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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 27, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Thursday, Oct. 27, 20i6 - She/ton-Mason County Journal - Page B-23 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE 328.24 feet; N66°15'29"E, 202.91 feet; Range 4 West, W.M.; thence leaving said right appeal to the IBIA at the following address: Inte- PUBLIC NOTICE TO ACQUIRE LAND INTO N51 °21 '01"E, 158.55 feet; N60°46'27"E, 138.07 of way line, N87°32'49'3N, along said South line rior Board of Indian Appeals, Office of Hearings TRUST BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, feet; to the East line of said government Lot 7, of Section 14, 341.64 feet to the Southwest cot- and Appeals, U.S. Department of the Interior, NORTHWEST REGIONAL DIRECTOR'S DECI- Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, ner thereof, and the point of beginning of this 801 North Quincy Street, Suite 300, Arlington, SION ACTION: Notice of decision to acquire W.M; thence leaving said line of vegetation, description. Together with any right or title to the Virginia 22203. You must send copies of your land into trust under 25 Code of Federal Regula- S02°03'40'~N, along said East line of said gov- lands comprising the shores and/or bed of the notice of appeal to (1) the Assistant Secretary - tions, Part 151. SUMMARY: The Northwest Re- ernment Lot 7, 101.37 feet to the Northerly right Skokomish river channel, as may be established Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, gional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. of way line of Purdy cutoff road, being 30 feet by deed or survey. Together with all those por- MS-4141-MIB, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, Department of the Interior, on the below date, Northwesterly of the centerline of said road, as tions, if any, of government Lots 6 and 7 of said D.C. 20240; (2) each interested party known to has made a determination to acquire real prop- measured perpendicular to said centerline; Section 14 which lies Northerly of the line of veg- you; and (3) the Northwest Regional Director. erty in trust for the Skokomish Indian Tribe Res- thence $51°56'13'3N, along said Northerly right etation of the right bank of the Skokomish river; Your notice of appeal sent to the IBIA must in- ervation. The land referred to as the "Southern of way line, 84.25 feet to the P.C. of a curve con- Excepting therefrom, all those portions thereof, clude a statement certifying that you have sent Bourgault Property," herein and is described as: cave to the Northwest, having a radius of 686.20 if any, which lie Northerly of the Northerly lines copies to these officials and interested parties Land Portion One: All those portions of Section feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve of said government Lots 6 and 7. Mason County and should identify them by names or titles and t4 (114.48 acres) and Section 15 (55.80 acres), through a central angle of 18°53'00", an arc dis- Parcel nos. 42114-00-02000, 42115-44-00010, addresses. If you file a notice of appeal, the IBIA Township 21 North, Range 4 West, W.M., par- tance of 226.15 feet; thence continuing along 42115-44-00000 and 42114-30-00020 Land will notify you of further procedures. If no appeal ticularly described as follows: Beginning at the said Northerly right of way line, $70°49'03"W, Portion Two: Lot 4 of short subdivision no. 2790, is timely filed, this decision will become final for SE corner of Section 15, Township 21 North, 250.40 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave to the recorded September 25, 1996, in Volume 1 of the Department of the Interior at the expiration of Range 4 West, W.M.; thence N88°17'25'3/V Southeast, having a radius of 1,939.86 feet; Short Plats, page 199, auditor's file no. 634706, the appeal period. No extension of time may be along the South line of said Section, 1314.38 thence Southwesterly along said curve through and being a portion of the $1/2 of the SWl/~ of granted for filing a notice of appeal. feet to the SW corner of the SEV4 of the SEt4 of a central angle of 13o41'00", an arc distance of Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, 9033 October 27 It said section 15; thence N01°50'43"E, along the 463.28 feet; thence $57°08'03'3N, 98.38 feet to W.M.; Excepting therefrom, all that portion, if West line of said SE?