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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 27, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 27, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page B-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 The Journal of Record is produced using 911 call information Mason County Emer- gency Communications, the Mason County Sheriff's Office and the Shelton Pofice De- partment provides. OCT. 17 Trespass -- a caller on Olympic Highway South in Shelton reported two men who refuse to leave the bar area. Loud noise -- a caller on West Pine Street in Shelton reported that her neighbor is slamming doors and throwing things. Loud noise -- a caller on Stevens Street in Shelton reported that her neighbor is talking too loud. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on East Johns Prairie Road in Shelton reported that someone is yelling and calling for help. Assault -- a caller on North US Highway 101 in Shelton reported an assault at the casino. Theft -- a caller on Northeast Larson Boulevard in Belfair reported a vehicle theft. Abandoned vehicle -- a caller on Northeast Belfair Tahuya Road in Tahuya reported an abandoned vehicle. Reckless driving -- a caller on East McReavy Road in Union reported a reck- less driver, Child welfare -- a caller on Northeast Landon Road in Belfair reported children left unattended. Lost and found -- a caller on East Johns Prairie Road in Shelton found a driver's license. Lost and found -- a caller on Northeast North Shore Road in Tahuya found a boat that washed up. Theft -- a caller on East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shelton reported the theft of gasoline. Boat adrift -- a caller on East State Route 3 in Shelton reported an unoccupied boat. Estray -- a caller on West State Route 108 in Shelton reported three dogs running loose. Vandalism -- a caller on West Franklin Street in Shelton reported graffiti. Child welfare -- a caller on Southeast Cook Plant Farm Road reported that a child was hit at home. Threat/intimidation -- a caller on Northeast Haven Lake Drive in Tahuya reported threatening calls from a contractor. Lost and found -- a caller on East Rustle Way in Grapeview reported finding a drifting boat. Lost and found -- a caller on North US Highway 101 in Hoodsport found a wallet. Abandoned vehicle -- a caller on West Car- man Road South in Shelton reported an abandoned vehicle. Estray -- a caller on Northeast Jolly Roger Lane in Belfair reported that his neigh- bor's grandson's dog is aggressive. Estray -- a caller on East Anthony Road in Grapeview reported that a stray dog killed 30 chickens. Harassment -- a caller on Northeast State Route 3 in Belfair reported that an errati- cally driven motorcycle is harassing a woman walking along the highway. Fraud -- a caller on East Community Club Road in Shelton reported computer fraud that cost him $500. Welfare check -- a caller on Northeast Newkirk Road in Belfair reported that a client has stage 3 wounds. Theft -- a caller on East Pickering Lane in Shelton reported the theft of two cam- eras. Drug paraphernalia -- a caller on North Salish Court in Shelton reported finding a large bucket filled with used hypodermic needles. Harassment -- a caller on Southeast Lynch Road in Shelton reported that an ac- quaintance posted her number on Craig- slist's hookup section. Vandalism -- a caller on Pioneer Way in Shelton reported two teens pulling up signs along the roadwayl Suspicious behavior -- a caller on Pioneer Way in Shelton reported that a neighbor keeps putting garbage in his dumpster, way South in Shelton reported someone Theft -- a caller on Monroe Street in Shel- sitting in a van with his mouth wide open ton reported the theft of eight wooden and his eyes rolled back. posts. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on Mill OCT. 19 Street in Shelton reported that someone Theft -- a caller on West State Route 108 has been shooting a semi-automatic gun in Shelton reported the theft of a wallet. in the old paper mill. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on West Theft -- a caller on West Franklin Street in Satsop Drive in Elma reported hearing Shelton reported the theft of liquor, glass breaking and dogs barking. Lost and found -- a caller on East Johns OCT, 18 Prairie Road found a flannel shirt and a Suspicious behavior -- a caller on North- backpack. east Trails End Drive in Belfair reported Theft -- a caller on West State Route 108 finding a stranger in his house, in Shelton reported a vehicle theft. