October 28, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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58, 1966 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 20 rRNAL -- Published in 17
IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a Special County-wide Election for voting on a ReselL-
ing to Revenue and Taxation, a Special Bond Election for Tahuya School District No. 20,
fl AND Excess Levy Election for Southside School District No. 42 and a Transfer of
Election for Shelton Consolidated School District No. 309, will be held, together with General
District Elections and County Board of Education Election, as well as a Special Election on
Relating to Revenue and Taxation f or all Mason County Schools.
Elections will be held in concert on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, at the Polling Places set
Said Polls will open at 8:00 A.M. and remain open t ntil 8:00 P.M. of said day. (Except
case there are any voters in the Polling Places at the hour of closing, who have not
Polls will remain open after the hour, to enable them to do so.) And EXCEPTING ALSO,
Polling Place a,t the Harstine School will open at 1:00 P.M. and remain open until 8:00 P.M.
day. ,.
By NADINE RHODES her granddaughter, Mrs. Patti Ken- writer saw the first truckload of formed here. There are many edi-
PIONEER --- The first football worthy, of Bremerton, Mrs. Walk- trees go by, and happily anticl- ble varieties in the northwest.
game played at Pioneer was with er came on to Shelton. Mrs. Ken- pates the bustle the Christmas tree
Kamilche last week. Kamilche won worthy is the former Gloria Walk- business brings to the community. When asked what she does with
over Pioneer 13 to 0. or. Mrs. Hap Smith, formerly of MR. AND MRS. Mac McCleary all those mushrooms, Mrs. Me-
The boys had worked long and Bayshore, now of Dayton, was in are among those who pick tubs Cleary replied that she consults
hard to help get the new playing Bremerton on business and furnish- of muchrooms, especially at this the three books they have on the
field in shape to have a home ed transportation for the Vancou- time of year. Last week Mac at- subject of edible mushrooms and
game. ver resident by bringing her totended a meeting of a mushroomthrows nearly all of her collection
Pioneer PTO will meet at 8 p.m.Shelton. club in Seattle. At this meeting out• It takes an expert to peel-
Tuesday at the school. It is hoped Parents of kindergarten children was displayed all kinds of mush- tiVely identify the edible mush-
that Bud Knutzen of Shelton will attending Evergreen School are es- rooms, with all data that could room. The kinds they do know,
be there with information aboutpecially invited to attend the Ever- be obtained about each. Mrs. Me- they enjoy to the fullest-. Just like
the Boy Scout program. A hum- green PTA meeting tonight. SomeCleary expressed the wish thatcandy, declares Mrs. McCleary.
bet of people have expressed anof the aims and plans will be ex- such a chlb could sometime be Don't forget to vote Nov. 2.
interest in starting a troop in this plained and discussed.
area. Those who are Boy ScoutsMrs. Orville Moran went to Tac-
at the present time travel weekly oma Monday. Under the guidance
into Shelton for the meetings,of her neighbor Leo Bishop, she
Any parents interested are ask- brought home a brand new saddle
ed to be present for the meeting, and bridle• A few months ago, New Gymnasium Is Almost Complete And Ready
Remember the special meeting Betty purchased a four-year-old
regarding the assessment p,:oposal half Arabian gelding. His name, For Classes Plan Halloween Parties Friday
facing voters. Purpose of the meet- "St. John", has been changed to The new multi-purpose (gym) two incoming transfers, Shelley
tug is to inform the public of its "Big John" by some who have building at the Junior High School York from Shelton and Douglas
meaning and intent. The time ts 8 seen and admired the beautiful is near completion and sho~fld be Anderson from Seattle helped to
p.m. Friday at Pioneer School. large riding horse, in use shortly All that remains round off the class at 30• They
HARSTINE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302 ~UEST OF MR. and Mrs. Ray- Christmas comes early tn Shel- to be done is" the finishing of the are now Studying the telephone
, mend. Walker over the weekend ton. From the first smell of fresh floor which is now laid, the put- with the aid of booklets, posters,
..... was her mother, Mrs. Grace Taylor cut trees, the spirit of Christmas tins up of the wainscoting which real telephones, fihnstrips, color
SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSITION of Vancouver, B.C. After visiting compels itself upon us. Today your has begun, and the installation of movies and important tips from
_.~ S~[OOL DISTRICT ~ ~ lockers, baskets and backboards their older sisters. They are leanl-
NO. ~0 RESOLUTION RELATING TO REVENUE AND TAXATION and other fittings which are on ing all about who invented the
------ -- "Shall a tax levy of not to exceed the 14 mills permissible by law eeL DISTRICT NO. 42 order.
