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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29 1959 SITELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin 7 GIBSON HOodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative MOTO00S , Iler-Plymouth Cars ' llnternatlonal Trucks Grange News When Progre met last Friday evening, Oet. 23, they made plans for presenting the fifth degree next Friday. Matlock will bring the gavel back to Pomona for the last gavel meeting of the year with the fifth degree following. They draped toe cIarter for Roy Greenwood. Next meeting night will be election of officers. After the meeting they cele- brated Hallowe'en in a hilarious manner with goblins, witches, black cats, jack-o-lanterns, corn fodder and pumpkins. Some were so well maskueraded they were not recognized by their closest friends. Alice Bariekman was awarded first prize for women and Jim Haines first for men. Traditional doughnuts, cider and pumpkin pie was served for sup- per. CLOQUALLUM HELD a very busy meeting. They voted to ac- cept two new members, also to pay the delegate to the State Grange $4.00 for each day spent at the session. The question of raising dues was brought up and it was voted to notify all members that this subject will be considered at the next meeting. Inerease will not affect members over 65 years or disabled. They will elect officers at the next meeting: The building com- mittee will find ways and means to raise that part of the kitchen floor that is a bit low at the pres- ent time. SKOKOMISH VALLEY Grange received two applications for membership. Chester V a 11 e y showed slides taken when they honored their 25 year members, also some taken on a vacation trip this summer. THE AGATE Grange will have a work party next Saturday, Oct. 31, beginning at ten o'clock. The hall needs cleaning, the floor re- finishing and the grounds a face lifting. The ladies will bring pot- $-8322 or HA 6-6201 luck at noon.   G1adys and Ira Perry presented especially our donuts t CTOBER IS DONUT MONTH RED • t!::, , ,. in 000ATE € g,o00,w00T ,z q]P,l [ i'l;l:i:)Onuts .............. :. 60¢ per doz. i BAKED FRESH DALLY / | AT nne's Bakery... Of Course ! 114COTA STREET PHONE HA 6-2221 Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. THE SECOND battle for the pennant for PTA centage. A copper plaque will be awarded the memberships is in full swing as Mr. View PTA winning school besides the pennant. Pictured tussels to keep the pennant at Mt. View from above are Mayor Earl Moore, Joe Borek, Mt. Bordeaux and Evergreen PTAs. So far the View principal, and the contest committees from standings are Bordeaux 30 per cent, Evergreen the PTAs, Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. Bill Chase, Mrs. 37 per cent and Mt. View 42 per cent. The con- Peter Zopolis, Mrs. Bill Jonnson, Mrs. Robert test will end Nov. 13 and all memberships not in Stevens and Mrs. Joe Parsons. (Journal photo, before that time will not be counted in the per- Ziegler print.) .... demits from Sumas Valley Grange Ella Greaves was presences an award from the State Lecturer in recognition of an outstanding Booster program in 1958. Southwest Juvenile Matron Gyn- eth Auseth and Deputy Martin Auseth attended the annual joint meeting of the Clallam County Juvenile Granges held in the Pleasant Mt. Grange hall Friday evening, Oct. 23. At this time the juveniles exemplified the rit- ualistic and degree work also the graduation exercise. Six members were graduated to the subordin- ate Grange. This ceremony is very impressive and is well worth seeing. Other state officers in attend- ance were Overseer Jack Silvers, Lecturer Lorraine Mills and hus- band, Vernon, Gate Keeper Jack Hoover, Flora Lillian Van Zee, Ju- venile matron Thora Dick and husband, Merton, northwest juve- nile matron Myrtle Walls and hus- band, Larry, deputy at large Ted Lloyd, Jefferson county deputy Gus Erickson, Clallam county dep- uty Earl Gillispie and Clallam county Pomona Master Paul Con- ner. HARSTINE ISLAND wishes us to remind you of the Hallowe'en party this Saturday evening at their hall. Catch the 6 o'clock ferry. Joint installation of officers of Mason county Granges will be held in the Moose hall at the air- port on Saturday evening, Dee. 5, at 8 o'clock. All Pomona officers are re- quested to be at ,the Progress hall this Friday evening. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE began booster night festivities last. Sat- urday with a chicken and noodle dinner at 6 p.m. Approximately 50 members and friends were pres- ent. The program was presented by Lecturer, Ella Chappell. Mu- sical selections for the program were played by Dewell and Wag- net" boys. Alfred Ribbans showed slides of the Yosemite National Park, Calif. Leila Cook danced for the gToup. 