October 26, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 26, 1967 |
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LegalPublications .Legal Publications Le00cations
.0. G--mine Night
" ,+oo, 00ore 00a00ou- or +re0 Planned Friday In Fire Hall Meeting Room
SUMMONS IN larly described as follows, to-wit: in. OF VALUABLE MATERIAL
Original Certificate No. 1, Roll You, and each of you, are here- ON STATE LAND
TAX FORECLOSURE 7, page 21, line 4, assessed to by summoned to appear within State of Washington By NANCY VRAHNOS Ladies Civic Club was held Oct. bers and five guests present, as far as the number is con-
NO. 51 Robert M. Scruple, Tracts 6 & 7, sixty (60) days after the date of Department of Natural 12 with Mrs. James Chalmers lYrs. George Snuffin, Mrs. Pat cerned one can call Operator.
Court of the Block 1 of unrecorded plat of the first publication of this smm- Resources Bert L. Cole, • UNION--Game Night will be and Mrs. Axel Johnson acting as Carney, Mrs. Luke Barnard of They have the number listed and
for Mason Allie Ahl Summer Home Tracts, mons and notice, to-wit: within Commissioner of Public Lands Friday starting at 8 p.m. in the the hostesses for the Potluck Seattle and Mrs. Pat Kellerson of will give it to you.
being more particularly describ- sixty days after the 21st day of Notice is hereby given that on Fire Hall Meeting Room. The luncheon. The tables were decor- Hayward, Calif. Mrs. Otto Wojahn stayed four
0UNTY, WASH- ed as: Beginning at the corner September, 1967, exclusive of Tuesday, the 31st day of Octo- last game n i g h t was well at- ated with the Halloween theme The club voted to give their days last week with her daugh-
llunicipal Corpora- to Sec. 22, 23, 26 & 27, Twp. 24 said date, and defend the above ber, 1967, commencing at ten tended. President Mrs. Tillie Sherman tables and chairs, dishes and ter-imlaw Mrs. Don Wojahn in
of the Counties of N., Range 3 W., W.M., run thence entitled action in the above en- o'clock in the foren6on of said The first meeting of the Union opened the meeting with 16 mere- flatware to the Fire Department Edmonds.
Washington, Plain- North 60' to the North side of titled court, and serve a copy of day, at the Port Orchard Dis- Room. The Club also voted to
err M. Semple, all Olympic Highway; thence fol- your answer upon the undersign- trict Headquarters, located at Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dilworth
.lnafter named as lowing the North side of High- ed attorney for plaintiff, at his Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, become a member and support traveled to Seattle to visit with
of the hereinafter way in a Northeasterly direction office address hereinbelow given, State of Washington, by the Soughs/de," the new Anti Pollution Council. the Denner Johnsons. They left
property, and all 1768.6 ft. to the Southwest cor- or pay the amount as hereina- District Administrator of said Activities until the first of the in pouring down rain and when
owning or her of Lt 6, Block 1, Allie Ahl bove set forth upon each of said District, the timber on the fol- 4 H Achievemen÷ Nigh÷ To were announced so ladies they drove offthe ferry in Seattle
or having or Summer Home Tracts and point tracts or parcels of real proper- lowing described state land will mark these dates on your cal- the sun was shining.
any right, title, of beginning; thence North 830 ty of which you are the owner or be sold at public auction to the " endar. Nov. 9 will be the next
)r equity in and ft., more or less, to the North reputed owner, or in which you highest bidder, to wit: regular meeting with Mrs. J.E. lr, and 1V£t-s. Thomas Ball
or any part N.,line Range°f Lot 33'w.,See'w.M.;23' TwP.thence24 own Orclaim toClaimhave,t° own Orany right,have'title Oror Application No. 32049 B Held l 5ch I Buildi 9 Bishop and 1V[rs. Tillie Sherman traveled to Randall to attend the
each of you, axe East on said North line 200 ft.; interest therein, together with all Sandhill Thinning located up- e n o o n as hostesses. Nov. 15 there will reception for Mr. and Mrs.
