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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ps, :]4 News Items Fro m 00nths!de &apos; Ray Kratcha al ut their[ lrojects • :l . year, Ch vet Kids 4-H Club met at and the first year girls will have Mary Elhm Harrinlans and all "let's cook" for their project and present except Sheryl Krie- the second year giyls will have hds who is in the hospital. Th<v "let's hake" for theirs. The club worked on their new record books i md made "Sateliles" for the, :ehool carnlvM. ']'he club has de- cided to take three projects for the new year. The next meeting will be held at Patty Jo MeWs home on N()vetnher 12. Guests of Mr. and Mr,. Roy l-:rumbaugh for the weekeud were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ward of Sea ttle. Sonthside Grange Booster Night hacta wwy nice turnout. The Wag- ner boys ltnd D(an Dewell enter- lained with accordion and saxo- I)hone music and Alf Ribbons showed movies. Willing Workers 4-H Club as- sen]bled for their first achieve- ment night Saturday night and -ach boy proudly accepted their awards from the past prcsideut, [)avid Puhn, and determined to go f.rth and do their best again this ,year. The 4-H boys made a fine .,.',hewing. for their first year in i-It work. Congratulations Will- ir, g' Workers. Friendship Club met at Mrs. Pobert St,)ys '/Vednosday mid they (.,!lebrated Ethyl P, racy's and Al- ma. Hurst's hirihdays for October. Mrs, Vie Dani,lson gave a demon- st,at(on on making toy puppies from bath towels and wash ch)th. The next meeting of the club will be held at Mrs. Ivan Ho0tman's on November 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Clapper arrived home Tuesday after be- ing gone for about five weeks. The Clappers attended a nation- wide Clapper clan reunion in Ohio and visited friends and relatives in Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. Busy Bell 4-H Club met at Mrs. Dora Jackson's Thursday. The f)ur new members of the club are Toni and JoAnn Cole, Dixie (a- Fond and Beth Quimby. The club girls had tleir mothers there and; Mrs. Jane Windsor told the girls elected officers for the new year, and those elected were president, Sue Smith; vice president, Beth Quimby; secretary, Darlene Holt- orf; treasurer, Becky Jackson, and reporter, Diane Purvls. They also lalkecl about achievement night and refz,eshments were served. The next meeting will be held on No- vember 12. Arcadia. Club met at Ella Chap- pews on Mill Creek Wednesday. The next meeting of the club will be held at Opal Asche's on Novem- bcr 4, and all club members are reminded to pay their 1960 dues. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden Sunday for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden, Mike and' Robin. Time Watchers 4-H Club met Oct, 15 and 22, and at both meet- lngs discussed projects. On Oct. 15, Jane Windsor met with the Time Watchers and mothers to tell about projects available for the club and to explain them. All members attended Achievement Night Oct. 24, and received their pins, ribbons and last year's rec- ord books. The next meeting will be held at Edith BedeWs on Oc- toher 29, Visitors of Mrs. Ruth Kadoun and Kim Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tindall, Bren- da, Sharon and Joe, of Stletz, Ore,,, and Mrs. Core Letter and Sandra. Callers on Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Wolden Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Newton and Malissa of Forest Grove, Ore. Mill Creek What Nots 4-H Club met at Mrs. Ben Drake's Monday evening. The secretary took the minutes with I6 members present, two junior leaders and one moth- er was a guest of the club, Karen Wolf gave a sample demonstratipn on wood working. The four boys enrolled in wood working project w I iiiiiiiii I [ I [ I [ I rjl . I LIII I Davidson and Goodwin's Evergreen Texaco Service Representative in Mason County for i)l,00)ia _& Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY High Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils 1st and Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE I I I III I II I II SHELTON-MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAE-- Publi,qhed in "Obrstma.tmrn, U.,R.A.," Shelton, Washin Boy Scouts Set Porchlite Drive Thl The Annual Mason District Boy Scout Pund Drive was "kicked off" at a 7 a.m, breakfast at the Shelton Hotel last week. The first salvo in the battle of the budget for Tumwater Area Council. Ma- son District has 484 of the 3506 Boy Scouts in the Council, which has a budget of $37,016 for 1960. The total effort for the drive will consist of the Downtown Drive, which is being chairmaned by Kurt Mann, and which is al- most completed. The Porehlite Drive in Shelton is to be on Monday evening, Nov. '2, and is being managed by joint chairmen Jack Jefferies and Jim Barrom, assisted by a crew of Block Captains. It is suggested that Shelton reidents leave their porch lights on that evening and give generously when solicited. Hoodsport area will be worked Tuesday evening, Nov. 3, by their local Scouters and members of the Legion Post there which sponsors the Hoodsport Scout Troop. The Business Drive wlll be ex- tended by mailed solicitations to out of town businesses and others not personally contacted. And fi- /tally the Special Gifts contacts will wind up the drive. It is hoped that everyone is aware of the value of Scouting in a community, and of the effort UILt Ii,&, IJlll lJltt, U Y AIII;tXLV UL our neighbors in helping your boys to attain the objectives of Scouting: Citizenship Training, Character Building and Physical Pltnass. will glw; a demonstration at the next meeting. Vicki I.tChance gave a demonstration on cocoa syrup. Donuts and cider were rved. for a Hallowe'en treat, and Karen Wolf was presented with a gift for her work last year with the club, and games were played, The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Ben Drakes on Nov. 16, and :they are going to phm their Christmas party. The Navy's Military Sea Trans- portation Service was activated on Oct. 1, 1949, thereby combining the services of both Army and Navy transports ferrying troops and supplies throughout the world. 