1951 Oidsmebile.. $165 i 1952 Mercury 4-Doors, $3950000 I 1%8 RAMBLER REBEL OUSTOM V-8 Power brakes, steering, push button drive, reGIinlng seats, real sharp 1957 FAIRLANE "500" 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ID6B OOUNTRY SEDAN 6 CYL., OVERDRIVE, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1866 OHEVROLET 4-DOOR STATION WAGON R & H, Automatic Transmission, Real Clean, New Tires I%G STUDEBAKER 4.DOOR V-8 POWER WINDOWS, WHITE SIDEWALLS, AUTO. TRANS., TINTED GLASS 1955 V-8 FORDOR FAIRLANE WITH OVERDRIVE 10004 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR EXCELLENT CONDITION  REAL CLEAN 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTICAL STATION WAGON 1952 GHRYsLER NEW YORKER Fuily Equipped, Good Condition Throughout PICK-UPS , I--1957 FORD, ½-TON 64)YL, OVERHIVE KAMILGHE NEWS By Grace Petty Roland Simmons was home last w,,okend from Portland. Having finished a two year en- listment with the Army at Fort Cars-n. Col€wade. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell B;Lrnes and four etlildren returned h,mle last week. Mr. all(1 Mrs. Fred (]l'a}lHITl lind Charh)tte of Eureka, Calif., are visiting their daughter and fam- ily, Lhe Bruce Nelsons. While in Shelton one day last week their car was struck from behind while they waited for the train to pass at Goldsborough creek. Mrs. Edwin Taylor, Mrs. Ed- win Petty and Mrs. Ben Drake of the Mill Creek road, representing the Lake Isabella Women's Club, attended the fall meeting of the Mason County District of the St ate Federation of Women's Clubs at the Hood Canal Women's Club house at Potlatch last Wed- Cloquallum News By Don Eveleth Mr. and Mrs. Ge(wge Lebolci, Mrs. Albert Alcxauder and Mrs. Harry Sackett returned Saturday, Oct. 17, from a business and pleasure trip to Chicago, Ill. The ednlnzunity is l)leascd to welcome a |ll}W family, the 2'Z1(  'S. They bought the Ken Pearson place and ar'e now soltlcd there. Dick el)Pelt and Chuck Sut.t,m were tile honored gtiests at a sur- prise birthday party Saturday at the Garden City school house in Garden City. Judy Reynolds of Garden City planned the party. Don Eveleth was the oversight guest Saturday of Bob Creek- paum of Garden City. The boys hunted Natuz'day and Bob silent Sunday hunting at Ch)quallum. the weekend ill Mount Vernon at Travel Reservalien Oenler Air - Rail - Ship. Bus TOURS • CRUISES • HOTELS HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SH ELTON, WASH. | }tED SAYS: We're closed Sunday, so get a new battery | today while we're open. ! Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS --- TRADES FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONE HA. 6-8231 By Dora Hearing MATLOCK -- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muller, Jr. are the parents of a son born at the St. Joseph Hos- pital in Aberdeen Wednesday, Oct. 21. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trenchmann and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muller, Sr. of Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of EI- ma were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Roberta Crape spent the week- end with Shirley Hopkins of Shel- ton. TWO OF OUR former Matlock residents are ill and in hospitals. L. D. Portman of Shelton is in the Tacoma General Hospital and Per- ry D. Crowell of Montesano was a victim of polio last week and is in the St. Joseph Hospital in Aber- deen. The last report was that Perry D. Crowell was doing nicely and hopes to be home soon. Their many friends are wishing both a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Elvin Hearing were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Marie McKay of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Meyers of Melbourn spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFers had as their weekend guests the lat- ter's folks of Presser, Wash. Grangers, don't forget we take the gavel to Progress Grange this Friday night, Oct. 30, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Isbell of Shelton will hold Middle Skokomish 'By Mary Valley Mrs. Doris Twidwell entertained with a bridal shower in honor of Linda Barnett last Thursday, the 22nd. Mrs. Twidwell was assisted by Mrs. Dianne Jacot and Linda Deyette. After games and refresb- ments Miss Barnett opened her many gifts. Those attending were Mrs. Mary Hunter, Mrs. Roberta Ragan, Miss Barbara Hankins, Miss Margie Minor, Mrs. Margar- ite Hankins, Mrs. Bob Berdon, Mrs. Doris Sjoholm, Miss Barbara Bollinger, Mrs. Flory Dixon, Mrs. Geneva Deyette, Misses Dianna and Lianna Whitmarsh, Mrs. Kel- sey Tanner, Mrs. Connie Mrs. Alice Crossan, Miss Mary: Alice Crossan. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. Alvina Johnson, Miss Rebec- ca Coffey, Mrs. June Petty, Mrs. Bey. Lyman, Mrs. Mabel Hunter, Mrs. Kay Bollinger, Mrs. Wilma Minor, Mrs. Flansburg, Mrs. Har- old White and Mrs. Leo Van Cleave. Visitors at the Morris Rebman home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Yates of Olympia. At the evening service of the Community Church, Mrs. Yates favored them with special music. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richex held open house last Sunday, Oct. 25, in honor of their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Richert. As- sisting were Mrs. Retta Jacobsen and Mrs. L.wanne Stevens. Punch, coffee and cake were served by Mrs; Jerry Richert. During the afternoon a large number: of friends signed the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Koth of Seattle spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble. Other callers at the Coble home on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rich- ardson of Bremerton and Mae Burgess and Mr. Sutliff of She|ton. Luncheon guests on Monday of Mrs Mary Valley were her moth- er, Mrs. Sarah Lozier of Tumwa- ter, and her sister, Mrs. Alvin Hulbert of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnick of Seattle spent Sunday with Mrs. Fortniek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter made a business trip to Seattle Monday. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown were Mr. and Mrs. George Wiss and Mrs. Ira IAbby of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.zicr and niece of Tumwater(were Sunday afternoon callers at the Chester Valley home. 'Pwenty-five me.tubers were pre- ent at the Grange meeting last Friday evening. Applications were received by two people for membership. A feature of the lecturer's program was a solo by Mrs. Edna Beardoll, also slides were shown by Chester Valley. Next meeting will be the election of offi('ers fat' the coming year. Also don't forget the Pomona dc- gree work next Friday, Oct. 30, at Kamilche. Let's not forget the ham dinner at Middle Skokomish school hotlse the P.T.C. is giving this Friday evening, Oct. 30, from 6:30 to 7:30. $1.00 for adults and 50¢ for children under 16 years of age. revival effort services at the Mat- lock Community church every night starting Nov. 1 at 7:45 and everybody is welcome. Mr. and Mrs, L. F. Cook of Clearwater spent the wekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cook and Mrs. Augusta Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Guinette and daughter Janis of the Simp- son Salmon Hatchery spent the weekend with Mrs. Guinette's folks neat' Agate. Bill Nye of Olympia spent Sat- urday with Mrs. Edward Valley and family. GRANDMA WAY passed away in Shelton last week. She was a former Matlock resident and mother of Sylvester Way and Mrs. Louis Ashe. Our sympathy is ex- tended to her family. Mrs. Edward Valley and sons, Sam, David and LeRoy and Linda Bunce attended the 4-H Achieve- ment Night held at the Armory in Shclton Saturday evening. Tyler Boothe of Hoquiam spent the weekend with his grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Ford and other Sunday visitors at the Ford. home were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family of Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Simpson of Brcrnerton and tile Herbert Breh- meyer, Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Comts or Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunee and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer of Shelton Sat- rday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ewen and daughter Diane and Mrs. Eli Brad- shaw all of Tacoma were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walk- el'. MR. AND MRS. Lud Rossnm.ier and son t)aul and Edward Valley spent the weekend in Cle Ehlm with Mr. an(] Mrs. Eugene Ross- maicr and the men went hunting. No luck ! The first signal book in the U. S. Navy was issued in 1797 by Captain Thomas Truxtun. The vol- ume contained approximately 190 signals. $ nesday, the home of their daught:er, the "[isis was the last meeting of tile Don Nevmans. jJ  J Mason county group, as they, Progress Grange drill team will 'K/ a _-./,Jv_Jr'l,' ahmg with Olympic Peninsula put on the 5th degree at their hall 1'/ have united with the Pierce this Friday night, Oct. 30, at 8 p.m. i - " - -- w--,r Peninsula distric.t. .... A NOLI[ FIRII' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Springer Try a-iou-rnal - W d .... drove to Richlan(t last weekend to see a new granddaughter, born to  ........ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Salisbury. This was a family retmion as all their children were there and eight CHRISTMAS TOYS grandchildren, four boys and four girls, including the new one born Oct. 2rid. Mrs. Claudc Riddle and son, .,. use eur lav-awav alan Mike,, of Tacoma were Thursday r" guests of her mother, Mrs. Edwin Taylor. Guns .............................................. $1.88 to $5.99 Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Barnes and family and Mrs. Luddell West visited brother, Homer, in Yakima who had a recent hearl attack. Mrs. Emma McDonald and ter, Mrs. Carrie Durand, of Shel- ton spent Sunday in Elms at the home of their friend, Mrs. Lilllan Manta. Mrs. Art Nelson, with a group of D of H members from Shelton, attertded a Friendship meeting of the Brcmerton Degree of Honor lodge Monday evening. Mrs. Tom Tayh)r and daughter, Jessie, of Kennewick are home on a ten day visit with her parents and other members of the family, the Howard Fullers. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wokojance, Jr., and three girls also live in Kennewick. The sisters live only a mile apart. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty spent Dolls ................................................. 98¢ to $13.66 Mechanical Toys ....... '. .................. 69¢ to $12.00 Play Dishes .................................. $1.39 to $3.88 Train Accessories .......................... 98¢ to $9.95 .Construction Toys .................... $4.88 to $10.88 Doll Buggies and Strollers ........ $4.98 to $9.95 AT Western Auto Supply 315 SO. FIRST HA 6-6183 Winterize Your Home from our stocks of Install It Yourself in ONE Afternoon! MORGAN & EAORETT LUMBER COMPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522 I I I I 00 worth of Meat with the purchase of Admiral NICKNAME REPRESENTS TINY FLOWER miral FREEZER Upright Model 15V40 497-LB. CAPACITY Upright Model 21V80 725-LB. CAPACITY Others Available from $199.95 EASY TERMS • FREE DELIVERY L. M. Budget Shop 321 Railroad Ave. IIA 6-433~ ACROSS FROM EVERGREN SQUARE October 29 1959 SITELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin 7 GIBSON HOodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative MOTO00S , Iler-Plymouth Cars ' llnternatlonal Trucks Grange News When Progre met last Friday evening, Oet. 23, they made plans for presenting the fifth degree next Friday. Matlock will bring the gavel back to Pomona for the last gavel meeting of the year with the fifth degree following. They draped toe cIarter for Roy Greenwood. Next meeting night will be election of officers. After the meeting they cele- brated Hallowe'en in a hilarious manner with goblins, witches, black cats, jack-o-lanterns, corn fodder and pumpkins. Some were so well maskueraded they were not recognized by their closest friends. Alice Bariekman was awarded first prize for women and Jim Haines first for men. Traditional doughnuts, cider and pumpkin pie was served for sup- per. CLOQUALLUM HELD a very busy meeting. They voted to ac- cept two new members, also to pay the delegate to the State Grange $4.00 for each day spent at the session. The question of raising dues was brought up and it was voted to notify all members that this subject will be considered at the next meeting. Inerease will not affect members over 65 years or disabled. They will elect officers at the next meeting: The building com- mittee will find ways and means to raise that part of the kitchen floor that is a bit low at the pres- ent time. SKOKOMISH VALLEY Grange received two applications for membership. Chester V a 11 e y showed slides taken when they honored their 25 year members, also some taken on a vacation trip this summer. THE AGATE Grange will have a work party next Saturday, Oct. 31, beginning at ten o'clock. The hall needs cleaning, the floor re- finishing and the grounds a face lifting. The ladies will bring pot- $-8322 or HA 6-6201 luck at noon.   G1adys and Ira Perry presented especially our donuts t CTOBER IS DONUT MONTH RED • t!::, , ,. in 000ATE € g,o00,w00T ,z q]P,l [ i'l;l:i:)Onuts .............. :. 60¢ per doz. i BAKED FRESH DALLY / | AT nne's Bakery... Of Course ! 