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on North Vandalism -- a caller on Northeast Yew US Highway 101 in Shelton reported Tree Lane in Tahuya reported vandalism that her ex-boyfriend is trying to climb to mailboxes. through her window. Malicious mischief -- a caller on West Suspicious behavior -- a caller on East Franklin Street in Shelton reported kids Vine Maple Lane in Union reported see- throwing bottles at a sign. ing a scraggly man riding a bicycle.Theft -- a caller on Alpine Way in Shelton Warrant violation -- a caller on North US reported the theft of a $100 Cabela's gift Highway 101 in Shelton reported that a card. man she has a restraining on is outside Loud noise -- a caller on North Tebo Place her window again, in Hoodsport reportedbarking dogs. Trespass -- a caller on North US Highway Suspicious behavior -- a caller on West 101 in Shelton reported people trespass- Franklin Street in Shelton reported teens ing on her beach, exchanging cigarettes or pot. Threat/intimidation -- a caller on Northeast Assault -- a caller on Southeast Kamilche Newkirk Road in Belfair reported being Point Road reported that his father as- threatened with a knife, saulted him. Lost and found -- a caller on North US Fraud -- a caller on Southeast Brewer Highway 101 in Shelton reported thatRoad in Shelton reported that someone she found a boat with a sign that said used his name when they got a ticket. "Free with Trailer." Motor vehicle accident -- a caller on East . Harassment -- a caller on West Shelton Challenger Drive in Shelton reported that Matlock Road reported being stalked,a vehicle tore down a fence. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on Mun- Suspicious behavior -- a caller on West caster Drive in Shelton reported a man K Street in Shelton reported a woman stumbling around and throwing trash into standing in traffic. the woods. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on West Property seizure -- a caller on North US Railroad Avenue in Shelton reported Highway 101 in Shetton reported his that a woman and a little boy have been boat was seized for an investigation, parked in front of his house all day. Theft -- a caller on Wallace Kneeland Estray -- a caller on East Cardinal Court Boulevard in Shelton reported the theft in Allyn reported two stray aggressive of three packs of Camels. dogs. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on North Citizen inquiry -- a caller on East Shelton 13th Street reported a person with aSprings Road in Shelton had questions bandana over the face jumping up andabout the legality of driving barefoot. down in traffic. Citizen inquiry -- a caller on Stevens Street Lost and found -- a caller in Tahuya Forest in Shelton asked how to get squatters off lost a Glock 27 while riding a dirt bike. property. Animal welfare -- a caller on West Little Estray -- a caller on South First Street in Egypt Road in Shelton reported dogs Shelton reported a stray dog behind El without shelter. Guadalajara. Theft -- a caller on Olympic Highway North Vandalism -- a caller on West Goldsbor- in Shelton reported the theft of a bicycle, ough Drive in Shelton reported locked Dog bite -- a caller on Dearborn Avenue mailboxes were broken into. in Shelton reported being attacked and Suspicious behavior -- a caller on East K bitten by three pitbulls. Street in Shelton reported two kids wav- Drug paraphernalia -- a caller on King ing a knife around. Street reported finding syringes. Welfare check -- a caller on East Johnson Custody dispute -- a caller on East K Ridge Drive in Belfair reported that he " Street reported a custody dispute with left packages on the porch and they her sister to whom she had given power have not been taken into the house. of attorney while she was in prison.Welfare check -- a caller on Fairmount Abandoned vehicle -- a caller on East Rec- Avenue reported that her client does not lamation Ridge Road in Allyn reported a answer the door. stripped vehicle under the power lines. Threat/intimidation -- a caller on East Tyler Trespass -- a caller on West Satsop Maple Lane in Shelton reported that his son has Glen reported trespassing, received threats via Instagram. Lost and found -- a caller on East Balmoral Domestic dispute -- a caller on East Buck- Way in Shelton found a bicycle, tail in Belfair reported that he found a Loud noise -- a caller on East Birch Street note written by his mother saying she in Shelton reported that his neighbor is wanted to kill herself. having band practice. Welfare check -- a caller on East Johns Suspicious behavior -- a caller on West Prairie Road in Shelton requested a wel- C Street in Shelton reported a womanfare check on a woman whose husband standing on the guard rail on the over- died. pass. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on East Theft -- a caller on West State Route 108 State Route 3 in Belfair reported a van in Shelton reported that she gave a ride selling ammunition out the back parked to a woman in her fiance's car and the by an elementary school. woman stole it. Marijuana -- a caller on East Crestview Suspicious behavior -- a caller on South- Drive in Shelton reported seeing marl- east Old Olympic Highway in Shelton juana plants. reported a man in baggy pants swinging Estray -- a caller on East Hanum Lane in a bat around. Belfair reported a stray dog at her door. Theft -- a caller on Mountain View Drive in Assault -- a caller on West Pine Street in Shelton reported the theft of an umbrella, Shelton reported that her daughter threw a hat and other items in the glove box. a phone at her boyfriend. Loud noise -- a caller on Northeast Steel- Suspicious behavior -- a caller on West head Drive South reported that neigh- Shelton Matlock Road reported an un- bors are playing basketball with music known person knocking at her door. on very loud. Domestic dispute -- a caller on East Wil- Welfare check -- a caller on Olympic High- son Road reported'that her stepson has been lying. OCT. 2O Trespass -- a caller on West Wivell Road in Shelton reported trespassers on her land that she thinks may be poaching. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on East Shannon Place in Shelton reported peo- ple under her window. Traffic hazard -- a caller on Southeast Pic- adilly Drive in Shelton reported standing water in the roadway. Citizen inquiry -- a caller on Shelton Springs Road in Shelton wants to talk to someone about his daughter who is act- ing out. Theft -- a caller on southeast Somers Drive in Shelton reported the theft of a wallet. Theft -- a caller on East Cromarty Court in Shelton reported the theft of a boat motor. Domestic dispute -- a caller on East Blevins Road North reported that her sister had not returned her vehicle. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on South- east Craig Road in Shelton reported that a man just came out of the woods with bolt cutters. Estray -- a caller on West Skokomish Val- ley Road in Shelton reported a loose COW. Estray -- a caller on North 13th Street in Shelton reported a Chihuahua in the road. Fraud -- a caller on East Lonesome Creek Road in Shelton reported receiving a check that was stolen from a furniture store. Marijuana -- a caller on Shelton Springs Road in Shelton reported a group of teens smoking pot behind the stadium. Lost and found -- a caller on East State Route 106 in Union reported a boat that washed up on her beach. Assault -- a caller on East North Mason School Road in Belfair reported that her son was stabbed in the stomach. Welfare check -- a caller on Olympic Highway South in Shelton requested a welfare check on an elderly man who fell down. Suspicious behavior -- a caller on North- east Larson Boulevard in Belfair reported that a soaking wet man and a woman with red hair walked out of the woods and would not make eye contact with her. Animal welfare -- a caller on East Hytand Drive in Union reported a neglected dog. Lost and found -- a caller on East State Route 3 in Shelton lost a kayak. Theft -- a caller on East Sitka Place in Shelton reported the theft of a female boxer dog. Welfare check -- a caller on East Portage Road in Shelton requested a welfare check on a man who has not been an- swering his phone. Estray -- a caller on East Ethan Lane in Belfair reported two stray Akitas digging to get into her chicken coop. Reckless driving -- a caller on Northeast Mahonia Drive in Belfair reported an ongoing problem with someone doing donuts on her cul-de-sac. Theft -- a caller on West Franklin Street in Shelton reported that someone stole another person's belongings and is now selling them. Runaway -- a caller on East Cypress Court in Shelton reported his daughter as a runaway. Motor vehicle accident -- a caller on Northeast Dewatto Holly Road in Tahuya reported a van on its side. Trespass -- a caller on Northeast State Route 3 in Belfair reported that a person with a lifetime ban has entered the res- taurant. Traffic hazard -- a caller on Southeast Ar- cadia Road in Shelton reported a dead deer in the road. Traumatic injury -- a caller on West Birch Street in Shelton reported that a 76-year- old woman fell on a knife and stabbed herself. • Compiled by Linda Frizzell *FREE classified ad of 30 words or fewer with your paid subscription. Additional words at regular price.