~ of the SE1.4, and the West the South line of government Lot 7, Section 14, any, of the part of Bourgault road vacated in or- PUBLIC NOTICE line of the NE1.4 of the SE1.4 of said Section 15, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, W.M.; der of vacation recorded July 27, 2009, auditor's PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1,366.98 feet to the approximate centerline of thence leaving said right of way line, file no. 1943873, which may have attached RCW 11.40.030 IN THE SUPERIOR vacated Bourgault road; thence continuing N87°26'51'~N, along said South line, 328.20 feet thereto by operation of law upon its vacation. COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON N01 °50'43"E, along said West line, 549.05 feet to the Southwest corner of said government Lot Mason County parcel no. 42114-30-90014 Land IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the to the line of vegetation of the right bank of the 7, said point being the Northeast corner of Lot 4, Portion Three: Lots 1, 2 and 3 of short subdivi- Matter of the Estate of ROBERT V. KEEFFE, Skokomish river main channel, as surveyed in short subdivision no. 2790 as recorded under sion no. 2790, recorded September 25, 1996, in Deceased. NO. 16-4-O143-3 The represen- April 2015, on the following courses: auditor's file no. 634706; thence along the North Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 199, auditor's file tative named below has been appointed as $68°33'27"E, 199.79 feet; $71 °53'19,E, 174.82 line of said Lot 4, N87°26'51 "W, 2,615.42 feet to no. 634706, and being a portion of the SV2 of the personal representative of this estate. Any per- feet; $72°49'58"E, 126.52 feet; N88°09'27"E, the Northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence SW~,~ of Section 14, Township 21 North, Range son having claim against the Decedent must, 228.25 feet; N87°19'58"E, 61.62 feet; S01°54'13"W, along the West line thereof, 4 West, W.M. Mason County parcel nos. 42114- before the time the claim would be barred by N81°18'38"E, 55.66 feet; N57°42'35"E, 71.62 198.80 feet to the North line of vacated Bour- 30-90011, 42114-30-90012 and 42114-30- any otherwise applicable statue of limitations, feet; N76°44'11"E, 99.94 feet; N78°31'12"E, gault road; thence Easterly along said vacated 90013 Containing 170.3 acres, more or less. present the claim in the manner as provided 65.51 feet; N61°49'29"E, 125.42 feet; North line, N79°57'10"E, 187.68 feet to the P.C. DATE: This determination was made on Octo- in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing N57°48'25"E, 158.53 feet; N43°34'04"E, 52.59 of a curve concave to the Northwest, having a ber 19, 2016 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION to the personal representative or the person- feet; to the East line of Section 15, Township 21 ~:adius of 779.52 feet; thence Easterly along said CONTACT: Dana M. Wilson, Realty Specialist, al representative's attorney, at the address N, Range 4 West, W.M.; thence continuing curve through a central angle of 14009'36", an Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northwest Regional Of- stated below, a copy of the claim and filing along said line of vegetation of the right bank of arc distance of 192.65 feet; thence N65°47'27"E, rice, 911 Northeast 1 lth Avenue, Portland, Ore- the original of the claim with the court. The the Skokomish river, within government Lot 5, 90.25 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave to the gon 97232, telephone (503) 231-6707 or Dana. claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, Southwest, having a radius of 109.84 feet; SUPPLEMENTARY INFOR- Thirty days after the personal representatives W.M., the following courses: N43°34'04"E, thence Easterly along said curve through a cen- MATION: This notice is published to comply served or mailed the notice to the creditor as 47.18 feet; N66°27'34"E, 132.68 feet; tral angle of 78027'50", an arc distance of 150.42 with the requirement of 25 CFR § 151.12(d)(2) provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four N60°35'20"E, 207.09 feet; N74°31 '40"E, 253.44 feet; thence $35°44'36"E, 493.30 feet to the (iii) that notice be given of the decision by the months after the date of first publication of the feet; N84°17'14"E, 160.23 feet; N89°54'29"E, Northwest corner of Lot 1, said short subdivision authorized representative of the Secretary