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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P G,E 2 SI ELTON--M_AgO COUN PY 3Ot R AL--1%bilobed in "Chr stmctstow , helton, Washington ................. i I Ill II I II III II| I II I ,, ' r , , A-NEMA:IEN R RI-KES IS - " " SCS Bazaar I ,Taw ,.,.,....,....,.,., ,..,-,-...,........... .......... .......,.,..,..,.,.,.....,..,..,..,..:. n ._ ,7, . ~7 ~ r~ • ~ * * ~**? ~" ~ ° ~ "* ~ % P***' " ' " * ° **' ***'%*%*? *?**%'%*?'*'~?**%*%'?t*~°*~ " "**°'°~*'" . g %, I 13qLFI 1{11 !. lllOI, qt ,i "I 71 IN SEPTEMBER F * E LP = Nex! Thursday BRIDE LARRY WISER :!: F E E I.! It" ! !t Aontest Winners A bazaar sponsored by the ! laJ ul u E T E Ir :t'] Miss Patrlcia Jean Richey and _*i~ :-t: V~'om(,n':- Soctet.y of (?h.'.'istiun S’~:'- - ..... "n ~,~.;. Society Editor • Marj Jacobsen • Phone 426-4412 ~:. Are Announced vice of the Mcghodist church will Chester H. Petr., III ~..J~nb~.. ..*. ..% ......... ,x,arld;ner ,,’~,,,~ ~..~- lO ;...~... ,~:.,~. ~$:oO * • • • • • ° • • • • • ° • • • * • • • • * o~:,•? oO, o?,o*:,_%•?***o?**0o:o**o*~o? • • * * • * ° ° ° $ i winners in ~ne pos~er con~est bc held fl'oL~l 9 a.)iI, to 5 p.l)L ]le.:.LL -~'~'"8 v~,vv.~ ,~p~, ±o lit LJtV VIlli. ", ************************************************************************, ,*o , ~,* o 0 **0" 0 **, io ******************************** Thursdlly in tile church. Baptist church. The bridc's brother i advertising tile Community Hallo- ~ween Carnival to be sponsored by A h.meheon will he served from 11 a.m. - 2 p,m. A donation of $1 for adultz, 50 cents for chil- droll A tea room will be open from 2 - 5 1) m. and c, offee will 1)4, .~erv(:d all day. Vari’)us items including hstndi- work, home canning, Christmas ilems and bnl:e goods will hc on display for sale. Commemorative plates will be a special feature. JACQUELINE LEIGHTON WEDS NELS ANDERSON Mr. and iMrs, C:t}) I:~:~ines have announced the marriage of their daughter, Jacqucline Lc, ighton, to Ne!s Anderson, son of Mr.~. Jack Cough!in, of Tacoma, and Wil]iaJn Ander.~on Jr., of Toutle, The cou- ple were wed September 30. Cosmetics for YOU (This question and answer serle= 3n cosmetics is brought to yet: as a courtesy by Nell's Pharmacy to help you in your choice in the ~roper cosmetic for you.) WHAT'S WRONG WITH RED? Q. Why are so many hair color- inK prepnrations designed to take the red out, of hair ? What's wrong with red hair? A. When hair is in the prepara- tion of t)cing bleached, the natural pigmentation of the hair frequent- ly produces "brassy" gold or red- dish tones. Many women use ton- er,~ to eliminate this gold or red. There is nothing "wrong" with red hair, however. As a matter of fact, there are as many gold-ton- ed or red-toned hair coloring prep- arations on the market as there are ash colors. Yonr skin coloring an(1 the col- ors you pr(?fer in clothing should deLermi~',e whether you choose a pink or a silver toner. IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT Q. I have been using a perma- nent hair coloring. ~Vhe, t would happen to the texture of my hair if I got a permanent? A. No general answer can t)e given to this question. There are too ma~y fuctor~1 involved. If you want to get a permanent be sure t,o tell yore' beautician that ~roL1 have been using a (lye or a oleae, h. A good beautician will t~lee a test ,,,nlrl ~bef0r(~ proeee, ding ,wits a complete treatment. "I'his;t curl will give the answer to your quest ion. PERMANENTS AND AGE Q. Are home l~Crmnnents likely to be hal'mflll to women of 65 and over '? MISS ANNEMARIE RISKE became the bride of Larry L. Wiser in a family ceremony held in the University Presbyterian Church, Seattle. The bride, whose parents are the Waldemar Riskes of Shelton, attended Seattle Pacific College and is now finishing her last year at the University of Washington where she is maj0r'ing in elementary education. The bridegroom, son of Mrs. Dorothy Wiser, of MeMinnville, Ore., attended Linfield College and Ore- gon Stale College.He is now working for United Motors Service as sales engineer. Licenses A. There is no correlation be- tween age and the condition of the hair. The health of the hair is de- pendent upon the