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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 2fL ]959 TV Repairs Technicians he tops in TV service the best in enjoyment. Let us both for you. Call On ROWS Service MT. VIEW Hiway No. HA. 6-3172 UP TO! $1000 I',:,, Social Even ts gHELTON-MA,0N COUNTY J0[TRNAL--=Publihed in "Ohri.tmastow,, U.,A.," Shelton, Wa.tlin ttood (:anal Women!Kneeland Home Wedding Unites "Society Editor • Beve Wells . Phone HA 6-4412 Hillcrest Homemakers To Meet at Jackson's Mrs. Vilfre(I Ja(:ks()n's honle will be the scene of the next Hill- crest ttomemakers Club, Wednes- day, heKinning with a noon pot- luct( luncheon. Hostesses for tile meeting will be Mrs, Jackson and Mrs. Mary Trotter. Last Ttmsday, the members at- lended the anmml Christmas open honse of the ]{s()n Collnty ill tile Armory. The last meeting of the club was held in tile home of Mrs. May Burgess with 13 members present. FAMILY GAME NIGHT A family game night will be hehl this evening, Thursday, be- ginning at seven o'clock in the parish hall of St. Edward's Catho- lic church. Cath prizes will be awarded hy the members of Our Lady of the Woods Altar Society Guild. PROMPTLY, P_RIVATELY" one7 for:any worthy []purpose on Signature' l-tr;p servi00..00, phone Railroad Ave.--Phone: HA. 6-4447, Shelton |CNOOt| Democrats Plan Meeting. Dinner The lh, ( ( rali(. (:,nl r:d rom- lllitleo wishes to illlll()illl(,(! lhat there will be 11 iliIie ('oilnlv ]eH.'lle lneeting al 2 p.ln. S:llllrdity, Nov. 7, ill lhe At|l/cry. Following lhe nw.l ing :ill oyster ste%v alld dessel'L will I),, ,m)rvr(l from 'I until 7 p.m. The rneelin wilt be open to all inler,slelt l)ern- oerats and the dinl]el' is o])t!fl tl the public. WWI VETERANS TO MEEI NOV. 6 Delegates of tile S)l,..]l.()tl Navy Mothers ('.hlb, who attended tile second bi-,'tn nnal (:onvenlion of, Washington St:de NMCA In('.. Oct. 13 and 14 in Seattle were pleased to have one of their nunlber elect- e(I to the office of trtlslee. Mrs. Archie Underwood will hold the office until tile 1961 convention in Tacoma LIVING IN NEW JERSEY Word has been received from Mrs. Lena Isaksoll that she is now ill Teaneek, N.J., and will be stay- ing with her niece, Alice Sundvoll, for an indefinite period. BABY BOY Mr. and Mrs. Rod Brockley of Salem, Ore., became the proud parents of a son, Lawrence Lee, Oct. 9, in Salem General Hospital. Doting grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe McAlfrey, and great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whiting. ATTENDING CONVENTION Attending the annual state con- vention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union are Mrs. David Turner, Mrs. Nena P. Roberts, Mrs. Howard White and Miss Mar- tan Johnson. The ladies were driv- en to the convention in Everett by Mrs. Palmer Roberts. Figure Control SLIM-N-TRIM 323 Franklin - HA 6-8293 iellll NIIItLI IIVlMIIBI BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Support the Annual Fund Drive This is your opportunity to support the .84 Mason county boys in the Scout- ing program. SHELTON PORCHLIGHT DRIVE Monday, November 2nd Leave your porchlight on. HOODSPORT - HOOD CANAL AREA Tuesday Evening November 3rd PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY RELY ON IMPSON LO661NO CO. • McCLEARY • OLYMPIA tmm m LNO wo.eo..o.ouHI0t m t..n,!Oil Our 64th Year ttost Dist. (onf,lb, 2 (',ounties Merge Mrs, thldolph Srh|li(ll, Wash- iuKton Slat(' presidenl of lhe Ped- Cl';I i Oil V()III;I l]'S (:lllbs, s}Iys she likes any t'oloJ' .jusl. ;4o il is or- ;lllgc. Mrs. S(.hnlidl, g'll(St Spoakel' .f Ihe £rasoll County 1)islrict Con- VellliOIl, \\;VOle an ,live .lieel], vvooI dI'('NS alld it /)lll'IIl_ ()I'KII( ('rh)Che hat. M a,;. Nina Milh,r, president of tile lh)od C;tltal (2hill, l)resented her with a g'ol(I (:orsHo'( (.'