000ySXERY MANiLarge Crowd Atten00 e T 0" 00a!VoeSt Dinner i'iiii00i" ' • i i IN JOURNAL S WHO'S WHO STORY I :., i ; ! *° were d home of BY BILL DICKIE Mary M. Knight school last Sat- team lost their game to Moclips, Archie Kelly. Journal Editor tlrday. Allan Hickson, P.T.O. pres- Monday, Oct. 26 by the score of (dent takes this opportunity to 30 to 18. Miss Janie These characters who work thank each and every one who New residents we are welcom- last week around the Jonrnal office are a jolly lot, let me tell you! Just try passing the buck to them and you wind tip on tile l)us- incss end of a boomerang. Listen to my story, friends! A week hack I spent Thur:ay afternoon on Ii Cook's totlr of the magnificent country I)on Warmnn ha under his jorisdiction as su- pervisor of the U.S. Forest St'r- vice Hoodsport district, all day Friday on the trip to Paste to cov- er our Highclimbers at their grid- iron labors, und there was some kind of business I jnst don't re- call offhand requiring my aticn- tion ill the neighbt,rhood of the University stadium in Seattle that Saturday afternoon. So the problem was, when do I get time to dope out a mystery character for this Who's Who thing we're running? "You guys figure it out," I said, blithely waving so loug. Well, when the cat's away the mice do phty, as we all Icnow, so here you contestants are stuck with yours truly as the week's mystery character . . . because their sly little minds figured it was National Newspaper Week so why not the editor. He fingered fire chief Deer dur- Ing fire prevention week, didn't he? Sure he did. Well, anyway, they figured out 37 hints for you to find, some of them real flattcring. . . yeah, like: never on time, except for game (Eells & Valley, 18). And that once known as a "cub" (Mode O' Day, 16). I d been trying to soft- pedal that memory from my rook- ie reporter days for 25 years. They got that one in, too, here 25 years (Kimbel Motors, 2) which is okay but they must have been testing my temper control when they let the world know that "we call him I Willie" {Shelton Hotel, 16). And just because I happened to be boru in Missouri did they bare to put it down I was a mule-state, by birth (Lawton Lumber, 4)? i I must admit I'm a sports "nut" (OK Rubber Welders, 16), a l deadline detester (Waterfront Realty, 19), a Monday morning! quarterback lL.M., 18l, some- what of a sportsman (L.M., 9), a Mason (Rex Fh)or Covering, 16), a Legionnaire lL.M., 10), an Is- land Laker by residence (J&J Ser- vice, 16) blue-eyed (Johnny's Mu- sic Box, 3) and have a strong yen to return to Hawaii (Water- front Realty, 19). I'm also a member of the UW class of '34 (Coasl-to-Coast, 16), a Kiwanian (helton Electric, 16), art ex-Chamber president (Lcroy's ,Television, 10), a partner in bus- iness firm (Hcrb Angle, 19), that my middle name (McCully) dis- i i/!ii BILL DICKIE closes Scotch ancestry (20th Cen- tre'y, 20), and I was a dry-land sailor during World War II (20thl Century, 20). Being a newspaperman I'm in the by-line business (Forest lIow - er. 16), a typewriter is essential tool (L.M.. 9), I'm a photographer of sorts (Johnny's Music Box, 16), make-up's Important to him (Me- Conkey Pharmary, 16), and when I sell advertising I'm a space ped- dler (Sears, 18). A newspaper- man also diseminates information (Herb Angle, 19), eats by words (C. C. Cole &Sones, 16), and is observing national week now (Kit- sap-Mason Dairy, 6). As one who doesn't smoke (Rit- ner's Broiler, 16) I'm an odd-ball among scriveners but with the ma- jority wno wears glasses I]moe[ Motors, 12). The Dick(e-bird gives rise to the fabled bird of same name (20th Century, 20) and there's an article of clothing of same name lL.M., 9) called a dickey. Then, of course, that first name fouls up budgets and how (LM, 9) My ancient jalopy bears license number XAF-042 (Eelis & Valley, 12) and for recreation I Hke to bowl (Shelton Recreation, 16). That ju about wraps up the list except for one which means noth- ing to anyone else but this jolly crew around here. It was treas- ures raincoat (M & S, 16). Some- time I'll tell you that story. To add a little more mileage on a well-worn cliche of this busi- ness, that's thirty, as the crew put it so appropriately in the very last column of the very last in the 20th Century ad. page worked so hard making the dinner ing to the vicinity are Mr. and a success. The tables were decor- Mrs. James Mays and six chil- sled with beautiful shades of dren, who have bought the Ed dahlias for centerpieces. Pulver ranch in "Deckerville", The first six grades at the Mary two miles west of the Matlock M. Knight school will have their store. They formerly lived at Halloween party this Friday aft- Westport. ernoon at the school. The room Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Johnson mothers and teachers will be in have moved from the Lake to the charge of the party. Skokomish Valley where they re- Unioniles Reunited, Fishing Boat Returns cently purchased a home from Ned Rucker. Mr. Johnson is em- ployed at the Skokomish Fish Hatchery. We wish them well in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster of Wildcat Lake were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pahner and two children of Seattle spent Sat- urday and Sunday at their cabin here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogben of ! Walla Walla, Wash. were weekend' guests of their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogbem Other guests were Mr. Hogben's sister and family, Mr .and Mrs. Lynn Kelly and Tracy of Malta, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Guinette and daughter Jan were in Shelton last weekend as guests of Mrs. Guin- ette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iohnson. i Miss Roberts Crape has been staying in Shelton the past few; days as a guest of Miss Shirley Hopkins. CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mueller (Joan Trenckmann on the birth of their baby son last wee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann of at. 1, El- ms, are the maternal grandpar- ents. Last week on Wednesday eve- sing Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sellers of By Ethel Dalby UNION.