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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SI-I_ ,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE-- Published in "Chri.tmasfown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, Ram Withdrawal From League T© Force Highclimber Decision Re-alignment of its athletic af- filiations api)ear b:) be necessary for Shelton high school today fol- h)wing the decision earlier this week of North Thurston to bolt from the Central League in favor of a new sports circuit. North Thurston school officials dceided Monday night to pu&apos;il out of the Central League at the end of next spring to join with Fife, Bet:he;l, White Riw,r, Peninmlla and a flew Waconla area school, Curtis, which will be starting next fall, in tim formation of a new as yet unnamed athlet;ic league which wot|ld schedule competition start- ing with the 1960 football season. are now or will be shortly. JUST WHAT Shelton's action will be to meet this new situation is difficult to predict at this early moment, the action coming some- what unexpectedly to local school authorities. However, the door was left open for Shelton to follow North Thurs- ton into the new conference for at a meeting of officials of the six schools involved it was voted that the new league would expand to eight teams as quickly as feasible. No other schools were mentioned by name as possibilities for affil- iation. THE LOSS of Nnrth Thurston HOWEVER, SHELTON senior reduees the Central League to five htgh prhlcipal George Hermes in- schools, with Shelton as the only dicated thought would be given to Cla:s AA member left in it. This is tbe second year in succession the league has lost a rnember, Rayru(atd having scccde(t at: the rids(, ()f the 1958-59 school term. North Thurston officials gave as reason for their action the desire to compete with schools of Class AA enrollment. The five other l teams of the proposed new league i JUST ARRIVED! New Johnson i motors for 1960 featuring q )' the new Johnson00 fastest moving Sea-Horse ever launched I See the mighty V-75 and six other exciting new 1960 Johnson models from 3 to 40 hl}--now on display in our 1960 Sea-Horse Power Preview. Now's a good time to talk trade-in! Saeger Motor Shop 1306 Olympic Hwy So. Boss Lives in Bremerton such a move by the Highclimbers when a meeting of Central League schools is held November 17. The new league has a meeting scheduled November 30 to plan schedules for its first year's oper- ation. One of the tangent reasons giv- en by North Thurston officials for desiring to join the new affilia- tion was the fact that all schools in it also have complete Junior high athletic programs, which is not the case with the present Cen- tral League affiliates. A "little brother" conference of junior highs from the same schools would be a highly desirable ad- junct to the senior high confer- ence. ACCIDENT INSURANCB '-'-lj the moment you begin pRpartnl for your tr!p msd untvetin8 om dw Imm. I -,till you resch I borne silk= 4d  IN, r Immediate Ioveraget phone------.----: HUNTERS HEADQUARTERS ANGLE AGENGY Herb Angle • Dick Angle 401 RAIIOAD AVE. Phone HA 6-4780 FRANK AHL (right) and John W. Byrd with pair of 3-point bucks taken at Canyon River. LEON SCOTT shot this big bruin in the Mat- lock area. IWingard Sport Shop photns.) MASON COUNTY UTDOORS SEASONS CHANGING Big game hunters shift their sights from deer to elk this weekend. The general buck deer season closes at sundown ,Saturday while at sunrise Sunday the elk season opens, continuing through Novem- ber 15. Conditions for good hunting have improved a bit and prospects for a good elk take in Mason County's elk herds appear fairly good. These same conditions have brought a rise in the tempo of the deer kill during this final week with many more buck noted on cars passing thi-ough Shelton md across county borders. • FOUR KNOWN 4-points fell to the marksmanship of Leroy Moore near his Cole Road home Satur- day morning (171 Ibs.), George Twidwell at Matlock Friday, Ken Evans at Denny Ahl Lookout Slmday, and Glen Sowers at Sat- sop Tuesday. All were big, fine animals in prime