October 28, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 28, 1965 |
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PAGE 18 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ohr stmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington Thursd
_ For Sale For Sale ......... Used Cars ied Service Real Estate ' -~ NOTICE oFNO'H
• Pric- | ...... FORD " --" .... ' - 16-21 28I .... ""~ "~v "" 2"~. or -Hhelton 4~26"W-H~ " ....... ' ........ ],[[I I EXPERTtwo r R I I OWNER consideran e r. ~e_aut t Iul view covered 'blc melc patm, llantablef Harsttn Is" rice -- ~------------- AmberIll[I] Ii m~15 COMME =RC Wlth~m~AL r small ~=PR ~=OPE =aT Y ~ I In Richard CLOSE Just withB I**@| ~ REI'ORT acres the~ ~ t| $3,750 an Booth, Matter~d'l _.~~-- TO extra' I AND for DEx¢I~ o] ~ ~t~|, ;!
BAIy.DW~N SPaIkNEsTniPie~nO.ia$?95; S~-IKITCHEN UTENSILS and some.fur-~ For Sale 1962 Renault, GOod WANTED TO RENT, lease, or lease LET'S-MAKE'~-date 'to--decorate. For !THREE BEDROOM house near school ] FOR DISTB]
Thomas~ .... tWO-Ke uoaraP " Per an' ~495;I mturein ire ior2 sam.ksoFnone 42/d-8084 or i C..d~+io.. .. ~=, ....~'T .... =.~om='~o ~=u-~==A°a AA~O I with option, well-kept 3 or 4 (or expert painting and wall papering, I stores, and churches.. FHA app, aised.~ ' IN THE SUPERIOR .#
SherAton. and ~av, 20~ ~e]* Srd.*h'I -- qu 43 Coo n. Mc 9/30 tfn ~ eao~ .nn [ mob,e)., bedroom unfurnished home ] call Bennett Painting Company, I $11,950. Phone 426-4791. F 9/16 tfn ] AC_REA__~ F MAsoNSTATE COUNTyOF WA'~ t,
. ~1.~ "S~7~/l"~f'~l m i - • ..... With mrge lot or acreage, not more 426-3248. B 11/8 tfn ........
]F~LLSALE -- Ever_ythlng goes. ]~ than five miles from town• Reliable AUTO GLASS installation. FROM CALIFOrtNIA offers acres house, new
! ~ u=auncu, r~uuuys, azamas, ever- I ~'oK ~At~ -- lSb~ ~UiCK uentury : party, relerences on request. Phone ] Jim Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ave. [ one to five, 10 acre tracts on Webb well and pump house, new septic STELLA MAY BOOT ,
FOR SALE -- Several good used [ greens, misc. fruit, and floweling B Wagon, Good rubber, plus two snow i 426-3204 S 10/14 tfn k Phone 426-~261 ' 4/28 tfn Road paved and one block fr)m .
freezers reconditioned and guaran- [ and shade trees magnol as peonies I tires Runs good $325 H odsDort ' ! ' [ ~a~ d~ ,~.~ .~.., ~e ~- .. - } tank Located just 4 miles North
tate, has filed with !
• . , , , • _ • _ . o ._ ~ ~ . ................. ~ .... mac,ton. ~as ' final report and pet{ !1
l~dsouLt~msecW~rren Ref~e7r/~tl~fn~ [ daf~dils and mums. The ,,Garden [Marina, phone 877-5362.10/14-28 WANTED --- Ironing in my home, 90c TREES TOPPED, trimmed removed. [ terms. Addres~-215 North Albert Sty [of .town. $7,00D.00 with terms tion, asking the Co~
......................... ] In'se~:.Isabella'Road ...... ~'l~;~a.~.~ ]~~ an hour• Phone 426-6420, L 11/12 tfn ] Larry's Tree Surgeon Se'rvice. 426- [ Port Angems, wash. S 10/14-26 [ avauame, report, distribute th( ~.
~'~suE~pRi~LUXhnS~.~l~ES'Phserevl~6-6~d /~] pnhd:r~ s4t~ko~hilt' $350, Ra~o,9Yle;t~fr~ WILL DO BABY-SITTING at my home/ 4823, 2/13 tfnl~I 36 acres with house and out-chargePers°nSsaidtheret°Exeeutorenti ?
after o:oo p.m. £~emonstratlons. I cry Phone ' Bellair CR 5-2302 Cut I__~ .,~-voo~. ~= ~/.u ~,,,or yours. Day or night. 426-2594. |FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, I bearoom, one 2-Uearoom, and one ~ buildings, ideal for country gentle- petition will be hear( I
R 1/7 tfn { any' length. D 10/14-28 ]1952 WILLEYS 6 cyl. for sale as is. l-I 6/17 tfn ] ~hi,~ys, planters, call R. E. ~/~s~z; I ~lo°ee~'t°o°'snchono?UaSe~{ l~°~naessC~indlt:°~. { man who has spare time for hobby of November. 1965, a{
;-"~=l~~ ~ $65• 1952 Dodge, $125. Phone 426-3747. ~ " " "1 232 Ada,, s St hone 4 " farmin
.... ,._ '_" ' . .... ~FREE PIANO LESSONS while you I S 9/23 tfn HOME REPAIR WORK carpentry ~~l 8 ., P 26-4238. ] g. Good ~ence around the Courtroom of said C¢"~
st~tI~orsa~e~t} the Journal, ~l:zo | rent a new spinet piano. Only $12 | ~ cement and brick work 'roofing• Os-' IHAV.E .GUN WLLI, SPRAY! Exterior I P 7/16 tfn cleared farm land• Located just 3 ty Courthouse at Shoe I!
