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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1967
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!IIW no lr s - Kids On Arrival ans yen÷ 0Cook,n | • • Af Carnival • Shelton Dup00cate Bridge • / .1&apos;tl • An old witch will greet the !i!iiiiii:!!!ii!:iii};i!:;;i!!iii:iiiii!i}iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii;;i.:i;iiiii:i:iiiii`! Club's annual party, including Lmp.m,mP.,m,..m-.0m.qm*-. children as they arrive at the Society Ed,tor Marl Jacobson Phone 426-4412 dinner and an evening of bride, .... :z:::::.::::-::::::::::::::::: ................ :).. ................... ::.:.+ ............................................ • .............. • ............. will be held November 6 at the . 15th annual Halloween Commun- . ... ................ ::::.:.:.:.:..:,:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:..:.:.:,: ....... :; : .... :: ::::.:.:.::.:::.:: ,'/;:+. , ................  ................. -,. ........................................ Timbers restaurant. ::ii:: ity Carnival to be held in the chalet gym at the Belfair Ele- :.:.... Members and guests who plan• mentary school this Saturday. i:::::::.i to attend should pay for their The carnival, sponsored by tickets by next Monday at the latest, according to William Nuel Curtis VFW Post No. 5372 iliiii!ii; Lucke, club president. and Auxiliary, will begin at 7 p.m. There will be games, door In the monthly Masterpoint : ......... game held Monday evening north- prize, punch, cider and donuts. : south winners were Bruce Kre .... snacks and something for every- :: " ger and Col. Wood, Mrs. Jack : one. i Graler and Mrs. Ed Dudley, Gor- The children's costume parade don Craig and Gordon Bennett. :: will be a highlight of the even- ing. Pre-school children through East-west winners were Mr. :::: eighth grade will be divided into and Mrs. wayne Soper, Mr. and ........ four groups for judging. No  Mrs. Aubrey Wills, Walt Par- .: :. ..... masks are to be used but faces sons and Rex Umphenour. may be painted. Bruce Kreger and Col. Wood All booths to be judges shouhl ' .. were also first place north-south be decorated and persons serv- winners October 23, followed by ing or taking part should be in Gordon Craig and Gordon Ben- costume, again no masks to be nell, Eva Aamodt and Bertha used. *" Walker, Mrs. Paul Schlosser and First place winner in the fifth Mrs. L. C. VanArsdale.  poster contest was Alene Becker; October 23 east-west winners second prize, Lisa Kronquist and  were Vic King and Norman Hul- Brian Hendry; third prize, Mike :::  bert, Vagn Sorenson and Bob Huson, Leigh Ann Hagen, Ricky  Eliot, Mrs. Connie Johnson and Anderson and Susan Schatz.  Mrs. Pearl Archibald and a tie Sixth grade first place winner between Rex Umphenhour and .... Clyde Ruddell, Mrs. Roy John- i was Terri Williams; second place, ., Tom Sanders and Kathy Ralkow- son and Mrs. Charles Allison. ski; third place, Chert Palmer, Any persons interested in dup- , : Mark Harder. Jean Fedenk awl licate bridge are invited to play i:: Alayne Cook. : t their first time free as this is : ' : Judges were Mrs. William Ca- not a closed club. It meets regu- dy, Mrs. Bernard Eger and Mrs. larly at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in J. S. Ahl. Posters are on display the PUP auditorium, i: : o, . at Belfair TV. ::. : • ..... . Hoodsporf Guild DAVE PUHN Sla÷es Carnival ..... For Beachcomber o  ..... MR. AND MRS. LARRY SMICK Garden Club Halloween Nighf ,  The Beachcombers Garden ,: The Bride s Uncle Pert ,rms Club held its October meeting in • The president of Boys' Club ,,,% , • Halloween evening at Hoods- ,, ', " port promises to be an exciting the home of Mrs. Earl Terrell at Shelton High school this year one. Members of the Tiny Tim Lewi Smick M rri g Rite with Mrs. Edwin Griggs as co-isDavePuhn, a175pound, six- APPLESAUCE BREAD is another suggestion for using Orthopedic Guild have planned S"  a e hostess, footer with brown eyes and surplus apples. This recipe is from the kitchen of Alice a Halloween Carnival to be held Mrs. Clem Holl conducted the brown hair. Dave is the son of from 7-9 p.m. next Tuesday at • Miss Sandra Gaff Lewis be- Bob Keiger was best man for business meeting. Members ans- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Puhn and Moran and freezes beautifully for future use. the Hoodsport school, came the bride of Larry Bren- the bridegroom. Ushers were wered roll call with the name of has one. brother, Scott, 17. Games of all kinds, including nen Smirk in a September 2 rite Gary Smirk, cousin of the their favorite fall