()lllph- lll0!'ll ill K her cos|tlllle. l)llrJrw' the btlsiness nleeting heht in lhe morning, Oct. 21, tile Minion C.otmty l,'elieration deeid- (!(I IO lllt'l'g'C with the Pierc(! l'en- insula I,'ederated 1)isUi(:t. After COllltllillet; reporl.s and ol.hei' l'Ol.l- lille bllsiness a lnotion was he|de lO adj(lllrn for hmch. The l:l)les, covered wil:h, hire dolhs, were decorated with pump- kins, squash and leaves. Bunches of dye.d Pampus grass and vine maple carried out the auturnn theme in the club house. The afternoon session was open- ed with two vocal solos by Mrs. A. L. Gouley, "Consider the Lilies" and "At Dawning". Using as her theme a quotation from Exodus IV, verse 2, "And the Lord said unto him, What is that in your hand? And he said, A rod." Mrs. Schmidt explained, "Anyone can achieve great things," if they take stock of their talents and make use of them. The Federated Woman's Cluhs arc very diversified in their scope of interest which cover many fields of endeavor. Mrs. Schmidt named a few from which clubs can choose their projects. They include conservation, home-life, scholarships, honoring teachers, CARE and education. Of great interest to the clubs of Yakima where there is a pre- dominance of illiteracy, is the program of education. In the state of Washington there are 65,590 adults who cammt read or write.. The majority are foreign- ers, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese. Some are Negro. The Women's dubs ill that area are spon)ring classes in Sunnyside, Yakima and Wapato to teach these people. Mrs. Schmidt told of the satis- fa:tion she got in teaching an old Negro woman nf seventy to write. She quoted tile old woman, "Now ah can go to the bsnk and put my name on my checks instead of that ol' X." There are ten to twelve illiter. ate l)e()ide in Mason county. Andrea Kneeland, Jerrold Lehman ii+iii ? :: 7 {i !}:!i:id:i : { ;!, :: ::':: ': ...........: 9i: ::{:::;..!!;!!  iiii::::, i} {i} }i:!: ::: ::, ........ :}4::: ¢ ' :!. :: ' ":':'i: ii; : !i!;ii : :::i:i::% ' :: : !:: : ! : :[:i:!'i;: : i:i: rii::!!?: ii:ig!!:i :, :::::,. : ::;.. : ;: ,:,{;;:¢.; , .: .,, ',iiiiii!:i: ========================= :' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i:}:ff: .!:ir!il;!::g::'::!7!ii!:i )i37:: 177i:ii:: : 7: ![ii:::i!:i!ii{ *L"I e "''"''' "'''''' '"': ' 4'' '" ...... : ':':'' .... i::;:;:: :7;iri.i:;: i:::i:i:7{[:]!i:!!;!:i iiiii:ii:ii!:!:i:!:ii:i,.:::!::.!!::!:'!:!ii31:i]ii{ial MISS ANDREA KNEELAND, 1959 Forest Festival queen, be- came the aRraottve bride of Mr. Jerrold C. Lehman in a double ring ceremony in the home of he bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kneeland. (Dean photo.) * $ The home of Mr. and Mr.. Tom Kneeland was the scene of the re- cent marriage of their daughter, Andrea to .Mr. Jerrold C. Leh- man, son of Mr. Chester Lehman, Olympia and Mrs. George Still- well, San Diego, Calif. Baskets of pastel gladiolas and lemon leaves decorated tile home for the occasion. The Rev. Carl J. Carlsen read the double ring cere- mony. The bridegroom sang "I Love You, Truly" and Mr. James Shumate, "The Lord's Prayer", ac- companied by Mrs. Lout Larson at the organ. For her wedding, the bride bor- rowed from Mrs. Tom Kneeland, Jr., her