_~'" .~ w.~ ~ut~. a~/~ ~" | per nlonth. Johnny's Music Box, 11964 PONTI2~C CATALINA 4-door borne General ~.ontrac'tlng,~ Phone[ ann interior• ~Tee csthnqtes, worK|~-Jmiles from town A real buv a~ 1965.DATED THIS 26tl~ , ~'
YOU CA~ ~U~a~ ....... + ....~ [ zuo u)ta. open ~onaay, Weanesaay | hardtop Excellent condition Extrem- 426-6241 O 4/1 tfn | guarantees ~ennet~ ~lamnng ~o |w~.m~urv~2 uuuroom .xngmsme { .......... • .... ~ ~ LAURA M, WA
• ................ " .... i ni , 'till '3 " " " f " Phone 426 3248 5 10 tfn home nice yarn, garage, wood-shed @~ eve WlI31 terms available
longer with Fairbanks Morse numns [ and Fr day even~s 8. 0• | ely low" mileage. 426-2442. N 10/7 t n ~ ~ " " / | .... ' ............. ~0,.,~,.~.. ~oe ,~,~ | • Clerk of the S!
See them at Shelton Electric Co --~--" WANTED -- Cedar logs Versapanel after noon daily P 7 Robert L. Snyder i
419"Railroad• 3/16 tfn FOR SALE -- '~9 Pontiac, Phone 426-Port of Shelton Industrial Park: CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, lly. P7/22 tfn RI=DUCED FOR QUICK SALE 125~ North 5th
.... FOR SALE --: 18 ft: Alaskan cedar 4/745. S 9/16 tin John's Prairie, Phone 426-6426. accurate precis~pn grinding. Now at ~Twenty-acre ranch four 9~ acres with a 3 bedroom par- Shelton, Washingto~
LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for pJanK open Goal ~uu. ~ouom Gee, J 2/18 tfn ~aeger ~o~or ~nop. ~iHcresL ~none . ' -- ~. ' • • •
sale or lease Liberal terms to right r box spring and innerspring mattress /~R SALE -- 1964 JAWA 350 very low 426-4602 1/15 tfn / hales out Baysh( ~e Road, Three bed- {trolly fmmhed home. Property has Attorney for Execut(
arty ~oute 1 Box 225 Shelton bookcase headboard, $20. Maple twin mileage. $175. Phone 426-67'24. ~, --~-r ........... ! room home, z-car garage. Cal! 426- a good spring and small creek.
3 AUTO PAINTING $40 and up Also 4086 C 10/21 tfl~ j
~hone 426-8768. ' 9/2,3 tfn/ or.bunk+bed~. $20. ~Geent~o~Uar~er{ C10/14-28 t house trailers boats etc "Phone{SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil, peat{ ............... {Priced at $8,500. Located 4 miles ~~4
~..~ .................. children ~75 or best offer Call |'5n ENGLISH FORD -- Prefect Good 426-4322, Inquire 1202 Cota St, I soil,, custo~ tractor wor~, Jo s ~BARGAIN -- $3:000 lull pmce, neat J South of Town. See thin one today.
~um~v~u~ u~r~m~ Dy ~L ~eanu~ -0~ o~o'~ '~ .~ ,~ ~. ~ ~,~a i ~ ~., ~oa ~o~ ~ ~n]~, m~/a R 4/9 tfn I ureeK uana ~ t~ravel Uo., phone a~o. i little two bearoom house, nartl~ /
brittle, a specialty. Many others .... o ...... er ......... .~.I~hK.~)-~!con .... on .................... ~{ 3552. 9/12 tfn furnished newly 1tainted S.a'crifi~- WATER FRONTA ON
,.w o • i G E
available Order now' Phone 426- ,~ ~ n • or HIMLIE |:
{GaG ' " m ~/on tin ~IFOR SALE -- 1952 V-8 Ford l-ton BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grad- } ................... 1 g my equity 1.. ~ u, casLL...~a[- LAKE ISABELLA
...... ' ...... FOR SALE --- Bulbs of mixed tulips, | truck. Directional signals, all steel lag, back filling, sewage systems. II).AV~ ~ I~UI~If, DU2~I.WG -- Land clear- ] anon c.nt(uct ppyabLe $25 -¾oAth. { "~ ~o ...... { i
SEVERAL USED house trailers lar-e crocuses daffodils and narcissus. AI- / dump box good motor and rubber. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, ph lag, roan DUnning, excavaung, gra.~- { ~.ocate~ Y-~8 ~. ~me, ~aysnore nigh- { vu z o~ zron~age on ~aKe ~sa- [~[~ ~-m{ [
....... '- ~- so mixed Peonle roots 50c each i Call 426-2278 " M 10/21 tfn 426-6893 7/22 tfn { ing terracing, leveling Dave._Dic~, { way Phone 426-6953. D 10/21 tfn/bella, small cabin--good water $5,- 1
ann smau ior sale klerD's~econa ~4.=.~_ ,. ..... ' .... . .... ', ' " ' 426'4360 She~ton D --lb tzn" -- - "
• ~=,,,~, ~aop, ~t. * ~ox ~. ~o-~u. !~ ~ ' " , ~/ ~ ~ [000 00 is total ri
, - - ' __ . . ~ . . ~ 80 ACRES -- Good three bedroom • p re. Make an offer.
Hand Store 426 3532 or Union 898 G 10/28 11/11 ]FOR SALE 1958 Chev. V 8, Ex WANTED Alder saw logs, top p ric [ ~-~ , .
