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Continued from page C-1
Oien was a leading rush-
er for the Knight Owls with
98 yards. Junior tailback
Juan Jimenez also reached
98 yards while Willey con-
tributed 82 yards to the
rushing effort. Willey also
threw for 45 yards, all re-
ceived by Dierkop.
"We really did figure we
could win if we played well,"
Evans said. "This was a
pivotal game for us. We ex-
pect to win our next two so
this was a pretty important
With only one loss on
their record, the Knight
Owls have a high chance of
reaching the playoffs, de-
pending on the outcome of
their final two regular sea-
son games.
Evans said the Owls'
game this Saturday, Oct. 29
"This was a
pivotaN game
for us. We
expect to
win our next
two so this
was a pretty
at Lake Quinault will not be
terribly easy for the team,
especially since Oien broke
his ankle against Wishkah.
"He's a phenomenal full-
back so that's going to make
it tough," Evans said.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Junior tailback Juan Jimenez looks for an
opening in the Wishkah defensive line before
heading upfield toward the goal line during
Mary M. Knight's Homecoming game on Satur-
day, Oct. 22.
"Our teamwork and
The Mary M. Knight volleyball team won two of five
matches over the last two weeks, positive attitudes have
On Thursday, Oct. 6, the Lady Owls lost to Quinault in ~y
fourgames. The team lost 26-28, then won 30-28, thenlost rea improved over the
13-25 and 22-25.
"We played well," Kitty Brehmeyer, head coach, said. last several
"We had a small hiccup in game three but came back and
worked hard in game four." in four games. The team won 25-12 and 25-20 before losing
The Lady Owls served 81 of 92 with four aces. The team game three 23-25. To seal the victory, MMK won game four
scored 12 kills out of 78 hits and blocked three times. 25-22.
On Tuesday, Oct. 11, the Lady Owls lost to Taholah in Against Oakville, the Lady Owls served 84 of 95 with
four games. The team first lost 17-25 and then 16-25 before three aces.
winning game three 25-12 and then losing 22-25 in game Finally, on Monday, Oct, 24, the Lady Owls defeated
four. Wishkah in five games. The team first lost 23-25 and then
"We had a bit of a slow start," Brehmeyer said. "We had won 25-16. Game three went to Wishkah 19-25 but the
a hard time with shanked balls." Lady Owls came back in games four and five to win 25-13
Against Taholah, the Lady Owls served 67 of 80 with and 15-9.
eight aces. The Lady Owls served 90 of 106 with eight aces.
On Thursday, Oct. 13, MMK lost to Wishkah in four "We have been working hard to reduce our number of
games. The Lady Owls first lost 25-27 then lost 19-25. The errors," Brehmeyer said. "Our teamwork and positive at-
team came back to win game three 25-20 but then lost t/dues have really improved over the last several matches."
game for 25-21. The regular season is scheduled to end on Thursday,
"We were much better at reducing our errors," Brehm- Oct. 28 in Taholah. As of press time, the Lady Owls had not
eyer said. "The girls improved much on communication on yet played against Quinault on Tuesday, Oct. 25.
the floor." Brehmeyer said that, depending on the outcomes of the
MMK served 83 of 97 with five aces against Wishkah. final two matches, the Lady Owls could have a chance at a
On Tuesday, Oct. 18, the Lady Owls defeated Oakville district berth.
Shelton contributed 18 yards on seven carries. Hinkle said Olympia's main
Ajamu received seven passes for 94 on is their speed on the ground but
Continued from page fi-1 yards while sophomore wide receiver that the Bears have been passing more
Michael Sobotka received four times effectively lately than they have in the
down the field but we were unable to for 75 yards and sophomore wide re- past.
score at times," Hinkle said. "We just ceiver Jesse Danford caught two pass- "Their quarterback is fairly mobile
had too many turnovers. However, the es for 30 yards, and reliable with a pretty good arm,"
offense generated over 400 yards, so it "Gig Harbor is one of the top tier he added.
was a pretty good night." teams," Hinkle said. "I thought our Defensively, Hinkle said the team
Sophomore quarterback James kids did a great job stopping the run by has been doing a good job of stopping
Sayward scored his first touchdown of and large but they were able to throw their opponents on the first and second
the season on a 16-yard pass to junior the ball on us when they needed to." downs.
wide receiver David Ajamu. The PAT The Highclimbers are set to play"They have difficulty on third and
attempt by junior place kicker Shelby their last league game of the season at long," he added. "They need to cant/n-
Salisbury failed. 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28 at Olympia ue working on that."
Junior quarterback Jared Weland- High School. Hinkle said the team's focus has
er completed 12 of 23 passes for 181 "They're going to be a big test," H/n- been solid all season and they have
yards. Junior running back Ralph kle said. "The team competed against faced adversity well.
Kinne led the Highclimbers with 164 Gig Harbor for extended periods of "They're going to finish strong," he
yards on 32 carries while Welander time so we hope to continue that." said.
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Those who
suffer from
ral osteoar-
thritis (osteo-
arthritis that
affects the joint between the knee cap
and the lower leg bone) should know
that a simple lreatment with athletic
tape may bring a degree of pain relief.
Taping is already known to be a help-
ful treatment for younger patients with
chronic patellofemoral pain, which is
quite common among runners with
knee-joint misalignments. Recent re-
search indicates as well that the tap-
ing treatment also helps relieve pain
in adults (average age of 57) suffering
from patellofemoral arthritis. These
subjects not only showed improvement
in their misaligned knee joints, they
also reported less pain during squatting
exercises. Researchers emphasize that
the tape must be applied in the appro-
priate manner by a physical therapist.
We love to educate people about their
health! It is important to us that our pa-
tients understand and are involved with
their health and their bodies, which is
why we take the time necessary with
each patient to explain his or her physi-
cal therapy issue, pain management,
and how to avoid future injury. To
learn more about today's column, call
been providing physical therapy care
for over 32 years. You'll find us con-
veniently located at 2300 Karl Ct., Ste.
B and can be reached by calling (360)
426-5903. New patients are welcome.
Same day appointments are available.
P.S. According to MR1 scans taken
of the knees of the adult patellofem-
oral-osteoarthritis sufferers noted
above, misalignments of knee joints
showed a tendency for the kneecap to
sit more toward the outside of the leg.
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County Journal
October 27,2011 - Page C-3