October 28, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 28, 1965 |
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Z $1q L?0N--I fASON ( 0t Pl J'OUI tI AL I blighed in ghelton PAGE is
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Legal Publications gal Publications Legal Publications I Legal Publications I Legal Publications [ ."
NO• 3667 ' NO, 3669 NOTICE OF ilEARING tIN -1 NO• :1520 I NO. 385 I ' ] 5 V
IIEREBY GIVEN thai CATE, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, I In the Matte,' t,f the Estate of WIt- i l%i^,~:~.., .-,.-.., ..... ~. ........... ] AND AUTHORITY TO LOCATE, [ t~y ~'raacea t;aT, l:o tile% coriventton el ine ~oropurn-
'd has been appointed and Il~ the Matter or tho GtIardiansbip of AND MAINTAIN Na.TTJRAL GAS [ LIAM. HOWARD PADDEN, Decease( . [ MC°,.~.t~^,~?~.~.~.',, _w~}t~__~'~Tt):'N*.~a i CONSTRUC'T, OPERATE, AND [ T IT.T TWA'~TD At(or ~. I.t,~,, is( clubs held last weekend at
as tire Adminlstratrlx el the Person and Estateof ROSE C, DISTRIBUTION :, • . o NOT ('" , ,-, -., ~ ,m, ,,.,u.po,'at on aria one ot me T ' " " ........... --- "" ............ "" " ' "
, IIIbA_,TNI~SUN-I I" }i, IS Itl*,t'tEBY GIVEN that ............ :. . I :MAIN AIN NATURAL C, AS I)IS-I ....... n ..... o*.....,~ ....... -~-~ ........
DER AND AC'I{OSS i:¢.OAI)S AND[GENEVA PADDEN as Executrix of[Uounties o* me ~tate o, was[!mgtgn, ] TRIBUTION PIPELINES UNDER l esung summer 1:otlrlng tne @Jtll•O- ~.~a** ,~,tu[uS ZnCltiueU it(iS. .H_ty
b'red David PauIPy, de- BANNER, a Mentally Incompetent Per- ItIGHWAYS IN THE ('()lINTY oF the Eslate of iVIi~LI'AM " ltOWARD [ rmmurL I AND ACROSS ROAigS A~4D HIGI1, [ pean continent and England by ~ttoourne and Mrs. Marjorie F'ur-
ill persons having cialme son.
:leceased are hereby re- NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that MASON, STATF Ot~ WASitIN¢ITON. PA,DDEN, has filed in the office of I Vs. WAYS IN THE COUNTY ely MA- ] car Mr and Mrs E " O Gtmkel long, president and vice president
the same duly verified, Lettofls or GuardlahshlD ill the above I the Clerk ,)f said Court her Final Re- / Lewis Loldhamer all persona herein- I SON, STATE Oh" WASIIINGTC)N I .' "_'~" .... "•~. ~' ,;; "" ~" res.,ectivelv of the nf,,,v ,~boltn~
WIIEREAS tic, Cascade Nature ]Icr a~d l'•t timI" r )s 'b~t n latter naned as o'wners i)r any of tile] • ireLtlrIlP(1 tO tnelr tsarrolls r'oint .v Y ......... , ........
!rMgned Admini~tratrtx or entitled matter wer~ granted to the . - ' " ' - a' -
' of ret.ord at the addre::s u~dersigned ,,n the 22nd day of Oct,,bar Gas Corporation. a vorp.l'ation has I asking the (3our . settle said it*,- i hereinafter deser bed r ml property WHEREAS the Casead~ Natt ra i home the first of last week club. Twelve fronl then' club at-
! and file the sam,, with 196fi by said Superh)r Court. heret oft,~c fil,ed with the Boat'd of]per(, and Io (lisvharg,~ said Executrix. lent! all persons unknown ownl~ o~]Gas Corporation, a ,,,,rpo,'ation, has! They travelled by air to Fie/tic- tended and enjoyed the especitlh,
I the said rourt, togetiier NOTICE IS I~'URq'HER GIVEN that county connn*ssionevs of Mas(n Cour-I at d t at sa d Report attd Pet on w i I etannlng to own, or naving or claim-/heretofore • od w th tlw Btard ~f]v ,.,. ~-. . ~[f..~..-- ,._ ~. i~loa u,ao(hav t~,:,* ¢o,,nt•a.~ t',,,,i'*,
ty, State of Washing o! . t ~ de*' pr - i ba beard on t)te 191h day )f November, ] ins to have any right, title estate County ComrnisS criers cf Mason C)un- I'1"'t, ~ermany, :e~t~mg m ~vtay; :.2....:..~...,.: ~..~ .=.,: ....... c,.
~}f erich sorvi(,e within six all persons having claims against the ','is one of Chapter 1~'7 Laws of 1937 [ 1965, at 9:31) a.rn, at th(, (..urtroom ] Interest or equity In and to ~'ald pro-' [ ty Sial,, of Washington trader pro- I following Mr Ounkel's attendance INortflweat Clls[rie[ l-fleeting.
~h2tfter thenoticedateorOf thefirst samePUb" aaidto servePers°ntbem°r herwithestaienecessaryare requiredvotl(!h, an app eat on for a francl l~e to tree I in the Mason Cot ntv Cotn'thl,um" at / perty or any part thereof I ~ isiona Of Chapter 187 Laws .f 1937 ) n~ nn ol~]--~ -~-~-'~"-'-" *': .u.. -...~.._-~ a* .... a ~,._- ~-.., ......