2457. H 6/10 tfn oa home fo~ sale. Outbmldings, good soil
cellent condition Low mileage goes paid Any length Phone says ]~'O eAt . ,
| tires Phone 426-23¢1. ~ / - ~;nenaHs "l~lS-3~rd, evenings ,~o-ooou , ' "28 .... e" hen ~*" " ''
.,.~. ~m -- useu steel pm~es p~pe, ~,~a~ a~ u~ 1~ C 2/11 tfn } ~ ,u~. A. ~~rap~r, p e ~ocnester | 60 x 220 lot located on corner of
pulleys and shafts. All types sa~- " '" 'IEXCEPTIONAL CAR -- 1964 Pontiac ~ {WAREHOUSE FOR RENT downtown 273-5768. 10/21-28/Pine and lPrn~t ~tr~t Td~ol 1A~
nd " ' ............... "
vase. Shelton Junk Co,, First a | Catalina 4-door hdtp,, ah the ex- WELL GROOMED local man retail[ location clean dry storage. Phonc l~ !tion for small "b~in .... ='~'" "'~?
Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn BATON LESSONS -~ $1 for half hour. l tras extremely low mileage, Phone experience preferred, Good ' chance I 426-8211~ ' L 3/4 tfn { MODERN 4-BEDROOM home, fine se- ] US ess. ~rlcea co
Call Tracy Hamlin, 426-6126, 326 { 423-2442. N 10/28 tfn for advancement. Apply Box J, c/o|~{ eluded location, three baths, living, |sell at $15,000.00.
FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- South 5th St. 10/21 11/11 |~ Journal 9/23 tfn I HOUSEKEEPING APTS. -- One ann ] dining, family room. Garage, two-car ]
- CKUP ~ V-8 en- "
conditioned ranges, refrloeratqrs, ~,19~ F100 PI ...... ~, .rogms._ D_ishes, hnens, _utl_lit).es{ carport, nicely land-| Several other commercial prop- nea,wo,a, '
washers ur or ~ell aue A CI~A~HI~ I~OW ~IJN~ ~'UI-tM~ m • om cab tame nester wine N r ca ame ares o~ ne 426 1 ~ z u
• , y s, s & V y P- . ......... sine, cast , - . - , .WA TED -- 1000 e pp • [ supp o. -2~J8 . b/ 'l n ] scaped. Price $22,000, this is $1000 /erties and b-ilah,~o ~.~,- ~,,.... ..~-...
plianee Center, 6/5 tfn oa~on tw-~rdng, ~a~uraa~ or alterbox, heavy-duty rear springs ann Rubber Store, Mt, View, 1/10 tfn [~ ] under FHA appraisal: Price includes [ ..... ~.~-:-b- -vt -.*~.~-,~-~
SChOol. Call 426-4214, R 9/30 11/11bumper Three-speed trans., ~wo ex- ~ [ NICE LIGHT firepmce apartment one ! all appliances plus aisnwasher wa- ] ann zu~ure OUslness tocauons --- ~Phone ~ }
:DON'T SELL IT! Have your uphol- , ira wheels°$1695. Phone 898-2311, ,WHAT BETTER TIME than now to bedroom, furnished. In uire 718 sher, dryer ~nd drapes. 426-d~39. from $7,000 to $15,000 Come in
~tery cleaned by Cleaning Services P~.a |.w~J~a~.fto.~r Union, S 10/26 11/11, tune-up your sewing machine~ In I North Sixth St ~ 8/26 tfn I R 1O/1,1 tfn ~ ............. '~ " - to see ~ }i
• " " ~IL~ ~b tll['~C 10
.... 9 ~---,~----~ n / s t ns anQ Ins ect
• " 8 = "ffi ~ your home for only $3 75 Any make ~ P
Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-813 . , • • ~
/ tfntfn ........... ----- 1950 CHEV ~&-TON PICKUP $300. Call or model Singer Sewing Center Ph FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurn DO YOU KNOW~ Just 16 miles from them today
t~l~:~A~ ~xmare forsale: Two 426-8410 after 6 p.m, andweezenas;.. Olympia "357-7586. 4/1 tfn ished house'. Garage: Near school. Shelton you wlil fi; d an ideal race- *royer-
~ ................... , .......... a ........• ........... _%,,~.,y_ ~.~y- u xu/~ xx/~ ~ { Phone 426 6741 evenings N 10/28 tion or year-round home site where / ~&l~l e AIBmm u
• ,,~w ~.~uu~ ,.uu.u .u,u~. ~uu. ~ 679~ V lO/zl, tin ~ I " " " ' I
, WINDOWS STREAKED. To0 highto ~ you can enjoy full privileges on Hood
best seller, your best buy. DeTray s , , . . ~L~ ~Z~| JUST LISTED: .
e d , ,,, . reach? Call Clea~ing ~erv~ces uo., i Canal plus lake pmve~eges on the
Mobile Homes, 1617 Fen s Roa , ' 1 fn THREE-ROOM, furnished, upsta rs , , Here's your rare !
Olympia Phone 352-2907 D 10/15 tf Lost and Found mm~alma ~ 1 ~ apartment Suitable for quiet non- _ . - .......... •
HERB aa,~..~= ~.,... .. _. _n phone 426-4376 or 426-8138, /7 t beautiful mile long Trail s End Lake
• " liars nmmmmmm ~n dxinker at 528~L Franklin Also{ ~mck-top roans, aH unntms m, {earn / e~,~-m ua~ ~.~, to purchase an !
