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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29, ]959 {)Ricers Local Auxiliary district president president, Mrs. Hans Mrs. Mary Forresier al visit to the 'ion Auxiliary meet- Tuesday in lile Me- Refreslnnenls will be Mrs. Guy Norris, Mrs. and Mrs. tt. I,. Alex- last meeting of lhe 20, a complete and ill- report of the district Was given bv the presi- Mary Dobso'n. She also table dee(rations ust.d annmmeed that Guate- be the l:'an-American be studied tilts year. shop at the vari- ts' Administration hes- s(ate are being ac- ' by the rehabilitation Mrs. Claude Jackson, nelly and Mrs. B. J. for sending the hospitals is Nov. 20. THE KEY TO SECURITY Film r PTO PTO cordially in- to view a film at 8 p.m., Tnes- Pioneer school. and Mrs. Ger- county home econo- nurse respective- hand to answer ques- t eM NL Ite . . . e yN u  t=4 md ntp4Hi editw del, u'k d THE OURNAL i 0IAL. 6-4412 STON-MA,0N COl.v " ,T(StrRNAL- Published in "Chri,qtmastnwn, U.S.A.," So cial Even ts Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA 6-4412 THE NEWLY MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gay Stook (Bev- erly Ann Lyons) are making their home in Tacoma until spring training of the Baltimore Orioles in Miami, Florida. (Richards photo, Tacoma.) recent mariage of Miss Beverly Ann Lyons to Mr. Wesley Gay Stock. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Lyons, Auburn and Mr. Stock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock, Allyn. The former Miss Lyons, chose to wear her sister's wedding gown of white imported Chantilly lace and tulle over satin, fashioned with a fitted bodice, deep V-neck- line framed with a sequin and pearl trimmed flounce and long fitted sleeves. Alternating tiers of tulle and scalloped lace ruffles merged the bouffant skirt into a chapel train. Her bridal illusion fingertip veil was caught by a crown of matching lace edged with pearls and studded with se- quins. She wore a single strand of pearls with matching earrings and carried a cascading bouquet of orchids and stephanotis. Mrs. Glen Anderson, sister of the bride was matron of honor and Miss Sherry Ogden, Mrs. Harold Goetting and Mrs. Don Young, sis- ter of the bridegroom, brides- maids. They wore identical gowns of la Scalla blue chiffon taffeta empire style gowns. They wore matching hats of velvet leaves and carried bouquets of coral car- nations. Mr. Bob Franklin, a fraternity brother of the bridegroom, was best man and ushering were Mes- TOO LATE... 'ER TOO EARLY.., Is The Time FOR YOU 4% Dividend HOME LOAN keunts Insured up to $10,000 by F. $. & L. and I. C. THiJRSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL AVINSS & LOAN ASSOOIATION 5th and Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. y Lyons, Wes Stock Repeat Wedding Vows in Impressive Ceremony The White River Presbyterian sers Bill Goodenough, Ron Foisy church was decorated with stand- and Fred Blackwell; ards of coral gladiolas, yellow "Because" and 'The Wedding chrysanthemums, pl u m e s and Prayer" sung by Mr. Kenny Mar- greenery and coral tapers for the solais, preceded the ceremony. The B.P.W. Hears Jobies Entertain Chamber Speaker Families at I)inner The ()ctober dinner meeting of Tim local P, ethel, Orde)' el Job's the Business and Professional Women's Club of Shellon was at the home of Mrs. Mable Bmk. A lovely (linnet" was served hy tlw co-hostesses. Mrs. Burk and Mrs. Agal ha Norby. One guest was present - Mrs. l{uie l) i c k i n s 0 n, f(H'nlerly of }-[oodsport and now a resident of Shelton. The group enjoyed a very In- formative talk by Dick Souliere, president of the Shelton Chamber of Commerce on the possibilities of getting a diagnostic and reha- bilitation penal institution near Shelton. The BPW went on rec- ord giving its support to the Chamber of Commerce and It) this institution locating near Shelton. Miss Mary Dobson, district di- rector, will make her offieial visit to the Aberdeen Club on Nov. 2. The next meeting of the BPW Club will be at Mrs. Ingrid Recks Daughters entertained their fam- ilies at a potluck dinner prior to their regular meeting on Oct. 20. AIll illllrl flowers [illd ivy were used to decorate tile (tinin' room. About 100 relatives of the Jobies attend- ed. The .Tobies att:ended a