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Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-17 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE they appear are set forth and described in said 14213, said tract being particularly described as WITH a non-exclusive easement for ingress, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Certificate of Delinquency. (See this Certificate follows: BEGINNING at a point from which the egress and utilities, 20 feet in width, asdescdbed STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE on file and the publication to follow hereafter, meander corner to Sections twentynine (29) and in Short Subdivision No. 857, recorded May 7, COUNTY OF MASON Case No.: 16-2-00318-8 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Plain- thirtytwo (32), Township twentytwo (22) North, 1980, Auditor's File No. 376370. Also known as: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX LIENS tiff, Mason County, will apply to the Superior Range one (1) West, W.M., bears West 1.41 Tr 9 of Survey 5/63 EX TR B of SP #857 AND SUMMONS MASON COUNTY, a political Court of the State of Washington, in and for the chains; thence North 15 degrees 10' East, 16.55 AF#376370 Section 4 Township 20 Range 2. CD subdivision of the State of Washington, Plaintiff, County of Mason, for a judgement foreclosing chains; thence North 12 degrees 10' West, 1.5.69 #12, 22009-51-00015 $4,994.89 Gold, James R; vs. LIZO'I-1E, BIGI ESTATE OF; Heirs & Devi- its lien for taxes against the lots, parcels and chains; thence North 4 degrees 40' East, 18.95 Marilyn J Thompson; Fred H Gold Jr.; Linda S sees of Bigi R Lizotte, Deceased; Serena L.O. tracts of real property in this notice and sum- chains, to a point from which the meander corner Gold; (Situs Address: 4551 E Pickering Road Boggs, Personal Representative; Richard Dale mons hereinafter described, and you and each to Sections twenty (20) and twentynine (29), Shelton) The South 10 feet of Lot fourteen (14) Raverty; Heirs & Devisees of Richard Dale Ra- of you, are summoned to appear in the above Township twentytwo (22) North, Range one (1) and all of Lot fifteen (15), Scenic View Tracts, verb/, Kevin Raverty Personal Representative; entitled Court within (30) days after the date of West, W.M. bears North 30 degrees 10' West, Volume 5 of Plats, page 1, records of Mason Stewart, Jay E; Williams Development LLC, an first publication of this summons, exclusive of the 34.61 chains; thence East 4.50 chains; thence County Washington. Parcel No. 22009 51 00015 Inactive Washington Limited Liability Company; date of first publication on this summons, which South 4 degrees 40' West, 18.95 chains; thence TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive, perpetual Ross, Ronald R & Lillian N; Woodhead, Peggy, day of said first publication will be the 27th day South 8 degrees 30' East, 15.46 chains; thence right-of-way and easement, over that certain non- NK/A Lorraine Woodhead; Heirs & Devisees of October 2016, and defend this action or pay South 19 degrees 51'West, 16.93 chains; thence dedicated parcel of land lying between Lots four of George W Woodhead, Deceased; Teresa the amount due, plus allowable costs (e.g. title West 2.00 chains, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; (4) and five (5), Plat of Scenic View Tracts, Vol- Rocke Personal Representative; Sebolt, William search and advertising), and in case of your fail- which lies Southerly of the Southerly line of a ume 5 of Plats, page 1, records of Mason County, M; Heirs & Devisees of William M Sebolt, De- ure to do so, judgement will be rendered in this tract of tidelands conveyed to E.R. Rowe, et al, in Washington, INCLUDING tidelands of the sec- ceased; Obiedzonski, Robert J & Edith M; A/K/A action foreclosing lien of such taxes and inter- Warranty Deed recorded October 18, 1932, Audi- ond-class, formerly owned by the State of Wash- Robert J & Edith M Obiedzenski; Heirs & Devi- est against the several lots, parcels and tracts tor's File No. 70150, particularly described there- ington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting sees of Robert J Obiedzonski, NK/A Robert J of real property in the sev.eral amounts shown in as follows: BEGINNING