........ U ATALOG ' SERVICE ' ' LADY WANTS WORK of any .{ ' "ntir { more about the advantages yon can
TRY O R C ~ ~ " • f three-room, furnished, dew s a s .
Many thousands ofltensx to choose LOST -- TW YO- ear-old female German Ur~gU 5RK~ Call 426-4378 ..... evenings, V 4/16 t n apartment, suitable for ulet non- enjoy at Trail's End beautifulbY calhng Ira { P~,9.| ...................... ]~fm.~'~ ~. T~Q~.~,- withbedr°°mmanyMt'pl~ n,
from. Large discounts We pay Shepherd, White and black. Call ........ ~ _ drinker 218 North 6th. ~hone 426- Edwards, 426-2596. A. ~. spot, | ........
freight, Shelton Marine SuppJy, Hill- 426-4234. ~ 10/28 11/4 WA~NT~D --? cnrls~mas ~ee lS~_aU~lPage. | 8113 or'426-4854. B 10/7 tfn I excenen~ ~isnJng, sw?mmmg, oymers ~,~] ~allroaa Ave. Ph. 426-8272 It'S been newly I !
crest M 8/8 tfn , , '~= ""-tan- Hardto- 6 eel Chmstmastown 'xree uo. ua ~ a~u- / .............. i ann crams, ann so cruse to aomo ac n ................ side, has a fenee~ ;
~.~4-~*~ K~_..~ o~ ..... w ~"'" "" 8163. 9/30 tfn ] LARGE 3-ROOM cottage completely I prices you can afford. Russell L: | ~.venlngs azb-al~ Or aZ0-~I~ age, utility re01
FOR SALE -- ~ooa, e~zecuve ann t~-Vl~L~ ~u~u~ '=a Vol,,o 2-dr Sedan ~| furnished on south shore of Hood[ Sweany, recaller, 7q~. ~ay ~treet, ~'oz'~/
inexpensive aavertis)ng. Jt!.stA CaJL .... v-~ -- " ' ' WANTED -- FuLl and part-time con-| Canal. 18 miles from Sbelton. $50. Orchard, Wash. TR 6-4464. {~i, storage, hardW ,
The Journal, 426-4412. B/IV txn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- 'RR Plvmouth Fury sultantS with new cosmetic firm, For ] Phone Union 898-2276. C 10/14-28 10/14-28 {~ panelled living i
--'-------~ meAt at Wall's Marine Supply, on .... information call Mr, Staudt, 426-6755. [ ~' ~ [ ~ ~-~ ~L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ master bedroom,
FOR SALE -- I1ousehold furniture, beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- '63 Fairlane Wagon s 10/21 11/11 I EDGE.WOOD APTS. -- Two• bedrooms FOoRomSAhLo~m2~9OWfNEfiRo~r sT2rceee ~er~- {w ......... to school and '
china, cut glass, fostoria. Millwright port TR. 7-5244. 1/19 tfn . _ . ~ [ furnished. Large rooms, m~s ox rigs- . .' • . P " '. " /
tools. Phone 426-3061 hefore 5 p.m. ~ '63 Country ~eaan M_~TUR~ WOMAN WANTED to baby- | ets. Clean and neat, $55 per month, place, narawood• floor~, pmste~:ea, six / .......... terms at $10,500
S 9/9 tfn LICENSED, eqmpped 40 ft. Charter ........ Bit in my l~0me for small infant, Mt. [ References .equircd, Phone 426-8584. years old, noume carport, DuLlt-ia I
boat. Radio, depth finaer. ~oored '63 Ford, V~, ~I~ICK View area. Must have references. { S 3/18 tfn range. Fenced back yard. Located[ ilVIF= r A REAL cHEAI !
FOR SALE -- Spagnum peat moss, You at Westport, $S,500 cash. Phone 426- . ..... 426'-6285 W 10/21 11/4 / ~ on 110 x 140 ft, lot on Mt. View. [ l~~ v~ m'mm~mmi !n,
haul or we haul Call 426-676{). 3405. H 5/27 tfn '63 F0ra GonvertIDle ................. | FOR RENT -- Mr. View Community Phone 426-8431. M 9/9 tfn | ~a ~ i
F 9/16 tfn!~ e'll sell Club House anytime For informa- ~-
1965 RAINIER travels, trailers andno SkY-at '61 Chevrolet Mo.za CONSIGNMENT=.,~.,.g ~,,- .'S'A'~E~Sn ..... cons~l~nment~ .......... I lion Gall ;26'-3959 or 426-2406. FOR SALE -- Older home at 604 Ce-] R~l..__ 1,.~.~. w--kettle= bedrOOmo. Hillcrest,h°me'"o
BARBIE I:K)LL CLOTHES -- ~eason- lark. horse..trailers on ~ale. w ........, ;~ Such• as" lawn mowe~"s boat and M 6/18 tfn dar Street, Make offer. Phone 426-
a'l)]e prices, dresses 50c up; skate out- Sheh0n umon ~ervme ~ratmn, ~ 60 Furd G=I .... VS, At. ~ ...... = .............. znixers cars I ~-- 3361, 1-1 6/z~ ~fn ] shopping. DOWI :