treatment it is given and not upon the age of the woman, Applying for marriage licenses at the Mazo~,~ county auditor's office this 1)ast weeR were: Larry D. Skillman, 23, Shclton and Barbara Ann Ft~ller, 18, Shel- ton, Donald Parish, 47, Selah and Betty Collins, 34, Olympia. Leonard Cochran, 19, Shelton and Ca[by Saeger, 17, Shelton. .... (This is another of the series of advertisements Ir.troducing the employees of Mason County P.U.D. No. 3, Your Public Servants.) Dick Fi[ehe:l, E gineer Aide Working in the main office of the Mason Cc, unty P.U.D. No. 3 is Engineer Aide, Dick Fitehe~t. Dick and his wife Shiela have a daughter Tari Lu and a son t’iek. He is quite active in a~helton lr'light Inc., and his hobbies are hunt- ing arid fishing. Having been with the a s o n County P.U.D. No. 3 for 21/2 years, Dick is one of the ma, ny "chat help you to With P.U.D. HO. 3 T. WEBB, vice president JERRY SAMPLES, manager 5IASOI~ COUNTY EDWIN TAYLOR, president; JACK COLE, secretarY. New Arrivals Shelton General HoSpital Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCoy, 1777 Stewart street, a girl, October 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Deyette, 659 Dearborn street, a boy, October 2,t. Clinic Ftospital Mr. and Mrs. Randall Peterson, Star Route 2 Box 201, a boy, Oc- tober 25. M o n d', y-N ight-Bri-dge Club Winners Named Six tables were in play when the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club met • Monday evening. Winners were Ed Twcden and Max Butcher, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bennett, ~iek Perry and Lou Stewart, Evelyn Wills and Jerry Kaija. The club meets each Monday night at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD aud- itorium. All interested bridge play- ers are welcome. AMERICAN LEGI~ON MEETIN(] T~ESDAY Fred B. Wlvell Post 31, Ameri- can Legion will meet next Tuesday (~vening in the Mernorial Hall. The regular business meeting will be- ~;'in at 8 p.m. The Forest Festival will be discussed and plans made for ~ December 21 Christmas par- ty. ALUMNI RECEIVE HOMECOMING INVITE ,~.lumni of Si]elton High school have been issued a special invita- ti(m to Homecoming November 5 ;when the Shelton Highclimbers i host East Bremerton. They are :~]so welcome to attend the dance which will be held immediately following the game. EVERGREEN PTA AND OPEN HOUSE Evergreen PTA will me~t at 8 p.m. tonight. After a short busi- rzess meeting in the auditorium parents are invited to visit class- :'corns and teachers. Refreshments will be served during the evening. PAI~TY SET FOR CANAL JUNIOR IIIGH STUDENTS Ti~e Hood Canal Lions Club will sponsor a costume Halloween par- ty this Saturday evening for all Canal students of junior high school age. Prize~{ and games will hiffhli~yht the festivities which will :be held from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. in the Lower Sl:oRomish gym. OES SOCIAL CLUB LUNCIIEON MEETING Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES Social Club will meet at Mrs. Frances Magruder's home for a 12:30 p.m. hmcl~eon November 9. Tr&nsportatiou leaves Mrs. Hack'n at noon. DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE TONIGltT Members are to bring their Dol- lars for Democrat~ and puppy ben- ~fit money when the Democratic Central Committee meets at 8 p.m. tonight in the courthouse. SOUTHSIDE PTO The November meeting of Southside PTO ,will he held Mon- day at 7:30 p.m. in the school. The speaker will be John Ragan. He will talk about wills. in law, Rev. Roy T. Johnson, per- formed the ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Otis Richey, Shelton, and the son of Mr. and Mrs; Chester H. Petry Jr., Portland. White glads and red carnations decorated tbe church for the 8 p.m. double ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of peau-de sole styled with a cummerbund. The border on the skirt and flower applique on the bodice were of matching Italian lace. She carried a bridal bouquet of white carna- tions. The bridegroom's sister, Joan Perry, was maid of honor for the bride, She wore a gown of red velvet and a short veil. Her flow- ers were a miniature of the bridal bouquet, Bridesmaids were Jaydee Stroud Hulbert and