condition. Two 3-points were taken by John W. Byrd and Frank Ahl in i Buechel garine Evinrude Sales "and Service Pacific Mariner Boats 15' Pacific Mariner Fiberglas '59 Evinrude Electric 35-H.P. Lark Windshield, deck hardware, speedometer, rear view mirror. Used as Demonstrator $1250.00 a hunting party completed by Bill Byrd, John W. Byrd Jr., and Floyd Lord in the Canyon Rivet" area, and Chet Leeburg took one in the Mason Lake area while hunting with brother Ted, who bagged a 2-point. Mrs. Neff McPhee was another who brought home a 2- point Saturday. Ray Stevens got a spike at Camp Govey Thursday. THIS APPARENTLY is quite a year for bears, a larger than usual number being reported kill- ed. Among them were Leon Scott, C. A. Height and Gil Wells in the Matlock area, and Fred Ferris, who got two on a trip last Sun- day. * $ $ Fresh water fishermen are get- ting in their last licks of the 1959 season this week, most of the county's lakes and rivers closing l at dark Saturday. They're having good success right up to the wire, too, at Lake Cushman, according to the weekly report submitted by Clem Hester from Lake Cushman Resort. She said 13 and 12 pound Dolly Vardens were taken at the upper! end of the lake last weekend with many smaller Dollys being.caught. No weight is needed for good cutthroat fishing, she reports, "which give plenty of sport. Old-timers tell us th|s is the best October fishing they've had for years Most. fish are big and heavy." WOMEN'S CITY "V L C(ita Grill ............................ 17 11 Hedrick's Sport Center ... 17 11 OIsen Furniture ................. 16 12 Morgan Transfer. ............... 15 13 Joy Novelty .................. 15 13 McConkey Pharmacy ....... 11 17 Ritner's Broiler . ................ 11 17 Shelton Hotel ................... 10 18 Higb game - Dottle Knutzen Mid Jada Hope each 189 :,.4:8ii4gh total ..... Velma Hedrick MIXED FOURSOME W L ]luffers .......................... 17 11 Timber Dneks ................ 16t.',, llt(j Vll{) KJloWS ..................... 15 I.,, 121 Odd Balz ......................... 15':, 12r 'Pin Busters .................. 15 13 Deer Slayers ................. 13 15 Wee Uns ...................... 12 16 Rusty Ducks 7,.; 90':, High game Jean Rau 225 High series--Jean Rau 547 At Union on Hood Canal PHONE UNION 481 C. A. HEIGHT was another bear hunter who found Matlock productive. (Wingard Sport Shop photo. ) :::::::: : :: ::::::::::: ........................ : ::: QUICK ON THE DRAWTen- year-old Duane Kidd beat his dad, Harry Kidd of Dayton, to the draw last Sunday and shot this 3-point buck at Kamilche Point. Both drew a bead on it but Duane got the shot off first. The animal dressed out at 187 HIGHCLIMBERS HOME AGAIN; VIKINGS FRIDAY EVE FOE throw again, at last! \\;Vith two-thirds ot flu,it 1959 schedule out of th(, way, )he High- cJizill}('t' fo{)tball team makes only its Nll!{)n(l al)t)C:ll.}lncc /if tll(' scl,- s,m ()I1 IJ)()p Field this Friday night as host to North Kitsap of the Olynlpie League in a renewal {)f a n()n-confercne(  rivah'y which has continued 1'{11' mauy years. It1 six games played so far lifts year, th(' Climbers have b{,(,n at honlc ill bnt one of thenl achiev- ing a 7-7 tic from Ehna in it three %V {:",ql S It g(). With their first victory {)f the year tucked away ia last Friday's game at Montesano. the Clinlbers hope to continue their domination over the Vikings which has stretchcd over the past two sea- SONS. THEY'D SETTLE fnr another 15-11 blood chiller like last year's at, when a safety and a tonchdown in the final 2<2 miu- utes of play squeezed out a glmt's eyelash decision marked by a "fifth down" given the Climbers on an official's boo-boo and lead- ing tu a Viking protest of the game which was later denied by state officials. GARTER 61 O, NUTT 607 IN MAJOR LOOP MAJOR I,EAGUE Pts. Dan's Nite Hawks .................. 77 Home Gas ................................ 54 !." Northwest Evergreen ........... 51 Timber Bowl ........................ 40 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 35 Jim Pauley Inc ......................... 27!