fits $1.00; pajamas 75c. Many more. So, 1st St, R 10/15 trn .......... 2Z':f'L,..~.,'~'~"~',,~.~,:~;,~=~h,~,,,.,,,,',.~oodlFOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed- ~~| EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR and monthly P.,~
Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216. . ~ "~U I-0ro V~, ~, -~.~"=~.-",~"~;~t;~lb~in~SUDDlies i room, modern, new apartments on FOR SALE -- Five bedrooIn one mile/ ....... ^ ........... Small, too. Call "
S 9/16 tin GUNSMITHING, new and uses guns ........ ~_ u ~ ~ n o & ~ ~_" ~ .. ~,~ =" ~= ~1 , J .... " ~ [' ~?' a ~ '~ 'I " ' " ' { Mt View Wall-to-wall carpeting from downtown two ca'r garage I ~=o.~,~.= ~u,Lu=no
.----.-~ scopes and reloading. ~~ean's t~'un 'b9 ~auaxue z-u ......... --, .... draperies, "laundry facilities, appli- workshop, 2-car 'carport. Five acres:] Turn Right Airport showing. "
BRAND NEW' Polaroid color 9pack Shop, Union, Wash. Pnone~,-z133. ,~^ ~_..~ u "r x~.~.;.. ~,n~)lv 12~ Olvmnic Hwv | ances, private parking and.private FHA terms available. Low down/ -
cameras, Fully automatic zrom Sos.no. 1) ~l/,~ Eno~ r~ru n.--. . "/¢'~ ...... ~" "' , ~" " " ~" locked storage space, tIeate~l sw,m- D V nt 26-2 42 N 10/7 fn i ~roeery
Zieglcr's Camera Shop, 124_N.. 2nd. ~ , S., Phone 426-8163. 10/14 tfn i ruing pool. $99,50 mmth. ContAct payment. 426-2442, N 10/7 tfn/ _ SUBURBAN SPI
Only minutes fr~
~-. z 7/~ un WINCHESTERIin, $5o.' ~ Winchester,, CARBINEs66,. ' PhoneS45 Mar-426_ WA~'~'~--'--'--'~ ........ -- useu .... canopy ~," four{. . ~manager Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tfn HOMF~drllledINwell,COUNTRYncw septi--c system,Five acreS,two | COMEExceilSEE COME. BUY this attractive
QUART JARS, round oak table, 100 ....... ~ ~nm +¢. l~llA1/~[~ poster bedroom suite m la,r to good [ FOR RENT -- Reed Apt. 2 bedroom her~rnnm~ a.,~. a.... .... ,,. ~,~ / ent Neighborhood, panor- rambler. T hie
er D m / ~ , . ' ............... , ~ ......... ~ ~ .... - • • ,
ft re e bath tub vine grapejmce a'JD~ a~ p condltmn alse good used fmnitu~e L
• p, , . ''" _ ~ ....... NUUllnlWh~ , ". ~, i unfurnished garage yard. Call a- 34:43 N 2/11 tfn|amzc vzew, 3 bedrooms, modern bedroom home
Dress I~llsln at. 2, Box 808, Agate ~~od IBiIII IidI and appiianccs of any kinu, anuques I Bi~sonie~e ~gency 426 4666 or 426C ' " " / .............
,,~.~,~ _~.., ~. • . ' • ~-, '- ~ " . - " ' /m~cnen Wlt.rl bUIlt m appliances ~ large rooms, at1
District. 8/b un o-~. i¢;,~n ¢7r~ ~'..e'~4'2~-~2~5"8 .... I IIV~UI~ Will pay' cash on approval:~.~'nono| 4336 D 3/29 tfn NICE five-bedr¢)(nn home on Arcadia{ ..........................
~~ .................... H 10']14-28 426-3204. ~ 1U/±¢ till I ~ Road. Country hwng, yet l~/z ln!les/5~:~.~'°u~ zlvzng room Wll, n n.repJq e,I place wall, car
~ "~~;dii~ M~0T ~.S=h,~T~.TWard,s94s2JNC!!~v SwTE;n:~ioCb~n~30: ):~ ~:~t= J I~ T,on, 4 cyl. ~[~ ~10:P~l~?c ] ~!~:ca~eSaC~] v~rreer~j i:~ai:!%~ei~eOld?i~ji 2andrOom'muchbathformOre'$'5,anl
.~ , ~ ---" once Phone 426-3160 M 10/21-28 63 Ford ~ Ton 4-Wh. Drive " sale or lease Liberal terms to right ALMA~ 35x8 -- One bedroom trailer [ " P , y d p y, .
ATTENTION-~ Dan~"eClubs"-~i°r~Y'°'~r~ew xears mvc ~arty---aor-~, .~, ~--" _~' -----. I,/2 , BABY SITTER WANTED for three] party. Roffte" 1 "Box 225, Shelton. h.ouse, interior, exterior g, od condi-|Look now while we wait ':for PRICE SLASH!
noise-makers etc Call 426-6764 for HUNTERS 77-. Kccp track of your ~6]Dodge I./2 ton 6 Cyl. pre-school children in my home•/ Phone 426-8768• 9/23 tfn ! tmn. Good tires, Phone 426-6734. /F lff A ~n~r~]~l Y0U can save II
' " • - '"-,' " - .... -~ ~-~ ~artner wi~n a ~micrafters walkie- . Phone 426-3564 a£tcr 6 p.nl. /~' C 10/21-28 [ ........ z-r .......
