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Page B-20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016
ton Department of Social & Health Services Divi-
sion of Child Support; (Situs Address: Unavail-
able at this time) Lot one hundred fortyseven
(147), Timberlake No.5, Volume 6 of Plats, pages
145 to 149, both inclusive, records of Mason
County, Washington. Parcel No. 22018 53 00147
Also known as: Timberlake #5 Lot: 147 CD #20,
22025-50-00003 $10,510.85 Mottet; Mark
Charles; PUD #3; American Express Bank FSB;
(Situs Address: 350 E Olson Road Shelton) All
that portion of the Northeast quarter (NE .1/4) of
the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4), and of Govern-
ment Lot two (2), all in Section twentyfive (25),
Township twenty (20) North, Range two (2) West,
W.M., particularly described as follows: COM-
MENCING at the South quarter corner of said
Section twentyfive (25); thence South 89 degrees
49'54" West, along its South line, 1714.24 feet, to
the meander corner on the South line of said Sec-
tion twentyfive (25); thence, along the balanced
government meander line, North 14 degrees
48'57" West, 1102.58 feet, and North 21 degrees
36'08" West, 1386.03 feet, to a pointon the South
line of Short Subdivision No. 2218, Auditor's File
No. 550443; thence South 89 degrees 31'52"
East, along said South line, 503.03 feet, to the
POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land here-
by described; thence North 0 degrees 29'01"
West, 180.66 feet, to the South line of Short Sub-
division No. 272, Auditor's File No. 322109;
thence, along said South line, South 89 degrees
14'35" East, 636.03 feet, and South 89 degrees
03'20" East, 684.15 feet; thence South 0 degrees
29'01" East, 171.77 feet, to the South line of Tract
2, as shown on survey recorded in Volume 20 of
Surveys, page 204, Auditor's File No. 620255;
thence North 89 degrees 31 '54" West, along said
South line, 1320.00 feet, to the POINT OF BE-
GINNING. Parcel No. 22025 50 00003 Also
known as: Olympic View Tracts Tr 2 EXC W 2
Acres Section 25 Township 20 Range 2. CD #22,
22029-50-00014 & 30-00695 $19,075.58 Lu-
edtke, Cecilia Ann Et AI; Elizabeth Rosannha Lu-
edtke; Washington State Employees Credit
Union; (Situs Address: 200 SE Mermaid Lane
Shelton) The North 100 feet of Government Lot
one (1), Section thirtytwo (32), Township twenty
(20) North, Range two (2) West, W.M.; excepting
therefrom the West 800 feet thereof. Said land
being also known and described as Tract 14 of
the unrecorded plat of Arcadia Beach on Puget
Sound; excepting therefrom the West 800 feet
thereof. Together with a 1970 Belmont Mobile
Home 12/60 TPO #1414206. Parcel No. 22029
50 00014 & 30 00695 TOGETHER WITH an
easement for road purposes, 40 feet in width, as
reserved in instrument recorded May 6, 1929,
Auditor's File No. 58988. Also known as: Arcadia
Beach (Unrecorded) Tr 14 EX W 800' Section 32
Township 20 Range 2. CD #23, 22031-50-00014
$19,755.58 McGuire, Pamela K; NK/A Pamela K
Malean; Interest of if any, Emmett A McGuire;
PUD #3; State of Washington Department of So-
cial & Health Services Department of Child Sup-
port; Boeing Employees Federal Credit Union;
Blind Dog Enterprises LTD, DBA Arcadia Point
Seafood; (Situs Address: 707 Totten Shores
Drive Sheiton) Lot fourteen (14), Totten Shores,
Volume 4 of Plats, pages 77 and 78, records of
Mason County, Washington, including all that
portion thereof which consists of tidelands of the
secondclass, formerly owned by the State of
Washington. ALSO, all that portion of a tract of
tidelands of the second-class, conveyed by the
State of Washington as tidelands suitable for the
cultivation of oysters to E.A. Henderson in deed
dated August 8, 1910, recorded in Volume 9 of
O.L., page 117, records of Mason County, Wash-
ington, which lies between the Eastedy and
Westerly sidelines of said Lot fourteen (14) ex-
tended Southerly across said tidelands. TO-
GETHER WITH an undivided interest in Lots fifty-
seven (57) and fiftyeight (58), Totten Shores, to
be used in common with all lot owners for a com-
munity park, which undivided interest shall run
with the title to the within described land, all as
set forth in instrument recorded October 20,
1961, Auditor's File No. 190556. Parcel No.