sister-in-law, a full length gown of imported pearl white Du- 3toni silk and Chantilly lace. Tte sculptured bodice featured a sa- brina neckline and bridal point sleeves. Her tulle veil, fashioned by the bride, was (:might by a rhinestone tiarra. She carried a ca.scading heart shaped bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemnnls. Mrs. Roy Tayh)r, matron of honor wore a sort pink ballerina length princess style gowa kVJ. scooped neck of sheer nylon. Sh'e carried a crescent shal)ed arrangc- ment of pink chrysanthennnns. Mr. Michael Bryan of Olympia $ $ was best man, Mr. Jean Myers, candlelighter and Messers Tom Kneeland, Jr., McMinnville, Ore., brother of the bride and R. D. Rayson, brother-in-law of the hride, Everett, ushers. Mrs. Kneeland chose nn ice blue brocaded sheath with rose chrys- anthenlum corsage, for her daugh- ter's wedding. hn,nediately following the nup- tials, a reception honoring the new Mr. and Mrs. Lehnlan was held. Bouquets of pink chrysan- themums decorated the rccepti(m table where the three tiered wed- ding cake was centered. The cake was decorated with pink roses and topped with the traditional minia- ture bridal couple. Serving the appointments s,t the reception were Mrs. R, D. Ray- son, sister of tile hrMe., Mrs. Michael Brynn, Mrs. Gene Stock- well, (:ousin of the bride and Miss Karen Wesl hind. For the scenic wedding trip to San Diego, tile new Mrs. Lehman changed to a pink taffeta dress with scOt)lied neckline and three i (lllarter sleeves. • Mrs Lehman was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and Mr. Lehman, Williaro Wlnloek Miller high school, Olympia. He is now serving in the US Army. ooox.,, ,. w,os, x .: / :Recipe Favoritls of Aunty Residents. aisins, spices and flour'. Bake in loaf pan 40 minutes in 325 degree oven. LAUREL COURT ' • . . --q 00v'rvS OFFI(ERS • 1.: ll Jk ()lTicers were honorPd at the ! ]asl in(R!t ing (if Laul'e] (onlllq No. 26. Order of Anlal'anth. Presiding ;It the ll()nol' lligllt lllee|iIlg \\;vele: t{L Marie Rmmion, ILM; SK \\;\'il- lialll Anderson, [{I'. The chapter I'OOnl Hnd dining i hall were (lecorated in a ga.y i'll{ 14alloween motif fro' the OC(:}tsiou. l Alu()ng Llle honort,d gtlesls "were[ Royal hatv'orts, I.atrons, Associ:tte  luatrons, p a t r o n S, SCCI'e[ al'ies, Pa TEMPERANCE INSURANGE EXOHANGE FIRE • AUTO • CASUALTY Robert Shane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 1 i'elisln'ers, COlldtl('tresses, aSs(if:i- .............. ,, ate (!ondtl(_,tresses, fl'Olll l tie hcal ] " " ' '' ' ,,, , ,,, and visiting C()tLrts. I SKATING AT SHELTON ROLLER ARENA Grand officers visiling I,am'ell (OlU't vcere HL Hazel ()hiTler. Pasl I (]rand R()yal Matron; IlL Dorothy[ M "di, th, IlL Francis Blaznt, Hf j Hattie I{untley, and SK Clarence I Perkins, t Two new officers were instalh:,d during the meeling. They were HL I Hal lie Pierce, charity and HL Ila Chase. ilistorian. Instlling offi- cers were SK ,Villianl Anderson, RP, HL Ella McCulloeh, PRM an(I SK Ernest l{unnion, PRP. %Vednesday, Nov. 11 Laurel Court will meet to i)ra(?tieo for lhe official visit of SK Fred H,qrper, Gran(i Assistant: Lecturer. HL Francis Bland, Grand assistant lecturer will assist the. court at the practice. All officers are ask- ed to be at the Masonic Temple at 7::¢0 p.m. DANCE CLASSES SLATED Anyone interested ill learning to dance are asked to call Mrs. Jim Grimes, HA 6-8269, Mrs. Kyron Wilson, HA 6-342:] after 5:30 p.m. or Mrs. R. C. Viger, Union 287. The clas..s will be formed as soon as 