October 29, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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0etober '
9, ]959
,---Vern Nelson, right, Unit Conservationist, Soil Conser-
y; Price, explains this important consideration as Jack Dunn,
gOl'ester of the Department of Natural Resources, nods
l I" These technicians took part in the Christmas tree farm
the Hunter farm on October 17. (Extension photo.) ,
'ed by William Hunter, left, and Jack Dunn, Farm
the Department of Natural •Resources, who were
persons who turned out for a Christmas tree tour
farm recently. (Extension photo.)
00ongL .... Your Merchants
R. Gates,
.,ent has !
Lthe 'Taco:
Y of Pr,
r:Ccerdin g
Gates, former Deer
has been appointed
Tacoma South dis-
of Prudential Insur-
to Wqlliam D.
''I of Porthmd, he at-
i°°Is here in Shelton.
rld War It he served
i 'E. Navy in the South
lector. He is a member
,erican Legion.
L IVIrs. Gates three
lIlda, 8, Rohert, 4, and
k,;o ;,;
'yed visitors signed the
|,ter at the grand open-
lim-N-Trim S_tu-
I--hite has been elected
II, the-Shelto;, Jaycees.
LL out the term of John
'i,^being transferred
Iltion with the State
?f Natural Resources
l a newcomer to Shel-
, duated from the Uni-
_ Washington dental
6. He has offices in
Oct. 31
l!tle for last half 1959
ea is October 31 ac-
the Mason County
r 0ffiee.
ryaade on second half
that date will require
The rate of
Charge. m
l¢te tax payments '
!m - Oompletion
li00t Started
Zrging the State High-
,nent to continue the
',apia freeway into the
t,a as soon as possible
IJ,'ag circulated in Ma-
kman and Clive Troy
100 petitions printed
lresent time 26 hay
ith signatures of Ma-
t tltl asks the highway
!'' to complete the job
[Ib assist the economic:
.1 f Mason county and i
"lm2" Peninsula.
l00i=i;i; For
00J00ite Here
County Board of
,. gave iheir support
Bh;tlOn of a new state
!litation institution in
ty Monday.
aer C. W. Streken-
"I can see nothing
.tlle building of such an
khere. I have had the
ftt) visit most institu-
atat£ in the last few
don't feel they have
effect on the
they are located."
did. at 323 Franklin Street.
The guests were all given a
tour f "aWe' new studio' and the
methods of "relaxed exercise" ex-
plained to them.
Door prize winners were Mrs,
Kennetll Harris, who won a I year
free membership in the program;
Margaret McKay, a 6 nnmths
membership; and the folh)wing
who will receive free figure analy-
sis: Edith Fulmer, Bernice Hunt-
er, Florence Morton, Carnatlcbe
Edwards, Mrs. Lawrence Hines
Ruby Matson, Karen Sternquist,
Catherine Burdick and Ruth An-
Mrs. Dorothy Ashbaugh, pro-
prietor of the new establishment,
was extremely pleased with the re-
sults and is still offering a few
charter memberships at a sub-
stantial savings. .
Zon|a-Oeiegate-s ....
Attend Conference
Three" members of the Shelton
Mason County Zonta Club at-
tended the fall conference in Van-
couver, B.C., last weekend. Con-
ference delegates were Mrs. Aud-
rey Preppernau, Mrs. Esther Mor-
gan and Mrs. Susie Pauley.
November is public relations
month for the club. The combined
board and business meeting will
be held at 7:30 p.m, for the board
with an eight o'clock business
meeting, Monday at the home ot
Mrs. Wanda Wyatt, Union.
The regular monthly dinner
meeting, Nov. 12, in the Colonial
House will be highlighted by the
presence of the four Girls' State
The annual project for inter-
national Zonta Clubs has been an-
nounced as Refugee Housing,
Money collected by the Zonta In-
ternational will be matched by the
UN $1.40 for each dollar Zonta
donate.. It will cost approximate-
ly $10,000 for the family units and
a total of $1500000 for enough
housing for a whole village. The
Zonta project will be featured on
this week's showing of the Arm-
strong Circle Theater on televis-
ion. The refugee housing program
is in addition to the Amelia Ear-
hart scholarship fund which is
awarded annually to women in
aeronautical engineering.
Historical Sociely
Postpones Election
Postponement of its annual el-
ection meeting, scheduled for next
Monday night, to one week later,
Monday, November 9, has been
a.nno, mced bv officers of the Ma-
son County Historical Society.
Conflict with the first perform-
ance of the Community Concert
caused the postponement.
Farm 0e-nsa;-HdP-
Needed Here
Applications for enumerators to
help with the agricultural farm
census will be taken Friday from
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the board
room at the PUD building.
The local district is composed
of Mason and the northern part of
Grays Harbor county. The farm
census will provide a complete in-
ventory of all farms in the area.
SHELTON-IvIASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
TRAILER-TRUCK CRASH--Shown above is a house trailer
owned by Walter P. Bloomfield, 3l, Shelton, after it was hit by
a truck last week about two miles west of Cshmere, Wash.
Bloomfield and his passenger, Ernest Dahman, 42, Qullcene, suf-
feted cuts and bruises as a result of the accident. The truck
after striking the trailer went off the higkway down a 30-foot
bank. The accident happened about 9:45 in the evening.
Elma Shocks Gheh00s
:in Scoreless Battle00
Unbeatens MeetFriday
W I, I pga I " I'A
Chehalis ........ 2 0 1 5 87 15
:No. Thurston 2 0 0 4 27 0
Montesano .... 2 1 0 4 30 84
SHELTON .... 1 1 1 3 26 13
Elms ............ 0 2 2 2 13 34
St. Martins .... 0 2 0 0 12 68
Last 'Week
Shelton 19. Montesano 0
Elma 0, Chehalis 0 (tie)
Bellarmine 53, St. Martins 2
Thi Friday
North Kitsap at Shelton
North Thurston at Chehalis
Elma at St. Martins
Montesano at Ilwaco
Upsets marked both Central
League games played last week-
end, the most stunning by a wide
margin being Elma's scoreless
(leadlock with title-favored Che-
halls at Elms.
Shelton was only a slight undcr-
(:tog in its 19-0 victory over Monte..