-- The return of the trawler, the Lonny L, from the fishing banks near Ketchikan, Alaska, was a joyful occasion for M:s. Pauline Wyatt and son Vern, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Keller, first mate and skipper of the craft. Mrs. Keller is the daugh- ter of Mrs. Wyatt. The Kellers left for AasRa ear- ly in April, and have been located for the most 15arL at ELfs hflet which is near Ketchikan. They have put in a very busy and fi- nancially lucr&tive six months. The fit mate handles the lines and gear and also cleans the daily catch for the fish buyer to pick up in the evening. The skipper puts in a fairly busy day at the wheel house during the fishing season and taking a little time off to de- vote to ship's galley duties. The Kellers live aooard theh' craft and have also been taking the trip northward each spring for the past 15 years. It may be assumed the skipper has picked up a few salty and nautical terms along the way, which same miglt lead to a few interesting incidents during the first days at home and walking on a floor with an even keel. She might speak for instance of swabbing out the galley, or put. tiny the book on the sa'bo'd bunk, or the jelly in the locker to port until being used to a stationary home on dry land. As several others of their friends who are a htmband and wife crew, with no outside help or crew, the Kellers apply themselves serious- ly to the taking of King salmon during their run, and with cohoe after the kings are through. This year's run of kings was exce.tion- ally good, according to fisher- men's reports. The kohoes how- ever were reported as not being up to the usual take. It all sounds like a wonderful and exciting venture, that is for one season, but then who knows better about the romance and ad- venture to be found in this busi- ness than the KeIIers, themselves, First Mate and Skipper? I I .... II i % II I I I I arm was well (lay to :ettu'n to the Mary M. Knight The Matlock will hold a Friday evening fo: at 7:30 p.m. at Miss Charlotte port was a and Mrs. Alien Ray0nier Installs A far-reaching onier's long-range program was this week with Company's new system at the Gra sion. According to (dent manager for $47,000 project completely sepa sanitary sewers facility. Tie-in with quiam sewer lines just as soon as ready for service. "Untreated now widely water pollution "With the cit" position to offer a fective sewage OLlr mill's now be piped to treatment. The pleted called for a in our mill pip: marks an inm our continuing clean water," I'LL PAY A V EVERY WI00] AND THEN MY PIECE I'LL S q OK Rubber Welders likes golf 2226 N. ulympio Hwy. HA 6-4832 Evergreen 00exaeo FIRESTONE TIRES Motor TUneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrloation, Brake Relining 111: & Franklin HA 6-3031 Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton's Favorite" For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner or Just a Snack 125 Cote HA 6-3953 Shelton Union Service • First in tires--U. S. Royal i . Eoonomy Car Wash • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Shelton Hotel "If You Can Find A Better Place To Eat  Try Itl" • Banquet Facilities • 8at. Nito Smorgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6-3341 Leroy's Television SERVICE Motorola Television & Radioe "You Get Guaranteed Quality In Salso and Service" 2218 N. Olympio Hwy. HA 6-3172 ,,,, , ,, Rex Floor Coverings Floor, Wall Kiwanian ! & Countsr Coverings HA 6-2292 1723 Olympic Hwy. N. Sears C00talog SALES OPFICE "Satleftlon Guaranteed or Your Money Baok" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 i Timber AppUance Authorl=ed Dealer • 1111 & Sarvioe i Eltrbal Gontraoting Heating -- Wirlnll HA 6-4633 114 S. nd J & J Service "The Beet Friend YOUr Car Ever Had" Mr. V!ew HA 6-39S9 I I I Iiii I Wlngard's Sport Shop Complete Fishing and Hunting Supplies "Take Along A Buddy" All Retlldent & Non-Res{dent Lloensee 2210 Olymplo Hwy. N. HA 6-6672 III I IIIII II Saeger's Motor Shop • Johnson Outboards • Homelite Power Saws • 8kaglt Boats 8ales & Service HIIIcrest HA 6-4602 THE BEST IN Inauranae Coveeago & loe Angle Agency Insuranoe. I01 Eltato - Travel m 4th & R.R. HA 3272 IIII I II I I LLIIIIII IIII z0ta Century Thrlft00ay "Where Every Customer le Important  HILLCREST I I III Ill Prepp's Rexall Store 'In Buainsle for Youe Health" SHELTON, WA8H. DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar Middle initial C. Shelton Electric 419 Railroad HA 6-6283 e Scout .r Westlnghomm Appltanoes The bllt olts no more ..... III I "LOOk tO tho Freest First" at Eells & Valley APFLIANCE CINTER 123 S. 2fld HA 6-4663 Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut Flowers . Plants Floral Designs Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions Flowers by Wire 313 Railroad HA 6-6513 Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream • Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove HA 6-4473 Les Fields Auto ]Parts INC. Complete line of parts for all oarl & tru©kl Automotive Ma©hlne Shop Tools -- Batteries 22.9 S. First HA 6-3351 - Bill Johnson's Shell Servioe "Servioe Flret -- SatlMaotlon Always" GoodyMr Tires -- N i,L411ver Batteriso F|PSt &: €UI HA 6-3903 Quality at Budget Prices MODE O' DAY Evergreen Squar HA 6-8293 Waterfront Realty featuring 'PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terrace Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 6-8535 Depart- ment Store "Friendly Service 8inoe 1{$95" l00'00rgrcen Fuel Co. DleNI 011 & 8rove 011 Automltl Refill Srvloe 310 S. F]I HA 6-8103 Whe00tley & Keary Co. "Servlae and Qmlllty Flret" Plumbing  Heating Paper  Paint ContPaotin9 wife's name Dotty 317 8. FIrM HA 6-4553 I I II II II ! BOWLING IS FUN O)en Bowling for the Whole Family Friday, Saturday, Sunday avid bowler Shelton Recreation 128 N. Firet HA 6-6252 , BOON'S Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Contraoting  Plumbing Supplies  Oil Burners Furnaces 623 S. First HA 6-3483 M. and S. Food Store Quality Food -- Low Price8 Free Delivery 120 Cota HA 6-4892 € I II 'UW class of '34 2nd & Cota HA 6-6311 ! Fessler's i ICE CREAM CENTER I "You Can't Bettur The Best" I premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular Prices Activian 422 N. First HA 6-6575 For over 2 yars It hoe been MoOonkey's ,or Drugs "Two Looations to Serve You" 306 Railrosd 329 Railroad HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456 I I Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Planes • Organs Acoordlon Leuone Band Instruments Sheet Muaio C. C. Cole & Sons DISTRIBUTOR Standard Oil Procmctl "Trouble Free Fuel OU Semd for the Home" 118 S. Third HA 6-4411 I II BeckwRh's Exeluelve Dealere for 129 Railroad HA 6-3283 Western Auto Supply i "THE FAMILY STORE" WIZARD The Name lur Qality softball receiver 315 S, Firet HA 6-6183 Budget Shop snd Decorating Center Across from Evergreen 6quare II I II III I[ Ill L00wton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools-- Rentals 420 S, First HA 6-4303 Thackeray Electric Co. "Electrical Contraotors" Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Ritner's Broiler "For Fine Foods at Reasonable Prloes" 102 S. First HA 6-4223 I IIIII I I Sll I I Where b Look for 01ues... Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights reserved. Clues may be hidden In ANY ad in this group ad. "v'v'h4:,1 j" appr$ in any of these ads, it means that additlsnal adve[ .15 that merchant appear elsewhere in thi issue of the paper, ' tlonal oluso may be hidden in any of those ads also! i Clues w be scatterecl.., there my be from one to frye any ad  or none. This l a contest of skill  and we int3 our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to out t J RULF00 1.  is a family ftm contesL In,,- tries welcome trom every member of the taUX old .enough to fill out hla or }$r aa Ta, Y submit one ea- try per person at any or all of ths SlnsoHng Melhaate whose 84 sre in the row that l htavlly bordered this week -- but oly one entry per person at a oe store (more than one will dlsquality all entri ot tlmt person. or that wk)..yone may u1. m  our temlt M empleyed b the $ONAL 8pon- IWtl, Mel  their famlltel (lad, lhstP tl  ftlll) are moat ldl to enter XCII ' during tl-wekA that the 8pon.ring Mer- chaat'.Star I feature& 3. Notlmt to, buy. U ay lip ot peb 'fol"ea't 51ahk. Dd NOT ut your entry In ma envelope. Not nece- wl Not 6e;uta&ry to be a subscriber to the $OtrN/ to pal:tlellte. 1. WO'8 WHO may be none m t  CouatT area, CIu to his (o h) ktatity will be hidden ONLT in a4s of Spomlortng Merchmat (thi m soY d h this ect)oa or any I!'  the  merdlant elsewhere in the paper). en star(a) appear in any ad la this sUon, it is your warn. InK that other sd(s) of the same mer- chant (in which there may be clues) aP elwl in the psper. Clu will be ImMtrd--many ads will have no clues, while others may have u many u five. This is a contest of skill, and we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted If you succeed I in outguessing us, In spite of our best I e9t t 4, If by coincidence, the name of the: WHO*S WHO (or other facts about him) happen to appear in news Items, i editorial matter, or other places la thisl newspaper, these will not Count aa clues. 6. To enter, write down the name you thik the 'HO'S WHO Ls. List all the clues you can find in all the! ads of the Sponsoring Merchants In this issue. Don't forget your own name l and addreI! Then. drop your entry! at say Speak;In. Msrchant wbo adj l between the heavy borde lue. You may enter at all_.,, wish! There are no other pl , entries will be accepted  [ tries will not be accepted. 15 bsr of the famllymay brln, WI tries for that family chll 12 must be accomp&'ied bY 6. This wk's contest S you receive this issus, ad p.m. Monday of the folloWl at time ( p.m. net i dt'awing will be held. '1 da that eorruy la. W1q0 s WHo ll win 10. carry also lists every clue  ,: ads of Sponsorlng MerelY. ,;: 'vs o .5.oo win be  ever this BONUS.Is not w0aL : added to next week's BON., : , will continue to row nnttir i'" " :nnlng the BONUS reqallra FB]CT list of clues  the el" iber. and all copied correctlY' 7. At unanaounced tlra t the contest, a special drallfill held to determlns the wln'd will take place R t_*. t drawing fs completed. Wtn;i relalar drawing will not 1 for the drawing of the . ACPOT. Winner of thel 3ACKPOT will be the =,L1 drawn (after completion of ul i drawing) which has BOT , rect identification of 0 and a perfect list of clUlt :wlll not be held for MY$ 2'p ]POT every week. @%t # 8. Every possible precSut.l’ taken to prevent typogr'Pn' R Ti that might be mistaken fo errorless typography C/" oe) GUARANTEED (by any 11. ", llsher of the JOURNAL .F Judge in all questions, and p" Is final, Family participation glvr  ter chance t,, win the '--J  ht wife, husband, or some i;0  " youngster MAY spot a