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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 27, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Goto for medical histories : .......... ~*:' ...... ~!i:ii!!iiii!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii Coughs and sneezes and all kinds of communicable diseases are on the march this season. Vaccines and health checks from Oakland Bay Pediatrics can help build your child's defenses. Call today to make an appointment. Mason General Hospital (360) 426-3102 247 Professional Way, Shetton, WA Nan Pr(o: Lake Limerick Holiday Bazaar approaches The Lake Limerick Magpies Ladies handcrafted items available (includ- Shelter and the local food bank. Club is holding its 24th Annual Holi- ing mosaics, jewelry, floral arrange- Also featured is the club's soup day Bazaar from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on ments, glassware, towels, quilts, etc.), kitchen, which will include turkey Saturday, Nov. 5, at Lake Limerick A homemade quilt and a basket ofnoodle soup, chilidogs, hot dogs and Country Club, 790 E. St. Andrews goodies worth $100 will be raffled off a Variety of homemade baked goods Drive in Shelton. at $1 per ticket, with proceeds going (including tea breads, pies, cakes and There will be 27 booths of locally to benefit the Mason County Homeless cookies). Purchase bricks to raise funds for Turning Pointe Turning Pointe Domestic ing area in front of the main surround the Turning Pointe way to honor a loved one, Violence Services, a organi- building. Purchase a brick facility, creating a lasting commemorate a special oc- zation that provides support at the Shelton Walmart symbol and remembrance casion, and to show support services to domestic violence from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on of supporters and survivors in helping to end family vio- survivors and their families, Friday, Nov. 4, and Satur- of domestic violence, sexual lence here in Mason County. is selling decorative and day, Nov. 5, or at Safeway assault/abuse, their children Contributions made personalized bricks, in Belfair from 10 a.m. to 2 and their pets. through purchasing a brick Bricks are $35 a piece or p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, and Through contributions, qualifies as a charitable three for $100. The proceeds Saturday Nov. 12. personalized and engraved contribution for income tax from this brick fundraiser By purchasing a brick, bricks will be permanently purposes. Turning Pointe is will be used to fund Turning one's name can become a displayed along with those a 501(c)3 non-profit organi- Pointe's services and opera- permanent part of Turning of friends, neighbors, corn- zation, Federal Tax ID # 91- tional needs. Pointe's park setting. Deco- munity businesses and or- 2024833. Bricks will be placed inrative bricks will be used to ganizations. All Turning Point servic- the Turning Pointe park-pave the park setting and An engraved brick is a es are free and confidential. " "- Department of Ecology starts work on mercury program / Set T?at Christmas Mood! I Hol,day on IVla,n I The Washington Department of sumereducation, andannualreporting November 2010 because of Gov. Chris Ecology is starting work on a rule re- requirements; Gregoire's executive order requiring Street Bazaar ~ quired to carry out the law creating Establish requirements for collect- agencies to suspend n0n-critical nile- the state's Mercury-Containing Lights ing, transporting, processing and recy- making. Ecology Director Ted Stur- Saturday, November 5t", 2011 [ Product Stewardship Program. cling mercury-containing lights;decant decided to proceed with this Washington lawmakers passed the Establish how producers will fully rule based on exemption criteria (3a), 9am-2:pm • Fresh Lefse & Krurakake • Scandinavian Delicacies • Antiques • Collectibles & Crafts • Toys, Barbie Clothes Faith Lutheran Church \ 1212 Connection St. • 426-8611 Mason County Fire District 16 will be handing out: safe treats on Halloween - October 31st from 6pro to 9pro at station 16-1, corner of Dayton Airport Road and Shelton Matlock. Jdronn atherin@urnelj - In Concert Inspirational flarp ¢f ' ocal Music 7:00 p.m. St. David's Episcopal Church 324 West Cedar St. • Shelton Your monetary donations will help the Cold Weather Shelter. law during the 2010 legislative ses- sion. It establishes a producer-financed product stewardship program to collect, transport and recycle mercury-contain- ing lights such as fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent bulbs. The rule will: Establish the responsibilities of pro- ducers, wholesalers, retailers, distribu- tors and electric utilities to safely man- age mercury-containing lights sold in Washington state; Establish program requirements, such as developing a product steward- ship plan, public outreach and con- fund the product stewardship program; outlined by the Office of Financial Man- Include other requirements neces- agement: "required by federal or state sary