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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)ctobe 29, 1959 ,ken From i ly 712 Harvard, re- theft of about $175 tools fr,)m his b,)me to the Sheltor Irtment. a man tried to earlier in the day tlnsuceessful in his ef- thinks the same person later anti to(,k tile tbe things taken box, sevlq&apos;al vvro,lches drill. I=! HITS PORCH :lriwm by Carl Kazin- ran int(i tho porch 'tpartments last ea tlsinf da ill- lear at $250 and about ! porch. WRECK Collided (m Sew,nth Drive last week estimated at $,100  driven by R. B. AIs- $150 to the ca, of R. Tllel'e vcel'e no ill- ORDER OF ; MOOSE Lodge No. 1684 Savage, Governor HA 6-4815 Tyynismaa, Scy. HA 6-3292 IGS HELD EACH Simpson Of!totals I)al,!orn,a Simpson Logging Company for- esters met with their Siml)S(m l<eclwo(al Company counterparts in Area,a, Calif., Oat. 26 and 27. Pm'p, lse of the meeting wns to discuss land lllallag('lYleD[ l)r()b- It)IllS. .Iollrnoying from Shelt(nl wore }l. (). })llhn, hind and linlDer lll:m- ;IgoF: J. G. RucRer, chief forester; A. (). Petzohl, teehnical forester; Max Schmidt. Jr., logging manag- er. all(I Ed R[)l)itlsoll, associate foroster. Nickel Alloys in Nuclear Reactors Nickel-containing stainless steels and nickel-ba,e alloys are among tim few metals and alloys that meet the stringent physical, me- chaneial and metallurgical require- ment:s of nmterials for use in nu- clear power reactors. Too Late To Classify 'l'|lt,lql,] IIbJI)RO()MS. firel)hwe. GE I'll I'IIH C(% h:lOIIl'll [ with plll'l[y fill- i:4|1('(1 ['l*('l ,*/ltillIl I'()ql,l I. (lollh]l! g'll l'- aP. COI'iIPI" h,I. g.,,d laWll tllld Ialid" 4CIllliilg . h.:aD'd till Angh'Nhh'. l)h OllO }Ih (i-(;:10l flit' ll|,l)oJnllliql|. M 10/21t tfn - MUST-SEi]If -21 " 3 bi!(iF;;';iil ii{ill(', dlwIIhIWIl. 1 I/, |llllhs, livinK l'l)illil, diuing 1'€1o111, I "-9' ill IV. fi'l ('Pd v41'd $5,50(I'.00. el .V $5(( I Wil. $|5 ll('r month. Cnll Kurt Mann, Walvr- fronl Rally, HA 6-535 or IIA 6- 11228 ev,'n Jiii4s. 10/29 ii'l)It SALE _2L ()iii: ir{;iiii]ii-sewing. ,n:i- ('h[ilo. Ii'ol ' ftlrlhl!l' iilfil'lillitillll /iholll' I1A 6-,164t+ tt i0t29 Ifn D4(SR ]/ENT -22: 'f;{{i"Ti "ff-iT;}ii {71i2 [U vnisllt'(| houso, ] tl I'1.(! gel'ago Iilld WtlS)ll'lll)lll plus ll'uck shod illiit V¢ol'k sh,,p. Phon*, IIA 6-464.1. IiIIil WITCHES AND GOBLINS appeared early at the Shelton Pre- School Playschool, in fact as early as Monday afternoon and Wed- nesday morning. Mrs. Don Daniels, playschool teacher, had her problems with the tiny gremlins, who insisted in taking off their costumes before the Journal photographer arrived. (Ztegler prtnt.) Dance Slated Saturday in Victor Hall fl 10/29 tfn 4th Tuesdays WANTieb----:'--diTrstnms t,.,,b i:CiiG,i'.4; the Month l?,,h. I0tisslo. P. O. let(ix lll, Union, of llhlnle [lnion 452 sifter li p.ln. 10/29 lrpor WIi]I, TRADl--194-Ci{}tv-'{,-fe{--fi t?lii o'clock. MUSIc will be furnished flat bed for je.p in good condition, by Julte Stock's Combo. Proceeds Call HA 6-.15,'11. S 10/29-11/5 will go toward the new North Bay Emergency First Aid car fund. EARING AID Mrs. F. L. Noble recently re- turned from an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Eva Hood in Patterson, Calif. By Marlene Burgeson to join a little sister and a hap- py coincidence is that the little ALLYN.--Saturday night there sister celebrated her first birth- will he a masquerade dance at day October 25. also. the Victor Hall from 10 until 2 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel VonOaten CLINIC Sunday Mr. Reggie Engman eh- joyed a visit from his sister ahd husband, Mr. and Mrs. George; Manthie, now of Seattle. i i Have your Aid cleaned FREE Mr. Engman's nephew, Larry l Balcom, has returned to his home 10% Discount on Batteries in Springfield, Ore., for a few months where he will be picking 10% Discount on Earmolds 10% Discount on Cords and packaging mistletoe for the holidays. MR. AND MRS. Ashton Wat- son are glad to announce the ar- rival of their second great-grand- daughter, born Sunday morning, Oct. 25, to their" daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brown of Ohio. The new baby comes MATERNITY WEAR Nylon Slips .............. $1.99-$2.99 Hclenca front briefs ........ $1.00 Smocks ................... $2.95-$5.00 Capris ..................... $3.99-$,t.99 Sail cloth pedal pushers .. $5.00 Skirts .................................. $5.00 The Little and Big Shoppe 126 Cots Street have as house guests Mr. and Mrs. R. Bur,. of Denver, Colo,, who are here on an extended visit:. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Margaret Davis were her sister and her husband Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mojean of Tacoma. Mr. L. A. Allen returned Sun- day from a hunting trip tn Town- sehd, Mont., where he and his hunting party, were able to tag three deer and one elk to their credit. SPENDING SUNDAY with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKean was her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cable of South Bend and three children, Cinder, Johnny and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock were happy to have their son, Wesley, and his bride, spend the weekend at home with them. It is a pleasnre to announce a new Brownie and Girl Scout group are meeting every Monday at the home of Mrs. Pat Paris. There are about fifteen members active i R this group. Last Monday they made marshmallow men and pre- sented them to Sarah House as tray favors. LAST WEEK the Allyn Birth- day Club met at Mrs. Carl Izetts with sixteen members present. Mrs. Harvey Rice was the hon- ored guest. FREE HEARING TEST One Day only -- Men., Nov. 2 !Urther information • Call or write lACK CONNER 0ic Peninsula Rep. Weslon Place remerton, Wash. In the office of DR. H. M. TOKES 417 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. "!i i:  x _ ::: :' i iTi!iiii;i!:i  !. !:  to the dogleg in the doorwayl L(ave it to Ford SWeep that annoying windshield pillar frward, out of t Way. No more bum, ped knees or s,laged hose! : ¸-<:/?7¸¸ : • :L:  !Z -= .............................. ir .... Oh, say can you see, with 55% greater sky-to-road vision. That sleek, sloping hood reveals more road than you've ever seen before. New Wide Angle windshield gives you up to 17')£, greater glass area. Wider angle of vision through rear window, too, i Even 3 padded shGulders have plenty of move.around space! You let up to 5 ineh I ashlld m Iofl'_ t trunk, thanks  its bW Ilvdl more shoulder room, inches more hip room in the 1960 Fords. PosturiLperf$ct seti|ing The trunk sill is peffecUy placed , . . just 27" above the makes long-distance fatigue a thing of the past. The man in the middle has as mild strwt. Trunk holds 3 weeks' supply of luglage! Ford la COmfort as the rest, thanks to full-width seat padding. , ]bilt for peoplet Nothing fits YOu like a Ford l I any po;nt of view--from point  "t alue-- The Fittest of a Lifelime. No other cars are so completely, wonderfully Like the way they fit people. Ford's all-new, gracefid lines [it all your ideas, clean through. The 60 Fords fit your budget beal- tifully, too. More news! There'll be three completely new kin&" of Ford cars--a Ford to fit every family. You can select a new Ford Falcon, or a 60 Ford or a Thunderbird. (Joille ill and make your choice! 60 FORDS FORD--The Finest Fords of a Llfetlmef FALCON--The New-size Fordl l" THUNDERBIRD--Tha World's Most Wanted Cat INTO A BIG.__., WIDE, WONDERFUL WORLD OF COMFORT AT YOUR ONLY COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE r)EALER'B Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad - Shelton Pa Harstine (iranp Plans imorpsbord Dinner For This Saturday Night By Donette Glaser HARSTINE ISLAND. - ..... This Saturday night is not only the night that the witches ride, but the night that the Harstine Grange is putting on their' smorgasbord din- ner. We mistakingly advertised movies of a trip to the Holy Land and to Rome. These are colored slides. Also will he a card party, hinge and the award of an elec- tric clock plus a door prize. There promises to be something for ev- eryone. This is the Harstine Grange's 0nly money making event of the year. We all hope that everyone will attend. Money from this event stays in your commun- ity f0f the betterment of the com- munity. So come one and all. A midnight ferry has b(.n arranged so all you folks cart come over from the mainland and join the fun. See you then. THE HARSTINE Island Wom- en's club is now In the process of selling some very lovely packages of ribbon. Some is strictly Christ- mas ribbon while others are all oc. casion ribbon. The money raised from this project will go into the well fund. And speaking of well fund, hids have been received from several well digging companies. The well is supposed to be drilled by the end of November. Don't forget that the next meeting of the Women's club will be at the home of Paul Chaffee at lovely Point Wilson. Also all ladies whether members of the Women's club or not are invited to journey across the ferry to visit the Pick- ering Women's club Nov. 12. All Harsttne Island Grangers who have a