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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 26, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 26, 2023
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MARY’S 'MEMOIRS Sam decides spur (if/ho moment that he and Mary should go hunting cast ofthc mountains. They too/e their dog, Queenie. too. They hare a good (one. Mary and Queenie retrieve (1 bird that Sam had shot and firi/ info a ,fich. Earlier in the touch, Sum ground pounds o/‘i'cuiso/z hamburger/i'om (1 (it’(’/' that Bill Cody had shot. This is the time o/iycar they are stochiog up on Incui. Sunday, Oct. 16, 194‘} Today Lovey called with one of her 40-minute talks, and I was still in bed after that I gave up trying to fall back to sleep. A very foggy morning but now a beautiful sunny day we are going out for colored leaves for Ba— zaar. Sam’s cold is better. So, we are both pleased. He called on Bill Beach and he is fine. We put 20 parcels of meat in the locker from the deer Bill Cady got. Emmett and Bill cut it up today. They were working at it when Sam and I got up there at o‘clock. So, we took flowers the cemetery and saw leaves at the garbage dump and went home. Sam went back grind about 70 pounds ofdoer ham— burger. I wrote letters till he returned. When he tame home, we went out for ride up to Twin Lakes. Saw Paul Sharp and his wife. We saw 2 does on our way home. was lovely out. Home and cooked venison steak for dinner. was Very good. and we on» joyed it. Very cold out. Monday. Oct. 17. i949 Today Squires was here at 8:30 and got quite a done. Sam washed clothes and l cleaned house and laid out work for Squires. Very cold out and our annuals took a beating last. night. A black frost Squires called it. This afternoon made 2 apple pies and one cobbler. The crust, is the best I‘ve made for years. Most likely will make poor crust from on. Sam went hunting with Emmett down in hold but saw not a bird. lwent down too, get some corn stalks and the horses had trampled them down! Then Sam and I had a piece of the. warm pie and up to Shanks Lake and back. Ran into Shanks and they say they will go Arizona as they get a place to keep the horses. Home and fried the Chinese pheas— ant. It was delicious too. Sam went a port meeting up at Belfair. My flow- ers froze last night, I picked what-I could for F. for Wednesday. Tuesday, Oct. 18, I949 Froze hard night, and the ground was white today. Squires worked on garden morning. Sam went Seattle, and I went to Bremer— ton, I guess unless Emmett him home, he 'alked. Picked up Eu- nice Duffield 10:30 and she went downtown, and I at the Temple where we were to work on SoCial Club luncheon. They forgot to me to bring a pie so when Edit h Miller went after he pie at McGavins bought one too. ,We had a lovely lunch ol'chili rolls, shredded cabbage salad, and pumpkin pic but we had only a small crowd out. was fun working on the committee and the time really flew. Elders Jacobson told about her trip up the Frazier River and Lucy Cheller told us about the Canal Zone. It was very interesting. Eunice Duffield pre— sided Ethel Anderson's brother died and she could not be present, and Grace E. was out town. Eunice DeLong, Eunice Duffield, and I went to Ethel‘s later, but no one was home. Home and put away the clothes, washed the crocheted bedspreads and mangled flat work. Just a little iron— ing for tomorrow. Wednesday. Oct. 19, 1949 Last night it froze very hard. I ironed early was thru before brak— fast. Alice Pope and Ruth Small came down for flowers for corsagos and Fischler got hers for the has kets. I had my hair combed out Gorst about 2. Sam decided to go Tule Lake on Thursday. So now I must pack and get ready. Alma Nel— son and Eunice IleLong came out to dinner. We served venison steak, baked potatoes and apple pie. Then Belfair Chapters Friendship Night where l was a guest ofAlice Pope, as— sociate matron. The flowers were love— ly. Betty li‘ischler, Del Rhu Thompson and Kitty Williams decorated red dogwood sprays with nuu'igolds, or— ange chrysanthemums, blue michel— mas daisies and red saps. They were a grand crowd. Lovely. Eunice Duff— ield. Maimee, Florence Tillet Gould. his mother, Walter Millers ,and many others were out. All the special guests received corsages and a gift. We Were so proud of the lovely program. Down- stairs the tables were out of this world Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page 47 am and Mary take position on firing line Mary and Queenie. Courtesy photo with red maple leaves and fruit ar— ‘angements in the center. Cute favors in the shape oforange pumpkins. I rode home with the Baileys and put all the things in my scrapbook before I went to bed. Thursday, Oct. 20, I949 Arose at 6 and got ready. Sam told Nichols the girls were coming work on the quilt he will shut off the fires and Emmett will get Squires at 7 am. There was quite a of fog un- til we got past Selene where we ate a sandwich and some pie I brought from home. We a deer near Castle Rock and three Chinese pheasants. The sun came out nice and warm and the drive over the pass was wonderful. Such colored leaves have not seen in years! Such yellows. A wonderful sunset over Lake Klainath and we arrived at a nice motel 6:15 where we will stay about 4 miles from town. We ate the Pelican Cafe and some food for our dog. Then home and tied her up for the night. Very windy out. I see a Manzanit‘a Chapter meets Friday, I think I’ll go. See what Uregon does in her Chapter Room. Friday, Oct. ll. 194‘) 'l‘oday we did not get up until nearly 9 o’clock. W1: drove down Tule Lake where we ate our brealc fast and Sam got his hunting license. Then the “Firing Line" where we parked until closing time at 4:15 pm. I never heard so much bombarding or saw so many hunters. We got one goose and one duck. Lost one duck. Not bad as it was a very hot afternoon. I enjoyed being out in the sun and Sam was happy he got birds. Some people met us Sam had hunted with in 1945. We had quite a chat. Home and cleaned up. Ate at the Town Cafe. Very good. Manzanita Chap— ter No. 172 and enjoyed their Friendship Nights with them. They had a good crowd and matrons and members from five chapters. The past Grand Worthy Matron was there also Grand Ada. A clever skit was barber shop affair put on by Prosperity Sisters and a brother properly vouched for brought down the house. No refreshments as they had a potluck dinner previously. Home late and to bed. A nice evening. Saturday, Oct. 22, 1949 We arose 4:15 a.m., and it surely "as hard to get out of bed. Oh! Were we sleepy. To the firing line after Sam had cof- fee and almost right away Sam a goose. He fell in the field, so 1 took Queenie and went after him. We found another man’s bird first and just as I was about to give up, I found ours. So, I brought it in. Queenie surely got excited over the first goose. She danced and barked and wanted follow the owner off with it. The sun is out warm and bright, and the wind is wrong. All the dust blows our way. So, are getting all dirty fast. Lots of geese in the air. W'e rode way over by Lake Klamath and laid on some quilts in the sun and slept for over an hodr. Oh, how lovely it was out in the sun. Then to Merrill where we sanr pled the barbecued beef. baked feed put on during the l'esti i211. was delicious, too. Back to the firing line and there were plenty ofhunters. We stayed until then cl mned our goose and came home. Ate spaghetti on our way. Very good too. Now have a shoWer so got off some of today‘s dust. It was bad as the Alcan High- way. We are in early today. 6:30. I (decnc Hostclicr was a longtime Bel/iiir resident and historian. She uou‘ resides on ('1 classic on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mon Thcler’s life for the past 73130719. 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