< Itigh game ...... Chub Nutt 233 High total ...... Mary Cal'ter 610 Mary Carter and Chub Nutt hung up 610 and 607 series respec- tively in Friday night's Major howling league play in a slate marred by forfeit when the .Jim Pauley lineup failed to put in an appea rance. Carter's series was 189-219-202J and Nut1's 213-233-161. ] l,eading Dan's Nite Hawks in1-l proved their margin by scoring 14 J of a t}ossible 15 poillts for the I night's play. MEN'S (.,.TRY r L Sbnl)son I Alp, g(u's ........ 13 8 Vils(,ll Cnntpany . .......... 13 8 ,I0 & 8 ............................ 13 8 Frisken Oil ................... 12 9 13eckwilh .Jewelry ....... 11 10 I:Loy's Richfiehl ............. 9 12 LI U t2 herl(lcn's lc 1'(: ..... 7 14 Mac's Corner ............... 6 15 High game Rip Alh, n 213 tligh total l,ip Allen 580 I I()ILEV1V ES IA';AG l IC V L Sbellon Union Service 21!:_, 101.', EvcrgTeen Texaco .... 19 13 101 Park In ........ 17'.', 1,1! Btte{'llel's MaPine .... 17 15 Edward's Salon .......... 16 16 Byrne & Bats)one ......... 16 16 AnKle Agcncv ........ 1l),2, 20 ).', .lit)) l'auley inc ..... 9 'z 22 U' Hig'h game Edith Levett 187 ttigh total...h'an ,t93 IIAYONII';ll I1 ENI':AItCII W L Ace(ate Aces ............... 23 5 Celluhmses ............... 171.> 10La Wood Birds ...................... 15 13 Maintcn'tnce ................... 14 14 Silxu:t Foxes .................. 14 14 Rayonettcs ............... 12 16 EN GUERNSEY MILK ,bs. Ouane'suncle, Har0JdKidd, Pin CurleI's .................... 10U, 171,2, chased the deer out to him after Ch)ckwatehcrs ............ 6 22 taking a couple of shots at it. tligh game Bill Chase 214 • "  55 ( .lournal l}olaroid i}hoto.) l-hgh tot al .... Bdl Chase •, 8 NOW AVAILABLE IN oARIGOLD Quari and 1,00.Gallon Pure.Pak Oarions AT YOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR STORE @ GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK is the best buy for your family because it cqntains . , . More Protein, More Vitamin A, More Minerals, More Butterfat, More Solids -- non-fat and More Food Value! Father of Twin Daughters. @ You and every member of your family will like its appetizing golden color and enjoy its delicious flavor. OARIGOI.D GOI.DEI00 GUERHSEY HOMOGE NtZEO MILK ORADE A HALF GALLON DARiSOLI) HALL0WE'EN PARTY SPICES PIN PLAY IN GALS' BOWLING LEAGUE IV()MEN'N (OMMER(JIAI, \\;V L ehfield ()il ............... 21, 101E Timber Bowl ............... 19 13 l)a Pigoh:l ........... : ...... 18:5. 13!;, & Valley .............. 161 15!,', Gott's Oilercttes ............ 16t.', 15U, ).}art's Flying A Service l'tt., 17} Ming Tree Cafe ............ 1Sb, 18',., Allyn Shell Service ........ 8 24 ttigh ganlc .... Jean Rau 213 Itigh lolal ..... Jean l{au 587 lJo\\;vling was incidental to flu1 it1 Ihe wonlen's Colnnlel'cial league Tuesday night at the Tilnber Bowl, when Lhe circuit's annual Hallow- ceu ct)stunle party was held prior h) the competition. There was competition in the pre-howling festivities, too, how- ever, f()r each lean] was judge(l for o]'iginalily and cleverness of C{):t II)ll(S. MEMISEIlS of the Iayonicr Re- search leagne, which bowled the early shift, and proprietor L. I,. McInelly of the Timber Bowl act- ed as judges and awarded first to McInelly's own Timber Bowl squad, which was dressed as elves. Eells & Valley Appliance Center look second place for thcir nlen from Mal's wilh a capLurcd farm- er thenle. ()ther teams were dolle(I up 1his way ....... Dan's Flying A Service as the old lady in the shoe witi her children sucking on bet.- ties dressed in "whistle bait" baby doll gowns, Ming Tl'ee Cafe as Grisdah loggers, Richfield Oil as Peicr Ilabbils, Dal'igold as l}cat- ni](S \\;vho were 'way loo glalllOrOll fur' ()Lit* t)l(}{](qTI "l)ea(s", Gott Oil- ere)los ;Is Micl<('y Mous('s. l;ti]: ;|)){t all, aIId Allyll Shell S(!l'vice as g)'case IllOl/kcys lhant{s to their sl)()n sor's Pa g-I.)ag. M()NT ORI(|NAI, ill(tivMual '{)N[tltU(' a\\;Vtl'd Wc'I1L lo "'ltlgs" Ogdeu. who came as a {Will)lied football player, amt h{'r c)'ut(qlC: I'or t'eal as slle is laid up wilh au injurP(I knee. The party inspired sorae pPciiy bowling aftct'w:trd for Jean {,*IU c,::llnt lip with a 5N7 series, fill)shed off with :t 213 ganw