With the Highclimbers the only
league team hitting the scoreboard
in conference play, individual ad-
ditions to the scoring lists came
entirely from Shelton ranks. Tom
Kendall, senior halfback, contri-
buted 13 points and Rawlin MeIn-
elly, senior fullback, the other six
to make the conference individual
point totals h)ok as follows at this
date :
Allan Allio, Chehalis. 5 0 30
I)ale Ford, NT ............ 3 1 19
Bud Wedin, Chehalis .... 2 3 15
'rein Kendall, Nileiton 2 I 13
Mac Ar]'ington, Cheh. 2 1 13
George l.aines, Monte. 1 3 9
Dave Dowling, Cheh ..... 1 2 8
Raw|hi Mcllwlly, SheL 1 l 7
Larry Barnes, NT .... 1 l. 7
Craig Gunther, Cheh. 1 1 7
Bob Beerbower, Elma. 1 1 7
Will Rodgers, Sheiton I 0 6
Hugh Antonson, St. M. 1 0 6
AI Lougheed, Monte... 1 0 6
A1 Beaulieu, Monte ..... 1 0 fi
Stan August, Elma .... 1 0 6
Wayne Monroe, St. M. 1 0 6
Joel Gunther, Cheh ..... 1 0 6
Les Ramsey, Cheh ..... 1 0 6
Archie Morrison, Mont. 1 0 6
Tim Dills, Monte ......... 0 1 1
Rick Wirta, Cheh ......... 0 1 1
George Biekel, Cheh ..... 0 1 1
TOTALS .................... 29 18 192
EIma outplayed the 'Cats in the
scoreless upset despite the loss of
four regular starters for most of
the game. Chehalis held an edge
only in passing because the Ea-
gles did not attempt a single pass.
The conference championship al-
most certainly will be decided this
Friday when Chehalis hosts the
unscored-upon, undefeated North
Thurston Rams.
Shelton is host to North Kitaap
and Montesano travels to Ilwaco
in non-league actian Friday while
Elma is at St. Mm'tins in the only
other conference play. St. Martins
took a 53-2 shellacking from Bell-
amine last Friday.
Sh$1t0n 19, Montesano 0
Elms 0, Chehalis 0
Bellarmine 53, St. Martins 2
Aberdeen 7, West Bremerton 6
East Bremerton 13, Wilson 13
Stadium 14, Lincoln 13
Dayton 7,'Raymond 0
Oak Harbor 14, Marysville 7
Hoquiam 19, Longview 7
Pasco 20, Sunnystde 13
Bainbridge 24, South Kitsap 0
Central Kit 13, North Kit 7
Port Angeles 33, Kelso 14
Centralia 13, Camas 7
Mt. Vernon 19, Burlington 6
Lumber ............................ 20 8
Engineering .................... 19V 8
Accounting .................... 15 13
Purchasing .................... 15 13
Olympic Plywood .......... 14 13
Insulating Board .......... 14 14
Loggers .......................... 8 20
Research ........................ 6 22
High game---Ann Cole 210 (lst
200 of her life)
High total---Jean Rau 540
Fuller Construction ..... 21 7
Shelton Hardware ........ 15,{ 12t/z
Morken Logging ............ 15 13
Active Club .................... 13 14V
Kiwanis Club .................. 13 15
Moose No. 1 ..... ............... 12 16
Lions Club ...................... 11 17
Rotary Club .................... 11 17
High gameL. L. Mclnelly 214
High seriesL. L. Mclnelly 590
Clubwoman o[ the Week
MRS. PHIL HARDIE, W$CS president, is shown in the living
room of her home with a planter she made from rocks, mostly
agates she has collected. (Journal photo, Ziegler print.)
Working for the betterment of
2hristian living is the primary
aim of the Woman's Society of
Christian Service, Mrs. Phil Har-
die, this week's clubwoman of the
week, summed up the aims as un-
Ring the women of the Methodist
church, furthering Christian work
amorg women and children around
the world. The WSCS takes part
in service activities and helps
service organizations, and does its
best in bettering world conditions
by missionary work.
The WSCS annually supports
two' projects dm'ing the year, Self-
Denial week (last week in Octo-
ber} with other WSCS organiza-
tions throughout the country and
the annual baaax and dinner
which will be held Dec. 3 this year.
The silver offerings given dur-
ing self-denial week are used to
support world-wide missions and
the bazaar and dinner for local.
needs, orphanages, rtired minis,
lets, Women's Christian Temper-
ance Union,
Mrs: Hardie has been a member
of the'W'S in. helton for the'
Hemlockers . ............... : ........ 17 11
Log Peelers ........................ 16 12
Chasers ................................ 16 12
Strippers .............................. 6 22
High game--Roy Petty 194
High series--Lad Nault 512
Schnabel's Jayb!rda . ........... 6 2
Morgan & Eacrett .............. 5 3
Ed Byrne .............................. 4 4
Northwest Evergreen ........ 1 7 ]
HihuScores ]
Boys game--Thane Rucker 126/
Boys total--Thane Rucker 238 !
Girls game---Barb Schneider 107i
Girls total--Barb Schneider 196
Railroad ........................ 2b 8
Mill 2 ............................ 19 9
Loggers ........................ 171,fi 10
Engineers .................... 12 16
Insulating Board ........ 12 16
Loaders ........................ 12 16
:Mill I ............................ :10€ 171/./,,
Shops ............................ 9 19
High game--Floyd Lord 201
High series---Floyd Lord 536
Shelton Recreation ............ 19 9
Rainier Beer ........................ 18 10
Ritner's Straight Shots ...... 18 10
Lemke's Service ................ 16 12
Mick's Tavern .................... 14 14
Log Cabin ............................ 11 17
Olympia Beer .................... 9 19
Lucky Lager ............ : ........... 7 21
High gameBobbie Barnett 193
High totalBobbie Barnett 482
past 11 years and was a charter
member of the WSCS in Fair-
moot, N. D. She is the mother of
four grown children, Mrs. Biil
Marcy, Mrs. Robert Purvis, Low-
ell and David Hardie, all but Low-
ell live in Shelton, and five grand- I
children. Mrs. Hardie serves as
secretary of the Southside Grange
and member of the Silver Star
Riding Club. Her hobbies include
rock collecting and reading, espe-
cially about historical events.
4-H News
The Grapeview Barnacles 4-H
Club held their first meeting of
the club year Monday evening,
Oct. 26. Election of officers and
discussion of projects were the
main' items of btiness. The new
officers are: Bill Leavitt, presi-
dent; Larry Lutz, vice prestvt;I
Bob Pelan,secratary; Walt (a;-]
ton, tremrer; Donnie Pogba, ]
reporter. • **
. The organizational meeting of I
the Kozy Kttteffs 4-H club vas I
held last week in the home of Mrs.
