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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 28, 1965
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)etober 28 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 Hill Are deled the as yet uncom- behind Shelton leading to Mr. their own risk, is the Architect William SEVEN CANDYSTRIPERS RECEIVE SERVICE PINS AT TEA HELD IN THEIR HONOR is up yet and at this time is contractor has un- )lete the work. the schools, and join in asking that use the steps until and safe. BROKE UP booked two ad- ~ minors after a raid a home at 1515 Hol- adults, one 21 and charged with furn- minors. The other 18-20 age bracket With being minors Their cases were two weeks in Shel- Monday night. posted $50 bail. To Use Want Ad, 'Up, prepare for , Pay bills, meet ar fall needs. THE ABOVE CANDYSTRIPERS received their 50-hour or 100-hour service pins at a tea held in their honor yesterday in the Angle building's mul- ti-purpose room. Cal Hopper, Shelton General Hospital administrator, p r e s e n t e d the pins to (front row) Marcie Kinnear (50 hours), Sue Val- ley (100 hours) and Jean Davis (50 hours). In the back row, Diane Turner (50 hours), Laura Swantak (100 hours), Donna Rye and Sue La- Marsh (both 50 hours). Also honored at the event were girls just beginning their Candystriping ca- reers. They received ideniflcation pins for their uniforms. Mrs. Marge Valley, Director of Volun- teers for the hospital, was present at the tea to explain anything which was not clear to the Can- dystriper or her parent. The Christmastown Guild, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Maxine Mell, put the tea on. The guild recently Joined the Shelton General Hospital Auxiliary and is domin- ated by teachers who are interested in helping the Candystripers. Make our of- headquar- CASHI good credit to get ~ou need here now ills or monthly in- By CItARLOTTE VAN SLYKE the Scherfenbergs, Fred Lindseys, ty Edwards and Jan Van Slyke. ALLYN--Ncw owners in WaiFs M:rs. Bandy of Portland and the Betty and Alvin Edwards had a Grocery in two to three weeks Harrimans. birthday party for daughters Pat- will be Beula Flshburn, who is Also the Austins took a trip ty and Sherry, inviting the Russ coming from Denver, Colo., to take to Westport with the Harrimans Shillingers and both sets of grand- M JOSLIN ATTENDS SEMINAR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS FOR INSURANCE AGENTS PLANS LAIi) BY MERCIIANTS Lea Joslin, general agent in Sixteen businessmen laid preli- Shelton for Security Life & Acci-Eminary plans for downtown Shel- dent Company, attended the corn- ton Christmas season decorations pany's national seminar in San at a meeting in the PUD 3 con- Diego, Calif., recently, ference room Tuesday afternoon. The five-day educational session Much of the planning was con- leveloped selling methods and new tingent on the outcome of a drive rays for life underwriters to serve for funds among Shelton business }citer their clients and policy-own- firms to be carried out in the ~rs. next few days, after which another National seminar invitations are meeting will be called. highly competitive honor, basedThese funds, along with some m excellence of production. Only budgeted by the Chamber of Corn- the top producers of the Denver- merce, will determine the extent bases life insurance company at- of the decorating program this :end. year. Joslin received special recogni- A contest for home decorations [ion as a member of one of the will be sponsored by the Chamber :op ranking production clubs ofof Commerce. Rudy Oltman he company, the Vice President's Chamber secretary, is chairman of Club. He has been associated with a committee completed by Vince Security Life of Denver for more Himlie, Warren Moe, and Bud ~han a year, Lyon to arrange details of the . contest D~: ColOdRjNoEshRua hit the walls of ] S~I2I~OP2:~N~TOU~AY Jericho the crane hit the walls of : • the old Blue Ox Theatre building ! m;n~t~a~,eacces:or~,stw~,l~:xT~,., ,~.. ~..~ ~., ~,~ ,.,..~ ~..,,,,_ this week Sidewalk superintend- , ' • : ~t~r g~a~a%dwiW;[h~e::rYndbl~7o Plaa;ed~dUs:~gr(dP~nil, i°~lse tnht:wS F'llci .. ,.v~ ~ . S_~S "" "s Chalet department at Clinton's Bi- wire each swing Tne quesuon i, " ~ho ........ • " ' ' nd cycm ~ p at zz~ ~ota ~ now since the building is gone a, " ' s ' ' "~ " " " " th "'' nt Friday s ()pen hou:e hours will me loc as vacant as in e clara .......... :'~"'Y'"'Y" '""'"~"¢~"" '~" r pm Refreshments will be offered DUlIOlng lOOK liKe ~ouncl, 8qua e, : '" s - R ........ ..... ' " - or visitor, uy oy ana ~sflzrley ,~;lln- omong, trmngutar, pm snape, . ....... - ,,, ........ 9 "" "-'1ton wflo Ill'St openeo a nlooesI: wilt It lOOK liKe a cake. we snm ""='--" '--~en* d~:-'artn-ien" 1"~" II SKI ~quIpm ~ ~p t a~c find out, and when we do you wi ............ le year and are expanding on it this bu um ilrsc i:o Know . . ~ay " • season. Wentz, manager of LUMBER- MEN'S, announces this week he will have a factory carload sale of Zonolite, Friday and Saturday only, so you better hurry over .. • Franz Rauscher, owner of the O.K. TIRE SHOP on Mt. View, now has a hunter's special on win- ter tires. If you need some you better see this . . • Netl Evander, owner of NEIL'S PHARMACY, is continuing the sale of Skin Dew cosmetics. This won't last long so hurry . . . One of the best buys is at B&R SALES, where they try to please • . . Eldon Kahny, man- ager of PENNEY'S, says that over. In the meantime, Martha last week. parents. Founder's Days are Friday and keep your credit Jolley and Joyce Duppman will Warden, in the Moses Lake area,LINDA ARCHER was home last Saturday. In fact they will have for some im- run the store while Jewel Von- was the destination--Marilyn and week and is doing well in her a special demonstration in honor for your Oaten remodels it for his sister, =Bob Anderson were the charact- schooling in Seattle• of Mr. J. C. Penney... Jim Pes- simier, manager of MILLER'S has Beula. Best of luck to our new era, and pheasant hunting was the Another birthday was had by some bewitching Halloween val- Allynite. subject last weekend. Also tagging Gayle Enochs last week with a ues. Jim says they're cutting pric- Barb Stormo wishes to thank ahmg was Otto, their bird dog. terms to grand total of 10 years to her es every "witch" way in honor of That way, those who made her bout of illness Mel and Leifa Noggle were name. Halloween . . . Lem Warren, own- a carefree fall-- a lot nicer with their cards andpleasantly surprised last SundayVictor Community Club is work- er of LEM WARREN REFRIGER- cash you need! help. Sandy and Don Valley with night when the daughter, Cheryl,ing on the postoffice for the Hal- ATION, is having a final 1965 up- and her husband, Mike Ferrier, loween Carnival in Belfair Oct. pliance clearance this week. Lem e for your cash fordaughter Donna have moved up to with little Mike drove up and 30. says that each and every piece , Write or phone usBrown's house on the hill. spent the night. Last, but far from least, is themust go so you better hurry . . • is fast, cour- Second prize and barrels of fun There s been a wedding in AI- celebration of an anniversary for That s --30-- for this week, just Why not wereAndy hadlast bYsaturdayRaggedYat theAnncoot-and lyn. Peg Pzice became Mrs. Ed- Lois and Dick Rasmussen. They remember to SHOP AT HOME ietts Halloween Cabaret. Who were ~ard Stock last Saturday night,ventured to Tacoma with dinner lAND SAVE. DL Ann and Andy? Charlotte and Congratulations to the newlyweds, tat Barcott's. -- • ' Nominee /s Be/., Compiled Now A slate of nominees is now be- ing established at the Mason ASCS county office for the forthcoming ASC committee election. The elec- tion will be held by mail in the near future. The present ASC Com- mittee is making a special effort to encourage the greatest possible participation of eligible voters in the election. Any local resident who is eligible to take part in an i ASCS farm program may vote and may hold office as a committee- man. Ralph J. Brewer, Chairman, Ma- son County Agricultural Stabiliza- tion and Conservation Committee, said today that farmers who are eligible to vote in the committee election also have the right to nominate as candidates for com- mittee membership any farmer who is eligible and willing to serve. Such petitions, each one nominat- iI1~ one far,~- and ~t~.ned