15 couples can be signed. II I II Olympic ttwy. No. at ",T" Friday Night - 7:30 p.m. Sat. Morning - 10 to Noon Sat. Afternoon - 1:30 - 4 Sat. Evening - 7:30- 10:30 Sunday Afternoon 1:30 - 4 For Parties Call HA (;-3494 i ,i i ii ii I I "[ n ' ill .... I1 i i ...... ANTI- ll: E: UN,IO0 PERMANENT All-Winter 15 gal. Protection I, ETHYLENE PREVENTS CLOGGING. GLYCOL BASE UNICO PERMANENT RUST, CORROSION, FOAMING AND IT WON'T EVAPORATE. ORDER YOURS NOW  116 No. First I H A 6-4373 j I w,m,.m ¢..m.n / I I I I I "ii ¸ . : ". Mr Evelene Farrell Mrs. Evelene Farrell, whose hob- by i fafi¢'ywork, offers this recipe to M$on county homemakers as a ty desert for lunchboxes. Eflgiet App|esauce Cake I cu aweetened applesauce 1 teaspoon soda / cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 tea@Don salt cup ground raisins 1 teaspoon each -- cinnamon, nutmeg, all-spice 2 cups flour Mix together applesauce and so- da. Cream butter, sugar and salt, add applesauce mixture, then add Oia. Of 'M To Be Honored Irene S. Reed high school will be honoring the class of 1954 at the annual Homecoming assembly, Nov. 5. Any '54 graduate wishing to participate in the program is asked to call HA 6-8464 or HA 6-3132. Luncheons to Aid Children's Hospital The Dorca, Meyers Smith Orth- opedic Guild teld its last meeting in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Oruver with Mrs. Robert Turner assisting. A luncheon was held in the home of Mrs. Jim Rattone, Wed- neaday, Oct. 1, for mermbers and friertds. Proceeds from regular onCa.month luncheons will be the group's money making project :for the year. You always score hngh with good grooming $ LU r°Y °meli :;;; [ o f!:: ::}re i:liii' t!;!iv i:!ii:hi ! : i  spot and st?in..., r:capture dazzling fresh?es y::'l; : t; ::i: fall' Our pric':s? Pantor,:m, t0Cleaners October 2fL ]959 TV Repairs Technicians he tops in TV service the best in enjoyment. Let us both for you. Call On ROWS Service MT. VIEW Hiway No. HA. 6-3172 UP TO! $1000 I',:,, Social Even ts gHELTON-MA,0N COUNTY J0[TRNAL--=Publihed in "Ohri.tmastow,, U.,A.," Shelton, Wa.tlin ttood (:anal Women!Kneeland Home Wedding Unites "Society Editor • Beve Wells . Phone HA 6-4412 Hillcrest Homemakers To Meet at Jackson's Mrs. Vilfre(I Ja(:ks()n's honle will be the scene of the next Hill- crest ttomemakers Club, Wednes- day, heKinning with a noon pot- luct( luncheon. Hostesses for tile meeting will be Mrs, Jackson and Mrs. Mary Trotter. Last Ttmsday, the members at- lended the anmml Christmas open honse of the ]{s()n Collnty ill tile Armory. The last meeting of the club was held in tile home of Mrs. May Burgess with 13 members present. FAMILY GAME NIGHT A family game night will be hehl this evening, Thursday, be- ginning at seven o'clock in the parish hall of St. Edward's Catho- lic church. Cath prizes will be awarded hy the members of Our Lady of the Woods Altar Society Guild. PROMPTLY, P_RIVATELY" one7 for:any worthy []purpose on Signature' l-tr;p servi00..00, phone Railroad Ave.--Phone: HA. 6-4447, Shelton |CNOOt| Democrats Plan Meeting. Dinner The lh, ( ( rali(. (:,nl r:d rom- lllitleo wishes to illlll()illl(,(! lhat there will be 11 iliIie ('oilnlv ]eH.'lle lneeting al 2 p.ln. S:llllrdity, Nov. 7, ill lhe At|l/cry. Following lhe nw.l ing :ill oyster ste%v alld dessel'L will I),, ,m)rvr(l from 'I until 7 p.m. The rneelin wilt be open to all inler,slelt l)ern- oerats and the dinl]el' is o])t!fl tl the public. WWI VETERANS TO MEEI NOV. 6 Delegates of tile S)l,..]l.