A. H. Downer. New officers
elected during the meeting Were
Laura DoWr, president; Pare
2Mson, vice president; Janet Van-
derWal, secretary; Randi Tumn,
taaul'er, and Haren Sternqulst,
The girls chose as their com-
munity service project the Rogers
sctmoL All members are asked to
bring something for the Rogers
school for the next meeting, Mon-
day after school, at Diane Frank's
Projects discussed by the group
were "Let's Bake, Picnic and Par-
ties anl Breakfast." The mem-
bers attended Achievement night
last Saturday in the Arnmry.
(Continuod fom Page! 1)
marsh, and Mr. Robert Whir-
The Champion ribbon for club
secretary book Ivas given to the
Timewatchers 4-H Club headed by
Mrs. Laurence Badell. Other blue
winners for the lodged secretary
books were: Ivy Climbers, Kozy
Kittens, Petticoats, Busy Bees,
Live Wires, Teens, Clover Kids,
Willing Workers, and Busy Belles.
The secretary books were judged
by Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and Mrs.
Paul Hunter.
Hoqulam 28, Shelton 6
Centralia 33, Washington 6,
Hopkirm 12, Jefferson 0
Raymond 20, South Bend 0
Central Kit 0, North Kit 0
West Brem 6, Whitman 0
Wells Home
At Arcadia Loop
Damaged.!I Fire
LITTL;f00:gOKbM BX" At
5:00 p.m. last Thursday, the Ar-
cadia Loop volunteer fire depart-
merit was called to the scene of a
chimney fire at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Wells. When mat-
ters seemed to be under control
the fire truck Wai returned to its
shed and the firemen to their
homes. Then again at 10:00. p:m.
another fire call was placed from
the Wells' home. This time the
overheated wall behind the stove
had burst into flames and it was
necessary for the fire department
to again step in. Considerable dam-
age to the chimney, living room
and dining ivmm resulted, due to
fire, smoke, water and cutting of
the wall necessary to extinguish
flames. The Wells extend thanks
to the men from the vohmteer fire
department for the quick action
they are certain .,roved their home.
A new experience for Mrs. In-
dia Sells was that of air travel as
she left for Sunnyvale, Calif., by
plane on Sunday. Mrs. Sells plans
to spend a couple of weeks visit-
ing her grandam and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Oliver in Sunny-
vale and then perhaps travel to
Los Angeles.
member of a hunting party lhat
spent the weekend in Yakima.
Last Wednesday Mrs. Vivian
Marcy, Mrs. Phil Hardie, Mrs.
Myrtle Collins, Mrs. Grace Col-
lins and Mrs. Helen Stansbury en-
joyed a shopping spree in Taco-
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Knight; and
children visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore last
On Sunday the Moores were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Kyron Wilson in Shelton.
MR. AND MRS. Laurie Nelson
and two daughters called on Mrs.
Ray Collins Sunday.
The Larry Olivers spent the
weekend on Bainbridge Island
where they stayed with their
daughter, Mrs. Gary Greenwood
and helpe d her do sor0e work on
the attractive house she lives in.
Weekending t the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leland Hudson was Mrs.
Gladys Lewis of Seattle.
.'SUNDAY afternoon callers at
the Seth Bush household were
Kri ,immerman and Ted Kwol-
ek of Seattle.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rolavs wer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Bergrnan of
Sunday visitors for a Latvian
Party at the Rolavs were Mr. and
Mrs, Arvid Grant and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rasa and
daughters of Olympia. The Berg-
mans were also present.
Joan Chappell drove from Aber-
deen to the lme of her parents,
tbe Walt Aliens on Monday. She
returned home with her daugh-
ters, irley and Linda who spettt:
last week with their grandpartts.
A COMMUNITY club meeting
wlll be held Monday, Nov. 2 at
Skeokum By. community hall.
Nnar Hamma Hamma
Harry Herren, Bremerton, de-
molished his station wagoh last
Friday night. Horton, traveling
south on PSH 9 hit the end of the
Hamma Hamma River bridge and
dropped over a 25-foot bank to
the river bed, reported the State
Patrol. 'He was released from
Shelton General Hospital follow-
ing treatment of lacerations.
Earlier Friday, two miles north
of Eldon on Highway 101, the
1936 coupe driven by George
James Murray, Seattle, struck the
right shoulder of the road, then
the lef t , rolling his car, injuring
the driver and passenger, Larry
Gambini, Renton. Both men were
treated for lacerations at Shelton
General Hospital.
Dave B. Baldwin, 31, Belfair
was arrested by the Mason Coun-
ty Sheriff's office October 26 on
a charge of steling a pump valve
valued at $250.
Journal Want Ad,
Page 7
CAMPING SONGS with gestures rang through the halls of
Bordeaux school last Wednesday and Thursday afternoon as the
Brownie and Girl Scouts entertained their mothers at the annual
Juliette Low birthday teas. Following the group singing, slides
were shown of Day Camp activities at Panhandle lake last sum-
mer. Refreshments were served by the Shelton layettes, t.hmr-
nal photo, Ziegler print.)
How long since you last read or Avon." The sacred voh]me of
heard a Shakespeare play? If G. M. Trevelyan's "Illustrated
you have been discouraged by the English Social History" deals with
small type of the "Collected the age of Shakespeare and the
Works," or by the antiquated Stuart period. An old favritc
single volumes in the library, you tory from tbe ymmg adult sac-
will be happy to see the new set tion is Johll t:t, ilnot's "Master
of forty w)lumes, bound in blue, of SkylarI<." about a boy who wns
the Yale University Shakespeare, kldnapped by a band of strolling
just added to lle collection. The players, and found himself in Lon-
act includes the thirty-seven plays, don singing to Queen EIizabelh.
a volume of sonnets and a vol-
ume or" the other poems; and ADAMS
"Shakespeare of Stratford; a stu-
dent's handbook," containing all
the documents known pertaining
to Shakespeare's life. May we WISDOM
suggest that you take a play
home with you on your next trip
to the library? It's eaky to forget
between readings how good the
plays really are!