led that the above thence South 700 ft., more or less costs, interest or penalties at- proximately 4 miles by road be an afternoon Game Party Frank Ball, and uncle, who were
ff, Mason County, to right of way of Olympic inched thereto, northwest of Belfair. The sale is By MFRS. RAY KRATCtlA ell, Pat Jay, Doug Lane and from 1-3:30 p.m. M:rs. J. E. Bis- celebrating their Fiftieth Wed-
u0rporation, and one Highway; thence in a Southwest- In the event of your failure to composed of all timber marked ding Anniversary. The celebrat-
ttlly organized and erly direction 233.7 ft. along said appear and defend such action with blue paint bounded by sale I SOUTHSIDE The annual 4-H Wally Sewell are new members hop will be the hostess and the
right of way to initial point, con- and pay the amount due on such area boundary tags and all tim- Achievement Night is Oct. 27, in of the club. public is invited. Dec. 22 there inn couple received many lovely
Lilies of the Statead f raining 3.90 acres more or less. ber marked with blue paint ad- Five new girls, June Barron, will be a children's Christmas gifts, among them a money tree.
the owner lot, tract, or parcel of land as- the new Southside School Multi- A cake especially decorated for
of delin- Year in Certificate 1962, Certifi- sessed to you, or in which you jacent to sale area boundary on Party at 7 p.m. with Mrs. Max
lit one certificate care $7.81. have an interest as hereinabove parts of the following: Lot 4 of purpose building. Neva Strutz, Inny Christensen, Dean Chairman. All these activi- the occasion was served.
and dated the 15th Original Certificate No. 2, Roll stated, judgment will be render- Section 18, Lot 1 of Section 19, Southside Homemakers Club Dana Christensen and Kim Noll ties will be held in the Fire Hall Guests at the home of Mr. and
1967 by the 7, page 74, line 3, assessed to ed against you and against the all in Township 23 North, Range met at the home of JoAnn Her- also joined the Actions 4-H Club. Meeting Room. lXrs. James Chalmers Sunday
Mason County, M. C. Anderson estate, Lots 29 lot, tract, or parcel of land, fore- 1 West, W.lVL, and SE¼ of Sec- rick Nov. 17, with six adults and Election of officers were, Chris This reporter in typing up the were Mr. and Ms. J a m e s
tion 13, N½ NE¼ of Section 24, three children present.
attd issued to the to 32 inclusive, Block 4, Beach- closing thereon the lien of Mason
Unty for the sev- mont, according to the recorded County for its certificate of de- all in Township 23 North, Range Election of officers was held. Rickards was elected secretary, news last week made a typing er- Knowles of Centralis.
Laurie Rains, treasurer, Nancy ror concerning the number of the 1VPr. and Mrs. Gene Hays, Mike
!' due and owing for Plat thereof on file in the office linquency, which inc2uaes all 2 West, W.M., containing 130 New officers are Mona Heinis, Eveleth, vice-president, Teresa Fire Department. The number is Hays and Mrs. Alexander trav-
t0l h. and every lot, of the Auditor of Mason County. taxes, penalties, interest, and acres, more or less, comprising president; Shirley Stites, vice
_f;et of land herein- Year in Certificate 1962, Certi- costs against said lots, tract, or approximately 642,000 bd. ft. of
'taticularly describ- ficate $1.72. parcels of land up to and includ- Douglas fir, 120,000 bd. ft. of president; Evelyn Kriefels, sec- Murray, reporter, Susan Rains, for their new Fire Hall Meeting eled out from Seattle Sunday to
lJ°0hrtt , said amount be- Original Certificate No. 3, inn the date on which said cer- hemlock and pine and 33,000 bd. retary-treasurer and Jane Hen- president; Marilee iV[atson, Netti 898-2181. If youhave an emer- spend the day with Mr. and Mrs.
'Posite each partic- ft. of alder, or a total of 795,000 drick rporter. Sewell and Martha Sewell ap- gency and you come up blank Karl O'Berry.