Susan Ogden Villines. They wore A-style sheaths of white peau-de sole with short veils to match the maid of boner's and carried one long stem red rose. Lighting the candles were the Misses Mary Morgus and Candy Brown. They wore dresses identi- cal to the bridesmaids' and wrist- lets of small red carnations. Best man for the bridegroom was Linn ~Iarrison. Toby Villines', Mike Hulbert and Greg Richey were ushers. Steve Richey was fionorary usher, escorting the par- ents to their seats. Mnsic was by Bill Archer, or- ganist, and Richard Endicott, solo-' ist. Mrs, Richey wore an aqua knit dress and Mrs. Petry chose a tur- quoise satin dress. Pink rosebud corsages complemented both ot their costumes. Serving at the reception which followed the wedding service were Mrs. Roy Johnson, Mrs. Olin Isbell, Mrs. John Cole Jr., Mrs. Jim Don- ahoe snd M~S. Leon Bowman. The three-tiered cake was decorated with pink rosebuds and topped with a traditional bride and groom and love birds. At the gift table were the Mi-~- ses Sue Valley. Cindy Stenz and Diane Cunningham. Miss Geaneece Morgus attended the guest book. The bride, a 1965 graduate of Shelton r-ligh School, is living in Portland while her husband takes his basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. Today, Thurs., Oct. 28 Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m. Timbers restaurant. Golden Age Club potluck dinner, 6 .p,m., lV~emorial hall. Evergreen PTA, 8 p.m., school auditorium. Shelton Jayettes, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. Bill Hicks. Friday, Oct, 29 High school football, Shelton vs. Montesano, 8:00/p.m., at Monte- san0. Saturday, Oct. 30 Drivers license examiner, i0 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Pizzicato Club bake sale, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Safeway store. Daylight saving time ends to- night, set clocks back one hour wheii you go to bed. Sunday, 'Oct. 31 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice, Shelton Golf Club's final mixed two-ball foursome of season, tee- off 2:00 p.m., followed by potluck dinner, Bayshore Clubhouse. Monday, Nov. 1 PUD No. 3 commission meetingi 1 p.m., PUD commission room. i • County commission meeting, 10 a.m,, courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 'p.m., I=UD auditorium. STtA card party, 8 p.m., Memor- ial hall. , So\~th.sid’ school PTO, 7:30 p.m., at the school. 1 B squad football, Shelton vs~ orth Thurston, 4:00 p.m., Loop Field. Tuesday, Nov. 2 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Shelt0n Hotel. City commission meeting 2 p.m, city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amer- ican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial ha!l. Lions Club dinner meeting, 7 p.m:, Shelton Hotel. Jqb's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma- sonic Temple. Salvation Army truck in town. Call 426-6564 for pickups or leave at 325 No. 5th street, Shelton Jaycees dihner meeting, 6:30 p.m., airport clubhouse. LPN meeting, 7:30 p.m., nurs- es' cottage. Election Day, polls open 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in all county pre- cincts. BE SURE TO VOTE! , Wednesday, Nov. 3 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Hillcrest Homemakers, home of Mrs. John Rtter. Thursday, Nov. 4 Methodist church bazaar, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; luncheon 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., at the church. Yacht Club rummage sale, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., PUD auditorium. Yacht Club business meeting, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Rotary Club. luncheon, noon, Mlng Tree Care. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers restaurant. Annual Shetton Golf C1 u b awards dinner, 6:30 p.m., Bayshore clubhouse. 