THE LIBRARY also owns two Dear Adam.
fine recordings of Shakespeare I am a. nicotine fiend arm I
plys. "The Merchant of Venice" can't break Lhe hal)ii. I know
stars the superb English actor, smoking Is bad for the hmgs an(I
Michael Redgrave, as Shylock. all that stuff bul I can't (trill. I
"Hamlet" is played by the Old enjoy smoking. I draft like filleted
Vic Conpany, with John Gielgud, smokes so what can I do but just
whom many consider the finest perish in agony? Boing a. slow, lo
Ha.mht of our times, in the title the weed is m joke,.
role. To listen as well as read Solemn
will add immeasurably to your en- Dear Sot,
joyment of the plays. A friend of mim invented a
Books about Shakespeare and gadget for smokers tmlieves fil-
his time include Elizabeth Burt- tared cigarettes are h e t I e r
,m's delightful "Pageant ,)f Eliz- t'or you than lnfilLerd oll(!S.
abethan England"; Marchette This was a (:ir'cuhu' devi('e
Chute's "Shakespeare O[ [A)ndon"; lbollt tile size of a beer
Ivor Brown's "Shakespeare"; and botth cap consisting of sevcra t
Charles Noi'man'a "Playnlaker of layers oi' Yak felt contairled wilh-
ill a magnes[llnl ring wittl a. snlall
HiNTON HEARING hole punched thro,zgh lhe cerllt,l'.
The idea w;la to inserl the wt'loh;
((,ltltillIWd fn'oln t'ag,, I) \\;VOI'I{s into lhe windt)it)c t:hlls .cr(,-
HinLon said that Rishel caYlle alirlg a. buill-in filter wilho/it fold-
dowrl to the station ninny tinles ing ii l) the joy of snmking mlfil-
before he was on the forc.e an(t lered fags. It "Wol'ked beanlifllliy.
visited with Sgt. Vilent SanL;i- My friend choked to (Iotth. M,)ri|l:
maria. The cliief mfiint[tned h'I,;ven filleted snmk(,s aw, sneaky.
did not know anything about .'.
Rishel's record as a felon first Dear Adam,
btfl heard ru]ll[)rs to that effect I sial't ca]tirg' nv husl')ald ::it
later. Hinlon said sheriff Jug six a.m. to get bin t(, work at
Potter eame down tn his office nine. First, he has to have n cup
one (lay and showed hhn a supel'- of col'fee in bed. Thon hC snl(-)kes
ior court record of l.ishel's fel- a half dozen cigarelt:,,s, yawn,<
ony conviction, seerntc, hes, x, rlt'vI1s aIl(I go'S back
HINTON AI)DEI), "I was am- to sleep, tie usually nmkcs it out
azed that he had a record." The of bed about (,iKht-ti'ly :;l[id
suspended chief said he checked rushes around lu. house, like a
witb the slleriff's office and the mad mn, sh,)uliv,:4 ord(t's and
Bm:eau of Criminal Identification generally behaving like a hmati(:.
in Olympia and that neither of- At: five to nine he vaults ,:town the
fice had a. record of Rishel, front sl ps and Sl))'inls frantically
"When I fonnd Rishcl did have for the office. He's arrived at
a record I told him he wouhi have work five minutes late ew,ry day
to clear the matter up," said Hin- he's worked there. Arc all hus-
ton. Rishel took a four month bands like this in the morning or
leave of absence from the for(,,e did !( draw the ,rely dud?
and obtained a restoration of civil Mac l',.
rights. The chie t01d the court he Dear Maybe,
and Moore had discussed the Rish- Do you have a cat? You do?
el case several times and he un- Good! At six a.m. tomorrow put
derstood that as far a the mayor i kitty ifi a large, pal)er bag.
was concerned it wa a closed Scrunch the top of the sack so
case. he can't get out to() easily. Then,
ttinton also gave sOme back, shake the sack, spin the sack,
ground information about officer malee feaz'ful noises at the sa.ck,
K. P. Warner who has since re-' such as brking', foot stomping,
signed from the force. The chief: hissing, etc. Next, without saying
said Warner had worked nights a single word, throw the sack un-
der the covers wiih hubby . . .
for ,several years. After finding MAN! WHEN TI-{A'F CAT GETS
out about his drinking with juv-
enile Indians the chief said he OUTA THAT SACK . ..
told WRrner to resign or he would
see that charges were bronffht Dear Adam,
against him. I'm worried sick. My foolish
husband has taken up motorcy-
'OFFICER RICHARD. Nelson cle riding as a hobby. He tears
took the stand and told of hie' around the city streets jumping
feelings towards a charge made Curbs, mowing down hushes and
by Chief Hinton that the other signs atyl scaring people half to
police officers railroaded Warner:;d(ath. Fm aft'aid he's doomed.
Neln mid lie'was unhappy about, Maybe it wouldn't be so bad fin
the attitude of the chief on that a younger man to take these risks
matter but added that he never: but my Henry is seventy-six years
intended that hearing on the old. Mincrw:t M.
chief's fitness as a police chief
would result from the incident, Dear Minnie,
Ne|son denial that he tried to Well, good for Hank! I t'uly
raflraad Waxner. Other officers admire the old boy's grit. At his
irmluding Warren lumgart and age he can't last long anyway. If
Richard Booth also stated that he's happy, and I'm sure he must
they have no intention of bringing be, let him ahme. This is a much
charges against ttinton as a re-; more spectacula," way of cheeking
sult of the Warner case but ad-i °ut than unceremoniously expiring
mitred that they too were. unhap-i of old age and idleness. Join the
py with the statement of the chief party, kid. Take up skin diving.
that they had railroaded Warner. ......... ":' ..........
torney Byron McClanahan took A fantaslically kind, genl.le and
the stand last Thursday and Fri- handsome fellow has been drop-
day and told the commission about ping around to see me while my
F r an c is Beatty's background, husband is at work. l didn't think
Beatty is the 19-year-old Indian I'd ever get mixed np in an af-
who told police Warner had furn- fair of this Mnd but the writing is
ished him and his stst.er with on the wall and I'm a pretty good
vodka on Sunday, September 6. reader. I do not want to h rt my
McClanahan said Beatty had been husband but he seems rather shab..
convicted on eight counts of being l)y and wmthless when compared
drunk in public and three connts to my handsome secret love..Actu-
of petty larceny in the last two ally, I don't want to lose either of
years. McClanahan said Boatty them but it's inevitable that one
had been sent to the Western of them has to go. Can y(m heap
State Hospital by the court for me solve this prohlem?
obserwtton. McClanahan added , 1)esl)era ie Bess
that Beatty did not seem tO Dear Desperate,
change any after being in jail The 'wall is not the only place.
and that iL was the opinion of where the writing is visible. I did
himself and Judge Wright that a little lhecktng on my own and I
keeping hini in jail would serve was able to ecure the name and
no useful purpose..McClanahan, addre of the factory where you,'
stated thi was the reason Judge two.t, irned spouse toils like a ga, l-
Wright suspended his free of $10(i0 ley slave to earn money or your
and his jail sentence of a year bread and beas. I sent: y,mr let-
oll the condition that he leave tar to him. I'm sure the problem
town, will be solved very shortly.