0a and being the Roll 7, page 258, line 3, assessed tificate was issued, pointed song leaders, Ann Quim-
el]Lld delinquent upon to Howard J. Ploegsma and Mrs. Any pleading, answer, appear- bd. ft. Club members discussed plans by appointed sergeant-at-arms Dayto'm
: lot, tract, or par- Ploegsma, his mother, Tract 322, ance, or process, shall be served Minimum acceptable bid: $13,- for the Christmas Open House for the girls, Danny Sewell ap-
;gPeetively for taxes Haven Lake, according to the re- upon the undersigned attorney 705.50. DogS''hof
lt;2 for which said corded Plat thereof on file in the for Plaintiff, Mason County, at Timber will be sold on a cash for Nov. 28, decided on a bake pointed sergeant-at-arms for the
¢lli.Y claims right of office of the Auditor of Mason his office below stated, and a or installment plan basis. Tim- sale and to make articles for boys, Tracy DeMiero was put in
I,,€ Will more specifi- County. Year in Certificate 1962, copy thereof filed with the Clerk her must be removed prior to Christmas stocking stutters and charge of recreation, S u s a n
i' reference to each Certificate $5.61. of the above entitled Court. December 31, 1969. decided to attend the fall meet- Swayze was appointed sunshine
:lription herein, to- Original Certificate No. 4, Roll tASON COUNTY, On or before October 31, 1967, inn at the Kamilche Grange Oct. girl "put in charge of treats" rl| I LJ'eclI"s'Ln
11 interest, costs, 7, page 379, line 14, assessed to A Municipal Corporation at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must 31. and Kim Noll was put in charge II
Sarah R. Warder estate, Lots 40 JOHN B. COLE, make a minimum deposit of $1,- The next meeting will be held of community service.
J.lll. ereon up to and 370.55 in the form of cash, mort- at Mona Heinis' home Nov. 21.
15th day of Sep- to 43 inclusive, Block 12, Lake- Treasurer
wood Plat F, according to the re- {SEAL) ey order or certified check. Said Southside Homemakers going The meeting was adjourned re-
G+":. and the name of corded Plat thereof on file in the Office and Post Office Address of deposit shall constitute an open- By MABEL KInD home of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ros-
office of the Auditor of Mason Attorney for Plaintiff: inn bid at the appraised price, to the Tyee for the Washington ported Teresa Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck and smaier.
ral or corporation
.PJPli',ltich said property Upon award of this sale, the re- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck Thurs- Ma'. and Mrs. Ralph Pauley
i lag set forth with County. Year in Certificate 1962, Title Insurance Building, Homemakers Convention were I DAYTON--Tarzan is dead.
0J' description, all of Certificate $2.17. Shelton, Washington 98584 spective deposits shall be re- Mona Heinis, JoAnn Herrick, This beautiful German shepherd are looking forward to greeting
Original Certificate No. 5, Roll JOHN C. RAGAN, turned to the unsuccessful bid- Ruth Chambers, Evelyn Kriefels, day went to Tacoma to visit Mrs. was found along side the road daughter-in-law, Mrs. George
8/ being situated in 7, page 646, line 11, assessed to Prosecuting Attorney, and ders. On the day of sale, the Shirley Stites and Jane Hen- James McCord and Mr. and Mrs. just above Hickson's corner Sat- Pauley who is to arrive from
William P. Joslin et ux, Tract 11, Attorney for Plaintiff herein, purchaser must pay the balance drick. They attended the get ac- Charles McCauley. urday afternoon and was believed Fureth, Germany, Nov. 1. Candy
Phillips Lake Division 6, accord- No. 51 9/21-28-10/5-12-19-266t between the bid deposit and the quainted night at the Tyee and Russ Sweitzer, who is in the at first to have been run over. has been there with her husband
"state0000 i to the recorded Plat thereof full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of helped welcome state guests last Marine Corps and son of Mr. On examination, it was discov- since July of last year.
on file in the office of the Audi- NO. 9571 sale fee, or may, if the purchas- week. and Mrs. Joseph Sweitzer is ered he had been shot twice;
er so elects at the time of the lXrs. Linda Hamilton of Centra-
tor of Mason County. Year in SUMMONS sale, pay an additional amount, Southside Homemakers who at- home on leave. Russ was sta- once in the head a n d o n c e lia visited recently with the Paul-
,v, Certificate 1962, Certificate $9.32. In the Superior Court of the to bring the total amount of the tended the banquet at the Tyee tinned at Camp Pendleton, Calif. through the shoulders. His owner,
0y Original Certificate No. 6, Roll State of Washington for Mason deposit, exclusive of fees, to Wednesday night were Shirly and is leaving Oct. 29 for Hawaii. Bill Chappell, is feeling pretty eys.