()tl Navy Mothers ('.hlb, who attended tile second bi-,'tn nnal (:onvenlion of, Washington St:de NMCA In('.. Oct. 13 and 14 in Seattle were pleased to have one of their nunlber elect- e(I to the office of trtlslee. Mrs. Archie Underwood will hold the office until tile 1961 convention in Tacoma LIVING IN NEW JERSEY Word has been received from Mrs. Lena Isaksoll that she is now ill Teaneek, N.J., and will be stay- ing with her niece, Alice Sundvoll, for an indefinite period. BABY BOY Mr. and Mrs. Rod Brockley of Salem, Ore., became the proud parents of a son, Lawrence Lee, Oct. 9, in Salem General Hospital. Doting grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe McAlfrey, and great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whiting. ATTENDING CONVENTION Attending the annual state con- vention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union are Mrs. David Turner, Mrs. Nena P. Roberts, Mrs. Howard White and Miss Mar- tan Johnson. The ladies were driv- en to the convention in Everett by Mrs. Palmer Roberts. Figure Control SLIM-N-TRIM 323 Franklin - HA 6-8293 iellll NIIItLI IIVlMIIBI BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Support the Annual Fund Drive This is your opportunity to support the .84 Mason county boys in the Scout- ing program. SHELTON PORCHLIGHT DRIVE Monday, November 2nd Leave your porchlight on. HOODSPORT - HOOD CANAL AREA Tuesday Evening November 3rd PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY RELY ON IMPSON LO661NO CO. • McCLEARY • OLYMPIA tmm m LNO wo.eo..o.ouHI0t m t..n,!Oil Our 64th Year ttost Dist. (onf,lb, 2 (',ounties Merge Mrs, thldolph Srh|li(ll, Wash- iuKton Slat(' presidenl of lhe Ped- Cl';I i Oil V()III;I l]'S (:lllbs, s}Iys she likes any t'oloJ' .jusl. ;4o il is or- ;lllgc. Mrs. S(.hnlidl, g'll(St Spoakel' .f Ihe £rasoll County 1)islrict Con- VellliOIl, \\;VOle an ,live .lieel], vvooI dI'('NS alld it /)lll'IIl_ ()I'KII( ('rh)Che hat. M a,;. Nina Milh,r, president of tile lh)od C;tltal (2hill, l)resented her with a g'ol(I (:orsHo'( (.'()lllph- lll0!'ll ill K her cos|tlllle. l)llrJrw' the btlsiness nleeting heht in lhe morning, Oct. 21, tile Minion C.otmty l,'elieration deeid- (!(I IO lllt'l'g'C with the Pierc(! l'en- insula I,'ederated 1)isUi(:t. After COllltllillet; reporl.s and ol.hei' l'Ol.l- lille bllsiness a lnotion was he|de lO adj(lllrn for hmch. The l:l)les, covered wil:h, hire dolhs, were decorated with pump- kins, squash and leaves. Bunches of dye.d Pampus grass and vine maple carried out the auturnn theme in the club house. The afternoon session was open- ed with two vocal solos by Mrs. A. L. Gouley, "Consider the Lilies" and "At Dawning". Using as her theme a quotation from Exodus IV, verse 2, "And the Lord said unto him, What is that in your hand? And he said, A rod." Mrs. Schmidt explained, "Anyone can achieve great things," if they take stock of their talents and make use of them. The Federated Woman's Cluhs arc very diversified in their scope of interest which cover many fields of endeavor. Mrs. Schmidt named a few from which clubs can choose their projects. They include conservation, home-life, scholarships, honoring teachers, CARE and education. Of great interest to the clubs of Yakima where there is a pre- dominance of illiteracy, is the program of education. In the state of Washington there are 65,590 adults who cammt read or write.. The majority are foreign- ers, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese. Some are Negro. The Women's dubs ill that area are spon)ring classes in Sunnyside, Yakima and Wapato to teach these people. Mrs. Schmidt told of the satis- fa:tion she got in teaching an old Negro woman nf seventy to write. She quoted tile old woman, "Now ah can go to the bsnk and put my name on my checks instead of that ol' X." There are ten to twelve illiter. ate l)e()ide in Mason county. Andrea Kneeland, Jerrold Lehman ii+iii ? :: 7 {i !