of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this 145.68 feet; N72°35'48"E, 245.64 feet;no. 2790, said point being the Southeast corner Interior to acquire land in trust. A copy of the de- time frame, the claim is forever barred, except N63°34'33"E, 230.24 feet; to the East line of of that portion of Bourgault road vacated in order termination is available from the office identified as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and said government Lot 5; thence continuing along of vacation, vacation file no. 369, recorded July in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION section 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims said line of vegetation of the right bank of the 27, 1990, auditor's file no. 1943873, and the of this notice. Any party who wishes to seek ju- against both the Decedent's probate and non- Skokomish river, within government Lot 6, Sec- Northeast corner of a 60 foot wide portion of dicial review of the Northwest Regional Direc- probate assets. Date of first publication: Oc- tion 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, Bourgault road public right of way; thence tor's decision must first exhaust administrative tober 20, 2016 COLLEEN M. LIIAS Personal W.M., the following courses: N60°50'02"E, $54°15'24"VV along the North line of said right of remedies. The Northwest Regional Director's Representative RICHARD T. HOSS, WSBA# 239.21 feet; N66°33'09"E, 217.48 feet;way, 60.00 feet; thence $35°44'36"E along the decision may be appealed to the Interior Board 12976 Hoss & Wilson-Hoss, LLP 236 West $88°14'26"E, 196.95 feet; $50°20'06"E, 113.07 West line of said right of way, 401.39 feet to the of Indian Appeals (IBIA) in accordance with the Birch Street Shelton, WA 98584 feet; $14°56'1 I"E, 155.19 feet; $11°41'36"E, North line of said Purdy cutoff road, and a point regulations in 43 CFR 4.310-4.340. If you 9026 October 20, 27, November 3 3t 222.03 feet; $33°57'12"E, 156.66 feet;on a curve concave to the Southeast, having a choose to appeal this decision, your notice of $43°18'31"E, 245.22 feet; $27°20'52"E, 413.59 radius point which bears $33°27'37"E, 1,175.92 appeal to the IBIA must be signed by you or your PUBLIC NOTICE feet; $31°33'38"E, 98.18 feet; to the East line of feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve attorney and must be either postmarked and The Mason County Fire District #13 Board government Lot 6; thence continuing along said through a central angle of 6o43'20", an arc dis- mailed (if you use mail) or delivered (if you use of Fire Commissioners will be reviewing and line of vegetation of the right bank of the tance of 137.97 feet; thence $49°49'03"W, another means of physical delivery, such as possibly adopting the 2017 budget at the regu- Skokomish river, within government Lot 7, Sec- 130.17 feet to the P.C. of a curve, concave to Federal Express or UPS to the IBIA within 30 larly scheduled Fire Commissioner's Meeting, tion 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, the Northwest, having a radius of 1,115.91 feet; days from the date of publication of this notice, an open public meeting, held on November 10, W.M., the following courses: $31 °33'38"E, 68.99 thence Southwesterly along said curve through The regulations do nOt authorize filings by fac- 2016 at 10 am at station 13-1, 13375 W Cloqual- feet; $59°59'26"E, 129.92 feet; $62°51'36"E, a central angle of 15°00'00", an arc distance of simile or by electronic means. Your notice of lum Rd Lima WA 98541. 99.24 feet; $61 °27'02"E, 67.38 feet; E 85.00 292.15 feet; thence $64°49'03'~V, 331.28 feet to appeal should clearly identify the decision being 9024 October 20, 27 2t feet; N69°00'50"E, 230.27 feet; N63°11 '10"E, the South line of Section 14, Township 21 North, appealed. You must send your original notice of Super Crossword m m m N E S E T C WH A TEL S L E ||x AG R TOM ROO A F N ||| INS BAH sPo A B B B kO B O T S Y A T T H E E R m m S I E T T SlHIOIUI II YlOlUlC----- O UIPIOIFI BIEIMIOI M Y O ac T A WU S PIEICI I O I U N T A u S M L! O A LILIAIG AIMIEI W AIRIMIS | P IINIKIF LIEISI A R T E NIEIRI H OIBIEIY AILIEI | I__OINISI_ONILIYI O __G E L AIYIE E YIAIRIE PIRIEI C F L A T .--..-- HIEIEIT IICIPIH RIAISI A LIMIOI N E m ,~r B YI ROI AOI m WHI m LOI II- OI H El m A DI S A DI T DI II-- AIB ~m T YIR Y I =.=~- C EID OMIE UIS E M N SIA OCII S I D T E S AC H KAY ERE N DS AST lOS VAT E RS || o__s RA E D || D A OS Y S k E E S 4 1 1 Answer 1 4 1