yet joined the Pomona Grange are asked to do so this Friday, Oct. 30. We plan 0n crossing on the six p.m. ferry and having dinner in town. Then tra- vel out to Progress Grange where we will receive the 5th degree, then home on a special ferry. We think we'll have a very nice time visiting and also receiving the degree. Anyone interested is asked to meet the 6 p.m. ferry on Fri- day night where we will form a caravan for the trip. Mr. C. W, Streckenbach, coun- ty commissioner, will attend a meeting on Thursday of the Pen- tnsula District Commission. The meeting will be held in Jefferson county for the purpose of discuss- ing problems of county govern- merit. Miss Cindy WaRe attended a friendship meeting at the Tacoma Bethel of Jobles. She reports that they had a very nice meeting fol- lowed hy a swimming party, very nice supper and then hy a slumber party. Want to know who slum- bered ? Cindy, right through breakfast. Cindy Is now selling Christmas cards, so anyone wish- ing to buy thin can contact her at HA 6-4063. Miss Suzie Bingelsdorf of Ta- coma Is staying with the Glenn Yates while her parents lre pn a hunting trip in eastern Washing- ton. Suzie is almost two years old. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Yates were two very happy people that were glad to see grape harvesting sea- son over. The main reason is tliat they motored to Seattle to the home of their son, Warren, and parked their little BUick in his garage and took the bus for a trip to Bartley, Nebraska, where they will have a family reunion of Ann's brothers and sisters and then on to Mulvane, Kansas, to visit their son, Harley, and fam- ily. They plun on being gone the better part of a month provided they can stay away from good old Harstine that long. Son, Glenn is going to keep his eye on the old homestead and the George Waites are tending to the chores while they are gone. Have a won- derful time, you two. The Harstine school program will be this Friday at one o'clock sharp. The children will serve re- freshments. Everyone is invited to this affair whether they. have children in school or not. This is a community affair. All persons pay taxes to help support the school and we do wish you would come and see how your money is helping the children of th cOm- munity. CAPTAIN AND Mrs. Gortz'are receiving congratulations upon thq birth of their grandson. Mr. and Mrs. James Conners (Bernide Gortz) became the proud parents of a son Friday. Little James William Conners weighed into this big ide world weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces. He was born In Sdna .na, Calif. Esther is down there ow gettting acquainted with her grandson, Capt. Gortz is staying on the island as he has carpenters hard at work remodeling the house. CongreSYnan and Mrs. Thor Tollefsou spent aturday on Hat. stlne viiltJng with Mrs. Tollef- son' ister, Mrs. Anna Glaser. Thor Is sixth district congressman and has Just rettirned ft'dm a 6- week trii to, the Orient where he looked irlto the merchant marine and fisheries problems. Al and Monies Prtdham are vel' busy picking grapes for Hll ma and Irvie Wingert. In their spare time they are busy palnt- ing and papering their guest room. Mr. Larry Saeger has returned from Enumelaw where he was working in the woods, The oyster season 1 beginning and Larry is very busy lining up his equipment for the season's harvest. Mr. Joe Male of Seattle, long- time friend of the Andy Stambor- skeys, was very lucky or else a good hunter as he got his buck on Saturday. The Morrisons got two nice bucks, and Larry Holt got a nice one. The ferry crew reports that 15 have crossed the ferry nicely draped over the front have purchased the Johnny John- son place from the Meeks. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have two of the loveliest race horses we have ever seen. The children of Har- stine Island are snre excited and all are begging to g,) visit these new people and their lovely pure- blood h(,rses. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bache of Ab- erdeen, were Sunday callers at the home of H. Vincent Glasers. The Baches come up each year for grapes. Gunner and Helen spent one day shopping in Tacoma this past week, Ernie and Marie Crouch report that this past Sunday was the busiest day yet in the store. Hunters as well as visitors and islanders joined in to make this a very big day. THE JOHN Budd home Is sure coming along nicely. He is busy putting on the primer coat of white paint. It sure looks nice sitting there among the autumn scenery. They have the fireplace in now. The same man put the fireplace in the Bassendale home recently. ALVIN AND Peggy Anderson spent the week working on their place getting the utility room fin- shed. Alvin is also in the pro- eess of moving his sawmill to a new h)cation. We understond Mr. Scott was on the Island this Mon- day, but he never ease to see us and our feelings are hurt. Weekly Services Midweek service is held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Seventh Day Adventist church. Sabbath school hour will start at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. Worship serv- ice follows at 11 o'clock. On Oct. 31, it is expected that Ralph Hartnell of Elma, will be the speaker. There will be a meet- ing of the church board on Mon- day evening, Nov. 2. There will be a "White Elephant Sale" at the PUD building on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 19 and 20. Church members are asked tO watcll "It Is Written" on KTNT-TV, channel 11, each Saturday evening from 7:00 to 7:30. MT. OLI¥1 LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school and Bible ctass at 9:45; worship seTice at 11:00. Church leaders dinner at Trinity Lutheran church of Olympia, Sun- day evening at 5. A!I officers of Mt. Olive and their wives are urg. ed to attend. Walther League meets Sunday evening al 7 in the parish hall. Choir rehearsal evecy Thursday at 8 p.m. Sunday school teachers meet Tuesday at 7:30 in the parish hall. Religious instruction every Sat- urday morning at 9 in the parish hall for children of the seventh and eighth grades. Mary j. Way, 84, Succumbs Thurs. Funeral services were held at i1 a.m., Monday in Byrne and Bat- stone Funeral Directory for Mrs. Mary J. Way, 84, Route 3 Box 504, who (lied last Thursday in Olympia. The Rev. Lewis Wysong ofifciated. Interment was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Mrs. Way was born Dec. 19, 187.t, in Dubuque, Iowa, and had made her home in Mason eounty for the past 25 years. Mrs. Way is survived by her two sons, Clifford and Sylvester, one daughter, Mrs. Lnlis Asche, all of Shetton; six grandchildren edna eight great-grandchildren. Mrs. Grandnm Dugdale had company this weekend. Her sis- ter, Mrs. Ruth Sherler, and friend, Mrs. Peele, all of Seattle, spent *he weekend at the Dugdale home- stead. Marriages Jimmie L. Messer, 20, Fort Lewis, and Linda J. Barnett, 17, Shelton, were the only couple ap- plying for marriage license in the Mason eounty auditor's office this : week. -- i= i You Can Own this Mac D-30 SHi:LTON M l00iNi ° SUPPLY Fairmont & Olymplo Hiway (Formerly Hill(rest Hardware) i ii i ul i i ......... ! .... SPECIAL ................... WILD BLACKBERRY SHAKES at THE BURGER PIT Mile South of City Limits on Olympia Hiway i i N I I I I . I NOW OPEN The Powder Box Beauty Salon COMPLETE BEAUTY ERVICE at 212 South Second Beverly Phone Mildred Mailett HA 6-8673 Schneider BLU| OX TII|AT.| .... Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. 30'31 - Nov. 1 Starring James Stewart, Julia Adams and Rock Hudson The Oreatness.,. th e Glory, the Fury of the Northwest's fron- tier filmed in our own.Glorious Northwest on the slopes o Beautiful "Mount Hood" in Ore- gon. PLUS "THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS" Starring Gregory Peck and Ann Blythe They stormed the gale lashed !seas with all Alaska as the ;prize. In beautiful Technicolor. i Also a feature of our lovely Northwest country. NEXT WEEK: November 6-7-8: "THE REMARKABLE MR. PENNYPACKER" Starring Clifton Webb. t, I mF .. are more Interested in buill.l q.ality than exterlor frills . .. IF you want the joy el a conshteutly cle, wash . . . IF you prefe r simple, easy.lo.uerstmd controls that glee you accurate dialing for all fabric and soll conditions . , . IF you'd like a dryer that can be cycled either (I) to stop when clothes are dry, or (2) according zo speff tie , , . IF yo. want the most¢ home laundering service you can pos- sibly get... Then, beSore you buy, new washer o, dryer, DO SEE the .ew fenders of cars. Claire and Arthur Wingert are anxiously awaiting a nice heavy frost to set the nee¢lles on the Christmas trees. She says they hope to start cutting between the 7th and 10th of November. Paul and Odoyne Chaffee have returned from a two day visit to the home of their daughter in El- ma. Odeyne very much enjoyed a shopping trip to Aberdeen. We want to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Williams to Harstine. They II LOWEST CARRYING CHARGES in Shelton or ANYWHERE II We Finance all our contracts and Service Products we sell Omsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots StPeet Phone HA 6.4702 i i i i )ctobe 29, 1959 ,ken From i ly 712 Harvard, re- theft of about $175 tools fr,)m his b,)me to the Sheltor Irtment. a man tried to earlier in the day tlnsuceessful in his ef- thinks the same person later anti to(,k tile tbe things taken box, sevlq'al vvro,lches drill. I=! HITS PORCH :lriwm by Carl Kazin- ran int(i tho porch 'tpartments last ea tlsinf da ill- lear at $250 and about ! porch. WRECK Collided (m Sew,nth Drive last week estimated at $,100  driven by R. B. AIs- $150 to the ca, of R. Tllel'e vcel'e no ill- ORDER OF ; MOOSE Lodge No. 1684 Savage, Governor HA 6-4815 Tyynismaa, Scy. HA 6-3292 IGS HELD EACH Simpson Of!totals I)al,!orn,a Simpson Logging Company for- esters met with their Siml)S(m l<eclwo(al Company counterparts in Area,a, Calif., Oat. 26 and 27. Pm'p, lse of the meeting wns to discuss land lllallag('lYleD[ l)r()b- It)IllS. .Iollrnoying from Shelt(nl wore }l. (). })llhn, hind and linlDer lll:m- ;IgoF: J. G. RucRer, chief forester; A. (). Petzohl, teehnical forester; Max Schmidt. Jr., logging manag- er. all(I Ed R[)l)itlsoll, associate foroster. Nickel Alloys in Nuclear Reactors Nickel-containing stainless steels and nickel-ba,e alloys are among tim few metals and alloys that meet the stringent physical, me- chaneial and metallurgical require- ment:s of nmterials for use in nu- clear power reactors. Too Late To Classify 'l'|lt,lql,] IIbJI)RO()MS. firel)hwe. GE I'll I'IIH C(% h:lOIIl'll [ with plll'l[y fill- i:4|1('(1 ['l*('l ,*/ltillIl I'()ql,l I. (lollh]l! g'll l'- aP. COI'iIPI" h,I. g.,,d laWll tllld Ialid" 4CIllliilg . h.:aD'd till Angh'Nhh'. l)h OllO }Ih (i-(;:10l flit' ll|,l)oJnllliql|. M 10/21t tfn - MUST-SEi]If -21 " 3 bi!(iF;;';iil ii{ill(', dlwIIhIWIl. 1 I/, |llllhs, livinK l'l)illil, diuing 1'€1o111, I "-9' ill IV. fi'l ('Pd v41'd $5,50(I'.00. el .V $5(( I Wil. $|5 ll('r month. Cnll Kurt Mann, Walvr- fronl Rally, HA 6-535 or IIA 6- 11228 ev,'n Jiii4s. 10/29 ii'l)It SALE _2L ()iii: ir{;iiii]ii-sewing. ,n:i- ('h[ilo. Ii'ol ' ftlrlhl!l' iilfil'lillitillll /iholll' I1A 6-,164t+ tt i0t29 Ifn D4(SR ]/ENT -22: 'f;{{i"Ti "ff-iT;}ii {71i2 [U vnisllt'(| houso, ] tl I'1.(! gel'ago Iilld WtlS)ll'lll)lll plus ll'uck shod illiit V¢ol'k sh,,p. Phon*, IIA 6-464.1. IiIIil WITCHES AND GOBLINS appeared early at the Shelton Pre- School Playschool, in fact as early as Monday afternoon and Wed- nesday morning. Mrs. Don Daniels, playschool teacher, had her problems with the tiny gremlins, who insisted in taking off their costumes before the Journal photographer arrived. (Ztegler prtnt.) Dance Slated Saturday in Victor Hall fl 10/29 tfn 4th Tuesdays WANTieb----:'--diTrstnms t,.,,b i:CiiG,i'.4; the Month l?,,h. I0tisslo. P. O. let(ix lll, Union, of llhlnle [lnion 452 sifter li p.ln. 10/29 lrpor WIi]I, TRADl--194-Ci{}tv-'{,-fe{--fi t?lii o'clock. MUSIc will be furnished flat bed for je.p in good condition, by Julte Stock's Combo. Proceeds Call HA 6-.15,'11. S 10/29-11/5 will go toward the new North Bay Emergency First Aid car fund. EARING AID Mrs. F. L. Noble recently re- turned from an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Eva Hood in Patterson, Calif. By Marlene Burgeson to join a little sister and a hap- py coincidence is that the little ALLYN.--Saturday night there sister celebrated her first birth- will he a masquerade dance at day October 25. also. the Victor Hall from 10 until 2 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel VonOaten CLINIC Sunday Mr. Reggie Engman eh- joyed a visit from his sister ahd husband, Mr. and Mrs. George; Manthie, now of Seattle. i i Have your Aid cleaned FREE Mr. Engman's nephew, Larry l Balcom, has returned to his home 10% Discount on Batteries in Springfield, Ore., for a few months where he will be picking 10% Discount on Earmolds 10% Discount on Cords and packaging mistletoe for the holidays. MR. AND MRS. Ashton Wat- son are glad to announce the ar- rival of their second great-grand- daughter, born Sunday morning, Oct. 25, to their" daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brown of Ohio. The new baby comes MATERNITY WEAR Nylon Slips .............. $1.99-$2.99 Hclenca front briefs ........ $1.00 Smocks ................... $2.95-$5.00 Capris ..................... $3.99-$,t.99 Sail cloth pedal pushers .. $5.00 Skirts .................................. $5.00 The Little and Big Shoppe 126 Cots Street have as house guests Mr. and Mrs. R. Bur,. of Denver, Colo,, who are here on an extended visit:. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Margaret Davis were her sister and her husband Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mojean of Tacoma. Mr. L. A. Allen returned Sun- day from a hunting trip tn Town- sehd, Mont., where he and his hunting party, were able to tag three deer and one elk to their credit. SPENDING SUNDAY with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKean was her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cable of South Bend and three children, Cinder, Johnny and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock were happy to have their son, Wesley, and his bride, spend the weekend at home with them. It is a pleasnre to announce a new Brownie and Girl Scout group are meeting every Monday at the home of Mrs. Pat Paris. There are about fifteen members active i R this group. Last Monday they made marshmallow men and pre- sented them to Sarah House as tray favors. LAST WEEK the Allyn Birth- day Club met at Mrs. Carl Izetts with sixteen members present. Mrs. Harvey Rice was the hon- ored guest. FREE HEARING TEST One Day only -- Men., Nov. 2 !Urther information • Call or write lACK CONNER 0ic Peninsula Rep. Weslon Place remerton, Wash. In the office of DR. H. M. TOKES 417 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. "!i i:  x _ ::: :' i iTi!iiii;i!:i  !. !:  to the dogleg in the doorwayl L(ave it to Ford SWeep that annoying windshield pillar frward, out of t Way. No more bum, ped knees or s,laged hose! : ¸-<:/?7¸¸ : • :L:  !Z -= .............................. ir .... Oh, say can you see, with 55% greater sky-to-road vision. That sleek, sloping hood reveals more road than you've ever seen before. New Wide Angle windshield gives you up to 17')£, greater glass area. Wider angle of vision through rear window, too, i Even 3 padded shGulders have plenty of move.around space! You let up to 5 ineh I ashlld m Iofl'_ t trunk, thanks  its bW Ilvdl more shoulder room, inches more hip room in the 1960 Fords. PosturiLperf$ct seti|ing The trunk sill is peffecUy placed , . . just 27" above the makes long-distance fatigue a thing of the past. The man in the middle has as mild strwt. Trunk holds 3 weeks' supply of luglage! Ford la COmfort as the rest, thanks to full-width seat padding. , ]bilt for peoplet Nothing fits YOu like a Ford l I any po;nt of view--from point  "t alue-- The Fittest of a Lifelime. No other cars are so completely, wonderfully Like the way they fit people. Ford's all-new, gracefid lines [it all your ideas, clean through. The 60 Fords fit your budget beal- tifully, too. More news! There'll be three completely new kin&" of Ford cars--a Ford to fit every family. You can select a new Ford Falcon, or a 60 Ford or a Thunderbird. (Joille ill and make your choice! 60 FORDS FORD--The Finest Fords of a Llfetlmef FALCON--The New-size Fordl l" THUNDERBIRD--Tha World's Most Wanted Cat INTO A BIG.__., WIDE, WONDERFUL WORLD OF COMFORT AT YOUR ONLY COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE r)EALER'B Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad - Shelton Pa Harstine (iranp Plans imorpsbord Dinner For This Saturday Night By Donette Glaser HARSTINE ISLAND. - ..... This Saturday night is not only the night that the witches ride, but the night that the Harstine Grange is putting on their' smorgasbord din- ner. We mistakingly advertised movies of a trip to the Holy Land and to Rome. These are colored slides. Also will he a card party, hinge and the award of an elec- tric clock plus a door prize. There promises to be something for ev- eryone. This is the Harstine Grange's 0nly money making event of the year. We all hope that everyone will attend. Money from this event stays in your commun- ity f0f the betterment of the com- munity. So come one and all. A midnight ferry has b(.n arranged so all you folks cart come over from the mainland and join the fun. See you then. THE HARSTINE Island Wom- en's club is now In the process of selling some very lovely packages of ribbon. Some is strictly Christ- mas ribbon while others are all oc. casion ribbon. The money raised from this project will go into the well fund. And speaking of well fund, hids have been received from several well digging companies. The well is supposed to be drilled by the end of November. Don't forget that the next meeting of the Women's club will be at the home of Paul Chaffee at lovely Point Wilson. Also all ladies whether members of the Women's club or not are invited to journey across the ferry to visit the Pick- ering Women's club Nov. 12. All Harsttne Island Grangers who have a yet joined the Pomona Grange are asked to do so this