}:!i:id:i : { ;!, :: ::':: ': ...........: 9i: ::{:::;..!!;!!  iiii::::, i} {i} }i:!: ::: ::, ........ :}4::: ¢ ' :!. :: ' ":':'i: ii; : !i!;ii : :::i:i::% ' :: : !:: : ! : :[:i:!'i;: : i:i: rii::!!?: ii:ig!!:i :, :::::,. : ::;.. : ;: ,:,{;;:¢.; , .: .,, ',iiiiii!:i: ========================= :' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i:}:ff: .!:ir!il;!::g::'::!7!ii!:i )i37:: 177i:ii:: : 7: ![ii:::i!:i!ii{ *L"I e "''"''' "'''''' '"': ' 4'' '" ...... : ':':'' .... i::;:;:: :7;iri.i:;: i:::i:i:7{[:]!i:!!;!:i iiiii:ii:ii!:!:i:!:ii:i,.:::!::.!!::!:'!:!ii31:i]ii{ial MISS ANDREA KNEELAND, 1959 Forest Festival queen, be- came the aRraottve bride of Mr. Jerrold C. Lehman in a double ring ceremony in the home of he bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kneeland. (Dean photo.) * $ The home of Mr. and Mr.. Tom Kneeland was the scene of the re- cent marriage of their daughter, Andrea to .Mr. Jerrold C. Leh- man, son of Mr. Chester Lehman, Olympia and Mrs. George Still- well, San Diego, Calif. Baskets of pastel gladiolas and lemon leaves decorated tile home for the occasion. The Rev. Carl J. Carlsen read the double ring cere- mony. The bridegroom sang "I Love You, Truly" and Mr. James Shumate, "The Lord's Prayer", ac- companied by Mrs. Lout Larson at the organ. For her wedding, the bride bor- rowed from Mrs. Tom Kneeland, Jr., her sister-in-law, a full length gown of imported pearl white Du- 3toni silk and Chantilly lace. Tte sculptured bodice featured a sa- brina neckline and bridal point sleeves. Her tulle veil, fashioned by the bride, was (:might by a rhinestone tiarra. She carried a ca.scading heart shaped bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemnnls. Mrs. Roy Tayh)r, matron of honor wore a sort pink ballerina length princess style gowa kVJ. scooped neck of sheer nylon. Sh'e carried a crescent shal)ed arrangc- ment of pink chrysanthennnns. Mr. Michael Bryan of Olympia $ $ was best man, Mr. Jean Myers, candlelighter and Messers Tom Kneeland, Jr., McMinnville, Ore., brother of the bride and R. D. Rayson, brother-in-law of the hride, Everett, ushers. Mrs. Kneeland chose nn ice blue brocaded sheath with rose chrys- anthenlum corsage, for her daugh- ter's wedding. hn,nediately following the nup- tials, a reception honoring the new Mr. and Mrs. Lehnlan was held. Bouquets of pink chrysan- themums decorated the rccepti(m table where the three tiered wed- ding cake was centered. The cake was decorated with pink roses and topped with the traditional minia- ture bridal couple. Serving the appointments s,t the reception were Mrs. R, D. Ray- son, sister of tile hrMe., Mrs. Michael Brynn, Mrs. Gene Stock- well, (:ousin of the bride and Miss Karen Wesl hind. For the scenic wedding trip to San Diego, tile new Mrs. Lehman changed to a pink taffeta dress with scOt)lied neckline and three i (lllarter sleeves. • Mrs Lehman was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and Mr. Lehman, Williaro Wlnloek Miller high school, Olympia. He is now serving in the US Army. ooox.,, ,. w,os, x .: / :Recipe Favoritls of Aunty Residents. aisins, spices and flour'. Bake in loaf pan 40 minutes in 325 degree