d 7, page 888, line 5, assessed to County equal 25% of the full bid price Stites, Jane Rendrick, JoAnn Ray and Glen Kratcha Satur- lost without him. Why would any-
South Kitsap Investment Corn- VIOLET JEAN BUTLER, based on the cruise estimate. Herrick, Mona Heinis, R u t h day drove to Silverdale to visit one harm this big, beautiful and
puny, Lot 33, Block 1, Trails End Plaintiff, vs. M:ICHAEL L. BUT- This balance may be paid by Chambers and Evelyn Kriefels. their brother John Kratcha, Jr. gentle animal? He was well P/IOkey SG$*
q Division No. 1 and Shorelands, LER, Defendant. personal check. Purchaser must Oct. 18, the Actions 4-H Club trained and excellent with chil-
I,,.eAMILY HOME... according to the recorded Plat STATE OF WASHINGTON, also furnish within 30 days of
e it has something thereof on file in the office of TO: MICHAEL L. BUTLER, De- date of sale a surety bond of met. Chris Rickards took the dren. Some have suggested that ;
']imetber ' Mother wi,l the Auditor of Mason County. fendant, notes, Tracy De Meiro called the Lena| Publications he was chasing deer but this isn't
Jl+J°Y the beautiful Year in Certificate 1962, Certifi- You are hereby summoned to $1,000.00 to guarantee compli-
t ance with all terms of the bill meeting to order, Susan Rains true. He didn't roam far from
iving room tor en- cute $47.50. appear within sixty days after of sale. All checks, money or- led the flag salute and Ann home but if he was along the
I! i*]hmP gourmet-designed Original Certificate No. 7, Roll the date of the first publication ders, etc. are to be made pay- Quimby led the singing. CAUSE NO. 9581
:+:lippe0Velv h,,+ in and 7 vae 889, line 13 assessed to of this summons, to-wit: within able to the Commissioner of 1V[ike Bariekman, Danny Sew- OF REAL ESTATE opened the car door, he would
..... - ...... NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE road and some one stopped and
+l.me,tty private bath; Weyerhaeuser Properties, Lot 19, sixty days after the 28th day of Public Lands. Under General Execution hop in as he loved to ride. This
|:[ Children will enjoy Block 2, Trails End Division No. September 1967, and defend the Accessibility: via public ac-
ly room, the adja- 1, according to the recorded Plat above entitled action in the _ - • In the Superior Court of the is believed to be what happened
.b ld patio, and the thereof on file in the office of above entitled Court and answer Complete contract and speci- Legal Publications state of Washington for Mason as he was in the habit of going
County to Howell's Grocery to play with
+1 grage with work- the Auditor of Mason County. the complaint of the plaintiff fications may be examined at - A. I. ALEXANDER, d/b/a the children there and then go
'l'- ad the entire tam- Year in Certificate 1962, Certifi- and serve a copy of your answer Port Orchard District Headquar-
i0Y the lovely golf cute $8.89. upon the undersigned attorney ters, County Auditor's office, inn bid at the appraised price. COAST CREDIT SERVICE, home. All who knew Tarzan will
" a Your front yard That any of the foregoing lots, for the plaintiff, B. Franklin and office of the Commissioner Upon award of this sale, the Plaintiff vs. NORVILLE C.
- i lay when the mood tracts or "parcels of land herein Heuston, at his office below stat- of Public Lands, Olympia. respective deposits shall be re- BUTTERIELd:) & "JANE miss him.
!at like owning it before described and having been ed; and in case of your failure so turned to the unsuccessful bid- DOE" BUTTERFIELD, husband Don't forget the Hallowe'n
+--* -^a" included in "the Certificate of to do judgment will be rendered To be sold at Port Orchard
• , . - • ders.Qn,te..day of sale, the puT-, and wife, Defendants party Oct. 3. at Dayton Hall from
District Headquarters,' on :Tues- chas+er must "pay the bai.nCe be: ' " Under and by .virtue of a gen- 7 to 8:30 p.m. Earl] fam t- '*
, Jr m). t;e,,%[:n,t DelmCjuency ' "'/eretof6re **issued against you according to the de- "'' ......... " ...... ....