22031 50 00014 Also known as: Totten Shores Tr
14 & Int in Trs 57-58 & Tax 1-Q S 40/109. CD
#24, 22031-52-00027 $6,896.68 Rose, Sharon
E; (Situs Address: UnavaUable at this time) Lot
twentyseven (27), Plat of Totten Shores Arore
TractS, No.2, Volume 4 of Plats, page 91, records
of Mason County, Washington. TOGETHER
WITH an undivided interest in Lots fiffyseven (57)
and fiftyeight (58), Totten Shores, Volume 4 of
Plats, pages 77 and 78, records of Mason Coun-
ty, Washington, to be used in common with all lot
owners for a community park, as set forth in in-
strument recorded under Auditor's File No.
190556. Parcel No. 22031 52 00027 Also known
as: Totten Shores Acres Tracts #2 Tr 27 & Int in
Trs 57-58 of Totten SH Survey 34/243 CD #25,
22129-75-00060 $32,150.00 Berdel, David L Sr;
Heirs & Devisees of David L Berdet Sr. De-
ceased; Start Corporation of America, a Wash-
ington State Corporation; Mason County Depart-
ment of Health Services Environmental Health
Solid Waste; (Situs Address: 140 E Royce Road
Grapeview) A tract of land in the Northwest quar-
ter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of
Section twentynine (29), Township twentyone
(21) North, Range two (2) West, W.M., particu-
larly described as follows: BEGINNING at the
Northwest corner of said Northwest quarter (NW
1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4); thence
South 0040'08" West, along the West line thereof,
520.86 feet; thence South 86°17'08" East, 360.63
feet; thence South 66024'38" East, 50.63 feet;
thence North 0040'08" East, 565.385 feet to the
North line of said Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of
the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4); thence South
89°52'19" West, along said North line, 406.79
feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING
of the tract of land hereby described. Said land
being also known and described as Tract 6 of
survey recorded in Volume 6 of Surveys, page 1,
Auditor's File No. 369969. Parcel No. 22129 75
perpetual, non-exclusive easement for road and
utility purposes, 60 feet in width, including a cul-
de-sac having a radius of 50 feet, as shown on
survey recorded in Volume 6 of Surveys, page 1,
Auditor's File No. 369969 Also known as: Tr 6 of
Survey 6/1 Section 29 Township 21 Range 2. CD
#26, 22134-11-91053 $2,665.79 Willis, Patricia
L; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) Lot
three (3) of Short Subdivision No. 2382, recorded
January 28, 1994, Auditor's File No. 581173, and
being a portion of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4)
of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section thir-
tyfour (34), Township twentyone (21) North,
Range two (2) West, W.M. Parcel No. 22134 11
perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ingress,
egress and utilities, 30 feet in width, as descdbed
in instrument recorded March 10, 1975, Auditor's
File No. 297906. Also known as: Tr 3 of S V2 N 1/2
NE NE Tr 3 of SP #2382 Section 34 Township 21
Range 2. CD #27, 22134-11-91054 $2,410.45
Willis, Patricia L; (Situs Address: Unavailable at
this time) Lot four (4) of Short Subdivision No.
2382, recorded January 28, 1994 ,Auditor's File
No. 581173, and being a portion of the Northeast
quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4)
of Section thirtyfour (34),Township twentyone
(21) North, Range two (2) West, W.M. Parcel No.
22134 11 91054 TOGETHER WITH and SUB-
JECTTO a perpetual, non-exclusive easement
for ingress, egress and utilities, 30 feet in width,
as described in instrument recorded March 10,
1975, Auditor's File No. 297906. Also known as:
Tr 4 of S V2 N 1/2 NE NE TR 4 of SP #2382 Section
34 Township 21 Range 2. CD #28, 22206-50-
00062 $5,684.19 Demain, David; Wilmer E &
Robert L Richter; Donna L Ryan; Libre Trust
Company; Tahuya River Valley Community Club;
(Situs Address: 1910 NE Tahuya Biver Dr Ta-
huya ) Lot sixtytwo (62), Tahuya River Valley Di-
vision No.l, Volume 7 of Plats, pages 74, 75 and
76, records of Mason County, Washington Parcel
No. 22206 50 00062 Also known as: Tahuya
River Valley Div #1 Tr 62. CD #29, 22221-31-.