oven. LAUREL COURT ' • . . --q 00v'rvS OFFI(ERS • 1.: ll Jk ()lTicers were honorPd at the ! ]asl in(R!t ing (if Laul'e] (onlllq No. 26. Order of Anlal'anth. Presiding ;It the ll()nol' lligllt lllee|iIlg \\;vele: t{L Marie Rmmion, ILM; SK \\;\'il- lialll Anderson, [{I'. The chapter I'OOnl Hnd dining i hall were (lecorated in a ga.y i'll{ 14alloween motif fro' the OC(:}tsiou. l Alu()ng Llle honort,d gtlesls "were[ Royal hatv'orts, I.atrons, Associ:tte  luatrons, p a t r o n S, SCCI'e[ al'ies, Pa TEMPERANCE INSURANGE EXOHANGE FIRE • AUTO • CASUALTY Robert Shane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 1 i'elisln'ers, COlldtl('tresses, aSs(if:i- .............. ,, ate (!ondtl(_,tresses, fl'Olll l tie hcal ] " " ' '' ' ,,, , ,,, and visiting C()tLrts. I SKATING AT SHELTON ROLLER ARENA Grand officers visiling I,am'ell (OlU't vcere HL Hazel ()hiTler. Pasl I (]rand R()yal Matron; IlL Dorothy[ M "di, th, IlL Francis Blaznt, Hf j Hattie I{untley, and SK Clarence I Perkins, t Two new officers were instalh:,d during the meeling. They were HL I Hal lie Pierce, charity and HL Ila Chase. ilistorian. Instlling offi- cers were SK ,Villianl Anderson, RP, HL Ella McCulloeh, PRM an(I SK Ernest l{unnion, PRP. %Vednesday, Nov. 11 Laurel Court will meet to i)ra(?tieo for lhe official visit of SK Fred H,qrper, Gran(i Assistant: Lecturer. HL Francis Bland, Grand assistant lecturer will assist the. court at the practice. All officers are ask- ed to be at the Masonic Temple at 7::¢0 p.m. DANCE CLASSES SLATED Anyone interested ill learning to dance are asked to call Mrs. Jim Grimes, HA 6-8269, Mrs. Kyron Wilson, HA 6-342:] after 5:30 p.m. or Mrs. R. C. Viger, Union 287. The clas..s will be formed as soon as 15 couples can be signed. II I II Olympic ttwy. No. at ",T" Friday Night - 7:30 p.m. Sat. Morning - 10 to Noon Sat. Afternoon - 1:30 - 4 Sat. Evening - 7:30- 10:30 Sunday Afternoon 1:30 - 4 For Parties Call HA (;-3494 i ,i i ii ii I I "[ n ' ill .... I1 i i ...... ANTI- ll: E: UN,IO0 PERMANENT All-Winter 15 gal. Protection I, ETHYLENE PREVENTS CLOGGING. GLYCOL BASE UNICO PERMANENT RUST, CORROSION, FOAMING AND IT WON'T EVAPORATE. ORDER YOURS NOW  116 No. First I H A 6-4373 j I w,m,.m ¢..m.n / I I I I I "ii ¸ . : ". Mr Evelene Farrell Mrs. Evelene Farrell, whose hob- by i fafi¢'ywork, offers this recipe to M$on county homemakers as a ty desert for lunchboxes. Eflgiet App|esauce Cake I cu aweetened applesauce 1 teaspoon soda / cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 tea@Don salt cup ground raisins 1 teaspoon each -- cinnamon, nutmeg, all-spice 2 cups flour Mix together applesauce and so- da. Cream butter, sugar and salt, add applesauce mixture, then add Oia. Of 'M To Be Honored Irene S. Reed high school will be honoring the class of 1954 at the annual Homecoming assembly, Nov. 5. Any '54 graduate wishing to participate in the program is asked to call HA 6-8464 or HA 6-3132. Luncheons to Aid Children's Hospital The Dorca, Meyers Smith Orth- opedic Guild teld its last meeting in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Oruver with Mrs. Robert Turner assisting. A luncheon was held in the home of Mrs. Jim Rattone, Wed- neaday, Oct. 1, for mermbers and friertds. Proceeds from regular onCa.month luncheons will be the group's money making project :for the year. You always score hngh with good grooming $ LU r°Y °meli :;;; [ o f!:: ::}re i:liii' t!;!iv i:!ii:hi ! : i  spot and st?in..., r:capture dazzling fresh?es y::'l; : t; ::i: fall' Our pric':s? Pantor,:m, t0Cleaners