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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 27, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I F I RECmVE PeR I GAS U DISCOUNT Present this coupon for your FREE KTP Club Card. Good for [ L. ALL FUTURE GAS PURCHASES at Kmilche Trading P°st" -I Open M0n-Thur 6am-12am. Fri-Sat 6am-2am. Sun 6am-llpm Drive-thru open Sun-Thur 7am-9pm • Fri-Sat 7am-10pm 360-426-5254 Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and 108, just minutes away from Olympia and Shelton A Skookum Creek Tobacco Factory Outlet Store* *All Tobacco Prices Good At Our 4 KTP Locations 0 0 0 * KTP - Intersection of Hwy 101 & 108 Cigarette Pnces Sta ng at .oz33 Steamboat Island Road l$ o75 - - U35 , I * 385OOldOlympiaHwy / 00- per cm0n & perpacK, . 11117 Conine Ave S.E.- Olympia pepsi $ s0rted 12 Pac MONSTER ENERGY I I Peps1 [IV 3 for ICustomer Shopping Spree! I I RegularPn'ce$1.99 0 j l October 3rd - November 3Oth I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~, • / 6 Winners * ( Red Baron Singles l 5 - $50 Gas Certificate I " ~l~l I ...... .~ I / 1- $250 Grand Prize I / /I ueepmsn~uprememzza I I/ Enter every time you visit the I/Re*, dl[l [ 1 b / store durh g contest dates./ ,~ L~ .'.: / I ~ ~ I0r~/l~yl I/ see in store for details I/ a299 I No purchase necessary to win. k qb~ ~i~ Check UsOut onFACEBOOK -- Prices subject to change with0ut n0tice--' Made Fresh at Sk00k~ Creek Tobacco Fact0~ Shelt0u 1 I E~. Small 10 oz .......... '53° Medium 16 oz ................ $780 Mardla Clams ........ ,s / II E~a Sm~ 16 oz .......... ~859 Large 10 oz .................... $4°9 Oysters 1 doz~.b~g ............. $719~ [I Small 10 oz ................... ~5~ Large 16 oz .................... $759 Smoked Oysters 8 oz....$1299~ [ I SmaU 16 oz ................... '8~ Stew Meat 16 oz ............ '5z~ (Original • Teriyaki • Cajun) l [ k, Medium 10 oz ................ '5°~ Stew Meat 04 OZ .......... $174~ ~) .......... Eiect Commissioner Port of Shelton, Position 2 Let's Work Together to Build Our Economy Through the Port of Shelton • Served six years as City oil SheRon Commissioner of Finance • Life member of VFW Pos;t 1694 • Member of American Legion Post 31 and 40 et 8 Voiture 135 o Served on Board of Directors of: Mason County Transit Authority, Mason County Economic Development Council, Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce. • Past Piesident of Shelton Lions Club, Past President of Shelton Rotary Club, Past President of 11/11 Veterans Club, Past Commander of American Legion Post 31. . Cur~emly serving on the Boards of the Mason County Shelter and Mason County Literacy. Visit: Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dick Taylor for Port Commissioner I 308 W. Seattle Ave. * Shelton, WA 98584 I *l IT'S TIME TO CONDISER A DUCTLESS, MINI.SPLIT HEAT PUMP Replace your outdated space heaters, raiant panels, or other inefficient heating systems with a Mini-Split System, o Small Size o Design Flexibility o Easily Installed o Zonal Heating o No Duct Work Required Call (360) 427-3126 today for a free estimate and enjoy a warm home during our long winters. 121 E. Cedar St., Shelton Cell: (360) 801-1957, Belfair (360) 275-2950 email: c0mf0rtheating@gmail.c0m ° • ...... Asset building courses available beginning balance in a savings account at Our Community Credit Union. The classes will cover money matters, the best ways for making the most of the money available, practical shopping tips, banking and credit. Space is limited, and participants must The Asset Building Coalition and United Way of Mason County are sponsoring free financial literacy classes on Nov. 4, 7, 21 and 28. The purpose of these classes is to pro- vide financial hope, opportunity and choice to low-income individuals and families through fun, interactive classes in a friend- ' register in advance. Please contact United ly environment. Way of Mason County at 329 W Railroad, Classes will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Suite 204, Shelton, WA 98584 or call 426- William G. Reed Public Library, 710 W. 4999, or visit Alder St, Shelton. Food and childcare will Questions or comments may also be emailed be provided. Upon completion of all four to and am- classes, each participant will receive a $25 Free septic maintenance class offered WSU Extension will be the drain, experts will ex- tain their septic systems. presenting a free septicplain what can be flushed Attendees will learn what maintenance workshop in safely, how septic systems they can do on their own partnership with Mason work and what to dO to pro' and when to call in the County Public Health from tect this very valuable fea- experts. Along with a dis- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tues- ture of every rural home. count coupon, everyone at- day, Nov.8, at the PUD 3, The workshop