0etober '
9, ]959
,---Vern Nelson, right, Unit Conservationist, Soil Conser-
y; Price, explains this important consideration as Jack Dunn,
gOl'ester of the Department of Natural Resources, nods
l I" These technicians took part in the Christmas tree farm
the Hunter farm on October 17. (Extension photo.) ,
'ed by William Hunter, left, and Jack Dunn, Farm
the Department of Natural •Resources, who were
persons who turned out for a Christmas tree tour
farm recently. (Extension photo.)
00ongL .... Your Merchants
R. Gates,
.,ent has !
Lthe 'Taco:
Y of Pr,
r:Ccerdin g
Gates, former Deer
has been appointed
Tacoma South dis-
of Prudential Insur-
to Wqlliam D.
''I of Porthmd, he at-
i°°Is here in Shelton.
rld War It he served
i 'E. Navy in the South
lector. He is a member
,erican Legion.
L IVIrs. Gates three
lIlda, 8, Rohert, 4, and
k,;o ;,;
'yed visitors signed the
|,ter at the grand open-
lim-N-Trim S_tu-
I--hite has been elected
II, the-Shelto;, Jaycees.
LL out the term of John
'i,^being transferred
Iltion with the State
?f Natural Resources
l a newcomer to Shel-
, duated from the Uni-
_ Washington dental
6. He has offices in
Oct. 31
l!tle for last half 1959
ea is October 31 ac-
the Mason County
r 0ffiee.
ryaade on second half
that date will require
The rate of
Charge. m
l¢te tax payments '
!m - Oompletion
li00t Started
Zrging the State High-
,nent to continue the
',apia freeway into the
t,a as soon as possible
IJ,'ag circulated in Ma-
kman and Clive Troy
100 petitions printed
lresent time 26 hay
ith signatures of Ma-
t tltl asks the highway
!'' to complete the job
[Ib assist the economic:
.1 f Mason county and i
"lm2" Peninsula.
l00i=i;i; For
00J00ite Here
County Board of
,. gave iheir support
Bh;tlOn of a new state
!litation institution in
ty Monday.
aer C. W. Streken-
"I can see nothing
.tlle building of such an
khere. I have had the
ftt) visit most institu-
atat£ in the last few
don't feel they have
effect on the
they are located."
did. at 323 Franklin Street.
The guests were all given a
tour f "aWe' new studio' and the
methods of "relaxed exercise" ex-
plained to them.
Door prize winners were Mrs,
Kennetll Harris, who won a I year
free membership in the program;
Margaret McKay, a 6 nnmths
membership; and the folh)wing
who will receive free figure analy-
sis: Edith Fulmer, Bernice Hunt-
er, Florence Morton, Carnatlcbe
Edwards, Mrs. Lawrence Hines
Ruby Matson, Karen Sternquist,
Catherine Burdick and Ruth An-
Mrs. Dorothy Ashbaugh, pro-
prietor of the new establishment,
was extremely pleased with the re-
sults and is still offering a few
charter memberships at a sub-
stantial savings. .
Zon|a-Oeiegate-s ....
Attend Conference
Three" members of the Shelton
Mason County Zonta Club at-
tended the fall conference in Van-
couver, B.C., last weekend. Con-
ference delegates were Mrs. Aud-
rey Preppernau, Mrs. Esther Mor-
gan and Mrs. Susie Pauley.
November is public relations
month for the club. The combined
board and business meeting will
be held at 7:30 p.m, for the board
with an eight o'clock business
meeting, Monday at the home ot
Mrs. Wanda Wyatt, Union.
The regular monthly dinner
meeting, Nov. 12, in the Colonial
House will be highlighted by the
presence of the four Girls' State
The annual project for inter-
national Zonta Clubs has been an-
nounced as Refugee Housing,
Money collected by the Zonta In-
ternational will be matched by the
UN $1.40 for each dollar Zonta
donate.. It will cost approximate-
ly $10,000 for the family units and
a total of $1500000 for enough
housing for a whole village. The
Zonta project will be featured on
this week's showing of the Arm-
strong Circle Theater on televis-
ion. The refugee housing program
is in addition to the Amelia Ear-
hart scholarship fund which is
awarded annually to women in
aeronautical engineering.
Historical Sociely
Postpones Election
Postponement of its annual el-
ection meeting, scheduled for next
Monday night, to one week later,
Monday, November 9, has been
a.nno, mced bv officers of the Ma-
son County Historical Society.
Conflict with the first perform-
ance of the Community Concert
caused the postponement.
Farm 0e-nsa;-HdP-
Needed Here
Applications for enumerators to
help with the agricultural farm
census will be taken Friday from
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the board
room at the PUD building.
The local district is composed
of Mason and the northern part of
Grays Harbor county. The farm
census will provide a complete in-
ventory of all farms in the area.
SHELTON-IvIASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
TRAILER-TRUCK CRASH--Shown above is a house trailer
owned by Walter P. Bloomfield, 3l, Shelton, after it was hit by
a truck last week about two miles west of Cshmere, Wash.
Bloomfield and his passenger, Ernest Dahman, 42, Qullcene, suf-
feted cuts and bruises as a result of the accident. The truck
after striking the trailer went off the higkway down a 30-foot
bank. The accident happened about 9:45 in the evening.
Elma Shocks Gheh00s
:in Scoreless Battle00
Unbeatens MeetFriday
W I, I pga I " I'A
Chehalis ........ 2 0 1 5 87 15
:No. Thurston 2 0 0 4 27 0
Montesano .... 2 1 0 4 30 84
SHELTON .... 1 1 1 3 26 13
Elms ............ 0 2 2 2 13 34
St. Martins .... 0 2 0 0 12 68
Last 'Week
Shelton 19. Montesano 0
Elma 0, Chehalis 0 (tie)
Bellarmine 53, St. Martins 2
Thi Friday
North Kitsap at Shelton
North Thurston at Chehalis
Elma at St. Martins
Montesano at Ilwaco
Upsets marked both Central
League games played last week-
end, the most stunning by a wide
margin being Elma's scoreless
(leadlock with title-favored Che-
halls at Elms.
Shelton was only a slight undcr-
(:tog in its 19-0 victory over Monte..