more mzorma~mn x:~ ±u/~ ~./~x ~- OX , I ton PlCkU 1 ~1 11 4 when you pure
• ---- talkie. Johnny's Music B .'. 60 Ford ~2" P L O/2 / /FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to ~ ................ bedroom Mt. Vie
........... " 10/28 11/11 ~] ~ ..... + .... o~u a~R a4~; M 10/8 tfn ~Ju xuu~ ~'~.uu~ ~uu~ l)~x no wul~ UPI- I~AHI UP
POWER LAWNMOWER $25 Elec~r c , 1 ' " ................ "" ' .... ~
..... -Ton • matter what you do' Cleaning Serv-
lawn edger with 100 ft. cablc, $15, 59 Int. H,O. 1,/2 WANTED -- Babymtter, also hght~ ~l ,~.~ ,~ .~,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ DOWNPAYMENT 300 under F.HJ
P)ra( t blc barb{ cu(. ~,. ~, $5. Slide" .... pro]e(tor:~ , I V-8 A T housekce.pin~g expected. • . Fivo days. a | THREE. BEDROOM umuznisnea• nouse, ,~ .~u,, .. ......... - ........ - ..... 1 7 tfn ' x)~zan~" u .uw ........ reauy to move in There's plenty ¢
.,,,~,l~ ,~,,vt.~ ~n:~c .~ln Walter Mar- ~ 55 Ford ~2-ton, ' "" w((k Must have own transportatmn Arcadia Road $70 per too, Available ~/ soon 3 nice' • - --
ble, Phone 4'6-302 M 10/21 28 ~ml~lil~ and a non-mnokerPhont4~6-2445 | Nov. , 426-6722. / .............. , g
......... • ,...~ _a~ ...... ,, .~ ' ' " P 10 14 tfn , bedrooms lai e clu~-
, o , .' '' " " 1 lAg.dining area,
' " '- ............ -- • ' " " W 10/26 tfn ..... i "~wu ~EVE~ c]earca canyon cage I ets, ~iied bath and shower, livin
TWO----- ..... OIL HEATERS -- O.n.e Spa, k,' ' plnppiF_ N-'-- ~AnulAu~A ~[FURNISI:IED AND uNIeURNISHED ' ,~b~l~dln~g:l°[s:-~Instvdc,fi~tY,.,~n,, ¢o~ ~, C~apit°~l [room has large picture window~, kitchen, utility $
opc Duo-Thern?. AlSO sn~u2w we. I IIIImV IIIII r~IIII~.l .~ 1RABYSITTING in my home or yours, I one oearoom aparunems, two mocks -~-~ .... ' ...... e'"=~'--=:",~ ~flre,~o~ Hinino" n,.,n l~it~h~ .... ;**- I//2. D0ub[e gar
pump with tank tmeap, a2~-~O56j~.. [llll /~lIalV] v --f~om 9-9 week days Phone 426-6418 | fz,om bank shopping center. AlP - " • ,_. ~ ~_ ~- ,='.L"~ .... ~:" ..... . $15,950. See It
1~ ~U/~£ ~x/~• &,,.#.~li~. "~'~.l~m & br P. ~ " tel 10/28 tfn I ances, heat, hot water garbage ser- ~ I birch caolnets, DUll[ In StOVe ano
, 1 x50 hind "2='""Releterea" ~L"~'~'~maln liVel'~":'v" DHV''" --- Beb --- Bua --- Dick , | vice. furnished. Tiled' sinks bath-me~ ISLANDeaz rouLAKE for summer fun or oven, patio, large garage $15 250. TERRIFIC BA;
1961 MOBILE HOME -- 0' ', . " 7 g "- ~ Y~ ....... ...... . __ "~'~'. _ ,~ "' • " i tubs, Showers, Ample storage. ~ " , Y " nd living, 115 ft. oz water- I
) e bedroom z~onc ~, Hall 0a0 ago ~iOi T [so zron~ sm
wo(~d inhrior, , n.., ' ~ , ~ . 9ood oompanions. 5th r " ( l ssifle{1 er me I clean,, attractive ~urroundings. A ... 'table foz, one ~ two faro- I ANGL~Q~nE ~u 5 acres, mostl~
kitchen, nine conaiuon, pnonc ~e~- .._~, .... ,._ _~,~ ,,~ ..... --/ bachelor umts ~or smgm persons, ~nes' enjoymenL ua. u2D-~o~v any-I ...... ,,, a very c0mr~
fair CR 5-,2408 or w. ritc P~O. ~ox • o~nuppcrKe~., ~-tj~.~...,. ~~ R~ING, blown rock wool Jnsula-] electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- time. L, 7/16 tfn J Excellent location, 3 bedrooms, boasting over
126, Grapcwew, wash. ~u.~., ..... 4 ~egnstered--Gute little "~-~=~--~ t'i~n guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn / haust ~ans,_. Guilt-in ares.slng..~'ooms, ~ { full tiled bath, living room with with additional
~,=~*~ .~,,v... ~/ ~_. ~_ ^ .~ .,' ^ ~.... ,,.o~e,. ~u~ o~ --- one 6U x 12U It. lOt on | ZlI'enlace seuara~:e dinin~ vnom
• , • su~, ury~r. ~uUnuanc~ ,,~ .... ill r " - , ~ o --- , attic. There ie
.~ ne allenof A&W Riot • e WE BUY SCRAP iron, batterms, ~aaia- e of course~ H c est. Lot 12, Block 4 on East ] .....
~REE -- O . g One Adult.Female P kinge~ , and heat. Good b.ds • i Cascade .... large kitchen with handy utility well also whl0
' • I Box tore co per ~alvagc of all kinds Tezms available Phone 426 .