40 & 8 Voiture 135 November Promenade, dinner 7:00 p.m. at. Ritner's, Prom 8:00 p.m. at 40 8 Club. BAKE SALE PLANNED TO BENEFIT SCHOOL CHOIR The Pizzict~,to Junior Music Club will have a bake sale from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. this Saturday at the Safeway store. Proceeds Will, be used to help send the Shelton High school choir on tour. GRAPEVIEW BRIDE, GROOM MAKING HOME IN SEATTLE Nuel Curtis Post and Auxiliary 5372, Veterans of Foreign Wars in Belfair have been announced. First prizes went to Dianna Shirk, fifth grade, and Gayle Cook, sixth grade; second prizes to Pat- sy Sharer and Kathy Stice, fifth grade, and Rona Haprer and Bri- an Cosgrove, sixth grade; third prizes to Tina Nelson, Eileen Kromquist, Delores Wynn and Doug Dammarell, fifth grade, and Shelly Dural, Pare DeLong, Dawn Anderson and Lea Ann Lane, six- th grade. Judges were M'rs. Steve Ahl, Mrs. Stun Freelin and Mrs. R. W. Cady. The carnival will be held from 7-10 p.m. Saturday in the Bel- fair school gym. There will be- games of all kinds for all ages, country store, baked goods and a snfick bar. Door prize will be an American flag. A table lamp will also awarded to someone. Highlight of the evening will be the children's parade and music by the North Mason school band, un- der the direction of Doug Corliss. Organizations working with the post and auxiliary include Belfair Firemen and Auxiliary, Victor Community Club, Rhododendron Garden Club, Beachcombers Gard- en Club, Explorer Scouts Boy Scouts, World War I Veterans and Mrs. Nelson's sixth grade class. WWI VETS POTLUCK World War I Veterans and Aux- iliary will hold a noon potluck meeting next Thursday in the :Memorial Hall. MAKING THEIR HOME in Seattle since they returned from their honeymoon following their August 22 wedding in Grapeview are Mr. and Mrs. John William Humphrey. She is the former Linda Louise Spooner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Spooner, of Grapevlew. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Humphrey, of El Cajon, Calif. The late summer wedding took place on the front lawn of the bride's parents overlooking the Sound. She is a 1961 graduate of Shelton High school and graduated from the University of Washington School of Nursing in June 1965. She is employed at the King County Hospital. Her husband attend- ed San Diego State College and received his bachelors degree at Notre Dame. He is currently a research assistant working on his PhD in high energy physics at the University of Washington. AND GAMES AT SQUTHSODE OARHIVAL LYNN WILSON, chairman of the Southside School Carnival to be held November 6, displays a tote bag, apron and stuffed an- imal which will be on sale during the day. Many other hand- made items will be available at the carnival which Will be held from 3-9 p.m. at the school. A ham dinner will be served from 5 - 7:30 p.m. Donations for adults will be 85 cents and 50 cents for children. There will also be hot dogs and oyster stew on the menu. Besides the gift booth there will be games for all ages and a bake sale. Thursday, Use Journal Today we as a possible hess, such as In earlier feeling dizzy was ed a medical people cation of iginal Saxon word By extension, to be applied swimming, or tion in the head. We also still US~ its original flighty or Emergeri0y Fifth & Open Daily 0 Saturdays ONE OF A KIND 1965 Gibson Coppertone Freezer-Refrii 16 cu. ft. bottom-mount freezer-refrigerator combi Completely frost-clear, both sections • 202 lb. freezer • Deluxe in every way Regular Price $499.95 Special Clearance Price with qualified trade Gibson 15 cu. ft. Upright Regu!ar Price $249.95 Sale Price $199.00 Gibson 13 ft. Tw0-D0 Refrigerato riFreezer Cc 104 lb. Zero Degree freezer • Automatic defrost Regular Price $319.00 Special Sate Price $ with trade Gibson 16 cu. ft. Frost Refrigerator- Freezer Refrigerator-Freezer combination with 202 lb. freezer Regular Price $429.95 Special C earance Price with trade Gibson Frost Clear 14 cu. ft. This Gibson Upright Freezer is a Copper remember this beauty never needs Regular Price $399.95 Special Cleararice Price We also have USED REFRIGERAT01 FREEZERS~ WASHERS, DRYERS, DISHWASHERS. ' d ~It~ All completely reconditioned and sol written warranty. 2nd & Cots ~rhnt make~ a ea~" n car Is styling, performance, ride and handling. Only whe~ all t~aed ~ogether is the ~ar a I~uiek. LH~e this 1966 Skylark Gran Sport pieturetl Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick~ There's an authorized Buick dealer near you. See his ~Double.Checked used cars, too,, TOH MOTOR • : 33 S. Pirst St.,'