friend- ship meeling at Bethel No. 8 in Tacoma, last Salm'(hiy. After the meeling, a swinmling party was held at the College of Puget Sound. At nfidnight the girls rctmlled to the Dongherty Tempie for refresh- ments and a shmlber l)arty. The next meeting of tim Shel- ton Bethel will be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Masonic Temple. The Grand Guardian of the State of Washington will at- tend and there will I)e initiation of ne\\;v nlelnber. home on Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. DIRECTORS-- ARNOLD KOUTONEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. V. R. L&WRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEARS Vice President i. ear& President Exec. Vice Pres. Secretary-Treas. tllan, st. Secy.-Treas. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 4% PER ANNUM-,, Rev. Elden D. Unruh read the dou- ble ring nuptials. More than 200 guests were re- ceived at the reception honoring the young couple in the church parlors. A tiered Grecian Cross wedding cake topped with minia- ture wedding bells, was flanked by tapers in silver candelabra at the collation table. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Nellie Tauscher, Mrs. Julius Stock, Miss Ellen Tauscher, Mrs. Duane Steinle, Mrs. Owen Camp- bell, Jr., Mrs. Emmet( Byrnes, Mrs. Dan McMullen, Mrs. E. A. White and Mrs. Florence Mor- risen. The bride changed to a blue print suit with orchid corsage from her wedding bouquet add black accessories for the wedding trip to Harrison Hot Springs, B. C. The bride is a graduate of the Auburn high school and attended the College of Puget Sound. She previously wm'ked as stewardess with American Airlines. The bridegroom was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and at- tended Washington State Univer- sity where he was affiliated with Phi Kappa Tau and Phi Epsilon Kappa fraternities. He plays pro- fessjonal baseball and is a pitcher with the Baltimore Orioles. The couple will live in Tacoma until time for spring training in Miami, Fla. Leonard Rose to Play in Shelton Cellist Leonard Rose, one of the: master vlrtuoli of the day, ap-; ears on Monday, Nov. 2 at the helton Junior high school audi- torium under the auspices of the Mason County Community Con- cert Association. The great American cellist's an- nual tours throughout the States and Canada effectively squash the myth that a solo eel- list is unable to compete in popu- larity with pianist& singers or vi- olinists. When Rose capped his first ex- tensiye :European tour last season by playing a Brtmsels World's Fair recttl in October, one of the ma- jorl,urttics noted that "There have appeared on the stage of the Araerican theatre primarily plan- istm, violinists, and singers. There- fore ,it was fitting to end these brilliant recitals by presenting a cellist . . . Lovers of good music were given a treat. Leonard Rose's recital was not only equal to all the great recitals so far heard in the American theatre, it was the high point of the musical events organized there." Leonard Rotie,B numerous re- cordings for COlumbia Master- works include cello literature by Boccherini, Bloh, Franck, Saint- Sachs, Sammartlni and Schubert. His performance of the Brahms Double Concerto in A minor for violin and cello, recorded with Isaac Stern and the New York Philharmonic under Bruno Walter, was awarded the Grand Prix du Disque in 1957. Members of the Community Concert Association are also re- minded that they will have several opportunities to attend the Robert Jeffrey Theatre Ballet. This group will perform on Thursday, Oct. 29 at Hoquiam, on Saturday, Oct. 31 at Bremerton, and on Sunday, Nov. 1 at Olympia. Mason County members are privileged to attend because of exchange arrange- ments with the various Commu- nity Concert Associations. CALIFORNIA VACATION Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Seibel re- cently returned from a vacation to Sunnyvale, Calif., where they vis- ited tlmlr daughter, GaLL Miss Seibel is teaching fifth grade in Sunnyvale . Shelton, Washinon WW.I Vets and Aux. Plan l)inner Meet Madr, mn Inrracks No. 1462, Veterans of Workl War 1 and Auxiliary will hoht their Novem- ber meeling at the PUD audito- rimn on l,'rid:ly, Nov. 13. The race(inK will be preceded by a 6:30 potluck filmier. Members and