" v- " ..... day, October 31, 1967, at 10
' c'J xvo} this to Mason County will be mands of the complaint which o'clock a.m. tween the bid deposit and the eral execution issued out of and ten'rig is asked to bring a-half
, " sold subject to any local improve has been filed with the Clerk of Application No. 32288 full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of under the seal of the Superior dozen donuts. Prizes will be
,.AKEs MONEY merit assessments for paving, said Court. Little Mission Ceek located sale fee, or may, if the purchas- CoUrt of the State of Washing-
ld all ..... h if we drainage irrigation, or any other Plaintiff's objective in this ac- er so elects at the time of the ton, in and for said County, on awarded for the most original Millions of dollars wasted,
• u rc . approximately 8 miles by road costumes" not purchased, due to carelessnessl
i1, [ like we have hind kind or sort of local improve- tion is to secure a divorce from west of Belfair. The sale is com- sale, pay an additional amount, the 6th day of October, 1967,
¢it4 re are 120 acres for emlent assessment lawfully assess- the defendant upon the grounds posed of all timber bounded by to bring the total amount of the upon a judgment rendered in The Traveling Pinochle Club
stated in her complaint on file sale area boundary tags and deposit, exclusive of fees, to said Court on inthe 19thfavorday of°f will meet Oct. 28 in the Matlock
l+a: a eye on the fu-
+P: a good invest- as aforesaid and for such addi- property lines in Unit No. 1 on equal 25% of the full bid price May, 1967, .... -
: .]1,, the in-laws and hereinabove set opposite the sev- tional relief as is prayed for in part NE¼ NW¼ of Section 2, based on the cruise estimate. A. I. Alexander, d/b/a Coast Legal Publications
ler and talk it eral descriptions of each partic- said complaint. Township 22 North, Range 2 This balance may be paid by Credit Service and against Nor- - - •
)' tWo rental units ular lot, tract, or parcel of real B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON West, W.M.; part SE£ SW¼, personal check. Purchaser must ville C. Butterfield & "Jane Doe" Legal Publications .....
1 'i'" An excellent in- property bears interest at the Attorney for Plaintiff part SW¼ SE of Section 35, alSOdate furniShof sale withina surety30 bonddays Ofof Butterfield,judgment debtorshUsbandfor theandsumWife'of - __ _ _ _ STATEApplicationLAND FORNo 58743LEASE
6,000. rateannumOf fromeight andPercentincluding(8%} perthe AngleOffice Building & Post Office Address TownshiPwest, W.M.,23 North,and alIRangetimber2 $4,000.00 to guarantee compli- $406.73 Dollars, plus Sheriff's NOTICE OF RIGHTSURFACE 1,000 acres of State land in
15th day of September, 1967, Shelton, Washington 98584
Imlm00M HOME . . . bounded by sale area boundary ance with all terms of the bill Fees and Publication Costs, to- WATER Mason County to be leased for
:,t .t to this one, and until the payment thereof be 9/28-10/5-12-19-26-11/26t of sale. All checks, money or- nether with interest, costs and APPLICATION NO. 20590 Brush Picking. Lease period
ti++aally neat home, tagSSE¼ inof UnitsectionNO.35,2 OnTownshippart Nh23 ders, etc. are to be made pay- increased costs, and to me di- State of Washington from October 30, 1967 to March
!PPliances____ heat,wail'in'etc. Real Estate Real Estate - North,containingRange652 West, W.M., able to the Commissioner of rected and delivered, I did on the Department of Water Resources 1, 1977. Minimum annual rental
Public Lands. 18th day of October, 1967, levy Olympia $250.00. Public auction to be held
s,,/:¢ lectric acres, more or Accessibility: via Department upon all the right, title and in- TAKE NOTICE: That WASH- October 30, 1967 at 10:00 a.m. at
eStment, you can less, comprising approximately
p,py oan with omy .... -- -- - - - of Natural Resources access, terest of said judgment debtors INGTON STATE DEPART- the Mason County Courthouse.
