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October 27, 2016 |
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Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-21
Shelton BIk: 8 Lot: 3 CD #46, 32020-50-23903 NW NE $39/57 Section 30 Township 20 Range inson, James F; (Situs Address: Unavailable at GETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO a perpetual,
$5,497.30 A V K Corporation, a Washington Cot- 3. CD #56, 32104-58-00030 $3,441.24 Parmen- this time) Lots ten (10) to fifteen (15), beth inclu- non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress,
poration; (Situs Address: 405 Arcadia Avenue tot, Todd M & Kerri V; NK/A Todd M & Kerri V sive, and Lots seventeen (17) to twentyone (21), drainage and utility purposes, 40 feet in width,
Shelton) Lot one (1) of City of Shelton Short Sub- Parmenter as to an Undivided 99% Interest; In- both inclusive, all in Block twenty (20), Plat of Lil- including in a cul-de-sac with a radius of 50 feet,
division No. 97-71, recorded June 13, 1997, Au- terest of if any- Jimmie E Warren and Marjorie C liwaup Falls, Volume 2 of Plats, page 10, records as described in Short Subdivision No. 2179, re-
ditor's File No. 648039, and being a portion of Warren as to an Undivided 1% interest; Todd & of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 32330 corded April 24, 1992, Auditor's File No. 543156.
Lots one (1) and two (2), Block twentythree (23), Stacie Baumeister; Alderbrook Golf & Yacht 51 22010 Also known as: Lilliwaup BIk: 22 Lots: TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO a perpetu-
Hillcrest Addition to Shelton, Washington, Vol- Club; (Situs Address: 1630 E Manzanita Drive 10-21 NO Lot 16 in BIk 22. CD #62, 32330-51- al, non-exclusive easement for equestrian and
ume 2 of Plats, page 39, records of Mason Coun- Union) All those portions of Lots twentynine (29), 23008 $2,270.48 Robinson, James F; (Situs Ad- walking path purposes, 20 feet in width and 10
ty, Washington. Parcel No. 32020 50 23903 Also thirty (30) and thirtyfour (34), Alderbrook Golf and dress: Unavailable at this time) Lots eight (8) to feet in width, as shown on survey recorded in V01-
known as: Hillcrest Add BIk: 23 Lot: 1 of City SP Yacht Club Estates-Div. Nine, Volume 7 of Plats, twelve (12), beth inclusive, and Lots nineteen ume 15 of Surveys, page 100, Auditor's File No.
#71 CD #47, 32021-50-02002 $1,509.58 Roti, pages 101 to 104, both inclusive, records of Ma- (19) to twentyfour (24), both inclusive, all in Block 517340, and as shown on survey recorded in V01-
Lloyd D; Heirs & Devisees of Lloyd D Roti-De- son County, Washington, lying Northeasterly of a twentythree (23), Plat of Lilliwaup Falls, Volume 2 ume 15 of Surveys, page 150, Auditor's File No.
ceased; Heirs & Devisees of Virginia R Roti-De- line particularly described as follows: COM- of Plats, page 10, records of Mason County, 521559 Also known as: Tr 6-B of Survey 15/100
ceased; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) MENCING at the Northeast corner of said Lot Washington. TOGETHER WITH all that portion of Tr 2 of SP #2179 Section 8 Township 20 Range
Lots two (2) and three (3), Block two (2), Walker twentynine (29); thence North 86041'35" West the South half (S 1/2) of vacated O'Neill Street 4. CD #68, 42017-22-00020 & 30-07296
Park Addition to Shelton, Washington, Volume 3 along the North line thereof, 10.00 feet to the adjoining said Lots eight (8) to twelve (12) on the $9,981.03 Anderson, Charles F; Lorraine Tindall;
of Plats, pages 4 and 4A, records of Mason POINT OF BEGINNING of the line hereby de- North, which attached thereto by operation of law PUD #3; Keybank National Association; Internal
County, Washington. Parcel No. 32021 50 02002 scribed; thence South 16°44'16" East, 157.17 upon its vacation. Parcel No. 32330 51 23008 Revenue Service, Attorney General Department
Also known as: Walker Park Add BIk: 2 Lot: 2-3 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of Susan Also known as: Lilliwaup BIk: 23 Lots: 8-12 & 19: of Justice; Internal Revenue Service Special Pro-
CD #48, 32021-55-02012 $3,433.95 Kelley, Pat- Court, as shown on said plat, and the terminus of 24 & Vac O'Neillst Adj; CD #03, 32330-51-58002 cedures; United States Attorney General West-
