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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016
By ALEXANDRIA VALDEZ back Willy Ruiz led the team
alexandda@masoncoun com with 16 carries for 34 yards.
Shelton's loss puts it at 2-4
HEARTBREAK IN in the South Sound Confer-
SILVERDALE ence and 3-5 overall.
It was a close game Friday Shelton's final game of the
night in Silverdale as the Cen-
season is 7 p.m. today against
tral Kitsap Cougars squeaked the Capital Cougars.
by the Shelton HighclimbersOffensive player of the
football team in a 35-31 victory. Game: Giraldes. "He did a
"We came out a little ten- good job of spreading the ball
tative and went down by twoaround with his passes and di-
scores," Shelton coach Mattrectingthe offense."
Hinkle said. "We responded Defensive Player of the
well in the second quarter to Game: Kimball. "He leads the
gain momentum. The team league in interceptions with
carried it into the seCond half, five for the season."
but allowed CK a couple of
scores in the second half."VIKINGS WALLOP
Shelton stalled in the first BULLDOGS
quarter and didn't score asIt has been a year of learn-
Central Kitsap ran in two ing for the North Mason foot-
touchdowns. But the Climbers ball team, and that was the
exploded in the next quarter case last Friday. On Oct. 21,
for three touchdowr passes, the North Kitsap Vikings
Senior quarterback Tyler thumped the Bulldogs 56-0.
Giraldes' targets included "We played the No. 1 team
seniors Taylor Toney, Kyle in the league and the No. 6 or
Kimball and Marshall Mc- 7 ranked team in the state,"
Cullough. Bulldogs coach Phil Pugh said.
In the second half, the "I think they are deserving of
Climbers scored 10 points to that ranking. We are still try-
Central Kitsap's 21 points,ing to figure things out here."
The Climbers rushed for Junior Tyler Thomas led
91 yards and passed for 259the Bulldogs with eight car-
yards. Kimball had six re- ries for 49 yards. Senior Gar-
ceptions for 86 yards. Senior rett Borah had 11 carries for
Gable Lacy added two tackles 33 yards and led the team
and one sack, which resulted with seven tackles. Sophomore
in an 8-yard loss. Running
North Mason junior running back
game in October.
Journal file photo by Alexandria Valdez
Tyler Thomas pushes past an Olympic defender during a
quarterback Anthony SchoolerPlayer of the Game: Thomas.Knight Owls' road game
was 3-for-11 passing for 22 "He had one quarterback sack against the Twin Valley Wolf-
yards, and a terrific long run that we pack was canceled.
Overall, North Masonis 1-4 thought should have been a Knight Owls coach Mike
in the 2A Olympic League and touchdown, but he was called Bateman said the game was
1-6 overall, out of bounds. That resulted in canceled due to Twin Valley
The Bulldogs' final game a 35- or 45-yard run," Pugh said. not having enough players.
of the season is 7 p.m. to- The Knight Owls' final
night against the Bremerton KNIGHT OWLS' GAME game of the season will be 1
Knights. CANCELED p.m. Saturday against Tahol-
Offensive and Defensive Last week, the Mary M. ah.
ear Mason County, knocking, sometimes you have
As you read this, to answer the door. This posi-
most tion is a great chance
likely on Interstate for me, but also my
90 going east to husband for his ca-
Montana. I have ac- reer.
cepted a job at The When my husband,
Montana Standard Dylan, moved out to
in Butte and will be Washington at tl e
a sports reporter, beginning of the year,
My first day of work it was the first time
is Nov. 1. By he had lived outside
I didn't antici- VALDEZ of Montana. From the
pate I would leave start of our relation-
Mason County and ship, he said he was
the Journal so soon, let alone always willing to move wher-
during the school year. Butever I got job. Now, it's my
when an opportunity comes turn to return to the favor.
Even though I'm mov- But then I got that call inDakota job and didn't get an-
ing on, I won't forget Mason August 2015. I was bored and other job, I was headed back
County or the Journal. No decided to go window-shop- to Colorado. But when I was
matter how many jobs I have ping at Ross after lunch with in Ross, a Washington num-
or where I work, you will for- Dylan. During lunch, we hadber popped up on my phone.
ever be etched into my heart, a blunt conversation about my When I answered, it was the
The Journal was the first job I job potentials. Journal editor Adam Rudnick
had as a fresh-faced baby out "What if I just don't take and he offered me the sports
of college, the job in North Dakota andreporter job.
But I will always remem- see what happens with the I quickly called Brianna
ber it as the first place that Washington and Tennessee Loper, the Belfair Herald
believed in me. Even though I papers?" I asked him. reporter, and inquired
completed several internships "What if you turn down the about Adam and living in
at great papers during college, North Dakota job and don't Washington. We were both
I was rejected from several get offered a job in Washing- in J-School together and she
jobs when I first started ap- ton or Tennessee?" he shot
plying. It was tough and I back at me. see GOODBYE, page B-11
doubted myself. If I turned down the North
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