'~t''¢uspublication: October 21, era upon tim Guardian for said p.rson cross, and oc,,:upy the r ,ads and it g -Iwhich tree and place arty person in-I Derenaants: tan application fore rranen se to use l Presb':tmian -ssembl'" "n .... ea--e .......... -~...... '" "
and estate or upon tim attorney of ways in the County of Mason, State of ] tm,ested in said Estate nmv appear | I cross and occupy the roads and high- I • y . • u. y , ,~o~tl,n- ~i ~ u~tt:~t ~v~onu~ty item a l:lq]) to
record for said Gtmrdian, B. Franklin Washington, for the purpose, of locat-]and tile objeclions lhereto "and con-]_ You, and each of you, are h~,re.bylways in the County of Mason, State of bits, Ohio, Spokane where they visited rela-
~AY PA~JLEY Hettston, Angle Building, Shelton, ,ng ano cons(rut:tint natural gas dis-Itest the same. /{mt2ne.a that tne above named l-'laia. Washington for the purpose of locat, T. ,~ ...... ,i...., ..,..... ,..=__.~ tires Leaving" lVrictav they dn-
tribution pt, Pelines ah,ng, under, and I DATED 1his 2~p(1 clay of ()ctober, I tin, mason uounty, a Muhiclpal Cor-ling and construe.tint natural gas dis-I .~,,, ,Je*.,auy ~.cj w~=[e jt..cu ~= - - ~' . .2".' "" ~.
CORREAtstratrix Washington, being tile place designated across tim designated roads and h g ~- I 1965 • ] poration, and one of the lawfully or- / tribution pinelines along, under and Iby their daughter Marilvn John- counterea neavy waltic as v~eet(-
i]EStale for the transaction ,,f the business ways in ~aid,e,mnty, desyribed as along] LAI[RA M. WAGENER | ~tt~ttzet]ofaZ~dae~l~tl~og eo, ufft!~a of the [ aeross the d'esignated ,:o~{ds and 'high- slon, a teacher in the American end hunters hulaied to their hunt-
turth RtrePt of said gu&rdianship, and l'ile thP same tne wos* sine o~ city timit extension ] Clera of Court [ . . . w . ff n,. ts ule owner I ways in said counly u~,s('riu~:d as all ] 1~'i];¢o~.~. ~.,h,~,~l t. m~A m^~,~., c~,~. inff ffronnds They vk~ited with
with the Clerk of said Court, together road, beginning at the south right-of- | By Toekla Vermillion, Deputy [ ano nolaer of a certificate of delin- ] roads In Township 20 N. R ,i W.W.M." ......... .~ ............... "'~'~' "-'~'" Ja~'lt's sister 'MrS ~'dt*t r~ . nd
way l no )" t o She t n Valle Road|JOItN C RM'AN ~uency issued in one certificate In iTowhsitiu 20 N R 3 W W M Mas(n' manv She scent the sul~mer tray- ' , .. '. .-,~ ,u~ ~e,~ a
~lngton with prool of servi(,c, within 6 months
after the fl~'st publication of this no- south to end of 'xisting road NOW At orney for Estate ] t)ocg zgrm" and^dated the .!7th day ]County Washington NOW THERE-]elin~ with her oarents and wn~ the family of his nephew Earl
tice, to-wit: 28 Octt,ber 1,¢t65, or said , t .... o -- ........ . ................
~'-'-"~'-'-"~ claims will be forever barred, TItEREFORE, Title Insuranfe Building ] o,. ~ep~emper, ~) D)' me, T.re.asurerlFORE the tour -hoto~-a,~her makin~ Dean, who took them on a tour
, O1 sal(l Ma~qon county, wssnlngton ' ~ ~, ~" ,
NO'lICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that Shelton, Washington ' E I - ,
BENNIE J. BANNER a bearing will be held on such appli-[ 30/28 11/4-1i ,qt ] and.Issued to. the ,aid .Masoa County ] ~aN.OT2CE I{ShttEREBYnGIV,I'Nnt~t..~a slides to record highlights of their of the city.
0D CANAL C, uardian ,,f the ee,'son a.d ' b the . ,or .,e ow,ng ......................................... ....
Estate of Rose C, Banner ca(ran Y. o' Boa~d ,,f County Cot!~- /~-- , / ¢^,. ~=..=,," ....... v. ,:-,'h *~d *v~v. ----,~nt ..... *,-.,,t, ] lion. by_ the ....... Board of County Co mn s- ] vim(s, HALLOIVEENcookies for your
)'100 ft. no bank fine 10/28 11/4-11-18 4t
~h, access road. Unex ....... p, , y ~ . . ' ' ..... •
Dated at SheltonWas ring(on, th s / Merge ry M Hecqotutn is the ap- I ..... .o~. o..... ,-,.,~ --*~ ,- .... ~, .... .-. | ................ motelwas 1""* - *'l~'''- o" s^ r~.,..~, store in Hoodsnort. The s~*,. soon-
roll view. $37,500 .... 11th day of October 1965. / pointed and qualified E;xecu|rix of said I ~'...~°vu_:L~.~. "T"~222~2"~t?2y"2v"~t~, / __.qatea at ~mtt.on, wasamgu)n, tnts .,_ . . ~,~,~ ~, u y,:r. t.=f~..t,~jj,] .avid hv th~ S-Teed O.n~: Wam~.'=
[~l~J'l'dbyB=~['6h ~ b~dP06##i ...... Real Estate , Mason County Board of I estate Atl pe 'sons having eta,ms "'?, ........ _~=2 .V~" ..... ~u.u== ap w,u 118to say oz uctooer, ~.~a. line pier where his snlp nau uuu~.eu ............................