cl : s, miss ! don't enter! . .' e . Remember you can't : Ps, :]4 News Items Fro m 00nths!de ' Ray Kratcha alut their[ lrojects • :l . year, Ch vet Kids 4-H Club met at and the first year girls will have Mary Elhm Harrinlans and all "let's cook" for their project and present except Sheryl Krie- the second year giyls will have hds who is in the hospital. Th<v "let's hake" for theirs. The club worked on their new record books i md made "Sateliles" for the, :ehool carnlvM. ']'he club has de- cided to take three projects for the new year. The next meeting will be held at Patty Jo MeWs home on N()vetnher 12. Guests of Mr. and Mr,. Roy l-:rumbaugh for the weekeud were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ward of Sea ttle. Sonthside Grange Booster Night hacta wwy nice turnout. The Wag- ner boys ltnd D(an Dewell enter- lained with accordion and saxo- I)hone music and Alf Ribbons showed movies. Willing Workers 4-H Club as- sen]bled for their first achieve- ment night Saturday night and -ach boy proudly accepted their awards from the past prcsideut, [)avid Puhn, and determined to go f.rth and do their best again this ,year. The 4-H boys made a fine .,.',hewing. for their first year in i-It work. Congratulations Will- ir, g' Workers. Friendship Club met at Mrs. Pobert St,)ys '/Vednosday mid they (.,!lebrated Ethyl P, racy's and Al- ma. Hurst's hirihdays for October. Mrs, Vie Dani,lson gave a demon- st,at(on on making toy puppies from bath towels and wash ch)th. The next meeting of the club will be held at Mrs. Ivan Ho0tman's on November 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Clapper arrived home Tuesday after be- ing gone for about five weeks. The Clappers attended a nation- wide Clapper clan reunion in Ohio and visited friends and relatives in Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. Busy Bell 4-H Club met at Mrs. Dora Jackson's Thursday. The f)ur new members of the club are Toni and JoAnn Cole, Dixie (a- Fond and Beth Quimby. The club girls had tleir mothers there and; Mrs. Jane Windsor told the girls elected officers for the new year, and those elected were president, Sue Smith; vice president, Beth Quimby; secretary, Darlene Holt- orf; treasurer, Becky Jackson, and reporter, Diane Purvls. They also lalkecl about achievement night and refz,eshments were served. The next meeting will be held on No- vember 12. Arcadia. Club met at Ella Chap- pews on Mill Creek Wednesday. The next meeting of the club will be held at Opal Asche's on Novem- bcr 4, and all club members are reminded to pay their 1960 dues. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden Sunday for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden, Mike and' Robin. Time Watchers 4-H Club met Oct, 15 and 22, and at both meet- lngs discussed projects. On Oct. 15, Jane Windsor met with the Time Watchers and mothers to tell about projects available for the club and to explain them. All members attended Achievement Night Oct. 24, and received their pins, ribbons and last year's rec- ord books. The next meeting will be held at Edith BedeWs on Oc- toher 29, Visitors of Mrs. Ruth Kadoun and Kim Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tindall, Bren- da, Sharon and Joe, of Stletz, Ore,,, and Mrs. Core Letter and Sandra. Callers on Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Wolden Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Newton and Malissa of Forest Grove, Ore. Mill Creek What Nots 4-H Club met at Mrs. Ben Drake's Monday evening. The secretary took the minutes with I6 members present, two junior leaders and one moth- er was a guest of the club, Karen Wolf gave a sample demonstratipn on wood working. The four boys enrolled in wood working project w I iiiiiiiii I [ I [ I [ I rjl . I LIII I Davidson and Goodwin's Evergreen Texaco Service Representative in Mason County for i)l,00)ia _& Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY High Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils 1st and Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE I I I III I II I II SHELTON-MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAE-- Publi,qhed in "Obrstma.tmrn, U.,R.A.," Shelton, Washin Boy Scouts Set Porchlite Drive Thl The Annual Mason District Boy Scout Pund Drive was "kicked off" at a 7 a.m, breakfast at the Shelton Hotel last week. The first salvo in the battle of the budget for Tumwater Area Council. Ma- son District has 484 of the 3506 Boy Scouts in the Council, which has a budget of $37,016 for 1960. The total effort for the drive will consist of the Downtown Drive, which is being chairmaned by Kurt Mann, and which is al- most completed. The Porehlite Drive in Shelton is to be on Monday evening, Nov. '2, and is being managed by joint chairmen Jack Jefferies and Jim Barrom, assisted by a crew of Block Captains. It is suggested that Shelton reidents leave their porch lights on that evening and give generously when solicited. Hoodsport area will be worked Tuesday evening, Nov. 3, by their local Scouters and members of the Legion Post there which sponsors the Hoodsport Scout Troop. The Business Drive wlll be ex- tended by mailed solicitations to out of town businesses and others not personally contacted. And fi- /tally the Special Gifts contacts will wind up the drive. It is hoped that everyone is aware of the value of Scouting in a community, and of the effort UILt Ii,&, IJlll lJltt, U Y AIII;tXLV UL our neighbors in helping your boys to attain the objectives of Scouting: Citizenship Training, Character Building and Physical Pltnass. will glw; a demonstration at the next meeting. Vicki I.tChance gave a demonstration on cocoa syrup. Donuts and cider were rved. for a Hallowe'en treat, and Karen Wolf was presented with a gift for her work last year with the club, and games were played, The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Ben Drakes on Nov. 16, and :they are going to phm their Christmas party. The Navy's Military Sea Trans- portation Service was activated on Oct. 1, 1949, thereby combining the services of both Army and Navy transports ferrying troops and supplies throughout the world. 