at a point directly East upon said parcel, and extending to the line of ex- Obiedzenaki, Deceased; Fiorini Revocable Liv- to be due against each of the said lots, parcels of the Northeast corner of Government Lot six treme low tide, as granted in instruments record- ing Trust; Gold, James R; Thompson Marilyn J; and tracts, as described in Certificate of Delin- (6), Section twentynine (29), Township twentytwo ed October 20, 1970, Auditor's File No. 254800 Gold, Fred H; Gold Linda S; Heirs & Devisees quency No. 16-2-00318-8 filed herein, plus al- (22) North, Range one (1) West, W.M., from and October 13, 1971, Auditor's File No. 264231. of Esther F Gold, Deceased; Grant Gary A Sr.; Iowable costs (e.g. title search and advertising), which point the meander corner between Sec- Also known as: Scenic View Tracts Lot: 15 & S Lodholm, Val & Patricia 1/2 interest; Hedges, You may redeem your property by payment of tions twentynine (29) and thirtytwo (32), said 10' Lot: 14 CD #13, 22012-75-90031 $2,993.72 Hugh W.T.; Symmons Larry V2 interest; Ronnie, delinquent taxes, interest, penalty, assessment Township and Range, bears South 12 degrees Grant, Gary A Sr.; Charles T & Kathryn H Rans- Peter A; Cartwright, Catherine A; Worth, Kevin and costs; however; there is no right of redemp- 10' East, 4.10 chains, and South 15 degrees 10' dell; (Situs Address: 100 E Ballow Rd Sheiton) Leslie; Watson Jenney J; Pearce, Charles A; tion after the close of business on the day before West, 16.55 chains, and West 1.41 chains; Lot one (1) of Short Subdivision No. 2600, re- Mottet, Mark Charles; Luedtke, Cecilia Ann 50% the sale date, according to R.C.W. 84.64.070. thence East~ 3.65 chains; thence South 8 de- corded June 6, 1995, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, interest; Luedtke, Elizabeth Rosannha, 50% in- All pleadings and process in this action and pro- grees 30' East, 2.55 chains; thence West, 3.50 page 8, Auditor's File No. 608688, and being a terest; McGuire, Pamela K, A/K/A Pamela K Ma- ceedings may be served upon Elisabeth Frazier, chains; thence North 12 degrees 10' West, 2.59 portion of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the lean, Interest of if any Emmett A McGuire; Rose, Treasurer of Mason County, Washington, at her chains, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; and which Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of Section twelve Sharon E; Berdel, David L Sr.; Heirs & Devisees office in Building 1 411 N 5th St., Sheiton, Ma- lies Northerly of the Northerly line of a tract of (12), Township twenty (20) North, Range two (2) of David L Berdel Sr., Deceased; Willis, Patricia son County, Washington or upon Michael Dorcy, tidelands conveyed to C.J. Kantzer in Warranty West, W.M. Parcel No. 22012 75 90031 TO- L; Demain, David; Ortega, Adrian; Corbett, Ste- Mason County Prosecuting Attorney, at his office Deed recorded February 25, 1936, Auditor's File GETHER WITH a perpetual, non-exclusive ease- ven L & Krisann;; Arnold, Jean T; Lange, Lau- at 521 N 4th St. Sheiton, Mason County, Wash- No. 77126, particularly described therein as fol- ment for ingress, egress, drainage and utility pur- rale J; Ordonez, Gonzalo & Carmen; Thomas, ington. Dated at Sheiton, Washington this day of lows: COMMENCING at a point 1.41 chains East poses, 30 feet in width, as reserved in instrument Marilyn R 1/2 interest; Lyons, Brenda J, 1/2 inter- 2016 Tim Whitehead Chief Deputy Prosecutor of the meander corner to Sections twentynine recorded March 15, 1995, Auditor's File No. est; Bopp, Kenneth & Tracy; Meigs, Charles W WSBA #37621 (29) and thirtytwo (32), Township twentytwo (22) 604487. Also known as: Tr 3-A of Survey 4/82 & Dena M; Seslar, Ginger; Williamson, John; 9038 October 27 It North, Range one (1) West, W.M.; thence North Lot: 1 of SP #2600 #608688 Section 12 Township Interest of if any, Seslar, Kevin J; Florek, Eileen; 15 degrees 10' East, 9.78 chains, to the POINT 20 Range 2. CD #14, 22012-75-90032 $2,167.96 Heirs & Devisees of Florian V Florek, Deceased; PUBLIC NOTICE OF BEGINNING of the tract of tidelands hereby Grant, Gary A Sr: Charles T & Kathy H R Rans- Looney, William A Looney, Heirs & Devisees of The following Certificate of Delinquency list described; thence