Commission ! -=~ .-"* --id de eas(d a 'e reouired tolln°re specmcau~/ appear oy re~.erence/ Mason County Boa 'd of I dttrin~ the war :Chlb will also feature home-made
] , , o e cn particular aescrlption hereto C()HtnllRSIOn , '
BY R[ TH E. BOYSEN ] serve the same m duplieate, duly verl- .~.~..~t~..& ....................... ~] ..... 77 .......... ] England Italy S~ain there was jams and jelhes and (tp~s at 10
10ts,,takegaragetrailerandhouseWOrk.in II ' ' " ........ | ' ~- " " *'" Sn "d(;t at tl~t ad [ penaltieS8 thereon up to and ifleluding ] County Auditor ] .something
to interest add delight ; • '
Count:, Audit t field on stud I xct utrlx or her at- ' ' Y '~ .... • "" a m
• ~! 10/21-28 11/,1 3t torney, t~oDcr~ t~. S y '~'h th ~ * (~ the 17th day of.~ept~mber 1966 am, it 10/21 28 ]11/4 3t
~l~,"~00double beach home 287 0e-- ux-I'lld--"u'-er , and l, ~Sas,n the l, rs s
• -----------------~--- [dreSSw,th thebel°Wcletk•tat'd',,f sa''c, "t:ou ~t toe,,tner "~ "" [the .name of the person, fi ,. o; cor:[. I trave e's in every coun,.ry--but [ M . Le ter L, Ager is chawman
vere t |with"" proof' / o1: .~uco" .~evvlc" ~, '"i"'V'w unn , ,x I porat*on to whom or which, said prop-. / ........ ,,t,. ,,,,, t they. sounded especially enthtmias- I for the sale.
..~mmmBmmm~..~~~ ] .............. ;.,. ,~.*o or f rat t)ubliea- ]ert.Y is assessed, being, sot fgrth, w,t.h ] ~,t~,nmS ,v ~,,r,,**~a,vtam tm to US when they talked of : Mrs. Larry Sellers and Mrs
Real Estate • s e~cn part(curer aescr*puon, a z OK sac , .... . ,
,-~lh: acres, ........................... ' ' ................................
F ~ I ,, '~,,I ] tion of fins hotter, oz the •anm will i prbperty being situated tn Mason tIN q~HE SUI~,ERIOR COURT t)I~ THE Isunny Italy. Julie MJ~aughlin of Tacoma dro~e
,~0 | "~-"~ ~ ~" ~7.~,.,] / be bnrred. . ...... ) . - ] County State of Washington and be- ] STATE O.~i~... WASHINOTON FOR [ They made their return aboard from Tacoma Monday to spend
n Cove -- 2 bedroom If'~ f"-~-~,'l~j~t .¢ ... i i ltDATE of first pummatton: t ctouer ling m~)re particularly desc'rlbed as| ~.~]~.~uI~'xS~TONE Plaintiff I the S.S Statendant, embarking at the day with Mrs. Sellers' me(he:',
:,ft. frontage, trees, nlc~ II / ~--~( 9~-II'' "~R~ERy:M. HEOI'MAN '°~%~at°~l::i.eate No 1 Roll l I " vs. ' ' I Rot~erdam and going through the Mr~Li3erneyZahl. They fonnd the
~a'acreage. $12,500. TELEPHONE 426-8544 || ~,~ ( ~]/.~ ~,.'~...~ J k.~.}~l( | I 811 Cots . I ~e .... ~..o, ..... .ueZ ........ *, ~*n~.nuu2"* %^tu ~*e--[8]w WALTER ALLEN STONE,D 3R.en a . ]Panama Canal. Before comi?~g fog prettV, thick in places, dr(ring
,~ - Shelton Washington , •et a m " ~ heir me" ' ''
]~k "~,'~J . ~d~'-~"w ~'~-- -" [] ..... ~ • ' ..... ~w [Lo)dhamer et ux W~ NE~ South~ ........ ,~ v~ .......... T,, [home the Gunkels stopped m Lo~ t tnmg drive.
~l~S 2 BEDROOM HILLCREST --- ~ ................ ' I N ............ " ..... "'± .......... •
I "~at~2h~c:~Tig~h' i I A*torney at Law [o oke ~oad~urSecC.oat1~liTnWP~o2alere,~, ]THE SAID WALTER ALLEN STONE, [Angeles at the home of Mr. Gtin- :Mr. and Mrs. Walter S, Allison
~t~ andWithfloat.a0cess$1,400to clUb.and $7,600 " [ "~s~.. [.u~. -r-a~,,., .,~ ~, ! I 1--2.5a~ N. wStahshin_ton ]mor~or" le'sk:'Y'~'ar ~n Certl~|cate 1~*, ]JR., DEFENDANT: ]kel's brother, Herbert C. Gunkel, were guests for dessert nnd an
Half a block to mkts., Large - ~ | ~neiton. w . g ~oq4 ~-2~ ~t [ Certificate $39.97. ] You ar9 h~re2).' summoned to. app.ear who drove home with them for a evening of pinochle last Thursday
. d0wd payment, easy living room, plus extra room. ~ -.. ~ , ... . [ ~ [ Orlginal Certificate No..2, R.oll 1, [ of the first publication of Otis summons I wmt here. at the home of Mr. and Mrs• Carl
• "" "'~ ~' " ' wllilln sixty (0U) Q,a)s alter the (.late . • ~ " " -
Breakfast nook, kitchen has a ~a,| I~jRl[;atP, | NO~ ~t~nTOltS TO [PHaogs%o2r~,Tlaixneg~ at~:~s~e~not~6 ~paanr~icRu' lie-wit within sixty 160) "days aflerl One of the happy aspects of be- H, nsen.