000ySXERY MANiLarge Crowd Atten00 e T 0" 00a!VoeSt Dinner i'iiii00i" ' • i i IN JOURNAL S WHO'S WHO STORY I :., i ; ! *° were d home of BY BILL DICKIE Mary M. Knight school last Sat- team lost their game to Moclips, Archie Kelly. Journal Editor tlrday. Allan Hickson, P.T.O. pres- Monday, Oct. 26 by the score of (dent takes this opportunity to 30 to 18. Miss Janie These characters who work thank each and every one who New residents we are welcom- last week around the Jonrnal office are a jolly lot, let me tell you! Just try passing the buck to them and you wind tip on tile l)us- incss end of a boomerang. Listen to my story, friends! A week hack I spent Thur:ay afternoon on Ii Cook's totlr of the magnificent country I)on Warmnn ha under his jorisdiction as su- pervisor of the U.S. Forest St'r- vice Hoodsport district, all day Friday on the trip to Paste to cov- er our Highclimbers at their grid- iron labors, und there was some kind of business I jnst don't re- call offhand requiring my aticn- tion ill the neighbt,rhood of the University stadium in Seattle that Saturday afternoon. So the problem was, when do I get time to dope out a mystery character for this Who's Who thing we're running? "You guys figure it out," I said, blithely waving so loug. Well, when the cat's away the mice do phty, as we all Icnow, so here you contestants are stuck with yours truly as the week's mystery character . . . because their sly little minds figured it was National Newspaper Week so why not the editor. He fingered fire chief Deer dur- Ing fire prevention week, didn't he? Sure he did. Well, anyway, they figured out 37 hints for you to find, some of them real flattcring. . . yeah, like: never on time, except for game (Eells & Valley, 18). And that once known as a "cub" (Mode O' Day, 16). I d been trying to soft- pedal that memory from my rook- ie reporter days for 25 years. They got that one in, too, here 25 years (Kimbel Motors, 2) which is okay but they must have been testing my temper control when they let the world know that "we call him I Willie" {Shelton Hotel, 16). And just because I happened to be boru in Missouri did they bare to put it down I was a mule-state, by birth (Lawton Lumber, 4)? i I must admit I'm a sports "nut" (OK Rubber Welders, 16), a l deadline detester (Waterfront Realty, 19), a Monday morning! quarterback lL.M., 18l, some- what of a sportsman (L.M., 9), a Mason (Rex Fh)or Covering, 16), a Legionnaire lL.M., 10), an Is- land Laker by residence (J&J Ser- vice, 16) blue-eyed (Johnny's Mu- sic Box, 3) and have a strong yen to return to Hawaii (Water- front Realty, 19). I'm also a member of the UW class of '34 (Coasl-to-Coast, 16), a Kiwanian (helton Electric, 16), art ex-Chamber president (Lcroy's ,Television, 10), a partner in bus- iness firm (Hcrb Angle, 19), that my middle name (McCully) dis- i i/!ii BILL DICKIE closes Scotch ancestry (20th Cen- tre'y, 20), and I was a dry-land sailor during World War II (20thl Century, 20). Being a newspaperman I'm in the by-line business (Forest lIow - er. 16), a typewriter is essential tool (L.M.. 9), I'm a photographer of sorts (Johnny's Music Box, 16), make-up's Important to him (Me- Conkey Pharmary, 16), and when I sell advertising I'm a space ped- dler (Sears, 18). A newspaper- man also diseminates information (Herb Angle, 19), eats by words (C. C. Cole &Sones, 16), and is observing national week now (Kit- sap-Mason Dairy, 6). As one who doesn't smoke (Rit- ner's Broiler, 16) I'm an odd-ball among scriveners but with the ma- jority wno wears glasses I]moe[ Motors, 12). The Dick(e-bird gives rise to the fabled bird of same name (20th Century, 20) and there's an article of clothing of same name lL.M., 9) called a dickey. Then, of course, that first name fouls up budgets and how (LM, 9) My ancient jalopy bears license number XAF-042 (Eelis & Valley, 12) and for recreation I Hke to bowl (Shelton Recreation, 16). That ju about wraps up the list except for one which means noth- ing to anyone else but this jolly crew around here. It was treas- ures raincoat (M & S, 16). Some- time I'll tell you that story. To add a little more mileage on a well-worn cliche of this busi- ness, that's thirty, as the crew put it so appropriately in the very last column of the very last in the 20th Century ad. page worked so hard making the dinner ing to the vicinity are Mr. and a success. The tables were decor- Mrs. James Mays and six chil- sled with beautiful shades of dren, who have bought the Ed dahlias for centerpieces. Pulver ranch in "Deckerville", The first six grades at the Mary two miles west of the Matlock M. Knight school will have their store. They formerly lived at Halloween party this Friday aft- Westport. ernoon at the school. The room Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Johnson mothers and teachers will be in have moved from the Lake to the charge of the party. Skokomish Valley where they re- Unioniles Reunited, Fishing Boat Returns cently purchased a home from Ned Rucker. Mr. Johnson is em- ployed at the Skokomish Fish Hatchery. We wish them well in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster of Wildcat Lake were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pahner and two children of Seattle spent Sat- urday and Sunday at their cabin here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogben of ! Walla Walla, Wash. were weekend' guests of their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogbem Other guests were Mr. Hogben's sister and family, Mr .and Mrs. Lynn Kelly and Tracy of Malta, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Guinette and daughter Jan were in Shelton last weekend as guests of Mrs. Guin- ette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iohnson. i Miss Roberts Crape has been staying in Shelton the past few; days as a guest of Miss Shirley Hopkins. CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mueller (Joan Trenckmann on the birth of their baby son last wee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann of at. 1, El- ms, are the maternal grandpar- ents. Last week on Wednesday eve- sing Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sellers of By Ethel Dalby UNION.