describes tending will receive a use- 307 W Cota St. the basic components of ful printed manual they Every person who at- septic systems and pro- can use as a resource at tends willreceive a coupon, vides participants a chance home. discounting their next sep- to ask questions specific to For more information tic system pumping or op- their own needs, or to register, please call eration and maintenance Those attending will re-WSU Mason County Ex- service, ceive straightforward in- tension at 427-9670, ext. To help homeowners formation on a variety of 680 or 275-4467, ext. 680, avoid flushing money down topics to help them main- or email Get the scoop from mushroom expert Learn about fall mush- ing are welcome to bring one to promote safe and healthy rooms with Roger Ryno, sample for identification, gathering and consumption. president of the Kitsap Pen- A resident of Central Kit- Members include mush- insula Mycological Society. sap for 10 years, Ryno previ- room hunters, mushroom Ryno will give a presenta- ously spent 20 years in the growers, chefs, photogra- tion from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on agricultural industry as a phers and amateur and pro- Thursday, Nov. 3, at the plant pathologist working fessionalmycologists. Shelton Timberland Li- to prevent fungal diseases A fascination with the brary. Light refreshments of fresh fruit. Once in the fungi kingdom is its only re- will be provided by the Pacific Northwest, his cu- quirement for membership. Friends of the Shelton Tim- riosity over the varied and The website of the Kitsap berland Library. beautiful display of mush- Peninsula Mycological So- Ryno gave a talk on spring rooms he saw every year led ciety is www.kitsapmush- mushrooms last April at the to involvement in KPMS, library. Now, he's back to the local mushroom club.The Shelton Timberland introduce the ecology and The purpose of KPMS is Library is located at 710 amazing variety of the lo- to study, collect and identify W Alder Street. For more cal fall fungi and offer tips fungi. It educates members information, please contact for successful foraging and and the local community in the library 426-1362 or go to harvesting, People attend- proper fungi identification Foundation announces grant award recipients The Shelton Schools Foundation recent- dation is to enrich the education opportuni- ly announced the recipients of its fall 2011 ties of the students in the Shelton School grant awards. District. Their purpose is to provide support A total of $4,934 will be dispersed to the for 1) development and enhancement of ex- following: Sue Barnard at CHOICE High emplary educational programs and activi- School for a Native American culture field ties; 2)technology improvement throughout trip; Peggy Bartosovsky at Oakland Bay the district; 3) teacher and student recog- Junior High for sets of supplementary Eng- nition; 4) program and technical assistance lish language books; Leah Clark at Shelton to the disadvantaged; 5) arts and cultural High School for supplies needed for the posi- enhancement of all people involved and 6) tive behavior intervention support program movement of students to higher education. at SHS; Linda Ferguson at Mountain View Grant applications were reviewed by a Elementary for family activity nights; Eliz- committee from the Shelton Schools Foun- abeth Grady at Oakland Bay Junior High dation Board that looked for the match of for a speech and debate club; Cindy Hall at the grant need to their statement of pur- Mountain View Elementary for a field trip pose. to the Seattle Art Museum; Miles Nowlin Contributions to the school's foundation at CHOICE High School for the mentoring by staff payroll deduction or other dona- program of best caf6; Chad Youngquist at tions from staff and community members Shelton High School for the teacher recog- make these grants possible. Donations may nition program and Windy Wilson-Hoss at be made at any time to the Shelton Schools Mountain View Elementary for a program Foundation c/o their treasurer, Rick Thorn- to accommodate writing fluency through brue, CPA, P.O. Box 1156, Shelton. The use of keyboarding, spring cycle for grant awards will open in. The mission of the Shelton Schools Foun- January. f" 1 t I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: __ 0 $37 in County 0 $51 Elma or Bremerton address Mailwithcheckt0: JourIlal Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 27, 2011 William James Adams U S Army 103d Signal Co ............... .................. .............................. / • " 1942-45 " DeadhrtetsSpmMonday, November T~ 0$51 in WashingtonState PO Box 430 Our live,; are good todayI .... Shelton-M .... County "~ ] Shelt0n, WA 98584 because of the work you and .... : [ : l O $61 out of state Thanks Dad we love you r~ and miss you/ I 360-426-4412 1 1 ~i" ~ www.masoncounty, com