I~Ylew lot wlth clubhouse, new built in freeze,' refrigera- ~1 NOITJ~ErT~NI) F~lll (I'AIMS ]larl~ described as all tideland of tl): /the 21st day of October 1965 and de-ling home again for the Ounkels On Sunday the" had as -uests
~tand beach privileges, tot. Only $7,500. Easy terms. ~ 1 R ,:, ':. ~ " '; '' ~ e ~ fend the above entitled action in the • - . Y . ~ t; ~ •
. ] IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ]second class In front 2el NG°vernmRan en'2 ["h .... , . ~',~**.a ,.,.'It and nns~er_ ........ the I was seeing for the first time their .(or a coffee-l,o. ............. 11 --....*~"~" ..,.:.,,~,~e"'"a~
E~,==-J,, ~AA|~=. [ STATE OF WAStI[NGTQN._F~ORILot 3. Sec. ~h,_Twp. fl_ .... :='... geo~ [co~'~'~'lnain["of" tl~'~"'p/atntiff and serve /new grandson, Mark Eawara, son ~r ~na M,.s ,~,h~,-,~ v,,, ~ ...... '
. Ierms, 4 BEDROOM CLOSE IN IP'II[IIlV I[I, IMIIV i MASON COUNTY (IN. FI4U.~:I~n;) ,I,W. w.~;.m~ o=O~,~s~ ~.~ar~.~[a copy of your answer upon the un-|of Mr and Mrs B W. Soper, Jr. =7~.~.~'~:,;L^'.~'~,"=:,',~:.,"...~:"'~''
i~ $6,000, Large living room, Hw'd. Floor, /M/U| Ii~11,] I In the Matter of toe ~tate o~ I,,,,%=L, ,~,)=,,.,., ...,,....- , .... "' .~d~,./dersl~ned attorney at his office below I m~ ~., ...... ~'...'.t. ~... ,~..^,,.z.,... ......... ~.~vc...v,. ~at:ullta,
Fnll Basement, Fl.trnace, newly a a I_.NIt2HOLAS_ M. ZOPOI.JS, ueeeasea.E th" t iueruucate nmu ueruueate ~.vo. /o~;~' ............................................ =.,i t. ,.~.~ n( ..,,. f~,~i.r.a.Ix"e ~upev~, w~u w., ue u,uvt~,/~ Mrs Richard Holman and three
~'~ess'.--. $9,~50. decorated inside. Newly painted NOTICE IS HEREBY. G1V ~N . as ] Orlg hal Certlfldate No, ~ ]Roll ~, ~to do Judgment will be rendered lso0n to their home tn Shelton, oc7 chttdren from Richland, Wash..
Ill outside. $8,800 F.H.A. $450 Wynwood Center l~nli~)i!~!g~aPi]e2~2~f~(ie~¢~!~ ~Wn~va~l~!wt.~la~:~¢:~t;::e~rl~i~.gi~t~n~eo)m~ela~C!~rd!i~:~ ~ll ~i! ~m~oeP!t~: n t~nt °~ar~'
Hoodsport down includes closing. ! a ~ :bh:e G:nko~l ha~mostdu;'invge ~fwteSe~r~laYsi[Ohret h ai~to~r
• . .~ p L, ~ : • g ..... ' 2"hat the cause of action ! n '. s mane pa~ents Mr and Mrs Ed
~~sme, pano#amio view Glg Harbor 857 2121] all pc•rsons hax'tng cla.lms eeeascaagamsl a, ethe ]more• or less. Year in Certificate 1960. [for a divorce" between the parties.=/ NIN'E TABLES were in v-la'y at Fttrlon~' of' theS' D~ift~ood" v.sho
sale d • '
~l~Vt and canal. $6,960.4 BEDROOM H ILLCREST ]said estate or the • , , -ICerttficate $3.28. ; [above named wherein plaintiff alleges t the ,qnochle -art,, Friday nl¢,ht. -o --~ - • - ':, ' - ~. ~P'
Well located family home, im- ¢il[-l"l~]r.qP[Y~ Q~ ~,~.]1:~]~..~ l hereby requt 'ed to ~,erv,~ ine. sa~,ne [ Original Ue/tifie~.te No 5 ~oI1 4, /cruel treatment on the part of the de- I ~. - ~ ~._ % .... ., e, J~rs. ~'uriong naa tiown to r~zC:t-
~..~JUUU~L~.L'~Ja.~ "----~.~ ,~-~'~JA~-~*--'/ dulY verified in aupHcate w,u* toe page 160 line 11, assesseh t~) Beverly /f~n(]ant. ' ' sponsoreQ oy cne LdlllWatlp t..:om- land the ~'reviotls St,nd~v and ac-
~es.~ water and utilitle~pressive living room with fire-.- .... | necessary vouchers.attached upon tl}eIMallett ~,~ NW¼ NW~ NW~ SE~. [GLENN E CORREA munity Club. Hostesses were Mrs. conmanied" her d~iwhtor on her
place, beautiful wall to wall ~-,ve miles Trom ~ne ton on ~r-[undersigned Admintsu'alor or ~s ,~t-i~xce,t North 16~' Sec 13 TWp 19N / ..... ' ........ ID..~.i.. PO"* ..... " at.- ., v ~ - ~, .............
e law 0fltee of " =" , • , ' "' 2%ttorney 1or ~talntll ,~,uu ** lt.*.a~ ~llU ~t'~. VV. ~, • ' " a
and up. carpet. Modern kitchen, well • W I " distance from torney of record at th . . Ran e 5 W W M ,,onta[ning 4;75 acres, . . . driving tap to the Canal.
cadre road. a king ]w ~,;,..klin Heuston Angle Bufldmg, [ ..... g'.,. ,~,:.o 'v£%.: ,.. r,,..H¢t,,..,, .a.a [_Office &. Post Office Add, ess. [Lhamon who served refreshments s~r~,~ ..... ,,TO~ ..¢ ~,.~,,~,~ ..m'
:~W 10is, $2,500, lighted dining, full basement salt water and county boat ramp,/~l~e~to'~(,'"~.ashington', and file such ]Ce'~;t~fl~ate'S~.36f ................. ~"~' ]B2elllBu~?l'~gurth Street l at the close of the pleasant eve- dren"l~ave'~e~x'en~o~:~;~e~'t,~'e::
with 0utstde entrance, rec. Five acres ano up, nicety woooea,/claims together with proof ot set:~:leeI ~ : , , ,~. ,~¢=....+~ ~r^ ~n w,~lt ,r J;- ......... :-~-~- Inin~" in the communit-" h"'l ' ~ " ~ •' ° "" " .......