:' raents. $14,750. ANGLE AGENCY 27,000930'000 bd.bd" ft.ft' of°f hemlockD°uglas andfir' Complete contract and specS/i- in and to the following described MENT OF FISHERIES of Jk copy of the lease containing
LaBI$$ONIERE pine, 29,000 bd. ft. of cedar and cations may be examined at Port property to satisfy said judg- Olympia, Wa+shington on October all requirements is posted at the
Orchard District Headquarters, merit, to-wit: 9, 1967, filed application for per- Department of Natural Re-
38,000 bd. ft. of hardwoods, or a County Auditor's office, and of- The North 300 feet of Tract 32 mit to divert the public waters sources Office in Port Orchard;
ellent lots in the HARSTINE ISLAND total of 1,024,000 bd. ft.
:recrest, and Carl-95 ft. of waterfront located on Real Estate fice of the Commissioner of Pub-of Coryell Tracts south of the of East Fork Satsop River trib- the Mason County kuditor's Of-
Island that will make 922.50. To be sold at Port Orchard Washington. amount of 9.0 cubic feet per sec- BERT L. COLE
Harstine lic Lands, Olympia. right-of-way in Mason County, utary of Satsop River, in the rice; and the office of
i ts. Let's go look! Minimum acceptable bid: $34,-
i excellent tract for home or vaca- Timber will be sold on a cash NOW THEREFORE, Notice is ond, subject to existing rights, Comflssioner of Public
IDEallLOChA:/OeN tinning.scarce so WaterfrOntget yours howls asgettingprices We still have acreages, large and ber°r installment plan basis. Tim- DistriCtday, OctoberHeadquarters'31, 1967,°n atTUes'10 hereby given, that on Friday, continuously each year for the tan<is
aa smal'. Call Bey Thomason. must be removed prior to o'clock a.m. the 24th day of November, 1967, purpose of fish propagation; that Box 168
a house into a are moving UP! December 31, 1969. Any sale which has been of- at ten o'clock in the Forenoon of the approximate point of diver- Olympia, Washington
[',s, large kitchen, DUPLEX: On or before October 31, 1967, fered, and for which no bids are said day, I will sell the above sion is located within NE 98501
.derY cozy family 13 MILES NORTH OF TOWN Each unit has 2 bedrooms, elec o at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must
'Zrect lihtin and New two bedroom home, fire- received shall not be reoffered described property, or so much SW¼ of Section 11, Township 10/26 it
ar - tric heat, appliances included, make a minimum deposit of $3,- until it has been readvertised thereof as may be necessary to 19 N., Range 6 W., W.M., in Ma-
. ' • $15,500. place, paneled living room, roomy 492.25 in the form of cash, mort- If all sales cannot be offered satisfy said judgment, interest, son County. NOTICE OF HEARING
kitchen, double garage and many MT. VIEW: ey order or certified check. Said within the specified time on the costs and increased costs, in all Any objections must be accom- ON A, PPLICATION FOR
TZEL . .. other fine fea'ures. 15 minutes Lovely 2 bedroom home, living deposit shall constitute an open-
+i% oafortable 2 bed- from town. Excellent buy at $16,- advertised date, the sale shall amounting to the sum of $438.17 partied by a two dollar ($2.00) FRANCHISE
1 t1120 feet of fine 000.00. room with fireplace, kitchen
continue on the following day Dollars, Plus Sheriff's Fees and recording fee and fried with the In the Matter of the Applica-
]1 P enty of depth, with dining area, separate din- - - - between the hours of ten o'clock Publication Costs. Department of Water Resources tion of Lake Limerick Country
inn room, utility room, garage, Real Estate a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said sale will take place at within thirty (30)days from No- Club, Inc., for Permission and
. ff highway area TWO ,PLUS ONE ON TWO part basement. Nicely landscaped Said timber on said land will the East door of the Court House vember 2, 1967. Authority to Locate, Construct,
,N Two bedroom home plus guest yard with several fruit trees, - - =
t . cottage (or mother-in-law per- $17,000 with substantial down be sold for not less than the up- at Shelton in said County and Witness my hand and official Operate, and Maintain Water
'I'2ANOR HOME haps). Located on 2 acres Just payment. Call Bey Thomason. BRITE STAR praised value, as appraised by State,' and will be at public auc- seal this 10th day of October, Distribution Pipe Lines Under
;0,tearnd has 4 bed- 3½ miles from town. Excellent the Commissioner of Publc tion, for cash in hand to the 1967. and Across Roads and Highways
.. bedroom has condition inside and out and LARGE LOT- SOUTHSIDE REALTY
llrteres a pretty many fine features. Asking price 15,000 Sq. Ft. with view of Wa- Inc. ads in the manner provided highest and best bidder. H.W. POLLOCK in. the County of Mason, State of
by law, a notice of which is now Dated at Shelton, Wash., this Assistant Director, Washington.
