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Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-11
By ALEXANDRIA VALDF_Z went 1-1 at the tournament.
alexandria@masoncoun com "Our singles guys had very
Throughout the regular difficult draws," coach John
Perry said. "But it was great
season, brothers Jamin and to see them both win one
Jonah Perry have been paired match at the tournament for
together for doubles matches, their senior year. Both ended
This season was the first time
up playing one of the best
they had played doubles to- players in the state, Ranjan
gether. When it came time for Sharangpini, and that would
the conference championship be a tough match for anyone
lineup, the junior and fresh- from any team."
man siblings found them- Shelton's doubles teams
selves together once again, had longer battles.
"It was a little bit of a sur- The Climbers' No. 2 team of
prise to me, but I was also re- senior Kobe Bogh and Ethan
ally happy about it too," said Pentony lost their first match
Jamin, a junior. "It's always to Capital's No. 1 doubles
been a dream of mine to play team. In their second match,
with my brother. I played they beat Gig Harbor's No. 2
singles last year and I wasn't team, which had beat them
sure where we were going to twice during the regular sea-
be put." son.
Shelton sent two doubles Bogh and Pentony's third
teams and two singles players match pitted them against
to participate last week in the Jonah and Jamin. The Perry
3A South Sound Conference brothers won and advanced to
championship tournament, the second day.
Jamin and Jonah are the only In their first match of the
Shelton players who advanced final day, Jamin and Jonah
to districts, defeated Capital's No. 2 team
Representing the team and qualified for the 3A West
in singles play were seniors Central District III tourna-
Cody Simon and Reason ment.
Hernandez. Simon won his "During the match, both
first match against North of them started pressing the
Thurston's Daniel Parker. But net and constantly pressured
Simon was bounced out of the the other team," coach Perry
tournament after losing his said. "They played the exact
second match. Hernandez also
Brothers Jonah, left, and Jamin
District III championships.
Journal photo by Alexandria Valdez
Perry are competing this weekend at the 3A West Central
opposite style of game they conference tournament with down on yourself and get frus-
had played the day before, his brother and has learned a trated, you'll probably lose the
They played the best tennis I lot from him. match."
have seen them play ever and "I'm really hard on myself Now, the Shelton duo shifts
ended up winning in straight and if I make a mistake I its focus to this weekend.
sets." get down on myself," Jonah The district tournament is
For Jonah, this season has said. "But he picks me up and Friday and Saturday at the
been a year of learning. He definitely tells me to not get Sprinker Tennis Center in
said he was excited to play the down on myself. If you get Tacoma.
continued from page B-8 have learned so much from teenagers. It was tough to tell morn died from cancer when a big thanks to Adam, pub-
this job. As the Journal's parents that I couldn't make he was younger; in Belfair,lisher Tom Mullen, Brianna
the one who sent me a Face-sports reporter, I learned their athletes' games because baseball coach Bill Geyer and everyone in the office.
book message over the sum- the ins-and-outs of piecingI had to be somewhere else.opened up about his battle Yll miss this job, but drop
mer about the job opening, together a sports section. I My favorite part was talk- with cancer; and in Shelton, me a line if you ever roll
She heaped praise on Adam, sharpenedmy skills in feature ing to students and coachesI talked with several stellar through Montana.
the paper and Washington. writing, photography and de-- from each school. In Matlock, young women about wrestling.
In the back of my mind, I sign. I told the story of Spyder I will never forget Mason • Alexandria Valdez is the
knew my decision was made aI also learned how to talk Wentz and how at 15 years County and know that whoev-outgoing sports reporter for
long time ago. and work with people. I spoke old he dealt with his dad'ser takes my role next will do the Shelton-Mason County
During the past year, I with parents, coaches and cancer diagnosis ai r his an excellent job. I have to give Journal.
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