Any Work that remains to be phone, how it has cimnged over
the years, how to use it, how to
PROPOSITION theWithinHarstinethe constitutionalschool District40-millNo.tax3021imitatiOnon the basisC°ntinUeof ant°assessedbe madevaNbY done after this will be minor and make emergency calls, and how to
DISTRICT ,PARTICIPATION BONDS, $100,000 uation not to exceed 25% of the true and fair value of the taxable prop- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Southside School District would not prevent the use of the be a courteous'user. Next Friday
building, al classes will have Halloween
erty within said district, notwithstanding the limitation contained in No. 42 General Election will be held at the Polling Places listed be- As soon as the building can be parties• Mothers will take turns
L School District No. 20, Mason County, Washington, is- Sections 2, 3 and 4, Chapter 174, Laws of 1965, Ex. Sees., the proceeds I low, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose of electing one put to use our P.E. program canhelping with the three-room part-
obligation bonds in the principal sum of $100,000.00, such to be placed m the county treasury to be used for school district pur- School District Director for a term of four years,
LYable both Drincipal and interest out of annual tax levies poses as presently provided by law?" ARTHUR D• BAKKE, Clerk get into full swing and many oth- ies during the year. Games a~d
thout limitatiou as to rate or amount, to bear interest at er activities will be possible': goodies will be enjoyed by all. Al-
to exceed 6% per annum, and to mature as provided by HOODSPORT ~HOOL --- The ready witches, gobli'ns, masks and
ation of the Board of Directors within twenty years from school was most pleasantly sur-jack 'o lanterns are appearing to
tfor the purpose of providing funds to participate in the SHELTON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 54 prised this Week by the arrival of make the rooms look very festive.
their new very large print Royal LOWER SKOKOI~HSI~ The
ae constructing and equipping of additional high school
0rth Mason School District No. 403, Mason County, Wash- DISTRICT NO. 30 typewriter, This will be especially Third through the sixth grades-- at
specifically set forth in a resolution of the Board NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Grapeview School appreciated by £he teachers for lower Skokomish and the Junior
,ted on the 9th day of September, 19657" District No. 54 General Election will be held at the Polling Places listed making lesson sheets for the ele- High school are oin to have
mentary pupils. On second thought g g
a Halloween Party in the Lower
below, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose of electing one it would be better for this large Skokomish gym Friday. A candy
PROPOSITION School District Director for a term of four years.
SPECIAL ELECTION RESOLUTION RELATING TO REVENUE AND TAXATION JULIUS STOCK, Clerk size print be used for some of the and popcorn sale will precede the
oldsters (25 or over). They just party. Games will be played and
"Shall a tax levy of not to exceed the 14 mills permissible by law about read this without their glas- prizes will be given for the best
E SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 42 within the constitutional 40-mill tax limitation continue to be made seN. i Halloween cestumes. There is also
by the Shelton Cons. School District No. 309 on.the basis of an assessed HARSTINE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302 Se~,d grade -- The learnings i the possibility of the inclusion of
valuation not to exceed 25% of the true and fair value of the taxable of a recent astronomy project in a spook house or something simi-
PROPOSITION NO. 1 propererty within said district, notwithstanding the limitation con- Mrs. Moore's class was strength- far The 5th grade had a skating
tained in Sections 2, 3 and 4, Chapter 174, Laws of 1965, Ex. Sees., the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Harstine School ened this week when the class dis- party with a good crowd in attend-
GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $47,000. proceeds to be placed in the county treasury to be used for school diet- No. 302 General Election will be held at the Polling Places listed be. cussed the recent comet. The ehil- mice and everyone had a good time.
