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Page 4 Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023
This kid
A story in the Oct. 19 Journal incorrectly stated the sponsor
of a housing issues briefing at Mason General Hospital on Oct.
12. The event was sponsored by the Mason County Association
i of Realtors. The Journal regrets the error.
liver Svenningson is
8 years old. He’s the
son of friends of ours,
friends who used to he neigh-
bor-friends, but they lost
neighbor status when mother,
father and Oliver moved to
Germany in summer 2021 for
a job. I told the father, Brad,
a couple of years ago that
he should be saving Oliver’s
observations because Oliver
makes comments worth re-
membering. Here are some
Brad has sent me:
October 2020: Oliver
a woman and man working on
their roof, and dad explained
what was going on. Oliver’s
response: “I don’t want to be a
roofer when I grow up. When
I get married, I want to marry
someone who takes risks. She
can do the roofing.”
Feb. 13, 2022: “Dad, if
Poseidon and Athena mated
but Zeus helped, what would
the baby be like?”
March 2: “Why do I have
to go to school on Dad’s
March 17: “Mom, I’ll never
stop loving you. Just please
don’t do anything but .”
March 20: “Santa Claus
isn’t human because he
doesn’t have human DNA.”
April 10: “Gods aren’t
real. Gods are made up by the
April 11: (While tuck—
ing Oliver into bed) “Are you
good, Oliver?”
“I’m good as usual, Dad.”
April 12: (While listening
to the song “Gangnam Style")
“Sexy lady means dumb
friend lady in Korean.”
July 25: (Dad to Oliver)
“You said this project would
only take you five minutes. It
has been 45 minutes. I can’t
trust you when you say only
five minutes. So, we won’t be
doing these projects anymore
at night.” (Oliver) “Well Dad,
technically it is only five min—
utes. I have been doing this
for four to five minutes so
that is 45 minutes.”
Aug. 1: “What would
happen to you ifyou saved
someone’s life but also killed
Oct. 3: (While discuss-
ing kidneys and whether you
could survive without one,
Dad told Oliver people can
donate one of their kidneys
to people who need it) Oliver
then asked, “But what ifyou
scheduled skydiving for the
weekend of the surgery?”
March 2023: “Dad, I’m a
real good multitasker. Just
says th eda rnd est things
now I was watching ‘Star
Wars,’ exercising my legs and
meditating all at the
July 19: (Describing the
taste ofa tomato) “It tastes
sweet and sour and a taste no
one has tasted before.”
Aug. 8: “I like spiders
almost as much as I like
humans. I used to not like
spiders so m rich, but then I
remembered we had a pet
tarantula in preschool and
now I like spiders. But not as
much as humans.”
Aug. 26: (While visiting
Paris) “Oliver look, there’s the
Eiffel Tower.”
“Yeah, so?”
Sept. 5: “See that squir-
rel there? I named him Spot.
That squirrel over there is
called Darkie. I call him that
because he has dark fur and
he’s American.” r
September: Oliver had
Dad and a neighbor perform
a role in his latest film. After
Oliver said “cut” and turned
off the camera phone, he said,
“I need to get more experi—
enced actors.”
Sept. 30: Dad gave Oliver’s
old bike to a neighbor. Oliver
agreed to it. When they were
leaving the apartment, Dad
reminded Oliver that Ruffie
had the bike. He told Oliver to
be kind and say Ruffle looks
good riding the bike. When
we saw Ruffle, Oliver told
him, “Yeah, I could’ve given
this bike to anyone but there’s
no one really around I could
give it to. So, I guess you can
have it. I mean, there are lots
of kids I could’ve given it to.
Lots of them. They are all
annoying though. You’re the
least annoying. So here you
go.” When they got in the car,
Oliver asked, “So, how’d I do?”
Sept. 30: “OK. I’m going
to bed now. Or maybe just.lay
on the couch and relax. I don’t
know yet."
I Email Kirk Ericson at
Judges and laws
Editor, the Journal,
Equity is a biblical principle -
fear-mongering is not.
“Woe to unjust judges and to those
who issue unfair laws, says the Lord,
so that there is no justice for the poor
Isaiah 10
I consider it an honor to have
witnessed Judge Cadine Ferguson-
Brown preside in the courtroom,
to have listened to her share with
children what it means to be a good
citizen as they begin the school year,
and to have seen her engage with the
I have attended several candidate
forums and watched her maintain
her composure and professionalism
in each of them —— even when a very
large, angry retired law enforcement
officer verbally attacked her because
she said that it is a judge’s job to “in—
tci'pret the law” - which it is.