00060 & 30-02172 $5,684.19 Ortega, Adrian;
Steven L & Krisann Corbett; Midland Funding
LLC; State of Washington Department of Social &
Health Services, Department of Child Support;
Christopher Corbett; Twanoh Falls Beach Club
Inc.; (Situs Address: 150 E Forest Lane Belfair)
All that portion of the East 200 feet of Govern-
.. ment Lot three (3), Section twentyone (21),
Township twentytwo (22) North, Range two (2)
West, W.M., particularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the South quarter corner of
said Section twentyone (21); thence North
2°10'42" East, 1313.07 feet, to the Northeast cor-
ner of the plat of First Addition to Twanoh Falls,
Volume 6 of Plats, pages 22, 23 and 24, records
of Mason County, Washington, being also the
Southeast corner of said Government Lot three
(3); thence North 2°10'42" East, 500 feet, to the
POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land here-
by described; thence North 87053'47" West, 85
feet; thence North 2°10'42" East, 100 feet; thence
South 87053'47" East, 85 feet; thence South
2°10'42" West, 100 feet, to the POINT OF BE-
GINNING. INCLUDING a 1979 Versailles manu-
factured home, 24' x 56', Serial No. 6746, as de-
scribed in Manufactured Home Title Elimination
recorded February 11, 1992, Auditor's File No.
539533. Parcel No. 22221 31 00060 and Manu-
factured Home Parcel No. 30 02172 TOGETHER
WITH a non-exclusive easement for ingress and
egress, 30 feet in width, as described in instru-
ment recorded November 21, 1966, Auditor's File
No. 222536. Also known as: Tr 6 of Govt Lot 3
Section 21 Township 22 Range 2. CD #30,
22221-31-00100 $4,318.77 Arnold, Jean T ET_
UX; Laurale J Lange; Cascade Bank; Twanoh
Falls Beach Club Inc.; State of Washington De-
partment of Social & Health Services, Division of
Child Support; Internal Revenue Service Attorney
General Department of Justice; Internal Revenue
Service Special Procedures; United States Attor-
ney General Western District of Washington;
Robert D Wilson- Hess; (Situs Address: 230 E
Forest Lane Belfair) All that portion of Govern-
ment Lot three (3), Section twentyone (21),
Township twentytwo (22) North, Range two (2)
West, W.M., particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said
Government Lot three (3) North 2°10'42" East,
900 feet from its Southeast corner; thence North
2°10'42" East, along said East line, 100 feet; 19 Range3. CD#38, 32006-50-010;~3 $9,026.51
thence North 81053'47" West, 85 feet; thence Florek, Eileen; Heirs & Devisees of Florian V
South 2°10'42" West; 100 feet; thence South Florek-Deceased; (Situs Address: 1501 E Island
87053'47" East, 85 feet to the POINT OF BEGIN- Lake Drive Shelton) Lot twentythree (23), Block
NING. Parcel No. 22221 31 00100 TOGETHER one (1), Correction Plat of Island Lake Shore-
WITH a non-exclusive easement for ingress and lands, Volume 4 of Plats, pages 1 and 2, records
egress, as described in instrument recorded No- of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 32006
vember 13, 1967, Auditor's File No. 230422. TO- 50 01023 TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO
GETHER WITH a limited easement for roadway "all reasonable and necessary rights and ease-
and utilities, 30 feet in width, as described in in- ment" for the purposes of constructing, maintain-
strument recorded November 13, 1967, Auditor's ing and replacing a water system, as established
File No. 230422. TOGETHER WITH one family in instrument recorded November 19, 1959, Audi-
membership (per lot) in Twanoh Falls Beach tor's File No. 181349. Also known as: Island
Club, Inc., a Washington corporation, as dis- Lake Shorelands Btk: 1 Lot: 23. CD #39, 32016-
closed in instrument recorded November 13, 50-00022 $2,251.33 Looney, William A Estate of;
1967, Auditor's File No. 230422. Also known as: Edeltraud Schaefer Looney; Pamela E Yee Co-
Tr 10 of Govt Lot 3 Section 21 Township 22 Personal Representatives; Heirs & Devisees of
Range 2. CD #31, 22221-75-90070 $3,455.01 William A Looney-Deceased; (Situs Address:
Ordonez, Ganzalo & Carmen; PUD #3; Twanoh Unavailable at this time) The North half (N 1/2) of
Heights Community Club; (Situs Address: Un- a tract of land particularly described as follows:
available at this time) Tract A of Short Subdivi- All that portion of Government Lot five (5), Sec-
sion No. 580, recorded August 17, 1979, Audi- tion sixteen (16), Township twenty (20) North,
tor's File No. 365653, and being a portion of the Range three (3) West, W.M., particularly de-
Southwest quarter (SW 1/4)of the Southeast scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point South
quarter (SE 1/4) of Section twentyone (21), 48 degrees West, 1910 feet from a point on the
Township twentytwo (22) North, Range two (2) West line of Government Lot four (4) of said Sec-
West, W.M. Parcel No. 22221 75 90070.TO. tion sixteen (16), 250 feet Northerly of its South-
GETHER WITH a perpetual, non-exclusiVe ease- west corner; thence South 48 degrees West, 200
ment for ingress, drainage and utility purposes, feet; the North 42 degrees West, to the Westerly
60 feet in width, as shown on survey recorded line of said Government Lot five (5); thence
October 6, 1978, in Volume 4 of Surveys, page Northeastedy, along said Westedy line, to a point"
81, Auditor's File No. 351753, and as described North 42 degrees West of the point of beginning;
in instrument recorded November 20, 1978, Audi- thence South 42 degrees East, to the POINT OF
torls File No. 353596. TOGETHER WITH and BEGINNING. Said land being also known and
SUBJECT TO a perpetual, non-exclusive ease- described as the North half (N1/2) of Tract 22 of
ment for ingress, egress and utilities, 30 feet in "- the unrecorded plat of Angle Tracts. Parcel No.