School District No. 42, Mason County, Washing- rict purposes as presently provided by law?" low, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose of electing one dren watched for the comet eachA candy saleanda popcorn sale fin-
General Obligation Bonds in the principal sum , School District Director for a term of four years, night without success. Friday the anced the party. The school is get-
such bonds to bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% HUGO V. GLASER, Clerk class wrote a paragraph about tins ready for Halloween with the
comets. Previously the class had
making of masks and other deter-
feature serially in from two to twenty years from date MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311 studied various constellations and atlons. The Sixth and Sew:nth
be paid both principal and interest out of annual tax the Creek myths concerning them. Grade football teams had a game
without limitation as to ratio or amount, for the pur- SHELTON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL A "play" telescope was made that last week with Southside, losing
lag funds to pay the cost of constructing a multi-pur- PROPOSITION DISTRICT NO. 309 permitted views of the Big and by a score of !8-36.
the Southside School, all as more specifically provided Little Dippers, and other well-The eighth grade class sponsored
the Board of Directors adopted the 26th day of Aug- RESOLUTION RELATING TO REVENUE AND TAXATION known constellations, a dance for the seventh, eighth
"Shall a tax levy of not to exceed the 14 mills permissible by law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Shelton Consolidated Third Grade -- They now have and ninth grades. Everyone was
within the constitutional 40-mill tax limitation continued to be made School District No. 309 General Election will be held at the Polling 30 pupils in their class. Marty Me- advised to bring any 'good' rec-
Places listed below, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose of Carty moved to Shelton however erda and dance up a storm.
PROPOSITION NO. 2 by £he Mary M. Knight School District No. 311 on the basis of an as-
sessed valuation not to exceed 25% of the true and fair value of the electing two School District Direc'fors for a term of four years each. We're also working on different
LEVy FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION --, $9,000 taxable property within said district, notwithstanding the limitation DORIS HI--AN, Clerk ~ ~ ways to earn money for our de:
• pleted treasury.
contained in Sections 2, 3 and 4, Chapter 174, Laws of 1965, Ex. Sees., / / The B half of the eighth grade
of $9,000.00, or approximately 12.5 mills, in excess of the proceeds to be placed in the county treasury to be used for school is also going to enjoy the ice
levy by law, be made on the assessed val- district purposes as presently provided by law?" MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311 IN APPRECIATION cream feed we won in the mass-
No. 42 and the proceeds thereof used im-
incurring an indebtedness against the Building ........... We wish to thank the Elms YoN zinc-sale contest.
to be used toward the construction of a multi- unteer Fire Department, the hunt- GIRLS' LEAGUE -- Forty-seT-
as specifically provided for in the resolution adopted KAMILCHE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Mary M. Knight School era, and all of our friends and en girls from our school attended
Directors of the School District on the 26th day of District No. 311 General Election will be held at the Polling Places neighbors who helped us fight our the Fall Conference held at Miller
.... ,~ listed below, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose of electing house fire October 16. Junior High School in Aberdeen
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401 three School District Directors for a term of four years each. Without your heJp. we.~ would last Saturday As the bus slowly
HELEN STODDEN, Clerk never have been able to save our traveled onward, the fog kept rol-
home and furniture, ling in more thickly. However, we
SPECIAL ELECTION ,PROPOSITION Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Trenckman had allowed plenty of travel time,
"Shall a tax levy of not to exceed the 14 mills permissible by law SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401 there on it was easy sailing and
• ELDERBERRY LEAF TIME we reached Miller in plenty of
within the constitutional 40-mill tax limitation continue to be made by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Kamilche Valley Consol- Dear Mr. Editor: time.
