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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 28, 1965
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October 28, 1965 SI-IELTON--MASON COITNTY JOURNAI - Publ|sl/ed in "Chr fmas/ , She]ton, Washin PXGE ,mm=mm Cots Wash. Mildred Kisler, Jay Allen Chosen Royalty For Homecoming Activities Last Weekend by JUDY TURNER NORTH MASON HIGH -- Miss Mildred Kisler and Jay Allen were chosen to reign over the Homecoming activities for 1965. Coronation took place during half- time of the game with Forks. Chris Bixenmann and Steve De- Miero and Laura Foster and Char- lie Drake were the other members YOUR :i Roy and Shirley Clinton cordially invite you to the OPENING OF SKI in and have a cup of coffee with us and over our complete line of ski equipment. • New and Used Skis, boots and poles • Stretch Ski pants, Jackets, sweaters, hats, mitts, gloves, sex, goggles • Repairs and Rentals During This Open House A & T, Alsop & Geise $3.95 PRESSES - ONLY $2.50 m ER ITEMS DURING OPEN HOUSE ONLY CLINTON'S BIKE AND SKI SHOP 223 COTA STREET 'iday Evening 29 - 7 to 9 P.M. 30 Saturday 14} A.M, to 5 P.M. of the court. Last year's princess Arlene Dahl and King Len Whit- man crowned the two winners. The dance was in the cafeteria after the game. Music was provided by the NMtIS swing band. All in all Homecoming '65 was very suc- cessful. Everyone took part in and enjoyed the activities of the week. There is a. correction on the date of the Harlem Clowns game. It will be held on Nov. 3 instead of Nov. 11. The Clowns will play the Belfair town team, with ~ll pro- ceeds going to the football light fund. On Oct. 28, the North Mason Chapter of the National Honor Society will show some films on the humanities. The films arc "Athens: the Golden Age" and "The Theater; One of the Humsn- ities". William Harvey, Director of the Dramatics Department at Olympic College, will be the guest speaker. The event is scheduled to last from 7:30-9 p.m. All NHS members and their parents are in- vited to attend. OCT. 26, THE Girl's and Boy's Clubs held meetings. On the agen- da for the girls is having a "Girl of the Month"; discussing the pie and coffee sale after the senior play; and a combined talent show with the boys club. The boys have slated discussions on sochops af- ter the basketball games; a wood- cut with all the wood being sold to the community; and a boy-of- the-month. They'll also talk about the combined talent show. Cur- rently the boys have taken charge of the clothing drive here for Goodwill Industries. Sacks were passed out first period Monday and were picked up on Wednesday. T H E S E N I O R high student body voted on the Hall of Fame Tues- day. There were several categor- ies such as most popular, most athletic, most likely to succeed and others. Those eligible for the elec- tions were all seniors. Air Force aptitude tests were given from 1 - 3:20 p.m. Wednes- day. A careers opportunity day is being held today. Persons working in different fields have come to talk to juniors and seniors about these jobs in the hopes of helping them to make up their minds as to the future. Despite the efforts of the sen- ior class, the band was declare( to be the winner of the Home- coming Yell assembly, last Friday. The band is also selling candy. By JESSIE TUPPER LAKE NAHWA~rZEL -- Most. heart-warming news of the week in this area was the home-coming last Saturday of Archie Kelley af- ter six and one-half months in the hospital. He has made a remarka- ble recovery, after having a log fall on him, breaking his neck in seven places. Proud hunters stopping in at the Resort last Sunday were young Roger Phillips, Bremerton, and Rick Campbell, Olympia, each with a nice 2-point buck. Roger's hunting companion was ;John Darragh, also of Bremerton Rick Campbell was hunting with his father, John Campbell, his brother, Chris, antl Alan Tupper. The Indian Summer weather over the weekend brought many hunters to the woods. The number of deer brought out of the woods this weekend was about double the number last week, Mrs. Lawrence Hansen attended a horse-management school at Central Park Stables, Kirkland, last week, for three days. The course was sponsored by Washing- ton State College and the Wash- ington Horsemen. Big flocks of Northern ducks have been noted circling Lake Nahwatzel. Mrs. Bill Bell and her sis@r, Mrs. Catherine Alderson, Tacoma, drove to Winchester, Ore., to visit another sister, Mrs. Jennie Haines, for two days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and daughters, Jerry, Kim and Brenda, and Douglas White drove Barbara Page to Hoquiam to visit her par- ents last Sunday. Mrs. Jim Blocker and her hus- band drove to Ephrata last week to visit her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons, and her niece, Mrs. Lois Carley. They returned last Friday after a four- day visit. SUNDAY, THE BLEEKERS had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. El- gin Sharpe, at Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Aurstad spent three days last week visiting their daughter, Mrs. Shirley Drake, and her children, in Hoquiam. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Walt Chappell and children visited the Archie Kelleys last Sunday. Also dropping in to visit were Ralph Pauley and son Ralph, and Dan Chappell. Icoasl To coast sToREs SALE TOMORROW ., o 'ONFORH CHAIR tO the body, sire.ear metall Tough, flexible plastic. For any ~olso or beige. ) CAST IRON SKILLET By Griswold %1/8" skillet, Pure cast ilnatee hurnlngand sticking. Pro.seasoned, (WF0518=6) EXCITING' 'COMMANDER' EICYCLE ~ Smart Contgur Tank Style t • Men=! Plambeyonf Rod I Chrome Rims. Whitewall Tires ! • Ladles' Rich Blue I 74 88 Flint 3-Piece CUTLERy SET Quality act Includes 8.r stain. less steal steak slicer, 9" roast slicer, 3" paring knife. Pakkawood handlec.(WJ0510-8) LIGHTED HEDICINE CABINET 16x22" plate glass Enamel finish. 2 adjustable sh~lves. 2 flourescent side lights with fluted shades. (PE0908.3) GRAND PRIX "400" ROAD RACE SET Individual pistol grlp controls put you behind tee wheel of live,action Y ,ON A TOUR OF COPENHAGEN'S BEAUTIFUL HARBOR Mrs, Lawton sitting beside two youngsters at left front Due loved mig ~t; kommo vlst, men du kom ej til mig. Jeg vihle roser plukkc, jeg pluk- her lpgen tier. Jag eksked dig sa, indcrligt, jeg elsker ~tldrig mer. (Ninth ins series from the travel diary of Mrs. Florence L~wton during her 2½-month trip to Europe e~rlier this year). COPENHAGEN, July 7 The Palace Hotel, where I am staying, is Just across the square from Tivoli Gardens. I arrived $ $ * urely here. In one town an elder- ly man had large red hearts put out along the way saying "take your time." We see such funny names! There is Middlefart. Even the guide had to laugh and tell us of a man whose name was Middlefart who went to America and when he said here after lunch and at 4:00 his name everyone laughed. I o'clock we were taken on a tour lthink he changed it. of the city and harbor. The king'sI We stopped at a place where yacht was in the harbor and the they always celebrate the 4th of king was aboard awaiting the July. It is quite a big occasion. birth of his first grandchild (two One year Richard Nixon was there weeks overdue). The queen was in Greece with her daughter. The baby was born this a.m., a girl. The mother is only 18 years old. The next morning (July 8) we left on the Fairy Tale Tour. It is really lovely. We drove through Roskilde to Korsor, then crossed by ferry to Nyborg. We had lunch on the ferry, then on to Odense where we had dinner and stayed overnight. THE FOLLOWING morning we drove to Hans Christian Anders- son's Museum where was saw his home and all his things. Also heard, the story of his life, which was rather sad. It was beautiful countryside With 10ts Qf ~ed cat- tle and white pigs, They say they have two pigs for evezT person. Anyway, the ham and bacon is delicious, also the milk and cream. Then drove on L tO Ribe, where we had lunch, but stopped at Kold- ing for coffee and pastries and saw the ruins of the old KoldI~gh- us Castle. The lunch at Ribe was wonderful . . . never saw such wonderful food. Next we drove on to Velje, where we had dinner and stayed overnight at the Australia Hotel. A beautiful hotel, and a real party at dinner time . . . music and singing, they even sang "Home On the Range" and "For Auld tang Syne". In the center of the dining room they had a table with colored lights and have big square crystal jugs of colored water arranged around the table top. When they dropped dry ice in the containers of colored water they all steamed and sent out clouds of mist. It was so beautiful with the colored lights. All other lights were turned out. AS THERE WERE so many Americans among us they put an American flag on our table. We have such a lovely guide on the tour. She tells us all sorts of stories and sings folk songs. She is trying to get everybody to sing, too, and it is surprising how well everyone does. She also gives us the history of the country as we go along. Everything is so lois- Dairymen To Vole On PromotionFund Boosi Mason County's 12 dairy farmers will begin marking ballots Oct. 30 for or against a stronger milk ad- vertising program in 1966. The dairymen will have until Nov. 12 to return the secret ballots on a proposed one cent assessment increase for non-brand advertis- ing. At present dairymen invest three cents for every 100 los. of milk marketed in sales promotion pro- grams of the Washington Dairy Products Commission. Members of to give a speech, also Walt Disney another time, and I can't remem- ber how many more. There are usually about 20,000 people there and at the end they join arms and all sing "Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot". ,Ic ea $ July 10 TODAY WE STOPPED aL a little place called Veiling Keller for coffee and I got some pictures, although the weather hasn't been good--showery and cool most of the time. I am enjoying the t]'ip through Denmark most of any, I think. The country is so green and clean. I go; on the train back to Velje tomor- rBw morning and will spend the day, then come back here to take the boat back to Copenhagen. I leave for home on the 16th. This is the song everyone on the bus sang: Det var en lord~tg aften, jeg sad og vented dig. I I 4th & Railroad ittl Could Be Your fireplace already is beautiful and has no need for a new model Glassfyre door, Could Be You are in a high income bracket and don't have to save on fuel or fuel bills. Could Be You don't have smoke prob- lems or cold drafts across your floor and don't need a self-pay- ing Glassfyre door, CARLSON Tile & Fireplace Mt. View Phone 426-2057 B & R BEST BUYS 18 Ca. Ft. Deluxe $' D Reg. $150.00 5 Colors to Choose From I I II FRIDAY and SATURDAY 426-8665 ¢ 10 OR MORE BAGE