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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 27, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page B-22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES east quarter (NE 1/4), said Section, Township dress: 50 N Bass Place Hoodsporf) A Leasehold W.M. Parcel No. 52009 22 90011 TOGETHER 90022, 32133-40-90023, and 32133-40-90024) and Range; thence South along the West lineof Estate Interest in and to: Lots twentynine (29) WITH a non-exclusive, perpetual walkway ease- from Rural Residential 20 to Rural Commercial said East one-haft (E 1/2) of the Southeast quar- and thirty (30), Lake Cushman No. 16, Volume 9 ment, as described in-instrument recorded Janu- 2. If you have questions, please contact Bar- ter (SE 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4), of Plats, pages 73 to 77, both inclusive, records ary 19, 2005, Auditor's File No. 1829042, and as bara Adkins (360) 427-9670, Ext. 286. If special 140 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the of Mason County, Washington. Together with a may be revised in instrument recorded April 5, accommodations are needed, please contact County Road as now located; thence Easterly, 1976 Kentwood Mobile Home 14/48 Serial Num- 2006, Auditor's File No. 1864484. TOGETHER the Commissioners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. alongsaid centerline of the County Road, 175 ber Unknown. Parcel No. 42216 53 00029 & 50 WITH the exclusive right to dock vessels on a DATED this 18th day of October, 2016 BOARD feet; thence North 118 feet to the North line of 00903 Also known as: Lake Cushman #16 Tr 29 dock, as described in instrument recorded Janu- OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON said East one-half (E 1/2) of the Southeast quar- & 30. CD #76, 42329-50-00086 $3,031.38 Mar- ary 19, 2005, Auditor's File No. 1829042, and as COUNTY, WASHINGTON Julie Almanzor, ter (SE 1/4) of the Northeastquarter (NE 1/4); tin, Cheryl A Et AI; Cecelia Martin; A/K/A Cecelia may be revised in instrument recorded April 5, Clerk of the Board thence West,along said North line, t75 feet, more Alice Martin Thygeson; Lake Cushman Mainte- 2006, Auditor's File No. 1864484. TOGETHER 9034 October 27, November 3 2t or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Parcel 3: nance Company; Lake Cushman Company; City WITH mutual non-exclusive use of the surface of A tract of land in the East one-half (E 1/2) of the of Tacoma; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this a dock for swimming, fishing and other recre- PUBLIC NOTICE Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast quar- time) A Leasehold Estate Interest in and to: Lot ational purposes, as disclosed in instrument re- RESOLUTION NO. 71-16 ter (NE 1/4) of Section eighteen (18), Township eightysix (86), Lake Cushman No.l, Volume 6 of corded January 19, 2005, Auditor's File No. 2016 BUDGET BUDGET TRANSFER AND twentyone (21) North, Range four (4) West, Plats, pages 60 to 63, both inclusive, records of 1829042, and as may be revised in instrument SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION NO- W.M.,in Mason County, Washington, particularly Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 42329 recorded April 5, 2006, Auditor's File No. TICE OF HEARING WHEREAS, by reason of described as follows: COMMENCING at the 50 00086 Also known as: Lake Cushman #1 Tr 1864484. Also known as: Tr 1-A of Govt Lot 2 & conditions which could not be reasonably fore- Southwest corner of said East one-half (E 1/2) of 86. CD #77, 42329-50-00255 $2,495.69 Nielsen, Tax 1409 & Tr 4 of Govt Lot 1 of Sec 8 Lot: 1 of seen at the time of making the budget for the the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Mark; Lake Cushman Maintenance Company; SP#1811 Section 9 Township 20 Range 5. CD year 2016, it is necessary to make provision for quarter (NE 1/4); thence East, along the South Lake Cushman Company; City of Tacoma; Inter- #83, 61902-50-00003 $1,585.61 Hensley, Frank Budget Transfers