PRO, POSITION the Kamilche Valley Consolidated School District No. 401 on the basis idated School District No. 311 General Election will be held at the To several of your readers I The day's program was very
DISTRICT PARTICIPATION BONDS, $49,000 of an assessed valuation not to exceed 25% of the true and fair value Polling Places listed below, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the pur- would like to say this: it is now interesting. One of the high points
ew School District No. 54, Mason County, Washington, of the taxable property within said district, notwithstanding the limi- pose of electing one School District Director for a term of four years, time, if you wish to gather elder- was the presentation of skits in
obligation bonds in the principal sum of $49,000.00, tation contained in Sections 2, 3 and 4, Chapter 174, Laws of 1965, Ex. VERN.~ ELLISON, Clerk berry leaves, you should do it as the afternoon. The girls taking
Sees., the proceeds to be placed in the county treasury to be used for they will soon have frost and that part in the Hood Canal skit, titled
payable both principal and interest out of annual tax school district purposes as presently provided by law?"
without limitation as to rate or amount, to bear in- is the end of them. "Campfires", were Vickie Pavel,
Of not to exceed 6% per annum, and to mature as pro- ' ' ' ' PIONEER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Another thing, if your eyes areJenny Jensen, Loretta Kitbourne,
resolution of the Board of Directors within ten years bothering, gather some willow Vickie Pierce, Sue McDowel], San-
for the purpose of providing funds to participate in PIONEER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 402 leaves and use as a tea to drink dy Borovesky, Julie McKesson, Jo-
and as a wash and the dim eyes leen West, Christin Radcliffe and
constructing and equipping of additional high NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said Pioneer Consolidated will soon have relief as it will Johnna Winters.
)f North Mason School District No. 403, Mason County, DISTRICT NO. 402 School District No. 402 General Election will be held at the Polling stop the watering and the pain as Mrs. Norman Gray, mother of
as more specifically set forth in a resolution of the Places listed below, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose well. our president, Darleen Gray, ac-
adopted on the 12th day of October, 19657" of electing one School District Director for a term of four years. Thank you, sir! companied our advisor, M,~. Me-
YES ....................................................................... [] PROPOSITION BARRIE STROUD, Clerk R~rpectfully, Dowell, and Mr. Crumb took the
I~/O ........................................................................ [] ..... A.F. Oppelt day to drive us over.
i i
"Shall a tax levy of not to exceed the 14 mills permissible by law NORTH MASON CONSOLIDATED ...........
SPECIAL ELECTION within the constitutional 4O-mill tax limitation continue to be madeSCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES
by the Pioneer Consolidated School District No. 402 on the basis of an
CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL assessed valuation not to exceed 25% of the true and fair value of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That said North Mason Consolt- (By School Districts)
DISTRICT NO. 309 taxable property within said district, notwithstanding the limitation dated School District No. 403 General Election will be held at the Poll-
, contained in Sections 2, 3 and 4, Chapter 174, Laws of 1965, ~x. Sees., ins Places listed below, on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, for the purpose SCHOOL
the proceeds to be placed in the county treasury to be used for school of electing two School District Directors for a term of four years each,
district purposes as presently provided by law?" , and one School District Director for a two-year unexpired term. DIST. POLLING PLACE PRECINCTS VOTING
PROPOSITION _ , BETTY CRISS, Clerk No, 20 Tahuya School Tahuya
'" No. 42 Southstde School Arcadia (per. within No, 42)
NORTH MASON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL No 54 Grapeview Fire Hall Grapeview
be granted to transfer the fund currently held HOOD CANAL CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL
Investment (swimming pool fund) to the Build- No. 302 Harstine School Harstine
improvement of Athletic and Physical Education DISTRICT NO. 403 DISTRICT NO. 404 No. 311 Mary M. Knight Seh. Cloquallum (per. within No. 311)
. Satsop
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 20 ,PROPOSITION NOTICE IS HEI~EBY GIVEN: That said Hood Canal Consolt- Dayton (per. within No. 311)
dated Seheol District No, 404 General Election will be held at the Poll- No. 401 Kamilche School Kamilche (per. within No. 401)