'. taeh tr0nt and tidala.ds, room. Cover for 3 cars. All for t tuber, facing county b aek-top/with the Clerk. offihe al?ove ~nttt}ea i..a~,g~., l~;ne~,,~,~a~e~i "{6 .~r'elt'~ l~ne't°n' wasm~.2~n~:l 11 18 25 6t ~ . . . Y ='" __ Garden, a marine-Ufe exhibit a~
$12,500. Buy on conventional ......... /Court within mx (o~ roontns alter tne lu ~ _ , o _ ., ......... / .... I l~'lrsl: prize winners were 2d_rs. the Drtf*woo"a o~..... -*~r.... r~.._,........
t'Wn. $28,500, mt'g. $1,500 down. a[iOaaOt ;r::r:aZi,~y~,;~a ::w°r ' l
r l c S
i o ~{~ ~ SUMMONS %~ ~.,JCAT,ON Mseicc:nade PSr;:~?nM~nsd EDla2eLhamE~: ;~aPe?;ot~ tehatolstTe°,'egir°ulP~t f~:~
: 8outhside 3 BEDROOM MT. VIEW men(. ]~)c forever ~barred. .n!ng.at a.poi.nt ~hetCthol~ ~ ~c~t~.nNeo ~o[iN ~i'HE SUPERIOR COU~O.F T_HE [wards and Seen B.ragstad, pin- and that the children find the,,"
A charming home, shake roof JULIIAsLT00K ] ~TE!ii~~~7:h:: ~ni:i~ii'~!t~en2~ee~pEpl~!e2!i ~i / S~I3~~t~ai!::nt!flf~u ~i°:t~er!;~?~:~;~iqli:~i sEtsl~:h:::y :h:::::gStj:t:: :::To
Vith unexcelled view Suburban setting, Large living re; t
~ts. ~ind Hood Canal.room, Fireplace, Hw'd. floorS, gton •
~Way and river front-no bank fine gravel shop,glass door from dining to patiO,garden spot. $10,300 4 ::J 1
• e s q u e landscaping over sized lot, attached garage. ~ 1
bedroom home en- $15,500 F.H.A. $750 down incl., / 11 18,
ong sloping wooded C.C.
,s plus 3 basement 4 BEDROOM WEST SIDE
!de, 2 car garage ---130 ft. Creek Frontage, raised
hearth fireplace, garage, work
F.H.A. $350 .own ~ [ / A, @ I ~?~e" !" Ce,.t,. .to " answer the complaint" of the Plal'ntiff, size,
lallty lUll head (
Duplex, eacl~ has 2 bed 'corns
furnished, rer ~s fo $110 r onth-
WATERFRONT'~'~000'u'~r'~1'°c°n I slat,.= /
• ~ each ,on e -- tract $1,000 own
s© ft. t( 6 ' t. on =
~ orate, in -Iced
area ~'6"i00~ir a. $67 :)0(, WATERFRO 4T HALLO~ 'EEN S!~I CIA .
We have see ~ra] hoice , rater-Loaded ~ ith v. lu. his ~ bed( )o~|
In UniOn --, $19,.front homes. Call us for more Hillcrest home is a real gem. The/
F,H.A. $350 down. .... -~---~ C'e~tificate No 12 Roll 7 and serve a eop.y of your answer uppn APPLICATION NO. 19249 FAMILY VISITS, some hunting
, . .: ..!~,:~,
'2~w aR~tvch:t~{khead'e500.~" "~ h,,,,h" h~m" furnished,ly.DUplex'~°i'tNCOME $7,900 each fullrents price,has for PROPERTY $100 2sellbedrooms on month- con- ;oha:~e: ~ o~c~a r ~i~h.~TI h !g~oo~wt ff~sar~:n:~w iiii ] ~!¢i~ll !i t ~!! ~i!!i!! Sr~:r~Z ~!i:lef~il !i
hact $1,000 dew
2 homes and wants " 1960 Ceztificate ~174 ' / That the . . ' " s , That JESSIE IV[, DAVIS of Seattle :' ' , , " ' ='- ~ :
() sq. ft. t06 ft. on
., ,h., ¢~annn ,,l=~ R~tter i00Rll g . _ ' % ." ....." rnamea ~ g' . ' ~ "~ " files al)piication for permit tt, divert his son Clarenoe over in 1lie ttiet~-
IV~ mooraoe, in0Hood Don't be afraid to make an offer] Orl'-inal 'CertifiCate'No 13 Roll 7|i'°r adioV°ret~.betweTtndtheofpar~e~ ~,b°a~~ Wa~hlngtgn on September 14, ].°,65, weekend of pheasant hunting with
M&II~WFFN RPECIAL ....... v-~, ........... I Page 520, h.ne aj. asses se~. t~o~;~,%~ /ment by the Defeaaant. the I)ublic waters of unnamed sl)ring,.1..~A . ',., ~x~ ,~,~v .~_ . _(~.
• v. , • We have several choice water- .. ............... Young Patrmia ~eaca xrae~ uo ~;xc~v. ~T~IN C R.AGAN ,..it.... ...... ,-" "' .... ",.,, k . ~,.. .~.,u o.r,za. ,.dt,,ge ~oor, ,,,m to ,:,,=
' " " ' "' • r ct ~= tt iuuta~y u vtta~tv ~ ......... • .... .
