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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ns Win Football Game From Mary M. Knioght • " " " mountains this COSTA AND are the Pirates of Southside. hospital until the end of this he &apos; The School Band program is week. past week and brought home the progressing well. It's still not too The Howard Southworths were pheasants and ducks that make down to their place on Lake all the trip worthwhile. late to become a band member. Spencer over the weekend. A1- There will be a Cider Pressing !lER--Pioneer School's oa their football game G?Y M. Knight with a Dorothy Costa is recuperating ways lots of cleaning up to do party going on at Ella Studers <L'..Core. Next opponents from an operation performed last around the place after the land Friday. Volunteers to help press for our young athletes Thursday. She will be in the has been cleared. Ihe apples to make the cider for Alice and Bernie Lutu's were the youngsters' Halloween Party F: up foom Longview to check tlle are asked to call Barb Hasbrouck : progress of the new home they're 426-6577 or Sally Cook, 426-2396 or having constructed at Lake Spen- just show up Frida3 morning  0 k Will cer. They hope to be in by the at Ella's! Also--if you have any ' In nem{ ers holidays• apples you'd care to donate for G H II H ThelmaandEdTuffswereSun- the kid's cider please call Sally f | day visitors at the R. i c h a r d Cook, 426-2396 and Mrs. Cook will ! n range  ere Brooks. They were joined later make arrangements to pick up by John Raymond for a rainy the apples. !OTTo Caker) moved from the Michials afternoon of visiting. The Brooks' County Homemakers twill meet at the Pro- nge Octl 31. Kamilche Ib Will act as hostess. ti0ti will be at 10:30 tluck" luncheon will at noon. Table service ed. d  ;. Percy Adams ew great grandson tY to Mr. and Mrs. rbaugh of Shelton. joins a sister, Tam- :ats are fOrmrer Ka- y. Mr. and Mrs. llry of Quilcene and I of California. t Marshalls have as Caroline Stew- ldaughter Stacey Will visit for about While Mr. Stewert ol in California. 'tmity was saddened, I th last week of long ,eat "Canute" Henry '. Bremer came here aany about 61 years early to start gather- for the rummage by the P.T.O. for ;' You can leave items t or call Betty Mar- k up. -nts of Kamilche Val- ,  are. enjoying many i r this year. There are *ry books as well as !ks for all of the iia'Y Marshall has i OCcupahon to trans- itory, who is stationed , Tex., likes driving .t than cooking 21Ks. Rodney lV[ichials i;ed to their home here tit.° a, Ore. Sister Jean  (Mr. and lxs. Bob home into the "Hump" Nelson home on the bay. We all wish to express our deepest sympathy to the family of Edwin Petty. We have just learned of the death, Saturday night of this long time resident. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Villines report two well travelled sons. Son, Tommy, worked last sum- mer in Alaska and is now tour- ing Mexico. PFC O. D. Villines left in Sept- ember for a new assignment in Germany. Wife, Melainie, left last week, to join him there. The building of the addition to the Kamilche Valley Assembly Church is progressing at a re- markable rate. Built almost en- tirely by volunteer help it will be ready for dedication in Decem- ber. Rev. Mr. Moe, with only the help of Mr. Rose and two boys, Randy 1V[oe and Harvey Krise, was able to raise the steeple last week. The cross rises 25 ft. above the church. Three children of former resi- dents, Cecil and Joan 1VeHen- ry visited here this weekend. Dianne and Margaret were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Rose Ellis and son, Rex, visited Jeff Otto, son of the Martin Ottos. The McHenrys now live in Quil- cene. Mrs. Wayne (Louise) Clary flew to Phoenix, Ariz. last week. Her sister, Mrs. Lucile Lewis has returned here with her two sons for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Shown Johnston have recently moved into "the little house" on the Harry Sim- mons place. Florence Taylor, Emma Mc- Donald, Carrie Durand and Mac Roberts attended a Birthday Re- ception in Olympia in honor of Ray Ellison. son-in-law, Steve Faulkner, is on a two week leave from Madigan Hospital and is spending a few days with them. He reports back for further eye treatment Nov. 6. Irene Mmin of Bremerton is spending a few days with