their wives are reqnested to bring their own table service. A social hour will folh)w the dilmer. Tile regular session (*f th,, Bar- racks and tile Auxiliary will (:on- vene at 8 p.nt. sharp. A large a[- tendance is requested as an in- terestiLg program is slated and a number of important nlatters per- taining to veterans, their wives and del)endenls, are lo be discuss- ed. Playy.trd swing seats should be made of leather belting, rtlblJer or rubberized canvas, advises the All- state Safety Crusade. Such a sea, if it strikes a child, cannot sever#- ly injure him as can a wooden or metal seat. Les Joslin SUGGESTS! THREE YEARS OLD . . . THEN 6, 12 AND 16 AND ALMOST READY FOR COLLEGE. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN MAKE CERTAIN OF EDUCA- TIONAL FUNDS THROUGH A SPECIAL POLICY WHETHER YOU ARE HERE OR NOT TO SEE IT THROUGH. BUY FOR OUR NIVERSARY SALE! PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., OCT. 29-30-31. Right to limit pnonuc= FANCY GRADE, LOW - LOW PRICE, Use for Caramel Apples, Eating of Cooking Jonathan Apples 001.29 0000c.lO CARROTS c.00o..o 9' E =: OARNATION TALL / $ INSTANT MILK € TOMATO SOUP CAMPBELL'S NO, 1 TINS 10/*1 APPLE SAUC APPLE JUICE TREE TOP QUART FOR C € H SUGAR 0 LBS. FOR COTTAGE CHEESE KRAFT'S QT. SIZE € € HA L L 0 WEEN SPECIAL $ ClBER "'" 49' POPS TOP ...... 'a-GA LLON .................. 10-OZ. PKG. I JELLY BEANS 39' CARAMELS "'" ............ LB. PKG. 39' 39' II Steve's MEATS T-BONE STEAKS SPARE RIBS PORK LIVER c.o,o., ..,...o ........ 00oo.= 89* ....., ...., .,o.. .................................... 00oo,o 39= FRESH, SLICED ............................ SAUSAGE ROLLS HI-GRADE, 1-LB. ROLLS SLICED BACON ENDS ........ ,oo.os 35* '1.00 3 00oo.o00 49= II I ] '  j '11111 i i '1111] I i ] L zz= . .L= = =z= t ' UJU & • I, JUUK UL.qJUUUI JLA,IL  jU  j.K& JULLIULg FRUIT COCKTAIL 4/89 c BISQUICK For Good, Tasty Foods 40-OUNCE PACKAGE . . . )C pure cmsco The Shortening That rC lY Makes Foods Better - 3-LB. Darlgold Butter ::;",0:::':,-. .... 69" KLEENEX FROZEN FOOD SALE Ice Cream 59 (Qts. 3/$1 ) € y=-GAL. FRUIT PIES Pet R,t, ,,pie, Ghe.y. Peaoh ,.in. Ea. 39' ORANGE JUlOS M,n.,0 M.,d 4/Sl ........ G-OZ. Tins o Ralph's HILLCREST October 29, ]959 {)Ricers Local Auxiliary district president president, Mrs. Hans Mrs. Mary Forresier al visit to the 'ion Auxiliary meet- Tuesday in lile Me- Refreslnnenls will be Mrs. Guy Norris, Mrs. and Mrs. tt. I,. Alex- last meeting of lhe 20, a complete and ill- report of the district Was given bv the presi- Mary Dobso'n. She also table dee(rations ust.d annmmeed that Guate- be the l:'an-American be studied tilts year. shop at the vari- ts' Administration hes- s(ate are being ac- ' by the rehabilitation Mrs. Claude Jackson, nelly and Mrs. B. J. for sending the hospitals is Nov. 20. THE KEY TO SECURITY Film r PTO PTO cordially in- to view a film at 8 p.m., Tnes- Pioneer school. and Mrs. Ger- county home econo- nurse respective- hand to answer ques- t eM NL Ite . . . e yN u  t=4 md ntp4Hi editw del, u'k d THE OURNAL i 0IAL. 6-4412 STON-MA,0N COl.v " ,T(StrRNAL- Published in "Chri,qtmastnwn, U.S.A.," So cial Even ts Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA 6-4412 THE NEWLY MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gay Stook (Bev- erly Ann Lyons) are making their home in Tacoma until spring training of the Baltimore Orioles in Miami, Florida. (Richards photo, Tacoma.) recent mariage of Miss Beverly Ann Lyons to Mr. Wesley Gay Stock. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Lyons, Auburn and Mr. Stock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock, Allyn. The former Miss Lyons, chose to wear her sister's wedding gown of white imported Chantilly lace and tulle over satin, fashioned with a fitted bodice, deep V-neck- line framed with a sequin and pearl trimmed flounce and long fitted sleeves. Alternating tiers of tulle and scalloped lace ruffles merged the bouffant skirt into a chapel train. Her bridal illusion fingertip veil was caught by a crown of matching lace edged with pearls and studded with se- quins. She wore a single strand of pearls with matching earrings and carried a cascading bouquet of orchids and stephanotis. Mrs. Glen Anderson, sister of the bride was matron of honor and Miss Sherry Ogden, Mrs. Harold Goetting and Mrs. Don Young, sis- ter of the bridegroom, brides- maids. They wore identical gowns of la Scalla blue chiffon taffeta empire style gowns. They wore matching hats of velvet leaves and carried bouquets of coral car- nations. Mr. Bob Franklin, a fraternity brother of the bridegroom, was best man and ushering were Mes- TOO LATE... 