~et ...... --..._ front homes. Call us for moreLoaded w,thmvalsU%thr,eSi2, beemdr?~e TWO BRAND NEW ~3~ wh!b t ?et!ht t teP :ti.°no 'Jl[' ¢e I eAttosne['f(~;t):l~lirffss amotlnl of 0:05 second-foot, subject to Brcmerton fery, returniugwtth her
In un|on ~19,
Hillcrest ho . • ~centionallv well Ioeated among I ". .... -=., ~...... ~,,,,,h. |offlc & '' ~ • : (,xisting rights, eontinuousW each year ~randdau~hter Alic~ Burman
" information, cheerful kitchen has p enty of cab- ~'~ f~rs on the very tel0 of Ang e- i ar.~wn,.ac~°,,~2 ~a2-a'--J~'~o~l~o~ea~eri'Y i Title I.n.sura.nc2 Building for the - purpose of~ gf6tip ~lorhe~tte ~.:,k,~ "~,~.,..-.; . .... "~ .,. ....... .~
• , ,. . 122 Ra oaa AV, U supply (2 homes) and stockwatet, dut- . . •
Also 3 small acreage tracts (nets and.a pleasant eating area. s=de. These homes are qualit.y [line thereof and distant 25 ft. _North [ Shelton Washington ing irrigation season for irrigation that joined by Madge's son Bob Erhart
or Rent close to w.c.c.. Low down pay- ~ separate garage wltn storage built and have the features we all Iwester,y n.'gm, asprJt~ga~l~ogdO~ "~?~ " ' 9/30 10/7-14-21-28 11/4 6t the aPl)r)ximate "point of diversion is and Chiidren who spe~'ff (he'week'
,l%°m nome ........ on i naian ance.ment and easy terms on bal- Tik~ee ~p~iYt y~.~i~almfa~d~!i~g~ ~an)ioOi,2tv~s:=!oy:m~ajt~;,~ia!! I o! if ilt! iIP~C~LLl~i~!~(~o]oe~lll'~!~(~!t~m~2t~ }!C(A~d~j~~Nm:~eft~W~ :~nm~t~thi~t:ai~g:Li~ie~Vh~UaA~ii~ejoB;a~
q Y P Y" a 3 bedroom rambler " V2 I • gtnal C ... , _._ 'j ] Reauires It g - ' ' ; g• !. ] by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee ~ mOVie ~erfo~.r~a,,,,, ,~f "mh=
~ on thebes oh, fur= OFFICE 426-8544 ments of only $55.00 monthly! baths, re( room, 2 car garage and I Page 535, ,ltne. 5,. assesses t.o. ~awara ire ]1t with no experience, to age at, land filed with the State Supervisor of Z "".-'L .~ ; "'" :'~" _v. -- .
..... : ........;___,__.V^u,iI I A Cllfzora rnilltps LmRe ~tvt~xon ~o, I wlth experience. I Water Resources within thirty (30) ~ouncl oI .MtlSlC at: a t-lowlttown
, I JdUfle li l~le~ -- Iligu -- . atlra~;tivc aLUl]C lll'l~pIdUl=, .u '" "" " '-- rdin to me re ' " " " "
~r, .P=c~ /Am~_c e~c&~ , , ....... ^_.. /~, ~x'ract "lb acco. g .... .~7 [For applications write City Clerk's I dav,q from October 28, 1965. theatre. She stayed at the Burman
,u ~,.r, " '~'- De surprises at toe tow prices ~cc coraed Plat thereof on Ille in too r.
office, and return by No~etnbet )th ~Vttn(ss my hand and official seal , "
• -venmgs: And no kidding l The stream is a them now. ] office of the Auditor of Mason C ountF'. [ Te~t to be held 'at Everg'r~,~n Sch~)ol' Ithis 21~'day of September 1965 ~" ]~ome and on T ue~,~lay Is!gilt, with
" ;, t7 a0Pes, tease $65John Devereux --426-4251 I=r-e one --- full of f sh and t /Year in certificate 1960. ueruncate I,.,~ ,.m T~-Ce,-,~,-- ~*h .... I ~ G WALKER ' me J~urmans, sne ana Atlle werc
,7,,$,, veer round! A -cod 2 bed ....-r,= -ru ...... /$1.82, ]'"' ~'l"(~i~GE~t',l""'LIgi~" Secy. I State'~upervisor of Water Re- gUeStS at the Clarence RobinsOn
.... ~,ome with livin- roe.~ "qn ....... ', ............ ,--_.t..a | That any of th.e. fqregoln, g_ 19 s, [ Civil Service Comm. I souzces, . ........ Bellevue home for a pheasant din-
required on rentals" Andrew Hulder ~ 426-6784 ...... " = r~ ....-, ..... ~----, t " '
I'UUIII II t ~1 ,,I/, u A yCI'~" ilV~Oii~ ITIOUCa~.Iy ~.II'lUgW n neroiaDeiore IU ~I z~ m~
tracts or parcels ot la a 10/21-28 2t / " ner ~he men had had a most suc
I Robert Barnett -- 426-4278 Ing room, kitchen and utility. $7,- home on a niche large lot. This one ] de~cr[l'bed and h~vhag.l~en Included.in [ ~ ] ,.. ....... "
500. featuresbuilt.in appliances in the |the qertlflcate of Detmquenoy n~.r.eto'l ..... r i~ 7 ---~ cesszul pneaSRnt mint, 13agging
The full ri Y
i~ 898-2155 228 N. 4~t St. -- SHELTON notl p ce of this income DRENCHED IN SUNSHINE ' ' I II~--'----uJL -=of the gethet" at the Canal this last Sun' :
. _,-..-. _~ ' [ i a--lex is iust ¢l~tann -,.~ ÷ .......................... ,-^-*~ That all of the eeveral nt:porK U| ~#qOillUlllk t# ~ . day and Alli~ boated s nic~ ,fiver
.%..,. , ..g.... . .j-.,v ,'"=.2 ...... n=-~ - ,,,avv¢,uu~ wa~=...u,.;|hereinabove se[ opposite the ee~eratl Ikl--&|--..--I IPi~ISl A,~ i~Pld~l~Ad P~IklIII~JP ~.~ -- _--,~',~ .--,, ,~.~".-, "
' ~ ~ Of o.my ~ouu easn ana ~u= per]home on 251 feet of exceptional | descriptions of each particular, lot, [ I~ldltlUII4:lll I~¢llllh lull IVlatPli#ll ~,#V~wwq~1 Jonn aria "'tsammle'" l~oDlnson
rented so you live in the other for The main house is very nice with/~t~eSpteratant~ra~0t~t ~0~h~t~let~[ of SHELTON the Skokom~ish'are~ with t'heir
II ROTTER REALESTATE m0nt. are available One unit is sandybeach in the sunshine belt|tract or parcelofreaipropertyt~earsl " wenthuntin~)astweckcnd I,n in
• ..just $25 per month while your cathedral ceilings, heat'0"lator|the 17t~ d^-. ~f Se.-tember 1965 untl~| ........................ ^_,_t.__ .~ nephew, Bob Hill of Seattle but
equity, grows and growsl Better [ fireplace and real cedar paneling: / the pa~me:;~ t~jereO.~ be ,na~le, or* judg,/!%W 2~Lt2L V_~_".'_"_~L*_" 2? _'."~ ¢2°?. Z. %usL :L,?L found the weather too good f,fi"
BII¢ -B t:OT.~ses tn,s one NOWIoF LOTS There's a cut--and a Franklin""tl nnzv aueSt/mont enterea hereto, t,-- ............. , ,-==pu ................ , ..... ~, ............. " h,,,t, ..........
