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October 27, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016
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swimmer races Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 - She#on-Mason County Journal - Page B-9 , Journal file photo by Alexandria Valdez Hannah Oliver swims the breaststroke during a swim meet against Capital High School. continued from page B-4 She said it's easy to come into the season in peak shape. This season, Oliver saw the results in her times. In.the 100-yard breaststroke, Oliver won several races during the regular season. She qualified for the 3A West Central District III cham- pionships meet during a Sept. 22 meet against the Peninsula Seahawks. Last week during the 3A South Sound Conference championship meet, Oli- ver swam a 1:23,50. Every season her stroke has improved. "She was a natu- ral breaststroker," Youngquist said. "But getting her to orient her body so it rode bet- ter, she's gotten better and better at that. Her angles as they attack the water have just evolved. She's clearly gotten stronger. Her legs are long compared to her torso, so in being able to manage her long legs, she's gotten stronger and more confident in her swimming." When she has a free moment, Oliver is also involved in the perform- ing arts. She said it's become a big part of her life and she has par- ticipated in school and community productions. Sometimes play prac- tices conflict with swim practices, but in order to balance everything she sneaks in an early morn- ing swim practice. Her dedication to the about beating my own be happy with myself sport is the reason Oli- time and bettering my-unless I do better than ver has dominated the self. I can beat every sin- I did before. It's about pool this fall. gle person in the league improving my own time "For me it's not about or every single person in and beating my own winning," she said. "It's the district, but I won't standards." BRAKE AND MUFFLER YOUR FULL SERVICE GARAGE! Here to keep your vintage to new car dependable at a very reasonable rate. We do custom exhaust work, brakes AND even tune-ups and oil changes. Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p,m. / 125 E. Grove St.. Shelton By ALEXANDRIA VALDEZ alexandfia@masoncounty com In July 2017, Mel Ninnis, a 1974 graduate of Shelton High School, will be inducted into the Washington Interscho- lastic Basket- ball Coaches Association (WIBCA) Hall of Fame. The ceremony will take place at the group's 42nd annual banquet at the Ninnis Tacoma Elks. Ninnis, who is the boys bas- ketball coach at Clover Park in Tacoma, said he heard a couple weeks ago about the honor while in Yakima. "I said, Thank you very much,' "Ninnis said. "It's not just my award. It's every one of my assistant coaches, every one of my players, every one of the (athletic directors) and every one of the cafeteria ladies. They're all a part of that award." Entering this season, Ninnis has coached for 33 years. This will be Ninnis' 23rd year at Clo- ver Park. Dave Dickson, the WIBCA Hall of Fame chair, said Ninnis im- pacted many players over the years. "It's fitting that a guy that's been so dedicated to young people and the game of high school bas- oCompaq ,HP .Blackberry .Handspring °Ca$io odell t opalm & MORE BatedesFm ketball will be honored with an induction to the Hall of Fame," he said. "... Mel does a good job with his teams year in and year out. He makes a difference in their lives and that's what really matters." In high school, Ninnis played forward for Terry Gregg. He said Gregg was the rea- son he wanted to become a basket- ball coach. After high school, Ninnis played in college at Western Wash- ington University, Fort Steilacoom Community College and Central Washington University. During the 2011 sea- son, Ninnis led Clover Park to the 2A Hard- wood Classic state title. Ninnis said he's thankful for all the op- portuni'ties basketball has provided. "For all the young people in Shelton, it's amazing how many doors basketball can open for you in life," he said. "It's not just what you learn from the team, it's what you learn for the game of life. Basket- ball can set you in the right direction and you never know where you'll end up." To RSVP to the induction, or for any questions, email Dickson at david.dickson@ Like Us On IB Let the Journal help you celebrate! Birthdays, anniversaries and special events. Call 426-4412 to place an ad. Gift certificates are available for all of our services and can be purchased at our office M-F 9:00 - 7:00 Sat by appointment LMT Lic. # 60059379 _1718 " N. 5