width, as described in Short Subdivision No. 580, 32016 50 00022 Also known as: Angle Tracts Tr
recorded August 17, 1979, Auditor's File No. 22 N V2 Section 16 Township 20 Range 3. CD
365653. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO a #41, 32017-51-29002 $3,060.65 AIInutt, Lonnie
perpetual, non-exclusive easement for road and Date; NK/A Alan W McGill; Gerald G & Shirlee J
utility purposes, 60 feet in width, as described in Oliver, Trustees of the Oliver Revocable Family
instrument recorded September 20, 1988, Audi- Trust dated July 2, 1993, Joseph B Arredondo;
tor's File No. 485823. TOGETHER WITH a mem- State of Washington Department of Social &
bership on the Twanoh Heights Community Club, Health Services Division of Child Support; State
a Washington nonprofit corporation as disclosed of Washington Department of Social & Health
in instrument recorded December 12, 1978, Audi- Services Office of Financial Recovery; City of
tor's File No. 354512. Also known as: Tr 7-A of Shelton; State of Washington Mason County
Surv 4/81 TR A of SP #580 Section 21 Township Prosecutor; Fairway Collection Service LLC; (Si-
22 Range 2. D #32, 22223-51-05020 $2,609.71 tus Address: 302 San Joaquin Ave Shelton) Lot
Lyons; Brenda J V2 Interest; Marilyn R Thomas 1/2 two (2), Block twentynine (29), Amended and
Interest; (Situs Unavailable at this time) Lot twen- Corrected Plat of Shelton, Volume 2 of Plats,
ty (20), Block five (5), Trails End Division No.2, as page 19, records of Mason County, Washington.
shown on the plat of Trails End Division No.2 and Parcel No. 32017 51 29002 Also known as:
Trails End Division No.1 as Corrected, Volume 5 Amended & Corrected Plat of Shelton BIk: 29 Lot:
of Plats, pages 60 to 67, both inclusive, records 2. CD #42, 32018-51-07003 $7,792.48 Wentz,
of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 22223 Olive J; Heirs & Devisees of Olive J Wentz-De-
51 05020. Also known as: Trails End Div #2 BIk: ceased; Keybank National Association, Accurate
5 Lot: 20. CD #33, 22302-75-90122 $8,066.39 Title Group; State of Washington Department of
Bopp, Kenneth & Tracy; Mason County Prosecu- Social & Health Services, Economic Services Ad-
tor; Dynamic Collectors; (Situs Address Unavail- ministration office of Financial Recovery-Estate
able at this time) Parcel B of Short Subdivision Recovery; (Situs Address: 2321 Washington
No. 239, recorded August 3,1976, Auditor's File Street Shelton) Lots two (2) and three (3), Block
No. 317503, and being a portion of the Northeast seven (7), Mountain View Addition to Sheiton,
quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest quarter (SW Washington, Volume 2 of Plats, pages 41 and
1/4), Section two (2), Township twentythree (23) 41A, records of Mason County, Washington; ex-
North, Range two (2) West, W.M. Parcel No. cepting therefrom, the Northwesterly 10 feet of
22302 75 90122 TOGETHER WITH and SUB-said Lot two (2) Parcel No. 32018 51 07003 Also
JECT TO an easement for ingress, egress and known as: Mt View Addition BIk: 7 Lots; 2-3 CD
utilities, 60 feet in width, as shown on survey re- #43, 32019-41-00261 $13,211.58 Maxey, Law-
corded July 31, 1975, in Volume 1 of Surveys, ' rence G; Heirs & Devisees of Lawrence G Max-
page 200, Auditor's File No. 304819 and as set ey-Deceased; State of Washington Department
forth in instrument recorded September 16, 1975, of Social & Health Services Financial Services
Auditor's File No. 306445 Also known as: Tr 12.-B Administration office of Financial Recovery; City
of Survey 1/200 TR B of SP #239 Section 2 of Shelton; (Situs Address: 213 W Harvard Ave