North 15 degrees 10' East, dell; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) Lot William A Looney, Deceased; Edeltraud Schae- #16-2-00318-8 includes the names of the last 1.65 chains, more or less, to a point directly East two (2) of Short Subdivision No. 2600, recorded fer Looney, Pamela E Yee, Co- Personal Repro- known taxpayer, reputed owner and lien holders, of the Northeast corner of the South 66 feet of the June 6, 1995, in Volume I of Short Plats, page 8, sentatives; McGill, Alan W, NK/A AIInutt, Lonnie respectively. Amounts shown due in the publica- North half (N Y2)of Government Lot six (6), Sec- . AuditoCs File No. 608688, and being a portion of Dale; Wentz, Olive J; Heirs & Devisees of Olive tion are calculated through October 31, 2016. CD tion twentynine (29), Township twentytwo (22) the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest J Wentz, Deceased; Maxey, Lawrence G; Heirs #1, 12108-22-90120 $3,412.17 Lizotte, Bigi Es- North, Range one (1) West, W.M.; thence East, quarter (SW 1/4) of Section twelve (12), Town- & Devisees of Lawrence G Maxey, Deceased; tate of; Serena L.O. Boggs- Personal Represen- 3.00 chains; thence South 19 degrees 51' West, ship twenty (20) North, Range two (2) West, Santodomingo, Ed Santiago; AVK Corporation, tative; Heirs & Devisees of Bigi Lizotte, De- 1.68 chains; thence West, 2.80 chains, to the W.M. Parcel No. 22012 75 90032 TOGETHER a Washington Corporation; Roti, Lloyd D & Vir- ceased; PUD #3; Mason County Health Services; POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel No. 12229 44 WITH a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ginia R; Heirs & Devisees of Virginia R Roti, State of Washington Department of Social and" 80110 also known as: Tax 411* Section 29 Town- ingress, egress, drainage and utility purposes, 30 Deceased; Kelley, Patrick A Kelley Sr.; Heirs Health Services Financial Services Administra- • ship 22 Range .1. CD #8, 12330-52-00026 & 30- feet in width, as reserved in instrument recorded & Devisees of Patrick A Kelly Sr., Deceased; tion Office of Financial Recovery; (Situs Address: 02880 $3,913.92 Woodhead, Peggy; NK/A Lor- March 15, 1995, Auditor's File No. 604487. TO- Eatinger, Joel; McGill, Alex B; Williams, Elmore, 4203 E Grapeview Loop Road Grapeview) Tract raine Woodhead; Heirs & Devisees of George W GETHER WITH a private road and utility ease- one (1) of Short Subdivision No. 562, recorded Woodhead-Deceased; Teresa Rocke Personal ment, 30 feet in width, as set forth on the map of Jr; Sharp, Douglas L; Lear, Daniel & Jeanne;. Boeg, Randy L & Kathedne A; Parmenter, Todd July 13, 1979, Auditor's File No. 363837, and be- Representative; Heirs & Devisees of Peggy Short Subdivision No. 2600, recorded June 6, M & Kerri, NK/A Parmentor, Todd M & Kerri; ing a portion of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of Woodhead NK/A Lorraine Woodhead-Deceased; 1995, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 8, Audi- McDowell, Robert; Smith, Aaron & Chantel; the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of Section eight Beard's Cove Community Organization; State of tor's File No. 608688. Also known as: Tr 3-B of Knutsen, Robert F & Gertrude P, Successors to (8), Township twentyone (21) North, Range one Washington Department of Social & Health Ser- Survey 4/82 Lot: 2 of SP #2600 #608688 Section L Presley Gill, Deceased; Heirs & Devisees of (1) West, W.M. Parcel No. 12108 22 90120. Also vices Financial Services Administration Office of 12 Township 20 Range 2. CD #15, 22015-20- L Presley Gill, Deceased; Robinson, James F; known as: Lot: 1 of SP #562 PTN TR 12 of NW Financial Recovery; Mason County Utilities 00040 $2,835.25 Lodholm, Val & Patricia L Each Padgett, Mark D & Nina D; Red, Donnie L Jr & NW S 34/175 Section 8 Township 21 Range 1. Waste Management; (Situs Address: 180 NE V2 Interest; Hugh W.T. Hedges & Larry Symmons Lisa A; Anderson, Charles F & Tindall, Lorraine; CD #2, 12108-43-90210 $4,948.61 Estate of Schooner Loop Belfair) Lot twentysix (26), Each 1/2 Interest; Clair G & Joanne G Candler; Puderbaugh, Cherie I, NK/A Tibbits, Cherie I; Richard Dale Raverty-Deceased; Kevin Raverty Beard's Cove No.5, Volume 8 of Plats, pages 113 Wilbur & Norma Larson; Interest