114COTA STREET PHONE HA 6-2221 Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. THE SECOND battle for the pennant for PTA centage. A copper plaque will be awarded the memberships is in full swing as Mr. View PTA winning school besides the pennant. Pictured tussels to keep the pennant at Mt. View from above are Mayor Earl Moore, Joe Borek, Mt. Bordeaux and Evergreen PTAs. So far the View principal, and the contest committees from standings are Bordeaux 30 per cent, Evergreen the PTAs, Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. Bill Chase, Mrs. 37 per cent and Mt. View 42 per cent. The con- Peter Zopolis, Mrs. Bill Jonnson, Mrs. Robert test will end Nov. 13 and all memberships not in Stevens and Mrs. Joe Parsons. (Journal photo, before that time will not be counted in the per- Ziegler print.) .... demits from Sumas Valley Grange Ella Greaves was presences an award from the State Lecturer in recognition of an outstanding Booster program in 1958. Southwest Juvenile Matron Gyn- eth Auseth and Deputy Martin Auseth attended the annual joint meeting of the Clallam County Juvenile Granges held in the Pleasant Mt. Grange hall Friday evening, Oct. 23. At this time the juveniles exemplified the rit- ualistic and degree work also the graduation exercise. Six members were graduated to the subordin- ate Grange. This ceremony is very impressive and is well worth seeing. Other state officers in attend- ance were Overseer Jack Silvers, Lecturer Lorraine Mills and hus- band, Vernon, Gate Keeper Jack Hoover, Flora Lillian Van Zee, Ju- venile matron Thora Dick and husband, Merton, northwest juve- nile matron Myrtle Walls and hus- band, Larry, deputy at large Ted Lloyd, Jefferson county deputy Gus Erickson, Clallam county dep- uty Earl Gillispie and Clallam county Pomona Master Paul Con- ner. HARSTINE ISLAND wishes us to remind you of the Hallowe'en party this Saturday evening at their hall. Catch the 6 o'clock ferry. Joint installation of officers of Mason county Granges will be held in the Moose hall at the air- port on Saturday evening, Dee. 5, at 8 o'clock. All Pomona officers are re- quested to be at ,the Progress hall this Friday evening. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE began booster night festivities last. Sat- urday with a chicken and noodle dinner at 6 p.m. Approximately 50 members and friends were pres- ent. The program was presented by Lecturer, Ella Chappell. Mu- sical selections for the program were played by Dewell and Wag- net" boys. Alfred Ribbans showed slides of the Yosemite National Park, Calif. Leila Cook danced for the gToup. 1951 Oidsmebile.. $165 i 1952 Mercury 4-Doors, $3950000 I 1%8 RAMBLER REBEL OUSTOM V-8 Power brakes, steering, push button drive, reGIinlng seats, real sharp 1957 FAIRLANE "500" 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ID6B OOUNTRY SEDAN 6 CYL., OVERDRIVE, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1866 OHEVROLET 4-DOOR STATION WAGON R & H, Automatic Transmission, Real Clean, New Tires I%G STUDEBAKER 4.DOOR V-8 POWER WINDOWS, WHITE SIDEWALLS, AUTO. TRANS., TINTED GLASS 1955 V-8 FORDOR FAIRLANE WITH OVERDRIVE 10004 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR EXCELLENT CONDITION  REAL CLEAN 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTICAL STATION WAGON 1952 GHRYsLER NEW YORKER Fuily Equipped, Good Condition Throughout PICK-UPS , I--1957 FORD, ½-TON 64)YL, OVERHIVE KAMILGHE NEWS By Grace Petty Roland Simmons was home last w,,okend from Portland. Having finished a two year en- listment with the Army at Fort Cars-n. Col€wade. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell B;Lrnes and four etlildren returned h,mle last week. Mr. all(1 Mrs. Fred (]l'a}lHITl lind Charh)tte of Eureka, Calif., are visiting their daughter and fam- ily, Lhe Bruce Nelsons. While in Shelton one day last week their car was struck from behind while they waited for the train to pass at Goldsborough creek. Mrs. Edwin Taylor, Mrs. Ed- win Petty and Mrs. Ben Drake of the Mill Creek road, representing the Lake Isabella Women's Club, attended the fall meeting of the Mason County District of the St ate Federation of Women's Clubs at the Hood Canal Women's Club house at Potlatch last Wed- Cloquallum News By Don Eveleth Mr. and Mrs. Ge(wge Lebolci, Mrs. Albert Alcxauder and Mrs. Harry Sackett returned Saturday, Oct. 17, from a business and pleasure trip to Chicago, Ill. The ednlnzunity is l)leascd to welcome a |ll}W family, the 2'Z1(  'S. They bought the Ken Pearson place and ar'e now soltlcd there. Dick el)Pelt and Chuck Sut.t,m were tile honored gtiests at a sur- prise birthday party Saturday at the Garden City school house in Garden City. Judy Reynolds of Garden City planned the party. Don Eveleth was the oversight guest Saturday of Bob Creek- paum of Garden City. The boys hunted Natuz'day and Bob silent Sunday hunting at Ch)quallum. the weekend ill Mount Vernon at Travel Reservalien Oenler Air - Rail - Ship. Bus TOURS • CRUISES • HOTELS HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SH ELTON, WASH. | }tED SAYS: We're closed Sunday, so get a new battery | today while we're open. ! Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS --- TRADES FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONE HA. 6-8231 By Dora Hearing MATLOCK -- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muller, Jr. are the parents of a son born at the St. Joseph Hos- pital in Aberdeen Wednesday, Oct. 21. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trenchmann and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muller, Sr. of Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of EI- ma were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Roberta Crape spent the week- end with Shirley Hopkins of Shel- ton. TWO OF OUR former Matlock residents are ill and in hospitals. L. D. Portman of Shelton is in the Tacoma General Hospital and Per- ry D. Crowell of Montesano was a victim of polio last week and is in the St. Joseph Hospital in Aber- deen. The last report was that Perry D. Crowell was doing nicely and hopes to be home soon. Their many friends are wishing both a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Elvin Hearing were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Marie McKay of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Meyers of Melbourn spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFers had as their weekend guests the lat- ter's folks of Presser, Wash. Grangers, don't forget we take the gavel to Progress Grange this Friday night, Oct. 30, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Isbell of Shelton will hold Middle Skokomish 'By Mary Valley Mrs. Doris Twidwell entertained with a bridal shower in honor of Linda Barnett last Thursday, the 22nd. Mrs. Twidwell was assisted by Mrs. Dianne Jacot and Linda Deyette. After games and refresb- ments Miss Barnett opened her many gifts. Those attending were Mrs. Mary Hunter, Mrs. Roberta Ragan, Miss Barbara Hankins, Miss Margie Minor, Mrs. Margar- ite Hankins, Mrs. Bob Berdon, Mrs. Doris Sjoholm, Miss Barbara Bollinger, Mrs. Flory Dixon, Mrs. Geneva Deyette, Misses Dianna and Lianna Whitmarsh, Mrs. Kel- sey Tanner, Mrs. Connie Mrs. Alice Crossan, Miss Mary: Alice Crossan. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. Alvina Johnson, Miss Rebec- ca Coffey, Mrs. June Petty, Mrs. Bey. Lyman, Mrs. Mabel Hunter, Mrs. Kay Bollinger, Mrs. Wilma Minor, Mrs. Flansburg, Mrs. Har- old White and Mrs. Leo Van Cleave. Visitors at the Morris Rebman home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Yates of Olympia. At the evening service of the Community Church, Mrs. Yates favored them with special music. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richex held open house last Sunday, Oct. 25, in honor of their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Richert. As- sisting were Mrs. Retta Jacobsen and Mrs. L.wanne Stevens. Punch, coffee and cake were served by Mrs; Jerry Richert. During the afternoon a large number: of friends signed the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Koth of Seattle spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble. Other callers at the Coble home on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rich- ardson of Bremerton and Mae Burgess and Mr. Sutliff of She|ton. Luncheon guests on Monday of Mrs Mary Valley were her moth- er, Mrs. Sarah Lozier of Tumwa- ter, and her sister, Mrs. Alvin Hulbert of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnick of Seattle spent Sunday with Mrs. Fortniek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter made a business trip to Seattle Monday. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown were Mr. and Mrs. George Wiss and Mrs. Ira IAbby of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.zicr and niece of Tumwater(were Sunday afternoon callers at the Chester Valley home. 