llt built-in range $16,500. See this one soon. on file in the office of the Audi- 18th day of October, 1967. Division of Water WHEREAS, L a k e Limerick
1 l:" cabinets, nice ter, Mountains and City. City SHELTONHILLCREST AREA tor of Mason County, and Dis- W.F. ANDERSON Management Country Club, Inc., has hereto-
water and sewer are in. Call Bey 2 bedroom home with carport; trict Administrator of said dis- Sheriff of said County Department of Water fore filed with the Board of
I. rg Wooded lot LOOKING FOR A SMALLER Thomason. lot 50' x 100'; price $6,500; $500 trict. By BETTY ANN PREGNALL Resources County Commissioners of Mason
]:tt can take over HOME DOWN TOWN? down; $65 per month. BERT L, COLE Deputy (SEAL} 10/26-11/22t County, State of Washington,
:lh. , saving all fi- Here is a fine 2 bedroom home SOUTHSlDE LOCATION: * • By DON LEE FRASER 10/26-11/2-9-16-235t under provisions of Chapter 187,
whichin thehasbettermanyreSidentialattractive areafea. 3 bedrooms, and recreation room, UNION Wooded lots, city wa- BERT L. COLE NOTICE OF SURFACE Laws of 1937, an application for
IP" ; . ,
]: 1/ baths, large utility, break- ter, mountain view; close to Commissioner of Public Lands NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT a franchise to use, cross and oc-
It1 ONE? . . . tures. Fireplace in living room, fast room, dining room, living
shopping center. $2000 and up. (SEAL) 10/5-12-19-26 4t WATER RIGHT AP, PLICATION NO. 20589 cupy the roads and highways in
r fine 3 bedroom large size yard, large single gar- room with fireplace, kitchen with Easy terms. APPLICATION NO. 20588 State of Washington the County of Mason, State of
t downtown loca- age and carport, and new shake all appliances. Garage in base- NO. 3855 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Washington, for the purpose of
iYou look at this roof are just a few.,An excellent merit, lovely landscaped yard in * * * NOTICE TO CREDITORS Department of Water Resources Olympia locating and constructing water
c'lus throughout buy at $8,750 and 'bJner will nice residential area. F.H.A. up- LILLIWAU,p BAY (including The Superior Court of Wash- Olympia distribution pipelines along, un-
0 baths, 2 fire- carry the cOntract. ' ' TAKE NOTICE: That WASH-
praised, tidelands) three 1 and 2 bed- ington for Mason County TAKE NOTICE: Tha WASH- INGTON STATE DEPRT- dr and across the designated
.rOom, separate
o room cottages, furnished; priced In the Matter of the Estate of INGTON STATE DEPART- MENT OF FISHERIES of roads and highways in said
, 2-car garage, EXCELLENT LOCATION LOCATED IN NEW $3,950 to $5,950; terms. One 4- CHRSTIAI WILLIAM EGER- MENT OF FISHERIES of Olympia, Washington on October County, described on the map
tty stream too! Just 2 miles out of town, for this DEVELOPMENT bedroom furnished home, $6,950; TON SVENNING, Deceased. Olympia, Washington on October 9, 1967, filed application for per- submitted to the Mason County
easy financing, well cared for 2 bedroom home 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, terms. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 6, 1967, filed application for per- mit to divert the public waters Engineer of Lake Limerick Plat,
located on 1 acre. Natural wood utility, family room or extra * , . that the undersigned has been mit to divert the public waters of East Fork Satsop River trib- located in Sections 21, 22, 23 and
0(lJ:E IN!... paneling in bedrooms and living bedroom. $14,000. HOODSPORT1 bedroom home, ]xecutrix of the Estate of Canal, in the amount of 7.9 cubic amount of 13.0 cubic feet per West, W.1K., and by reference
• appointed and has qualified as of Finch Creek tributary of Hood utry of Satsop River, in the 27, Township 21 North, Range 3
.a.t.er 2 bedroom room, convenient utility room $6,000; 2-bedroom home, $7,500; CHRISTIAN WILLIAM EGER- feet per second, subject to exist- second, subject to existing rights, herein incorporated:
P"%, th!ng distance to and many other convenient fen- 2 LARGE ADJOINING LOTS city water, nice view, near school TON
• ,. hutches, etc. Not tures. Priced at $13,900, includ- On Mason Lake. Closing costs and shopping center; good terms.