rick A; A/K/A Patrick A Kelley SR; Heirs & Devi- the herein described line; EXCEPTING there- $1,593.55 Robinson, James F; (Situs Address: ern District of Washington; State of Washington
sees of Patrick A Kelley SR-Deceased; Shorec- from, all that portion of said Lot thirtyfour (34), Unavailable at this time) All of. the "Reserves" Department of Labor and Industries; Contractors
rest Beach Club Inc.; Shorecrest Water Compa- which lies Easterly of a line particularly described West of Lilliwaup Avenue, Plat of Lilliwaup Falls, Bonding and Insurance Company; Equable As-
ny; Patricia L Miller- Hemandez, Personal Repro- as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast cor- Volume 2 of Plats, page 10, records of Mason cent Financial LLC; Discover Bank; (Situs Ad-
sentative for Patrick Kelley-Deceased; (Situs Ad- nor of said Lot thirty (30); thence South 03°18'25" County, Washington, EXCEPT the "Hotel Re- dress: 7120 W Shelton -Matlock Road Shelton)
dress: 60 E Ashwood LN Shelton) Lots twelve West along the East line thereof, 100 feet to the serve", EXCEPT the "Reserve" sold to John C. A tract of land in the North half (N 1/2) of the
(12) and thirteen (13), Block two (2), Shorecrest POINT OF BEGINNING of the line hereby de- Hays and Norvaiene Hays, husband and wife, in Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of Section seventeen
Terrace 2rid Addition, Volume 5 of Plats, page scribed; thence South 10°14'45"West, 80.32 feet Real Estate Contract recorded under Auditor's (17), Township twenty (20)North, Range four (4)
83, records of Mason County, Washington. Par- to the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Susan File No. 347413, and EXCEPTING therefrom all West, W.M., particularly described as follows:
col No. 32021 55 02012 Also known as: Shorec- Court and the terminus of the herein described that portion thereof which lies within a tract of COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said
rest Terrace 2nd Add BIk: 2 Lot: 12 S 40' DPC line. Said land being also known and described land particularly described as follows: COM- Section seventeen (17); thence South 38 de-
#09-29 CD #49, 32021-55-02027 $2,314.90 as the resulting Parcel 3 of Boundary Line Adjust- MENCING at the Southwest corner of Govern- grees 28'17" East, 1105.80 feet, to the POINT OF
Eatinger, Joel; Shorecrest Beach Club Inc.; Sho- ment No. 02-51, recorded August 26, 2002, Audi- ment Lot eight (8), Section thirty (30), Township BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby de-
recrest Estates Water Company; (Situs Address: tor's File No. 1762481. Parcel No. "32104 58 twentythree (23) North, Range three (3) West, scribed, said point being on the Southerly right-
50 E HammOnd Place Sheiton) Lot twentyseven 00030 TOGETHER WITH an easement of pas- W.M.; thence North 88009'39" East, along the of-way line of the Peninsular Railway Company's
(27), Block two (2), Shorecrest Terrace 2nd Ad- sage for the sole purpose of inspection of drain- South line of said Government Lot eight (8), (now Simpson Lumber Company's) railroad right-
dition, Volume 5 of Plats, page 83, records of Ma- age facilities, as granted in instrument recorded 796.65 feet; thence North 1°50'21" West, 32.93 of-way, as excepted from deed recorded Decem-
son County, Washington. Parcel No. 32021 55 April 4, 2007, Auditor's File No. 1893142 Also feet, to a point near the centerline of the "existing" her 19, 1940, Auditor's File No. 95824, and 25.00
02027 Also known as: Shorecrest Terrace 2rid known as: Alderbrook G & Y #9 Tr 30 & Ptns of read, as it existed on March 15, 1988, and the feet from the centerline of the rail line as it existed
Add BIk: 2 Lot: 27 CD #50, 32021-56-02003 29 & 34 PCL 3 of BLA #02-51 Section 4 Town- POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land here- on Maroh 9, 1966 as measured at a right angle to
$1,813.06 McGill, Alex B; Alex B McGill D/B/A ship21 Range& CD#57, 32134-13-90120 & 30- by described; thence North 69o30'47" West, said centerline; thence South 16 degrees 10'00"
AM Construction; Richard H Leffler; Heirs & Devi- 07152, 30-03942, 30-01160 $1,552.22 McDow- along said road,320.00 feet; thence North 19028, West, 488.06 feet, more or less, to the Northerly
sees of Sandra Jo Loftier- Deceased; Shorecrest ell, Robert; U.S.A. Bonneville Power Administra- East, 653 feet, more or less, to the Southerly line right-of-way line of Shelton Matlock Road, Coun-