' ....... 'house with 1-bed'roorn: ;or~pact' uYmOU° and. each o~ =~ln~ts~xgerrb~ J rency, under section 5211, U. $. Revised Statutes. "" S't'i'~knderson," who hunted over
• .. . !kitchen flreplaoe,a tt%:P P of the hrs'.f pub-i ASSETS east of the mountains from Fri,
we nave good lots available for The home is nestled on a 5-aere|llehtion of thle summogs and +, ii0tic~, ......... - "- ........ '~- -rid cash item- in day to Wednesday of lase week,
!future building s tes. In several Dark-like tract that would make|to-wit: withta sixty ao~. aster' t h~ t~sn, oamnces w:m omer o an~tn, tt " . ~i~.a..=a~ot some nheasanl~s but didn't en.
;locations, and the prices start as any" owner proud Better see thle[ 28rd day Of ~ptembe~' 1965, exe!e ~k=~eeve tawe process ot COllect.ton ...................... : .............. ~ ~=ou,oo=.uo -1 ~ ., ......
0FFIOE PHONE 428-6642 i low as $6001 On~r~ ;f YnO?ifeean afford the bette;| :tntl~eldd Lattt~a a~d tdhe*!~0;~,:~"~ I United StagteuSraGn0~:3m(~nt o l atirn:;d ;ct a=a ~i,,842.5~ {~Y?i~hU;eUal'w~'r~ce;t?;tH~orep°(:e~
th g • $39,500 with term /court, and serve a .copy ~ Y _ "i--ans and ...... n ....... of an- reserves~ ...................... 991,877 44 hunters and dogs in the area, in
i A BIG ONE! I available /awer Upon the undermgnea attorney[he uz~uuu ~ (x~u~ y ; ......................... Wh" ]1 .... i "
~ living on 20 Acres 7 miles from town, 2 bedrooms, home - 3
Ti"to ......................[P-~ ..... oms --~ _for .$.s,.s00 with-it,, of are the owner or/ Total Asgets $1,50~t,!088= derson visited with iaer "h,mting
S, recreation room, 2 fireplaces. $19,750.00. ~.- i~ ~u.u.tlu. t.vuuwrluu¢ allu o~ulu at;u Z TUll 10tS JUSt il/ a " - ~ "~ .......... u uw~'"'" I .................................... ..................... ...;.~^...,, (ai~t~r ;. la',,r ~Kr,(, ~o.
COl , reputes O er or |~ WntCIl, yU ~'VlttUW
y $17,500. Term, of course, st~noelS" ;::ow fromthe high]or elalm o~o:~n o' have, 'or cla~erteO} LIABILITIES Olsen in' Bellevue and with her
, open~e onbeamedpickeringCeillngS'Passage.picturecompleteWind°ws 1 inbedroom2 bed, [
FAMI sc name the terms you have any right tttl~ r lnteres~ t -
se. Gravel beach. Magnificent view. Ideal ar-Will bLZ ;U2s the year round want. Beter see thla ene soon. ,.: I ~o~o:i,, O:oirpdoirV2dUn~S...p..a..~n?r.s.h!p.s: ........................ $ 514,538.~2 ~a~oghmt:y' Mrs. A, nold Tah~a in
when you weekend and vaoat on BIG FAMILY? In the event of y0u~ failure to ap-ITl~e and savings deposits of individuals, Faith Evans, Litltwaup po#mas.