her brother, Charlie McGonagle. Also visiting with them is Hammh Soderstrom, Charlie's sister-in- law from Seattle. A card from Kay and Winston Scott told us they were at a convention in Washington, D.C. While there they visited with their daughter-in-law, Pat and grandchildren Julie and Kevin. They took the youngsters on a trip to New York City and went as far as Mystic, Conn. The Seotts expect to be home by this weekend. Gals don't forget! You again have the opportunity to join a group where you have nothing to gain and everything to lose. The weight watchers meet Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at Estelle Bunnell's. The Pioneer P.T.O. Executive Board meets tonight at 8 p.m. in the school library. Tim next P.T.O. meeting has been ad- vanced to Nov. 2 because of elec- tion day Nov. 7. Speakers for the P.T.O. meeting will be two candidates for school board posi- tions, Ruth Probert and Sterling Rhodes• An open house is also planned so parents may visit their youngsters rooms and talk to the various teachers• Charles Lisk and Margaret Eu- banks o'f Clallam Bay, longtime friends of Orville and Betty Moran were down for a visit with them this past weekend. Betty reports the crop of mushrooms are great this year. Ray Walker and a friend, Hank Ringe, Golf Pro. from Willapa Harbor Golf Course in Raymond, It's been a long time since a racoon has been seen around Lake Spencer but Joe Cameron found one the other morning sneaking food out of his dog, Rags, dinner dish. The racoon wasn't at all bashful and it took Joe some time to get rid of it. It might be wise to keep a good eye on young pets or chickens if a family of racoons are around again. Herbert Jackson, son of Verna and Art Jackson of Lake Spencer, has been assigned to Navy duty in San Diego. Chief Jackson has been stationed at Whidby Island but next month he and his family will leave for California. Herbert is a Chief Pharmacist Mate. Codg and Ann Brooks spent last Tuesday in Seattle doing a little shopping and some visiting with Codg's mother, Mrs. Ann Cavanaugh. Mrs. Don Gates, Pioneer P.T.O. M:embership Chairman, wishes to remind those parents who have not returned their membership envelope to please do so as soon as possible. There are several worthwhile projects which will be of benefit to the school children under consideration and the dues money is urgently needed. The lunch menu is as follows for the coming week. SCItOOL LUNCH MENU MONDAY--Spaghetti with meat, lettuce wedges with dressing, garlic bread, peaches, and milk. soup, crackers, hot buttered muf- fins, topioca pudding and milk. WEDNESDAY--Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread and butter, celery and carrot sticks, fruit cocktail and milk. TIIURSDAYBaked beans with wieners, buttered corn, bread, plum cobbler and milk. FRIDAY--Clam chowder, crack- ers, egg salad sandwiches, oat- meal bois, ice cream and milk. SPECIAL ORDER $il L E! i SAVE 20% ON HERITAGE SPREADS AND ACCESSORIES 3rd & Railroad BUY NOW ON LAY-AWAY NOTHING DOWN ON OPTIONAL CHARGE CHOOSE FROM 15 BEDSPREADS AND MATCHING ACCESSORIES DURING THIS LIMITED TIME OFFER SPoil yourselfI Get In on the Speolal Order Sale nowl Redeoorate your bedroom for the holidays. Choo from our beautiful seleotlon of Heritage spreads in full, twin, queen, and king sizes. Also ehoose elegant matching bedroom a©oessorles In- ¢ludir drapes, valances, and pillow shams. Seleot from many styles, fabri¢, pattern and oolor. &flow Only S Weeks For Delivery. \\; OFF Ad effective Oct. 26. Nov. 1, 120 Cota Street Shelton 426-2818 KODACOLOR FILM 87 ¢ Suggested Price $1.15 NOW VO-5 SHAMPOO 15 ounce Size Now WESTCLOX BIG BEN Suggested Price $7.98 NOW $5e98 KOTEX Regular or Super $1.47 48's NOW TWISTER or ANIMAL TWISTER Milton Bradley =3.89 Suggested Price $5 NOW 100% C OTTON RUGS $ 24 x 44 30 x 50 ALKA-SELTZER 69¢ Size Now STEAM/DRY IRON 008.77 Suggested Price $11.88 NOW VICKS VAPORUB Suggested Price 98€ NOW 67 ¢ VICKS COUGH SYRUP Formula 44 Suggested Price $1.69 NOW =1.35 GILLEI"rE FOAMY Regular or Menthol J¢ Suggested Price 98¢ NOW 17 RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT $1.00 Size .o. 2 for $ LISTERINE MOUTHWASH $1.15 Size Now VITALIS HAIR TONIC Suggested Price $1.19 NOW 96 ¢ TONI HOME PERMANENT .ow =1.57 Thursday, October 26, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17