to the budget as required by line thereof, 100 feet to the POINTOF BEGIN- nal Revenue Service Attorney General Depart- M Et Ux; Marlyce A Hansen; R Utilities Co. D/B/A RCW 36.40.100, and RCW 36.40.195 for the NING of the tract of land hereby described; ment of Justice;. Internal Revenue Service Spe- Ripplewood Utilities; (Situs Address: Unavailable following: Supplemental Requests: Increase thence continue East, along said South line, 75 cial Procedures; United States Attorney General at this time) Lot three (3), Ripplewood Tracts, Revenues $300,000- and Expenses $300,000 feet; thence North, parallel with the West line of Western District of Washington; (Situs Address: Volume 6 of Plats, pages 164, 165 and 166, re- for 911 Enhanced Communication to reflect said East one-half (E 1/2) of the Northeastquarter 260 N Dow Mountain Drive Hoodsport) A Lease- cords of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. true revenue collection and payments to MACE- (NE 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) 185 hold Estate Interest in and to: Lot two hundred 61902 50 00003 Also known as: Ripplewood COM. Increase Veterans beginning fund balance feet; thence West, parallel with the South line of fiftyfive (255), Lake Cushman No.l, Volume 6 of Tracts Tr 3. CD #84, 61902-51-00005 $1,585.61 $210,000 to transfer $50,000 to Mental Health said East one-half (E 1/2) of the Northeast quar- Plats, pages 60 to 63, both inclusive, records of Hensley, Frank M Et Ux; Marlyce A Hansen; R and $50,000 to Community Support Service. ter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4), 75 Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 42329 Utilities Co. D/B/A Ripplewood Utilities; (Situs Ad- Transfer $50,000 from Veterans beginning fund feet; thence South, parallel with said West line of 50 00255 Also known as: Lake Cushman #1 Tr dress: Unavailable at this time) Lot five (5), Rip- balance to Veterans Homeless Prevention. the East onehalf (E 1/2) of the Northeast quarter 255. CD #78, 51917-52-00121 $1,953.95 Wilson, plewood Tracts Replat, Volume 8 of Plats, pages Budget Transfers: (NE 1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4)185 Chris W; James B Seals; Interest of if any-Kath- 55, 56 and 57, records of Mason County, Wash- $27,666 to Public Health feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together with ryn M Seals; Lake Cushman Maintenance; Lake ington. Parcel No. 61902 51 00005 Also known $ 3,336 to Law Library a 1976 Freedom Mobile Home 24/48 Serial Cushman Company; City of Tacoma; Lake Ar- as: Ripplewood Tracts Replat Tr 5. CD #85, $27,989to Treasurer's M&O #8910670J As to Parcels 1, 2 and 3: Parcel No. rowhead Community Club; (Situs Address: Un- 61902-51-00006 $1,585.61 Hensley, Frank M Et $21,003 to Solid Waste 42118 11 00090 and 30 00029 Also known as: Tr available at this time) Lot one hundred twentyone Ux; Marlyce A Hansen; R Utilities Co. D/B/A Rip- $15,368 to North Bay/Case Inlet 9 of E 1/2 NE Section 18 Township 21 Range 4. (121), Lake Arrowhead Division No. Three (3), plewood Utilities; (Situs Address: Unavailable at $ 3,586 to Rustlewood Sewer & Water CD #72, 42123-76-00170 $6,309.83 Dupont, Mi- Volume 6 of Plats, pages 138 and 139, records of this time) Lot six (6), Ripplewood Tracts Replat, $6,147 to Beard's Cove chael; Jim Hogg; Thunder Ridge Owners Asso- Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 51917 Volume 8 of Plats, pages 55, 56 and 57, records $5,123 to Belfair Sewer ciation; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) 52 00121. Also known as: Lake Arrowhead #3 of Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 61902 To Fund above from Equipment Rental & A tract of land in the North half (N 1/2) of the Tract 121. CD #79, 51917-54-00056 $1,571.50 51 00006 Also known as: Ripplewood Tracts Re- Revolving Ending Fund Balance $110,217 Southwest quarter (SW 1/4), and in the South Federico, Lou; Lake Arrowhead Community plat Tr 6. CD #86, 61902-51-00009 $1,585.61 $1,000,000 from Garbage/Solid Waste Fee half (S 