Beach Club Inc.; Shorecrest Estates Water Com- tion; Mason County PUD #3; State of Washing- of the Waterway Reserve as shown on the Plat of ty Road No. 90100, as it existed on March 9,
pany; Internal Revenue Service, Attorney Gen- ton; (Situs Address: 470 E Mikkelsen Road Shel- Lilliwaup Falls, Volume 2 of Plats, page 10, re- 1966; thence South 88 degree 24'35" East, along
eral Department of Justice; Internal Revenue ton) Tract C of Short Subdivision No. 784, record- cords of Mason County, Washington; thence said Northerly right-of-way line, 414.12 feet, more
Service Special Procedures; United States Attor- ed April 14, 1980, Auditor's File No. 375338, and Easterly, along said Southerly line, 330 feet, or less, to a intersection with the South line of
ney General Western District of Washington; (Si- being a portion of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) more or less, to the Easterly line of Cable Avenue said North half (N 1/2) of the Northwest quarter
tus Address: Unavailable at this time) Lot three of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section thir- in said plat, at a point which bears North 19028' (NW 1/4); thence South 89 degrees 48'56" East,
(3), Block two (2), Shorecrest Terrace Third Addi- tyfour (34), Township twentyone (21) North, East from the point of beginning; thence South along said South line, 467.09 feet, to an intersec-
tion, Volume 5 of Plats, pages 92 and 93, records Range three (3) West, W.M. Together with a 19°28' West, 744 feet, more or less, to the POINT tion with said Southerly right-of-way line of the
of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 32021 195! Spartin Mansion Mobile Home 8/30 Serial OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING from all of the Peninsular Railway Company's (now Simpson
56 02003 Also known as: Shorecrest Terrace 3rd Number Unknown Together with a 1968 Buddy foregoing, right-of-way for U.S. Highway 101. Lumber Company's) railroad right-of-way; thence
Add BIk: 2 Lot 3 CD #51, 32021-56-02030 Mobile Home 12/60 Serial #816098 Together Also known as: Lilliwaup Falls-Other Reserves W North 57 degrees 10'30" West, along said South-
$1,813.06 Williams, Elmore Jr; Shorecrest Beach with a 1967 Nashua Mobile Home 10/47 Serial of Lilliwaup Ave EX Hotel Reserve. Section 30 erly right-of-way line, 886.75 feet, more or less, to
Club Inc.; Shorecrest Estates Water Company; Number Unknown Parcel No. 32134 13 90120 - Township 23 Range 3. CD #64, 41901-75-90100 the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING there-
(Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) Lot thirty 30-07152, 30 03942, 30-01160. Also known as: & 30-11016 $5,815.11 Padgett, Mark D & Nine D; from right-of-way for Shelton Matlock Road,
(30), Block two (2), Shorecrest Terrace Third Ad- Tr 12 of SW NE TR C of SP #764 See Survey PUD #3; .Albert C LeGault; First Resolution In- County Road No. 90100. Together with a 1967
dition, Volume 5 of Plats, pages 92 and 93, re- 8/32 Section 34 Township 21 Range 3. CD #58, vestment Corporation; Dynamic Collectors; Cody 24/60 Mobile Home- Make Unknown TPO
cords of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 32134-13-90140 $3,968.63 Smith, Aaron & Ch- Barden Daniels & Palo inc.; Internal Revenue #18394. Parcel No. 42017 22 00020 & 30 07296
32021 56 02030 Also known as: Shorecrest Ter- antel; State of Washington Department of Social Service, Attorney General; Internal Revenue Ser- TOGETHER WITH "one-third of the water rights
race 3rd Add BIk: 2 Lot: 30. CD #52, 32021-56- & Health Services Division of Child Support; vice Special Procedures; United States Attorney granted under Certificate and Appropriation Per-
05043 $3,592.57 McGill, Alex B; Alex B McGill State of Washington; (Situs Address: 111 E General Western District of Washington; (Situs mit No. 8686, recorded in Volume 170, page 274,
D/B/A AM Construction; Claudia Andrews; Sho- Greenview Lane Shelton) Tract B of Short Subdi- Address: 301 W Bear Trap Blvd Shelton) Tract D Auditor's File No. 163651", as granted in instru-
recrest Beach Club Inc.; Shorecrest Estates Wa- vision No. 764, recorded April 14, 1980, Auditor's of Short Subdivision No. 903, recorded July 10, ment recorded April 20, 1966, Auditor's File No.