'ER TOO EARLY.., Is The Time FOR YOU 4% Dividend HOME LOAN keunts Insured up to $10,000 by F. $. & L. and I. C. THiJRSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL AVINSS & LOAN ASSOOIATION 5th and Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. y Lyons, Wes Stock Repeat Wedding Vows in Impressive Ceremony The White River Presbyterian sers Bill Goodenough, Ron Foisy church was decorated with stand- and Fred Blackwell; ards of coral gladiolas, yellow "Because" and 'The Wedding chrysanthemums, pl u m e s and Prayer" sung by Mr. Kenny Mar- greenery and coral tapers for the solais, preceded the ceremony. The B.P.W. Hears Jobies Entertain Chamber Speaker Families at I)inner The ()ctober dinner meeting of Tim local P, ethel, Orde)' el Job's the Business and Professional Women's Club of Shellon was at the home of Mrs. Mable Bmk. A lovely (linnet" was served hy tlw co-hostesses. Mrs. Burk and Mrs. Agal ha Norby. One guest was present - Mrs. l{uie l) i c k i n s 0 n, f(H'nlerly of }-[oodsport and now a resident of Shelton. The group enjoyed a very In- formative talk by Dick Souliere, president of the Shelton Chamber of Commerce on the possibilities of getting a diagnostic and reha- bilitation penal institution near Shelton. The BPW went on rec- ord giving its support to the Chamber of Commerce and It) this institution locating near Shelton. Miss Mary Dobson, district di- rector, will make her offieial visit to the Aberdeen Club on Nov. 2. The next meeting of the BPW Club will be at Mrs. Ingrid Recks Daughters entertained their fam- ilies at a potluck dinner prior to their regular meeting on Oct. 20. AIll illllrl flowers [illd ivy were used to decorate tile (tinin' room. About 100 relatives of the Jobies attend- ed. The .Tobies att:ended a friend- ship meeling at Bethel No. 8 in Tacoma, last Salm'(hiy. After the meeling, a swinmling party was held at the College of Puget Sound. At nfidnight the girls rctmlled to the Dongherty Tempie for refresh- ments and a shmlber l)arty. The next meeting of tim Shel- ton Bethel will be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Masonic Temple. The Grand Guardian of the State of Washington will at- tend and there will I)e initiation of ne\\;v nlelnber. home on Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. DIRECTORS-- ARNOLD KOUTONEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. V. R. L&WRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEARS Vice President i. ear& President Exec. Vice Pres. Secretary-Treas. tllan, st. Secy.-Treas. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 4% PER ANNUM-,, Rev. Elden D. Unruh read the dou- ble ring nuptials. More than 200 guests were re- ceived at the reception honoring the young couple in the church parlors. A tiered Grecian Cross wedding cake topped with minia- ture wedding bells, was flanked by tapers in silver candelabra at the collation table. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Nellie Tauscher, Mrs. Julius Stock, Miss Ellen Tauscher, Mrs. Duane Steinle, Mrs. Owen Camp- bell, Jr., Mrs. Emmet( Byrnes, Mrs. Dan McMullen, Mrs. E. A. White and Mrs. Florence Mor- risen. The bride changed to a blue print suit with orchid corsage from her wedding bouquet add black accessories for the wedding trip to Harrison Hot Springs, B. C. The bride is a graduate of the Auburn high school and attended the College of Puget Sound. She previously wm'ked as stewardess with American Airlines. The bridegroom was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and at- tended Washington State Univer- sity where he was affiliated with Phi Kappa Tau and Phi Epsilon Kappa fraternities. He plays pro- fessjonal baseball and is a pitcher with the Baltimore Orioles. The couple will live in Tacoma until time for spring training in Miami, Fla. Leonard Rose to Play in Shelton Cellist Leonard Rose, one of the: master vlrtuoli of the day, ap-; ears on Monday, Nov. 2 at the helton Junior high school audi- torium