of if any, Judy Rapleje, Susie et al; Stevens Kathleen; Mrs John Personal Representative; Heirs & Devisees of to 116, both inclusive, records of Mason County, Lodholm; Interest of ff any Norcella Bowers, M Mason; Interest of if any, John M Mason; Phar- Richard Dale Raverty-Deceased; Island Hide-A- Washington. Together with a 1980 Homette Mo- Trustee of the Richard W Bowers Credit Trust as ds, James; Duporit, Michael; Wooddell, Patdcia Way Property Owners; State of Washington De- bile Home 14/66 TPO Number 0473105-26. Par- to an undivided 93% interest and Norcella Bow- S; Heirs & Devisees of Patricia S Wooddell, De- partment of Social and Health Services Office of cel No. 12330 5200026 & 30 02880 also known ers as her separate estate as to an undivided 7% ceased; City of Tacoma; Lake Cushman Com- Support Enforcement; Mason County Depart- as: Beard's Cove Div 5 Lot: 26 CD #9, 12330-53- interest. (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) pany a Washington Corporation; Martin, Cheryl merit of Health Services Environmental Health- 00028 $3,733.55 Estate of William M Sebeit-De- All that portion of Government Lot one (1), Sec- A & Cecelia Alice Martin Thygeson; Nielsen, Solid Waste; Dynamic Collectors Incorporated; ceased; Heirs & Devisees of William M Sebelt- tion fifteen (15), Township twenty (20) North, Mark; Wilson, Chds W; Seals, James B; Inter- State of Washington Department of Social & Deceased; Mason County Utilities & Waste Man- Range two (2) West, W.M., particularly described est of if any, Kathryn M Seals; Fededco, Lou; Health Services Financial Services Administra- agement; Beard's Cove Community Organiza- as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest cor- Stone ,Verna D; CSN Investments LLC, a Lira- tion Office of Financial Recovery; (Situs Address: tion; (Situs Address: 121 NE Santa Maria Lane nerofatractoflandsofdtoValLodholm, et ux, in ited Liability Company; RoadslassTraveled LLC, 81 E Sund Road Grapeview) Tract A of Short Belfalr) Lot twentyeight (28), Beard's Cove No.6, instrument recorded March 22, 1968, Auditor's a Nevada Limited Liability Company; Hensley, Subdivision No. 250, recorded September 2, Volume 9 of Plats,.pages 1 and 2, records of Ma- File No. 233133; thence Eastedy and Southerly Frank M; Hansen, Madyce A; Richter, Charles 1976, Auditor's File No. 318733, and being a por- son County, Washington. Parcel No. 12330 53 along the Northeasterly line of said Government V & Marjode; United Equities Corporation, Suc- tion of Government Lot five (5), Section eight (8), 00028 also known as: Beard's Cove Div 6 Lot: 28 Lot one (1), 620 feet, to United States Coast and cessor by merger to Amedcan Tdad Corporation, Township twentyone (21) North, Range one (1) CD#10, 12331-51-0007653,629.91 Obiedzonski Geodetic Survey Marker =Selom I1", and the aninactive Washington Corporation; and alsoall West, W.M. Parcel No. 12108 43 90210 TO- Robert J & Edith M; NK/A Robert J & Edith M POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land here- other persons or parties unknown claiming any GETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO a water pipe Obiedzenski; Heirs & Devisees of Robert J by dascdbed; thence Southerly and Easterly, right, title or ownership interest or lien in or to line easement, as set forth in instrument recorded Obiedzonski NK/A Robert J Obiedzensld-De- along the Easterly line of said Government Lot the real estate described in the notice and sum- October 18, 1973, Auditor's File No. 283925, ceased; United States of America Home Admin- one (1), 540 feet; thence West, to the West line of mons of foreclosing of tax liens. Defendant YOU Also known as: Tract 21 of Govt Lot 5 S 27/1 Lot: istration Acting through the Farmers Home Ad- said Lodholm tract; thence North, along said AND EACH OF YOU, and all other persons or A of SP #250 AF #318733 Section 8 Township 21 ministration United States Department of Agdcul- West line, to a point West of the point of begin- parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate Range 1. CD #3, 12119-50-00132 $6,931.35 ture; Beard's Cove Community Organization; ning; thence East, tothePOINTOFBEGINNING; lien or interest in or to the real property described Stewart, Jay E; Hartstene