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Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 -Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page A-31
continued from page A-28
coming month.
Griffey said during the school
meeting that she had heard from
other parents in the district that
they felt school officials were being
more stringent with allowing ex-
cused absences for students.
The actual definition of excused
absences and the list of valid excus-
es for absences did not change in
the district's policy from last year.
Rosenbach said the district is re-
quired to use a list of valid excuses
mandated by the Legislature, add-
ing that the list "gives us teeth to
enforce" the truancy policy.
Rosenbach said that the policy
requires parents or guardians to
notify the school attendance office
more than 48 hours before the ab-
sence will occur, barring emergen-
cies, which allows the student's
teachers to gather homework or
other assignments that might be
The policy, No. 3122, also states
that the principal has the authority
to determine if an absence meets
the criteria for an excused absence.
"Everyone's open to talking to a
parent," Rosenbach said.
Many times when an excused
absence is denied, Rosenbach said,
it is because the student has al-
ready missed an exorbitant amount
of school or is failing a class.
Griffey said she wanted to
change the language in the policy
to reflect a respect for parents. Sev-
eral of the parents she had heard
from said excused absences for
family hunting trips had been de-
Rosenbach said hunting trips
would fall under a "cultural pur-
pose" for an excused absence, one
of 10 reasons listed in the policy.
The superintendent said she
could go over the language of the
policy with district principals and
possibly add a sentence on respect
for parents before the next board
The board voted to approve the
policy pending Rosenbach's addi-
The next school board meeting is
scheduled to take place Nov. 17 at
the new administration boardroom
at 250 E. Campus Drive in Belfair,
in the parking lot of the new high
MEMOIRS continued hard work to me. Mama
from page A-29 found a hammer and
hatchet combined on the
saw a big bear that was beach today. She is going
watching for salmon. He to take it home with her.
ran towards me and John
was going to shoot him Tuesday, November 1,
but I said I didn't want 1938
him and he didn't either A fine sunny day and
so w~ let the bear run I really should have gone
away. John had no shell out hunting again, but it
in his gun so he could was time to go home so
hardly have shot him we got up early and had
anyway. But I never saw our breakfast by 7:30.
any bear run so fast in We started out after say-
my life - he simply flew. ing "goodbye" to all the
When I first heard him folks, who treated us so
growl - I thought John royally and down to Co-
had seen an elk and said palis we drove. It was a
"shoot him," but when he fine ride and all enjoyed
raised his gun he found it. At Copalis we got out
it was empty and so Mr. and hunted for shells
Bear ran away. But we on the sand but did not
certainly had a lot of ex- find much, as it was
citement out of it. Home pretty well picked over.
and had my picture Drove to Shelton where
taken with all my wet we ate dinner and then
clothes on. Then changed to Polly's where Mama
and ate supper. After- will stay for a while. Saw
wards we played whist Violet's chrysanthemums
while Aunt Polly dozed and they were lovely.
in her chair - Grandma Drove to Belfair where
wide-awake and playing I gassed up the car and
cards having the time of then took Grandma to
her life. Seems queer for Holly. Went the round-
two people in the same trip in ninety-five rain-
family to be so different, utes - not so bad. After
Myrtle varnished the red closing hours took Sam
maple leaves we picked to Bremerton to catch the
yesterday and they look 8:50 beat to Seattle as he
so shiny and gay. I hope is going to WaUa Walla
all the leaves don't fall with Rhodes tomorrow.
offbefore we get home. Home again and to bed
Some more men came as I'm pretty tired. Too
Valid excuses for
absences .
• Participation in a district or school
approved activity
• Illness, health condition or medi-
cal appointment
• Family emergency
• Religious or cultural purpose ,
• Court, judicial proceeding or serv-
ing on a jury
• Post-secondary, technical school
or apprenticeship program, or schol-
arship interview
• State-recognized search and res-
cue activities
• Absence directly related to stu-
dent's homeless status
• Absence resulting from disciplin-
ary or corrective action
• Principal and parent/guardian
mutually agreed upon activity
Source: Policy No. 3122 by the North
Mason School District
some beef for my dad. L.
Mickelsons and two of
the Kindreds went east
of the mountains and
got three elk - nice ones
too. The moon is out and
it looks as if it would
freeze. I suppose we
are ready for some cold
weather now. Well now
the trip is over and I am
glad, for although we all
had a fine time it's good
to be home and get a real
night's rest. I think all
the rest of the party had
a good time. I know I did.
Wednesday, November
2, 1938
The day started out
fine, but ended up in a
big rain and quite cold.
Emmett and Charlie
went to Bremerton in the
ai~rnoon. Ruth ironed
and I worked in the store
all day. Got quite a few
odd jobs done too. Char-
lie got too much to drink
and in hauling the big
scale back from the old
brick store let it fall out
and broke it all to pieces
so now he has to go to
town to get it repaired.
Emmett had to take him
home - he wasn't able to
drive good. Irene Decker
has a baby boy and we
are all glad it's over. My,
Ill bet Karl is proud.
Fairly busy in the store.
I was by myself twice
MS so I can find out if
they are "good ones."
I'll leave it short this
week, as Mary was un-
usually wordy in her elo-
quent descriptions of fall
in the Olympic Peninsula
in her diary. She mast
have had some nice time
for reflection at the end of
her days in the woods. I
was particularly moved
by Mary's descriptions
of just how wild it is out
there, rm a veteran of
several rainy and cold
fall camping trips in the
Hoh, and reading about
Mary and her party's
cozy dinners after long
days of beach-combing,
animal adventures and
admiring the hanging
mosses had me a bit
jealous. I was also quite
impressed that after get-
ting up early and doing
all that driving Tues-
day, Mary got home and
cleaned the house!
Seyta Selter is a life-
long lover of Hood Canal
and resides in Union.
She is a visiting professor
at The Evergreen State
College, as well as a
passionate amateur
genealogist, archivist,
and family historian.
She can be emailed at
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by with two elk in their much driving for one while Lee got hay for
trailer and they were day. Cleaned the houseBarney White and it was
so happy! They were after I got home and read more than I could do to
from Kelso, Washington. my mail. Nothing much wait on everyone. Some
Seems that quite a few to read either. Louie and mushrooms are growing
elk are coming out now Grace were down over out on the lawn. I sent a
but they all look like the weekend and cannedsample up to Caponi at FUNERAL HOME
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