October 26, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 26, 1967 |
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Report Cards
Are Given
VIISON, right, a member of the board of direc-
"Mason County Kidney Fund, demonstrates the
)f a kidney machine which she uses to fellow
bers, left to right, Charles Savage, Connie
Franklin and Ernie Campbell. The Kidney Fund will
meet at 8 p.m. Nov. 1 in the P.U.D. building for election
of officers. They will also discuss and plan projects for
the future.
New Members Join Grange At Last Meeting
ING and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ing dinner guests of Mr. and
meeting Friday
members were
lVlr. and Mrs.
who recently
i ¢0ramunitv Master
Rossma'ier were
i n their 25 year sil-
'burn got a three-
el'East of the
€ arday.
lburn family of
'aul Rossmaier of
• the weekend at
aier home.
s A
ndrew McGar-
s. John McGar-
.". and Mrs. Carl
d Mxs. Lud Ros-
,L' and Mrs. LeRoy
uy all uathered at
lley home to cele-
thday Sunday even-
l: iaer was given in
and Mrs. Terry
at the Noelen
-t, tlnday as Terry
go to Vietnam.
[''g Were, Mr. and
]::YAand son, Mr.
cry and Hel-
ick Avery
liam Avery and Denise, Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Dundas and daugh-
ter, Mr. and 1V[rs. Niemeyer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roth-
rock and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Dundas and Mrs. Essie
'Matlock Ladies Club held its
regular meeting last week Wed-
nesday with Mrs. Edward Valley
hostess• Mrs. Robert Trenck-
mann's and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier's
birthdays were celebrated. There
were three visitors, Mrs. John
]YicGarvie and baby from Canada
and 1Vrs. Charles Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
were host and hostess for a fare-
well dinner last Tuesday even-
ing at their home in honor of
Mr. and Mrs• James McGarvie
of Chicago• Those attending were
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGarvie,
Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie
and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jacobs and the honor guests who
left for their home Wednesday•
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
were Tacoma visitors Friday and
were luncheon guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fay Hopkins•
!Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams of
Enumclaw were Thursday even-
Mrs. Lud Rossmaier.
Mr. Don Buck and daughter
of Olympia called at the Port-
man home Sunday•
Saturday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Helin were Mr. and
Mrs. George Robinson of Elma.
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Johnson of Skokomish
were callers at the Helin home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Commet
and Mike spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deem-
er of Union.
1Ytr. and Mrs. Ray Marinette
of Shelton were Sunday callers
at the Dick Tupper home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and
Mrs. Dan Walker were weekend
guests at the Larry Walker home
in Tacoma.
We are happy to report Mrs.
James Commet returned home
Friday from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Friday evening at the Earl
Wilder home at Satson for a
birthday party for the two Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald May and
family of Seattle spent the week-
end with the Kenneth Howard
family. Sunday :Mr. and Mrs.
James Rodgers of Elma were
: y,Uh one of them has devoted 25
| r to the growth and progress of
Y°nier and in turn, to the growth
%d progress of the community.
their., in their respective positions,
t hve contributed diligently to
deVelo m ' f
. p ent and product,on o
rOducts vital to many areas of
human activity throughout
the world.
RaYonier are grateful to these
recognition of their services,
dll honor them formally and
Come them into the 25-Year
Which many of your friends
9hbors are already members.
William James
Mealy Bacon, Jr.
Olympic Research Division
Natural Resources Chemistry
John A. Eage
Olympic Reearch .Dlviai
drop in guests.
Mrs. Harold Clift left Monday
for Portland to be with her sister
Mrs. Arthur Asburn who has to
have surgery.
Out Friday
• Report cards came out Friday
and the following people made
the honor roll. Grade 12, Jan
Gwinnett; Grade 11, $udi Spring-
er; Fran Trimble, Sandi Perkins,
Cyndy Iverson, and Cathy West;
Grade 10, Debbie Brehmeyer,
Teresa Trimble, Maxine Hutson,
• and Kathy Hickson. Grade 9,
Teresa Graham Grade 8, Sue
Miller, Mike Sinclair, Millie How-
ard, and Carla Higginson; Grade
; 7, Theresa Iverson.