Apparently, Judge Ferguson-
Brown’s opponent didn’t know
Washington Code of Judicial Con-
duct (CJC) Cannon 2 either when
he agreed that judges are not to
interpret the law. Rule 2.2 states:
“Although each judge comes to the
bench with a unique background and
personal philosophy, a judge must
interpret and apply the law without
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regard to whether thejudgc ap-
proves or disapproves of the law in
Mr. Dave Stevens has argued ad
nauseam that he would set much
higher bail amounts than Judge
Ferguson—Brown, seemingly remand-
ing everyone into custody. Such pre—
determined bias violates the CJC. It
also ignores numerous biblical warn-
ings against those who would deny
justice for the poor.
Countless studies decry cash bail
as a tax on the poor. In 2019, the
American Bar Association published,
“Our legal system punishes poor peo-
ple far more often and more harshly
than the wealthy, often through pre—
trial detention and cash bail.” I won—
der if Mr. Stevens celebrates crimi—
nalizing poverty?
1 will be voting for Judge Cadine
Ferguson—Brown, for fairness, and for
justice for all.
Rev. Kelly Dahlmun~Oeth
Vote to retain
Editor, the Journal,
As educators totaling 78 years
serving the Shelton School District, '
we feel strongly about endorsing
Karla Knudsen-Johnston to retain
Owned and published by
Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc.
The Journal is a member of the
Washington Newspaper Publish~
ers Association.
John Lester
her current position in the Shelton
School District School District, Dis—
trict 1.
Karla is a well—respected pro—
fessional in our community. After
teaching for 33 years in Shelton,
Karla continued her dedication to
contribute to Shelton School District
as a member of Citizens of Shel—
ton Schools for many years and as
a member of the current Shelton
School District School Board.
Karla’s expectations for the future
are to create our district to nurture
the potential of every student to a
successful future.
We strongly endorse Karla Knud—
sen—Johnston to our Shelton School
District School Board.
Dunn and Robin Gagnon
Editor’s note: This letter is u re—
buttul to a letter that appeared in the
Oct. 19 edition ofthe Journal.
Editor, the Journal,
In response to Linda Honan Shel—
don’s rebuttal in the Oct. 9 issue.
Being a female, minority or trained
overseas doesn’t make Cadine Fergu—
son—Brown an outsider who doesn’t
share the values of Mason County.
Front office:
Theresa Murray, Ad Representative Delivery:
Jon Garza
Newsroom: David Olson
$79 per yearl$55 for six months)
for Mason County addresses and
$99 per year ($70 for six months)
outside of Mason County.
Single issue price $2.00
Justin Johnson, Editor
Gordon Weeks, Reporter
June Williams, Reporter
Kirk Ericson, Columnist/ Proofreader
Shawna Whelan, Photographer
Niel Challstrom
Kim Fowler, Graphics Design
Linda Frizzell, Special Projects
Cadine Ferguson-Brown is an outsid-
er because she was appointed by Gov.
Jay Inslec to finish out someone clsc’s
term and was not voted in by Ma—
son County. Cadine Ferguson—Brown
didn’t share our values when Chantel
Peterson was arrested for allegedly
shooting her boyfriend seven times.
Cadine Ferguson-Brown didn’t share
our values when she gave no credence
to the arresting officer who indicated
Peterson was a danger to herself and/
or others. Cadine Ferguson-Brown
didn’t share our values when she dis—
regarded the prosecutor’s request
for $500,000 bail. Cadine Ferguson—
Brown didn’t share our values when
she set bail at $5,000 and let Peter-
son walk for $500. Peterson then
committed suicide because Cadine
Ferguson—Brown doesn’t share our
values to protect the accused, the vic-
tim or the community. Cadine Fergu—
son-Brown chose to only protect the
accused. My “partisan political pref-
erences” are to keep all three of those
safe and protected. Protecting the ac-
cused with total disregard for the Vic:
tims or community is soft on crime,
regardless of political party.
Pam Burger
see LETTERS, page 5
Dave Pierik, Office Administrator
Karen Hranac, Customer Service
All regular editorial, advertising
and legal deadlines are 5 pm. the
Monday prior to publication.
To submit a letter to the editor,
email editor@masoncounty.com.
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