which enabled Timber Bowl tel splil wilh (]()It's Oileret.les (l.uby MePccl' 4.t6). Phyl Zieglcr had a 552 wilh games of 201 aud 208 in f.ich- field's 3-1 victory over 1}aPig{)ld, whoe Joyce Fitchitt had a 510 sc)'ies. Or.her nlatche8 returned ;I-1 verdicts for Ming Tree Cafe {Hazel Cununing 4311 over Den's Flying A [Bunny O'Neil 378) an(1 Eells & Valley [Nancy Fox 386) over Allyn Shell (Jeri Carson 339 ). PRODUCED DY DARIGOLD FARMS ASK FOR YOUR FREE GOLDEN GUERNSEY WEIGHT REDUCING DIET BOOKLET Distributed in Mason County By KITSAP.MASON DAIRYMEN'S ASSN. @ YOUR FARMER NEIGHBORS • PEDDLES MOO-JUICE 3rd and Grove Phone HA 6-4473 As they were ]asl y(;)r, the Climbers again )his \\;'car wilt bc nn(h?r(h)gs t{) 1he \\;"{kings g,)ing ill[{) t(}tt]()rl'()W niKht's ?(:). I 1 I*,L N,)rth h2itsap is t'auk:,d among 1he Io l} Class A clut)s in the state, al- th()ugh n()t as highly ;is th(.y w{,Pe last year wl1{,n lhe Climbers sl)illcd th(:,m with a 5tIl place rating. JT W)LL be the third straight s{;)s{)n ill which ttl, Vikinps have becu the favored chlb in lheir riv- alry with Shelton f{)r in ] ,(}57 Coach Dick Ct)h)mbini brought his Poulsho club here on the h)ng cn(l nf ihc odds {))113' t() bc sent home with a 20-6 setback. That was I:Iob Sund's first year at the Highclimber hehn, so the Vikings and Colombini have yot to lick a Sund-coachcd Shelton grid team. If the Clin)bers are to n)ake it three stPaight over the Vikings they'll have t{} keep a c()uple of mnseular North Kitsap backs m cheek for big Sh!we Maddocks is a d(quxc passer and power runller operating at the T-fo)'nlation .quarterback and Dick Dahlst)'om s a yardage-yarding fullback who likes to lug the leather often. DAHLSTROM WAS nsed 26 times last week as the Vikings were spilled by Central Kitsat), 13-7, and aceumuhtted better than 100 yards for his efforts. North Kitsap presently is hold- ing down Lhird place in the Olym- pic h)op with a 3-and-2 confer- ence record, behind a 1)air of 1111- beaten rivals, Port Angeles and Central Kitsap, the two clubs which have whipped the Vikings. The Climbers eamc through their victorious encolmter with Montesano in good physical shape, adding no ncw patients to the hospital list, and should have practically a complete manpower roster to throw at the Vikings. Roger Hermes, who has missed three games with a foot injury, will be back in harness F'riday night and Will R()dgers, used very sparingly aL Montesano after lsy- ing out the Pasco ganle, is ready to roll to strengthen the backfield cnrt}s, which showed encouraging improvement last week with Tom Kendall running well on the wide stuff. Kickoff time )()morrow night is 8:00 o'ch)ck. /,ITTI,E (J,IMBEII li()T MONTEANO NEXT MONI)AY AftcP two weeks of inactivity. Coach Bru('c Kreger's Lit tie Climbers re(urn Io 1111, gri(tiron \\;vars ncx1 MondHy af|c)'no{)i) vhon they play he)s1 to tile Montesan{) B squad ou Loop Fichl. The kickoff is s{'hedulcd fop 3::;0 {)'(d()('].;. IP(g('r's (!l)lb wi]l bc seel<ing iI: fotlr[h vi(t()l'y in a I',)¥V. [t is lUl- d(.fea(ed in i(s three I)I'CViOUS g'allles this se;t,;()ll, THR GOOD By Willard I l'OCtiv(d a day, from Mr. Gonagle who hi/, that was both :,t'3' and critical [,h'{)nl his letter, I lowing quote : know some s()me place? you well-man nered yoUl out 'juwmile without bad- --. • • As I said in my McGonagle, I well - mannered fact, most of mY il| school ape students. The multitude of nercd teenagers the Success of ganizations Molay, and groups. This column has upon the sul: teenagers because tbc members of gencration who at8 creasing menace tO ], by a long sider nlyself to on teenagers, but love and attention sters was applied cvcry parent, would bc more the amount of quency would nf what it is :l: * * Two weeks ago) nounced in this readers were in any comments the present would like to that any of our i submit their idea; a particular that they discussed in this The opinions this column do reflect those of the Shelton, MILY SHOES. SH )i Boys' Oil Tan Shoes and Boots s5.98 !o $12.98 Men's Waterproof Boots $21.98 Men's and Boys' Pars $6,98 Chihlren's Rubber Boots $3.98 and up 'SHOES FOR THE. ENTIRE The "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" T I SI-I_ ,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE-- Published in "Chri.tmasfown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, Ram Withdrawal From League T© Force Highclimber Decision Re-alignment of its athletic af- filiations api)ear b:) be necessary for Shelton high school today fol- h)wing the decision earlier this week of North Thurston to bolt from the Central League in favor of a new sports circuit. North Thurston school officials dceided Monday night to pu'il out of the Central League at the end of next spring to join with Fife, Bet:he;l, White Riw,r, Peninmlla and a flew Waconla area school, Curtis, which will be starting next fall, in tim formation of a new as yet unnamed athlet;ic league which wot|ld schedule competition start- ing with the 1960 football season. are now or will be shortly. JUST WHAT Shelton's action will be to meet this new situation is difficult to predict at this early moment, the action coming some- what unexpectedly to local school authorities. However, the door was left open for Shelton to follow North Thurs- ton into the new conference for at a meeting of officials of the six schools involved it was voted that the new league would expand to eight teams as quickly as feasible. No other schools were mentioned by name as possibilities for affil- iation. THE LOSS of Nnrth Thurston HOWEVER, SHELTON senior reduees the Central League to five htgh prhlcipal George Hermes in- schools, with Shelton as the only dicated thought would be given to Cla:s AA member left in it. This is tbe second year in succession the league has lost a rnember, Rayru(atd having scccde(t at: the rids(, ()f the 1958-59 school term. North Thurston officials gave as reason for their action the desire to compete with schools of Class AA enrollment. The five other l teams of the proposed new league i JUST ARRIVED! New Johnson i motors for 1960 featuring q )' the new Johnson00 fastest moving Sea-Horse ever launched I See the mighty V-75 and six other exciting new 1960 Johnson models from 3 to 40 hl}--now on display in our 1960 Sea-Horse Power Preview. Now's a good time to talk trade-in! Saeger Motor Shop 1306 Olympic Hwy So. Boss Lives in Bremerton such a move by the Highclimbers when a meeting of Central League schools is held November 17. The new league has a meeting scheduled November 30 to plan schedules for its first year's oper- ation. One of the tangent reasons giv- en by North Thurston officials for desiring to join the new affilia- tion was the fact that all schools in it also have complete Junior high athletic programs, which is not the case with the present Cen- tral League affiliates. A "little brother" conference of junior highs from the same schools would be a highly desirable ad- junct to the senior high confer- ence. ACCIDENT INSURANCB '-'-lj the moment you begin pRpartnl for your tr!p msd untvetin8 om dw Imm. I -,till you resch I borne silk= 4d  IN, r Immediate Ioveraget phone------.----: HUNTERS HEADQUARTERS ANGLE AGENGY Herb Angle • Dick Angle 401 RAIIOAD AVE. Phone HA 6-4780 FRANK AHL (right) and John W. Byrd with pair of 3-point bucks taken at Canyon River. LEON SCOTT shot this big bruin in the Mat- lock area. IWingard Sport Shop photns.) MASON COUNTY UTDOORS SEASONS CHANGING Big game hunters shift their sights from deer to elk this weekend. The general buck deer season closes at sundown ,Saturday while at sunrise Sunday the elk season opens, continuing through Novem- ber 15. Conditions for good hunting have improved a bit and prospects for a good elk take in Mason County's elk herds appear fairly good. These same conditions have brought a rise in the tempo of the deer kill during this final week with many more buck noted on cars passing thi-ough Shelton md across county borders. • FOUR KNOWN 4-points fell to the marksmanship of Leroy Moore near his Cole Road home Satur- day morning (171 Ibs.), George Twidwell at Matlock Friday, Ken Evans at Denny Ahl Lookout Slmday, and Glen Sowers at Sat- sop Tuesday. All were big, fine animals in prime condition. Two 3-points were taken by John W. Byrd and