Township 23 Range 2. CD #34, 22302-75-90123 Sheiton) All that portion of the Northeast quarter
$6,874.81 Bopp, Kenneth & Tracy; Mason Coun- (NE 1/4) of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of
ty Prosecutor; Dynamic Collectors; (Situs Ad- Section nineteen (19), Township twenty (20)
dress: 571 NE Trudeau Mtn Road Belfair) Parcel North, Range three (3) west, W.M., particulady
C of Short Subdivision No. 239, recorded August described as follows: BEGINNING at a point
3, 1976, Auditor's File No. 317503, and being a South 86015, East 63.40 feet from the Southeast
portion of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the corner of Block"C", Needham and Day's Addition
Southwest quarter (SWl/4), Section two (2), to the City of Shelton, Washington, Volume 1,
Township twentythree (23) North, Range two (2) page 27, records of Mason County, Washington;
West, W.M. Parcel No. 22302 75 90123 TO- thence continue South 86015, East 60 feet;
GETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO an easement thence Northerly, parallel with the West line of
for ingress, egress and utilities, 60 feet in width, said Block "C", 100 feet, more or less, to a point
as shown on survey recorded July 31, 1975, in which is Southedy, parallel with the West line of
Volume 1 of Surveys, page 200, Auditor's File said Block "C" and 105 feet distant from the
No. 304819 and as set forth in instrument record- Southedy line of Harvard Avenue; thence North
ed September 16,1975, Auditor's File No. 82030, West 60 feet; thence Southerly, parallel
306445. Also known as: Tr 12-C of Survey 1/200 with the West line of said Block "C", 104 feet,
TR 12 of SP #239 Section 2 Township 23 Range more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. IN-
2. CD #35, 22336-51-00009 $7,910.41 Meigs, CLUDING a 1974 RANR manufactured home,
Charles W & Dena M; PUD #3; Keybank National 32' x 24', VlN KW1831, TPO/Plate No. @20010,
Association; Lynch Cove Community Club; Lynch as described in Manufactured Home Title Elimi-
Cove Division 1 Water Association; Mason Coun- nation Application recorded January 31, 2000,
ty Sheriff's Office; (Situs Address: 30 NE Bryan Auditor's File No. 1705773. Parcel No. 32019 41
Lane Belfair) Lot nine (9), Lynch Cove on Hood 00261 TOGETHER WITH an easement for road
Canal, Volume 5 of Plats, page 50, records of purposes only over and across a tract of land, 16
Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 22336 feet in width, extending from the Southeast cor-
51 00009 Also known as: Lynch Cove on Hood ner thereof West to the East line of Grant Avenue
Canal Tr 9. CD #37, 31908-31-03010 $1,392.79 as disclosed in instrument recorded August.4,
Sestar, Ginger ET AL; John Williamson; Interest 1972, Auditor's File No. 271726. Also known as:
of if any, Kevin J Seslar; Alaska Cascade Finan- Tr 26-A of NE SE Section 19 Township 20 Range
cial Services Inc.; (Situs Address: Unavailable at 3. CD #45, 32019-52-08003 $13,242.20 Santo-
this time) The West 10 feet of the South 209 feet domingo, Ed Santiago; Charles B & Otha M Ed-
of the East half (E 1/2) of the East half (E 1/2) of wards; City of Shelton; (Situs Address: 721 W
the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest Alder Street Shelton) Lot three (3), Block eight
quarter (SW 1/4) of Section eight (8), Township (8), David Shelton's Second Addition to Shelton,
nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. Washington, Volume 1 of Plats, page 3, records
Parcel No. 31908 31 03010 Also known as W 10' of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 32019
of S 209' of E 1/2 E 1/2 NE SW Section 8 Township 52 08003 Ais0 known as: D Sheltons 2nd Add to