hv six or more eligible voters, may be filed at tile County ~ftme, 5zv Railroad Ave., any time before Nov. 7. Eligible voters may sign as many petitions as they wish. Additional nominations may be made by the incumbent ASC coun- ty committee. Last year 42 conservation proj- ects were completed under the Ag- ricultural Conservation Program cost-sharing arrangement on Ma- son County farms. TOGETHERNESS . . . OR • • . Halloween hijinks at Dean's Studio! Top man on the totem pole, Dean Pal- mer, invites you to see the UGLIES being displayed in his window this week . . • but don't let this scare you, he can be serious tool . . and, seriously, families pho- tographed together stay to- gether through all the years to come. Wouldn't you like to keep your family togeth- er with a fine professional portrait? Phone DEAN for an appointment now, while Paying 4,8%' 4th Street residents of Mason tty except Employees Tom Van Slyke. SINCERE WISHES of recovery are sent from all Allyn and Victor ,t0"~a~iildarris, Dan She,gren's sister, who is in critical condi- tion in the Tacoma General Hos- )ital. Kathy was in a car acci- dent last week. Let's hope by the time the paper's out better news is known. Last Wednesday was a busy day for Barbara Wynn as she had Birthday Club in the afternoon honoring Margaret Rice. Guests consisting of Lois Terrell, Bill: Thorno, Ida Deshon, Mrs. Rice o~ Shelton, Blanche Zeitner, Vera Iz. ett, Suzy Von Oaten, Dorothy Baker, Lillian Hemphill, Evelyi~ Amos, and Leola Nobel. THE BILL Austins had a group of 14 in last Sunday. They were MASON COUNTY'S II ~EAT OUT OFTEN~ DINER Canal near Potlatch on Hwy. 101 near powez ,=ou~ LUNCH -- DINNER --- Our Specialty -- BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-lickln' good) We feature SEAFOOD, tool Phone 877-9788 -- Take-Out Orders! ROBIN HOOD LODGE South of Union on Beautiful Hood Canal Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. LUNCHES -- DINNERS --- BANQUETS Featuring: Steaks, Seafoods and Southern Fried Chicken Try Our Fabulous Home Baked Pies [~ , 7th & Railroad S RESTAURANT Featuring Flavor Crisp Chicken Home Made Pastries and Bread Open 6 - 10 Dally Courteous Service and Good Coffee For Orders To Go Call 426-2441 SHELTO" HOTEl"'- Dining Cuisine at Its Best Specializing in .PRIME RIB OF BEEF Open 6.10 weekdays 6-12 Friday & Saturday AYLOR-TOWNE CAFE h,u.rsday Special -- 8-oz. Nev. Vork Cut Steak $1,75 -m~cious Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams --- t Fresh From Bay - I~,.UaVey Crocketts for the small fry ,o ,o o.m__________ 2' i':a IE'S GRILL 01yrn-p~-I~igh-~) N-orth on Mountain View BREAKFAST--- LUNCH --- DINNER Peclal Dinners Daily --- Fried Clams ~ Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! GOOD COFFEE Open Sunday during the Summer TAVERN & CAFE In I-Ioodsport on Hwy. 101 We Feature Steaks & Seafoods Danolng on The Water. After 9 p,m, you're still together. 426- 3272. P.S. If you can 'top' this to- tem pole your family sitting at Dean's will be FREE! (Pd. Adv.) Victor Ladys' Club met at Lois Rasmussen's last week to help the Community Club out on their bean bags. Women present were Em- ma Dahl, Helen Yoshihara, Patti Schillinger, Marilyn Enochs, Bet- .... II II ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY pecial n in onor By BETTY DEAN UNION -- The Hood Canal Im- provement Club's first game night )f the season will be held this Friday at 8 p.m. in the commun- ity hall. The public is invited to tttend.Refreshments will be ;erred. The 15th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Walter was 9bserved at their home Saturday ~.vening, with a pinochle party. 3uests included Mr. and Mrs. DOL~ Deigler of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. lohn Rebman, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Timm Harry Morris, Clyde Pettit, Phil- 'is Besett, and Gladyce Sherman. The high and low prizes were awarded to Mr• and Mrs. Max Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Don Deig- ler. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Waiter's and Phillis Besett. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce return- ed home Sunday from Campbell, Calif., where they visited with Leo's mother, Mae Pearce• Few deer have been reported shot by local hunters, however, Clarence Fanning and son Mike each got a buck on the Union Power line. Pat Carney got a deer in Eastern Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson re- less by famous Oneida EXTRAS Silversmiths ! turned home recently from Soap Lake, where they spent two weeks enjoying the hot baths and sun- shine. Mrs. Herb Allen was taken to Amazing offer! 8 each: knives, soup spoons, the Shelton hospital Monday moil- forks, salad forks; 16 teaspoons, 2 table. Ing, but reported doing well that spoons, 8 tall.drink spoons, 1.pierced table- spoon, sugar shell, butter knife, gravy ladle, cold-meat fork] In 'Rose Duet', 'Berkeley Square', new 'Lido'. evening and Herb was able to bring her back home. CASEY DEAN and Ronnie Bai- ley attended a swim party at the Pool Nuotare Monday evening, sponsored by their 4-H group. Harry Morris arrived home Fri- day from a two weeks stay at his daughter's home in Yakima., Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walter home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanfill and family of Tacoma. Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen's home were Mr. and Mrs. Luke Barndard and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Belchee, all of Seattle. The Union Vohmteer Fire Dept. are planning a turkey shoot on November 7. Ellen Rebman--was hostess to the Union pinochle club in her home Thursday. Those attending were Helen Tlmm, Evelyn White, Gladyce Sherman, Helen Cottrell, Betty Dean, Grace Gardner and Vera Bishop, who had high score. Pumpkin pie and whip cream was served by Ellen. Mrs. Karl O'Berry spent a week in Seattle taking care of her mo- ther, Mrs. Jennie Olson. Before she left Seattle, she took Jennie to the North Bend Hospital where she is being treated• Nov. 2 the Hood Canal Improve- ment Club will hold its monthly meeting at the community hall at 7:30 p,m. service for 8 ! No down payment, $5 a mo. up to 1/3 mile range ! A toy and then some! Send or receive spoken messages for blocks and blocks. Comes with fully recessed 45" telescope antenna, carrying case AND batteryl In grey plastic case with chrome finish. Charge two of 'cmj at Penney's for the price you'd expect to pay for just one elsewherelill I IIIII I III I III I ys! | onstration O enney! 14-pc. set of Teflon aluminum cookware CHARGE IT! Aluminum -- for fast, even heatl Du- Pont's amazing Teflon® coating ~ for no- stick cooking, no-scour clean-up! Look what you get --- 7~/~'' skillet, 10" skillet, 5- qt. Dutch oven, 1, 2, and 3-qt. saucepans • . . all with covers, nylon spoon and spat- ula. Cook with or without grease. Bis- cuit brown interiors; heat-resistant Bake- lite handles. • ';i, ~um/ttwe Ua/~ By Rod Olsen THE OVERSIZE ROOM can present just as much of a decorating challenge as the small room. And the worst mistake you eaR make in a very large living room is to try to treat the entire space as one area. If you think about it, living rooms are seldom used for one purpose and as a whole. In- stead there's a time and place for reading or for watching television, ~or formal meals or informal snacks, for conversa- tion with friends, a desk for family budgeting, and so on. The best way to plan such a room with lots of space is to organize it according to its fm~ctions. It won't take as many furniture groupings as you think to gain a comfort- able, lived-in feeling without any sense of your furniture be- ing lost in a barn-like room. Consider a music corner for that piano, or for that good stereo console. Create a com- fortable conversational group- ing focused around the fire- place, with plenty of seating and a big table or two. Plan a reading corner with books and a table and a pair of comfort- able chairs. Plan the room this way, and you'll soon be run- ning out of space! For those big, comfortal)le up- holstered pieces, come in and look over our new collection of sectional s o f a s and lounge chairs, foam filled for extra comfort and appearance. Most fabrics are treated to resist soil and stains, too! For the best in fine furnishings, al- ways, it's Olsen Furniture, where you're always welcome. 4th & Cota