to implement the program, such law or required to maintain federally as definitions, delegated or authorized programs." Ecology will host a public meeting Mercury-containing lights were cho- and webinar to give an overview of the sen for product stewardship because key issues related to this rule and ex- mercury is a toxic metal that accumu- plain the ways the public and stake- lutes in our bodies and the environ- holders can participate in the rule- ment. making process. The meeting will take When mercury-containing lights are place from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on Monday, broken, mercury is released into the en- Nov. 14, at the Ecology Auditorium, lo- vironment. cated at 300 Desmond Drive SE, Lacey, Use of mercury-containing lights is WA 98504. increasing, because they are energy ef- Ecology delayed this rule-making in ficient. Don't forget to prepare vehicles for winter weather As the season's fashion partment of Transportation's $124. When highway advi-way wardrobe: changes from shorts and winter operations on our win- sories call for chains, drivers --Download, print and sandals to umbrellas and ter driving website, who don't chain up will face a carry the WSDOT Winter scarves, don't forget to up- The Washington State Pa-$500 penalty. Driving Guide from date that other winter ward- trol reminds all drivers and The WSP will have a robe- your vehicle's, freight haulers that state law cial chain emphasis patrol --Get your car ready and Preparedness doesn't just requires commercial vehicles in early November to make plan extra time to cross all look smart; it is smart. Tak- and combinations of vehicles sure drivers carry the proper mountain passes, including ing the time to prepare for more than 10,000 pounds number of chains to include heavily-traveled routes such winter driving can help keep gross vehicle weight rating the spares, as 1-90 Snoqualmie Pass, US 'roads open and the economy (GVWR) to carry sufficient In Washington, studded 2 Stevens Pass and US 12 moving. It takes oMy one un- tire chains between Nov. 1 tires are legal for use only White Pass. prepared or careless driver to and April 1. That includes between Nov. 1 and March--Carry chains and know slow or stop traffic, some larger passenger trucks, 31. Motorists are encouraged the traction and chain re- Always "know before you SUVs, recreational vehicles to visit their tire dealers for quirements. Mountain pass go" and get the most recent and trucks hauling trailers, chains and find out about traction and chain require- roadway information, win- Troopers will strictly en- tires that provide traction and ments are available on the ter dri~ng tips, car prepara- force the Nov. 1 deadline, are legal for use year-round. WSDOT website, highway lion advice and information Failing to carry chains will Here's what drivers can do advisory signs and highway about Washington State De- cost heavy-truck driversto prepare their winter road- advisory radio. Grace Baptist Church Contact us: MaiMg addless: .,. for thejaith ofthegospd ~?~ P0 bx 1025, Skelton, WA 98584 ~¢ Ph0lle: (360)462 1611 Times of Services: Mi~ ~ ....... ~ e-mail: Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ~:~'~ ..... Sunday Morning Worship ..,... 11 a.m. ~: ..... i Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. ~.~+ Listen an • !: ~f~¢ ¢:f,¢ ~fi~" KMASlO3OAM Wednesday Prayer Meeting.,... 7p.m. ~}~ 8undaB 9:30. lO:OOam Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd. Sunda~ o 9:30 a.m. * 728 Railroad Ave. f-~:7~::: CrossPoint Service Traditional Service,~::", "t~:'i?~ thdl beginsal 9:00 AM that begins al : i" • Praise Band. Praise I~' .... 10:4S AM ' ('Olltemporary Mes~,lgeChoir : .... Children and Adult ' School S NEED WEEKDAY CHILDCARE? Sunday Services /i) Wednesday Night Service %0o AM I Celebration Servicel~ 7:OO I,M I Mid Week Service iO:30 x~I Celebration Service Nursery to 2 Yo,lrs Children~ Classes A~rended Nursery Soul Fi~ YOUTH 61H 12HI GF~d¢~ Children's Cl~sses 4:00 pM ] ( at !Wd30 R ! ~0V ~ '~' I The purpose°l ~1~2~;~*~ is to h'dP people be( ome ~¢/~//i ~7~ ~1~, through Worship, (IHIdce~re Ibz)vided ~ .; Witness, Wdrf~ire, ~lfl(] vV¢lrk ff)r Hi~ Kir,g dora Faith Lutheran ur& Shehon United Methodist Church Call 426-4412 to place your ad Need al SHELTON FIRST BAPTIST ~har~ng t&e ItSeglring Iol, e csf Je~us Mt. Olive St. David's 0f Wales Lutheran Church EPISCOPAL CHURCH Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton REFORMATION SUNDAY Christian Education - 9:30 a.m, SUNDAY SERVICES Traditional Worship - 10:30 a.m. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. 9:15 Conversational Bible Stud Office 426-6353 Daycare 427-3165 Office phone: 426-8472 Refeshed -- Restored - Renewed in RWers of Grace S/C~? In Pa/nfr~me for Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m. Worship for all ages Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave 438-8531 New Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome!) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 27, 2011