,,'%llt be very comfy, inn all appliances. SVENNING, Deceased; inn rights, continuously each continuously each year for the NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE
; 45/raonth pay- down, $50.00 per month. , • • that all persons having claims year for the purpose of fish prop- purpose of fish propagation; IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a
against said deceased are here- unction; that the approximate that the approximate point of dl-' hearing will be held on such al)-
SPECIALbeen authorizedSALE FOR RENT: Hoodsport Fine wooded lot, by required to serve the same, point of diversion is located with- version is located within NE lication by the Board of County
!pq to ac- 2 Bedroom Duplex, unfurnished city water, view, $3,500; fine duly verified, on said Executrix in E½ SEt£ of Section 11, Town- SW¼ of Section 11, Township Commissioners of lXtason County,
NTAL... Wecepthavebids on the property listed except for refrig, and range, terms.
hledo2ibedr3 ri '' or her .ttorney of record at the ship22N.,Range4W.,W.M.,in 19N.,Range6W.,W.M.,3Json Washington, at their regular
below, CASH bids are wanted but carpeted, garage, electric heat-- * * * address below stated, and file Mason County. County. meeting place in the Courthouse
c t contract bids may be acceted. Mr. View, no children or pets, in- WE HkVE MANY FINE the Same with the Clerk of said Any objections must be accom- Any objections must be accom- at Shelton, Washington, on Mon-
Panth. 1. 436 Fairmont Ave __ Hillcrest cludes water, sewer and garbage, WATERFRONT LOTS Court, together with proof of partied by a two dollar ($2.00) partied by a two dollar ($2.00) day, November 6, lg67, at 11:00
Addition. 1½ story home, 3 bed- $125.00 per month. AVAIILABLE. such service within six months recording fee and filed with the recording fee and filed with the A.M., or as soon thereafter as
room, breakfast nook, partial CALL US FOR LOCATION after the date of first publication
basement, oil furnace, detached Department of Water Resources Department of Water Resources such hearing may be had.
garage. Fenced lot. Call 4Z6-466S PRICE. of this notice, or the same will within thirty (30) days from No- within thirty (30) days from No- DATED at Shelton, Washing-
Dun00 ANGLE AGENCY BRITE be barred, vember 2, 1967. vember 2, 1967. ton, this 19th day of October,
Date of first publication: Oc- Witness my hand and official Witness my hand and official 1967.
Bev Thomas.an 426-8615 STAR tober 12, 1967. seal this 19th day of October, seal this 10th day of October, BOARD OF COUNTY
+lnce 1890 LaBI$$ONIERE RF-ALTY /+/ sw.00mN00 com'+tmsm00m00s o,
|nc= xecutrtx of said Estate H.W. POLLOCK I-I. W. POLLOCK 3kSON COUNTY,
JOHN C. RAGAN Assistant Director, Assistant Director, WASHINGTON
CALL HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE Route 1, Box 135 Attorney for Estate Division of Water Division of Water Ruth E. Boysen
426-6388 Real Estate & Insurance A G E N C Y HoodsPort, Washington e Insurance Building Management Management Clerk of the Board
426.4601 Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone: 877-5439 122 lailroad Avenue Department of Water Department of Water By: Violet Cole
Shelton, Washington Resources Resources
-- 8helton 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426.8272 119 8o. 4th -- 8helton, Wash. 10/26 Chief Deputy Auditor
,, _ 10/12-19-26 3t (SEAL) ,10/26-11/2 2t (SEAL) 10/26-11/221; 10/26-11/2 2t
Thursday, October 26, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21