B~eratt° Clnfot~n ~k~S'DRLe-i'n on --Small Sable, Loveable $35 TOP QUALITY Shel'toc P~un'k Co First and Mill[ L~Watl~noinApts'~t 7tphho&ne P~,e~lSh°wn 3361. " 'tt 6/24 tm room, separate 2 car garage, Half this today's be
~+ view 10/28 ----~...~ --.=m ..... ' M~i~ ~.~B~it~ Streets. Phone 426-8626, S 4/7 tfn " ~ ' L 12/10 tfn lbath off utility room, fenced yard, 500. Owner e$
........ ~ ' ~mw,tm~Imlmm~ vn=m~ ~l .... -- REDUCED $1,000! Waterfront home, Everything in excellent shape consider yOU
°4 MORE NIGHT STANDS $7.00, table ~TUU .............. FURNACE CLEANING repairing, in-{oNE BEDROOM unfurnished apart- three years old; approximately 1,000 F H A ¢~ nnn ez~n .-~.
" lamps $4.00 still in cartons. Inquire A ..~4-----1~.~-- 1,11"1.........'....... "OZ K~WI~LV-~ ~UU stallatlons, oil conv~sions. S heltpt~ I meAt for rent. Call 426-3343, Down- s.q. ft~ Two bedrooms, mahogany i • • • • ........ •........ into this one I
Motel Timbcrs. ~u/-o ~A.U~L£'~IIU*11 .tt~l'£'lGl'~ a n~nr -~odan Radio - Heater Sheet Metal Co., B21 So. Tl~ir~:" J~).~ ! town. V 10/28 tfn ~cn:_ i replace, .lovel~ walnu.t..living- {_ FAMILY STYI
• ------------~ .. " .... --" " .... 426-4792. S o/~ tzu]~ ~'uu-, i--u amlng room wltn w/wl~ BEDROOMS
AUDION CONSOLE CORD organ w~th Basen 1 Power Steering - Automatl© ._ -- J FROI~I WALL-TO-WALL -- No ~oil ca!'peta ] rang' 18 x 30 plastic-covered { Fa,~P,,a - ..... , '=.s ..... ........... ,.,.. h~. First--The prl~
bench, service ~or lz restamant ~ GRACE PIANO SERVICE -- Tuner ] at all on carpets cleaned with Blue p t~o " rear: 9 x 20 covered patio / .......... ~"'/' " ' -- at o n I y
ort Also SUPER 9~3 3712 or 357 , fo" land Short B10 p $8,000 00
FOR SALE "-- Used davcnp • mUdllil ItOIillt lb , o,o~, "" G 3/12 ~f;' KzTCHEN UNIT APARTMENTS "- ".. ping ~.th t~ top o;/ ' " comfortablY,
bc~:J~:t~-~ ~fnr'.g~;~'-t4'~(;;reczTr'lC/~ St. Flt. 1, Box 34 A R:d?°°~4eS:t:/-A'OtCmYla;ic C::;ETS DIRTY? Company coml~? ~, n. hht" ~ol)lsvat~nP , ~eesa2Ca.i~ ANGLESIDE LOCATION F.H.A.
Z~IC GUITAR. Boy Scout unl: Phone 426-6162 , ........... ,,o~.. call Cjeaonrin~l;~ces C p ~/~ tf;~ --~ $166~owner will Jac, ffic~ '$10(0){ 41argebcdrooms, 2 completetil, hood.a family t:
form, boy's shoe skates, n yle>n^ Wc_t. D~# K/~IVlt~Lr.I~. ~u~m~mvm ~=~- ..... __ ~r.~]~.]~.]r~tT&r~.T.V or 'throw .in-all Our lovely new fur-/ed baths, 2 fireplaces, recreation
suit and wringer wasner..~l~6-22Oo ol: ~ tA/AP.~KI -mULLDOZING - EXCAVATING I ..,~.,~.~u..~-~== niture, plus washer, dryer, rangc |room, workshop, kitchen with built Third--4 big J
426-45941. W ~u/~ ~/'~ ~ v,t-~vv,~ ~=,,~u~ n~'r~" nt~&~R : &~T&TT A~I" ~ refrigerator. ~rlng your check book/in anDliances. ~arba~e d]~nn~l a house to
, -'-------- • Heater Automat#o "6 Cyl" ~e~*~nv~ " ~.,.v .......... .r~VraLIJI.j.L-~Uj~jI:j --hurry ouc .x miles north of Shel- I "" , o ~ ---~¢ .... ,
TRAVELEZE VACATION TRAILER: ~s~ O~Amla " " ' DUMP TRUCK - FILL DIRT I At th- ~- ..... If"l new ton on A llyn.,highway. Take Thomas [Landsc~aPed, double carport, only
23 ft., $2500 w)luc for sa~e or =w~H IInOU I~U~I~ ,~ ~/AmIAal~ ~n ~AIrt SEWAGE SYSTEM8 I ..... .~ u~u~_u ..... Roan ann zonow signs. R 7/8 tfn | ;)lt),0;~O. Also--Lots of
take in traoo 16 tt. to ~e~ ~L. ~,:,:i, ~U V/~l..I/~l~i/ V'd~U~/ I M-l||l.ll{li{Y Ll|lll.~l~: ~/
hull cabin boat with trailer. "ram Will Not Cam r " ^ ........ mrs_ -, , ==,~a.,~. Jt=v~.~*J~., FOR SALE --- Three bedroom Izz I hard to put
Snyder, Star Rt. 1, Box AS0,.Sl~elton: p omme auaN ~-ece ~l~SSlO i 1 bedroom harden ~ourt bath home by Mt. View school Wi~ [ INCOME ,PROPERTY that Will r
E{ght miles nortn, two nmc~s o~ ~ qPl~,-;~, m=a;~ . Heater - Automatic ROR-~452 Union, Wash. ~ =,o.~.~+ FHA for $450 down. 426-6526. " { 3 bedroom home just redecorat- for you. WJ