Frank Ahl in i Buechel garine Evinrude Sales "and Service Pacific Mariner Boats 15' Pacific Mariner Fiberglas '59 Evinrude Electric 35-H.P. Lark Windshield, deck hardware, speedometer, rear view mirror. Used as Demonstrator $1250.00 a hunting party completed by Bill Byrd, John W. Byrd Jr., and Floyd Lord in the Canyon Rivet" area, and Chet Leeburg took one in the Mason Lake area while hunting with brother Ted, who bagged a 2-point. Mrs. Neff McPhee was another who brought home a 2- point Saturday. Ray Stevens got a spike at Camp Govey Thursday. THIS APPARENTLY is quite a year for bears, a larger than usual number being reported kill- ed. Among them were Leon Scott, C. A. Height and Gil Wells in the Matlock area, and Fred Ferris, who got two on a trip last Sun- day. * $ $ Fresh water fishermen are get- ting in their last licks of the 1959 season this week, most of the county's lakes and rivers closing l at dark Saturday. They're having good success right up to the wire, too, at Lake Cushman, according to the weekly report submitted by Clem Hester from Lake Cushman Resort. She said 13 and 12 pound Dolly Vardens were taken at the upper! end of the lake last weekend with many smaller Dollys being.caught. No weight is needed for good cutthroat fishing, she reports, "which give plenty of sport. Old-timers tell us th|s is the best October fishing they've had for years Most. fish are big and heavy." WOMEN'S CITY "V L C(ita Grill ............................ 17 11 Hedrick's Sport Center ... 17 11 OIsen Furniture ................. 16 12 Morgan Transfer. ............... 15 13 Joy Novelty .................. 15 13 McConkey Pharmacy ....... 11 17 Ritner's Broiler . ................ 11 17 Shelton Hotel ................... 10 18 Higb game - Dottle Knutzen Mid Jada Hope each 189 :,.4:8ii4gh total ..... Velma Hedrick MIXED FOURSOME W L ]luffers .......................... 17 11 Timber Dneks ................ 16t.',, llt(j Vll{) KJloWS ..................... 15 I.,, 121 Odd Balz ......................... 15':, 12r 'Pin Busters .................. 15 13 Deer Slayers ................. 13 15 Wee Uns ...................... 12 16 Rusty Ducks 7,.; 90':, High game Jean Rau 225 High series--Jean Rau 547 At Union on Hood Canal PHONE UNION 481 C. A. HEIGHT was another bear hunter who found Matlock productive. (Wingard Sport Shop photo. ) :::::::: : :: ::::::::::: ........................ : ::: QUICK ON THE DRAWTen- year-old Duane Kidd beat his dad, Harry Kidd of Dayton, to the draw last Sunday and shot this 3-point buck at Kamilche Point. Both drew a bead on it but Duane got the shot off first. The animal dressed out at 187 HIGHCLIMBERS HOME AGAIN; VIKINGS FRIDAY EVE FOE throw again, at last! \\;Vith two-thirds ot flu,it 1959 schedule out of th(, way, )he High- cJizill}('t' fo{)tball team makes only its Nll!{)n(l al)t)C:ll.}lncc /if tll(' scl,- s,m ()I1 IJ)()p Field this Friday night as host to North Kitsap of the Olynlpie League in a renewal {)f a n()n-confercne(  rivah'y which has continued 1'{11' mauy years. It1 six games played so far lifts year, th(' Climbers have b{,(,n at honlc ill bnt one of thenl achiev- ing a 7-7 tic from Ehna in it three %V {:",ql S It g(). With their first victory {)f the year tucked away ia last Friday's game at Montesano. the Clinlbers hope to continue their domination over the Vikings which has stretchcd over the past two sea- SONS. THEY'D SETTLE fnr another 15-11 blood chiller like last year's at, when a safety and a tonchdown in the final 2<2 miu- utes of play squeezed out a glmt's eyelash decision marked by a "fifth down" given the Climbers on an official's boo-boo and lead- ing tu a Viking protest of the game which was later denied by state officials. GARTER 61 O, NUTT 607 IN MAJOR LOOP MAJOR I,EAGUE Pts. Dan's Nite Hawks .................. 77 Home Gas ................................ 54 !." Northwest Evergreen ........... 51 Timber Bowl ........................ 40 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 35 Jim Pauley Inc ......................... 27!