Pointe Water & Sewer Dynamic Collectors Incorporated; (Situs Address: EXCEPTING therefrom, all that portion thereof in this notice and summons of foreclosure of tax Distdct, A Washington Corporation; Phyllis Jean Unavailable at this time) Lot seventysix (76), which lies within a tract of land sold to Randolph liens, are hereby notified that Mason County, a Stewart; Hartstene Pointe Maintenance Assecia- Beard's Cove No.8, Volume 9 of Plats, pages 45 Estvold, et ux, in instrument recorded April 30, duly organized and existing cour~y of the State tion; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) Lot to 48, both inclusive, records of Mason County, 1968, Auditor's File No. 233995. Parcel No. of Washington, is the owner and holder of Cer- one hundred thirtytwo (132), Hartstene Pointe, Washington. Parcel No. 12331 51 00076 also 22015 20 00040 Also known as: Tr 4 of Govt Lot tificate of Delinquency No. 16-2-00318-8 dated Volume 8 of Plats, pages 80 to 85, both inclusive, known as: Beard's Cove Div 8 Lot: 76 CD #11, 1 Section 15 Township 20 Range 2. CD #17, the 31st day of August, 2016 that said Certificate records of Mason County, Washington. Parcel 22004-75-90090 $2,913.11 Fiorini Revocable 22017-52-0008751,816.43 Ronnie, Peter A Et AI; was issued to Mason County on that date by the No. 12119 50 00132. Also known as: Hartstene Living Trust; Internal Revenue Service Attorney Catherine A Cartwright; Community Treasurer of Mason County, pursuant to law, for Pointe Lot: 132. CD #6, 12219-50-00067 General Department of Justice; Internal Revenue Club; (Situs Address: 661 E Lakeshore Dr East real property taxes and interest due unpaid and $4,305.56 Williams Development LLC an Inactive Service Special Procedures; United States Attor- Shelton) Lot eightyseven (87), Timberlake No. delinquent for three or more years for which no Washington Limited Liability Company; Lakeland ney General Western Distdct of Washington; (Si- 10, Volume 7 of Plats, pages 88 to 91, beth inciu- Certificate of Delinquency had previously been Village Community Club; (Situs Address: 51 E tus Address: Unavailable at this time) Tract B of sive, records of Mason County, Washington. Par- issued; that the descriptions of the several lots, Westlake Ddve south Allyn) Lot sixtyseven (67), Short Subdivision No. 857, recorded May 7,1980, cel No. 22017 52 00087. Also known as: Timber- tracts and parcals of real proparty included and LakelandVillageNo. 7, Volume 9 of Plats, pages Auditor's File No. 376370, and being a portion of lake #10 Tr 87 CD #18, 22017-53-00022 described in said Certificate of Delinquency, the 155, 156 and 157 records of Mason County the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest $1,668.82 Worth, Kevin Leslie Et AI; Jenny J names of the several reputed owners as appear Washington. "Parcel No. 12219 50 00067 also quarter (NW 1/4) of Section four (4), Township Watson; Timberlake Community Club; (Situs Ad- on the rolls of the Mason County Treasurer, the known as: Lakeland Village 7 Lot: 67. CD #7, twenty (20) North, Range two (2) West, W.M. dress: 61 E Lakeshore Place South Sheiton) Lot amounts of the 2011 through 2016 delinquent 12229-44-80110 $2,475.41 Ross, Ronald R & UI- Parcel No. 22004 75 90090 TOGETHER WITH twentytwo (22), Timbedake No. 11, Volume 7 of taxes on each of said lots, tracts and parcels of lian N; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) an easement for road, utility and maintenance Plats, pages 95, 96 and 97, records of Mason said real property, including interest thereon at All that portion of a tract of tidelands conveyed by purposes, 60 feet in width, including a cul-de-sac County, Washington. Parcel No. 22017 53 00022. 12% per annum on the balance of unpaid taxes the State of Washington as tidelands suitable for having a radius of 50 feet, as shown on survey Also known as: Timbedake #11 Tr 22. CD #19, computed on the 31st day of August 2016, the the cultivation of oysters in deed recorded in Vol- recorded July 25, 1979, in Volume 5 of Surveys, 22018-53-00147 $2,208.07 Pearce, Charles A; years for which the same are due and unpaid as ume 8 of O.L., page 248, Auditor's File No. page 63, Auditor's File No. 364415. TOGETHER Timberlake Community Club; State of Washing-