With the Highclimbers the only
league team hitting the scoreboard
in conference play, individual ad-
ditions to the scoring lists came
entirely from Shelton ranks. Tom
Kendall, senior halfback, contri-
buted 13 points and Rawlin MeIn-
elly, senior fullback, the other six
to make the conference individual
point totals h)ok as follows at this
date :
Allan Allio, Chehalis. 5 0 30
I)ale Ford, NT ............ 3 1 19
Bud Wedin, Chehalis .... 2 3 15
'rein Kendall, Nileiton 2 I 13
Mac Ar]'ington, Cheh. 2 1 13
George l.aines, Monte. 1 3 9
Dave Dowling, Cheh ..... 1 2 8
Raw|hi Mcllwlly, SheL 1 l 7
Larry Barnes, NT .... 1 l. 7
Craig Gunther, Cheh. 1 1 7
Bob Beerbower, Elma. 1 1 7
Will Rodgers, Sheiton I 0 6
Hugh Antonson, St. M. 1 0 6
AI Lougheed, Monte... 1 0 6
A1 Beaulieu, Monte ..... 1 0 fi
Stan August, Elma .... 1 0 6
Wayne Monroe, St. M. 1 0 6
Joel Gunther, Cheh ..... 1 0 6
Les Ramsey, Cheh ..... 1 0 6
Archie Morrison, Mont. 1 0 6
Tim Dills, Monte ......... 0 1 1
Rick Wirta, Cheh ......... 0 1 1
George Biekel, Cheh ..... 0 1 1
TOTALS .................... 29 18 192
EIma outplayed the 'Cats in the
scoreless upset despite the loss of
four regular starters for most of
the game. Chehalis held an edge
only in passing because the Ea-
gles did not attempt a single pass.
The conference championship al-
most certainly will be decided this
Friday when Chehalis hosts the
unscored-upon, undefeated North
Thurston Rams.
Shelton is host to North Kitaap
and Montesano travels to Ilwaco
in non-league actian Friday while
Elma is at St. Mm'tins in the only
other conference play. St. Martins
took a 53-2 shellacking from Bell-
amine last Friday.
Sh$1t0n 19, Montesano 0
Elms 0, Chehalis 0
Bellarmine 53, St. Martins 2
Aberdeen 7, West Bremerton 6
East Bremerton 13, Wilson 13
Stadium 14, Lincoln 13
Dayton 7,'Raymond 0
Oak Harbor 14, Marysville 7
Hoquiam 19, Longview 7
Pasco 20, Sunnystde 13
Bainbridge 24, South Kitsap 0
Central Kit 13, North Kit 7
Port Angeles 33, Kelso 14
Centralia 13, Camas 7
Mt. Vernon 19, Burlington 6
Lumber ............................ 20 8
Engineering .................... 19V 8
Accounting .................... 15 13
Purchasing .................... 15 13
Olympic Plywood .......... 14 13
Insulating Board .......... 14 14
Loggers .......................... 8 20
Research ........................ 6 22
High game---Ann Cole 210 (lst
200 of her life)
High total---Jean Rau 540
Fuller Construction ..... 21 7
Shelton Hardware ........ 15,{ 12t/z
Morken Logging ............ 15 13
Active Club .................... 13 14V
Kiwanis Club .................. 13 15
Moose No. 1 ..... ............... 12 16
Lions Club ...................... 11 17
Rotary Club .................... 11 17
High gameL. L. Mclnelly 214
High seriesL. L. Mclnelly 590
Clubwoman o[ the Week
MRS. PHIL HARDIE, W$CS president, is shown in the living
room of her home with a planter she made from rocks, mostly
agates she has collected. (Journal photo, Ziegler print.)
Working for the betterment of
2hristian living is the primary
aim of the Woman's Society of
Christian Service, Mrs. Phil Har-
die, this week's clubwoman of the
week, summed up the aims as un-
Ring the women of the Methodist
church, furthering Christian work
amorg women and children around
the world. The WSCS takes part
in service activities and helps
service organizations, and does its
best in bettering world conditions
by missionary work.
The WSCS annually supports
two' projects dm'ing the year, Self-
Denial week (last week in Octo-
ber} with other WSCS organiza-
tions throughout the country and
the annual baaax and dinner
which will be held Dec. 3 this year.
The silver offerings given dur-
ing self-denial week are used to
support world-wide missions and
the bazaar and dinner for local.
needs, orphanages, rtired minis,
lets, Women's Christian Temper-
ance Union,
Mrs: Hardie has been a member
of the'W'S in. helton for the'
Hemlockers . ............... : ........ 17 11
Log Peelers ........................ 16 12
Chasers ................................ 16 12
Strippers .............................. 6 22
High game--Roy Petty 194
High series--Lad Nault 512
Schnabel's Jayb!rda . ........... 6 2
Morgan & Eacrett .............. 5 3
Ed Byrne .............................. 4 4
Northwest Evergreen ........ 1 7 ]
HihuScores ]
Boys game--Thane Rucker 126/
Boys total--Thane Rucker 238 !
Girls game---Barb Schneider 107i
Girls total--Barb Schneider 196
Railroad ........................ 2b 8
Mill 2 ............................ 19 9
Loggers ........................ 171,fi 10
Engineers .................... 12 16
Insulating Board ........ 12 16
Loaders ........................ 12 16
:Mill I ............................ :10€ 171/./,,
Shops ............................ 9 19
High game--Floyd Lord 201
High series---Floyd Lord 536
Shelton Recreation ............ 19 9
Rainier Beer ........................ 18 10
Ritner's Straight Shots ...... 18 10
Lemke's Service ................ 16 12
Mick's Tavern .................... 14 14
Log Cabin ............................ 11 17
Olympia Beer .................... 9 19
Lucky Lager ............ : ........... 7 21
High gameBobbie Barnett 193
High totalBobbie Barnett 482
past 11 years and was a charter
member of the WSCS in Fair-
moot, N. D. She is the mother of
four grown children, Mrs. Biil
Marcy, Mrs. Robert Purvis, Low-
ell and David Hardie, all but Low-
ell live in Shelton, and five grand- I
children. Mrs. Hardie serves as
secretary of the Southside Grange
and member of the Silver Star
Riding Club. Her hobbies include
rock collecting and reading, espe-
cially about historical events.
4-H News
The Grapeview Barnacles 4-H
Club held their first meeting of
the club year Monday evening,
Oct. 26. Election of officers and
discussion of projects were the
main' items of btiness. The new
officers are: Bill Leavitt, presi-
dent; Larry Lutz, vice prestvt;I
Bob Pelan,secratary; Walt (a;-]
ton, tremrer; Donnie Pogba, ]
reporter. • **
. The organizational meeting of I
the Kozy Kttteffs 4-H club vas I
held last week in the home of Mrs.