1/2) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4), all Club; Helen M Duzell; (Situs Address: Unavail- Hensley, Frank M Et Ux; Marlyce A Hansen; R Charges to; Longhaul Solid Waste Disposal in Section twentythree (23), Township twentyone able at this time) Lots fiftysix (56), Lake Arrow- Utilities Co. D/B/A Ripplewood Utilities; (Situs Ad- $250,000 and $750,000 to Landfill Ending (21) North, Range four (4) West, W.M., particu- head Division Five, Volume 6 of Plats, pages 180 dress: Unavailable at this time) Lot nine (9), Rip- Fund Balance $245,800 from Landfill Ending lady described as follows: COMMENCING at the and 181, records of Mason County, Washington. plewood Tracts Replat, Volume 8 of Plats, pages Fund Balance to Miscellaneous Contracted Southwest corner of said North half (N 1/2) of the Parcel No. 51917 54 00056 Also known as: Lake 55, 56 and 57, records of Mason County, Wash- Professional Services $78,000, Inter-fund Southwest quarter (SW 1/4); thence North Arrowhead #5 Tract 56. CD #80, 51917-56- ington. Parcel No. 61902 51 00009 Also known Professional Services$2,800 and Machin- 1°23'47" East, along the West line of said subdivi- 00005 $1,571.50 Stone, Verna D; Lake Arrow- as: Ripplewood Tracts Replat Tr 9. CD #87, ery & Equipment $165,000 $50,000 from sion, 875.83 feet; thence North 88°48'01" East, head Community Club; (Situs Address: Unavail- 61902-51-00021 $1,585.61 Hensley, Frank M Et Skokomish Flood Zone Ending Fund Balance 731.25 feet; thence South 1 °23'46" West 30.03 able at this time) Lots five (5), Lake Arrowhead Ux; Marlyce A Hansen; R Utilities Co. D/B/A Rip- to Professional Services THEREFORE, BE IT feet; thence North 88°48'01" East 27.37 feet; Division Seven, Volume 7 of Plats, pages 38 and plewood Utilities; (Situs Address: Unavailable at RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County thence along a curve to the !eft having a radius of 39, records of Mason County, Washington. Par- this time) Lot twentyone (21), Ripplewood Tracts Gommissioners: That the 8t day of Novem- 240.00 feet, through a central angle of 5o33'20" cel No. 51917 56 00005 Also known as: Lake Ar- Replat, Volume 8 of Plats, pages 55, 56 and 57, ber, 2016 at the hour of 9:30 a.m. In the for an arc length of 23.27 feet to the POINT OF rowhead #7 Tract 5. CD #81, 52001-75-00210 & records of Mason County, Washington. Parcel Mason County Commissioners Chambers in BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby de- 30-00625 $4,5.60.70 CSN Investments LLC, a No. 61902 51 00021 Also known as: Ripplewood Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, scribed; thence continuing along said curve to the Limited Liability Company; PUD #3; Hanks Lake Tracts Replat Tr 21. CD #88, 61902-51-00023 Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the left through a central angle of 66°05'51" for an arc Owners Association; (Situs Address: 2001 W $1,585.61 Hensley, Frank M Et Ux; Marlyce A time and place for a public hearing upon the length of 280.08 feet; thence South 87o40'46" Hanks Lake Road Shelton) A tract of land lying in Hansen; R Utilities Co. D/B/A Ripplewood Utili- matter of Budget Transfers to the 2016 Bud- East 38.03 feet; thence North 1°31'19" East the East half (E 1/2) of the Northwest quarter ties; (Situs Address: Unavailable at this time) Lot get as follows: Equipment Rental & Revolving 907.74 feet; thence North 88°28'41" West 30.00 (NW 1/4) of Section one (1), Township twenty twentythree (23), Ripplewood Tracts Replat, Vol- Ending Fund Balance -- $110,217; to Public feet; thence along a curve to the left the radius (20) North, Range five (5) West, W.M., in Mason ume 8 of Plats, pages 55, 56 and 57, records of Health $27,666, Law Library $3,336, Trea- point of which lies North 88°28'41" West 225.00 County, Washington, particularly described as Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 61902 surer's M&O $27,989, Solid Waste $21,003, feet, through a central angle of 46°44'39" for an follows: COMMENCING at a brass monument 51 00023 Also known as: Ripplewood Tracts