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October 27, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2011
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Letters ference. We have that opportunity on Nov. 8 to elect an exemplary Bey Wentz Continued from page A-4 person; one who is highly educated, Shelton experienced, business-driven and community-focused. This candidate What's God's E I ect R i c h a n d is all about responsible growth and improving our community. I'm ex- Donaldson cited to get behind Dick Taylor for role? port commissioner. I believe Taylor has all the attributes and more that Editor, the Journal Editor, the Journal we need to help us to get in the I am not convinced the thoughts I'm proud to add my voice to right direction, that race through one's mind neces- those who support the election of sarily indicate an opinion. Having Caroline Rich and Sharon Donald- Caroline Richset that down, I'd like to share my son to the Shelton School Board-. As Shelton racing thoughts. a teacher, a parent and a grandpar- Contrary to one of the current ent, I have high expectations for presidential hopeful's remarks ut- school board members. I want them tered in a recent speech at the Cita- to be collaborative in nature and del, I can't accept that God created willing to seek solutions to challeng- M cCa u s I a n d the United States of America to be es of growth, economics and societal • the dominant leader of the world changes. I want board members toCrate not a follower. In his first 100 days be open minded and curious learn- r in office he will have a fully com- ers who work to improve and refine plimented aircraft carrier group policies for the benefit of all of our Editor, the Journal operating in several major bodies of student3. I want board members For the past eight years I have water in the mid east. I suppose he who demonstrate their support for attended many Shelton School will arrange for the Koch Brothers every child's learning through wise Board meetings. I am a retired to help him pay for it all. One can't and equitable allocation of resources educator of over 30 years from the deny the fact that God did create a throughout our district. We all need Olympia School District. After sev- beautiful, bountiful, "sea to shining board members to work effectively eral weeks of reading letters to the sea" land. The American that the with their superintendent so that he editor concerning the candidatesspeaker referred to, though, was can, in turn, work effectively with running for the Shelton School created by Americans desire to ex- this team. It's essential that board Board, I feel compelled to write this pand. Americans invaded and con- members demonstrate trust in the letter. I can be the voice for those quered this land including Alaska professionals who work with stu- who feel they may experience repri- and Hawaii, We don't dwell on the dents. Our children deserve the best sal and intimidation by speaking up collateral damage - isn't that the future that we can give them. for board members McCausland andterm we use now for the deaths of Caroline Rich and Sharon Don- Crater. those that don't matter? - which aldson are excellent choices for School boards are the employer resulted from his "god ordained" ex- these important leadership posi- and the superintendent and staff are pansion. Let's call collateral damage tions. I believe that they bring the the employees. That means superin- what it is, killing. right combination of experience, tendents are to take direction from Now to my main collection of dedication and enthusiasm to the the board not for the superintendent thoughts. In James Micheuer's board, to direct the board to his/her per- book "The Source" before God gave sonal agenda. Some superintendents Moses the Ten Commandments, Joyce Moore Jaimewould like a board to be a yes panel about 1446 BC, maybe an ancient Shelton and rubber-stamp every recommen-Jewish tribe appeased the war dation that is brought to them. That god by sacrificing first born baby may make life more enjoyable for the boys down the throat of a huge superintendent but not necessarily head like idol into a roaring in- fo r M i ke the correct path to follow. My per- ferno. The remark following that sonal philosophy is that when every- information was "Thank God we Olse for City one is nodding yes, someone is not don't do that anymore. Now we n thinking. The current board voices wait until they are 18 or so. We their opinions through civil discus- are still appeasing the war god. Co m m i s s i 0 n e r sions. They can agree to disagree It no longer matters if they are and work on issues until they reach young men 18 or so, young women Editor, the Journal a consensus. This has been achieved can be sacrificed just as well. We through the leadership of Sue Mc- do it now all over the world while I have known and respected Mike Causland, Chair and Gene Crater,asking God's blessing. So, what Olsen for over 10 years. I first met Assistant Chair. about the commandment that him in a professional setting; I In the former superintendent's says "Thou shalt not kill?" I am worked as a permit technician for letter, she talks about integrity, not aware that this law has been both the city and the county and ethics, core values and commit- repealed by the apostles, the pope, assisted him with various construc- ment to be a board member. ThoseBilly Graham, the U.S. congress, tion projects. Mike was always po- who know McCausland and Crater Rev. Hagee, Don Rumsfeld, Dick lite, calm and committed to qualit+y': >cert'a~rlly know they have all of the Che~ey or any other :p~ei~son or en~ < es. Is her let-Mik~i,~ development. ~:~ "~ ::,~i f0r:e .In'~nti0ned qualiti tity. I am not aware of any amend- oved i~'0 ~he~ c~t~i,a few ter implying ~hey'don t? ........ : : : ;r ~ents .... like "Except in the case~, 9f," .... years go and as I haVe gotten toIn Hoss s letter, he references what ever. know him better, I have become that his candidate has a plan toAccept the bible as being in- even more impressed by his cam- improve student learning, not a disputable and refer to Mathew mitment to our community. He is personal agenda. Is that implying 5:19 which says something like, a volunteer on several advisory that McCausland and Crater have a depending on whose version you boards, for the city and the county personal agenda to not improve stu- read, "Who ever breaks one of these and is always willing to help his dent learning? commandments or teaches others neighbors through the city. He Are neither aware or did someoneto do so becomes the least in God's is a strong advocate for business forget that McCausland and Crater, kingdom." development, quality standards as well as the other current board There is a clear distinction be- and neighborhood protections. He members trusted the staff at OBJH tween aggression and defense and knows that a strong community is to focus on initiatives that were in it seems our leaders tend towards essential to good quality of life. As place to increase student learning? the former rather than the latter a business owner and a downtown Their hard work was rewarded with and of course all the while asking resident he understand the impor- improvement in 20 of 21 identified God's blessing. tance of balance between the busi- areas. That was without federal "Indeed, I tremble for my coun- hess districts and neighborhoods, money and the strings attached to try when I reflect that God is just." Mike will make a great city cam- federal money allotment. Thomas Jefferson missioner. He is intelligent, innova- Last year the board directed the tive and has great integrity. He is superintendent to includ faculty, willing to listen and respond and staff, parents, students and cam- make decision based on what truly munity to assist in developing new is best for our city as a whole. He strategic plans. The plan has three will be respectful of citizen input main academic goals. Did Rich and and staff concerns and will work Donaldson become involved and well with his fellow commission- give their input? ers. He will take action proactively, This board has included the staff identifying and addressing paten- and community in the search for a tial problems before they become new superintendent. This board ran expensive liabilities, forums to educate the community on the fiscal necessity of how school Tracy Moore levies affect our district. It appears Shelton to me that McCausland and Crater do work with the community and not against them as was mentioned E lect Dick in a previous letter. Is this what some would conSider as microman- agement? I see this as giving direc- tion. There also was a statement that Editor, the Journal the teachers had no confidence in I have worked in downtown Shel- this board. That statement proved ton for the past 15 years and have false when the executive board of seen the rise and fall of many busi- SEA reputed that statement. nesses. In recent years, I haven't I am at a loss as to where so seen much rising but plenty of fall- much incorrect information is com- ing. ing. So many letters, from so few I've seen successful people lose who have attended a board meeting their homes because they lost their or not attended at all. jobs, or the business that they ran There are difficult times ahead profitable for years have had to as the sate continues to cut bud- close their doors. All up and down gets. Shelton needs the expertise of Railroad Avenue there are the McCausland and Crater. Now is not signs; not of a growing community the time for novices without back- but one that is barely holding on. grounds to get up to speed on issues The economic situation of our of school budgets, legislative con- county has impacted us all in man- cerns and changing requirements umental ways. While we here in from the State Board of Education Mason County are but a blip on the and OSPI. national map, we really need to be I join Helen Thompson in invit- aware that there are things we can ing you to come to a School Board do locally to strengthen our commu- meeting. Get your knowledge first nity and our future, hand. Discussions of candidates can The most obvious way is to elect be civil both pro and cons. There is business-minded candidates to key no need for false accusations and roles where they will make a dif- innuendoes. Charles L. Winne Hoodsport Retain Johnston Editor, the Journal Fire District 6 serving Union, is in the process of electing a fire com- missioner for position 1. My vote and support goes to re- tain Dave Johnston. Why? It's an easy question to answer. His elec- tion is an opportunity for FD6 to continue to build on its remarkable recent accomplishments. Only one example, out of many, is we can boast about the 84 percent "yes" votes for our recent EMT levy is- sue. How did such unprecedented support happen? First, great lead- ership by our present Fire Com- missioners Steve Levette, Merlyn Flanks and Dave Johnston; second because my friends and neighbors in FD6 have a huge respect for our fire crew and its chief, Clint Volk and we demonstrated our support by passing'the EMT levy; third our volunteer fire support crew and their families, got the work out on how important this levy was. Bravo. Like I've said, we've got a winning fire protection and emergency team in Union, commissioners, profes- sional leadership and a fabulous vol- unteer crew. Like my mother always said, "When you've perfected the recipe don't go and ruin it by making changes." Let's retain Dave Johnston in po- sition 1 of Fire District 6. f ENVIRO-FLO S GALLON GAS CAN Handy flexible extension tube included Spill-proof system EPA/CARB compliant; 1 yr. limited warranty 7200009 JtA X 2 CYCLE OIL MIX Low smoke Treats I .qallon HUSQVARNA 1 GALLON PREMIUM BAR & CHAIN OIL ~Hu~m, ama ! 610000158 f 610000135 . 2L'99EA. 99 °,, I I 460 GAS CHAIN SAW Husqvarna 24" Bar 966048324 After =1 Mail-in You Pay '2.99 RV Antifreeze For trucks, campers, trailers, boats, motor homes, vacation homes 81003 Llmit3rebates, r ACE WILD BIRD SEED PELONIS OILTM FILLED RADIATOR HEATER 6166946 ~~Ti~~ilTM ,,~ N 20 lb. 8290942 f~ • 2 in ] ports • Holds 6 Ibs. of seed 8061434 WIDE ASSORTMENT OF BIRD FEED & FEEDERS First & Mill • Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Just/Ask RENTAL Hardware Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9-5 Maureen Woodcock Union All prices plus tax • Limited to stack on hand • Shelton-Masoncounty Journal - Thursday, October 27, 2011 - Page A-5