October 27, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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The Carpe Diem String Quartet will perform at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov.
Performing Arts Center.
1, at the Shelton
courtesy photo
Carpe Diem String Quartet to hold concert
Derek Yantis
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Just off Highway 101
II Ais0 Serving: Olympia. Lacey. Tumwater ~ !1
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Carpe Diem String Quartet fol- latest disc was selected for the 2009 Shelton-Mason Chamber of Com-
lows up the kick-off of the Mason Grammy Awards Entry List for Best merce.
County Concert Association's 2011- Classical Album, Best Chamber Mu- Tickets for Carpe Diem are $30 for
2012 Concert Series at 7 p.m. Tues- sic Performance, Best New Artist, adults and $5 for students/children
day, Nov. 1 at the Shelton Perform- and Best Engineered Album-Classi- and are available at Lynch Creek
ing Arts Center (formerly the high cal. Carpe Diem has earned critical Floral and at the door. Season passes
school auditorium), acclaim with innovative programs, are $60 for individuals, $15 for stu-
Carpe Diem, in residence at Ohio electrifying performances, and a pas- dents and $125 for families.
Wesleyan University, performs the sion for audience engagement. MCCA members can attend shows
classical string quartet repertoire, Those who purchased tickets forin Bremerton, Centralia, Longview,
but their musical passion has led the Shangri-La Chinese AcrobatsEverett and now Auburn. Please see
them down the paths of Gypsy, tan- show can bring their tickets in and www.mccca.com for more informa-
go, folk, pop, rock, and jazz-inspired apply the cost to a membership for tion on these and other shows or call
music. Their school and outreach pro- the rest of the season or they can Becky Schuyten at 426-1842 or Larry
grams make use of video game songs, mail it in with a membership ap- Swift at 426-8159. People may call
along with TV and movie theme mu- plication. Membership brochuresSchuyten or Swift for membership
sic such as "The Simpsons." Their are available at the library, the applications as well.
Page B:8 -
MCSAA schedules annual holiday fundraiser
The Mason County blankets, kitchen linens, original artwork, gifts,
Senior Activities Assoca- and wall hangings, plus raffle quilts and more.
tion's holiday bazaar and holiday and seasonal dec- Baked goods are avail-
bake sale fundraiser will orations, able. Lunch is also for
be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A variety of vendors sale featuring Vivian's
on Saturday, Nov. 5. will offer holiday bas- chicken noodle soup and
The annual event fea- kets, beaded jewelry,sandwiches from 11 a.m.
tures handmade items leather goods, stained to 2 p.m.
created by MCSAA mem- glass, natural lotions For more information
bers including quilts, and soaps, exotic scarves, call 426-7374.
Mason General treats acute, chronic wounds
Lena McGinnis, B.S.N., R.N., who is
Mason General Hospital & Family of
Clinics' Wound Care Coordinator cer-
tified wound care nurse, encourages
patients with chronic, acute wounds to
seek medical attention and request a re-
CO.4:26-3333 I vices.ferralt° MGH &FC's Wound Care Ser-
opping Center, Shelton . "We have been able to help many pa-
tients with their chronic wound condi-
r i ~ tion," said McGinnis.
McGinnis is a certified wound care
nurse, which according to industry
standards, is a rare certification due to
the vigorous training.
"This particular wound care certi-
fication brings to MGH & FC the lat-
est evidence-based practice for healing
wounds, as well as creating a stamp of
high quality on our patient care.
We believe that to help our commu-
nity it is important to discover what our
patients need, and bring it to the bed-
side, where healing starts," she said.
The Certified Wound Specialist cre-
dential is for multi-disciplinary wound
care, and is accredited by the Wound,
Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society
- an international professional nursing
Elma Chamber gears up for annual Downtown Trick-or-Treat
The Elma Chamber of Commerce, Other festivities happening in
along with Elma Businesses invites Elma include a hay maze and hay
families to the 13th annual Elma rides at Elma Feed & Farm Supply,
Downtown Trick-or-Treat, from 3 p.m. costume contest at Les Schwab Tire
to 6p.m. on Halloween, Oct. 31. Center and Harvest Fair at Elma
Bring your trick or treaters to par- Middle School sponsored by the
ticipating businesses, churches of Elma.
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 27, 2011
Evelyn Michelle Uribe
Evelyn Michelle Uribe
was born October 12, 2011
at Capital Medical Center
in Olympia to Eileen Nan-
sen and Jose Alfredo Uribe
of Shelton. She weighed six
pounds and 14 ounces.
Reico Joseph Gutierrez
Reico Joseph Gutierrez
was born October 17, 2011
at Capital Medical Center
in Olympia to Michelle Ni-
cole Peterson and Ronnie
Frank Gutierrez Jr. of Shel-
ton. He weighed six pounds
and nine ounces and was 19
and a half inches long.
Madison Autumn Corder
Madison Autumn Corder
was born October 18, 2011
at Capital Medical Center in
Olympia to Summer Ryan
Jones and James Corder of
Shelton. She weighed five
pounds and two ounces.
treasure "haunt"
in store
On Oct. 29 and 30, visit
Hoodsport businesses to
make a mark on a "treasure
Each participant will uti-
lize a nine-grid card to col-
lect stamps from nine differ-
ent vendors,
The first 18 completed on
Saturday and Sunday will
receive $5 worth of "Boo
bucks" to be used at the par-
ticipating stores in addition
to a prize.
Kids will receive a trick-
or-treat bag as well and
they can trick-or-treat at
the stores in town.
Cards can be picked up
at: Studio Victoria, Hood-
sport Coffee Company, Pier
101 Gifts and the Lake
Cushman Resort.