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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) ttPORTS ON MONTHS t Incorporated repor- jor the first nine L t%'7 of $117,909,496.00, . With $132,588,904.00 Period in 1966. The dpd 704,893 tons of *t! tllOse and e pta. per- through S p. 30, |ith 777,491 tons in for the first three I 7 amounted to $10, Lal to $1.73 a share ][' hares outstanding Lr.'ngs for the com-  in 1966 were $15, al to $2 45 a share '. € two percent stock .Ued in March, 1967: BRIDGER, 238 Drive, won a  door prize at rts show held re- th ] Mason County tq k 3 auditorium, 'on presented the IIPARK ' r'aul Bigley, re- {_ced the opening of p-.e ho :@1 me park to be : Cota St. The park rl Nov. 1, has all i Utilities p a v6'd' .' There are 10 :ble now with even- ," for 17 mobile ! there are future dry facilities and ark with a picnic t also own the ! and the Georgi- --" in Shelton. I  0 ,. etcher is always }t With goblins, h snOUls running ar Will be espec- 'L '. When the Ja£- i t elr haunted house. haVe to be scared 'hl, xou shop in Shel- e always welcome ,e tnerchants with teeting ].Unty Democratic ;'ttee Will meet at. friendly clerks and always top quality bargains. Such as... MILLER'S, where the monthly E.O.1V. sale is on and while it is you can save lots of loot... Gayle Wentz, manager of LUMBERMEN'S, has some ri- ces on washers and dryers that you'll just flip over. Don't miss this one 'cause you can really save your budget here... In the market, to save your car this winter? If you are stop in at MERV'S TIRECAP & CAR- CARE CENTER where Merv Set- tle has a special you just can't Fair Manacjer Is Re-Hired Mrs. William McGee was named manager for the Mason County Fair by the Fair Board when it met last week. The fair next year will be Aug. 16,17 and 18. Mrs. McGee will be serving her second year as fair manager, having handled the 1967 edition of the event last August. The Fair Association, Mrs. Mc- Gee said, has already started the wheels to roll for next sum- mer's event. Many improvements are being considered and plan- ned by the members as they are all looking forward to a bigger and better fair. pass up .... Jim Wilkins, m a n a g er of County Gets Bid MONEY SAVERSTORE, says to check the fall values here as you can save money, nt just during the fall, but all year through... Rich Hammond, manager of SEARS, has a buy on carpeting you better not miss. Carpeting can make your house quiet and more comfortable so, check with Rich today... Rod Olsen, owner of OLSEN FUINITURE, is continuing the special sale on color T.V., but you better hurry, as these special prices won't last long... Give the finest and most per- sonal gift you can, for Christ- mas. A photo from DEAN'S will so it. Owner Dean Palmer is always ready and willing to serve you in any way he can, so stop in right away... CLINTON'S BIKE & SKI SHOP has a special sale going on for all you skiers. Don't miss it as it will save you money. When- ever you want skiing equipment, Clint has just the tiem you're looking for... For Halloween or Thanksgiving cards and party items look to EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER, where Owner Ken Chapman has a vast array of all types of good- ies just waiting your selection... George Valley, owner of EELI & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER, has a total clean special on ranges this week that can totally save your budget. Be sure and make this an absohitc stop on your shooping list... Eldon Kahny, manager of PENNEY'S, is holding the last three days of Penney's Days for 1967. To take advantage of all these values, be sure and make the stop here this weekend... That's --30-- for this week, but remember. Don't let the Hob- goblins g’ .Y0t on. Halloween .... we need you all as shoppers in :Miiso'rl CbUhtyl ...... On New Machine • The Mason County Commis- sion at its meeting Monday voted to accept the bid of Bur- roughs Corp. for $16,990 for a bookkeeping machine for the County Treasurer's office. The firm's bid was the only one received on the equipment. The commission voted to ac- cept the plat of Colony Surf No. 3 after the platter, William Tsao, agreed to put on the face of the plat information on lots which the Health Department con- sidered questionable. The commission set 11 a.m. Nov. 20 for a hearing on the va- cation of Lake Drive in Mad- ding's Sunny Shore Addition 1. Civil Defense Checks Survey ,• Mason County residents who were not contacted, either by the census bureau enumerator or through the mail in the Washing- ton State Home Fallout Protec- tion Survey conducted earlier were asked this week to contact the county Civil Defense Office. Civil Defense Director Harry Cole said that the census enum- erators have completed t h e ir work and that some second questionnaires have been mailed. Those who did not get a ques- tionnaire are asked to contact his office so one can be mailed to them. IN AN AVERAGE YEAR the Coast Guard answers approxi- mately 50 000 requests for assis- tance: Weather High Low Precip. October 19 57 38 06 October 20 59 36 .... October 21 53 36 1.57 October 22 60 45 .43 October 23 60 46 .94 October 24 62 41 -- October 25 53 44 1.07 Readings are for a 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. as re- ported by the Rayonier, Inc. weather station. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Temperatures Thursday thru Monday expected to averageb about 2 degrees above normal. Normal High, 58; normal low, 39. Rainfall also to average above normal with rain expected on two or three days. Multi.Service Bazaar Set • The Mason County Multi-Ser- vice Center is planning a Bazaar for Dec. 8 to raise funds for several items needed for the cen- ter. Among the things which are needed are curtains for the win- dows and electrical wiring for the stove, hot water heater and refrigerator. The group is asking assistance from those willing to make items for the bazaar, donating items or assisting on the day of the event. The group has a long list of items which can be used in mak- ing things. Further information can be ob- tained by calling 426-2568. Evangelist To Be Speaker • Evangelist E. H. Knauft, Olympia, will be guest speaker at the Shelton Seventh-day Ad- ventist church Oct. 28. Knauft has been an administrator and teacher for the denomination both in Europe and America. Present- ly he is pastor of the Olympia Seventh-day Adventist church. In an interview at Olympia, the speaker said he felt that to- day's preaching should be per- tinent to the problems of our space age. The local Seventh-day Adventist church has engaged him for a series of studies rela- tive to man's present day needg: o WILLIAM SIMMONS William Simmons The Finest Succumbs At 74 Three Named As Red Cross Directors • Three Mason County residents were elected to the Board of Directors of the Thurston-Mason County Chapter American Red Cross at the annual dinner meet- ing at the Panorama Restaurant Oct. 9. Elected to serve three- year terms were Mrs. R. W. Oltman, Roy Dunn and Selden Mushroom Trip Planned At Park • Mason County residents are invited to join the Puget Sound Mycological Society mushroom field trip at Shafer Park Satur- day and Sunday for identifica- tion sessions. Dr. Stuntz of the University of Washington will be on hand both days to identify different speci- mans which are picked. Sunday, the Shelton Nimrod Club will serve a clam and oy- ster feed at 1:30 p.m. at the park. Tickets are $3 per person. VanderWegen. VanderWegen, ser- ving his second term, was re- elected to the Executive Com- mittee. MYs. Daniel J. Evans, First Lady of Washington State, pre- sented volunteer awart:ls. Among those receiving uniform insignia was Mrs. L. C. VanArsdale who has served 11 years as a Social Welfare Aide volunteer in Mason County. Vern Miller, the retiring Chapter Chairman, was pre- sented a special award by Wil- liam Bennett, the newly elected Chairman. Commemorating the 50th an- niversary of the Mason and Thurston County Chapters, John Hendricks of Olympia spoke on "Red Cross Memories". Mark Bloms, a High school Red Cross youth representative, spoke on "Youth, the Future of Red Cross." Attendants at the meeting were entertained by the St. Martin's College Chorus. Red Cross is a member agency of the United Good Neighbors of Mason County. PTA To Hear Police Officers • Evergreen P.T.A. will hear Chief of Police Frank Rains and Sgt. Vincent J. Santamaria pre- sent a program on local crime and narcotic problems at its meet- ing tonight. The p u b 1 i c is in- vited. Dale Johnson in Mrs. Krogh's morning kindergarten, won the skunk drawing contest. The skunk will be hung on the door of the room with lowest P.T.A. attendance. A cake drawing is being con- ducted for funds to apply to P.T.A. projects. lrs. Roy Anderson has ac- cepted the position of represent- ing Evergreen P.T,A. at school board meetings. • William I_x)gan Simmons, 332 So. 3rd street, died Saturday at Rest Haven Nursing Home in Bremerton. He was 74 years old. Mr. Simmons was born Ma 19, 1894 in Maysville, Ga. and had lived in the Mason county, area the past 32 years. He was a member of the Mor- mon church and worked as a bleacherman at Rayonier, Inc. before his retirement. He is survived by one son, Don, of Port Orchard; one daughter, Mrs. Helen Garns, Glendale, Calif.;' one step-daughter, Mrs. Randolyn Long, Glendale k seven grandchildren; and two sisters, lYrs. Eva Erickson, ChicaKo, and Mrs. Iola Empey, PocateUo, Idaho. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral Home with Bishop Clyde Knight as reader. Burial Was in Shelton Memorial Park. On Committee • Rep. Paul Conner (D-Port Angeles) said today Dr. Richard Wehrli of Port Angeles and Wil- liam Looney of Shelton have been named to the Washington Citi- zens' Com, mittee on Highway Safety. The citizens' group advises the Legislative Joint Committee on Highways, of which Conner is a member. TIlE MOST POPUI,,AIg size for general-purpose sportsmen's bin- oculars is 7x35. Popular S,zes Only Exchange Plus Tax FREE Mounting, Balancing & Rotating If Necessary [;RI00 Winterizing Check For Your Car With Purchase of Snow Tires • Anti-Freeze • Brakes •. Hoses • Radmtor" • Entire Exhaust System • Windshield Wiper & Wmhers For Service When You Need It See Merv's Tirecap & Carcare Center 1st & Cota 4264104 Newest In 1968 HOME ENTERTAINMENT Outstanding value in a Compact Console' Full Zenith Quality for just FEATURES TH 00569 ,I HANDCRAFTED PATENTED COLOR SUNSHINE e COLOR TV : | COLOR "IV CHASSIS DEMODULATOR CIRCUITRY PICTURE TUBE I Handwired with no printed Extracts color from the incom- for greater picture brightness I circuits and no production ing signal with peak precision with redder reds, brighter ! shortcuts for the utmost in for unsurpassed, true-to-life greens and more brilliant I dependability, color hues. blues. I I Convenient Terms • Free Home Trial i I i OES.EN [ aT Open 8:30.5:30 Dady [ Thursday, October 26. 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5