ter Company; Internal Revenue Service, Attorney File No. 375338, and being a portion of the 1980, Auditor's File No. 378729, and being a por- 218111. Also known as: Tr 2 of N V2 NW Section
General Department of Justice; Internal Revenue Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northeast tion of the North half (N 1/2) of the Northwest 17 Township 20 Range 4. CD #69, 42018-13-
Service Special Procedures; United States Attor- quarter (NE 1/4) of Section thirtyfour (34), Town- quarter (NW 1/4) of Section one (1), Township 00020 & 30-07307 $7,967.17 Puderbaugh, Che-
hey General Western District of Washington; (Si- ship twentyone (21) North, Range three (3) West, nineteen (19) North, Range four (4), West, W.M. rio I; NK/A Cherie I Tibbits; Wilmington Savings
tus Address: 120 E Olympic Place Shelton) Lot W.M. Parcel No. 32134 13 90140 TOGETHER Together with a 1978 Barrington Mobile Home Fund Society FSB, DBA Christina Trust Trustee
fortythree (43), Block five (5), Shorecrest Terrace WITH and SUBJECT TO an easement for road 14/66 Serial Number Unknown Parcel No. 41901 for the Ventures Trust 2013-I-H-R; (Situs Ad-
Third Addition, Volume 5 of Plats, pages 92 and and utility purposes, 20 feet in width, "over, under 75 90100 & 30-11016 TOGETHER WITH anddress: 91 W Highland Road-Shelton) The North
93, records of Mason County, Washington. Par- and across the existing dirt road along the South- SUBJECT TO an easement for road, utility and half (N 1/2) of the West half (W 1/2) of the West
col No. 32021 56 05043 Also known as: Shorec- erly portion", as described in Short Subdivision maintenance purposes, 60 feet in width, as set half (W 1/2) of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of
rest Terrace 3rd Add BIk: 5 Lot: 43 CD #53, No. 784, recorded April 14, 1980, Auditor's File forth on survey recorded April 19, 1979, in Vol- the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section eigb-
32021-58-04027 $1,706.98 Sharp, Douglas L; No. 375338. TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive ume 5 of Surveys, page 15, Auditor's File No. teen (18), Township twenty (20) North, Range
Shorecrest Beach Club Inc.; Shorecrest Estates easement for ingress, egress and utilities, 15 feet 359763. Also known as: Lot: D of SP #903 Ptn Tr four (4) West, W.M.; excepting therefrom the
Water Company; (Situs Address: Unavailable at in width, as reserved in instrument recorded Sep- 10 of S 4/105 Section 1 Township 19 Range 4. South 219.30 feet thereof; excepting therefrom
this time) Lot twentyseven (27), Block four (4), tember 19, 1980, Auditor's File No. 381447, and CD #67, 42008-77-90062 & 30-09291 $9,016.88 right-of-way for Shelton-Matlock Road, County
Shorecrest Beach Estates First Addition, Volume as granted in instrument recorded September 29, Red, Donnie L Jr & Lisa A; Green Tree Financial Road No. 90100; and excepting therefrom right-
5 of Plats, page 117, records of Mason County, 1980, Auditor's File No. 381777. TOGETHER Servicing Corporation; Island West Associates; of-way for Highland Road, County Road No.
Washington. Parcel No. 32021 58 04027 Also WITH a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for Dayton Trail Association; (Situs Address: 51 W 04450. INCLUDING a 1983 RIDGW manufac-
known as: Shorecrest Beach Estates Lot: 27 BIk: the operation, maintenance, repair and possible Westwynd Lane West Shelton) Lot two (2) of tured home, 14' x 70', VIN 09L19040, as de-
4. CD #54, 32021-58-04052 $1,706.98 Lear, future upgrade and/or replacement of a water Short Subdivision No. 2179, recorded April 24, scribed in Manufactured Home Title Elimination
Daniel & Jeanne; Shorecrest Beach Club Inc.; system, as granted in instrument recorded Sep- 1992, Auditor's File No. 543156, and being a por- recorded April 6, 1993, Auditor's File No. 562572.
