakers torn off the posts at
the drive-in theatre.
Bill Chappel reported someone
shot his German Shepherd dog.
John Giannusa reported a
water hose cut.
Mrs. George Smith reported
two ponies taken from her barn.
They were later returned.
Pete Bloomfield reported two
fire extinguishers, three shovels,
two axes and an amp meter sto-
Don Edminston reported he
found a bicycle.
John Keyzers reported a tacho-
meter taken from a car.
William Dillon reported he
found a boat.
M.rs. AI Hansen reported a Bas-
setS Hound dog came to his place.
Pioneer School reported the
school had been entered and
messed up.
John Dinning reported a house
broken into.
Robert Stohr reported about 60
stereo records were taken.
Ruth Landon reported a tele-
phone wire and household items
Cars driven by Beverly J. Sje-
edy and George Davidson col-
lided in a driveway just off High-
way 3 in the Bayshore area.
Building permits approved by
the Mason County Commission
at its meeting Oct. 23 were to
Gray Construction Co., sun deck,
$2,000; Lumbermen's Inc., cabin,
$4,875; Lumbermen's Inc., cabin,
$5,715; Paul E. Jacobsen, frame
garage, $300.
Receipts from the Harstine Is-
land Ferry for the week ending
Oct. 21 were $349.50, the Mason
County Engineer's office report-
Building permits approved by
the city of Shelton during the past
week were to Pacific Coast
Builders, three residences, each
Oct. 24, 3:40 a.m., oil line
hitting rollers in t he finishing
room at the Simpson Insulating
Board Plant.
Default Divorces
A default divorce decree was
approved in Superior Court Fri-
day to Wilma Staggs from Curtis
Beneficial Finance Co. against
Russell Olin, debt.
Florence Taylor as executrix
of the estate of Eugene Taylor,
against the Contenintal Insur-
ance Co. and the Commercial
Insurance Co., establishment of
Harry Alexander
Succumbs Here
1 Harry John Alexander, 64,
died in Shelton General Hospital
Friday. He made his home at
1505 Olympic hwy. No. Mr.
Alexander was bern Nov. 23, 1902
in Elk City, Neb. He moved to
the Burien area in Seattle in
1942 where he worked for a Trans,
fer and Warehouse Co. Upon his
retirement two years ago he
moved to Shelton where he was
associated with Shelton Recrea-
He is survived by his wife,
Leona, Shelton; two stepdaugh-
ters, Mrs. Lois Albrecht, Shelton,
and Mrs. Becky Livingston, Oma-
ha; two stepsons, Gerald E.
Grimm, Portland, and Donald
Grimm, Seattle; six grandchil-
dren, 10 great-grandchildren; one
brother, Floyd Alexander, Lin-
coln, Neb.;and two sisters, Mrs.
Clarice Burt, Broken BOw, Neb.,
and Mrs. Bernice Johnson, Scrib-
net, Neb.
The funeral service was held
at 11 a.m. Monday in the Bat-
stone Funeral Home with Mary
Ninnis as reader. Burial was in
Washington Memorial P a r k,
THE ONLY Confederate warship
to circumnavigate the globe, CSS
Shenandoah, entered Liverpool
harbor on Nov. 6, 1865.
ganized as a regular branch of
the armed forces on Nov. :10,
-- 1l -- Al
Keep Your Home
Looking Like New
both available in many colors
Eacrett Lumber Co.
1332 Olympic Hwy. S.
Phyllis Ahlquis÷
Dies In Tacoma
. Phyllis A. Ahlquist, 231 Jef-
ferson street, died October 18 in
Tacoma General Hospital at 43.
She was born May 11, 1924 In
Tacoma but made her home in
Shelton most of her life.
Mrs. Ahlquist was employed
as a Key Punch operator for
Washington State and was active
in local bowling circles.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Stanley R., Shelton; one
son, Mike Collins, Seattle; one
daughter, Mrs. Diane McCune,
Grand Ledge, Mich; three grand-
children; her grandmother, Mrs.