-- The return of the trawler, the Lonny L, from the fishing banks near Ketchikan, Alaska, was a joyful occasion for M:s. Pauline Wyatt and son Vern, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Keller, first mate and skipper of the craft. Mrs. Keller is the daugh- ter of Mrs. Wyatt. The Kellers left for AasRa ear- ly in April, and have been located for the most 15arL at ELfs hflet which is near Ketchikan. They have put in a very busy and fi- nancially lucr&tive six months. The fit mate handles the lines and gear and also cleans the daily catch for the fish buyer to pick up in the evening. The skipper puts in a fairly busy day at the wheel house during the fishing season and taking a little time off to de- vote to ship's galley duties. The Kellers live aooard theh' craft and have also been taking the trip northward each spring for the past 15 years. It may be assumed the skipper has picked up a few salty and nautical terms along the way, which same miglt lead to a few interesting incidents during the first days at home and walking on a floor with an even keel. She might speak for instance of swabbing out the galley, or put. tiny the book on the sa'bo'd bunk, or the jelly in the locker to port until being used to a stationary home on dry land. As several others of their friends who are a htmband and wife crew, with no outside help or crew, the Kellers apply themselves serious- ly to the taking of King salmon during their run, and with cohoe after the kings are through. This year's run of kings was exce.tion- ally good, according to fisher- men's reports. The kohoes how- ever were reported as not being up to the usual take. It all sounds like a wonderful and exciting venture, that is for one season, but then who knows better about the romance and ad- venture to be found in this busi- ness than the KeIIers, themselves, First Mate and Skipper? I I .... II i % II I I I I arm was well (lay to :ettu'n to the Mary M. Knight The Matlock will hold a Friday evening fo: at 7:30 p.m. at Miss Charlotte port was a and Mrs. Alien Ray0nier Installs A far-reaching onier's long-range program was this week with Company's new system at the Gra sion. According to (dent manager for $47,000 project completely sepa sanitary sewers facility. Tie-in with quiam sewer lines just as soon as ready for service. "Untreated now widely water pollution "With the cit" position to offer a fective sewage OLlr mill's now be piped to treatment. The pleted called for a in our mill pip: marks an inm our continuing clean water," I'LL PAY A V EVERY WI00] AND THEN MY PIECE I'LL S q OK Rubber Welders likes golf 2226 N. ulympio Hwy. HA 6-4832 Evergreen 00exaeo FIRESTONE TIRES Motor TUneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrloation, Brake Relining 111: & Franklin HA 6-3031 Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton's Favorite" For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner or Just a Snack 125 Cote HA 6-3953 Shelton Union Service • First in tires--U. S. Royal i . Eoonomy Car Wash • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Shelton Hotel "If You Can Find A Better Place To Eat  Try Itl" • Banquet Facilities • 8at. Nito Smorgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6-3341 Leroy's Television SERVICE Motorola Television & Radioe "You Get Guaranteed Quality In Salso and Service" 2218 N. Olympio Hwy. HA 6-3172 ,,,, , ,, Rex Floor Coverings Floor, Wall Kiwanian ! & Countsr Coverings HA 6-2292 1723 Olympic Hwy. N. Sears C00talog SALES OPFICE "Satleftlon Guaranteed or Your Money Baok" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 i Timber AppUance Authorl=ed Dealer • 1111 & Sarvioe i Eltrbal Gontraoting Heating -- Wirlnll HA 6-4633 114 S. nd J & J Service "The Beet Friend YOUr Car Ever Had" Mr. V!ew HA 6-39S9 I I I Iiii I Wlngard's Sport Shop Complete Fishing and Hunting Supplies "Take Along A Buddy" All Retlldent & Non-Res{dent Lloensee 2210 Olymplo Hwy. N. HA 6-6672 III I IIIII II Saeger's Motor Shop • Johnson Outboards • Homelite Power Saws • 8kaglt Boats 8ales & Service HIIIcrest HA 6-4602 THE BEST IN Inauranae Coveeago & loe Angle Agency Insuranoe. I01 Eltato - Travel m 4th & R.R. HA 3272 IIII I II I I LLIIIIII IIII z0ta Century Thrlft00ay "Where Every Customer le Important  HILLCREST I I III Ill Prepp's Rexall Store 'In Buainsle for Youe Health" SHELTON, WA8H. DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar Middle initial C. Shelton Electric 419 Railroad HA 6-6283 e Scout .r Westlnghomm Appltanoes The bllt olts no more ..... III I "LOOk tO tho Freest First" at Eells & Valley APFLIANCE CINTER 123 S. 2fld HA 6-4663 Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut Flowers . Plants Floral Designs Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions Flowers by Wire 313 Railroad HA 6-6513 Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream • Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove HA 6-4473 Les Fields Auto ]Parts INC. Complete line of parts for all oarl & tru©kl Automotive Ma©hlne Shop Tools -- Batteries 22.9 S. First HA 6-3351 - Bill Johnson's