for a mother-in-law, at this modest 2 bedroom cottage' Here's one for you 4 large bed- tPl~ar annodundter~nude such saC~O~o~natrPacaty. partnerships, and corporations ............................ 432.628.55 ter, attended the district meeting
' own beef on 42 Acres up the Skokomish. 3 bed- The community beach s lust areat rooms, ful basem-nt ~x*-o ~-a ....mcel of l*-~ ...... ed to k, ou v~ [ Deposits of United States Govenmaent ................................ 7,128.38 of the National Association of
for swimmin-" boat n- "and "f shelous livina ro,,,.-",,.~,~ ~¢:'.'~..'~^~ l~ ~which yot~"hav~e"'~an lnter'est' as lDeposits of States and political subdtvismns ...................... 140,000.00 Postmasters Stmday at thc Shel-
extra large living room. $17,500.00. =, u - o ............ ~ ..... , •
lag. Only $6.000 on terms and a top d o w, *~ ~, l~=*Inn here ina~ove stated, Judgment .will _be Ce,q:ified and officers checks, etc ....................... \ ........... . ..... 22,959.05 ton Hotel Canal postmasters and
- ...................... renaerea against ott aria against me ...... 2
view waterfront lots in Arkada Park. Prlced close, t0. schools =-n"u s~'"-"in",,uvv v, mr, ..... tract, or parcel~' oK ........... tuna *Orucmn n"Is Total Deposits ................................ $1,117,254 0 J, H. Gray, Shelton postmaster,
0 to $75.00 per front foot and includes the tide- MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY $10,250 ,s the full price Terms thereon the lien of Mason Count¥,~orl ........ =----='=~: hosted the event. Following the
uonvenient kitchen.2 bedr m. also available " its certificate of delinquency wntch i (a) Total demana oepomts . ~ o~,~zo.~o dinner meetin~ they toured the
tt~ r system and dock facilities in. Easy terms .... co s. • Call now for an ap- st " ' " .
far e 2 c r . ntment • o ll~c|udea all taxes penaltles intere~ ,I new ost office "'s
g - a garage and big fenced poi to ms-ect ........... ' ......' ........ r ..... P ' e ana .evt.zal post-
r" " ana COSTS ~K~lll~t ~al(l lOiS, LrttcL~. v • ,
a pin" 2 bedroom home on Hillcrest, fenced-in yard--all for $300 cash and $57.50 narcels of land up to and Including (b) Total time and masters went out to Mr. Gray's
(rage, closed-in back porch. Must see to ap- monthly to make this Hilicrest LAKE NAHWATZEL t'he date on which said certificate was .. savings deposits .......................... $ 432,628.55 ...... Spencer Lake home. "
home a d n re's a 60 ^ ,~ . issued Other liabilities 18 560 1~
950.00. a dy buy for you. He foot beach l~t o., thin .............................................
free lake It's
• • a Very nicely Iocat-Any pleading, answer, appearance,
or process, sh'all be lerved upon the Total Liabilities .................................................. $1,135,814.35
ANGLESIDE---$350 CASH-- ed and idealspot for your sum- undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Mb-
Wtth closing costs--pay like rent. 3 bedrooms, full $67.50 MONTHLY met cabintil." Buy now while prices son County, at his office below stated,
;, lots 0f elosste and storage, Only $8,800,00, He re'e a larger family home, mod- are s .t reasonable. You know and a copy thereof filed with the CAPITAL ACCOUNTS
they will o
estty priced at $8,750. Hardwoodmet. g up again next sum- Clerk of the above entitled Court. Common stock--par value per share $20.00,
Older farm home on 117 Acres in Shelton Valley.floors in living room and there are MASON cOUNtY, No. shares auth0rtzed i0,000,
cleared. Needs some kids, cattle and a bit of work. Sheiton Valley Clovers
A Municipal Corporation No. shares outstanding 10,000,....Total par value $200,000.00 The Shelton Valley Clovers met
3 bedrooms as well as a base- 3ohn B. Cole, Treasurer
men(. With FHA terms like these,SNUG,AS A BUG (SEhL) Surplus .......................................................................................... 100,000.00 last q~hursday for the flrst~ time
~ls, double garage, good well and plenty of garden- why wait longer to own your own And it s a very modern and cozy Office and post office Address of Undivided profits ........................................................................ 66,294.47 this year. New officers elect~.d are
-~ on 3 plus acres about 3 miles south of town. Ad- home? Call us today. • . ! , 1bedroom, den,Attorney for Plaintiff:
home F,replace "-"
i acres of timber if desired. Will trade on an older Gary Miltenberger, president;
:Own. This is a "dandy". nice kite.hen and bath w th show- CoVeYShelton,BUtldlng,washlngton. Total Capital Accounts ............. i .......................... $--3~,2~.47 Scott Larson, vice president; Pat-
er. /~ngieside location ---$8,500 Byron E. McClanahan,
of waterfront on Hood Canal. includes the tidelands Call 426-6592 anytime w~th easy terms. Prosecuting Attorney. and Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts ........ $1,502,108.82 sy Miltenberger, secret~'y; Bob
Ruddell, trcasurer; and Aleca Rud-
Attorney for Plaintiff herein.
Acres of Uplands. Full price of $26,650.00. MANN REAL ESTATE a =, No. 49, Pub. 9/23-~0 10/7-14-21-2S 1965 6t I, T. R. WESTON, Vice-President & Cashier, of the above-named dell, reporter. Committees were:
bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and cor- also appointed.
home on Hillcrest. Close to schools and 121 Railroad Ave.~l ROY
Needs a bit of work• Sacrifice for $3,000.00. SHELTON ~[ Phene 426-4447
;~iize in waterfront and acreage -- Hoo_d. Ctan.al, t:VI:NINGS CALL ~j] 126 Railroad
tey Inlet, Island Lake, Spencer Lake, l=,icKermg
and Harstine :IsJai~d. See us today• Eves. Call: ~Jl
'Til 5 p.rrt. On Sundays or Evenings Phone: DI(~K BOLLING--426-8162 I A. Roy Dunn --- 426-4601
TONI H A LL--426-2252 ]
Jack OlSen --- 426.6654 KURT MANN--426-3228 I Mary Voss --- 426-8074
Walter George --- 426-3530
] ,r-----"----.._.~ .- : : ;; .... ' :" _
rect to the best of my knowledge and belief,
We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report
of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the
best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct.
" I I I I I ,I -- IIII
A committee Was named to tske
charge of a Halloween party.
Members Will be notified by phone
when, where and what to bring.
The Clovers had the honor of
receiving the Kiwanis plaque. Each
family of the club will have It
one month•
The next meeting will be Nov-
ember 4 at the Wayne Evers home.
--.Aleca Ruddell, reporter