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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 28, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i0.etober i?S 196 SH'ELTON-- L SON CO/VN'TY JOURNAL- ublished in "Chlqetmctsbo U.KA.'L Shelton LOIS PIERCE -- While Goblins roam and trick or sual on Halloween, Will be sponsoring ~erl party for all tile 't]he Canal area: at the School from 'p.m. 0ct. 30. Come da.l)d enjoy the fun of kncing. There will be ts and door prizes. girls from this dist- the Girls' League the Miller Junior High Aberdeen last Saturday. given as a part of the and each school put on a skit. Earl the bus load to Ab- F. O~ McDowell Gray wen[ along the beautiful weather' Shores' hfst weekend attended the Soropti- convention along with Soroptimists were Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth [rs. :Ed, ward Furlong Coles of Hood Peninsula District Fall meeting and was held in the S~uird lkst" Tu~s' Mattie Backhmd, Mrs. Mrs. Sigurd Hoff, tang and Mrs. D. H. the Hood Canal Car- attended. Club was Valley of Sequim. Mrs. Rob- Di,~t~'ict Director, pre- the business sessions. Lodge served the on the Horticulture R. Hack chose as his and Green House lie showed many lovely in bloom. afternoon program, 'Mrs. l=tenton showed how Iiday arrangements us- carved wood, house or on the beach. The ar- rangements turned out to be color- ful, eye appealinK and very in- :expensive. Mrs. Stolcn, Mrs. Hoff and Mrs. Pierce were among the door-prize winners. The prizes were donated by Sequim merchants. It was a beautiful sunny clay at Sequim but the wind coming off tile fresh snow on the Olym- pics made it. a hit chilly. Coming back the la(lies r-m into rain com- ing over Walker Mountain which continued the rest of tile way home. MR. AND MRS. DICK Addle- i man are east of tile mountahis bird hunting. Lester Dickinson has retm'ned home from a visi~ to oroville, Calif., and poil}ts arom~d O roville. Hoodsport friends of Erling Eastgaz'd are happy to know he is !home after spending several weclcs in the hospital following a woods accident. 'We are glad to report Mrs. Pauline Rydeen is now at her new home ir~ Shelton following surgery at the Virginia Mason Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Calahan motored to Tacoma last Monday to help Mr. Calahan's father, Kel- i!eY -C~-a..h.a-kL .c.e].e.]).rat-e his b.!rthday at the EB¢'s Club th,~t e~)enmg. Also on hand to help Mr. Calahan celebrate were his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mof ris of Redondo Beach and Jim Robertson of Tacoma. Miss RoseMary Crumb spent the weekend at honm with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crumb. D. H. Pierce was honor guest at a birthday dinner Tuesday eve- ning, when Mrs. Roy Pierce en- tertained in Kis honor. Present to enjoy the d'inner were Wilt Pierce. the honor guest and his wife, and the hostess and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters St. have purchased the Ray Peterson home on Finch creek and with daughter, Johnna have taken pos- session. Welcome back to Hoods- ~aaqy other things one ~ort folks. the woods, about, the Friends of Otto Radke will be ;0red By unflowers Jud e fm BETTY CRISS Brad Baselt; s . g " -- A report on the the show was Mrs. Eugene Sher- ~r i~air war the high- wood of Bremerton. Mrs. Pruski's e re l'an~ when the first grade room won the prize for P g " '1 Garden Club met for the most entries, and a specm ~r meetin~ at the South award was given to Kindergarten of lvr~-Vrhil1' Rarevteacher, Mrs. Glen Miller, for her Edwar"~Har" ris cohosJ" special creative work with the Kin- -- ' ' n e of the Junior Fair dergarten children m preparatm 'as Pumukin Lane with for the show. Show chairmen this in ~nt~i$~ m~nl~,,,~ ~, year were Mrs. Edward Harris 1 bene'tles~'"for%in~,~a and Mrs. Douglas Hoppe. -~ remainder of the ~n- TNE JUNIOR AND Senior High ribbon pumpkirl*'Wt~1a Dt*l~*gi~t~s,o~ ~he Baptist Corn- ed Terry Thaves, John munity Church will combine for a ,hn Baertschiger, Craig Ho0te~anny and Halloween Par- mdra Whitman, Jean ty next Sunday evening at the eryl Gunselman, Sharon South Shore home of Mr. and Mrs. icy HuRon, Brian Hen- Elmer Slagle from 7 to 9:30 p.m. )dd Cosgrove, Summer New officers for the Junior High ~ners were James Pic- group are Barbara Miller, presi- Aries and Steve Blcv- dent; Nancy Baselt, viee-presi- thantz won a blue rib- dent; Sue Schiller, secretary, and s corn entry. Winners Kevin Eddy, treasurer. ~ers