A. H. Downer. New officers
elected during the meeting Were
Laura DoWr, president; Pare
2Mson, vice president; Janet Van-
derWal, secretary; Randi Tumn,
taaul'er, and Haren Sternqulst,
The girls chose as their com-
munity service project the Rogers
sctmoL All members are asked to
bring something for the Rogers
school for the next meeting, Mon-
day after school, at Diane Frank's
Projects discussed by the group
were "Let's Bake, Picnic and Par-
ties anl Breakfast." The mem-
bers attended Achievement night
last Saturday in the Arnmry.
(Continuod fom Page! 1)
marsh, and Mr. Robert Whir-
The Champion ribbon for club
secretary book Ivas given to the
Timewatchers 4-H Club headed by
Mrs. Laurence Badell. Other blue
winners for the lodged secretary
books were: Ivy Climbers, Kozy
Kittens, Petticoats, Busy Bees,
Live Wires, Teens, Clover Kids,
Willing Workers, and Busy Belles.
The secretary books were judged
by Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and Mrs.
Paul Hunter.
Hoqulam 28, Shelton 6
Centralia 33, Washington 6,
Hopkirm 12, Jefferson 0
Raymond 20, South Bend 0
Central Kit 0, North Kit 0
West Brem 6, Whitman 0
Wells Home
At Arcadia Loop
Damaged.!I Fire
LITTL;f00:gOKbM BX" At
5:00 p.m. last Thursday, the Ar-
cadia Loop volunteer fire depart-
merit was called to the scene of a
chimney fire at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Wells. When mat-
ters seemed to be under control
the fire truck Wai returned to its
shed and the firemen to their
homes. Then again at 10:00. p:m.
another fire call was placed from
the Wells' home. This time the
overheated wall behind the stove
had burst into flames and it was
necessary for the fire department
to again step in. Considerable dam-
age to the chimney, living room
and dining ivmm resulted, due to
fire, smoke, water and cutting of
the wall necessary to extinguish
flames. The Wells extend thanks
to the men from the vohmteer fire
department for the quick action
they are certain .,roved their home.
A new experience for Mrs. In-
dia Sells was that of air travel as
she left for Sunnyvale, Calif., by
plane on Sunday. Mrs. Sells plans
to spend a couple of weeks visit-
ing her grandam and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Oliver in Sunny-
vale and then perhaps travel to
Los Angeles.
member of a hunting party lhat
spent the weekend in Yakima.
Last Wednesday Mrs. Vivian
Marcy, Mrs. Phil Hardie, Mrs.
Myrtle Collins, Mrs. Grace Col-
lins and Mrs. Helen Stansbury en-
joyed a shopping spree in Taco-
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Knight; and
children visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore last
On Sunday the Moores were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Kyron Wilson in Shelton.
MR. AND MRS. Laurie Nelson
and two daughters called on Mrs.
Ray Collins Sunday.
The Larry Olivers spent the
weekend on Bainbridge Island
where they stayed with their
daughter, Mrs. Gary Greenwood
and helpe d her do sor0e work on
the attractive house she lives in.
Weekending t the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leland Hudson was Mrs.
Gladys Lewis of Seattle.
.'SUNDAY afternoon callers at
the Seth Bush household were
Kri ,immerman and Ted Kwol-
ek of Seattle.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rolavs wer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Bergrnan of
Sunday visitors for a Latvian
Party at the Rolavs were Mr. and
Mrs, Arvid Grant and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rasa and
daughters of Olympia. The Berg-
mans were also present.
Joan Chappell drove from Aber-
deen to the lme of her parents,
tbe Walt Aliens on Monday. She
returned home with her daugh-
ters, irley and Linda who spettt:
last week with their grandpartts.
A COMMUNITY club meeting
wlll be held Monday, Nov. 2 at
Skeokum By. community hall.
Nnar Hamma Hamma
Harry Herren, Bremerton, de-
molished his station wagoh last
Friday night. Horton, traveling
south on PSH 9 hit the end of the
Hamma Hamma River bridge and
dropped over a 25-foot bank to
the river bed, reported the State
Patrol. 'He was released from
Shelton General Hospital follow-
ing treatment of lacerations.
Earlier Friday, two miles north
of Eldon on Highway 101, the
1936 coupe driven by George
James Murray, Seattle, struck the
right shoulder of the road, then
the lef t , rolling his car, injuring
the driver and passenger, Larry
Gambini, Renton. Both men were
treated for lacerations at Shelton
General Hospital.
Dave B. Baldwin, 31, Belfair
was arrested by the Mason Coun-
ty Sheriff's office October 26 on
a charge of steling a pump valve
valued at $250.
Journal Want Ad,
Page 7
CAMPING SONGS with gestures rang through the halls of
Bordeaux school last Wednesday and Thursday afternoon as the
Brownie and Girl Scouts entertained their mothers at the annual
Juliette Low birthday teas. Following the group singing, slides
were shown of Day Camp activities at Panhandle lake last sum-
mer. Refreshments were served by the Shelton layettes, t.hmr-
nal photo, Ziegler print.)
How long since you last read or Avon." The sacred voh]me of
heard a Shakespeare play? If G. M. Trevelyan's "Illustrated
you have been discouraged by the English Social History" deals with
small type of the "Collected the age of Shakespeare and the
Works," or by the antiquated Stuart period. An old favritc
single volumes in the library, you tory from tbe ymmg adult sac-
will be happy to see the new set tion is Johll t:t, ilnot's "Master
of forty w)lumes, bound in blue, of SkylarI<." about a boy who wns
the Yale University Shakespeare, kldnapped by a band of strolling
just added to lle collection. The players, and found himself in Lon-
act includes the thirty-seven plays, don singing to Queen EIizabelh.
a volume of sonnets and a vol-
ume or" the other poems; and ADAMS
"Shakespeare of Stratford; a stu-
dent's handbook," containing all
the documents known pertaining
to Shakespeare's life. May we WISDOM
suggest that you take a play
home with you on your next trip
to the library? It's eaky to forget
between readings how good the
plays really are!