Friday, Oct. 30. We plan 0n crossing on the six p.m. ferry and having dinner in town. Then tra- vel out to Progress Grange where we will receive the 5th degree, then home on a special ferry. We think we'll have a very nice time visiting and also receiving the degree. Anyone interested is asked to meet the 6 p.m. ferry on Fri- day night where we will form a caravan for the trip. Mr. C. W, Streckenbach, coun- ty commissioner, will attend a meeting on Thursday of the Pen- tnsula District Commission. The meeting will be held in Jefferson county for the purpose of discuss- ing problems of county govern- merit. Miss Cindy WaRe attended a friendship meeting at the Tacoma Bethel of Jobles. She reports that they had a very nice meeting fol- lowed hy a swimming party, very nice supper and then hy a slumber party. Want to know who slum- bered ? Cindy, right through breakfast. Cindy Is now selling Christmas cards, so anyone wish- ing to buy thin can contact her at HA 6-4063. Miss Suzie Bingelsdorf of Ta- coma Is staying with the Glenn Yates while her parents lre pn a hunting trip in eastern Washing- ton. Suzie is almost two years old. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Yates were two very happy people that were glad to see grape harvesting sea- son over. The main reason is tliat they motored to Seattle to the home of their son, Warren, and parked their little BUick in his garage and took the bus for a trip to Bartley, Nebraska, where they will have a family reunion of Ann's brothers and sisters and then on to Mulvane, Kansas, to visit their son, Harley, and fam- ily. They plun on being gone the better part of a month provided they can stay away from good old Harstine that long. Son, Glenn is going to keep his eye on the old homestead and the George Waites are tending to the chores while they are gone. Have a won- derful time, you two. The Harstine school program will be this Friday at one o'clock sharp. The children will serve re- freshments. Everyone is invited to this affair whether they. have children in school or not. This is a community affair. All persons pay taxes to help support the school and we do wish you would come and see how your money is helping the children of th cOm- munity. CAPTAIN AND Mrs. Gortz'are receiving congratulations upon thq birth of their grandson. Mr. and Mrs. James Conners (Bernide Gortz) became the proud parents of a son Friday. Little James William Conners weighed into this big ide world weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces. He was born In Sdna .na, Calif. Esther is down there ow gettting acquainted with her grandson, Capt. Gortz is staying on the island as he has carpenters hard at work remodeling the house. CongreSYnan and Mrs. Thor Tollefsou spent aturday on Hat. stlne viiltJng with Mrs. Tollef- son' ister, Mrs. Anna Glaser. Thor Is sixth district congressman and has Just rettirned ft'dm a 6- week trii to, the Orient where he looked irlto the merchant marine and fisheries problems. Al and Monies Prtdham are vel' busy picking grapes for Hll ma and Irvie Wingert. In their spare time they are busy palnt- ing and papering their guest room. Mr. Larry Saeger has returned from Enumelaw where he was working in the woods, The oyster season 1 beginning and Larry is very busy lining up his equipment for the season's harvest. Mr. Joe Male of Seattle, long- time friend of the Andy Stambor- skeys, was very lucky or else a good hunter as he got his buck on Saturday. The Morrisons got two nice bucks, and Larry Holt got a nice one. The ferry crew reports that 15 have crossed the ferry nicely draped over the front have purchased the Johnny John- son place from the Meeks. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have two of the loveliest race horses we have ever seen. The children of Har- stine Island are snre excited and all are begging to g,) visit these new people and their lovely pure- blood h(,rses. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bache of Ab- erdeen, were Sunday callers at the home of H. Vincent Glasers. The Baches come up each year for grapes. Gunner and Helen spent one day shopping in Tacoma this past week, Ernie and Marie Crouch report that this past Sunday was the busiest day yet in the store. Hunters as well as visitors and islanders joined in to make this a very big day. THE JOHN Budd home Is sure coming along nicely. He is busy putting on the primer coat of white paint. It sure looks nice sitting there among the autumn scenery. They have the fireplace in now. The same man put the fireplace in the Bassendale home recently. ALVIN AND Peggy Anderson spent the week working on their place getting the utility room fin- shed. Alvin is also in the pro- eess of moving his sawmill to a new h)cation. We understond Mr. Scott was on the Island this Mon- day, but he never ease to see us and our feelings are hurt. Weekly Services Midweek service is held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Seventh Day Adventist church. Sabbath school hour will start at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. Worship serv- ice follows at 11 o'clock. On Oct. 31, it is expected that Ralph Hartnell of Elma, will be the speaker. There will be a meet- ing of the church board on Mon- day evening, Nov. 2. There will be a "White Elephant Sale" at the PUD building on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 19 and 20. Church members are asked tO watcll "It Is Written" on KTNT-TV, channel 11, each Saturday evening from 7:00 to 7:30. MT. OLI¥1 LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school and Bible ctass at 9:45; worship seTice at 11:00. Church leaders dinner at Trinity Lutheran church of Olympia, Sun- day evening at 5. A!I officers of Mt. Olive and their wives are urg. ed to attend. Walther League meets Sunday evening al 7 in the parish hall. Choir rehearsal evecy Thursday at 8 p.m. Sunday school teachers meet Tuesday at 7:30 in the parish hall. Religious instruction every Sat- urday morning at 9 in the parish hall for children of the seventh and eighth grades. Mary j. Way, 84, Succumbs Thurs. Funeral services were held at i1 a.m., Monday in Byrne and Bat- stone Funeral Directory for Mrs. Mary J. Way, 84, Route 3 Box 504, who (lied last Thursday in Olympia. The Rev. Lewis Wysong ofifciated. Interment was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Mrs. Way was born Dec. 19, 187.t, in Dubuque, Iowa, and had made her home in Mason eounty for the past 25 years. Mrs. Way is survived by her two sons, Clifford and Sylvester, one daughter, Mrs. Lnlis Asche, all of Shetton; six grandchildren edna eight great-grandchildren. Mrs. Grandnm Dugdale had company this weekend. Her sis- ter, Mrs. Ruth Sherler, and friend, Mrs. Peele, all of Seattle, spent *he weekend at the Dugdale home- stead. Marriages Jimmie L. Messer, 20, Fort Lewis, and Linda J. Barnett, 17, Shelton, were the only couple ap- plying for marriage license in the Mason eounty auditor's office this : week. -- i= i You Can Own this Mac D-30 SHi:LTON M l00iNi ° SUPPLY Fairmont & Olymplo Hiway (Formerly Hill(rest Hardware) i ii i ul i i ......... ! .... SPECIAL ................... WILD BLACKBERRY SHAKES at THE BURGER PIT Mile South of City Limits on Olympia Hiway i i N I I I I . I NOW OPEN The Powder Box Beauty Salon COMPLETE BEAUTY ERVICE at 212 South Second Beverly Phone Mildred Mailett HA 6-8673 Schneider BLU| OX TII|AT.| .... Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. 30'31 - Nov. 1 Starring James Stewart, Julia Adams and Rock Hudson The Oreatness.,. th e Glory, the Fury of the Northwest's fron- tier filmed in our own.Glorious Northwest on the slopes o Beautiful "Mount Hood" in Ore- gon. PLUS "THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS" Starring Gregory Peck and Ann Blythe They stormed the gale lashed !seas with all Alaska as the ;prize. In beautiful Technicolor. i Also a feature of our lovely Northwest country. NEXT WEEK: November 6-7-8: "THE REMARKABLE MR. PENNYPACKER" Starring Clifton Webb. t, I mF .. are more Interested in buill.l q.ality than exterlor frills . .. IF you want the joy el a conshteutly cle, wash . . . IF you prefe r simple, easy.lo.uerstmd controls that glee you accurate dialing for all fabric and soll conditions . , . IF you'd like a dryer that can be cycled either (I) to stop when clothes are dry, or (2) according zo speff tie , , . IF yo. want the most¢ home laundering service you can pos- sibly get... Then, beSore you buy, new washer o, dryer, DO SEE the .ew fenders of cars. Claire and Arthur Wingert are anxiously awaiting a nice heavy frost to set the nee¢lles on the Christmas trees. She says they hope to start cutting between the 7th and 10th of November. Paul and Odoyne Chaffee have returned from a two day visit to the home of their daughter in El- ma. Odeyne very much enjoyed a shopping trip to Aberdeen. We want to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Williams to Harstine. They II LOWEST CARRYING CHARGES in Shelton or ANYWHERE II We Finance all our contracts and Service Products we sell Omsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots StPeet Phone HA 6.4702 i i i i