shrub. Dave's father is an SHS grad who passed his interest in sports App! . o00=re ,=l" Grea+ a cake walk will be available to in the First Methodist Church. groom, Randy Lewis, brother of Each member took an arrange- and the out-of-doors on to his este those attending. There will be The ceremony was performed by the bride, Tom  Emerson and ment of dry material which was son. Dave plays offensive and he makes up refreshments. Larry Lewis, the bride's uncle. Gayle Schoepflin. criticized by those present with defensive right end on the High- Miss Lewis is the daughter of A bone ribbon, lace and crepe the help of Mrs. Vesta Reynolds. climber football team. He is a For Mor i cj Kaffee Kla÷ch ,s. John Burnett, Shelton, and cage dress with matching acres- The next meeting will be held two-year letterman. In the spring Jobies $o n n PTA Banquet To the late R. G. (Bud) Lewis. She sories was worn by Mrs. Burnett. November 9 in the. Grapeview he plans to turn out for baseball was given in marriage by her Mrs. Smirk was attired in an fire hall with a basket social the for the second year. He plays • Because apples are plentiful St. David's Episcopal church and stepfather, John Burnett. Parents orange silk suit dress with match- center of interest. at her house right now Alice the Shelton General Hospital Aux- Be Held During of the bridegroam are Mr. and ing accessories. Both mothers Moran chose her Applesauce iliary and enjoys membership in Mrs. Brennen Smirk, of St. wore green orchid corsages. Bread recipe to share with read- a Sewing Club made up of friends. I'I . • • • I John. Following the ceremony a re- ers this week. The smo)th tex, .:App,:l8a,,C  BRIAD  ....... 00r-auc, ar00on:0000v00eeK0000,, ! Tw0"'candelabra baskets.,.rf4:lled-,, ception was held in the church :lure and urCc.too sweet ..avo::  ........  :, ; :, .: : ,-m.  ,;wth yellow tuneful *p0rns-<  and..:social hall which was decorated makes this a wonderful accom- 2 cubes margarine • In observance" of American' gree'ty:r$1adlolt"flnd a< matchin with green gladioli and yellow paniment to coffee. It freezes l& cups sugar Education Week, Mountain View a 1 t a r bouquet decorated the roses. The five-tiered wedding beautifully, too. 4 eggs PTA will hold a Parent-Teacher church for the occasion, cake was topped with yellow Alice, or Betty, a she is known 2 tsp. vanilla Banquet November 6 at 6:30 The bride's gown of tradi- roses and silver leaves. to her friends, rinds absolutely 4 cups flour p.m. in the multi-purpose room tional lace and peau de sole was Serving were Mrs. Dick Hunter, no time for boredom even though 2 tsp. baking powder at the school fashioned with a full skirt, long Mrs. Bob Bruce, Mrs. Shirley she has raised her family. She 2 tsp. soda Master of ceremonies for the train and long lace sleeves. Her Smiek, Mrs. Jeannie Lewis and and husband Orville have two 2 tsp. salt program will be Nell Molenaar, elbow length veil was held with Mrs. Gloria Poffenroth. Mary girls and one boy and four grand- 2 tsp. cinnamon immediate past president of Mt. a lace crown. Yellow roses and Burnett, stepsister of the bride, children. 1 tsp. nutmeg View PTA. Rev. Arthur Beals of stephanotis made up the bridal attended the guest book. The gift Betty always enjoys sewing, it 2 cups unsweetened applesauce the First Baptist Church will bouquet, table was presided over by Alicia is her favorite pastime. She also 1 cup chopped walnuts speak on "Are There Any Abso- The bride's cousin, Stephanie Ahl and Lois Magelssen. spends a lot of time making Cream margarine and add su- lutes in Morality?" Special mus- Lewis, was maid of honor. Brides- The bride is a Shelton High braided rugs, and enjoys any gar gradually. Add eggs and va- ic will be presented by the Shel- maids were Sandra Lausch, Marl- school graduate and attended type of handicrafts. She spends a nilla. Add dry ingredients and ton High School chorus. There lyn Peden, Cindy Stentz and Pam Multhomah School of the Bible, lot of time gardening and enjoys applesauce. Mix well and add will be several cash door prizes. Tuson. They wore identical dres- Seattle Pacific University and riding her own horse, walnuts. Bake one hour at 350 Tickets for the banquet are ses of moss green in empire style Dicta Business College. She is em- She is an active member of degrees. Makes two loaves. $1.75 each and are available at with pleated skirts and chiffon ployed in the business office at the school office. Reservations puffed sleeves. Their flowers were the Walla Walla College where must be made by next Wednes- yellow tuneful pores with match- her husband is a senior student. VFW Auxiliary