Jack Monica, Tacoma; and one
sister, Mrs. Jack (Gloria) Mays,
Rev. Edwin Zschoche conduct-
ed the funeral service at 11 a.m.
Saturday in the Batstone Funeral
Home. Burial was in Shelton
Memorial Park.
Elizabe÷h Rifer Taken By Death
I Elizabeth Arm Riter, 73, died
Friday at her home, 1019 Cota
street. She was born June 1, 1894
in Sylvia, Karts. Mrs. Riter had
lived in the :Mason County area
the past 10 years. She was a
member of the Allyn Baptist Mis-
sion, VFW Auxiliary, Navy Moth-
ers Club, Degree of Honor, Re-
bekah Lodge and Hillcrest Home-
makers Club.
She is survived by her hus-
band, John P., Shelton, two sons,
Earl W. Hays, Shelton, and Dan-
el E. Hays, Rising City, Neb.;
two daughters, Mrs. Lulu Bos-
well, Shelton, and Mrs. Marcelle
Henz, Grapeview; three stepsons,
Melvin and Dan Riter, Tacoma,
and John RiSer, Puyallup; three
stepdaughters, Mrs. Molly M.
Smitham, Seattle, Mrs. Ruth Al-
den, Shelton, and Mrs. Leona
Chapman, Olympia; 27 grand-
children; 11 great-grandchildren;
one sister, Mrs. Alva Brookshire,
Chino, Calif. and two brothers,
William C. Linder, Augusta,
Kans., and Harry Linder, Hood
River, Ore.
The funeral was held at 11
a.m. Tuesday in the Batstone
Funeral Home. Rev. Harry Han-
nah officiated. Burial was in
Shelton Memorial Park.
I Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this past week were:
Ted R. Morse, 20, Union, and
Dana Bee, 14, Shelton.
Gerald Kaare, 23, Shelton, and
Patricia Kaare, 23, Shelton.
David Ramquist, 37, Vashon,
and Beverly Brickey, 41, Burton.
Pennies For UNICEF Drive
Planned For Halloween
I The annual UNICEF party
has been planned for Oct. 31 at
6:30 p.m. at the First Methodist
Church of Shelton. Children and
youth are invited to meet at the
church at 6:30 p.m. At 7 p.m.
all those above the third grade
will go out into the community
to solicit pennies, nickles, and
dimes for UNICEF.
The program this money sup-
ports has been one of the great-
est helps to children in under-
developed countries of any pro-
gram in existence. We think that
attempting to help others is a
much better philosophy than hav-
ing our children and youth col-
lectingsomethingfor them-
selves---much of which is only
After an hour of soliciting, the
youths will return to the church
for freshly made do-nuts, cookies,
cider, apples, and candy. Mem-
bers of the congregation furnish
these refreshments. Children and
youth from all the Shelton
Churches are invited to join in
this evening of enjoyment.
Hembroff Named
. Rocky Hembroff has accepted
the job of conducting the Every
Member Canvass for the lYetho-
dist Church. The campaign will
begin Nov. 12 with all visitors
meeting at the church in the
early afternoon for assignments.
Those working on the drive will
meet for instructions Oct. 29 and
Nov. 5.
3rd & Railroad Open Until 8:30 p.m. Fridays
One Group Name Brand First Quality In Twin & Full, Fitted
& Flat -- Regularly to $4.98.
SHEETS . . .... now I/2 Price
One Large Group Regularly to $2.2g Cottons & Blends in
Prints, Plaids & Solids.
YARDAGE .... . now I/2 Price One Group Men's-- Regularly *20.00 and $22.95-- Corduroy with
Pile Lining, Button & Zipper Styles.
CAR COATS . . . . . now $15.99
SI)ECtIk L GROU Boy's Corduroy-- Sizes6.,4-- Pile Linedwith Zip-off HoOd--Regularly $14.95. 99
1 LARGE o.,.,.... , p,.os, a.' COATS ..... . . now $ll.
'-- -- ,o,o,, .- oo. o.u00 o., .... 00oo, o0,.,
plaids -- Button Down & P{ain Collar -- Reg. to $7.