Re- North Bay/Case Inlet $15,368, Rustlewood arc length of 183.56 feet to a point of reverse cur- marking the Southeast corner of said Northwest plat Tr 23. CD #89, 61902-51-00024 $1,585.61 Sewer & Water $3,586, Beard's Cove $6,147 vature; thence along a curve to the right with a quarter (NW 1/4) of Section one (1); thence North Hensley, Frank M Et Ux; Marlyce A Hansen; R-~ and Belfair Sewer $5,123. Budget Transfer central angle of 20°26'22", having a radius of 0°18'39" West along the East line of said North- Utilities Co. D/B/A Ripplewood Utilities; (Situs Ad- from Garbage/Solid Waste Fee Charges to; 225.00 feet for an arc length of 80.27 feet; thence west quarter (NW 1/4) of Section one (1) a dis- dress: Unavailable at this time) Lot twentyfour Longhaul Solid Waste Disposat $250,000 South 73°27'58" West 208.14 feet; thence South tance of 658.5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING (24), Ripplewood Tracts Replat, Volume 8 of and Landfill Ending Fund Balance $750,000. 16o32'02" East 350.95 feet; thence South of the tract of land hereby described; thence con- Plats, pages 55, 56 and 57, records of Mason Budget Transfer from Landfill Ending Fund l°23'46" West 913.01 feet to the POINT OF BE- tinuing North 0°18'39" West 820 feet; thence County, Washington. Parcel No. 61902 51 00024 Balance $245,800 to Miscellaneous Contract- GINNING. Said land being also known and de- South 34°11'43" West 1006.06 feet; thence North Also known as: Ripplewood Tracts Replat Tr 24. ed Professional Services $78,000, Inter-fund scribed as Tract 17 of survey recorded May 17, 88°46'43" East 570 feet, to the POINT OF BE- CD #90, 61930-51-00101 $1,480.26 United Equi- Professional Services $2,800 and Machinery 1990, in Volume 15 of Surveys, page 7, Auditor's GINNING. Said land being also known and de- ties Corporation Successor by Merger to Ameri- and Equipment $165,000. Budget Transfer File No. 508914. Parcel No. 42123 76 00170 TO- scribed as Tract 21 of survey recorded in Volume can Triad Corporation an Inactive Washington from Skokomish Flood Zone Ending Fund GETHER WITH a permanent easement for road 1 of Surveys, page 132, Auditor's File No. Corporation & Richter Charles V & Marjorie; In- Balance $50,000 to Professional Services purposes, 60 feet in width, 30 feet on each side of 296116. INCLUDING a 1977 Peerless manufac- terest of if any, John W Tweet; River Haven Rec- The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized, the centerline of a road or roads as shown on tured home, 60' x 14', VIKN L09D10402, TPO/ reation; (Situs Address: 20 W Alder Place Elma) empowered, and directed to cause notice of sketch, as granted in instrument recorded De- Plate No. @89536, as described in Manufactured Lot one hundred one (101), River Haven, Volume such hearing to be published as provided by cember 18,1974, Auditor's File No. 295681. TO- Home Title Elimination recorded August 20, 6 of Plats, pages 167, 168 and 169, records of law. GETHER WITH a non-exclusive easement for 1997, Auditor's File No. 651686. Parcel No. Mason County, Washington. Parcel No. 61930 Julie Almanzor, Clerk of the Board road and utility purposes, 60 feet in width, as de- 52001 75 00210 and Manufactured Home Parcel 51 00101 Also known as: River Haven Tr 101. 9032 October 27, November 3 2t scribed in instrument recorded June 1, 1978, Au- No. 30 00625 TOGETHER WITH a perpetual 9037 October 27 It ditor's File No. 345244 and rerecorded August 6, easement for ingress, egress and utilities, 60 feet PUBLIC NOTICE 1979 Auditor's File No. 365036.. TOGETHER in width, as described in instrument recorded July PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING WITH and SUBJECT TO a perpetual, non-exclu- 29, 1970, Auditor's File No. 252737. TOGETHER Mason County Fire District #9 will hold SPEED LIMITS sive easement for ingress, egress, drainage and WITH an easement for ingress, egress and utili- a Special Meeting to review and make NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board utility purposes, 60 feet in width, including