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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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North Mason School: |00nCenden+ JM÷ends Accounting Meet Girls' Club Officers Make Trip To State Meeting In Vancouver I Pill attended an niques. Eleinar at Centralia The course was taught by Pat ?allege. The "practi- Meyer, director of accounting of l,'leclmic experi- and pictures were discussed. The class also decided to sell NMHS pins. Emily Meyer was elected as the senior class representative to the student council. Alternate representative is Celia Thorpe. All college-prep students should check the following: Seniors planning on trying for Academy appointment or would like to find out more about the ROTC programs should see the counselor for details. The Air Force Aptitude Test will be given to all seniors Oct. nf lheso llniw,vsilios. He also holds a Imcl.,hw of sacred theo- logy degree. mcntation, photography, tape re- cording, baseball, public speak- ing, debate, stamps, magic, math puzzles, automotive mechanics, tennis, books, and coins are his hobbies. Letterman's Club headed by president Mike Pruitt, vice presi- dent Mike Stimac, secretary Jeff Allen and treasurer Richard Hankinson, have been planning money-raising projects such as ,:,m,:,.:;::im:; nnd working on a point ::y:;l*.rrl. (:,,n;,yalul;dions go to the girls tennis h.arn. The girls finished the season 8-1. with sophomore Gall l)ahl, number one on the team, undefeated. Congratulations also go to the Junior Varsity football team who beat Chimaeum 8-0 and the fresh team who beat 7-6. Here's how the activities look for the rest of the first quarter: Oct. 6 - Fresh Football with Vashon. interest there was to promote By EMILY MEYER sex education in the county. Age groups were broken down into - North Mason's Girls' Club :ar' was demgned the Shoreline School District. 9-12 year olds and 13-16 year board Katie Blair (president), :[Who wanted a gen- SEX EDUCATION MEETING olds which would also include Chris Dahl (vice-president), and  of the accounting. Dr. William Schumacher was parents. The program, if devel- Jane Seyler (secretary-treasur- e, relationship to the chairman of a group meeting oped, would be operated by dec- er) traveled with club advisers , instruction and its' last Thursday at the Mason Coun- tors and special speakers in the Mrs. Lora Allen and Mrs. Ida ][School district. Pill ty Health Clinic. District superin- field of sex education. Dagnie to Trout Lake Oct. 21. .lhe schools were in- tendent John Pill represented the Among other things, the group The girls attended a luncheon where they were given a wonder- ][rl to adopt the new Hood Canal Schools. Others at agreed that if other subjects in the meeting were Mrs. Geraldine the curriculum were important ful opportunity to discuss and lsYstera'ltg anThereaccountant.'_was n o Watt, county health nurse; Rosie as requirements that sex educa- bexchangeo a r d ideaSmembersWith fromGirls' ClUbhigh |: is every indication Smith and Bunnie Denison, Shel- tion might be very important at |[0ing to be neces- ton City School nurses, Shelton this time. schools all over the State of Washington. 27 - Football with Vashon. 30 - JV Football with Vashon. Nov. 3 - Football with Bain- bridge. 6 - JV Football with Bainbridge. 8 - End of first quarter. There are still some football lots for sale. Just $1 for 100 sq. ft. BARK long a waste product in the lumber industry, is now used in bed blankets, ceramic ware, mackinaw and roofing felts. hL meeting at the '. Mick Simmons Ii Halloween Carni- ik ct. 31, at the old '01 building Mrs :1i2 Was co-laostess I .ns. The Guild's :[tB ll be with Mrs. I rt, November 1, i.  [der of Amar- : :.hblq Bazaar at the |¢ 00nion Nov. ]lDh D.m. Christmas Ml{:ts, candy and t featured. Cof-  ltnd°Ughnuts, sand- t ' Will be served 00ii! Aboard ! beS¢royer  If. Barnhard, !1, ... and Mrs Lyle is aboard a" uestroyer USS II in Southeast :aft teamed up it 20 miles south 1 ojwa to conduct o, company or in an e00uip- ideas at the Hood Canal Garden Club meeting at the Woman's Clubhouse at Potlatch today. Miss Barbara Jarvis, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarvis and a girl friend from Olympia returned this past weekend from a vacation trip of two weeks in New York City and Washington D.C. Sorry no news the past two weeks but your correspondent was tinder the weather with a severe cold spending some time confined to bed. Members of Tiny Tim Ortho- pedic Guild please bring your white elephant gifts for the Ortho- pedic Bazaar in Olympia Nov. 9, lo Mrs. Johnstons at your next meeting Nov. 1. a skating party, that is with the exception of a few who spent a good deal of the time falling down. As the evening wore on, Leon Dibble had to find some new places to hit the floor with and is presumed to be still covered with black and blue marks. The class also want to remind .everyone of the impend- ing candy sale. ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY The yearly magazine drive whip- ped into full swing this week with Sandy Baskin and Dan Be- lender at the helm. The drive is to last only one week so every- one is urged to subscribe to some new magazines or they may get renewals thru the Junior High salesmen. The first issue of the Nomahi News was distributed last Thurs- day. Sue Malone is the editor this year and her staff includes IAnda Bishop, art editor; Rich- ard Hanknson, sports editor; and Joe Ison, advertising. Mr. Wood is the paper's adviser and reporters are garin Rassmussen, Vere Wynn, Ron Sharer, Paul Olmsted, Vivian Card, Sharon Corey, Janet Havens, Johanna Thompson, Dale Russell, Patty Edwards, and Eileen Thaves. The senior class had a meeting last Thursday. Discussed was the rummage sale to be held at the Masonic Temple in Belfair Nov. 10 and 17. The senior ball, Dec. 2, will be held at the Palace in Bremerton. Plans for decoration Are Your Heating Dollars going fo go OUT THE DOOR this winCer ? They Will No€ wiCh STORM DOORSt Close.Out -- Last Year's - apid salvos ",ay b  y surprise ,ne action ac- $2e 9s) (reg. hle",eY dead, 33 i Ur;tr. e s d e s- subject to existing atook ' b{'Pans destroyed trench network INSULATION , i ,, Fiberglas--Foil OneS,d:, ' ii00:tV,t w \\; 3-7,8 .c sq. ft.. 2-1,2" 5c .q. ft.. I ,12 '4C sq. ft. l =' Cole Road Builders S, o UPP!..IF (( ! _ One Hwy. 101  On the Cole Road South of She iiii 426-8224 Within your rea QUICKLY NATIRAL HE 00TERS INSTALLED A MONTH Added to your regular gas bill October through May. I Just $16 a year We've been telling you that conversions to natural, ts cost peanuts--or practically nothing at all. Here's pro [! A Quaker compact home heater, equipped with modu- lating thermostat and 2-speed automatic warm floor circulator, can start working for you NOW... for a song! It's vented, too, to bring in a constant supply of health- ful fresh air, and to distribute warmth evenly through- out the room. Distributors of Naturalgasatisfaction Thursday, October 26, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19 the 0NO Club of 's mother, Mrs. ; a member, pre- and his bride with Chaffing dish. were Mrs. Pot- (Mrs. Evan's and Mrs. of Shelton. are mak- .... at the Hoodsport t" I'latchery wnerc---- I employed since :lllJPhen e a m e to the Simpson Where he was era- Years. tthopedic Guild at 'i , GOodpaster and t ab gave a "Meet last Wednesday  QOodpaster home nd Mrs. Stephen re newlyweds of % _%ty-three guests 0re game played gave information le Present so the il beCOme better ac- i " the people of the t on a part time District Supt. Louis Grinnell, KINDERGARTEN--The class is Other upcoming activities spon- 24 ral)ly with the new, G a r y Plews, N o r m Sanders, getting ready for Hallowe en by sored by the Girls' Club include Seniors planning to attend four tedsystem. North MasonSupt. andrepresen- studying the various symbols the candysales, Girl of the Month year eollegesshouldseetheeoun- I VOTE .e accounting system tative from Mary M. Knight used for the holiday. The party election, and the pie sales. The selor for application forms Nov. licated and cumber- School District. Lelt it had potential Dr. Schumacher called the on Halloween day will culminate candy sales began yesterday and 27 as colleges are now accepting management tech- meeting to see what degree of the unit. Mr. and Mrs. John will be every second and fourth applications on the basis of six Denison recently contributed a Wednesday of the month for the semesters. NOVEMBER 7fh • table and chairs to add to the rest of the school year. Chris Co l l e ge Scholarship Service y )ii! I f !i ii!i!!ii iiiiill I living unit. Previously they gave of October's Girl of the Month. Be the counselor's office. Seniors ex- P[ two tricycles. The newest mem-sure to east your ballot this week pelting to request financial aid ii! I ber of the class is Allen Holman for the most qualified senior girl. should fill out and mail the form or 00iii U e Get Letter from Richland. Allen's grand- Pie sales will be after the senior by Dec. parents are Mr. and NIrs. Ed play Nov. 17 and 18 and after All college-prep juniors should $ GALEN T. g$ In ,o Furlong who own the Driftwood theallschoolplaywhichisdur-sign up for the National Merit, g I n on avy ShOp. The Kindergarten class ing the second semester. Scholarship Qualifying Test in BURGESS :i visited the Driftwood aquarium Katie Blair, Chris Dahl, Sonde the counselor's office.  , t , : early in the school year as part Fluery, Liz Hunt, Susan Kowal- Seniors are reminded to get l i!!i! :: :!:i 'E f°r a n°m'nal f ' The public is °f a sea life unit" ', l iiii !'}i  "if T invited, czyk, Emily Meyer, Barbara their personality reeommenda- [ !     ..... t-M. and Mrs: Dennis L. Sandvig, 24, son of FIRST GRADE--The additkm of Schillinger and Georgann Wright, tion forms to your teacher so  f ' were surpnseo Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Sandvig a family of Guppies to the class participated in the Honor Society they may get them to the eoun' or Rreeve'a letter has been accepted in the Navy has been enj°yed bY all except field trip Oct 18" The gr°up left sel°r' Tw° c°mpleted f°rms bY d 309 i '!111 :. tmemceo, .Jr. Aviation Flight Office Candidate with a note of sadness. The at 1p.m. and headed for Seattle two teachers are requested. |Sh /guhOfhcer on the program. He is a graduate of father guppy died suddenly after with adviser Mr. Butler and After gradually getting to know elton School Boar /oUbmarlne ,ato, Western Washington State, with Mrs. Guppy gave birth to some chaperon Mrs. Kowalczyk. They our new teachers we've found k{r son Mark on a Bachelor of Art Degree and 25 young ones. visited the "Underseas Gardens" out some interesting things about t 5 1 i A "'nd " . has been teach' g "n Bcllingham SECOND GR/DE---Colleetion of where they saw an exhibit of them. Mr. Talbott, for example, 111 a enthusiasm High School. Dennis' wife is the Hallowe en items seems to be the marine life and an underwater came to us from Moscow, Idaho sfric [ "g they are proud former, Carol Jean Ennen of order in this class, as pumpkins s how. Afterwards, the group where he graduated from the :lTkIar?,a member °f Bellingham,. Dennis leaves for have been made and a trip was stopped to watch the locks oper-University of Idaho in 1961 with [. - irmnas here Pensacola, Fla. Nov. 7. made around the schoolgrounds ate at Lake Washington. All the a bachelor of science degree in  Resident of Shelton 15 Years ).Laedta)? d rP; °ud Tile Hoodsport Drug store was for the purpose of picking up members agreed the trip was chemistry. He taught two years  Employed at Simpson Timber Company as La Machinist |'rk Well in his Navy broken intolast Wednesday mght. autumn leaves to decorate the very successful and they are in Elk River, Idaho, before com- |11o  une mint ooor rock was oroKen room. now looking forward to future ing to North Mason where he i Member of International W(odworkers of America :1 te Glen- - - by the thieves to gain entrance THIRD GRADE--Miss Moore's activitieS.Members of the student body teacheSscience, physicalchemistry,SCienCe,and generalmarine t Local Union 3-38 Executive Board I l>y :'¢rltty oonnS,was grant-Sen and drugs, and narcotics stolen, class has been reading about who are interested in playing an biology. Photography, rafting, Head Shop Steward in Local 3-38 !!(leavte ' ..... ,,_a: The Acquarium was entered a Hansel and Gretel. The art por- intellectual game of wits should and kayaking down the Salmon t qtaly'to h"o"' ;+,,u few nights before, lion of the (lay has been occupied ,!atr[cia j- ..... T "' N[rs. Mottle Backlund M r s. with the making of Hallowe'en contact Steve Bunting. The Hen- River are his hobbies, i Has Four Boys-- Three in School a onns, a- ' . Mr. Buffer teaches advanced |as in" a ............. Matt Kaare, Mrs. Esther Chins- decorations for the big day which or Society would like to make ' n;)'t ...... ,..,;,,,,: tensen Mrs. Sigurd HOff, Mrs. will soon be here. Mrs. Packer's chess playing a regular noon- a 1 g e b r a, physics, geometry,  Supported by Mason County Labor Council €i "' expecteo ,,) . ". .......... ' dau,,' ..... u(lus nutcnms ano mrs. uwignt class is studying about the Pil- time activity if enough partic- and debate. He holds bachelor i and ]ah ;'=gnter (n the . " and master of science degrees !, Joh ...... Pmrce attended the Olympic Pen- grims leading up to the obser- pants are available, i ns m m ivtt. .  1 A point system has been estab- and had done graduate work to- International Wo,odworkers, Local Union 3-38 ahl india ' .._ msula ederated Garden C ub vance of Thanksgiving day which lished as a check-up on the ser- wards his doctor of philosophy. [ (i' i:°mard:e, " District Fall meeting at Quilccne will soon be here. They are also vice requirement needed to re- He has attended the University  (Paid Advertisement by IWA Local 3-38) t ha ) l Y" " Oct. 17. studying about conservation and main as an Honor Soeity mere- of Washington and the University D,.,  --  --- -   ---  .,,..m.D.   --- -_v_-  .41 :(aPeancCdm:b()  : Mrs Robert Nelson, Sequim, plan to go on a field trip to collect ber in good standing. Members of Boston and has taught in both i[10y. * '' , ['" Junior past District Director and leaves and pine cones. , a nurse is nmp- . are required to earn a minimum {r'sit * thlS year State Art and Craft EIGHTH GRADE--Last Thurs- of 100 activity points per seines- chairman will show Christmas day night saw the class enjoying ter and 50 ponts per quarter.