Oct. 16 a Cross Country Meet
was held at St. Martins in Lacey.
Varsity runners and their indivi-
dual placings were John Miller-
7th, Ken Stodden-9th, Larry. Had-
dock-15th, Larry Harkins-16th,
Dave Knipschield-18th, L a r r y
ChappeU-19th, and Tom Casey-
The fifth and sixth grade boys
had a football game with Pio-
neer Oct. 18. The score was 24-6.
Tim Trimble made the only
tMIMK touchdown.
The annual meeting of the
Mary M. Knight Volunteer Fire
Dept. was held Oct. 16. President
Hansen gave a report on the
year's activity indicating that the
first year of operation was ex-
tremely successful. The group
acquired many new pieces of
equipment a n d completed f i r e
training classes• The present fi-
nancial balance•is $228.30 with a
total expenditure of $592.84. Fire
commissioners w e r e elected•
They are Lawrence Hansen, Ira
Ford, and Harold Beerbower.
These three names will appear
on the Nov. 7 ballot, when the
vote for the formation of a fire
district is held. Executive Board
members were elected for a
three year term• They were A1
Sinclair, Gene French, and Walt
Shaw• Shelton Fire Chief Allan
Nevitt spoke on the formation of
a fire district and answered
questions• He said that the State
Rating and Survey Bureau
would determine fire insurance
rates in the proposed fire district•
NEW TEACHERS in the Shelton schools
were entertained at a banquet and program
by the Rotary Club of Shelton last Thurs-
day evening. A swiss steak dinner was
served by the Men's Club of the Methodist
Church. Rotary Anns helped to make this
affair a success with their touch of decora-
tions, furnishing salads and desserts, and
caring for the punch bowl as their guests
arrived. President Doug Larson (right)
presented School Superintendent Louis
Crrinnell (left) to the group and then had
all the new teachers introduce themselves.
The program was arranger by JetTy Sam-
ples who had obtained the "Sweet Ade-
line" group of singers from Olympia. They
presented old and new songs ms they were
presented in a variety of ways.
VFW Asks Names Of Viet Nam Servicemen
• Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
No. 1694 requests the relatives of
Mason County service men serv-
ing overseas in Vietnam, to
please contact Quartermaster Lar-
ry F. Godwin, Rt. 1, Box 371. It
is important that we have these
names as soon as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godwin
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swops
spent a most enjoyable evening
as guests of American Legion
Post 31 and auxiliary Tuesday
evening of last week. Judy Strat-
ford, exchange student from Aus-
tralia, made a presentation from
a veterans organization in her
home town to the American Le-
gion and Veterans of Foreign
Wars. She showed slides of Aus-
New roadways and a large
area around the flag pole at the
Veterans Memorial Cemetery has
been black topped. This is the
first step in developing a new
section of the cemetery. More
improvements are in the plan-
ning stage and should be com-
pleted by spring.
A donkey basketball game
sponsored by the VFW Post No.
1694 will be held at the High
School Gym at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 4.
Proceeds from this will be used
for youth activity projects.
The next regular meeting of
the VFW will be Nov. 3 at 8 p.m,
in the Memorial Hall
Model RB635 with Infinite-Heat surface unit controls
Six easy-clean features-you'll wonder how ever did without them/
eflon-coated oven walls shde' Clean.wipe control panel has Removable drzp pans and trim Re - cooktop puts Removable oven door lifts off Clean-sweep design-remov-
out, sponge clean. Burned-on glass-smooth baked-on porcelain rings for the hinged" self-cleamng" cookm' g surface be owl the count- with one easy motion, ends awk. able storage drawer comes out
greaseand everyday spatter wipe finish. Control knobs pull off to surface units come out and wash ertop, protects both counter and ward bending and stretching to easily, there's nofloor.level cross
right off. No scouring ever! make cleaning even easier, easily in the kitchen sink. range front from messy spills, reach the far corners of the oven. brace to get in your broom's way.
i We 1Ol BBBBB
I What
l_ We Sell
• _ _ - _ IIIIll= -- ll[I -- -- -- IIIIIL -- -- ,-- _ IL ......
Thursday, October 26, 1967, Shelton-Mason County Journal - PaRe 13