Has Dis÷ric÷ (lay. ing streamers. They are making their home in A long white dress with lace Walla Walla. around the sleeves and the bot- President's Official Visi÷ Yule Gift Open tom of the skirt and a veil to match that of the bride was Arfisfs To Meet worn by flower girl Tami Smirk. • Fifth District president, Mrs, House Planned She carried a basket of yellow j tuneful poms. Nex÷ Wednesaay Paul Olson of Aberdeen, made her official visit to the local VFW • Plans for a Christmas Gift Pebble Smirk, cousin -of the groom dressed to match the other • The Shelton Adult Art Group Auxiliary meeting last Friday Open House are being made by bridal attendants, and Mark will meet at 7:30 p.m. next Wed- night, the Hillcrest Homemakers Club. Lewis, brother of the bride, nesday in the home of Mrs. Wal- Other out of town guests in- There will be a work party to- lighted the candles. Marilyn Pc- ter Jensen, Route 3. Anyone need- eluded Mrs. Glen Sargent, de- day in the home of Mrs. Ellis , den and Dianna Magelssen sang ing information or directions call partment color bearer; Agnes Wells. accompanied by Bill Archer. 426-8450 after 5 p.m. Redfield, past department presi- The group held its last meet- dent; and Ann Young and Mary ing in the home of Mrs. Joe ------------------ Trohomivich, district officers. Grassl. Mrs. Everett Hatch was Cascade council chairman Mar- welcomed as a visitor. NOTES ian Johnson reported the coun- cil met October 9 at North Fort The next regular meeting will Lewis. The local auxiliary do- be held in the home of Mrs. V. M. Jackson, 420 University, next hated several dozen cookies for Wednesday. the occasion. The next meeting i fro NE00L will take place November 3 at .m.... /hChord Air Force Base. . : activity chairman, reported the auxiliary will again co-sponsor both the Junior and Bantam leagues. I a GLAUCOMA-SNEAK THIEF OF SIGHT The local auxiliary will hold a Halloween party next Tuesday  : for the Exceptional Foresters. Hospital chairman Beulah Har- rtaon reported on the game par- ty held at Western State Hospital last week. Twelve cakes were do-. hated by auxiliary members and '  I served to 95 patients.  Mrs. Varrel Sparks, ways and ..... means chairman, has held sev- eral work parties in her home recently in preparation for the   / bazaar to be held November 3. ' " !  I A bake sale will also take place George HasBrouok with proceeds from the sale go- t i to the cancer fund. All mem- bers are asked to make and bake | something for this affair.. -lsk for i Charles Cox, patriotic instructor, eorge presented an American flag to ] Auxiliary president, Mrs. Sam ,il s tT HIM Ogg, to be used as the patriotic  SELL YOU A CAR = i MELL I Mrs. Francis Cole was initiated and welcomed into the VFW Aux- gla at the last meeting. An- U. Box other new member, Mrs. Dick . $| * CH|¥ ... OLD$ i Fifth::a;kl,:; ,;umr ;:;Y3;h,:.(6.2165 Stsk, was initiated at the pre- Open 'til 8:0 p.m. M. & Frl. viou meeting, 205 Cote 426'4302 1st & Grove 426-6367 ! d 2he auxiliary voted to send P-age 6- Sh'elton-Mason County Journal ' T-hursday. October 26, 1967 DPW To Meef • Vembers of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington will meet next Thursday at 1 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Clint Houpt. * High School Spotlight Club. He is alsO Luther League theran Church. His subjects this physics, trig, civit biology and world no idea what he his career so start college Rummage mostly in the outfield. Out-of-door sports in general, and hunting, fishing and water skiing in particular, are Dave's hobbies. No matter, what the game or type of fish, he is al- ways ready to go. Besides Boy's Club, Dave is a member of Key Club and "S" • A rummage st Friday by Daughters promised articles quality at the sale held from 9 a.m. * Memorial hall. Plug modern ectr= Living ' 's wiring With literally dozens of electrical appliances to serve you, you homeotriGal must be ready to let them serve you. That means you need adequate operte. wiring, so all those labor-saving appliances get enough power to tiaatot Whether you're building or remodeling, make sure your electrical coo, provides rnpereS. • A mare wren anel of at least 100 am 150 or 200 a ' ' " g p perespreferably "n" 220" • Enough branch circuits to serve various areas of your house, includ u volt circuit§ formajor appliances. • Enough outlets so you don't need a maze of extensioncords. • Plenty of readily-accessible switches everywhere. Then you're ready to live better, electrically[ 1 '/  ,_ lln •   !" MASON CO ,; Live #etter , -d00,O ,, • I'$'   Harold W. Fl=rtr00...ll., ,oo00 .= 00o,o. $/"  . Jerry l