'Pwenty-five me.tubers were pre- ent at the Grange meeting last Friday evening. Applications were received by two people for membership. A feature of the lecturer's program was a solo by Mrs. Edna Beardoll, also slides were shown by Chester Valley. Next meeting will be the election of offi('ers fat' the coming year. Also don't forget the Pomona dc- gree work next Friday, Oct. 30, at Kamilche. Let's not forget the ham dinner at Middle Skokomish school hotlse the P.T.C. is giving this Friday evening, Oct. 30, from 6:30 to 7:30. $1.00 for adults and 50¢ for children under 16 years of age. revival effort services at the Mat- lock Community church every night starting Nov. 1 at 7:45 and everybody is welcome. Mr. and Mrs, L. F. Cook of Clearwater spent the wekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cook and Mrs. Augusta Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Guinette and daughter Janis of the Simp- son Salmon Hatchery spent the weekend with Mrs. Guinette's folks neat' Agate. Bill Nye of Olympia spent Sat- urday with Mrs. Edward Valley and family. GRANDMA WAY passed away in Shelton last week. She was a former Matlock resident and mother of Sylvester Way and Mrs. Louis Ashe. Our sympathy is ex- tended to her family. Mrs. Edward Valley and sons, Sam, David and LeRoy and Linda Bunce attended the 4-H Achieve- ment Night held at the Armory in Shclton Saturday evening. Tyler Boothe of Hoquiam spent the weekend with his grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Ford and other Sunday visitors at the Ford. home were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family of Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Simpson of Brcrnerton and tile Herbert Breh- meyer, Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Comts or Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunee and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer of Shelton Sat- rday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ewen and daughter Diane and Mrs. Eli Brad- shaw all of Tacoma were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walk- el'. MR. AND MRS. Lud Rossnm.ier and son t)aul and Edward Valley spent the weekend in Cle Ehlm with Mr. an(] Mrs. Eugene Ross- maicr and the men went hunting. No luck ! The first signal book in the U. S. Navy was issued in 1797 by Captain Thomas Truxtun. The vol- ume contained approximately 190 signals. $ nesday, the home of their daught:er, the "[isis was the last meeting of tile Don Nevmans. jJ  J Mason county group, as they, Progress Grange drill team will 'K/ a _-./,Jv_Jr'l,' ahmg with Olympic Peninsula put on the 5th degree at their hall 1'/ have united with the Pierce this Friday night, Oct. 30, at 8 p.m. i - " - -- w--,r Peninsula distric.t. .... A NOLI[ FIRII' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Springer Try a-iou-rnal - W d .... drove to Richlan(t last weekend to see a new granddaughter, born to  ........ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Salisbury. This was a family retmion as all their children were there and eight CHRISTMAS TOYS grandchildren, four boys and four girls, including the new one born Oct. 2rid. Mrs. Claudc Riddle and son, .,. use eur lav-awav alan Mike,, of Tacoma were Thursday r" guests of her mother, Mrs. Edwin Taylor. Guns .............................................. $1.88 to $5.99 Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Barnes and family and Mrs. Luddell West visited brother, Homer, in Yakima who had a recent hearl attack. Mrs. Emma McDonald and ter, Mrs. Carrie Durand, of Shel- ton spent Sunday in Elms at the home of their friend, Mrs. Lilllan Manta. Mrs. Art Nelson, with a group of D of H members from Shelton, attertded a Friendship meeting of the Brcmerton Degree of Honor lodge Monday evening. Mrs. Tom Tayh)r and daughter, Jessie, of Kennewick are home on a ten day visit with her parents and other members of the family, the Howard Fullers. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wokojance, Jr., and three girls also live in Kennewick. The sisters live only a mile apart. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty spent Dolls ................................................. 98¢ to $13.66 Mechanical Toys ....... '. .................. 69¢ to $12.00 Play Dishes .................................. $1.39 to $3.88 Train Accessories .......................... 98¢ to $9.95 .Construction Toys .................... $4.88 to $10.88 Doll Buggies and Strollers ........ $4.98 to $9.95 AT Western Auto Supply 315 SO. FIRST HA 6-6183 Winterize Your Home from our stocks of Install It Yourself in ONE Afternoon! MORGAN & EAORETT LUMBER COMPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522 I I I I 00 worth of Meat with the purchase of Admiral NICKNAME REPRESENTS TINY FLOWER miral FREEZER Upright Model 15V40 497-LB. CAPACITY Upright Model 21V80 725-LB. CAPACITY Others Available from $199.95 EASY TERMS • FREE DELIVERY L. M. Budget Shop 321 Railroad Ave. IIA 6-433~ ACROSS FROM EVERGREN SQUARE