under the auspices of the Mason County Community Con- cert Association. The great American cellist's an- nual tours throughout the States and Canada effectively squash the myth that a solo eel- list is unable to compete in popu- larity with pianist& singers or vi- olinists. When Rose capped his first ex- tensiye :European tour last season by playing a Brtmsels World's Fair recttl in October, one of the ma- jorl,urttics noted that "There have appeared on the stage of the Araerican theatre primarily plan- istm, violinists, and singers. There- fore ,it was fitting to end these brilliant recitals by presenting a cellist . . . Lovers of good music were given a treat. Leonard Rose's recital was not only equal to all the great recitals so far heard in the American theatre, it was the high point of the musical events organized there." Leonard Rotie,B numerous re- cordings for COlumbia Master- works include cello literature by Boccherini, Bloh, Franck, Saint- Sachs, Sammartlni and Schubert. His performance of the Brahms Double Concerto in A minor for violin and cello, recorded with Isaac Stern and the New York Philharmonic under Bruno Walter, was awarded the Grand Prix du Disque in 1957. Members of the Community Concert Association are also re- minded that they will have several opportunities to attend the Robert Jeffrey Theatre Ballet. This group will perform on Thursday, Oct. 29 at Hoquiam, on Saturday, Oct. 31 at Bremerton, and on Sunday, Nov. 1 at Olympia. Mason County members are privileged to attend because of exchange arrange- ments with the various Commu- nity Concert Associations. CALIFORNIA VACATION Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Seibel re- cently returned from a vacation to Sunnyvale, Calif., where they vis- ited tlmlr daughter, GaLL Miss Seibel is teaching fifth grade in Sunnyvale . Shelton, Washinon WW.I Vets and Aux. Plan l)inner Meet Madr, mn Inrracks No. 1462, Veterans of Workl War 1 and Auxiliary will hoht their Novem- ber meeling at the PUD audito- rimn on l,'rid:ly, Nov. 13. The race(inK will be preceded by a 6:30 potluck filmier. Members and their wives are reqnested to bring their own table service. A social hour will folh)w the dilmer. Tile regular session (*f th,, Bar- racks and tile Auxiliary will (:on- vene at 8 p.nt. sharp. A large a[- tendance is requested as an in- terestiLg program is slated and a number of important nlatters per- taining to veterans, their wives and del)endenls, are lo be discuss- ed. Playy.trd swing seats should be made of leather belting, rtlblJer or rubberized canvas, advises the All- state Safety Crusade. Such a sea, if it strikes a child, cannot sever#- ly injure him as can a wooden or metal seat. Les Joslin SUGGESTS! THREE YEARS OLD . . . THEN 6, 12 AND 16 AND ALMOST READY FOR COLLEGE. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN MAKE CERTAIN OF EDUCA- TIONAL FUNDS THROUGH A SPECIAL POLICY WHETHER YOU ARE HERE OR NOT TO SEE IT THROUGH. BUY FOR OUR NIVERSARY SALE! PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., OCT. 29-30-31. Right to limit pnonuc= FANCY GRADE, LOW - LOW PRICE, Use for Caramel Apples, Eating of Cooking Jonathan Apples 001.29 0000c.lO CARROTS c.00o..o 9' E =: OARNATION TALL / $ INSTANT MILK € TOMATO SOUP CAMPBELL'S NO, 1 TINS 10/*1 APPLE SAUC APPLE JUICE TREE TOP QUART FOR C € H SUGAR 0 LBS. FOR COTTAGE CHEESE KRAFT'S QT. SIZE € € HA L L 0 WEEN SPECIAL $ ClBER "'" 49' POPS TOP ...... 'a-GA LLON .................. 10-OZ. PKG. I JELLY BEANS 39' CARAMELS "'" ............ LB. PKG. 39' 39' II Steve's MEATS T-BONE STEAKS SPARE RIBS PORK LIVER c.o,o., ..,...o ........ 00oo.= 89* ....., ...., .,o.. .................................... 00oo,o 39= FRESH, SLICED ............................ SAUSAGE ROLLS HI-GRADE, 1-LB. ROLLS SLICED BACON ENDS ........ ,oo.os 35* '1.00 3 00oo.o00 49= II I ] '  j '11111 i i '1111] I i ] L zz= . .L= = =z= t ' UJU & • I, JUUK UL.qJUUUI JLA,IL  jU  j.K& JULLIULg FRUIT COCKTAIL 4/89 c BISQUICK For Good, Tasty Foods 40-OUNCE PACKAGE . . . )C pure cmsco The Shortening That rC lY Makes Foods Better - 3-LB. Darlgold Butter ::;",0:::':,-. .... 69" KLEENEX FROZEN FOOD SALE Ice Cream 59 (Qts. 3/$1 ) € y=-GAL. FRUIT PIES Pet R,t, ,,pie, Ghe.y. Peaoh ,.in. Ea. 39' ORANGE JUlOS M,n.,0 M.,d 4/Sl ........ G-OZ. Tins o Ralph's HILLCREST