were John Criss, ' Two engagements of interest ~eigman, Susan Archer have been announced recently. No ~rUitt, while Jeff Bish- date has been set for the wedding Ir his Winter squash, of Miss Ellen Murchison to John gotards went to Alayne Wilson, son of Mr .and Mrs. James tidy Toombs Pole bean E Wilson of the South Shore. Both Nelson, Dav- are employed at Boeing. Miss Con- Karen Sehillinger. nie Kay Harris will become the ribbons were awarded bride of Dennis E. Anderson in i November. Connie is the daughter I of Mtr. and Mrs. 3acl~ Hari~is' b~: Jeff Han- the North Shore. ~P~e and Eric The North Mason' GAA. will ' ' sponsor a basketball game featur- Kathy ~.g ths Harlem Clowmi against a faculty - commqn.itY : team next Wednesday evening in the gym at Other win- 8 p.m. Nov. 4 will be the date Petebson for for the November meeting of the Elineen Kron- Elementary PTA. Duane Star- Homecoming last Friday night David Ffllo at North Mason was quite a sue- celss. Miss Mildred Killer and Jay Pederson and Allen were named Queen and King .... with the Court consisting of MiSs ....... Christine Bixenman, Miss Laura Foster, Steve De~eiro and chariie Drake. The marching band, maJsr, anQ drill team salute' th¢ surprised and pleased to learn he has joined the (Wange Tour hy )lane to I-lawaii. He expects to bc gone a week seeing the sights m~d enjoying tile exotic foods ,f the Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Matt I(anre to()k Mr. Kaare's sisier, A(tele I(aare to Olympia last Monday to catch tile bus to Bishop, Calif., and then they went on to Auhurn to visit VIrs. I(aare's sister "m(I hlls|)lllld, VIr. and Mrs. M. M. Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Art Indnhl spent ~miday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cole, new residents of Olyml)ia. Vh'. Cole is a brother of Mr:;. I)on ~Stltton anti came to Olyml)ia fr[)m Marysville. ATTENTION l.Ynion City Ma- ,~u)nie Meml)ers: There will be n reception hollol'in~.;' Mr. and ]~l's. Myran Marvin on their Silver Wed- ding Almiversary Nov. 7, begin- ninK at I p.m. at the Norway Ha.II ill Brenlerton. Lodge lllellll)ers anti wives, are invited to altelld. Canal Court Amaranth Social Cliff) nlet at tile honic ¢It" Mrs. lPlo- I*ellce Heintze, on North shore, Belfair, Monday. LllnCheon x,\ra S .~ervc(t by the hostess and cohos- tesses, Mrs. []elon Sinlnlons lind Mrs. Marlin gmith. li'olh)winK hl'ncheoll a .qhort bllS- !hess sessitlll WaS held, i)re.sided over hy Mls. Edward ltadtlte, president. Others present were: Me.gdnmes, 7Mn,tt l{9are, Thoma~ Turner, 13e~;; }-htiues, l~,mnm Ham- mond, Mary Tiffin, Bertha Stolze, D. H. Pierce, Mr. E(I Radlke, the hostess slid o>hostesses. Rel~orl:ed ill were Mrs. Harry Ma\vson, ~,{rs. Ev'I ~illlnlon,q, anti Mrs. Kitty \Villianls. I)on BilliOn is home once there from the hospital, this was his set'end tril) in "l month. All wish yell II. speedy recovery Don, IIAROI,I) YOIING relm'ned this hlst \veei{ froln BIIrllS L'lke, Can- ad,q where he lllllde a slleeessflll Moose hunl lind lilt(.] tl nlost en- joyable vaeali()ll fishillg and see- ink the colmtry. |i'ronl the Sitka, Alaska, paper el Oct. 13, COllies lhis word, and I quote the article: "Tln ee Sitka couples returned Monthly, on the ferry Taku after a mmceg:fful hunting trip and va- cation in lhe interior. "Mr. and Mrs. Barton Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Gill)ert Kuhnle an(t tile Darrel l~odgel.s spent two weeks in the north hagging one J~{oose and seven Cill'ihou oil the Denali ]tighwny. "One \reek of the trip was spent in the T#ttirbnlll¢s area where the groliI) visiled Mrs. }:~.o(tger's allnl and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Pierce." llnqllote, Gilbert Kuhnle is the son of Albert ](lqm]e of Mnth)ek. D'HTel t~o¢lgers i.~ li~e son of Ve Ro(.tgers, Shelton, and Mrs. Rodgers in the daughter of the 13. H. Pieree's. "Pile Barton Seller's own the fishing boat the "Bertha R." feat- reed in Mrs. Rodger's sh)ry in the Novemher, 19112 Alasl~n Sports- man, "Six Moose in the Hole". :ii!ili!ii{ii{ iii i ;i :: .: ! U.S.D.A. choice BLADE & 7.BONE cUT II [ .......... I II I NEW CONSTRUCTION --- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges 6HELTON Mason Counly Savings & Loan Associalio TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING IlJl I I I I I I I ' I I II I ,::i:::!:i:?!:i:!:i:;:x!r::, ::~ii:~!!!:i~iii:i:iiiii~!:i:::i~?:~i plumP, Tender ,,Whole Body" ................ ,b 69¢ CANDY BARS oo-0,:,:00:o