< Itigh game ...... Chub Nutt 233 High total ...... Mary Cal'ter 610 Mary Carter and Chub Nutt hung up 610 and 607 series respec- tively in Friday night's Major howling league play in a slate marred by forfeit when the .Jim Pauley lineup failed to put in an appearance. Carter's series was 189-219-202J and Nut1's 213-233-161. ] l,eading Dan's Nite Hawks in1-l proved their margin by scoring 14 J of a t}ossible 15 poillts for the I night's play. MEN'S (.,.TRY r L Sbnl)son I Alp, g(u's ........ 13 8 Vils(,ll Cnntpany . .......... 13 8 ,I0 & 8 ............................ 13 8 Frisken Oil ................... 12 9 13eckwilh .Jewelry ....... 11 10 I:Loy's Richfiehl ............. 9 12 LI U t2 herl(lcn's lc 1'(: ..... 7 14 Mac's Corner ............... 6 15 High game Rip Alh, n 213 tligh total l,ip Allen 580 I I()ILEV1V ES IA';AG l IC V L Sbellon Union Service 21!:_, 101.', EvcrgTeen Texaco .... 19 13 101 Park In ........ 17'.', 1,1! Btte{'llel's MaPine .... 17 15 Edward's Salon .......... 16 16 Byrne & Bats)one ......... 16 16 AnKle Agcncv ........ 1l),2, 20 ).', .lit)) l'auley inc ..... 9 'z 22 U' Hig'h game Edith Levett 187 ttigh total...h'an ,t93 IIAYONII';ll I1 ENI':AItCII W L Ace(ate Aces ............... 23 5 Celluhmses ............... 171.> 10La Wood Birds ...................... 15 13 Maintcn'tnce ................... 14 14 Silxu:t Foxes .................. 14 14 Rayonettcs ............... 12 16 EN GUERNSEY MILK ,bs. Ouane'suncle, Har0JdKidd, Pin CurleI's .................... 10U, 171,2, chased the deer out to him after Ch)ckwatehcrs ............ 6 22 taking a couple of shots at it. tligh game Bill Chase 214 • "  55 ( .lournal l}olaroid i}hoto.) l-hgh tot al .... Bdl Chase •, 8 NOW AVAILABLE IN oARIGOLD Quari and 1,00.Gallon Pure.Pak Oarions AT YOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR STORE @ GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK is the best buy for your family because it cqntains . , . More Protein, More Vitamin A, More Minerals, More Butterfat, More Solids -- non-fat and More Food Value! Father of Twin Daughters. @ You and every member of your family will like its appetizing golden color and enjoy its delicious flavor. OARIGOI.D GOI.DEI00 GUERHSEY HOMOGE NtZEO MILK ORADE A HALF GALLON DARiSOLI) HALL0WE'EN PARTY SPICES PIN PLAY IN GALS' BOWLING LEAGUE IV()MEN'N (OMMER(JIAI, \\;V L ehfield ()il ............... 21, 101E Timber Bowl ............... 19 13 l)a Pigoh:l ........... : ...... 18:5. 13!;, & Valley .............. 161 15!,', Gott's Oilercttes ............ 16t.', 15U, ).}art's Flying A Service l'tt., 17} Ming Tree Cafe ............ 1Sb, 18',., Allyn Shell Service ........ 8 24 ttigh ganlc .... Jean Rau 213 Itigh lolal ..... Jean l{au 587 lJo\\;vling was incidental to flu1 it1 Ihe wonlen's Colnnlel'cial league Tuesday night at the Tilnber Bowl, when Lhe circuit's annual Hallow- ceu ct)stunle party was held prior h) the competition. There was competition in the pre-howling festivities, too, how- ever, f()r each lean] was judge(l for o]'iginalily and cleverness of C{):t II)ll(S. MEMISEIlS of the Iayonicr Re- search leagne, which bowled the early shift, and proprietor L. I,. McInelly of the Timber Bowl act- ed as judges and awarded first to McInelly's own Timber Bowl squad, which was dressed as elves. Eells & Valley Appliance Center look second place for thcir nlen from Mal's wilh a capLurcd farm- er thenle. ()ther teams were dolle(I up 1his way ....... Dan's Flying A Service as the old lady in the shoe witi her children sucking on bet.- ties dressed in "whistle bait" baby doll gowns, Ming Tl'ee Cafe as Grisdah loggers, Richfield Oil as Peicr Ilabbils, Dal'igold as l}cat- ni](S \\;vho were 'way loo glalllOrOll fur' ()Lit* t)l(}{](qTI "l)ea(s", Gott Oil- ere)los ;Is Micl<('y Mous('s. l;ti]: ;|)){t all, aIId Allyll Shell S(!l'vice as g)'case IllOl/kcys lhant{s to their sl)()n sor's Pa g-I.)ag. M()NT ORI(|NAI, ill(tivMual '{)N[tltU(' a\\;Vtl'd Wc'I1L lo "'ltlgs" Ogdeu. who came as a {Will)lied football player, amt h{'r c)'ut(qlC: I'or t'eal as slle is laid up wilh au injurP(I knee. The party inspired sorae pPciiy bowling aftct'w:trd for Jean {,*IU c,::llnt lip with a 5N7 series, fill)shed off with :t 213 ganw which enabled Timber Bowl tel splil wilh (]()It's Oileret.les (l.uby MePccl' 4.t6). Phyl Zieglcr had a 552 wilh games of 201 aud 208 in f.ich- field's 3-1 victory over 1}aPig{)ld, whoe Joyce Fitchitt had a 510 sc)'ies. Or.her nlatche8 returned ;I-1 verdicts for Ming Tree Cafe {Hazel Cununing 4311 over Den's Flying A [Bunny O'Neil 378) an(1 Eells & Valley [Nancy Fox 386) over Allyn Shell (Jeri Carson 339 ). PRODUCED DY DARIGOLD FARMS ASK FOR YOUR FREE GOLDEN GUERNSEY WEIGHT REDUCING DIET BOOKLET Distributed in Mason County By KITSAP.MASON DAIRYMEN'S ASSN. @ YOUR FARMER NEIGHBORS • PEDDLES MOO-JUICE 3rd and Grove Phone HA 6-4473 As they were ]asl y(;)r, the Climbers again )his \\;'car wilt bc nn(h?r(h)gs t{) 1he \\;"{kings g,)ing ill[{) t(}tt]()rl'()W niKht's ?(:). I 1 I*,L N,)rth h2itsap is t'auk:,d among 1he Io l} Class A clut)s in the state, al- th()ugh n()t as highly ;is th(.y w{,Pe last year wl1{,n lhe Climbers sl)illcd th(:,m with a 5tIl place rating. JT W)LL be the third straight s{;)s{)n ill which ttl, Vikinps have becu the favored chlb in lheir riv- alry with Shelton f{)r in ] ,(}57 Coach Dick Ct)h)mbini brought his Poulsho club here on the h)ng cn(l nf ihc odds {))113' t() bc sent home with a 20-6 setback. That was I:Iob Sund's first year at the Highclimber hehn, so the Vikings and Colombini have yot to lick a Sund-coachcd Shelton grid team. If the Clin)bers are to n)ake it three stPaight over the Vikings they'll have t{} keep a c()uple of mnseular North Kitsap backs m cheek for big Sh!we Maddocks is a d(quxc passer and power runller operating at the T-fo)'nlation .quarterback and Dick Dahlst)'om s a yardage-yarding fullback who likes to lug the leather often. DAHLSTROM WAS nsed 26 times last week as the Vikings were spilled by Central Kitsat), 13-7, and aceumuhtted better than 100 yards for his efforts. North Kitsap presently is hold- ing down Lhird place in the Olym- pic h)op with a 3-and-2 confer- ence record, behind a 1)air of 1111- beaten rivals, Port Angeles and Central Kitsap, the two clubs which have whipped the Vikings. The Climbers eamc through their victorious encolmter with Montesano in good physical shape, adding no ncw patients to the hospital list, and should have practically a complete manpower roster to throw at the Vikings. Roger Hermes, who has missed three games with a foot injury, will be back in harness F'riday night and Will R()dgers, used very sparingly aL Montesano after lsy- ing out the Pasco ganle, is ready to roll to strengthen the backfield cnrt}s, which showed encouraging improvement last week with Tom Kendall running well on the wide stuff. Kickoff time )()morrow night is 8:00 o'ch)ck. /,ITTI,E (J,IMBEII li()T MONTEANO NEXT MONI)AY AftcP two weeks of inactivity. Coach Bru('c Kreger's Lit tie Climbers re(urn Io 1111, gri(tiron \\;vars ncx1 MondHy af|c)'no{)i) vhon they play he)s1 to tile Montesan{) B squad ou Loop Fichl. The kickoff is s{'hedulcd fop 3::;0 {)'(d()('].;. IP(g('r's (!l)lb wi]l bc seel<ing iI: fotlr[h vi(t()l'y in a I',)¥V. [t is lUl- d(.fea(ed in i(s three I)I'CViOUS g'allles this se;t,;()ll, THR GOOD By Willard I l'OCtiv(d a day, from Mr. Gonagle who hi/, that was both :,t'3' and critical [,h'{)nl his letter, I lowing quote : know some s()me place? you well-man nered yoUl out 'juwmile without bad- --. • • As I said in my McGonagle, I well - mannered fact, most of mY il| school ape students. The multitude of nercd teenagers the Success of ganizations Molay, and groups. This column has upon the sul: teenagers because tbc members of gencration who at8 creasing menace tO ], by a long sider nlyself to on teenagers, but love and attention sters was applied cvcry parent, would bc more the amount of quency would nf what it is :l: * * Two weeks ago) nounced in this readers were in any comments the present would like to that any of our i submit their idea; a particular that they discussed in this The opinions this column do reflect those of the Shelton, MILY SHOES. SH )i Boys' Oil Tan Shoes and Boots s5.98 !o $12.98 Men's Waterproof Boots $21.98 Men's and Boys' Pars $6,98 Chihlren's Rubber Boots $3.98 and up 'SHOES FOR THE. ENTIRE The "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" T I