cul-de- ties, as set forth in EASEMENT & RIGHT-OF- changes to their 2017 Budget. The Special of Mason County Commissioners will hold sacs having radii of 50 feet, as shown on survey WAY AGREEMENT recorded July 31,1974, Au- Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Novem- two public hearings on Tuesday, November recorded May 17, 1990, in Volume 15 of Surveys, ditor's File No. 291624. TOGETHER WITH and ber 1, 2016, 3:00 PM at Station 9-1 located 22, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioners page 7, Auditor's File No. 508914. TOGETHER SUBJECT TO a perpetual, non-exclusive ease- at 2320 W Skokomish Valley Road, Shel- Chambers located in Courthouse Building 1, WITH a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ment for ingress, egress and utilities, 60 feet in ton, WA 98584. Date: Tuesday, November 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584, ingress, egress and utility purposes, 60 feet in width, as is "now constructed and in use", as set 1, 2016 Time: 3:00 PM Purpose: Reviewto consider changing the speed on the follow- width, as shown on survey recorded September forth in DECLARATION OF EASEMENTSAND and Make Changes to 2017 Budget Loca-ing Mason County road. COUNTY EXISTING 16, 1988, in Volume 13 of Surveys, page 153, RESERVATIONS OFCAROLE R. MUTH record-tion: Station 9-1, 2320 W Skokomish Val- RECOMMENDED APPROX. ROAD SPEED Auditor's File No. 485727. TOGETHER WITH an ed January 3 1975 Auditor's File No. 296117 and ley Road, Shelton, WA 98584 This meeting SPEED M.P. -- M.P. Plantation Way N/P 20 easement for ingress, egress and utility purpos- SUPPLEMENTAL TO DECLARATION OF is open to anyone interested in attending. 0.20-0.56 Traffic investigations have been pre- es, 60 feet in width, as shown on survey recorded EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS recorded Please email for more pared and all related material reviewed by the September 12, 1986, in Volume 12 of Surveys, November 2,1978, Auditor's File No. 352895. information. Board and found appropriate for further pro- pages 24, 25 and 26, Auditor's File No. 457515, Also known as: Tr 21 of Survey 1/132 Section 1 9035 October 27 It ceedings. Citizens of Mason County are invited and as may be amended in part in Easement Re- Township 20 Range 5. CD #82, 52009-22-90011 to attend said hearing. For questions contact location Agreement recorded March 27, 1996, $13,492.96 Roadslesstraveled LLC, a Nevada PUBLIC NOTICE the Public Works Department, 360-427-9670, Auditor's File No. 624239 Also known as: Tr 17 of Limited Liability Company; Nahwatzel Holdings NOTICE OF HEARING Ext. 450; Belfair 275-4467; Elma 482-5269, Surv 15/7 Section 23 Township 21 Range 4. CD Inc.; Timberland Bank Contract Collections; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Boardor if special accommodations are needed, #75, 42216-53-00029 & 50-00903 $26,108.31 Douglas C Lewis; (Situs Address: 12900 W Shel- of Mason County Commissioners will hold contact the Commissioners' office Ext. 419. Wooddell, Patricia S; Heirs & Devisees of Patricia ton-Matlock Road Shelton) Lot one (1) of Short a public hearing at the Mason County Court- DATED this 18th day of October, 2016. DE- S WooddelI-Deceased; Lake Cushman Mainte- Subdivision No. 1811, recorded October 4, 1988, house Building I, Commission Chambers, 411 PARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MASON nance Company; Lake Cushman Company; City Auditor's File No. 486304, and being a portion of North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tues- COUNTY, WASHINGTON Julie Almanzor, of Tacoma; Citibank South Dakota NA; State of Government Lot one (1), Section eight (8), and of day, November 22, 2016 at 6:3o P.M. SAID Clerk of the Board Washington Department of Social & Health Ser- Government Lot two (2), Section nine (9), all in HEARING will be to consider the rezoning of 9031 October 27, November 3 2t vices Office of Financial Recovery; (Situs Ad- Township twenty (20)North, Range five (5)West, three vacant-undeveloped parcels (32133-40-