101 hi hway xu/~ ~o va~ Ji.aa~.~ai. .... e,= ~,,, ,,
"_gnway. ,o/~- ........ 6/24 tfn =---k'-- :=," --~-"- a .... ~ S 9/9 tfn/ed, 3 rental cabins bring in $90. over and e¢
"-------- ,l ou ' "v-- ,,,,u --=w , I er month 8 500 ot
FREE PIANO L. ESSONS wI~'e y, 58 DODGE D-5004 DR, Westin house a Iiances off- FO SALIg---Some acreage Inquire p $, • T al pur-
rent a new s met piano. Only $12 R00FnN6 g pp , R . Enter ri ' chase rice
er month, Johnny's Music Box, 205 .. • _. Radlo - Heater - Automatio I " i street parklng. Bar.Din26 8113p ses, 311 Cookson. i:) ' And just pe~
~ota Open Monday Wednesaayand They W111 INSIST mr~mm~w~mmlln~lmam I Drive b-- 7th " C-dar Street k'none ~ - . 3/25 tfnI tirement spO)
• " .... .' ........ *¢. -- ~---- ~, ~,==A, ,~, , i~.n~ I ml•~llmlnlmltl,l|l,~ll•lVl|l~ m ~ =6 © , ~ | •
Friday cvenlngs 'un .:~u, ~u/~ ~,,, *, )/ YL¥1VIUU/M Vb
^_ =,,_ l hV ll lllh lt l i JUSt a few steps from AT UNION overlooking Hood Canal-- | .......... yard forgarO'
. ~. o ..... Wo,.o- ~-e ;..,h ULL ~IIUIIlllD £¥1ii~llVllll:Y ~[ I~t~t~D ~AM I ml& v ~ - I oom~l~+~ =honnlnn 3 or 4 bedroom house. Large living | ~all 4ZO-4§(~U and this cozy
SALo -- ............ ._, .o ................. Iplr= ........ "tcnen ', - -
. . ~oom and k~ fneplace, garage real easy to
~hTa.lns~aw~.~Ksl~Tho~)s0Rllk~i~t:: It ww{l:n~N::h:t~ndt hou~;l:ane Rad~On .inHee~::ondAtyoton~;tio T~a~teeKd;2R~¢e { _8o_rry, No Pet~5 ~l~l~ ~we°rkoSh°P26-255775.0 Te~nTS]lSCt~lal { Even{nags Call culator flrepl.
i, v,,., :o:: :,'"" --andgarage'bedr°°ms'an'c°mf°rtLctL°tSul
MILLWORK CO, ,,ee LADIES, MEN, TEACHERS I LaDl$$Orllere ,,..At ho,.'
U~ED WALL elL I~URNACE for sale, Iz Mile ........ I~J¢ /~ltl~tl~i~n~ mini ml~ • • /
, R 10 7 tfn 72 ~outn OT ~nelton
$25. Call 426-3431. / on HIway 101 ' , ....... 1 ...... Marshall Fie)d, a family-owned A I, NO, I m] A G [ N C Y DAD'S DR~j
-- O~ IN/ L. y: -T. PIUIkUI~ company, is hav4ng an expansion
2 ..... 426 2549 / REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Will be foun
' WHERE THE SM)~tT "Big Six" 3 Speed Clean program in :Mason County " / 11 ............. up in this Io!
. i | U' H " " " ~ ~O ,~gn ~nelton WaSh
" " ' "' P 0 ' " "- ' "
- ~.l:^--a E PiE BUY THEIR ,,~^ e-,~ ~ ~a~,o Part-time or full-time work, ] _ on Co#e ROad
• zum~ BUIIA3Y.I~TG MA.TERZA/~ ou unvt,,.~ :s r-~oo. $500 Guarantee on either 10 or 20 { ~ room rambler
.......... family
Slaughtering Unit week Program -- your choice.
Goollng, outtlng Rei~resentative will interview at
Lemke'l Service 426-6779 ,.= Shelton Hotel The owner
Glenn L. Probst -- '60 INT'L. PICKUP hours of
Olympia $52-2255 BOOTH Rebuilt 6 Cylinder EngineSaturday, 10:00 a.m. to noon won't be
11/21 t~n Heater - 3 Speed - Clean of $19,500.
IIILI -- Construction & October 30, 1965
Lane House Moving T 10/28 Room For SOner,make
m m
740 Ibs. Capacity
for ONLY $238.00
-- SAVE $40 --
Shelton Electric
Phone 426-8147
4/22 t~n
f" I . J~
Ask About Special Price
'54 INT'L. 1-T. CAB &
Dual Wheels - 6 Cyl.
'51 FORD 3/4-t FLATBED
A Real Good Older Truck
707 S. 1ST. 426-3433
120 No. 14th ~ Elma, Wash.
For Free Estimates
Elms 482-3729 or
~helton 426-2144
Z0/2S-lZ/ZS S
419 Railroad 426-6283
10/21 tfn
Mt. View
now available
• Unfurnlehed
• 2-bedroom
• Wall-to-wall oarpetlng
• Draperies
• Laundry facilities
• Appliances
• Private parking
• Private Storage
• Swimming Po01
Contact Manager, 426-3100
garage in
the dream
YouT room In t heee bi. new 60'x 125' spaces in
storage pLUS covered carport. Block from stores, swimming
pool. 3 miles from Washington Correction Center b the air
port off HwY 101 Don't take ..... ' Y
• ' =~COnu oest for your mobile
PHONE 426-3373
Edna Shively
Shelton, Wash.
10/14 Lfn
Dick Kllpl
"Skip" N