THE LIBRARY also owns two Dear Adam.
fine recordings of Shakespeare I am a. nicotine fiend arm I
plys. "The Merchant of Venice" can't break Lhe hal)ii. I know
stars the superb English actor, smoking Is bad for the hmgs an(I
Michael Redgrave, as Shylock. all that stuff bul I can't (trill. I
"Hamlet" is played by the Old enjoy smoking. I draft like filleted
Vic Conpany, with John Gielgud, smokes so what can I do but just
whom many consider the finest perish in agony? Boing a. slow, lo
Ha.mht of our times, in the title the weed is m joke,.
role. To listen as well as read Solemn
will add immeasurably to your en- Dear Sot,
joyment of the plays. A friend of mim invented a
Books about Shakespeare and gadget for smokers tmlieves fil-
his time include Elizabeth Burt- tared cigarettes are h e t I e r
,m's delightful "Pageant ,)f Eliz- t'or you than lnfilLerd oll(!S.
abethan England"; Marchette This was a (:ir'cuhu' devi('e
Chute's "Shakespeare O[ [A)ndon"; lbollt tile size of a beer
Ivor Brown's "Shakespeare"; and botth cap consisting of sevcra t
Charles Noi'man'a "Playnlaker of layers oi' Yak felt contairled wilh-
ill a magnes[llnl ring wittl a. snlall
HiNTON HEARING hole punched thro,zgh lhe cerllt,l'.
The idea w;la to inserl the wt'loh;
((,ltltillIWd fn'oln t'ag,, I) \\;VOI'I{s into lhe windt)it)c t:hlls .cr(,-
HinLon said that Rishel caYlle alirlg a. buill-in filter wilho/it fold-
dowrl to the station ninny tinles ing ii l) the joy of snmking mlfil-
before he was on the forc.e an(t lered fags. It "Wol'ked beanlifllliy.
visited with Sgt. Vilent SanL;i- My friend choked to (Iotth. M,)ri|l:
maria. The cliief mfiint[tned h'I,;ven filleted snmk(,s aw, sneaky.
did not know anything about .'.
Rishel's record as a felon first Dear Adam,
btfl heard ru]ll[)rs to that effect I sial't ca]tirg' nv husl')ald ::it
later. Hinlon said sheriff Jug six a.m. to get bin t(, work at
Potter eame down tn his office nine. First, he has to have n cup
one (lay and showed hhn a supel'- of col'fee in bed. Thon hC snl(-)kes
ior court record of l.ishel's fel- a half dozen cigarelt:,,s, yawn,<
ony conviction, seerntc, hes, x, rlt'vI1s aIl(I go'S back
HINTON AI)DEI), "I was am- to sleep, tie usually nmkcs it out
azed that he had a record." The of bed about (,iKht-ti'ly :;l[id
suspended chief said he checked rushes around lu. house, like a
witb the slleriff's office and the mad mn, sh,)uliv,:4 ord(t's and
Bm:eau of Criminal Identification generally behaving like a hmati(:.
in Olympia and that neither of- At: five to nine he vaults ,:town the
fice had a. record of Rishel, front sl ps and Sl))'inls frantically
"When I fonnd Rishcl did have for the office. He's arrived at
a record I told him he wouhi have work five minutes late ew,ry day
to clear the matter up," said Hin- he's worked there. Arc all hus-
ton. Rishel took a four month bands like this in the morning or
leave of absence from the for(,,e did !( draw the ,rely dud?
and obtained a restoration of civil Mac l',.
rights. The chie t01d the court he Dear Maybe,
and Moore had discussed the Rish- Do you have a cat? You do?
el case several times and he un- Good! At six a.m. tomorrow put
derstood that as far a the mayor i kitty ifi a large, pal)er bag.
was concerned it wa a closed Scrunch the top of the sack so
case. he can't get out to() easily. Then,
ttinton also gave sOme back, shake the sack, spin the sack,
ground information about officer malee feaz'ful noises at the sa.ck,
K. P. Warner who has since re-' such as brking', foot stomping,
signed from the force. The chief: hissing, etc. Next, without saying
said Warner had worked nights a single word, throw the sack un-
der the covers wiih hubby . . .
for ,several years. After finding MAN! WHEN TI-{A'F CAT GETS
out about his drinking with juv-
enile Indians the chief said he OUTA THAT SACK . ..
told WRrner to resign or he would
see that charges were bronffht Dear Adam,
against him. I'm worried sick. My foolish
husband has taken up motorcy-
'OFFICER RICHARD. Nelson cle riding as a hobby. He tears
took the stand and told of hie' around the city streets jumping
feelings towards a charge made Curbs, mowing down hushes and
by Chief Hinton that the other signs atyl scaring people half to
police officers railroaded Warner:;d(ath. Fm aft'aid he's doomed.
Neln mid lie'was unhappy about, Maybe it wouldn't be so bad fin
the attitude of the chief on that a younger man to take these risks
matter but added that he never: but my Henry is seventy-six years
intended that hearing on the old. Mincrw:t M.
chief's fitness as a police chief
would result from the incident, Dear Minnie,
Ne|son denial that he tried to Well, good for Hank! I t'uly
raflraad Waxner. Other officers admire the old boy's grit. At his
irmluding Warren lumgart and age he can't last long anyway. If
Richard Booth also stated that he's happy, and I'm sure he must
they have no intention of bringing be, let him ahme. This is a much
charges against ttinton as a re-; more spectacula," way of cheeking
sult of the Warner case but ad-i °ut than unceremoniously expiring
mitred that they too were. unhap-i of old age and idleness. Join the
py with the statement of the chief party, kid. Take up skin diving.
that they had railroaded Warner. ......... ":' ..........
torney Byron McClanahan took A fantaslically kind, genl.le and
the stand last Thursday and Fri- handsome fellow has been drop-
day and told the commission about ping around to see me while my
F r an c is Beatty's background, husband is at work. l didn't think
Beatty is the 19-year-old Indian I'd ever get mixed np in an af-
who told police Warner had furn- fair of this Mnd but the writing is
ished him and his stst.er with on the wall and I'm a pretty good
vodka on Sunday, September 6. reader. I do not want to h rt my
McClanahan said Beatty had been husband but he seems rather shab..
convicted on eight counts of being l)y and wmthless when compared
drunk in public and three connts to my handsome secret love..Actu-
of petty larceny in the last two ally, I don't want to lose either of
years. McClanahan said Boatty them but it's inevitable that one
had been sent to the Western of them has to go. Can y(m heap
State Hospital by the court for me solve this prohlem?
obserwtton. McClanahan added , 1)esl)era ie Bess
that Beatty did not seem tO Dear Desperate,
change any after being in jail The 'wall is not the only place.
and that iL was the opinion of where the writing is visible. I did
himself and Judge Wright that a little lhecktng on my own and I
keeping hini in jail would serve was able to ecure the name and
no useful purpose..McClanahan, addre of the factory where you,'
stated thi was the reason Judge two.t, irned spouse toils like a ga, l-
Wright suspended his free of $10(i0 ley slave to earn money or your
and his jail sentence of a year bread and beas. I sent: y,mr let-
oll the condition that he leave tar to him. I'm sure the problem
town, will be solved very shortly.