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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 27, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016- She/ton-Mason County Journal - Page A-29 MARY'S MEMOIRS It's quite a busy week for Mary the car a while. Then knitted on my and company and they spend most sweater and then ate a big supper - of the week in the Olympic Peninsula dumplings, potatoes, meat - dessert on an elk-hunting mission. With her and coffee. Sat around and talked grandma, mother and some others, about the new boundary line of the Mary treks from Holly, through Lake National Park and Sultzbach told us Crescent, Forks, Ruby Beach and the about why it shouldn't be. Quite an Hoh, noting the fall colors and lack interesting conversation, He knew of elk. Mary's morn finds a combo Joe Buldoc years ago when he sold hatchet-hammer on the beach though, barber supplies. To bed early and and there is a run-in with a bear and a tried to go to sleep, which wasn't very stinky civet cat. Enjoy! hard as I was tired. Thursday, October 27, 1938 A fair day. In the morning I cleaned up the house and went up to Gladys Harris's and she fixed my hair. About 2:30 1 went to the beach and got my coat and met Mrs. Foster up by the old store and we drove to Holly. We met several trucks and cars on that nar- row road and I was glad toget over there. The view of the mountains was grand. We found grandma already but she insisted we eat so we obliged and enjoyed it very much. We walked over the new road and it cer- tainly will help Holly a lot. We drove to Bremerton and picked up Mama at Gladys Ames', then she decided to go to the show so we saw Will Rogers in "The Country Chairman," a very good pic- ture and we all enjoyed it. Home and packed my stuff and went to bed early. We By SEYTA spe t a pleasant evening. SELTER Hope it's a good day tomor- row. It certainly was a lovely day out today. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING & BUDGET HEARING Friday, October 28, 1938 This morning we got up at seven and had fried venison for breakfast and oh it was good! We left for Aunt Polly's about 8:05 and then left her place. It looks nice out, but quite damp. Grandma took someplants and apples to Aunt Polly so we took off quite a load there. The ride down the canal was lovely. The maples are turning a brilliant yellow and the vine maples are red so it's a grand sight. Along Lake Crescent was fine. The water was so blue. We ate lunch at Forks. We were going to look up one of the Fletchers, but they weren't home so we went on to Ruby Beach and found everyone all right. Reversing the way in the cabin and went down to the ocean where I took some pictures. One of the men here was out hunting but saw nothing. We went down on the beach and walked around and watched the waves. Grandma was busy looking for rocks but there were no rocks, only big ones. The tide was too high. Home again and combed my hair and wrote a while. The first of the elk hunters came by with their elk and are they happy? You never saw such hilarity on Coca Cola! Saturday, October 29, 1938 A wet, rainy day. We ate a big breakfast and went out elk hunting about ten o'clock. Elizabeth and Da- vid and I separated from John and Alvin and went up the trail. Never in my life have I seen such underbrush! We crawled on our hands and knees over and under logs and once we ran in a circle and came back on the same old trail. We started towards the west and came out to the road where someone was honking their horn. We thought it was someone from our place but found it was some strang- ers. However, they took us up to the house and we were glad for we were all soaked to the skin. Home again and changed the wet clothes and ran Sunday, October 30, 1938 Rained very hard all night-and in the morning we decided it was too wet to go hunting. Another party has got two elks so John and Alvin went out to help carry them in and I don't envy them one bit as it is a hard days work, carrying that meat out on their backs. This morning we had a won- derful breakfast and then hiked on the beach for a while. I found nothing, but Elizabeth found a knot that looks like a shell so I brought that home. Yesterday Elizabeth brought up a big elk horn from the brush and I carried a part of the way out and David the rest of the way out. It weighs more than the gun we car- ried. Now the sun is trying to come out and if it clears up we plan on going hunting again. Mama, Grandma and Aunt Polly are looking at the rock collection of Myrtle's. She had some very fine spec- imens of shell and see life that she has mounted. John set a trap for a civet cat and now Elizabeth has to drown it as he went out after elk meat. Quite a nasty job as the whole place is reeking already. We went out for a ride after lunch, or I should say dinner, for it was such a big meal. We rode up towards the ranger station along the Hoh River and picked some of the reddest maple leaves I ever saw. We filled the back of the car with them. We saw moss hanging from the trees two feet long and the most enormous spruce in the country. The road was through a virgin forest and wonderful to behold. Also saw when the Holdunch family crossed the Hoh in a canoe, their only way to get to the outside world. This is the land of pioneers and needs to be for the coun- try is so wild. The dinner tonight was wonderful, roast chicken, dressing, mashed potatoes, salad, beans, gravy, coffee and jello. How we all ate - es- : pecially the elk packers who came in from packing out two elk from way up the river. They had to cross the river in a canoe and I guess it must have been a large canoe to carry two elk. Three of the men interested in the oil leases up here are going to Seattle tonight and I don't envy them a bit. It's a long, hard trip and miserable driving in the rain. Monday, October 31, 1938 Well I went out elk hunting and got oh! so wet. We started out at nine and went in the woods up by Nolan Creek. My feet were dry until we had to wade the creek. We met five other men who left us about a mile up the creek.• Later in the day they got a nice elk. We hiked until we ran across the warm bed of an elk and followed that trail until the rain had spoiled it. Then we ate lunch and started for home. We saw two deer down in the river bottom when we ate lunch. On our way out to the car we see MEMOIRS, pg. A-31 , Clean, Secure , Professional , All Size Heated Units o Easy Drive-Up Access MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT #2 is holding a special meeting on Tuesday, November 8, at 7:00 pm in the conference room at the Harrison Belfair Clinic, located a 21 Romance Hill Rd, in Belfair, Washington. The District's 2017 proposed budget will be discussed and acted upon. The public is encouraged to attend. owners , Trucks, RVs Check Coolant • Sattery Charging System Check • Lubricate Chassis. Multi#oint Inspection • All Fluids Checked & Filled 1~1~00 Plus Oil & Filter ~L~ v ... conventional Oil or Synthetic • Techn