SPORT SHIRTS . . . . now *2.99
Men's, by Christopher Hall White, Colored & Stripes in Plain
Collar and Button Down -- Regularly $4.59.
DRESS SHIRTS .... now 3/$12
I)RtCE Men's Name Brand Rugged --In Green and Gray- Regularly $8.95
j,, WORK PANTS . . .... now *5.99
Men's 100% Wool Name Brand -- Sizes 38-46, Some Longs --
Regularly to $29.95.
LEISURE COATS . . . . now $18.99
Long Leg Thermal -- Regularly $1.25.
J'IDERWEAR . . now 3 pair $2.25 1 SP00cl.4 L DOM
5 -- Only Girls -- Sizes 4.14 -- Regularly to $12.
FALL COATS • • . . . now $4.49 00,,,SCARFs-. 00o00oBLE, _TARe--.,=
"14t t W, na conners. COAT ST
' Group---CHILDREN S & ,NFANT--ReguIarIx to $'2, was I/2 price. NDKER
WEAR - Slacks, Slips, e+c. now !/4 Price t1 TR CHIEFs ... ,,,""_ ,o,..,'
Slip-on and Snap Side -- Regularly $1.59 & $2 -- 2 in Package -- A TC/4 ,.. C CES¢ . =._ SOI'?Z?NND
.n G ,._ ,w q,ll li,L AL.
Sizes 3 Months - 2 Years. UFITT D
INFANTS SHIRTS . . now I/2 Price r, Av.";a,r,"- c"w
'" FIROR8.
One Group Girls -- Sizes 7-14 Regularly $5 to $8 -- Cardigans &
Slip-on. in Assorted Colors. ALL
SWEATERS .... now I/2 Price
One Group Girl,- Sizes 7-14- Regularly $3.98- $5.gg- Some PRICE
Stretch, 8ome Regular in Assorted Colors.
JEANS ...... now I/2 Price
One Group -- Many attractive Gift Ideas.
IFT ITEMS . • I/2 Regular Price
One Group Ladles -- Regularly to $23 $kirt, Jaokets,
One Group -- Sure to Find Something You Need. Sweaters, Shells in Assorted Colors and Sizes.
HOUSEWARES • I/2. Regular Price SPORTSWEAR . . . now I/3 Off
G.E. Antique White Regularly $4.98. One Group Ladies Name Brand -- Double Knit Wools, Lined
ALARM CLOCKS . now $3.49 Wool Flannel in Plaln and Plaid Colors and Assorted Slzes--Reg. t*$18.
• PANTS ....... now $?.88
, ' One Group Ladies Name Brand Ribbed Knit, Plain & Turtle Neck
Colors in White, Green, Brown & Navy in Asstd. Sizes--Reg. $11 & $13.
SWEATERS ...... now $7.88
)1 • Group -- Oxfords, Straps, Patents -- Sizes 8V=-3 -- Reg. $9.99 One Group Ladies -- Assorted Sizes -- Regularly $7.98 --
ot all sizes are available in every style). Bonded Wool in Plaid & Herringbone.
CHILDREN'S SHOES . . now $3.90 SKIRTS & PANTS .... now $4.88
One Group Broken Sizes and Styles Regularly $15.99. One Group Values to $22 Assorted Colors & Sizes $klrt
Pants, Tops & Dresses.
MEN'S & BOYS SHOES . now $5.90 MATERNITY WEAR .' now I/3 Off
One Group Regularly $20 In Broken Sizes and Styles.
MEN'S SHOES • now $890
olor & Styles to Choose From Regularly $8.99. Clearance One Table Values from $1.25 to $2 BUBBLE
WOMEN'S SHOES . . . now $6.90 ...., ..,..,., etc.
ASSORTED ITEMS .... now 67'
One'Group -- In Assorted Colors and Sizes -- Value= tO $5.
TRAVEL SLIPPERS . . . now $1.19
• " " "r ,,,
Thursday, Oc*.ober 26, lg67 - Shelton-Man County Journal" Page 3