Shell Servioe "Servioe Flret -- SatlMaotlon Always" GoodyMr Tires -- N i,L411ver Batteriso F|PSt &: €UI HA 6-3903 Quality at Budget Prices MODE O' DAY Evergreen Squar HA 6-8293 Waterfront Realty featuring 'PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terrace Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 6-8535 Depart- ment Store "Friendly Service 8inoe 1{$95" l00'00rgrcen Fuel Co. DleNI 011 & 8rove 011 Automltl Refill Srvloe 310 S. F]I HA 6-8103 Whe00tley & Keary Co. "Servlae and Qmlllty Flret" Plumbing  Heating Paper  Paint ContPaotin9 wife's name Dotty 317 8. FIrM HA 6-4553 I I II II II ! BOWLING IS FUN O)en Bowling for the Whole Family Friday, Saturday, Sunday avid bowler Shelton Recreation 128 N. Firet HA 6-6252 , BOON'S Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Contraoting  Plumbing Supplies  Oil Burners Furnaces 623 S. First HA 6-3483 M. and S. Food Store Quality Food -- Low Price8 Free Delivery 120 Cota HA 6-4892 € I II 'UW class of '34 2nd & Cota HA 6-6311 ! Fessler's i ICE CREAM CENTER I "You Can't Bettur The Best" I premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular Prices Activian 422 N. First HA 6-6575 For over 2 yars It hoe been MoOonkey's ,or Drugs "Two Looations to Serve You" 306 Railrosd 329 Railroad HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456 I I Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Planes • Organs Acoordlon Leuone Band Instruments Sheet Muaio C. C. Cole & Sons DISTRIBUTOR Standard Oil Procmctl "Trouble Free Fuel OU Semd for the Home" 118 S. Third HA 6-4411 I II BeckwRh's Exeluelve Dealere for 129 Railroad HA 6-3283 Western Auto Supply i "THE FAMILY STORE" WIZARD The Name lur Qality softball receiver 315 S, Firet HA 6-6183 Budget Shop snd Decorating Center Across from Evergreen 6quare II I II III I[ Ill L00wton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools-- Rentals 420 S, First HA 6-4303 Thackeray Electric Co. "Electrical Contraotors" Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Ritner's Broiler "For Fine Foods at Reasonable Prloes" 102 S. First HA 6-4223 I IIIII I I Sll I I Where b Look for 01ues... Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights reserved. Clues may be hidden In ANY ad in this group ad. "v'v'h4:,1 j" appr$ in any of these ads, it means that additlsnal adve[ .15 that merchant appear elsewhere in thi issue of the paper, ' tlonal oluso may be hidden in any of those ads also! i Clues w be scatterecl.., there my be from one to frye any ad  or none. This l a contest of skill  and we int3 our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to out t J RULF00 1.  is a family ftm contesL In,,- tries welcome trom every member of the taUX old .enough to fill out hla or }$r aa Ta, Y submit one ea- try per person at any or all of ths SlnsoHng Melhaate whose 84 sre in the row that l htavlly bordered this week -- but oly one entry per person at a oe store (more than one will dlsquality all entri ot tlmt person. or that wk)..yone may u1. m  our temlt M empleyed b the $ONAL 8pon- IWtl, Mel  their famlltel (lad, lhstP tl  ftlll) are moat ldl to enter XCII ' during tl-wekA that the 8pon.ring Mer- chaat'.Star I feature& 3. Notlmt to, buy. U ay lip ot peb 'fol"ea't 51ahk. Dd NOT ut your entry In ma envelope. Not nece- wl Not 6e;uta&ry to be a subscriber to the $OtrN/ to pal:tlellte. 1. WO'8 WHO may be none m t  CouatT area, CIu to his (o h) ktatity will be hidden ONLT in a4s of Spomlortng Merchmat (thi m soY d h this ect)oa or any I!'  the  merdlant elsewhere in the paper). en star(a) appear in any ad la this sUon, it is your warn. InK that other sd(s) of the same mer- chant (in which there may be clues) aP elwl in the psper. Clu will be ImMtrd--many ads will have no clues, while others may have u many u five. This is a contest of skill, and we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted If you succeed I in outguessing us, In spite of our best I e9t t 4, If by coincidence, the name of the: WHO*S WHO (or other facts about him) happen to appear in news Items, i editorial matter, or other places la thisl newspaper, these will not Count aa clues. 6. To enter, write down the name you thik the 'HO'S WHO Ls. List all the clues you can find in all the! ads of the Sponsoring Merchants In this issue. Don't forget your own name l and addreI! Then. drop your entry! at say Speak;In. Msrchant wbo adj l between the heavy borde lue. You may enter at all_.,, wish! There are no other pl , entries will be accepted  [ tries will not be accepted. 15 bsr of the famllymay brln, WI tries for that family chll 12 must be accomp&'ied bY 6. This wk's contest S you receive this issus, ad p.m. Monday of the folloWl at time ( p.m. net i dt'awing will be held. '1 da that eorruy la. W1q0 s WHo ll win 10. carry also lists every clue  ,: ads of Sponsorlng MerelY. ,;: 'vs o .5.oo win be  ever this BONUS.Is not w0aL : added to next week's BON., : , will continue to row nnttir i'" " :nnlng the BONUS reqallra FB]CT list of clues  the el" iber. and all copied correctlY' 7. At unanaounced tlra t the contest, a special drallfill held to determlns the wln'd will take place R t_*. t drawing fs completed. Wtn;i relalar drawing will not 1 for the drawing of the . ACPOT. Winner of thel 3ACKPOT will be the =,L1 drawn (after completion of ul i drawing) which has BOT , rect identification of 0 and a perfect list of clUlt :wlll not be held for MY$ 2'p ]POT every week. @%t # 8. Every possible precSut.l’ taken to prevent typogr'Pn' R Ti that might be mistaken fo errorless typography C/" oe) GUARANTEED (by any 11. ", llsher of the JOURNAL .F Judge in all questions, and p" Is final, Family participation glvr  ter chance t,, win the '--J  ht wife, husband, or some i;0  " youngster MAY spot a cl : s, miss ! don't enter! . .' e . Remember you can't :