Shorecrest Estates Water Company; (Situs Ad- tember 25, 1996, Auditor's File No. 634736. Also tion of the North half (N 1/2) of the Northeast Parcel No. 42018 13 00020 and Manufactured
dress: Unavailable at this time) Lot fiftytwo (52), known as: Tr 14 of SW NE Tr B of SP #784 Sur- quarter (NE 1/4) of Section eight (8), Township Home Parcel No. 30 07307 Also known as: Tr 2
Block four (4), Shorecrest Beach Estates First vey 8/32 Section 34 Township 21 Range 3. CD twenty (20) North, Range four (4) West, W.M. IN- of SW NE Section 18 Township 20 Range 4. CD
Addition, Volume 5 of Plats, page 117, records of #59, 32214-51-05023 $2,100.27 Knutsen, Robert CLUDING a 1998 Skyline manufactured home, #70, 42111-44-00010 $2,347.22 Rapleje, Susie
Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 32021 F & Gertrude P Succesors to L Presley Gill-De- 48' x 28', VIN 2191-0921-KAB, as described in Et All Kathleen Stevens; Mrs John M Mason; In-
58 04052 Also known as: Shorecrest Beach Es- ceased; Heirs & Devisees of L Presley Gill-De- Manufactured Home Title Elimination recorded terest of if any, John M Mason; (Situs Address:
tates #1 BIk: 4 Lot: 52. CD #55, 32030-12-00082 ceased; PUD #3; Maggie Lake Community Club; July 19, 1998, Auditor's File No. 671251. Parcel Unavailable at this time) The South half (S 1/2) of
$7,459.93 Boag, Randy L & Katherine A; (Situs Maggie Lake Water District; Maggie Lake Mainte- No. 42008 77 90062 and Manufactured Home Indian Lot 18, Section eleven (11), Township
Address: Unavailable at this time) A tract of land nance Corporation; (Situs Address: 251 E Ma- Parcel No. 30 09291 TOGETHER WITH a per- twentyone (21) North, Range four (4) West, W.M.
in the North half (N 1/2) of the Northwest quarter drone Ave Belfair) Lot twentythree (23), Block petuai, non-exclusive easement for ingress, Parcel No. 42111 44 00010 Also known as: S 1/2
(NW 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of five (5), Maggie Lake Addition No.2, Volume 5 of egress, drainage and utilities, 60 feet in width, Ind Lot 18. CD #71,42118-11-00090 & 30-00029
Section thirty (30), Township twenty (20) North, Plats, pages 38, 39 and 40, records of Mason with additional widths for turns at angle points, $3,907.96 Pharris, James; (Situs Address: 3340
Range three (3) West, W.M., particularly de- County, Washington. Parcel No. 32214 51 05023 and including cul-desacs with radii of 50 feet, all W Skokomish Valley Road) Parcel 1 : The South
scribed as follows: COMMENCING at the South- Also known as: Maggie Lake Add #2 BIk: 5 Lot: as shown on survey recorded in Volume 15 of 185 feet of the West 100 feet of the East one-half
west corner of said North half (N 1/2) of the 23 CD #60, 32330-51-20012 $2,130.89 Robin- Surveys, page 100, Auditor's File No. 517340, (E 1/2) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the
Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast son, James F; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this excepting therefrom that portion thereof which Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section eighteen
quarter (NE 1/4); thence Easterly along the South time) Lots twelve (12) to fifteen (15), both inclu- lies Easterly of the Westerly 30 feet of the South (18), Township twentyone (21) North,Range four
line thereof, 445.5 feet; thence North 32° West, sive, Block twenty (20), Plat of Lilliwaup Falls, half (S 1/2) of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/2) of (4) West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington.
121.6 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the Volume 2 of Plats, page 10, records of Mason the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Parcel 2: A tract of land in the East one-half (E
tract of land hereby described; thence North County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH all that quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section eight (8). TO- 1/2) of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of the
65030, East, 230 feet; thence North 32° West 40 portion of the South half (S 1/2) of vacated Helen GETHER WITH a perpetual, non-exclusive ease- Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section eighteen
feet; thence South 65o30' West, 230 feet to the Street adjoining said Lots on the North, which at- ment for ingress, egress and utilities, 60 feet in (18), Township twentyone (21) North, Range four
Easterly right-of-way line of Delanty Road; thence tached thereto by operation of law upon its vaca- width, as described on survey recorded in Vol- (4) West, W.M.,in Mason County, Washington,
South 32° East along said Easterly right-of-way tion. Parcel No. 32330 51 20012 Also known as: ume 15 of Surveys, page 100, Auditor's File No. particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at
line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel No. Lilliwaup BIk: 20 Lots 12-15 & Vacated Helen 517340, and as granted in instrument recorded the Northwest corner of the East one-half (E 1/2)
32030 12 00082 Also known as: Tr 20-B of N 1/2 Street. CD #61, 32330-51-22010 $2,326.20 Rob- October 24, 1990, Auditor's File No. 517343. TO- of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of the North-